HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-03, Page 5THE HURON S[GNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 3, 1882. 06/iov, V. Pres. Mia Gras• Allen; Sec. isle - A. L; Coe herd; Councillors, bliss Ett llcl'al •, .1,.Lu Swerimy. We WWII blunt snorers In this venture The American Government has in- structed its ambassador to Russia to pay all chargts Incurred by Russia un ac- ouunt of the Jeannette, un the ground that some of the t acers and men belong to the United States navy. Mr. John Young, the retries) light housekeeper at Pine Poiot i4 vuitiug relations in this section. Mr. Thomas Linklater, of Wing/ham, is also visiting friends in (los vicinity. Mr. Peter Bissett, left here tor Dako- ta last week, and intends to go into farming at Grand Forks. Mr. W. L. Ferguson, of this section, left for he dd country on Tuesday last, &cooutp. niel by Mr. Wm. Clark, of Dunlop. rlr. Ferguson purposes bring- ing nut four entire horses with int on his return trip. Sal. li We had cold weather and sleighing for a couple of days, first we have had this season; after that we had quite a wind storm which blew down one of the chimneys of the Lutheran Church in Zurich and damaged the other. Last Tuesday the new bell for the Roman Catholic Church in Zurich was publicly blessed and chris(ene.l. On Wednesday a like ceremony was per- formed for the new bell of the Sauble line Church, as I was only present at the latter I will just describe it. The ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. Monsignor Bruyere, Vicar of the - diocese, assisted by the Rev. T. Tiernan of London and the Rev. J. Moran, par- ish priest. There were two sermons, one in English and one in French. The bell which weighs 817 lb. and cwt $234 in Cincinnati wag christened "Philu- tneue." After the ceremony which last- ed about two hours the people were al- lowed to go up and rirrg the newly bleu - ed bell, a plate being placed under it for offerings, and not placed in vain. The. following are the names of the sponsors ..f the bell, Merits. Christope Ducharnes Morbirt Deurine, John Hogan, Jame, Hagan, Elie Ducharme, John Dunn, John Ran, Bernard Sreenan, Mesdames lmerentia Ducharme, Mary Sreenan, Susan Bedard, Joanne Hogan, Annie C. Hagan, Ermeline Ducharme, Mary Dunn and Frances Dietrich. The church was filled. Among the visitors were M C. Cameron, M. P., and Father Watt,rs of Oodericb and G. E. Jackson, Egmondville. After the cc:emetny rev. and distinguished visitors were e 1 by Father Moran at his house The Rev. J. Moran wisheato re - torn thinks to the different denomin- :it:ons for their help and patronage. D . Items which formerly would hare ap- peared under the heading "Millburn" will hereafter appear under the present heading, the name of the post office hav- ing been changed from Millburn to Dun lop. ERMINE. -Mr. Joseph Morris has pur- .•haaed a superb team of hones from Mr. .Iohn Buchanan for $400. This is the second team Mr. Buchanan has sold for the above named amount. The first team was taken out to Dakota by Mr. Bates, and sold for $500. After a three weeks' stay in Bruce - our jovialoengineer has again faced the music at the mill. FAA!' HoRalta.--We understand that '.Ir. C:ue A11eu has a fast nag with w•hicis he in ready to meet Mr. V. Morris at :int,' time; and Mr. A. M^Allister is' tr..ining his fast sorrel rnare,L•Idy Light- f,.ot to meet Mr %tur•ris for' fun or a Imager as high as $1,000. We'll see what.. 11 this horse talk wtll cone to. . On the afternoon of Wednesday 2:ith ,net., a number of y,uns folks, (over silty) were entertained by Mrs. Allen. Singing and tripping the light fantastic toe was the order of the day. •A num- Ioer of the elders put in an appearance later on, and were warmly welcomed by the ..asembled "juveniles." Tho music- al part of the entertainment was con- ducted by the Misses Smith, of Gude- rich, and Mies McDonald, •,f Leehurn, on the organ, ably assisted by Mr. James Lioklater on the violin. Mrs. Allen is n generous and popular hostess. HEAVY Ho mer:min. -The biggest i. :tot always the heaviest. Not long alfa a well-known Irishman sold a tine heavy colt, at a snug ti4iire to a Leehurn fans er, and ever since has been glorying in the fact that it was the finest colt on the Lake Shore. challenging his Yorkshire neighbor t, produce anything like it. The Yorkahirt 110111 refused. when the son of Erin ch trje I him with being like th.