HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-03, Page 44 Tiff i'TUEO?i SIGN L, L. I::;ILIA Y, Fiat. lei.,
THE HURON SIGNAL 1 'I,,& Walt Huron Tories will Loll
In published every Friday Morning. by Mc their annual meeting at tiiuith r Hill .on
QIUJOODDr Beta-, at their Office, North tat Tuesday, February 14th• speeches are
IuRtLe Square!
And Is despatched to all parts of the surround,
las country by the earliest Inaba and train&
D7 paseral admlastoa it has a lamer clrowla
eta than any et news *r in this part of
be country. sod la one of the raciest, newsiest
and must rel ble Journals to Ontario
Possessing. w It i cee• the fure•goinaessestfals,
and being In addition to the above, s first oleos
tastily and fireside paper 1t is therefore a
must deetrabte adoertta[wy medium.
Tagus. $liiO In advance postage prepaid
by hen: $1.75, 1f paid before a x count
11. 1f not no paid. This rule will be lark'
RAT=or ADtoRsTialio. -Eight cents
ems for Are, insertion ; three cents per has or
each subsequent Insertion. 1' hal
earl , f -yearly
and quarterly contracts at reduced rate.
JOS srtsllTI11L.... We hare also a And -clam
.lobbing department In or:resection, and possess-
ing the most complete outfit and best facilities
for turning out work In (Juderich,are prepared
W do business In that line at prices that cannot
be beaten, and of $ quality that cannot be
surpassed. TerwisCash.
l --
Tat admirable speech delivered by
Cul. Ross in the Ontario Legislature
duriug the debate on the Address, at-
tracted much attention, and has called
forth enema iems trent sevens' lu:wapapere.
The (:(she availed itself of one of the
Colonel's arguments in a recent editorial
on the Disallowance of the Streams Bill,
and, acknowledging its indebtedness, paid
the member for West Buren a deserved
compliment for the ability evinc.d by
him in his discussion of the subject.
The watchful correspondent of the Sea-
forth Expositor at the Provincial capital
thus alludes to the speech: -
Mr. Ross, of West huron, was the
next speaker. As all the others have
done, he occupied himself mainly with
consideration of the two leading questions
the Disallowance and the Boundary
Award. His treatment of the fernier
was remarkable for the thorough ac-
quaintance he displayed of the law and
authority upon the subject, and he
strengthened the position taken by the
Governrnent nut a little by his able
handling of the question. He was quite
as successful in dealing with the Boun-
dary Award, and sh.ewel that the course
of Sir John in refusing to accept the de-
cision of the arbitrators as binding, was
unprecedented and inspired by the gross-.
est partizan motives. Mr.,, Ross has ea-
tablished for himself the reputation of
being, on many subjects, one of the
best,if not the beet, speaker on the min-
isterial 'side .of the House outside of the
Government benches. His knowledge
of legal and constitutional questions is,
fur a layman, wonderful, while in his
mastery of detail and ability to handle
figures of every kind he is certainly un-
aurpassed by any member in the House.
Mr. Rosa will he wanted higher up be-
fore long.
THE editor of the formers Adeocate at
the Agricultural Dinner last ween, urged
the necessity of keepingAmerian breed-
ing cattle out of Canada, for fear of in-
troducing virulent diseases. The mutter
was immediately takeb up by Mr. John
McMillan, Reeve of Hullett, who spoke
the sentiment of the farmers present
when he stated that if stringent restric-
tions were placed mien the importation
of stock, we should be at liberty to im-
port improved animals from any quarter.
Imported stx:k have already enhanced
the value of Canadian bred cattle and
horses, and high though ' our animals
-now stand, the climax, we think, has not
yet been reached. Let our breeders get
.the best animals in the world for breed
ingpurposes, and in .this way we an
keep up the quality of ouraniinals. The
Government on Tuesday, received a
cable despatch from the Colonial Office
announcing that the Imperial Privy
Council had rel 1 .ve 1 the restrictions
placed upon. the importation of Ameri-
can breeding cattle into Canada.
