The Huron Signal, 1882-02-03, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 3. 1882. tihe Poet's I.ortler. I Would eel Drew lie Vat.re. Whet thiuj:tbafuroall all tads Too dart for me lu noel 1 ask 144t light for uue step won 'Tis quite enough fur ms, , Loeb little hambb step 1 take, The gluten dears from the seal: Bo though '11s very dark boycott.' 1 never am perplexed. Aad U at Unice the n1M hangs ulc.e-- do elate I fear to stray - Patleat I well •little whsle, And soots 1t clears away. 1 would sot ase my further pa.' . Yoe Mercy voile 11.0: y present steps might harder .. Old 1 the future tau*. It pay ho that my path i, roag:t. noway sad hard and steep; And knowing this my strength tn:gl.t tail, Throarb fear and terrjr deep. It may be that it winds along A smooth and flowing way: Hut teeing this 1 might d •apk The journey of k►da;,• . Perhaps my path hi very *hart My journey nearly dome; And 1 might tremble at the thoug:u Of ending it so soon. Or, If I aw a weary length Of road that 1 Aust weed: Fainting. rd think my feeble powers Would fall me cr. Use ead. And ao I do sot wish to know My journey or its length; Assured that through icy Father's lore limb step will brMe We strength. Taus. step by step, 1 onward go. Not looking far before: Trusting that I shall always have J est light tor one step moan. Nef say Sa.tsea. • • A wealthy -man in $t. Louis Mrs ask- ed to aid to a aeries of temperance meet- ings, but he acorotully refused. After being further pressed he said: "Gentlemen, it is not my b`Jainess." A few days t fter his wife and daugh- ters were coming hrnuo in the lightning express. Iu his grand carriage, with liveried attendants, be rade to the depot thinking of his splendid business, and planning for tho m.•rruw. Hal k ' did some one say, "Accident T' There are twenty-five railrt.ads center- ing in St. ,Louis. If there has been sn sot jdent it is not likely it has happened on the -and Mississippi Railroad. Yet it troubles him. "It is his "business" now. The hor- ses are stopped on the instant, and upon inquiring he finds it has occurred twenty miles distant, on the and Mississ- ippi. He telegraphs to tho Superin- tendeet: "I will give you POO for sn extra en - eine." The answer flashes back: "No. - ''I will give you $1,000 for an en - "A train with surgeons and nurses has already gone leeward, aed wechave iti Other." Worts of Wieboiil. 1' he )'wed Mate. Treasury Department I Hou. Thomas 11. Price, U. K. Tree - \Lu►, while he loves, is never quite sury Detiarttoent, \'*shin too, U. t., de,.raved. U. d. A., rucotumeteis St. Jacobs Oil at Life has always action; it is ,. !. own fault if it ever be dull. Thu i.l.purtitttt truthl, esunut ext tot" et. rly Iu.tr :.•d her t..0 } !eery that leads heavuUTAt.1 11.1• tetne11 1wju11. The eututy is *wit's tt hlls w'1t S'outbtr, sill if we negluot t.• cultivate the cool seed, his tares will cater the surface. Whatever you x:aa yet c;.i:.l el he, be it vo.lrielf. It yo'1 4aa1i it t,. fan hap- ., e•'1' r t ttu,ts.'ult.•, la'nesl h:i y,ur..t .11i thew. 11 you wish 4 4" be hay au 1 4olky, a !iv and a t'►ie( . d: tr1 : t 1 a I•ac:,01', bo you,- ••i !CI these. ;.a.t ice, is ani , I,u reco,,Itiecd ,U1 as base, ei,.,t l.. ,'.`. .'..,and datlge•.u.. 10 the i'.tiu.l.li:1' ••' IM vine "the tlLec-t d 1 :1an(U.. .11140 it itl urea the toll,, sue who sears 1•. . .. ,,aa n ; ti,*hum it is told. t''..:' _ •r: wort::yJ do',ro ne,,1 s1tcisl t. '.:1. Sometimes we may make it ottra.•te.•s, aseiated .red directed Ly the L .rd, telt ofta•l,•: Ile send it in ways we c.n;.l 41.