• rest of Er,liahiuen, only carint to talk ab ut twits and landlords. The Yorkshire man thro took up his irt.h neighbor OD the horse (petition, and •he horses were wei;hwi. The Irishman', favorite was two years and ten m••nthe ol•i mid weilhe l 1.200 Re; the York .hi�eman'a steel brought down the scales at 1330, and was two month. younger. A: hands are now satisfied. and the ch .,. about the Land League have been re- lied. Beataillsr. .gvtvat.--The revival meetings at the R. C. church, Zion, ha.e been car- net on ter aho.tt four weeks. (7settes. -There is a good opening for a tenant et the Renmiller flouring m Ib, as the propnetor is likely to lease it. Mr. O. Meyer, has erected • shanty in the woofs tit Mr. Habel's property where he intends chopping this win - 1 er. Rarovsarwo. - We are glad to hear that Mr& Gledhill, senr , is recovering from a severe attack of 'inflammation col the ►ting. She has been able to be re- move) back to the village again. .1 , Friday evening Jan 13th, a large party ..f young folk surprised Mr R Jr :qts The number reached nearly 11141.. the hundred, and they all enjoyed themselves numensely tnpping the "light - fantastic Peert.,4w Ao.-tns.sr (In Friday last a peculiar accident happened to a mw belonging to Mr. Moore, shoemaker, of thl. plane The enw and a horse were •'*bled together, when the Dow tried to t e mouthful of hay from the home's ger, when the horse nipped off about fner inches of tie e1w's towns, neeegsi- taline her being abet 1 Mr Abram S. Oowherd, has ot'gsnitted i a ''juvenile literary Societyis R. 8. No. 7. The ier eeeare as fel- hrw. T4wident. Ales McMerehie; 1st ('noM BMAztL.) The Pew Com oaad, tis woa- derful affinity tO the _its Apparatus and the Liver, increas- tag the dissolvingjuices, reliev- ing almost instany the dreadful results ofDyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in 'very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness,Head- ache, Sick Headache, Distross ab ter Eating Wind on tho Stomach. Heartburn. Pains in the ,Side sad Back. Want Oldppetite. Want of Energy, Low Spirits, Foal Stom- ach. It invigorates tae Liver, car ries otlall surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and t„,;ry it to year Drugist anise a 10 cent Sample Of a .ate bottle for 76 cents. and tell gear neighbor about it. 1882 -MANITOBA --1832. SPECIAL BICIIRSIONS. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY has arranged for • series of excursion trains. in charge of .pedes agents, to ran through to Dakota and Manitoba without change of cars. These train will ocenmenee to ran about the first of March. Parties who intend going to the Northwest should bear in mind that the Grand Trunk is the shortest and beat route, having an independent line to Chicago, thus avoiding all nnneoeeaaty bus transfers and tedious change& and this year offer facilities to the tray ling public unequalled by an other road. The nndersfgned will have much pleasures In furnishing every information as to fares. ticket& baggage. freight and live stock to all parte of Dakota and Manitoba, and du- tiable goods checked through to destlnatloe,. Pamphlets maps !c.• tree on application. J. L MORTON, Agent U. T. R., or H. ARMSTRONG, Excursion sad ticket agent G. T. R. Goderiob. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STE:IMSHIP LIVERi'OOL, LONDONDERRY, GLAS- GOW. SH•)t:TF_ST SEA il0UTF. Cabin intermediate sad Steerage Tickets UMW' &Arta. Com; rage Passengers w booked to London. Gels. ty an�ita►GlM.