HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-02-03, Page 1T TOURTU YEAR. a NUMBER 1894. new .edvsrtlse.aeets. >! urs . ns -J. L. Morton. House for ale --F. H. Hick. Allan Line-11.Armstrong. Liver. Pad -Holmen Pad Co. Patent Medicines -J. Wilma. Embroideries -Colborne Bros. Clean+ ng Fluid -Mrs. Warnock. Mar t n c Court -Robert Gibbon. Ayer's MareaparUla-Dr. J. C. Ara & Co. Strayeb Animals. CAME ESTRAY. -CAME ON TRE premises of the subscriber, lot no. 15, Loki' Range, Ashfield. on the 10th of Nov.. • red 1 eller. coming two year old. The owner ie requested to prove property, pay expenses and take hersway. MONISM( Aswan. 1193. IAMB ON THE PREMISES OF THE lJ hubscriber, about the beginning of De- erinber, two black ewe lambs. The owner Is reyurated to prove property. pay expenses anal take them •way. MATYiw ToLST, lot 11, !axe whore road, west Colborne, Dunlop P. O. 1 i LAME ESTRAY. -IN OODERICH V about Deoember, an old brown mare. with a white star in her forehead. The owaer is requested toprove property, pay expanses. an beraway. PATRICK DAvts, near the rail- way bridge. Ooderieh. 1601.41, Meat Estate. A FARM TO REITT.-d 000D farm to rent One hundred series et cleared land, tree of stumps and Ina arse ohne ante of cultivation. About OD acres la gran and about fifteen acres plowed. well wsuared and with good buildings. Next farm to,tbs Kintall dock. For further particulars ajeply to Al !MIAgl. DALTON, Klnratl poet office. 11'lp lis. LiARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - The tarns nompr se. lot E1,, con. 1. Gude- rich township, 0 mils from Goderich on Bay - deli' Road, contains 111 sores, about 100 acres cleared. On tbo farm are • Rams own 751211. a frame house Wsost newt WAIL, and other smaller also • young_orchard of IM tint -elms fruit kanlspag to 0rs The soil Is of tc s geality. 0 scan a tali wheat are sown and about 40 acres plowed. to orvsr. GORDO hitcher apply oar obs =am FOR SALE CHEAP.-THATI VERY desirable brick home, on East 8t., with one dghth of an ase of lead. T1s Mme ooa- ta1La 3 hod rocas, parlour. dta/sg mons, kitchen, woodshed and all asoessary osnveal- meet. No reasonable e r will be stand. Rowse', dein rax. 1813 1.1ARM FOR BALE AT LEEBURN.- 1-' Lot No. 5, Lake Shoe* Road. Township of Coll arse, tsar sits from Ooderich, comets - lag 100 acres; 00 of wbleb are cleared and an - der a good state of cultivation. It is well fenc- ed and usderdralned. kavi.g two dwelling Nausea, • bark, an orchard. etahM., workshop. driving she!, and other outbuildings. For pAC`S q 1j MORTON, blithers P. 0. Sept. 15.-41 slats m the premises, or to HOR- HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 70. owner of Victoria and East strata, In the tows of Goderich. tor sale cheap. or will be .tcbaaged for farm property. Forppaartloulan yypp117 to Jas. ssut.t, Architect, office Crabb's Hiock, or J. C. Omani. auctioneer. Loans anb insurance. She Peoples (Column. -w HOUSE ANI) LOT FUR SALE OR rent on Bruck Street. Goderich. The house is • brick cottage eontalnlns seven rooms bolder halt pastry and woodshed; 1t is well-built. dry and oomtortable. There 1s ono third of an acre In the lot and on 1t is • choice assortment of fruit. A good cistern and s first class well of hard water and pump, are also In connection. As the owner U going to the northwest this spring,the place will be disposed of at • bargain. anic ul•rs gives on application to the owner, Ir. S. H1CK, cm the premises. 181141m. BLACKSMITH SHOP TO RENT. - 1) The premises are 311xt4 with wood shop attached, and aro situated on the Lake Shore 'toad. Ashfield, halt a mile from Ktn .Ertde and one and a ball miles from KtataIC A fort class opening V hero offered for • general blacksmith. Delicate health is the sole reason for the owner giving up ',esteem. Terms reasonable. Yor further particulars apply to PaTtucK HooAe. Kiag,brldge, P. O. 1lHLsm. WOOD WANTED. - TENDERS will is received for the delivery of 00 cords of green wood - beech and maple.- tree from limbs and back logs. at the Godarich Public Schools- Tenders to be for sot les than 10 cords, and to be delivered on or beton July la, 1881 Tenders will be re- oeived until Feb. 0th Cogs, by W. MrroH•LL, Sooty. B. S. T. 1801-4t. HOUSE TO RENT. -A FRAME house, on Palmerston street, Ine$r the Bayfield road) contalnlag dr rooms besides pantrim, and two-fifl.hs of an acre of land. (food orches and good stabling. Fur particu- lars apply to E. It. Wsraox, painter. 