•::.ore foreseen and in lessons so i pain wt• cunu•.1 mistake the source tvbeie? they have omit. Tl:e sermon or an, t•tl. r religious ex- erctse is gored to us only when we use it as a help to a better life. If it have piss al our taste ur commended itself to our judgrut•ut without atiwulati..g us to seek en attainment in the dheetlon of its tut! ruction, it has been utterly profit- less. Rain falling on the desert -what good dee% it do f 111 the humblest dwellings and in the u bacureat corners the noblest, the most successful, and the most honorable lives are lived as truly as on the wide avenues and beneith the gate .of myriads of eyes. Every life which Christ guides by His light, and cheers by His s ode, and crowns with His forgiveness anti His re- ward, is thoroughly worth living for its abundant rewards. '•It is scarcely necessary to retain.' rea- sonable men that if they wish to be sad and sour, to grumble and clnpla u,there is always a chance. Reasons for 'wing cast down and dejected are as plenty as blackberries in the height of harvest. If one thing goes right, yon may be sure there is always something else g.,ing weang; and ii one thing is in tarsier, something else is out of joint, or at any rite s au11 will be. The chief difference in the feelings and disp..sitions of people result from the way of booking at things. Few eights are so dark that nu stars can be seen; the thing is G. look them amt and keep your eyes on them, and make ,the must of what light you can discover. With white face and an su►us brow the the man paced the station to and fro. That is his business now. In half an hour, perhaps, which seemed to him like half a century, the train arrived. lfe hurried toward it, and in the tender found the mangled and ilfelees refnains of his wife and one of his daughters. In the car following lay his other dau- ghter, with her ribs crushed in, and her precious life oozing away. - A quart of whiskey, which was drank fifty miles away by a railroad employee, was the cause of the catastrophe. Wht. dares to ay of this tremendous Luestion: "It is not my au/Unfits t•" A the sls.g to emits -Weal galsaalaida. The Winnipeg Frj f're.i is re:ypon- sible for the following :-" \ 1i.saforth manufacturer visited this city a short time Sgt, and stood athaat tet sight of the tremendous Nosiness activity and progress that is visible everywhere, and and which is so seldom observed in On- tario. He was delighted, and went deck home with the, Manitoba fever thrubbittg in every t'oiu, and deter wined to sellout his Beafnrth business ;us quickly as possi- ble and return for a share in the goidsn harvest. One eveeing in the boom of his family he wit reoe el•t sk is ginning teras the wonders he had seen. He was chastely attired in an elegant nightshift A nisbt shirt is net exactly the kind of gamiest aslspled.aeon ter Wear winter wear without snow auxiliary raiment; but then was a.rusriug fire in the stove, and tile, together with hie bebblinn es- thtetlissru, kept him at a c:mfortable tem- po.vttur.. H.wazd new* sad awn.lo- quest as he reseeded with his narra- tive, his face was gushed, his eyes lit.up wit►- • j.y, sad his tures west Slitwini� His wife bed sever sees him is seeks Demesth-- ss stead, sad her eyes hedged out with dstsatios and w.tade& le the Wig el hie peroration the 1'yhify attired gsMlestas ha bet edti.g inadvertently toward. the stove, ass 1 so absorbed eras he is his sebjeat tint he peAMtie sat ewer* dews os theA useful pies' of farsitsrs, .apprising it to be a shear. ile soon discovered his Meiatrie, sad with i yell that 'maid have sea had a stile et, he boesdad tws feet is the sir. The stove was oseof the hied bitten es . "Meet ghat," list fon tenet* he only sates the werds'gbst,* so that he maty carries that Ingest