*r o ., at sameDerry.Hes to Liverpool WINTER ARRANGEME1. r. SAILING FROM HALIFAX EVERY RAT- UItDAY. PONUARY LYNESIAN. h CALLINGFT HALIFAX. JAN. fist. SARDINIAN, FROM PORTLA NI), JAN.70tk, CALLING AT HALIFAX. JAN. 29th. PARISIAN FROM BOSTON. FEBRUARY Ind. CALLING AT HALIFAX. rms. It h. HIBERNIAN. FROM PORTLAND. FEB. 9th. CARLINI; AT HALIFAX, FBIL llth. PERUVIAN. FROM BOSTON. rim lath. CALLING AT HALIFAX. FEH. 18th. CiRCASSSiAN. FROM PORTLAND, Fl R. 23rd. CALLiNO AT HALIFAX. VER. 25th. POLYNESIAN. FROM Htl$TON. MAIL end. CALLING AT HALIFAX MAR. 0th. S.IRDINLAN. FROM PORTLAND. MAR.. 9th. CALLING AT HALIFAX MAR. 1lth. PARiSIAN. FROM BOSTON. MAR. 10t1). CALLING AT HALIFAX MAR. 15th. Foe tickets and every information apply to IL A RY'+RONG, Ages., Montreal Telegraph %7S1am. OAlce Goderieh. The tI eat Cleansing Fluid. MRS. WARNOCK Ilse great pkiisure In announcing to her unsay friends and patrons in Goderich and vicinity, that she has secured the sole right and privilege to manufacture and sell I>It. (,1T(1,Y,A N'S CLEANSING & RENOVATING FLUID, Fsw rrrnnving grease and *nil from anything sad everything. front the finest tehrie to the wanes garment worn. No matter 1f the goods have been aatnraet41 with oil, grease or dirt of any kind. it Dap. for trifling .ort be made to look as We: as new. It einem all articles without c the enlor, thiit would be destroyed by Abe (tae of water. No need to send to Toronto or an where ere to have our feather' cleaned and carted when It can be does for lean than half the coot In our own town. ball at MRA. WARNOCK'S Ministry Establishment e Hamilton St and see for yourself. 1W tf. 1 1 I If yea weal to see Me Largest Asseet- asert .. r IN%\Y. tit 1 Ives offered 1a (:edeele►, roll se llWome Nroi. 1 'GENUINE BARGAINS. true the It three months 1 will reU fhltliitsreatlike tallow prices, for cash: w Cupboards at II 4 60 Islet on t'ppb.rrd*............. ....................... ..... .... . T i.r Sofas .... .. .................. 1210 luangw from .. •. ••• ... 500 rip Htxtstead, from...... 1 TS up. Mall leaf Tables s1 ... 2 60 %V sslatands from o ... Kitts u p.. Bureaus from ............... , 500 up. `sideboards trout 650 up. Everything else at similar rens. These prices eon.% be beaten in town. I invite inspectioni am bound to sell. as 1 intend removing to Dakota in the spring I have also a lot of machinery used In cabin( t makltg which 1 will sell at a %cry low price. ACCOUNTS. All a.counls dor John A. Hall and J. t;. 1MI1 must be settled at once. esr ati�s_ G_ At the Market PLA/N AND FANCY PR/NT/NG EXECUTED WITH Grand cleaY+lngsdle NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES, AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE ." R E I D & SN E Y D INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Tomo)iTu-Establl.Lc 1828. PHOENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON tEngtand) - Established 1782. . HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of HAnrrowD, Conn -Established 1810. Risks taken in the above drat -class Offices, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraleer for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS CO'Y Toaowro. Money to Loan on first-class security, rom 7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Ooderich Sept. 10. 1880. EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GEON, (late with Trotter' & Caesar, the leading Dentleta of Toront..l All operations neatly and carefullype rfuruied. Rooms, Bea- ver Block. ('LINT*) WPatlents from a tatanoe will please make appointment to ad- . once by mall. 1812 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Coewry or Honor, t By virtue of a Writ of To WIT : (Fier' Facia*, issued out of Her Majesty'sCourt of Chancery. and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of JOHN WINTER. (Defendant,) at the suit of JANE WINTER, (Plaintiff,) I have seised and taken in Execution, all the Right. Title, and Interest, and equityof Redemption, of the above named Defennt, in and to Lota num- ber 15 and 16, Fowler's Survey, in the Village of Harpurhey, in the Countyof Huron. which Lands and Tenements I shal offer for Sale, at my office, in the Court House in the Town of FR Goderich, on FRIDAY, THE 10th DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D.. 1882, at the hour ot12 of the clock. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff of Huron Sheriff's Omce, Goderich, November 9th, 1881. 1812 This .ale is postponed until MONDA Y. the 27th day of FEBRUARY. 1882, same hour and Iplace. ROBT. GIBBONS, Sheriff off Huron 0-. 