1810-u RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, ho l.Hls and Accident Insurance Agent Regresssting Int -class Companies. Alsoageat for to Canaria Lava Srocs IwsdtANCN Co. b lead Os Mortgags, either is Tows or Tarn r..tr. t• say way to snit tis borrow- er. Oris*-Iwt►ess4et Rays block. Oedsrtob, MONEY. -PRTVATE FUNDS TO lend on eaA) oirms in sums to suit bor- rowers. ALMS. Moll ALLAN. Goderich. Nov. Ilth 1313-1m. ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO Kok. 1750. TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to II. L. afi0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND qv on good Farm or first-ciam Town Property at 8 per cent. A Dell to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to snit borrowers at 6 to Ile per cent. Private funds. Apply to Saatorat aad Monroe, GodarIch. MONEY +0 LEND. --A LARGE 1-91. amount of Private Funds for invest:neat at lowest rotas on first-oloss Mortgages. Apply Legal. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 3, !882. NEWS ABOUT HOME. ! shiers among ye. (akin' notes, An' faith ke'U prent s LEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, /Stormy*, Solicitors in Chancery &c. Offs* la the Court House. Goderich. Isar Lewis. If A.. HC.L. E. N. Lrwis. 1800. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R METERS. Attorneys, solicitors, etc Ooderich. J. T. Gamow, W. Proudfoot. 1751 B, L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor an Chancery. &c.., Goderich. Ont 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TSRB, etc., Otc., Goderich and Wtagham C. Seager, Jr.. Oodsrich. J. A. Morton, W1ng- hem. 1731. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND Solicitor. 05O-- oeCorner of Wort Street and Market Square, over Gorge Acheson's, Goderich. 1751. EAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . CLAW. Solicitor in Chancery Convey- ancer, &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore. Goderich, Ont. Any amount of mono to loan at lowest rates of interest 17317. ('CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, V Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, tc., Goderioh and Wtngtam. M. C. Cameron, Q. C.; P. Holt, M. O. Cameron, Ooderich. W. k. Macara. Windham. 1:31. OANS FREE OF CHARGE. - 1 Money to Mid at lowest rates, tree ad n ay oasts or charims. IMAGER MORTON. 113rd March Mi. 1770. PER CENf. -THE CataraDA If Loaded Credit Company is pre to land money on good Farm security. six per omit. partloulars SWIM epos &Oa= to HUGH HAMILTON. C. I.. ageat. 17116. a90,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LIND all, cm Perm mad Town Property at towns. in- terest. Mortgagee purchased. ao STON. Barristers, ha. UT KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- T • BER and Hair -dressier, begs to return thanks to the public for past patronage, and silica., a continuance of custom. He oan always be found at his Shaving Parlor, near the Pam 011os Godoriali. 1763 Miscellaneous Carbs. TAMES SIMIAILL, ARCHITECT, ttc. lb. Carpenter's' and maSon's work rich. Piaui and s Ukstions drawn comtrt- measured and v noel VI • IAN. SURGEON, &n.. Genius, of Ur- sa.* Velversity. Lieeatiate of the Royal M. C 6.. Ontario. Nies sad reelleas• nit MeLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- L, GROH. Cermet le. Mame sed reelidsme se neve soessid aese west of Tleberie rineseL 1766. samehe at the Soak. 176111-y. n118. SHANNON & HAMILTON, nese Br. reeldeace. sear the Wgilas 011ieseerkese, Inlet Street Wilson Weir el Meetelel, mit tea 1,11 AIL SHERIFF'S MALI OF LANDS. Liocorre or Roam, t By virtue of a Writ of of Her Majesty's court or Qapes's Bench, and to Me directed walnut the Loads and Tone meats of EDWARD MARLTON, at the suit of FRANCIS 8111 BETH, 1 have seised and taken In Execution, MI the right, title and intsres and Equity of Redemption of the taboo e named defeadant in lied to the following property : - Situate. lying mid being in the Town of Goode - nob. la Om Conoty of Huron, kaown as tho illiallamor Hotel property, parti described as follows • Commencing •t a nt on the North limit of West street. point being dos west ans hundred and fifteen tad one hall tost (IMO from ths Booth Fast angle of Lot assaber dye 04 la Goderich Aim reserve, theme tosteriy akag