HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-10, Page 1THIRTY FOl'RTH 1'7 lit. i
%eco ad•enesesaeats.
Teas sleet old.
weeds - Jobe A. Mace.
Liver I'sd Hotawu Pad 1'u
Home to Bast- fin. Cattle.
I'rde of the Valley .1.,h• Mond.
Hoots and Shoes W n:.. amp' cll.
Ndo.at:uual Clnular Hun. A. ('rook+.
Ayers tiarsepa►Ula Dr. J. C. Ay r t Co.
1. TINT. (mos sad rea4feaoe, Won Street
brae doors below Beak of Montreal, t;odc-
rieh 1735
1L4 (AWN, lista with Trotter t Caesar, the
leading Dentists of Toronto.) All operations
neat( •ad careful( performed. Rooms, Bea -
ver kiosk, CLINTON. arPatients from •
imitate will pta•ss stoke appointment la ed-
ance by mal 1512
Strayed Animals.
l premises of the subscriber. lot no. 28,
Lake Hauge. Ash6etd, on the Nth of Nov., a
red heifer. coming two year old. The owner
is requested to prove property. pay expenses
and take her •vray MUMAN AUSTIN.
subecrlber. about the beginning of De-
cember. two btagk ewe lambs. The owner is
requested to prove property. pay expenses
std take them away. MATNsw T0Lsv, tot 9,
lake shore road. west Colbgrnr. Dunlop P. 0.
about December, as old brown mere.
witth• white star is her forehead. The owner
aa besswPATRICK DAT/11. r t rail-
way brides. Galeria\ 181E -4t..
Real Estate.
She People's ttolumn.
V e
For further Sialleuleyand apply lgto HBs.
Carrier., corner of n Strains,
(edertoh. 182631,
A frame house, on Palmerston street,
(near the Bayfield road) containing six rooms
besides pa ntrier and twutltths of an are of
land. Good orchard and good stabling. For
pArticul•rs apply to E. R. WATSON. painter.
1 rent on Brook Street, Ooderlch. The
house is • brick cottage eontalning seven
rooms braider hall. pantry and woodshed; 1t
is well-built, dry and comfortable. There is
one third of an acre in the lot, and on 1t is a
choke assortment of fruit. A good cistern
and a first class well of hard water and pump,
are also In connection. As the owner U going
to the northwest this spring the place will be
disposed of at a bargain. Particulars g Ives
on application to the owner, F. S. HICK. on
the premises. 182& -lm.
Le The premises ere MAKI, with wood shop
attached, and are situated on the Lake Shore
Road, Ashfield, half a mile from Kingsbridge,
and one and a hall miles from Elated. A Mt
class opening is here offered for • general
blacksmith. Delicate health is the sole reason
for the owner giving up business. Terms
reasonable. For further partteulars apply to
PATRICK HoGAN, Kingsbridge. P. O.
farm to rent One hundred acres of
cleared land, tree se stumps and in • first class
state of cult/ratios. About L acres In grass
and about fifteen scree ptowed, well watered
sad with good baddiasa. Next farm to the
Klntall dock1For farther particulars apply
to MICHAEL Datrom, Elided post once.
desirable brick house. a Bast 8e, with
one eighth otos as. of lead. The Mass con-
tains 5 bed roams. porlour, dining room.
kttche . wood -abed and an necessary oesiveat-
esoes. Ne ressos•bte over will be recused.
EDWARD BaaastA* 1815
76. corner of Victoria and East strata, In
the Lowe of Goderich. for sale cheap, or will be
exchanged fur farm property. Forpattculars
.pply to las. 8raiu.. Architect, ofioe Crabb's
Block. or J. C. Coas=ts, anoltfosesr.
Loans dna insurance.
"A chiefs amang ye. takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it."
Attorneys. Solicitors in Chancery tc,
Office in the Court House, Ouderich.
