The Huron Signal, 1882-02-03, Page 3t THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEB. 3, 1882. 3 _.>.ass. Tun Bila Fancy. A 4starn •litor in response to a subscriber who grumbles that his morn- s palter was intolerably droop, says "that is because there is so much due on it." An Ir•iabman, who weut to a church where the people rams iii late, said it is "the fashion there for nobody to p till everybody has g.4 there. Never set yourself up fur musician just because you have got * dram in your ear; nor believe you are cut out for s teacher merely because you lure a pupil in your eye. '•$Turn —"I oncea selio tdm dog, which could alwa distinguish be. tween a vagabond and a respectable per- son." Jones —"•Well, what became of him r Smith —"Oh ! I was obliged to give him away. He bit me." Synonyms fur "Births, Deeds, and Marriages" continue to be multiplied by Transatlantic journals. One paper styles them "Babies, Brides, and bai- lee:" another adopts "The; Cradle, the Dungeon. and the Tumb;" a third "Buds, Orange Blossom, and Cyprus;" but "Hatched, Matched. and D spatoh- ed" still carry off the palm: NYt a Mesa Cigar Will Oa. The moral Influence of a cigar is great- er than that of the finest speech deliver- ed since the days of the Roman Republic. No turn should set out ou a journey without providing himself with at least fitty cheap cigars. Those which can be bought for two cents a r:h.are as goal as those mold for s dime, and thegift of one is rewarded with just the same courtesy. You are in a hurry to change trains and re -Check baltga:e. The check-tuan doesn't caro two cent :whether you are left or not; and the chancus are that you would be left hut for the cigar. Edge up to hits, drip the cigar into his finger and oke him to re -check your baggage to Indianapolis and you are fixed in six seconds. Henn later when he comes to sit down for a smoke, he may remember your phiz and bless it bat you , are tar away. The braiesnan on a passenger train stadiums gruffness. You can't offer him mosey nor ask him oat to takes glass of beer, but if you want to know exactly how long you have to bait at Hanover_ junction and how long it takes you to run from there to Washington, jest ten- der him a two Dent cigar. His granite countenance will instantly 'melt and run all over hu fans, and he will feel him- self bound not may to answer all. nurser- ies, but to tell you bow to we re two shil- linge in gettiag your supper at Question. Ticket atgettts in depots bre stare - typed sets of answers, and it almost breaks their neck to have a an Dome along and ask something, new. The - ci- gar dodge works beautifully on them. Approach them with a smile, extend the weed, and observe. "Say, old fellow, when do I leave here to make close counection with the Erie: at Elmira 1" Out comes his time tables and railway,. guides, and bell not only fix you to a second, but gi.e you the population of every station on the road. A two cent cigar will stop ani citizen of any city and make him feel happy t . a:)aa'er a down questions. It will direct you to the best hotel, paint out the hest sights, make streetcar conductors talk, give you the best sest in the .omnibus, and ac- complish all that gold or silver could do. No man should travel without them, especially for travelers. Ono brand should contain old rope, -rags and scraps of leather and be mold for a cent. This brand would he for officials who are really good at heart. and whose sudden removal from earth would thing sorrow to large families. The othsr brand should have a torpedo in the centre, warranted to blow out six ,teeth and • drive the end of the noise up at au anile of forty-fiveidegrues. These could pro- bably be• sold for a cent and a half, apiece,and would he given out whenever it was necessary to teach an official that civility toward travelers benefits a road far more than the bursting of three trunks. The beggagemen in the Union depot is waiting for just such a cig*r and its moral lesson. Yfaalllep. Foam Bots.