the Nonfarm limit of West Maoist oft* hundred rued Mos sad one ball fest tilbg to the lisedb Zast angle of the mad Lot number Ivy Pk theses dee Neigh two Measles. MOM se Ism to the North Sulam& of that Lot, themes dee Beet tsrenq etate and a halt hake. OW Wire er beast to 1110 8"th W" of Lot twenty sae la the °odor's\ theses due North aloes the Mustoes MI, and elOtoes in the amber - tuts A Moro or is the arta eagle et am ON gagmen. sed re 00 Maim. seventy aye Ilaks. Mere IR IOW le point One hasdrod sad them no tem tram the eseers Ime of the Moot of the Gran/ Truak EadDray. where • pest ban bees piloted the mat dislisacio of one Abesdred and three flal feet. befog inarastred at rigid eagles to the snit centre Tine. these. tear handfed aad opmesty two WE tem. *Ay from the ?forth Westerly limit of Goderiob Oneellime to Me corporation of that Town of Ooderinh se aforesaid. Thence south sasiorly along the said eastargy beendarl 01 frelierty mid parallel to the ary of the Wieder property mowne=rood god seventy six (170 feet more or less to the eseitro gif s locust tree on the top of the beak. Thanoe moth forty ane and • half ttip west seal aims the asst limit of thdo= town prepoft. and ebt 111411 feet. flews south thirty oorell de- grees. rant KW Wee. the said easterly mit of the maid town propeety. two hundred an4 sixty Mel feet So Llis piane of beglesiag. the said property shove deariribed, elesprielsig Iota u oullscceA term Am to t welve inclusive. of the shall offcr tor MM. et ay Mine In the Court Howie, hi the Taw* 4 Goderioh. oot Thursday the twentieth day of April Nook at less Door of It of the clot*, noon. ROBERT OIR110/11A, !Oberlin Me., einderich tummy tai9 .111P Tom TOMOS. V•IAINTINOo. Jest beautiful and Just com.- oel- A miry largo stock -At all prices. G. C. Robertson. Variety Store. Kant Street. If 7 th- want to got say arle be sure to get the baa sad ti you can also get the toot cheap, no much the better. The bestand most artistic dodges in photos can always be had u R. Sallow., and the Ogitres cannot be beaten Is Huron county. Ail bands .at Saunder's Variety Store are bossy tsk!ag stock. but customer. will get the best &Mottos to the(. wants. AU goods are baing put down to lowed liressgg rates. Stoves. Tinware and fancy goody Picture training. cb.apsot in town. "Tbe cheapest house un- der the sun." Mr. John Detlor is in town. Carnival at the rink next Tuesday. Mayor Horton will shortly visit Win- nipeg. Mr. Wm. Swanson, an old Goderich boy, is seeing the "old folks at home." The Misses Sara Dark and Martha Le- gan, have taken it holiday trip to Clin- ton. Mr. Joseph Edward took possession of his new butcher shop, in the Albion Block, on Monday. Mr. F. Jordan has had another attack of North-west fever, and will set his rue westward next week. Mr. James Doyle, expressman, has taken • holiday tnp, to visit friends in Detroit and Saginaw,. We understand that the Government has accepted the tender of Mr. Georg. Graham for repairing the harbor works. We are pleased to announce the visit of Mrs. Troy Savage, of Buffalo, to her parents, Capt. and Mn. A. M. MacGre- gor. Send Tex Sweat to absent friends. It will come to them a weekly reminder of your regard, and will keep them post- ed on the news of the old town and county. We, were pleased to see Mr. Henry MacDermott, Master in Chancery, about town on Wednesday. He has been con- fined to the house for some time from ill health. Persons willing to accommodate dele- gates to the Sunday School convention will do the managers s favor by sending their namse to the local secretary, T. Mc- Gillicuddy. OUT or Samson. - Dealers in gains will do well to retnember that they are liable to a heavy tine if they now offer it for sale. The close season began un the 1st of .January, and the time for selling on the 20th. At the mase meeting of children on Thursday afternoon next, Mr. B. Arm- strong will conduct the singing. 