ensued with him sew. We draw a veil over tha ba ares e1 the seem As RdI$.r la Leek. St: Jacobs Oil cures rheumatism; of this I sin oonvinced. For years I suffer- ed with rheumatism in my left shoulder and right arm, and last fall I was inca- pable of attending to my duties, and lay many a night unable to sleep on **count of terrible pains .t few weeks ago a severe attack of this trouble struck me, and this time I concluded to try the St. Jacobs Oil, I must acknowledge, with but little confidence in its merits. I freely confess that the result has com- pletely restored me. The first applica- tion relieved the pain very materially, aqd thetontinued use of only two bot- tles has completely cured me me of this chronic evil, and that, after the most eminent physicians and their prescrip- tioua had been of no ,avail. I therefore consider it It duty to publish the Strove for the benefit of all sufferers with rheu- matism and kindred complaints. G. A. Ile1Lts IN, Editor Republii.'in, Pitts- burg. Pa. • •fprralftn after Edl.g. Many veer -ons, alter- an ordinary tne.tl, feel a sense of weight and discomfort in Lilo region of the stomach, the sure sign of an imperfect digestion, and pruba1ly the forerunner of a settled dyspepsia. N"tiiiile wi:1 relieve this opj.reaaion like the Prauvl H SYRUP, by the stimulus it gives to tln•.ligestive powers. Salt by all di uggiat*. It is said when the decision of the Iit penial Privy Couucil arriaes, the Teul- proralities Fano in eunnectlun with the Church of Scotland will ext athnieisteited as heretofote. - Ann !I-- 1)ratixts who hare trie3 ••T>rt- BF.RRY," pronounce it the finest thing on the face of this earth for .the teeth and breath. 11 cent samples. The Prinecas Louise. is about t., cm. tri: ate to (%o,ef Words a series of draw- ing: illustr.:tivo of Quebec and its sur- roundings. Tho Marquis at the Saone time will publish a poem on "Quebec." Mex. McKay, of Palmerston, *brake. man brake- man on the l7. W. E., was killed at Guelph on Saturday morning. the most wonderful lain -relieving and healing remedy its the world. Ilia tea- ; timonisl is endurse i•by wino of to head officials of the Tre(sury Delbertinent,who have peen cured if rheumatism aid 11th i painful compl••tints by it. II /I .aysrd% Yellow M Is at t:itiihe►d of the list for al purlatres of a f..ily medicine. It is used with unpremeditated success, troth interuailc and externally. 11 cures .or.. throw, burns, scalds, fast bites; reliever, and of -en cares asthma. bare fare f<.rkyl'ang5, The most reliable remedy for a come') or cold, asthma, shortness of breath, wire throat, weak lungs and all broi- cdial troubles, is 1lsgyard's Pectoral Balsam. Price 23 cents. MaoNsaasle ttdsssedy. There! t at..better Milli for Rheumat- ism thafsH s ?elk g ts (51 used-ac- cordino d1TBMirons on the bottle. It also cures Burns. Scalds, Frost Bites, Bruises, lameness, and all wounds of tile flesh. A1Gdeslsss sell it, price 23 OWL On .testi Arnica Salve. !•!,t• !nest .t.re .m the world for cuts, .ua.s, S•a•4 i, ):ken, Balt Rheum, Fever !?gree, 'fetter, Cha -wd Hands, 'hdhlains, Corns, are) all Skin Eruption. •4111 pewitivt•ll cure., Piles. It is ;ear - tiptoed to give perfect eatisf'ction or money refunJed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. 