—Mr. E. Ryan has sold his fifty acre farm on the 14th Dun. of MCKill to Mr. John McKinnon, a near ne blur, for the sum of 112,500. Mr. R intends removing to Dakota in the spring. Paasoiuz„—Mr. Hardy, the\ esteemed teacher in Sec. Ne. 4, has beef incapa- citated for attending to his professional duties fur about two months. On Tues- day of lad week he underwent a very painful surgical operotiun and had • tumor removed from his person. The opentioa was skilfully anti. successfully performed by Dr. Stewart. of Brucefield, ssuted by Doctors Scott and Duncan, of Seafurth. Mr. Hartley s many friends will be pleased to learn that he is recut'- erie'g and although dill confined to bed, the went is now over. His place in the school is 6Ued by Mr. Henderson. In the United States Senate a bill hes been introduced propoaing to give Mrs. Garfield a pension of $5,000 per year. Ihyspepela as/ [taloa. Gentlemen:—For more than thirty years I have been s great sufferer from dyspepsia and piles. I have been fre- quently under medical treatment, and have tried various preparations whish have been recommended to me, but " re- ceived no permanent relief. In January last I commenced taking the Peat:ro ux SYRUP, and after taking three bottles of it I became perfectly cured of the dys- repsia and piles; and toy -general health is now all that I can desire it to be. Mnrow DAGGLT, No. 12 Rsex street, B.*tor. Mr. Daggett has ,been for many years a'well-krown and highly respected mem- her of the Bromf eld Street Methodist Episcopal Church in this city, and an active member of the official board of that church. L R. Titania, Pastor of the Church. Sold by all druggists. A good preventative fur Fevers, Ague and Bilious Disorders is Dr. Canon's Stomach and Constipation Bitten a strictly vegetable preparation. They tone the system, purify the Blood and increase the appetite, and render those taking them almost proof against dis- ease. Should be used in every case in- stead of pills. George Rhynas, agent for Goderich. WEST HURON. Organization Meeting at Dungan- non. , A meeting of the West Huron Re- form Association will be held in Mar- in' s Hall, Dung ado.i, on Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1889„ at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purples of organising for the ooasiac lection. The meeting will be addressed by M. C. Cameron, Eeq.,M:P.,•CoL Ross,M.P P., and other prominent Reformers. TO OIYR 9IB$CRIBBRS. -The address -label on the first page will show each stibacriber the state of his account with Tel. SIGNAL, and (it may be hinted) that this is an ap- propriate -season fur makinv sn al- teration in the figures. There are, other figures in our books, also, which might very appropriate- - ly be ad j,,ated before the end of this month. "( owe no mall anythieg," has been wise- ly enjoined upon all, and this in- junction is especially binding upon all who do business with newspaper men. A word to the wise is sufficient, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops are an eicellent Expectorant, loosing the phlegm far more readily than any other preparation. For Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis, Tickling in the'fhmat and Sore- ness and Tightness of the Chest, they have no equal. In large bottles at 50 cents, Geo. Rhynas, agent. No eralonftsa waatAnvr Goa be given for the merits of a cough medicine than we offer. We say to all who wish to use ALtse'e Lrro BAsaM, that unless it gives entire satisfaction they mayre- turn the bottle to us after they ve used it 48 boon, and the money will be cheerfully retunded. This same war- , ranty has been offered from the day we offend the BAUM'S first fur sale, and we have reeeived nothiag but praise in its it favor from those wbo have used it. $fusser sof Leestlle .asytmir• Show that nine -tenths of their patients ! are brought to their condition by abases of the geaerativeerganL A grata Baia and Nerve food, known as Mack's Mag- neetio Medieine,is sold by our dragguts. and crones highly rebommsndd u an unfailing cure in all thews diseases. See the advertisement in another solemn. Sold in Ooderieh by Jas. Wilson. dreg- • gist.--Dfa Never sweet a Cough or Cold as they ars very apt to lead to serine• Long mashies. Dr. Canon's Pulmonary Co pb Drops have a wonderful erect in relieving and curing Coughs Colds and all •Nsetations of the Throat and Longa As Dr Carson is a well known Canadian physician of over 23 years weosdul Qractice, then is little wonder that hi* Remdi11 are lo poor with the Ca.. Wilts pnple G I• Rhroaa • .gest for Gide HOLMAN'S pA73B Operate Through the Nerve Forces and ist Ir, ,t. the Circulation. Nolman's Ague, Lover S. Stomach irrosbbii.'s. rises. $2. Ague snot atimeaso Sol a" $p.v1 l '▪ ad. Adapted to Neiman',l~«t�t'� bors maga '4tsrsileamingLira, and enana.a trost.w. ay .go„ N SO's�t�1' ntns' is .R•rsfranr f infants at Ov Ntae,11►;;;,t r"' "r"�' 11 Vise. NcerktrferuNwe4is ec_Kldney Pad. • Nei/ lane Postoralssss.Od For affections use hn ie + Law* - 5V lot 1 N rn n'11 Abserpttv�faid at�e on • '181sbrk,.ew basis 'Alao.