Ina Lewin. M.A., IiC.L. k. N. Lewis,
RISTee&, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc
Ooderlcb. J. T. ()arrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751
Attorney, Solicitor in Chanoery, &c.,
Ooder4oh, Ont. 1751.
TEitS, &c., tc., Goderich and Wtngham.
C. es. er, Jr.. Goderich. .1. A. Morton. Wing -
ham. 1731.
. Solioltor. Oto• --4 orner of West Street
sod Market Square. over George Acheson's,
Ooderich. 1751.
Le. LAW, Solicitor In Chancery Convey-
ancer, tc. Office over Sheppard's bookstore,
Godertch. Ont. ny amount of money to
loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-7.
1.JJ Barristers, Solicitor@ in Chancery, &c.,
Goderich and Wilwham. M. C. Cameron,,(4.
Mioars, Wingham, Bron Goderich. W.
lead on easy terms in sums to suit bor-
rowers. ALAN. Mc3) ALLAN.
Oodertck. Nov. UM Mel. 1313-1m.
500,000 TO ' JT tN. APPLY TO
W CAME/KM 11elle &CAMERON. Gale-
elsrich. 1755.
eFV' TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE. Goderich. 1751
'IP on wool Farm or t(eet<1•ss Town Property
et 8 per cent Apply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751
amount W suit )Aorrnwers at 6 to 84 per
cent. Private tun ix Apply to SziOEM and
Mottles. Godsrioh.
amount of Private Fonds for investment
at lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply
• BER and Hairdresser, begs to return
thanks to the public for pest patronage, and
cacao a continuance of custom. He can
always be found at his Shaving Parlor. near
the Post Moe Ooderioh. 1753
Miscellaneous tLarbs.
HeGILLTCULDY effete Ptesr .)rasa
The High School Literary Society
met m the High School on Friday even-
ing list, when the following programme'
was taken up: -Mr. A. Sheppardread-
ing; Miss O Riley, reading; Miss Train-
er, solo; Mr. F. McDonald, essay; Mr.
Strang, question drawer, Miss Mary Ma-
pa.ekTinwsrcpress andat harF.dI'ewareMarenei. nowHee seadvt. for lling at ars, solo; Mr. Hogarth, reading; Mr.
piece List. Kennedy rustling; Mr. Weir, recitation;
Next Tuesday will be Valentine Day. Mr. Henderson song.
Miss Sara Dickson has returned from SNow BALLING. -During the early
St. Marys.
Rev. Mr. Hick, is visiting at his old
home, Chatham.
Capt. and Mrs. Rhynas returned from
Sarnia on Monday.
Mr. John MacKid has been in town
the last two weeks.
Miss Kneesbaw has gone to visit her
sister, Mrs. Charles R. Cooper of Brus-
Mr. S. Malcomson held Division
Court here last week, and gave satisfac-
tion to the litigants.
Miss Molly Payne, who has been visit-
ing "the old folks at home," for the pest
two months, will shortly return to Bos-
Tho market by-law enacts that wood
must be bought by the cord and not by
the load on the market. This is not
always observed.
Mrs. John Robertson, of Clinton, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Smith, East
St. Miss Dixon, of Clinton, is also the
guest of Mrs. Smith.
Early on Tuesday morning, a shed
adjoining the residenceof Mr. George
Andrews was destroyed by fire. Hot
ashes is supposed to have caused the ac-
Owing to alterations being made at
the front of E. Downing's boot and shoe
store, the entrance will be for the
next few days at the side door on East
On Monday's noon train Dr. Taylor,
H. H. Smith, F. Jordan, Mayor Hor-
ton and Mrs. R. B. Smith, all of this
town, took passage en route .to the pro-
mised land -Manitoba.
John A. Bruce A Co., the Hamilton
seedsmen, have sent us the seed cata-
logue for 1882. It will be found in-
teresting and helpful to all who care for
gardening. See advertisement in this
"The County Constable's manual,"
compiled by Mr. J. T. Jones, is a nioe
little digest of the laws relating to the
duties of constables, and should meet
with a ready sale among the wielders of
the baton.
t (Mice, ('rabb's Block, Kingston et., Gode-
rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct-
ly.arp'nter'e' Disxterer's and mason's work
measured'and valued.