American breeding.cattle will novel be
admitted upon the statne terms as cattle
imp.rted from other infected epountries,
which are subject to t quarantine of
ninety days The •Inarantine stations
fa this purpose will be established at
such principal points as will meet the re-
quirements of traffic. Large numbers of
Jersey cattle will be iunnediately.sent to
Canada as the result of this from points
arose the line
Tus report of the organization meet-
ing of the Reform, Association of North
Huron held' at Winghaut, on Monday
last, and which will be found en our
eighth page. will prove of interest to
many of our readers. The enthusiasm
which prevailed frim the start to the
finish of the meeting was of that lasting
kind which augurs sell for hard work
and good work during the next cam-
paign. The questions discussed by the
several speakers we:e ably handled, and
the runner in which the utterances were
receited by the audience, testified that
the sentiments uttered by the speakers
were echosed in the hearts of the listen-
ers. The meeting at NVingham is the
forerunner of the defeat of Mr. Thomas
Farrow, M. P., who has misrepresented
the Riding at Ottawa s. thoroughly
during the past ten year.
1z we had the ear . f etrry Reformer
in the country we would say that macaw
at the next general elution ran he se-
cured only by °reanira00n and hard
work. The bare 4.1 lends, the glare of
torrhee, and the high sounding voioae of
the "tempers- cannot win • victory.
A rigid acrutiny of the voters' lists, face
to face work with electors. a judicious ss
of sound p•htio•1 literature, and a per-
ersonnel endeavor to bring nut every man
who well cast a Liberal vote, are the re-
quisites to sturee•
ss4,'• It,lls.:.rs ........: ar..-n" flame a..41r
QJL'NP _' C;tJ::CTS w Isfe.et.te t,• titlere-adjustnsg..f Gori - NN
ty ;its oetita at the Provincial Treasurer's
1•4 sig oaY, t•ln was resod and w proved. nerve .fat 4'satesltlM orf IL la Wailers*
Gcxlcn.1, Jan. r;. let.. trl.ort of ,.Ir. Dewar 1. P.J., was hider ch.• waprs' tato of P 1. l6I.
Showell. •
of the 14. la w•.1ken.:1
rh, stn the Uungacuiom
at Nile, on AM,.udey,the
iter„ 'the .li.y war uu-
11,.ta ithitandi,i the iu-
aeathur, a f...r leprewu-
latiuu of the diffureut appointments wan
present. 'file Ret. Mr. ('aawe.l o.ceupied
the chair. After d.•t..tionel esereisua,
the morning wait. u • as taken up by road•
img bio reports of the different schools,
whi h appeared fr the reports to lid ut
a tl•.ur!skiing coed except leg the once
a' the. ptrillion, ahich,owingt a'c.ar ity
Of efficient workers, Is umpr..grersivt.
After the reports eel u disposed of, an ex-
pxositien of suet discussion on the ditfer-
entmethodruf coeductiug Sunday Schools
was heartily indulged in by those pie!
scut. From the experience .•t the Sup-
eriuteudeuts, a ditti_ulty was expretar.l
in 101 being able to secure the committ-
ing of catechism in their schools. and it
was deplored that the church, generally,
was behind in this very important branch.
Dlr..John Dusts wail theft called upon
to express his views on the "Great .b-
je:t to be aimed at in S S. work," which
he ably and pointedly did, by encourag-
ing the teachers to persevere in their
noble work, and that their great ulje'et
should lou the conversion of the sou's tin-
der their especial care. "\1'hat;euurse.
is beat to be taken to secure 10101, an.1
good order," was next diseased in a
very interesting runner, after whicd the
addresses of welcome were tendered Gloat
front the adjoining appointments by Mes-
srs Dusto, Titlin and Cantelon.
The Minutes of the morning session
were read after convenine in the after-
noon. Mr. Washington, or., then fol-
lowed with an able address on "What
kind of teaching is best calculated b. ac-
compliah the great object ,.f S. S. teach-
ing. He stated that the necessity,duty
and privilege of conversion should be
vividly placed before the mind inaChrist
like manner. Teaching should be aim-
ple,unpreteuding,snd to the point. Each
lesson should tend to impress some i1m
ire.. a' w:
promised by F. t1'. Johnston, 1.'. Kelly 'fhe ,.'.,ural wet j. rsuant t, adjourn-' read and ordered to lie printed in the
sad 8. Platt. meet. The Wardr„ nn then chair. All I w 1101s.
. the Couoall .is even :e►tl,t except Mr. 'l'h.esupploota,b.ryrel.,rt .1 the school
, Rodger.. i c .wuuttru was read.
! The utinu:ta ..f het wectiu; were read Moved in aiuenduteet to the report by
an .1 approved. I kir. lit India seconded by bur. Hut -
Au account from the Kielce 1'ftcctur Chinon, that Mr. Miller be allowed to
was referred t.: the Finance commit- provide • substitute to visit the ech.x.ls
during the sinter months of this year,
int tie approval of the Miuuter of Edu-
oaliogn. at on a division by • itayority
of two.