� Neicnan's AbsorPoe.tive Medlelnal P lot Pin01,4ta rS. s Cold Pe. ne tsi4Ss Irv* .Wst,..n. (Par pair) goo. Absorption ealt� S� s.?erapahmraas�ssa_sso witt esca lent f•»+t bath (par Ili pastaRt The MR &ALIB��! ALL eiii, en r $IV T$, Tbs AAS10Or IPI1011 PAA LI' le not "rostral"• MO seen M Mot b,y tzpeaM st redoes" AIDASOB. rands b sell A Danis* l as ee�lrs l the ,epetetbn ret it.s pmiaii. Ow last wok Pad bore the pt t Dt R nose Illtsoe4 wise shove Tv lust prtnrd In gram. [fill trate wet free os s,.peeattom AJlrsas. ,LMA* PAD CO. P• �Q BTU= WTST. TORR TO. PERFU MERY YnrItsh, French and Canadian make. SHAVING MUGS. TOILET SETIS. Tooth and Nail Brushes rt=ent n Vases CALL AADPRisCTE RG. OODS. J. WILSON CHRISTMAS GOODS KNOCK'S JUST RECEIVED 1ROE STOCK OF TOYS ND FANC Y GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. FULL LiNES IN MILLINERY. SEE MY STOCK BEFORE BUYING YOUR HOLIDAY GIFTS. MRS. WARNOCK, Hamilton-st Cord. Wood Wanted 1500 CORDS OF WOOD. Dtiivered at the RailwayStation, for which the highest cash price wil be paid. JAS. A. McINTO(S�H, Nov. it. 11181. 1811 rich ENTERS 7flfl RANTED. Lyon and Osceola. Counties in Northwest Iowa, are conceded to be the most beautiful and fertile in the State. This sum- mer we have opened upwards of 300 new farms, sinking a well, building a oonvenient house and roomy barn, and breaking from 60 to 100 acres on each farm. These farina are to let on terms that no industrious man can fail to make profitable. Immediate possession given. We will, if need- ed, furnish seed for next year's Drop. We will also furnish break- ing to be done, for which we will lay the regular prices. Tenants not having teams enoughto break with, will be supplied with a horse or horses for that purpose, at mar- ket price, and.the pay taken in breaking. These farms are all sit- uated within a fow miles of the railroad. Apply personally or by letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO., Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, ()LAS- • GO W. SHORTEST SEA ROUTE. Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Ticket. LOWS$T RATS*. Steerage Paseenrs are booked to London. Cardin Bristol. teenstown. Derry, Belfast. Galway and Ulareow, at same rates as to Liverpool WINTER ARRA NGEMEZ. T. SAILING EVERY ALTERNATE WEEK FROM PORTLAND AND FROM BOS- TON, CALLiNO AT HALIFAX. POLYNESIAN, FROM BOSTON, JANUARY lath. CALLING AT HALIFAX. JAN. 21st. SARDINIAN, FROM PORTLAND, J A N.leth, CALLING AT HALIFAX. JAN. 48th. PARISIAN OM BOSTON, FEBRUARY Ind. CALLING AT HALIFAX, FEB. (th. PERtTVIAN. FROM PORTLAND. FEB.CALLING AT MORAVIAN, FROMI BOSTON. FEB. 16th ('ALLING AT HALIFAX. FEB. ISM. For tickets and every information apply to it. ARMSTRONG. Agent. Montreal Telegraph Once Goderich. 1781 -km. MIR 4 SIASON'S TRIAL. JAMES HEALE'S Condensed Fire Kindlers are the best inuse doing away with cosi oil or aMvlags Nor* kindler will born serest adnutae. lost( wino to ignite hard wood. They are made from the Met white reels and will net soil ladies hands. Meld at TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. Ne differenee in prloe$ar quality. V) nnt�0 17 eMst Mahoete* elegy "wit �► co A [sesta. *" �I�w James Neale. Maker and seller, Goderich. SALLOWS Tux MONTREAL Bt. GODERICH1 PHOTOGRA PHE , BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSO�- IES, BEST CUSTOMERS BEST PICTURES, BEST bATIS- FACTION. BEST EVERY THING W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich (LATE PIPER'S.) Beg to returnberal theirthanks to the public for year sed to stage et a tared during epparred t ado QRI8TINC ' on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at a distance will exchange grist' at their town stn (Late W. M. Ililliani's,) Masonic block, East 8t. Goderich. pi -Highest price paid for wheat -Mt AGENTS Wanted'Big Pay. Llgb Work. Constant cmploymen for Capital required. JAME. LEE dt Co. Mo treat. Quebec. 1784 t MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO. A permanent, sure cure for Diseases, Dis- orders and Ailments of the Kidneys. Bladder and Secretive tivinlltCoaptalnteoaus1gPaiSystem. 8aof Sides. eta, U Dlsorden, Gravel, Catarrh of the Bladder aad passages; Blights' Disease, Diabetes; Dropsy. Pile:, Nervous Debility. etc., etc. Pam�yyyyhlets and testimonials caa be obtained from ens hit lyra Psttcae hlld's Pad, $1.30 (cures Hod-wet- hp)eolaltor Chronic D$.00. xR Sole Agent, Goderich. W. T. Bray, W t■iba John 8. Tesoint, ]i- D- Luosaow. De Witt Mann. M. D., Kincardine. Watts d!Co. Minton. J. 8. Roberts, 8enf0rtb. G. H. Henson, BayflekL 8. 