Stoney W load at lowest rates, free of
say costs or charge & MAOMR et MORTON,
op=iskicottoree Hotel.
h! Ord Starch ISM. 1779.
11 loaded Credit Company is prepared to
lend mane on good Farm .edkrlty, at six per
neat Full particulars Oren upon application
to HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Ooderich.
nn Farm and Tnwn Property at lowest in-
terest. Mortgoges purchased, no Commission
charged, Conveyan.dns Fete reasonable.
N. B. -Borrowers ran obtain money In one da
if title Is satisfactory. -DA ViMON & JOHN.
STON, Barristers. &c.. Ooderich. 1751
. Life and Accident insuranne Agent.
R.!psaeaattsgtretclae.Campaales. Alsoagent
fbr the CANADA Liv* Smog INstrRANca Cn.
Mosey to lend on Mortgage, either in Town or
(fro Property. in any day to suit the borrow-
er. Ogee eoneetaln) )Lt's block. Goderich
' Medical.
• iAN. t1URGEON, to . Graduate of Tor-
onto l'elvers117• f.inwntiate of the Royal Col -
Ingo of Physicians, Dusdoa. Leyland &e., &o.,
M (' P. S.. Ostatio Office and residence
Opposite Italley's Hotel. Hamilton street, Oo.1-
erirh. 1796-11ac
COUNTY Or HURON, 1 By virtue of a R-rit of
TO WIT : C Fieri Facies, issued out
of Her Mejeet)'s Court of Queen's Bench and
to me directed against the Lands and 'Tene-
ments of EDWARD MARL ON. at the suit of
FRANCIS SMEETH, I haV5 seised and taken
in Execution, all the right, title and Interest,
and Equity of Redemption of the above named
defendant In and to the following property :-
Situate. lying and being in the Town of Oode-
rich, in the County of Hurop, known as the
Summer Hotel property, particular( described
as follows : Commencing at a pont on the
North 111)111 of Wend street said point being
due wee one hundred and fifteen and one halt
feet 11154) from the South East angle of Lot
number flee (5) in (oderich office reserve,
thenoe Easterly along the Northern limit of
West street one hundred and fifteen and one
halt feet (1150to the South East angle of the
said Lot number five 15), thence due North two
(2) chains, more or less, to theNorth F.astangle
of that Lot, thence due (East twentynine and
• half links, (294) more or less, to the uth West
angle of Lot twenty one (21) In the Ooderich
office reserve thence due North along the
West limit nt tots twenty one (21), twenty MIL
nineteen (19). and eighteen (18). in the (leder-
Joh office reserve two (11 (Mains, more or less,
to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen (13). God-
erich office reserve thence North thirty two
(12) degrees, West five 15) chains, seventy five
175) links, more or lees, to • point one hundred
and three (11/1) feet from the centre Use of the
track of the Grand Trunk Railway. where a
poet has been planted the said distance of one
hundred and three (1031 feet, being measured
at right angles to the said centre line, thence
South sixty one 101) degrees. West to a ppootDa t
four hundred and seventy two (4721 feet, Nast-
erl from the Noirth Westerly limit of Ooderich
°Meee reserve to the easterly boundary of the
land conveyed by the Ooderich Rummer Hotel
Company to the eorporation of the Town of
(coderinh an aforesaid. Thence south easterly
along the said easterly boundary of the town
propertyand parallel to the westerlyArmed-
my of te W Udder property one hundred aid
seventy six 1176) feet more or law to the centre
of • locust tree on the top of the bask.