1\.. •Ir', after all, 15 t.ao great 'hyst- i;, • . Slott hides all the secrets of health at, lain her broad, generous bosom, ant' min needs bu, :u I;o to her ineelli u .fly rete his every need. The discovery of the great Cough Remedy, (labvaCP of lists SPsvcr, (ivlt, is nn apt illu as- tern of this. AS a cure for Coughs, Colds, Lues of Ve'eo end ILttreeneas it stands unrivalled, white its low trice and readiness of access places it within the reach of all. Tcy it and he convinced. All'chemiats keep it in 'til arld LO :ent bad tiles. - ad • Newspaper haws. • f►'P'I!... 4w:rrie"en Re:')r:lvr.r \''e call the special attention of post - musters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : 1. .4 postmaster is required to give notice Gy letter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does nut take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do w snakes !I.. postnsader responsible to the publishers, for pa;=pent. 2. If any rson orders his paper dis- continued, t e publishermay ntinue tall wo send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken front the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes apaper from the post -office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the Post -office. This proceeds uponground that a man must pay for whet be ears. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to tate a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, ur removing and leaving thein uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional freed. No article ever attained such unbound- ed popularity in so short a time as Bur- dock Bloodters, and that the during the existence of countless numbers of widely advertised bitters and blood puri- fiers. 1t is evident' that this medicine begins its work at once, and leaves no desirable effect unattained. • General Wanspede. Never was there such a rush for Drug Stores as ii. now at ours for a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. Kings News Discovery for 'Consumption, Coughs and Colds All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, Severn Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy tree, by calling at your drag store. W...sa's True Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. .This none can deny, especially when an- 'si 1t,ttice is rendered when one is sorely af- tlicte.lwith disease, niore part ieularly those (•oulp:aints and weaknesses so common to ttuf female -population. Every woman sh,nlld know that Electric Bitters are wonrua's t,:e friend, and will tiisitively restore lter t.. health, even when n1I other amt(• lila fail, .4 single trial al- ways 1T.c.•i one assertion. They are pleasant to the twee and only cost fifty costa n it..ttle. Sold by all druggists. Da. LLOYD, of Ohio, surgeon in the army during the war. (nen exposers. atatlescted eoioreaptiot.. He saps in a letter addressed to Miessrs. J. N. Harris 8 On., proprieters of ALLaar'a Lose BAL- SA'', AYSAM, I save no hesitantly in stating that it was by the see of your tong Bassin Ihat I am sow 111.5 end env* good' 1.01•.4 $ 11:0.1.-11ita• taFFL A!tnl'0M701TIXt. - • ivy a tl.or,a,-S knowledge of the natural laws wltio!t govern 44.e operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a careful application of the fine properties or %cell -selected Cocoa, kir. Epps ha. rrn%-i•lcd mfr hr. akfast tables with a delicately tiatoir•ed M•eentre which may sive us many heavy do. :ore' hills- It is by the Judi- eicions use of sort, artl,Iel of diet that a cot:- st!tutinn may 1tr cowl 'tally hnlit up nntil strong enough to ran;st every tendency to Marilee. I Runtimes r.f iahtle n; Ila Ccs are floating i arhund n. r; adv to at •a •!: %% t ,•rev r there is a ! weak plant. I\"c may crape many n fatal .baft Ly keeping ourselr.•a 11.41 r,.rttred with ; - purr blunt and a proper:v nourIsht.4 f•1•n.c." 1'lril S.'rrir• R.(rrf .. --Sold only in i'It• 1:, I. labelled "IA411•:9 kers d• Co., lfomorfatlr., Chemin London. Eng.- - Alan mak..- n' Is1opsstni: o,o4,$ Kaaenee NI. afternoon •• .-.. 