Mored by Mr. Keine, seconded by
Mr. Weir, that the Clerk notify the
Clerk ..f the county of Bruce that we are
prep.►rel to sleet the county of Bruce
half w'ay' i11 the exp{ense of making the
marsh on the boundary between Howiek
and Carrick safe for l,ublie travel, and
that immediate action is necessary --Cer-
A azrTls a of the Seat Honor Couser-
vative Association will be hell at Brus
ads on Monday the 9th day ..f February
at one o'clock p. w. , for the tran.AeIi .0
of general business.
IV gas PROVES of this Province ale
true to themselves and to the right, they
tan soon show Sir John A. Macdonald
that in the mutter of the Boundary
Award be "can't check Ontario."
Teta appeal against the commission of
enquiry in the Judge Soluier investiga-
tion has been sustained, end proceedings
have been stayed. it is bard to deter-
mine what the next act sill be. One
thing is certain -"there's a screw loose
THS annual meeting of the Reform
Association of West Huron, will be held
tomornow, ,Saturday) at Dungannon,
and gives pronto of being largely at-
tended. The utmost enthusiasm pre -
rail. in the Liberal ranks. and Col.
Ross, M. P. P., will get a warm recep-
tion tomorrow, and a• big majority at the
next election.
POLITICAL meetings will be held in
many places in this County during the
preseut year. It is impossible for the
editors of THE SIGNAL to attend ;all
these gatherings, yet we are anxious to
have concise and accurate accounts of
every meeting, big or little, held in
Huron. We will publish every item of
campaign news sent us by responsible
persons. Let the reports be short and
reliable, and send theta in as early as
A PLEASING acknowledgement of the
tried worth of a County official was made
laat week when the Salaries Committee
recommended that Mr. Peter Adamson's
salary as County Clerk of Huron should
be supplemented by =100. The increase
was agreed to by the Counciilors, indi-
vidually and collectively, for one and all
acknowledge the ability, intelligence and
other sterling qualities of Mr. Adamson,
The salary of the County High Con-
stable, Mr. John Currie, was also sup-
plemented at the sante time.
From the Seafortp Expositor.
Mr. F. W. Johnston, Reeve of Gode-
rich, has been elected Warden of the
county for the current year. The War -1
denship election has now come to be re-
garded by both sides as a sort of test of
the politic/al oomplexion of the Council,
and the elevation of Mr. Johnston to
twat position is doe in some degree to
the fact of his being a Conservative, as
the Conservatives have this. year a Ma-
jority of members in the County Coun-
cil. It must not be concluded, however,
front this, that hs is the best fitted or
bed entitled to the position of any Con-
servative member of the Council. On
the contrary, there are a score of Con-
servative Councillors who, by virtue of
priority of membership as well as ability,
are much more deserving of the honor,
if honor it bo, than he is. His election,
therefore, is due mainly to the fact that
he had the "cheek" to prey himself for-
ward, and the persistency to ,continue
his canvassing for the position until the
last moment, while better and. more de-
serving, although modest men, scorned
to gain honors in such a way. There
was a time when the Wardenship of the
county could be looked to as a .sort of
reward for faithful and efficient services
in oWlneotion with the Council, but that
time has now gone by. Ability, exper-
ience and industry are no longer consid-
ered qualifications for the office. The
selection seems to be regulated solely by
the political necessities of the dominant
party, combined with the aptitude of
the aspirant for scheming, canvassing
and button -holing for the position.
From our point of view we do not know
that this is greatly to be regretted. We
have long been of the "pinion, and we
have frequently expressed it, that Coun-
ty Councils have outlived their day, and
that their usefulness is gone. We know
of nothing that will bring the public to
our view so speedily as • few repetitions
of the farce which was enacted at Gode-
rich on Tuesday evening, as it is noth-
ing short of a farce, to place a inan like
Mr. F. W. Johnston at the head of a de-
liberative body such as the County
Council of Heron should be.
A ?pry EtVaeier.
Mr. KKesriek'e epp,nents in (he Ieg-
isleture have been poking fun at him for
making such asad mistake in his compi-
lations of timber limits. He Said the
Government had about 20,000 square
stiles of temtuy in timber licensee. and
that this meant 170,000,000 acres .1
lland. Mr. Pardee showed that it only
meant 121 , . Mr !Merrick is sap
weed to sepias to he the treasurer when I
the Opposition crises the matting that •
at present dirides it from the promised
land Rut he will have to do better ' t
Nan the. 1f he were to deal with dol
lars as he does with acres, he world
bankrupt the country at one fell swoop
it is jurat (wasihle that Mr Creighton
may be the first Ireaanrer when the t
change (even, and not Mr Merrick
Reit there is to herr,
A communication front Mr. Jaurpa.w,
in reference to the erection of the Mait-
land Bridge set read and referred to
Read and Bridge *nominee.