Thence month forty one and a half (4114 degrees
west. sell) along a easterly limit of the said
town property. one hundred and thirty six
1138) feet.. Thence south thirty] seven 1) de-
grees, east .5.111 along the said easterly limit
of the said town property. two hundred and
sixty (28(5 feet to the plane of heartening. the
acid property shove deo-Tiber!, rompriaing kits
numbered from five to twelve Imivalve, of the
Ooderieh °Hire reserve and portions of Meeks
A and R. Wb1nh Lands and Tenemeets 1
shall offer for sale, at my office In the frill
House. In the Tnwn of Ooderinh, nn Thursday
the twentieth day of April next at the hour of
12 of the cloak. noon.
Sheriff of Huron.
GRON. Coroner. &e sees and residence
ow Prose direst second door wast of Victoria
Street. 1751.
. cueoo
, (aegees aid AeneMr. arsenate
et Teems. Uslvsnsity. OHeeoppnslte Caster
run & ('atissreS's Mak. I.seknow If not In
nee* esquire at the Tlaak. 1758-7
0•kywclana Surgeons. Aerosolises. &o.
Oece at Dr. Shamans a resldsaeo, alar the
Jul, Oedasush. a 0 SSANwew, J. C. HAntt.-
Tpg, 1751.
e • le Or. Pascoe) Orsdnate of Ontario Te -
re tnu?, scabies and ree)Aeecw!r
BFrerl, tout dose* teat ofColborae
-Florae examined as to nasal
MI& No 1111NN
Oar - _ P YLE'A w C
The Brandon Sun is one of the latest
ventures in Manitoba journalism. It is
a pretty paper, full of live and far -west
news, and is published by our old friend
Mr. W. J. White, formerly of Exeter. we are pleased to leant. is little the
May the Sun long shine. worse for his adventure, barring a cold
, Mr. George Salts, formerly of Tits '.ccesiotied by the sudden change of tenm-
SIGNAL office, a good compositor and an perature owing to the "sip.
intelligent young fellow, arrived home Goigalcu HuoH S"noH,L. - The fol -
from Cleveland last Tuesday. He in- lowing statistics in regar.1 to the attend -
tends going to Winnipeg next week, ance and work of the scho. l wero read at
having been offered a `Sit" oft a paper the last meeting of the Board: Noon
there. register for Jany. 138: average attend -
The Conservative Association of the encu 126; of this 138 the number from
part of the pest week, and while the
thaw was in progress, the youngster, of
the town amused themselves by the
practice of "Snow -balling." "Snow-
balling" is an exhilirating exercise when
both sides are parties to the game, but
when the throwing is all on one side and
the receiving all on the other, the sport
is not the most enticing. Many of the
youngsters forgot their good manners on
the occasion and "pelted" their seniors
after a fashion that showed they had no
respect for grey hairs or age. The prac-
tice is a bad one and should be stop -
Mr. James Beatty, of Sarnia, purposes
putting a new boat to run from Sarnia
to Duluth on the Northern Trans. Line,
during the coming season. She will be
in charge of Capt. Ed Robinson, who
formerly cornnianded the Ontario. The
new vessel is of the following propor-
tions: Length, 260 feet, breadth, 36 feet;
and 15 feet depth of hold; steel arched;
capacity 1,200 tons. The vessel will be
fitted with a double cylinder engine 68 x
34; wheel 15 feet; the boilers are / steel,
12 feet long, and 12 feet in diameter,
with 13 foot wheel. 250 cabin passen-
pn an be accommodated, and there
will be berths for 300 steerage passen-
gers. Mr., Thos. Pettigrew has been
secured for Chief Engineer, with Mr.
John Kelly, as assistant. The new ves-
sel will be the largest passenger Twat on
the Western Lakes.
Act-iosNT ON THE LIE Tuesday
last as Messrs Geo. W. Thompson, Jas.
Addison and T. Weatherald were cross-
ing the bay toward the island, and when
about half way over they saw s teamster
approaching with a load of ioe, and the
two former turned to speak to him.