3 ' (0111NCIOIS Noliiee 10 4 k CIRCUI_.AR Tl) Public School IIlspectors, Votes Aril) TEACHERS. It is again my duty to call your attention to the proylsiepthee ofuse of lee orlitv1coit School law 'awithic SchoolInspector'Roots. lbl pectora are required to ace that no unauthorised books are need in the Public Schools. Trustees wbo permit such All lose their share of the Public School Grant, and Teachers substituting any such book for an Authorized Text Book are liable to bo con- victed and fined ter such offence. W. 1' Gage & Co's. "New Series of Readers for use In Canadian Schools" is 1'tuatreMied 1a the Prey ince of Ontario, and therefore subject to the above provisions of the Law. (Signed) ADAM CROOKS, Toronto. Jan. 5. Minister of Educatlen. VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide For 11162 1. an Elegant Seek of i se rases, two l'olered Plates of Flower*, and mere lie. 1000 Illasttatte.s of the choicest Flow- ers. Plante and Vegetables, and Directions for knowing. 1t is handsome enc h for i he ('en- tre Table or • Holiday Present. Pend on your name and Post OMloe address. with 10 cents, and I will send you a copy. postage paid. This is not a quarter of its cost. It is printed in both English and German. If you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 eta. T1it'i ii *sear are the best in the world. The FLonAL GMtot will tell you how to get and grow them. ♦bail Flower and Vegetable Garden, 178 Pages, 6 Colored Plates. OM Engravings. For 50 rata la paper covers ; $1.09 is elegant cloth. In German or English. TKil lUasteated Madly Eagaalne-32 Pages, • Colored Plate is every number and many fine Engravings. Price 111.25 a year; Five Copies for 1.5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 25 cents. Address. JA1tt0 iN k, Reeieater, N. Y SYALIiD Yawns* nddreew-d to t1 e nnder- •lgned, and endorsed "Ti:utcits rox u. PAtt.l- wacrr uiwntna." wlll be received at th's Ise- p1rarrltneat until 12 of the ekal, 110011. on Tnt-nsu•r, the 16th day of FHB/WARY next, for the 'rection sod Completion of New Par- liament Buildings for Ontario, and certain works In connection therewith. according to (1 The Plans and ipccflkatiuns prepared by Malars. Gordon it He'll well. of Toronto, or 12) The Plans and Specifications prepared by Mewu•s. Marling of Curr),. el the same- city. Printed forms of Tender can he obtained at this Department, and persons tendering are specially notified that tey will not he enti- tled to have their Tenders cousldered unless the same arc made on anti in compllencc with these printed looms, sighed with the netual signature of every person lendering(including each member of a firm%, follow•e•d by his poet office address. and with all blaaks•ln the forms properly Ailed up. Each Tender must be sec panted by an accepted bank cheque. ryable to the order of the (Sommiweinncrnf P'thlir Works torOntar{e, fur the nut of 1}5.000.00. which will be for- feited if the party tendering decline'. or fails to enter into a Contract hosed upon each Ten- der, wh^n caned upon to do so. Where the -r - party's Tender 's not accepted. the cheque will he returned. Where two Tenders t(, e., s t f , ,,,,t one hard on each apt of saki flans and Spool- fleat'ons' are made under the same cover by the ramp permit or firm, only one one% accept- - DEA! I: ed hank s,uglw need aeeomppny raid two Tender.. C3'RAIN For (110 due fulfilment of the Contract. sari.- tallory a.curity will be required nn real mate. or by the deposit of money, public or mnnieL- pal remelt tea nr beak stocks. to the amount of five per cent. no the bulk sum. to became pay. able under the Contract, of wMeh five per cent.. the amonnt of the an•eytd cheque ac- companying the Tender, will be considered a To onch Tender mn.t be attached the initial signature. of at bast two respnnaihk and pol- ecat perrnrni resident* of Ontario, willing to become sureties for the Parr ing nut of these eon.litlon.. and the 'Inc fulfilment and perfor mance of the Contract a sl; particulars. LiveSpecifics �1 tW 11011 {'tinted Copies of the ropectlrey:Acs- tions can be obtained on application at the Mr partoent. Thr ilepsrlment will not lr bound to ac cept the lowest nr ani Tender. Ry order. if con wash to Lave veer SEWING MACHINE, ©RM GR MELO+LEON, work or pati ns Ts)1 :,. when new, brir K them to the un•lerslgned, he has 1 ., t pi yen, s esprrienee is t'te rrilairin : !',.