An account of Mr. Mrsont was refer-
red to Finance contniittt-e.
Moved by Hr. Cooper, seceuded ly
Mr. Castle that R4µ►d Cowuaissioncr
Maxon los instructed to cs,uuiuu the
bridge and approaches thereto, croariug
the Bayfield river between the towu-
shipe of tioderich and Stanley, known 8a ria'.
Turner's bridge, and that the Ri rte ..f lip law No. 1, 1882, a!gx,intieg Cuun-
Stanley and Goderich townships lie as ty auditor, was read aid paused.
anointed with hint in said examination Bylaw Nei. 2. appointing a Beard of
and if any improvemeuti er repairs are j Audit on criminal justice accounts, was
found nueeesary,to. have them completed • read and passed.
as early as possible in the spring. I.e- ( By-law Ni. ;3, confirming By-law No.
(cried 1.. the Road and Bridge comuuit- 31111 the township of Turuberry, for the
Moved by Mr. Eilber, seeoudad by
Dr. Buchanan, that the road commisaion-
er be instructed to inspect a bridge
known as the 11 utile mud or•esk bridge,
on the town line between Hay and
Stephen, with the view of widening the
sante, and rebuildiug at once, if neces-
sary. Referred to Road and Bridge
Moved by Mr. Kay, seconded by Mr.
Shier, that this council do now adjourn
until 3 p. m. for the purpose of allowing
the Road and Bridge committee to ql;,,i
and report. Carried.
3 o'clock p. m.
The uourctl resumed, the warden in
the chair.
Moved by Mr. Hutchison, seconded
hy Mr. Gibson, that the request of Mr.
J. R. Miller, School Inspector, brought
before the last meeting of the county
council be reconsidered- Referred to
School committee.
The report of the Road and Bridge
committee was read and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
Mr. Webster, that Mr, Girvin, road com-
missioner, be instructed to examine the
bridge on the lake Shure Roach, lot 14,
Ashfield, and have tho same repaired or
built in the spring. Referred to Road
and Bridge committee
Moved by Mr. Hannah, seconded by
Mr. Rats, that no bridge which u not at
present a county bridge bo se enlarged
by any municipality or municipalities
within the county so as to make it a
county bridge, without first notifying
and obtaining the consent of two 'of the
road commissioners- Referred to Road
and Bridge committee.
The report of Finance committee was
read and adopted.
The report of the School and Printing
committee was read.
Moved by Mr. Kaine, seconded by
Mr. Elliott, that the report be amended
by instructing the warden and clerk to
again petition the Legislature in the
terms of the resolution No. 67, passed at
last June session of the Council --Carried.
The report as amended was again sub-
mitted to the council and adopted.
The report of the Gaol and Court
House committee was read and adopted-'
The report of the Salaries committee,
recommending an increase of salary to
the County Clerk and the County High
Constable, was read and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Corbett, seconded by
Mr. Meyer, that the rebate in Public
School Inspectors' salaries, under section
110, Puhlic School Act, Revised Statutes
of Ontario, be paid over to the Public
School Boards of the respective towns of
Uoderich, Clinton, Seaf,rth and Wing
ham -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by
Mr. Gibson, that this council take into
consideration the advisability of doing
away with one of the meetings of council,
believing that the work an all bre done
at ten tneeting, and saving w large ex-
pense t.. the county.
Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by
Mr. McPherson, that this Council go in-
to coutmittec of the whole to consider
this motion --Carried.
The Council went into committee of
the whole, Mr. Meyer in the chair,when
the motion was hat on a division.
The Warden resented the chair.
Moved by Mr. Young, seconded by
Mr Allen, that a grant of 8300 be made
towards repairing the Ashfield road
through Colborne, frim Sheppardtuu tr
Dunlop's hill. Referred to Road and
Bridge oommittee.
Moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by
Mr. McMillan, that the oink .be instruct
ed to procure the Ontario Statutes fo
the present year for the respective
Reeves, Jepnt1-Roevel and clerks of
the nnunicipalities,anol that such Statutes
be the property of the respective muni-
cipalities -Carried.