They had not turned more than five
yards off the track, when Mr Thomson
fell through what had been an "ice -
hole," but which had been covered over
by a light film of ice and snow. In fall-
ing through, he threw nut his arms and
fortunately grasped the firm ide with one
hand, thereby holding on until Mr. Ad-
dison succeeded in drawing him from
the hole. The practice of leaving "ice -
holes" without stakes for the euidanoe
of pedestrians is a 'gad one, and had the
accident occurred to Mr. Thomson when
he was alone or at night, the' result
might have been serious. Mr. Thomson,
Town of Goderich met on Monday even-
ing last. Wm. Campbell sea. elected
President, B. L Doyle, Vice -Resident
and F. W. Johnston Sec -Treasurer.
Delegates were appointed and other
business dispatched.
Mr. Robs. McGaw, of Montreal, for-
merly of Goderich, is in town. He has
been promoted to the position of second
miller in the Winnipeg mill of Messrs.
Ogilvie, and will leave for his new posi-
tion in a few months. He is popular
with his acquaintances and hisemploy-
The ladies connected with Knox
church intend holding a series of enter-
tainments during the season in aid of
the funds of the church. The first of
the series will be a parlor concert, to be
held in the house of Mr. Hutchison, on
Thursday evening next. The admission
fee has been placed at 10 cents.
Mehra Jailor 2Ooderich.
AciernINT. While driving down
Platt's hill with a load of wood on Sat-
urday morning, the hind wheels of the
waggon driven by Mr. Roht. Been slip-
ped off the track, and the vehicle was
upset. The driver (soaped with • sprain-
ed ankle. The anpresch is a dangerous
one at certain times of the year.
D. I. K Rine, the temperance lectu-
rer, who dropped into Michigan several
weeks too and tried to lecture in Detroit
about ten Any. since, was picked np nn
the street by the police, last week• rat••
ing end imagining he owned the city.
The poor commission have sent him to
the suborn at Wavtis
TEMPERANCe SocIAL. -The attend-
ance at the Sons of Temperance social
on Friday evening was not as large as
was expected. A contingent from Ben-
miller, however. put in an appearance,
and aided the finances of the lodge by
electing a young lady from that place to
"cut the oaken' Mr. 14. Yates nocupied
tha chair, and addressee were delivered
by Rev. G. A. Francis, T McGillicuddy
and J. Mitchell. Miss Peps sang and
played on theorem.
Str raR To TNR 5 H.w)1. BOARD.- On
Monday evening last, after the Schnee ingues and recitations, the girt of the
Bortrd meeting. Mr. ('rabh, who has sat evening being a recitation by the tiny
at the Board ler 30 year, celebrated his Janet Manton. The following took
Mr. M. C. Cameron on Friday last
disposed a a large portion of his Mani-
toba land tea syndicate composed of
Seaforth and Hamilton gentlemen, and
netted *75,000 by the transaction. On
Tuesday last • gentleman arrived in
Goderich from Winnipeg and offered
$30,000 for the property. Mr. Cameron
was also advised from Winnipeg the
same day that *100,000 could be had for
the property, but is perfectly satisfied
about hual
se, having got the price he
THE Rvn s TO MANrrosA. -To scoom-
modate the anticipated large immigra-
tion to Dakota, Manitoba and the North-
West territories, the Grand Trunk
arrangementshave completed arrangements to run a
through special excursion train leaving
Goderich• every Thursday morning at
7.30, commencing on March 2nd. For
full information regarding passenger fares,
rates on freight, live stock, settlers mapseffects, etc., also for latest maps and
tables, etc., apply to J. L. elorton,
agent. G. T. R. or H. Armstroag, G.
T. R., excursion and ticket agent, Gode-
Presentation at tare Barbee MUM. to
Menem. R. .a. McCaw, sad Chas, M.