'He has been indefatigable in getting them to practice the hymns, and the singing of the children will be one of the features of the convention. Mr. Thos. W. Smithson, formerly of this county, has removed the office of tho Weekly Telegram from Otisville, Mich., to Otter lake, in the same State. The Telegram is a right smart paper, and de- serves to be well patronized by the deni- zens of Otter Lake district. A social will be held in the Tempe,- Hall, emperHall, North st. this (Friday) evening under the auspices of the Sons of Tem- perance. Tea will be served from 6.30 to 8 o'clock. Singing and speaking will afterward he indulged in. A go rd time is expected. Admission 15c. The County Sunday School C eaven- tion, which will be held here on Wed- nesday and Thursday next, will be very largely attended by visitors from outaide points. it is hoped that the friends of the cause in Goderich will freelyextend their hospitality to the visiting friends. Miss Hutchison and Miss Macara left on Tuesday noon for the east. bliss Hutchison will spend the remainder of the winter in Montreal, and Miss Macara will visit friends in Guelph and Quebec. Both of these young ladies will be missed during the season by a large Dirge of friends in Ooderich. Mr. Thomas Morrie, jeweler, ofCrooks- ton, Minn., is visiting his mother and sisters. Tom. is an alderman in his adopted city, and likes his western home. During his abseooe his business is con- docted by his brother, Duncan Morris, and W Wham, who went to Minnesota a number of months ago. Wrinnts•` We take much pleasure an announeine in another column, the marriage of Mr. James A Elliott and Miss Annie BeU Smith, both well ..d favorably known in town Miss Smith's talent as a vocalist, was always highly appreciated n Goderieh. ad her as an amateur mimes always won applies*. Mr. Samuel Platt created quite • sen- sation in the Rowan Hoose, during his last vast to Toronto Having a seven attack of itsuralga, hie called upon a den- tist, whom services he thought would be the beet care During the night he awake and Mand that he bast been bleed- ing profusely ; bit fortunately nbtaining assistance in time serious oon.egaenees •sr. averted. The annual meeting of Knox church congregatw'n was held on W.dneeiday evening, and was largely attended. The Treasurer's statement showed • balance of $2 43 in favor of the receipts of the year over the etpenditures. The re- tiring managers wan r►-*1*etsi. Cakes and ontli ., epecelme and a reading. were also on the evenings pregrIseatt, • eel- leelinn was taken op ameenting to $30. 40. A motion to change the hear e+f livening aereiee frons a 20 to 7 n'alrteh was defeated MOOILLICUDDY BROS. Pon (Aeras I 31.50 A YEAR IN •DVANCL. PAtsrD.-We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. A. Walker, who was up for examination before the Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy, was successful in tak- ing fourth place in the twenty -tire who Caout of the fifty applicants. Mr.Carer is the son of Mr. R. Walker of this town, and has been a student with Mr. F. Jordan. druggist, for the past four years. He deserves the con- gratulations of his frieiads for the high position he took in the class The G. T. R intend running special excursion trains to the North West dur- ing the coming season. The agents at Goderich are Messrs. J. L. Morton and Harry Armstrong, from whom full parti- cuter* can'be obtained. Rev. W. F. Campbell, M.A., Miasion- ary Secretary nt the Diocese of Huron, will (D. V.) preach the annual mis- sionary sermousafn St. Stephen's, Stir- ling., St. John's Hol nervi le, and St. James, Garfield, on Sunday next, 5th inst. SOMITgl No New. -By reference to our advertising columns this week, it will be .eon that Mrs. E. Warnock has added e new feature to her extensive millinery es- tablishment. It is something that will clean everything you have in your house, and your houset too, if need be. Some idea of its wonderful cleansing power can be had by calling on Mrs. Warnock, Hamilton street. Advices from British Columbia an- nounce the death in December, 1881, of Mr. William Lowe, formerly of this town, being for a number of years clerk in the Sheriffs Office. It will be re- membered that he met with a serious ac- cident at Clinton station, having to suf- fer the loss of his hands. He married Miss Clara Simpson, of this town, whom he leaves with four children to deplore the loss of a kind husband and father. A lad named Herbert, aged 14 year, son of Mr. John Savage, mate of the steamer Manitoba, formerly of Goderich, was drowned in the bay at Sarnia, on the 28th ult. He was skating and ran into a hole where the ice had been cut out. Before help could reach him he sank. The body was soon after recover- ed, but all efforts to restore life were un- availing. Capt. Rhyne* and Mr. George