Mos.ed by Mr. M,son, seconded by
Mr. Forsyth, that this ouncil do now
adjourn to meet tn-morrow morning et
8 o'clock -Carrion!.
January 28th.
The Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. The Warden in the chair. All
the members present except Mr. Rogers.
The minutes of yesterday were read
and approved
A circular from the County Council of
Elgin, in reference t.. the selection of
)urea was read.
Moved by Mr. Koine, seconded by
Mr. Strachan, that the Warden and
Clerk petition the Leal Legislature t..
abolish the second selection ..f jurors, It
bean in the opinion of this Council
sisspl useless, the members .4 that
Board nr$ having the necessary knew
ledge of the qualifications if the men
returned by the l.tcal selectors to enable
them t, intelligently revise the ales
le..o rade hy the hind selectors. When
liberty of choice should not unnecesseri-
y 1.e eireurwecnhed, this Council eon
Hien that the panels for the different
oeurta should t e hallotted directlyfrom
be lista, returned by the local seectors
A eireular from the ('sound] Cooped
•f glpiw, in reference to the Pn.vineial
Exhibition, was reed, and the action of
he Coated upon it deferred to the June
meeting of the C.uncal
A etrenlar from the ewtunetl rat Ilene
stopping up and side of an original road
allowance, was read and passed.
By-law No.4, t.. appoint road commis-
sioners to superintend the building and
rep►iriug of county bridges, was read and
:.w Ni. 5, fixing the siderite of the
members of the council and county of-
ficers, was read and paned.
Moved by Mr. Ke ly, seconded by Mr.
Strachan, that this Council do now ad-
•t,ourn to meet again on the first Tuesday
iu June next -Carried.
Barna' £salversary at Lachman.
The Lucknuw Celedonun Society
celebrated the Burns' anniversary in
that village on the evening of Wednes-
day, Jan 213th, by a ball and banquet.
The attendance was large, and as many
as sixty couple were iu the dancing hall
at the one time. Messrs. Lauchie Mac-
intyre and D. E. Cameron divided the
labors of fluor manager, and between the
f h b
• A e.alt•elill..tl
the C. M. _chin
circuit, was hell
23rd of January,
propitious, but,
clemency of the
portant truth. Mr. Thomas M ei
sets a few choice eros were sung y then palled. His theme was, "How can
Mews.Drumgile, of Lundin, the well- , the home aid the S. S. in this impott nt
known vocalist, and Mr. D. E.Came ,work l" He thought home influence !
would aid greatly by having the scholars
attend regularly ; by the preparation of
S. S. work at hums ; by pecuniary as-
sistance, and last, but not least,the pray-
ers of those at home for the blessing of
Goal to rest upon the labors of S. S. work-
ers. Mr. Joseph Washington, in "How
can the attention of the scholars be boat
secured." was well received. Ile stated -
that teachers, to interest their class,
The Reformers of t!ti . , ,ili:Ipsub avia-
ion will hold a to otic,, t , night (?relay,
in the Teiuix-rau.e flail for IOU stirs ASO
of appoittilig (lulu/Attie for the c eu..eu-
tlulo at Dungy• .ii tow'.
Burow b!ew iu the east Suet of the
driveig shed of the 1i. C. Church rein:il-
ly, and wet the tiuhereerashiugthr,ugh
three wilt low atithes of tau oo use ,.i
SAc aAitgafr, -The axcrawuut of the
Lord's supper will to diytotte,l in the
Presbyterian Church the third Sun-
St. Edens.