About five o'clock en Saturday after -
noun the engine room of the Harbor
Mills was filled by • smiling crowd, com-
posed chiefly of employees of the mill,
and a sprinkling of local politicians, press
men, lake captains and habioses of the
harbor. The gathering had been called
at • short notice to witness the presen-
tation of a guld watch to Mr. S. A. Mo-
Gaw, book-keeper at the mill, who is
about to remove to a lucrative real-estate
business in Winnipeg; and the gift of a
gold ring to Mr. C. M. Mitchell, the
first engineer of the mill, who has been
promoted to a similar position in the
Winnipeg Mel owned by Messrs.
The proceedings opened by Mr. Mit-
chell being called to the front and placed
in a chair at the head of the room.
Mr. W. H. Murney then stepped for-
ward, and facing Mr. Mitchell, read the
following address, Mr. James Stewart
handing the ring to the recipient at the
proper time :
To Mr. Chas. Mitchell. Chief Engineer Gods -
rich Harbor Mills.
DEAR SIH. -We, your fellow employees
in the service of Messrs. Ogilvie & Hut-
chison, knowing that you are soon to
leave us for the great North-West, desire
to give expression to nor good will to-
ward you, as we feel that- you have al-
wayt been obliging and kind to one and
all in our daily contact with you, and
feeling satisfied that the firm you have
served have had every confidence in your
faithfulness and ability in the discharge
of your duty. We therefore trust you
will accept this ring as a small memento
the respect and esteem in which you
are held by one and all.
Signed on behalf of employees.
Mr.Mitchell,in response, said: "Gent-
lemen, I am not altogether taken by
Mr. McGaw said he was much sur
prised the other day when a presenta-
tion was suggested. He was asked his
opinion as to what it should be, but he
left tharto themselves. He felt that he
was hardly worthy of the magnificent
present and flattering address. During
the five and a half years he had been
with Ogilvie & Hutchison, he had tried
to do his duty to both employer and em-
ployees. The firm ought to be prowl of
their hands, for the men were as sober,
as industrious and as intelligent a body
as could be found anywhere. He had
always got on well with Mr. Hutchison,
and the .nen should be proud of the
tirm for whom they labored. (Applause.)
They were always prompt in their pay
ment of wages, and in the resident part-
ner they would find a gentleman who
was always ready to listen to any griev-
ance and remedy it. He had left the
establishment not because he did not
think the firm and the men cared for
him, for their conduct showed him that
they had every confidence in hint. But
he intended to engage in busineasin a dis-
tant Province just opening up. The
kind present just made him would al-
ways be a memento of tkesr friendship
and oinfidence, and as the hand of Time
placed its furrows on the brow of all, he
trusted all would look back to the hours
spent in such agreeable friendship.
Closing, he said that he thanked them
not with his tongue only, but from his
heart. (Cheers.)
Mayor Horton, who was present, said
he thought that the persons who draftee
the addressees knew the gentleme
well, and told the truth. Nothing was
more gratifying than to see the kind
feeling which existed between the em-
ployees of the firm. Goderich was
proud of the mill and its welfare. He
only wished we had half a -dozen such
institutions here. He paid a high tribute
to the ability and integrity of Mr. Me -
Gee, and said he had heard good ac-
counts of Mr. Mitchell as a mechanic
and a man.
Mr. F. W. Johnston was pleased to
see the evidence of good feeling whish
existed between all present, and paid s
tribute to Mr. McGaw, who was an old
personal friend of his, and who would
build up the new country.He also put
in a good word for Mr. Mitchell.
Mr. Hutchison, the resident partner,
as a member of the firm was pleased to
see so cordial a feeling existing between
the employees. It was an evidence that
the work expe;ted from the men was
well performed when no wrangling or
ill -feeling was to be noticed. It would
be hard to till the place of either of the
gentlemen leaving. He trusted they
would make their fortunes in the North -
west. (Applause. )
Mr. F. Jordan said that the gentle-
men leaving were courteous in their nut
side life, and efficient in their respective
Mr, James Mitchell also alluded to
the good name held by Messrs. McGaw
and Mitchell.