Rhynaa, uncles of the deceased, -attend- ed the funeral at Sarnia Pause NON Tis BRAT FALUN. - The Ontario Agricultural and Arta Attsocis- tion, our readers are aware, hive for some years offered prizes for the best managed farms. The competition takes place this year in group Nn. 3-oonsi•t- ing of Bruce, Dufferin, Grey, Welling- ton, Huron and Perth -and a gold, sil- and bronze metal will be awarded. In addition prizes of $30 and $20 will be given for essays on "manure" and "the homestead." Full particulars as to the competition and the essays can be learn- ed from circulars issued by the associa- tion, which can be had on application to the local agricultural societies. There are many fine fauns in Huron, and -we hope a number of entries will be made. pleasing gathering was held at the "Woodbine" on Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of the Goderich Cur- ling Club, to d.o hcnor to two members of the clubwho purpose leaving during the week for the North -west -Messrs Harry Smith and Aleck McGaw. 13oth gentle- men are old residents of Goclerich, and are general favorites. Mr. Smith for many years carried on one of the princi- pal tailoring establishments in the town, and long sinoe gained for himself a name •• • first-class business man and a genial, friendly townsman. He established a flourishing equine.' last fall in Winnipeg and having disposed of his business in Goderioh, he is now about to turn his face toward the setting sun, and seize the golden opportunity which seems to offer in our Northwestern sister Pro- vince to men, such as he, possessed of sound commercial training and thorough business experience. Mr. MoGaw is not leas popular than hia friend Smith with all who know him. For nearly six years he has been the able ohief assistant of Mr. Matthew Hutchison at the "Big Mill," and from the remarks that fell from his empli.yer, his work has been so well and so faithfully done, that some difficulty will be experienced in filling the vacancy caused by his retirement frorn the employ of Ogilvie& Hutchison. lir. McGaw haa for stone years acted in the public interest as • sorlotl 4risetee, and, as in the other matters wkieh his took in hand, he was a suceees. Ho ham alien been one of the town audi- tors ler a couple of years, and was re- appointed tn the position at the January Metsting of the Council. In losing MOW* Smith and McGaw from amongst us, the town sustains a serious lees. En - argotic young business men aro not en pleetifill nowadays in ()titan.) that we ean afford tn Irmo prep t • from a town like Godench, and independent of per - meal rmard, we cannot Mit regret departure in a public sense The Pres. et the Curling Club. Mr Donald Strachan, oecupied the chair si the head of the table, -which was spread in excel- lent style hy the Messrs Corry. prnpri- Mors of the Woodbine -and Mr. T J Moorhouse did the honor% of the Vico chair. After the goad things had been freely partaken of, toast, song and !anti ment was ths order of the evening until the "wee, area' hour ayont the teal. c' During the evening all present express- ed their regret at losing two melt towns men as the guests of the evening. never- theless they wished them the full Mee - sure of mimeses in their new sphere ni action. Mowers Smith and McGee lose. 1--r The Anniversary meeting of ,the Nofth Street Methodist Church 8. S. was held on Friday evening last, and was largely attended Rev. Dr. Williams occupied the chair, and was surrounded on the platform by a host of juvenile vocalists who made the welkin ring. The pro- gramme was good, although very long, and was made up of readings, recita- tions, solos, etc., front the following persons: Messrs. Elliott and Weir, Mis- ses F. Mellish, B. Smith, A. Humber, B. McKnight, E. Bates, E. Johnson, M. Yates, E. Platt, N. Reel, J. McKeown, E. Simmons, A. Humber, M. Campbell, H. Smith, M. and E. Acheson, M. Cow- herd and sister, Lena Reid, Lily Mo - Gregor, Jennie wore, Alio* Bates, Mc- Knight, and Matters J. Elliott, E. Ma - Kenzie, E. Armstrong, W. Robertaon, H. Moore, J. McPherson and A. Reid. "The Temperance Band," composed of 14 boys, was an interesting feature of the evening's entertainment. A SAD Cass. -Nearly two years ago a roan named Winters telt Ooderich to try and better himself elsewhere, leaving a wife and four children behind him. Nothing has since been