The tustot eting hell iu tit. Helens
Presbyterian Church, in Tuesday even-
ing last, was the Most successful one
ever held iu this villa u. Tea was ser-
ved in the hell, after which all repaired
to the Church, w!ti_a though large, fail •
al to furnish satin;-r..m for all who
were present. The chair was txttiunietl
by the pastor. Iter Jfr. ',task, in a
roost acceptable ut:toner. Exuullent ad -
drew. were delivered b, Rte. Mr. Car-
rie, Dan/union; it -v. 51r. 51.4a rrie
Win• halo; Rev. Mr. Wilkins. tielgrave;
and Rev. Mr, Leah. Dunt. The
Bethel emir, Mise HuuIphrey presiding
*Ltho organ, furnished ex•.e.leut music
which WAS much appreciated by the
audience. After the used votes of
thanks to the chis, -.parlours etc., the
Ine•tiny caw c'•oeed by pryer,
Teachers are plet.tiful in supply: Seven -
4 ty application were received by the
Guelph School Board for vacancies in
their schools; fur a vacancy in Northum-
berland county nearly one hundred ap-
pliconts, and fee eight vacancies 111 the
Alulonte Hie" and Public Schools there
wale one hundred and rorty,y one appli-
cants ! For the Orillia Scheel, seventy
replied le. the advurtisentent! The result
tiny be e:uily gitesse d at. Several
Schbod Bards are satin, down the sal-
aries ami many trued teachers feel their
positions insecure. The applicants are
chiefly yontha
run, of Lucknuw. The graceful man-
lier in which Chief MacCrimmon trip-
ped the light. fantastic, was admired by
all, for the chief is a "man of weight"
physically as well as mentally. The
number of ladies present was a feature
in the proceedings, and it was pleasing
to know that not a few exhibited the
colon of the badge of membership of the
Society. At 12 o'clock an excellent
supper was spread at Pascoe's Hotel,par- should be well :. epared. He spoke of
taken of by all present, and the usual loyal the failure of careless teachers, and re
patriotic, special and general toasts were commended object teaching and black
duly honored. Our space, however, will board exercises, the eye being a good in -
not allow us to give in detail this inter- terpreter. "The Superintendent's duty
eating portion of the entertainment. l in and out of the school," by Mr. War -
The, speakers on the occasion were mer, was next called. He considered
Chief McCrimmuu, lot Chieftain Ten- that a superintendent should be a wand
rant,• and Messrs. Malcolm Campbell, exemplary character'; a total abstainer
D. E. Cameron, Dromgole, D. McGil- I from beverages ; to he cheerful at all
lictloldy, W. K. Atkinson, and A. Mc- times, particukrly w when meeting any
charge. He should be converted
d b
an smogs were sung y of hie
Messrs. Drgom ole and Hunter. During and able to govern himself before he pinthe evening a handsome old neck -guard I
expect to govern .ethers. Love to all
and chane were presented to Mrs. Ar-' should bee peculiar characteristic. Af-
chie McDonald by the Society, in recog-'i ter Mr. Warmer had finished, a discus-
nitiin of services rendered in cunuection Ilion on the habit .f usingtobacco, arose
with the arranging of the new grouuida from the question if ttal obetinence,
by her husband. The feeling through- the library question was fairly dealt
out was of the best, and although the with. The benefits of a good•librsry
were prominently set forth. also thelarge
amount of reading matter at se little in-
dividual coat ; the influence if good
books upon the mind of the young. Our
Canals stands high in its morality, cul-
tivated by the use of proper literature.
These and ether arguments wereadvauc-
ed in favor of each school being supplied
with a good-hbrary.
The scholars were thou ;addressed by
Mr. Warmer, who Rcted aesutetitute for
Mr. Thos. Anderson, Mr. Washington
and Rer. Mr. Caswell. Mr. Warmer
spoke ally and comprehensively to the
winds of the young who were assembled.
Mr. Washington then followed with an
address on eAdreteter: after which Mr.
Caswell gave- a very interesting address
on pr. !;rr which could not (all to be im-
pressive. Mr. John- Echlin was first
called upon in the evening session. The
"3. S. Teacherk Reward" in. his mind
was aubject it' great interest.' He
spoke id different kinds nf teachers, and
their resards. This subject was hand
led differently to' tat some would have
expected. Tempera' rewards were net
spoken of, but the great and eternal re-
ward should bethe ttreat incentive to*ork.
Temporal rewardasinkitito insignificance
when cpmp'red withthe'rewardhereafter
which is awaiting every faithful worker
for the Master. A crown, a glorious
crown, set with sparkling gems, taken
from the mine of darkness, cut, polished
and refined, Sparkling forever in the
e ant this
is the greatest reward which could be
bestow td.
Rer. L O. Rice discoursed on "En-
couragement to fidelity in S. S. work."
The greatest encouragement is to know
that God will own and bless honest en-
deavors; there being thousands of
children converted through the instru-
mentality of the S. S should ale, en-
courage fidelity. Finally, success in
every dt•p•rtment of' the *berth should
greatly encourage the worker in the vine-
Myard of Ged. Mr Rice was followed by
r Caswell, with an outline of the
"Origin. history and value .•f the 8.
institution." Renning with Rob-
ert Raikes, Of Gloucester, he traced its
htst..ry down t, the present day He
!welt brieflyecgem
y on the di ursent and
oppieith.n with whueh it had met, bat
aotwithetandang, like the leaven, it bas
spread far and wide until • Sundaych
school can now he found in almost every
nhal.itel country on the face of the
earth. The valise of the 1i. 11 ran nit
be estimated, since thousands have been
eOnverted through its instrumentality.