• SATISFACTION GT7ARA *: TRED. A few good necnnd-hand marl.:.,.. for twee cheap. 113. 410 All 1 t 12. i:EQ. W. THO!V SUN, Memento. (idem h arnmenriemeeitrorke. 1104:drn••e. X.•Li.m 11 ., Li' i l; mlerieh.Ont. tk A E 11. PRODTJO' SEEDS, WOOL, HIDES, eke _,&cc - SV M. KIM AHEM. are laa hood Depart ant of Public Works for Ontario. Secretnry. at en n .'d MtwearJan. lkm Ne wear fllreet, Will during the Next 1'.,ur %%'Delia• otf.tr Ilie. r 1:.u.re `itis k of %Vintug Goode at Clearing PrioPriorTo ilsve'rime of marking Down (keels we will take the Post Mark for the Stelling Price. and Commence at once to Sell at root in Every 1)epart.nent. OUR REASONS FOR DOING THIS. %Ve want to Make Room for a Large Stock of Spring Goods. We never carry Goods offer from one season to another. We never bold Goods until they become old and out of date. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! Our Customers and the 1'ubli. will reap ILP M neflt. REIn & ' NEYD, lianchesterHouse, Goderiche IMP SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE Previous to Stock -Taking will continue SELLING OFF i P er the ala.ee .f lhIs month, Ike entire Meek of Stever and TI -aware. Wall rawer and - Fancy 4:0041■. ri 1 The rresent LOW PRICES. The Cheapest House Under The Sun JUST RECEIVED! AT D. FERGUSON'S A SPLEND1DAASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. SpecialBargaius ill Teas alYery Low Prices per tb and upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my59e. Young Lipson, it i,• a splendid article and worth more money. 1 hire also just opened out a coin- u!ctr asettrtn ent of Crockery& 0 Iassware Inch din: .\tome and Chinn Tit Sets. (hsiblrr,,. T •y^ea `Botta, La lies acid Gents Fat: 'y Tea Coos and Sau sera, snit:tide f. •r (`(it i -t i ,, and New Y car's Gifts. Lan�.psS;L amp. Goods -3z a �, It Variety AND ATVEVERY1.011' Cal I and be Conviiiced s TOILET SETTS Ith Til LET Sic,. BLc. astate of repraasconableaeir. rm& They Cmhs Brushes and Ptii(imin t1 311 hiot1 Ch�� t Mack s Magnetic Medicine � Ho! 3.o11 WILSON'S;. PRLACRIPTfON DRUG STORE. ▪ At RS IIAGIStir SLOW We. S csner'a St•NR SPTT«s. (ltppA Milt S.e? SITTfa*. ■ TSSI LItfx6L t ASMV'e MITT11110. R. Jai.•s.s 0El. Mancilieer usrrlltlla RtiIATIS al1W.AET. Ase a0 eAkar lanelsg (saasat asafiMi&ea S. S LOANS. RHYNAS'the Druggist 0!, Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door Goder eh. Dr. lab, 1881. *Oa 1 I MAN1TOBAFURS! FURS! FURS!! MAr4K. • "r.r. , Having been appointedExcur- , {s a %re. Prompt and ER►rtael Remedy for ' Mon Agent for the Great Weet- (Verenutiee s fitrill its .loge.. Weak Memory es et. Vq tees Arvin reser. Arrant Pro f,'u ne. • ern Railway � between Kincar• Ar451, r. . pr,'"nf0.-rknv,..M-merit term dine and London, I will have , nee viewer -al awl IJewee/ Anse of roarer 1t renetr. • Nervous Neste. AeJerronfes fir Jedrd %.Irl ; much pleasure in furnishing t t v �vNer�eeneg�lrl'.o.e qt v Rofeebl Ter ed-P'"i s 1,, fjG everyinformationaither sneer- LAD' h, ti �1 '\ :� 'I' i,�; (• (i 'I' FREE I )1-' (' i i A.er d 7�m:naf ry �^"a fhe e11r-r( I eon or by letter, to all persons It wlahi same, as to ikree tick- er♦ The medicine Is pleasant t0 the ts.fe. nR Go1', J C DETLOR & CO'S of thousands pore" 1 an Ix u. ,al.. Paw tae.dlca.tiew, and u eke r al ewI Aver. atfFull particular* In mar pamphlet. whk h we desire s mail free to any aedrrne atlatdre teSaette t oalega. r gold al Drag gees at Note War hos. or If befog for Ills. or wtll M sane* mop of portage, on receipt of the mnweg ., MAi11 inumma -Iedeor.0at Oasada. Roil a OoMHnh. by JAlst•a *ledger,__ ewe ell Drainages eeaev eye Irl1v Just Received aMesehhog.nntalns.ottlnfenthwtweweak'. eta bag.aQe, freight anJilive �stock, to it rM hobs AI Choice Stock fi Dakota cage and dntYiestdulandilvoods and Overcoatms - sable goods obs ked through. GEO. B. Jmow WOHNSTON oeaar♦t 0o 0.&. Bt eAwlse the Pati nsissra. lea. tit Ilia 1111-i e B_ MoCIORMAC CU'T'TER_ :OHM CSDETLOR 8t 00.