heard of him. A few months after his departure, the wife died, leaving four little orphans upon the charity of the world. A neighbor named Mrs. Hurley. whose husband is a brakeman on the G. T. R., in the kind nem of her heart, took the little wedeln end has since done as well for them as the limited resources at ner disposal would permit. But Mra Harley has a family of her own, and her husband's salary is not large one, the result being that she is often sorely pressed by the additional burdens which she has taken upon herself, in the care of thepoor little orphans. This item is written so that it will catch the eye of the sympathetic people of the town, who may thereby be led to render assistance ince premises We know of no more deserving caw in town at the present time. Persons wish- ing to assist by gifts of clothing or other- wise can leave their names at this of ice or at the residence of Mrs. T. N. Danny. ■Idl Geste 1 Mord. GoDsuca, Feb. tat, 1882. The annual meeting of tho Board of High School Trustees was held to -day. Present -Rev. Dr. lire, Dr. McLean, Dr. Taylor, and Messrs. Kay and Jor- dan. The secretary in the chair. Moved by Mr. Jordan, seconded by Dr. Taylor, that Mr. Kay be elected chairman of the Board fur the current year -Carried. Moved by Dr. McLean, seconded by Dr. Taylor, that Mr Adamson be re- appointed Secy -Treasurer for the cur- rent year. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Sec'y-Tresis. was read and adopted. The statistical statement of the Head master, in reference to the attendance at the High School, was read and adopt- ed. Moved by Dr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Jordan, that the secretary be in- atructed to call the attention of the Miaister of Education to the fact that no reply has yet been received to the resolution forwarded to him last Novem- ber, from this Board, and which the secretary of the Educational Depart- ment said was under consideration; and request an early answer Carried. Moved by Dr. Taylor, seconded by Rev. Dr. Ure, that the chairman, Dr. McLean and Mr. ifordan, be appointed a committee to have oversight of repairs, &c., required at the High School, with power to act -Carried. Moved by Dr. Ure, seconded by Dr. McLean, that the Board at this, its first meeting since tho retirement from it of Ven. Archdeacon Elwood, desires to place on record its sense of the valuable services rendered by him as one of its members during the long period of his connection with it, extending upward of 27 years. Throughout this protracted term of servioe the Ven. Archdeacon has been faithful in his attendance at the meetings of the Board, while his pre- sence at these meetings has been highly prised by his fellow -members, not noire for his practical wisdom as a o ouneellor. than for his genial and gentlemanly bearing, and for the fine Christian spirit uniformly displayed in the manner in which he duties were divchsrged. Th. secretary is instructed to transmit • copy of this resoletton to the Ven Arch- deacon Elwood -- Carried 4ht motion the Board adjourned Mr Joseph C Kidd. nf Cookstown, a gentleman of individua: thought, who has studied the protectionist gem - tion as it affecta himaelf terminally, and the is his ,ancluttinn - -"I Fought a clock from • narcissist, and I had to pay two dollars more for it thxn the sums article put ho(ore the tariff lie told me he eould not recommer.rl the Canalian manofacturer Hs told me the tariff Menage,' the cost. bought a reaping machine from Haagen Bros , and had to pay $110, that mist MO be- fore. I have to pay a thint more for western oorn for seed, we use it tor soiling Seed drills that onet SItZi before now wet 5109. Woollen goods, such as undershirts and drawers, formerly cost $1 per set. now cost 51.25, and wool that such articles are made from never was so cheap 1 never voted Reform, but I ars waitinn for an opportunity to de, so. We are rimninag • man who was a strong Conservative, hut is now opposed to the tariff. I think he will have a *nod °Pianos to win." There are many FEASTING FARMERS. West Huron Agricultural So- ciety Dinner. •Ne Agriculturists Address the Asset Mage raslseat reams rtahlly Propound- ed Mond *revokes *a Aasek raising. The Agricultural Dinner, held Thurs- day January 26th in the British Ex- change hotel, under the auspices of the West Riding of Huron Agrrcultral