1-l;1 I ' . /IN, COLDS, . I S7'i!.',!. •.0:VCfITIS LOSS OF {-:'ICE, I1')1l Rb'ENIESS ,1 NU aft().4 7' d I''Fh'CTIuN8. P e, trod Jura /Aa saes, Ord BN.ver Jas 1:.. H e'w. PLw.r.t i9a6aw1e. &.o014 )' do•.. a Li:Zs rJa r'earrWr M .4115 .•d(ei.s .just f •r all rl... seen ma. eetIe. 4 Alera,e. r terrace tree of f L U .. ',hien tar .dra Pees /A _• 4,4 terrace tree -tadi an. da•eM rel nape/ ra"a a ,v.44, A•• ..... 1-:.•til j.v: pnr.•a Kbe.•eoes ' , ' ie hda heard GRAY'ti Y.'a' aa:• IAe direful ef- ! . " eb% trete of MI 1 ..ad ea/ ...tie. cr. Sprites, SYRUP 'o.,:o. sad caeca of • ,I,,. ale Leap R:::- (e 4/1•416 I .n. :.•flea ... • 2.. . Jo rearm T) TI T1 sr, red. ►. pasta - I .1� LJ 1 nu, t..9. - Jo Via. regu- larly T mut a 1 ` thele sow- 1p.. •c,: at a ) at/ept 'fe v 1 ..„re Is.e. th • piste •o .fat, se.... Lt aad tole• thew 10 del*a a /as mode .2 urge '11•1‘7 c :.•1(te t fetal* Iraq rhe Qra. lr T r.rres GLINT. .a /•(c to tepa I .) ie narkable p�ccnrer ;1.• ; (!!Foul g certain forms of ltro,ichiti'y (tall its almost specilfe e(eet ih Curi:,'1 a 1• , i,t1•c /uukin•7 (n•lgh..s, is 5/0.9' 4.. .". tll i e e 'o t.'re ;)•f .I)!i^ tY.• large. All be rel err+(: aft e'.rwil:. . fa.. it . 7.., . .. . I.t .. . .. .i C I" 11-.1 7;;O.1 . , J.. R'4.trfDw "., &.i*:4' --.dor..azl 3 /,saw. -l•. ;Y. • aat>t%al. t..a I Mata' ,J 4`� JOHN T')M' SA1SA nML,!d m-•' r-..�, 1 Uttae- _,; 4...$ ._.1, at?, . . f_: Per. 1•. ;t. .:t, ,yvsr.. p_. IL!) 01: :.• 1 1 1:! it t. .1 • ' r, tn;i••!'rr•. •vt ;-- p is 11.1L .::ran* tf . ..i•'ri At., :: t; a: 1 I i .: t t . . .^^.4 r(•c( '•� t io. t'. .4C it 7.11. ewer' •ores t .. , .: nea.,to fra.:a Yellow 1 (•:' • . • .:I 4. v::1 Chen- . ' n 1r-1 . h: ;...t Ilii t r y 1 r •r. vaa1 1. •1. 1-isstr;:alp t4c t:..t•.7• ! .: ::F• •1:+. t'1n L:1 1 1:.15.'^ecatoi.•:•tr 1. 4 .• •nr CIA1..•' r :•,_cine! k' .: • t .. 1'11) 1:., .). 1 1 . • 1 1,•r c1 r • ,nsfhlc da:•-. "f at ..in c•,.!t. for a r -..-. t house, et• .. t:• if41 for Aro 'now who cnn',,.t oH.t1p a' 1mttle M this medicine fn 411 thole drvrr.-• may send us co, dol.ar. cad wo will 4.111 It to meta AS:: t':`d 1 C:. Yea .C.r::ro Aylxne,rne•. o 0:er• For ••M% hes. as, She alatp,- Wer. the stetmerabls words al Catosao- dere Perry. W. repeat, "!Don't (live bet the sedee eri tie Mown. anus ethers, why sot yes f It renovated', on gdate►s sad tos.s all the moans of se- cretba, and restores lest Vitality. (>♦ �66a week In your own town. Terms r•:, t.5 outfit free. Address 11. IIALI.t•:Tl' Co. Portland Aline ALL CLASSES OFPROFESSION AL sed h.raso !Ms Meanie We Mfres me brain work astreeee �and worand,;y, advk'e..wa- poa l resort a si terata. y m, re.t1 s- kro�or l les to tr trrlesMclad tv�stl.4i ,rasahiesea 5 q t h steleepn woik- flat ar..m. d til t~rw taros ewwww w►is a lager ewaaa ANCHOR LiNE. tNtrltu ir.%T} 31 %lbSTF.'MI:ItS Sail every Saturday. NF.W 1ORR 1061..o:0( W CABINS. SIM to flies. trrmotAOli. tor Thew Steamers do not carry call le, sheep orpt.. NRR- YORK TO IANIt)N iIRECT. CABINIit}ee to PM I'tltcursion at Reduce R PasMnAlt $taIasMMOrs 011 ates. Mala Deck ss'1 Passengers rooked at Intend rates to or (ria ani) Re:head Station to Snrope or Amerk•a !Wettest lowest rates, parable tone of charge throat Reiland, Scotland and Ireland. Far of sfaralatlnnt plana, &c. appy i to HIXIMIUsoN wluM, M , BOWLING b M!.. N. Y. Or to MRS. Ti. WARNOCK. Hamilton et 1751 Agent at Udwricl 311171110241' OOtT2QTZ of pbeepbates 1100 Is turidalsed Esspomi iblilliFtitball IV wilsoeieiwfwait OlDiil em DIRECTORY. THE pixy/ DIRECTORY FOR HU- RON Q�OpJ NTY, UCKNOW AND KIN CA R OINK Is now read 1t ooatelasthe acnes et emoty Ramsey sod Hoirtb.Mwta the Cess le with their Piot OR w AIIrs tea. The meet e..aplsse week ever lamed. PRIMO, - - •3.00_ Agents Wanted Li111tt1A1. ('O1lMRrd1ON. Address• i•eMN “111.1111111119111 , Use. tleh. INt. at W. mat Mar to rete M kolle11are ter patent' Avows, Tiede Slarsm-CaWa. Iqeatrr.r. afadr the Caked ear. e hare gee Ilwes.e esp.4Maer- ts obtained through v�M ttastesd in the itorsr1WM AlMalleaw. 