4. Hodge, Mit The Central Drug Wore, Exeter. H. R. Jaekaon i(ensall. Mrs. John 11olntosh. Brucetleld. Lawreson & Hamilton, Blyth. 1818. UNCLE TOM.' JOHN PASMORE, .e.RAMO LAUDS AM o•eiaen en Northern Pacific R. R. es MINNESOTA. DAKOTA. Aro MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 tow Pons. Wan Taft. Rxean roe isfeevi- creaser . Iraotloto Paws AND ,nesse► TO DIITILM1L trees rt&a n,reauurtew renews R. M. NE*.Oarr. Own. tens air, .aawtiNolo e.sa Or PAUL. WWI Manufacturer of Waggons, Crr!aes, Rte.. Etc.. VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar. gent for the Celvbrat -d SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH Cad Agrlepltural Implements. Iso. agent forlthe Queen's Fire & Life Ins. Co. This Is one of the best Companies in exist- encebeing prompt tad reliable. Information famished cheerfully on appllcatioa- 7>! (m .NMS PA*MeaI. GODERICH. BOILER WORKS. Medical I3a11, Ci-oca.ericla. P. JORDAN', Chemist and Draw Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs Chemcals, Paints, Oi1t. Dye Stultk. Artlat Colors- Patent MIMIC Patent Medicines. Hse and t,atale Medicines. Perfumery Toilet Articles. &C. iTPhystotass' Prescriptions carefully dispensed:11M BOT'11'JM PRICESI IlsTErdal, Glisstre &Romig, OONSISTINQ- OF NEW DINNER SETTS,NEW TOILET SETTS, NEW DESSERT SETTS, NEW CHLNA SETTS, NEW GRANITE SETTS, NEW GLASSWARE, IN LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. NEW SUGARS, NEW RAISINS, NEW CUR- RANTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT, NEW CANNED FISH, NEW CANNED BEEF, NEW CANNED TONGUE, NUTS, FIGS, &c., JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, BACON, HAMS, SAUSAGE, VEGETABLES, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. HERBY CLIMAX KING OF FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. Teas Wholesale and Retail, at Gl. JEN.Ci0 311-at3CIPs Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boles, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents fir Tes.heri and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stook is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and 'Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries—Merschaunt Pipes and Cigar Holden and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Wesuarv's Illyntn Books, Psalm Books, Sc. , &c. —Subscriptions taken for all the best $Nouse, ScoTce, ' IRJd13, AstsaicAN and CANADIAN Papers and cgazines at Publishers lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High and odel School Students) All will be sold cheap, and Patrnne suited. I base a choice and large selection of • Chrystal Blaci. + s THE BSER HWN, Christmas and New Year s:Cards ! ANI. .ENP.TAt'CPEVT'bAN SHVEOR, At BUTLER'S. Don'.nion r . + ,.1 . 1 fticr 1-6: 1300TS AND SHOES. DOWNING-. I have great pleasure itt ; uuouncing to my cust.,mers and the public at large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the nine. I have been especially careful to purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. TO KILL MEN and SALT WELL MIN New BOILSRs mad 1 . T PNM ,tssaho- twseO en absents wawa Yoii will Fiii N[y' Prices Loi'ei* lhdii. ll��' Low ', As I buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trade in the Town, I can sell st closer prices than those who It,. a smaller business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to Y1 Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Y kids et Itepairise esesa/d radar the ttermsal supervision of die P-eprbtMn wire Area • Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103 17., Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. I have on hand several cased) of the celebrated "K. &. B." Ling Boots, which have given such irra..mez.Se Satisfactiora. I In the last. ()n ORDERED WORK We are still abreast of the times, and having a largo staff of first -crass mechanics, I ata prepared to manufacture anything in my line to, at the +hortest notice, in first -chis style, and of the very best. material. In conclusion. i heq to return my sincere thanks t•o my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and red assured I shall d.• my utmost to deserve a continuance of the sante. Yours respectfully-, Cor. Eas Street ant time Square.Gnder Telt. E DOWNING. GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS Oi EVERS DESCRIPTION, TealrsVZOMit " =t11, pR •.rewof TH>t HURON STONALI North Street, 0e deaicb