So- ciety, was attended by over eighty per sons, The commodious dining room of the British had been newly papered. and the pretty panelling and handsome Japanese dadoes were admired by all who had a taste for the beautiful. The spread was • really excellent one, and bore out the reputation of Capt. Cox as a first-olass caterer. The moot mu as follows: - RAW OYSTIR4. SOUP. Oyster. INTsssn. Cold Ham, Tongue, Lobster Salad. ROAST. Sirloin of Bssf, Goose, Apple. Sauce, key, Cranberry Sauce, Chioken. ROILED. Turkey, Oyster Some, Round of Corned VIORTABLIN. Mashed Potatoes.Oreen Peas, Sweet core. PASTRY. Cooanut Pudding. Queen's Pudding, Kiss Pudding, Mince Pie, Lemon Pie, Apple Pte. Red Currant Tarts. DIARIST. Malaga Grapy English Walnuta, Almonds, Apples, Wee Raisins. Filberts, Celery and Cbasso, Coffee and Tse. Beer. Cider. Scotch Whiskey. Old Rye, etc, Mr. W. Young, Predldent of the So- ciety, occupied the chair; and he was assisted by Mr. Mex. Watson, Vice - President, in proposing the various toasts. Among the company was a number of representative farmers of the County. and the addresses relating to agriculture were well listened to and frequently ap- plauded. The speeches of Messrs. Weld. McMillan, Currie and Registrar Dickson were full of good suggestions for the thoughtful farmer. TOAS'RN AND !Millen es. The first toast was "The Queen," in response to which A. L. Gibson, Reeve of Wroxeter, led off la the signing of the national anthem. "The Governor General,""`He's a jolly gond fellow." "The President of the United States," drew a reply from Major Crane, who opened the subject of "Agriculture," by an original and atnusing aneodote. "The Army and Navy" was next giv- en, with the names of several members of the force. In reply Col. Ross, M. P. P., said the volun- teers of Canada were actuated by the same spirit as actuated the army and navy to stand up for England; not agrossive, but defensive. On behalf of the militia in this section, he thanked the county representatives for their liberality to the Huron volunteers. (Cheers.) Lieut. Joe Beck said that the volun- teers of Canada had bean tried and found true, and called upon Quarter- master Strachan to speak in reply to the toast. Mr. Strachan briefly excused hunself from making a speech. The tout of the "County Council," came next, coupled with the name of the Worden. Mr. Johnston was pleased to be able to speak in behalf of so useful and intel ligent a body as the Huron County Council. He had been a member of it for five yuan, and ho considered it a necessary institution. The Reeve of Grey at ono time pointed out that it cost but 5 Dents a head of the population to support the County Council. The As- sembly had on several occasions sent its proposed legislation to the County Council to get the mind of the intelli Fent men who represented the townships in that body. The Wardenship was a proud position to occupy, and unless he had done well ho would not hare got it. He trusted that he would do nothing to reflect discredit on the position. He then alluded in • witty wayto the fe- male emytration proposed y the Mar qui& of Lorne, and hinted that he might yet act upon the so tions of the Gov ernnr General, and do his part in one of the home industries of the country. (Laughter and cheer "The County O19cub" were then tasted __figuratively speaking. Mr Pieter Adamson, County Clerk, said the members of the County Council had always dons their duty and they had helped to make his deties light during the eighteen years he had been in Aloe. (Cheers. )He had never in his municipal experience had • hard word with any of the Council, and expected to get on all right with the new Warden He ailed ed to our fine gravel roads, and the rail ways rnnning through the county, ant acid that Huron stood highest of the counties of this Province for wealth and prosperity (Cheer Tarr Gaoler Dickson was glad to he reckon awl amongst the county officials. He had always found the County Council arneable and harmonious. He humor ously alloded to the Reotch bill of fare the authorities provided for visitors at los boarding home - porridge twice • day and good keel The only thing Eng- lish in the fare was the bit of beef. (Laughter However the "skilly" enald pot s man into good condition bet ter then any other food The witty re marks of the iv -evoker -wor. frequently applaieled Olen •