Mr. VanEvery said he came in con
tact very frequently with both the gen
tlemen about to leasee, and thought much
of both of them. Mr. Mc law was just man an for the North-west, and Mr.
outside municipalities was 63. The fol- surprise, as I received a hint that such a Mitchell could not be beaten as a me -
lowing are the numbers of those prepar- thing was likely to oocur. I have al- chanic.
ing directly for the different examin- ways tried to do my duty here, and I Mr. T. McGillicuddy said they were
atious: Junior matriculation in Toronto am much obliged to you. I will Clever ejully ieed fellows" in the beet sense of
University, 5; senior matriculation in forget you, and 1, I -hang it all boys, I the term, and was pleased to see the
Toronto University, 1; Law Society's ex-
amination, 2; Trinity College medical
examination. 1; Knox College, 1: first
class certifitate, 1: second class and in-
termediate, 46. The following is the
record for the past year. Passed lst
year's examination in Toronto Univer-
sity, 1; passed lst year's examination in
,Victoria University, 1; matriculated in
arta in Toronto University, 1; matricu-
lated in medicine in Toronto University,
with honors in German, English and
History, 1; matriculated in Victoria
University, 1; entered Knee College in
2nd. year, 1; passed Law Society's ex-
amination, 2; pseud Medical Council's
examination, 1; passed second class and
intermediate examination, 3 A's, 7 B's,
and 6 C's, 16.
8. 8. Es-seeksee ie -r. --On Thursday
evening the basement .1 Knox church
was packed to its fullest capacity by
the children attending the Sunday
School, and their friends. So great was
the crowd that fully one hundred people
could not get seats, and a number of
spectators were forced to retire from the
press of people. The uncomfortable
crowding detracted considerably from country to which you are going. The
the execution of the programme, never- Northwest has mighty l..essibilities for
tholes' the greatest oownsiderstion was men psseseed of the energy and qualifi-
shown to all thane who took part in the cations which you possess, and we pre- I
exercises of the evening. Mr Thomas dict for you, that which we earnestly
McGillicuddy. superintendent, occupied pray for - a prespernus future.
the chair, and Mr. R. Armstrong, cher- A.s • remembrance of our past assncr-
nater, led the singing of the choruses, ation together, in the promotion of the,
which was a great improvement on pre- prnsperite "t the firm of Messrs. i )gilvie
•ions gatherings- e children aloe & Hatihue n at thwtericl. hog the
evinced careful training in the dia- acceptance by you of the acoeitpanytne
gift. We hope, that, at times. when
hooking upon its face. the faces ',f tiviee
left behind may pasta before eine and
that whilst its face grows more and more
can't make a speech," and the engineer,
overcome with emotion, retired amidst
the hearty plaudits of his fellows, with
whom he is a great -favorite.
The ring was a fige gold band, worth'
$12, and bore the inscription "Present-
ed by the employeea of the Harbor Mill
to 0. H. M.'
It wile Mr. Mc(.aw'e turn next. The
presentation of the watch was made by
F. W. Kent, head miller, and Mr. Jas.
Miller read the following address:
Mr. H. A. M•Gatn, Rsvrkeeper, Harbor Mills,
(loder•iwA, (hat.
DEAR SIR -Your fellow employees of
the Harbor Mills learn with much regret
of your contemplated removal to the
North-West. We desire to hear testi-
mony to the uniform gentlemanly man-
ner with which we have been treated by
you, and, we feel assured, that your
faithfulness to our common employees
has only been equalled by your urbanity
and courtesy towards the employed. Our
sorrow, that the ties which have s+ long
bound us together sere to be severed, is
somewhat alleviated by the contempla-
tion of the success which we feel assured
will attend you in that portion of our
nineteenth accession to the chair by pet part in the dialogue* and recitations
ing a supper to his rnll'egoes and a Misses Minnie Seegmiller, Mary Fergu- familiar to yetis eye, our face* nay not
number of invited guests at W . H. Rail's son, Re11* Wilson, Mary Miller. Rose' become less distinct to the eye of your
parlor. After full jostice had hewn done ('erne, Mabel Cameron, R Rates, Mary mind.