The (*.gramme being finished, Mr War
mew who, us about to leave the community
tendered • heart, vete .,f thanks for
's efficient sterna' in coeneetio•n with
burets and F. 8 The chairman and
leer elan reeeiv.d the Chaste of theee
meeting foe their prawn. Said good
beer After which it wee imam/mealy
resolved to head another eoneenoat
toasts wcredrunk in light liquids, in re-
spect to the feelings of the ladies pre-
sent, the gathering was a most enthus-
iastic one. A north of Ireland "Scotch -
man" from Lindon contributed not a
little to the hilarity by "drinking"
tho toasts in Athol hro•e. After the
banquet, Caledonian Hall was again in-
vaded, and the mazy was gracefully
glided through almost until daylight ap-
peared. They are a -happy, whole -heart-
ed lot of bodies in Lucknuw at all times,
and we know it.
Whslesnle DeslrwHba ,f New+paper 0111.
eel-- loss ,f ore and Property.
On Tuesday menthe; a fire occurred
in New Yurk, resulting in touch los• of
life and property. It originated in a
block of buildinta bounded by Park
Row, 'Beekman, sl,ruce and Nassan sta.
In this block are the New York,Times
office and old Wort] buildings. After
t I starting the dames spread with great
rapidity, several people jumping from
windows, and others escaping by 1ad-
• den. An hour after the fire started, the
- Times and the World buildings were in
r fire. A colored w olnan employed as
caretaker in the %arid building jumped
out of a window, and is fatally injured.
Her husband is noosing. Another wo-
man got on a window ledge with her
clothes on tire, and jumped through the
flames. At noon the fire bad spread,
extending to the poet -office, the old Mail
office, and numerous other buildings.
The ofldcee entirely l,•trned out are: the
Scientific American, New York Observ-
er, Scottish American Journal, J'ettin-
gill's advertising agency, and Turf, Field
and Farm, Times, Forest and Stream,
Legge Bros. &Co., J. Walter Thomp-
son, Charles Meyers, German advertis-
ing agency; Nash h Brooks' dining
rooms, and the New York ^libber Com-
pany (the largest of the kind in the
The fire broke nut in the New York
Belting Company's building, and fire
minutes after the entire building waa in
flames. The inmates made a rush for
the stain and windows, many jumping
I to the ground One young girl jumped
from a fourth storey window, and was
instantly killed. Two men hung b/
their fingers front triode., ndow sill, lie
ladders being - too short to me s1 t
them. They were Saved by the firemen
mounting on one another's shadiest
until the men onnld drop into Sir
anns, Revers) pimple remelted the grated
safely by a burning telegraph pole A
hay jnmped on the wires, which hr,I•
his fall, and he was nit seriously hurt h
Several other narrow seeapare rerertl
ed The loss of Bees is estimated ' r
►ween 5 and le, let seta the mins be ,
Seers Sora and a swarth fa bodies tan e
he instituted, the Sias, less will not h.
keens. Th, loss is estimated ,
at over • milletsilmilletsJd1uw
diadem o t f h f hfol S. S. worker
Duegannon on or about ab. raw lima,
nett year
WrDgt r-Iu (l.elerich on Tutelar ,be 2nd
inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. K-eddup. .f a
Thompson -Cousins At the residence of the
bride's father, on Tuesday. the ]1st January.
by the Rev, J. A. Turnbull B. A., Mr. Jos-
eph Thompson. to Miss ifary, daughter of
Mr. James Cousins, all of Colborne
Elliott Smith At Hamilton. on the 24th Jan.
by the Rev. Mr. Roya, at the residence of
Mr. Goodall, uncle of the bridegroom, Mr.
James Albert VIliott, of Godertch, to Miss
Annie Hell Smith, youngest daughter of Mr.
K'illiam Smith, engineer. G. T. R., Gode
Clyrg In Detroit, Thnrstlay morning, Jan.
111th, Joseph Chester Clegg. formerly of this
tows, and Woof Cincinnati. aged SI yeah. •
- Auctioneering.
rJ . TION EER, Ooderlch, Ont. 1761.
Legal Notices.