7'IW kegs alba 1d ulumemest weakly mew. Mfr the Program of Aelewoe. Y miry same. � asr�Y�Lee as U alStO 0wlvew► on=gm= sale ny JAMES WILSON, Olina(lk RIlvaAS, Chemists and le unlit,. rib D11stAsts. Cowrt.Alrrra and Acannti r, Iwhich HAGYAR0•s Ysuaw 00. i.�s1tsra� teed to airs or relieve either in ss BEAST. • TAW INTERNALLY fee CROr, P, Corona, CR,liPlt, SOAR THROAT, ASTHMA, GOLDS, Re. APPLIES EITENNALLY PN R IZT7A4 TSM. XEt11tALOIA, CHTLRLAIXS. CALLOTS LUMPS SWELLIIIUR, N JOINTS, EU LER, rimer arra, L 11rE7YEss, COMM 001MtNCITONS 11117IIRS, LUNDA00, /TM, DgAN7IZI , PAIN IN RAM, SPRAINS, PAIN*, SID* Rs, Reser bottle sed se Row seddhos ilea or ="" rsaaaML MMIInUA tarts EAS NfltL t>•Q ilea LXQLsisx TO.00.eil g.lsIss • ••• 611114•11111111101114PSA Pow, Hardware I Hardware! THE UNDERSIGNED lS 8TILI. bSdIY FOIL BERT AIiDABE ANI) LOWEST PRICES. HE I:EEPS A FULL . TOCK (IF SHELF AND General Hardware! DU NOT FAIL TO SEE ---- M ('Itt'SS -l'UT SAWS AND A.XESI 1 Keep all the Newest aad Sect Makes. SOLE AGENT .D.11 THE "LYMAN Four -garb Fence Wire W_ McgEN'ZIE_ Canadian Pacific RailwayCompany The ('ANA1)IAN I'AL'IFIC HAiI.WAV (OMPAN'" ut'rr taaw. in 14.e e-11MTILI MELT of )lanitobIand the Northwest Tcrritun her tale at $2.50 PER ACRI . Payment to be taade one.alzth at time of pur. Late. and t h. talarr w ve ua.u::Motel tn. M w with interest at six per cent.. A Rebate of $1.2b Per Aore being allowed, on certain. conditions, for ruitirat ion r a.l MLA r :tut roti. n THE LAND (anA.rq'iw BONDS of the Company. which tan bep *red at all 11, Agee, :. - :1 ., ! i:k of II, and oth- er Banking Institutions)krone tit the country. w1)! be Received at Ten Per Cent. Premium, in their par rain., with inter.,, accrual...n 111 to cot of art! a 411! n a h1 . ; :I . 1 LI. I etc mon- ey. thus turtber redetirg the rrtrent the pawl to IL. pan-itaacr. S e.tal arrangements made with lmlgratie. a 4 lard Ccottanit•. For full particulars, applyydto the ('..mpany's Land ComoYstoea r. J1,l'N Y.TA\-I$H, WM- By or to the atsderagsts By order of the Boas:. *MARLS/ IND 'Mee ITEM. aeerMary. Montreal. December 1st, DM. 1e17- AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRIICE..N HAM REMOVED His MIMID QROCERY BTJSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block. formlerly occupied by hent, w'bete he will be please /to welcome all hh• old customers and the•publlc generally. A large gnantity of !NEW, FRESH GRUC'EIIIES AS ('N$AP A.' •TiIE (NE-4PE'T.• D•' C_ STRACHAN• HURON CARRIAGE WORDS. T. & J. STORY, t UCCE3.;HP TO .}OHN 1:NtIS', 31. Nl"P.\('TI'1:1?l:1 1.. ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT 1() ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and U. sputa. and at reas- onable Rates. Call and exaniinc 1 1.1 a I 1 1 if 14114%1.11f :STORY, KNnx•Ft OLI) RTNO. II NI STREET. A'''RAN'' CLEARING S W E -_(► F-- Boots and Shoes, f IMI'MCS BOOT and SIlO E EM 1!tlU, WIN E Previous to took taking. Mynd pt -.re Stook is Large ant. wesorted, G RE AT BA RGA \ S will be giver i. Zii.Vii\(1E - CAS= WM CAMPBELL. 17410 Daniel Gordon , Ca6i�ei-dater 11111 1111C1111Cf 1 (1ldsee Hever iw Me to«wty, sad Largest Moth an ride of Lugule. Pastes eaeres, Ileo -Zoon screw, esserloaass, cre t.eRM►)♦waM, c1a•• D. GORDON. West 88ewrk, sea► '►vast OPd, 6`.liwiel►. /Um Quail, Lotman, ere tori Hofer. wet find K to ther.dvaMaes be ase way el.s! It 'asp seed a geed mods