to the ample spread, the toast of the Mclvnr, Kato Denney, Ettie Raker. Wishing yu long l=ie, geed health
Janet Manswt, Edith Wiggins, Maggio and prnsperity W. are,
Fraser, Emily Eagle. Jennie Ferguson, i'eur fellow workmet:,
--Ccw,ena, Grace Cameron, Bettie, Ter. Errtnvass or T H R
Henderson, Mand McPherson. Nellie; (lonsar R HARBOR MIL;.
and Mattel McKenzie: and Masten A. The watch was • handsome gold one.
(McVicar, 4►liver Major, W Miller and the following was engraved upon the
"The Clock," by twelve boys and girls, . inside "Presented to R. A. McGee as
was nicely done At the onnctusenn of a token of esteem. le the employees of
the programme the children (connected Gorlerich Harber Mills, Feb. 4, 1111x1.'
with the Monday school were regaled The watch was valued at $110 Roth
with sweet -meat*, eta. A cnllecti n articles were p.m. -bagel ,1 the Nora e
.anti to *1P 2' tree taker. or ' tie T W.1st
chainsaw was proposed, and ably re-
sponded to by 1[r. Crabb. who gave a
synopsis of his rnnnecttnn with eduma-
tion. Other traits fnllnwed,and speech-
es were had from Messrs. W R Miller,
W Mitebell, 0 Rw*nann.M. N,ehnlsnn,
Hy ('e+ ke, w. Campbell. 11 Heels*, L
Elliott, .f Rochanan, J Pasemnre, W
T Whitely, H. Clucas, D McGillicuddy,
W 11 Ball. end others. The gathering
was 5 very successful one. and was ewe*
•rl..ved t.y ail Ireset
good feeling which existed among the
employees o,f the Big Mill.
Mr. Peter McEwen, as an old and
close neighbor, said that Mr. Mitchell
was a man of deeds and not of words,
and was a Lind, social fellow. Mr. Mc-
Gaw was a man of good intellect and a
careful business man. He trusted they
would both meet with success.
Three cheers were then given for the
honored ones, and after singing a stave
of "Auld Lang Syne' in a hearty man-.
ner, the meeting dispersed, and bust
nese was resumed at the mill.
The total exports from Ontario for the
year 1880 were valued at $2.=,265,511.
The exports if snimals and their pro
ducts wore valued at $18,258,920, or 711
per cent, of the whole exports.
New York Sus.. Lord Lorne protest's
against permitting Canadian emigration
agents in England to send settlers to
Cana by way of till l.'nited States,
since many are induoed to remain hen.
%%e cannot gracefully pay s like compli-
ment to, the Dominion, for that country
is one of the largest sources of our im
migration supply. Last year no fewer
than 94,15) of our arrivals were front
The St. Jo en Iilohe is outspoken, and
dubs the talk about a National highway
political clap -trap and gosh it further
says that, notwithstanding all this tall,
when a business man wants to ship an
article he doe. so by that route that will
give him the lowest rate and the greatest
speed. ft is lamentable to see the utter
lack of patriotism in such remarks, hut
after • little retlecti..n we do not
Just st this moment remember ever meet
ing anv one that was patriotic enough t,i
feel • wild, hilarions, uncontrollable se
joyment in paying taxes.
An ettremely frivolous charge het
been made against the Hon. Mr. Hardy
it is that of marbling a report sent in by
Mr Smith of Hamilton. fore, publish
j ing it in the official blue honk it turns
out that Mr. Hardy cut nut • Inantity
of stuff from this report that he theatre
unsuitable. but marked the omissions
with asterisks in the natal was Rosh
we belie•e,is tho invariable pewee.. No
Minister nan be blaimed for rent printing
the whole of the essays hi. snbor bestow
f choose to ser.4 1- ,n 1,nt +e.. nnrh 1.,
'he -entrees