I. N Ontario, Nu. 7. The tug or vessel "Mar)
Anna" of Ooderieb. i'ursuant to a arrant of
appralsement and tole. issued out of this
Court in this cause, 1 will offer for sale, by
public auction, at my office in the Court
Donee, (noderleh, nam TRC 11TR •1' FE-RRI -
ARr, 18(2, at 11 a. m.. the tug or setae! •Mary
.tuna," of Ooderieh, of abut 6 tons burthen,
and wow lying at the port of Godrrirh, togeth-
er with Ace easing, 't LI and apparel std
furnitilre- The oath te,. el Is ssiu ti Lpevc
been built in 11176. au,1 is in good condition and
repair. and is well adapted Ivor ux either as a
tug and for general pnrpoees In connr,•tion
with ;lie lumber bole in -e, or far • pleasure
yacht. Terms: Twenty per cent in cash and
the habitue without interest, in len days when
tall powrsston will be giten. Title perfect.
Eor particulars apply to CAMERON, HOLT
R C.tMl,Itna% itarrl,ter, (ialerich, or to the
Guderich. 2nd t'ebreary- , 1862.
&KAMM & MORTON, Ito, E T Glenn t i,
Barristers, Deputy Marshall
OMerit h. at G oderlc1624-2t,h.
Notice is hereby given that an applicat'
will be made to the Legislative Assembly of
Ontario, at the nett ncrxalon thereof for an Act
to amend the Act passed In the 10th year of
the reign of Her hiskjevty, Quern Vit 'orla.
Chapter 74, and the .let amending the said
Act; passed in the 13rd year of the reign of Iler
Majesty. Queen Victoria, chapteres, incorpor-
ating the tit, Marys, Credit Valley and Huron
Railway Company by extending the time for
the commencement and completion of maid
Railway; and by authorizing the conatructlon
WNW Rlailway to (1 4.71ell: and also to Sea -
forth and thence to some point on Lake
Ilaroq also to enable the company to compel
the submission of any by-law or by-laws that
salt be petitioned for by the required number
of freeholders In any mnnicipallty or portion
of a municipality; and oho to exempt the
Said company and all munlctpalRles rotlug
thereto from the provisions of the filth section
of an Act passed In the 12nd year of the reign
of )ler Majesty, Qneen Victoria, Chapter 11.
and of the leth section of an Act passed in the
4.4d year of the reign of Iler Majesty, Qnren
Victoria chapter27; Sion to enduge lite pow
ers of the ifreetore of the old ('ompany In
building the said road, and to enable them to
Moue mortgage bonds for that purpose, and to
enable the municipalities •Iding Said railway
to issue bonds ds or debentures baying • Integer
period than R years to run, and providing for
the payment thereof either by instalments, or
by way of a sinking fund.
Dated at tet Marys, this 30th day of Novem-
ber. A. U. 1611.
tale. - Solicitors for Applicant
1 l Stable, with residence adjoining, in dile
Town of Goderith. 1'nder and by virtue of
the power of sale contained in a Mo
made by William Stotts to the Vendor, which
will beroduced at the time of sale, there will
be wild by public auction, at Currie's A action
Mart, in the town ofOodertch,onSATO RSAS
A. S, leas. at twelve n'ek,ek anon. all and
siftwlar. that certain p reel or tract of land
std premiere situate,yl ing and twins In the
Town of (lokrieb, in the (county of Heron.
mid beim composed of lout number Iwo hen
deed and nineteen (dirt running numbers in
the ssM Town cif Goderk•h, containing •
quarter a sn sere more or pethe the pro -
are erected a • commodious one-anda
hall story tram. dwelling hones with wood
shed. t'c., attached. a larpe and eolnandfotes
pRaMewttd th box another stalls. tor shoal Rt
Manan extenalre drill house with
mem roots, kr., 4e. There 1e also •
Ossol well of water in the driving Loewe A n
elteeltive livery business bail been carried on
M the premises for Nene years past, the
stable, driving home 4e having ten built
and fitted up reprAiel for that porpoise. and
they srss the facilities for naming on the
Ohne ow an extensive seals. The properly) h
ensoly "Hunted on one of the pria.L
tV.square, •nel comprises on• of tt • ma
o In the town, about eve reds from
atawde In ale County of Horne. The vendor
re strew to himself the righ_l of ons bidding In
r'oepert of the premises. ' R119• Ten per
cent M the purchase meas on teal y d ssM:
the balance on easy terms wbleb M be nasb,
lowers at lb* ate of sale twutueiIdLte /s►
essa4ns and einem MY gives. lowersirPOW
parolees', • apply to the ■
dna sten I n , 0eder4ela
J. l•. 1•r-wterw.
A set Moises
(4•ae,ieb January leg. Isar law