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MOULDINGS, and every
Deeoription of Intortor Finish.
A Spatially. Send for Price
Estimates on applica-
tion. IM'Address
S. S. CONVENTION. ---An interceding
account of the convention of Sunday
School workers on the Dungannon Cir-
cuit will appear next week.
cox viazscgjt .--Mr. James Tobin,
after 45 (lays' illness, is up and about,
visiting on crutches old friends and
.A CHALLENDE.- Mr. Win. Morris has
a fast trotting four year old colt, and is
willing to meet any nag of Millburn,
Leeburn or Sheppardten and have a race
just for fun, or fora wager.
Goon Hoaxi& --Mr. Alex. Forsyth,
Id the 3rd con. of Tuckersinith, sold a
three year old filly to an American deal-
er within the past week, for the hand-
some sum of 1210. She was sired oy
"Sbotchman. " Mr. Forsyth has since
bought a team of two year old colts from
Mr Thos. Powell, of the 7th con. of
Turnberry, sired by "Prince Royal," for
which he has refused the sum of 1390.
PRESENTATION. -- Mrs, Peter Bissett
was presented with a beautiful family
Bible and album by the Presbyterian
Sabbath School, Smith's Hill, rscently.
ACCIDENT. -Mr. .Tae. Straughan, of
the 6th con., of the toweshi , of Col-
borne, niet with a N sees ,i accident in
the breaking of one of his legs a little
above the ankle. Surgical aid soon ar-
rived and and the broken leg was set.
We hope to see a speedy recovery.
The correct weight of the tnaamoth
masculine feline owned by Mr. Joseph
Dunbar is 14 pounds.
The Council met at 8mylii s Hotel,
Dungannon, on Monday, the 16th lust.
Having made the required declarations.
Present, Robert Webster , Reeve, Jos-
eph (Irisin, Deputy Reeve, Patrick
Clare, Donald MoMurohy and John
Whitely, Councillors. The minutes of
meeting were read and signed.
caved by Whitely, seconded by Mo-
urchjr, that A. C. Hawkius be auditor.
e Reeve appointed P. J. Sullivan.
Moved by Clare, seconded by Griffin
Chet D ennisSulhvan be assessor, and thst
the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector be
reappointed and that the offiwrs' salaries
be the same as last year. Moved by
Whitely, seconded by Clare, that the
Clerk be instructed to prepare by-laws
confirming these resolutions Moved by
MoMurchy, seconded by Griffin, that the
sum cd twenty five dollars bo paid Dr.
MoKidd for professional services ren-
dered the son of John Lang, who had
his hands disabled by dynamite.
Moved by Whitely, seconded by Griffin,
that George Campbell be paid five dqf-
lan for expense incurred in taking John
Boyle, a vagrant, to county gaol.
Moved by Grifiln, seconded by )4cMur-
ohy, that James Dalton be paid one dol-
lar for repairing culvert on Lake Shore
gravel nod. By-laws appointing °diem,
and fixing salaries were read and passed.
Moved by MoMurchy, seconded by
Griffin that the widow McRae and Jere-
miah Lacy be paid five dollen each as
charity. Moved by Clare, seconded by
Whitely, that the trustees of 8. S. No.
9, be paid four dollars for the use of
school house for the nomination emoting.
The following accounts were paid: Dr.
MoKidd, professional services rendered
John Lang s son, $15; !lira Cartwright,
gravel, 16.52: trustees of U. 8. 8. No.
balsam of school rates, $5.24; trustee
of 8. 8. No. 9, use of school house, $4;
George Campbell, espouses taking Boyle
an indigent. to county pmol, $5; Widow
charity, $5; Jeremiah
charity $6; Junta; Dolton, repairing cul-
vert, on L. R, $L The Donnell ed-
journsd to meet again at Young's Hotel,
Hinted!, on the 18th of February.
Joax Coots, Clerk.
PAINFUL ArctDxNr.-Mr. W. Wells,
son of Mr. Henry Wells, brewer, met
with a painful accident on Wednesday,
a horse kicking hint just over one
of his eyes, breaking the aktu1L Al-
though the injury is severe, painful re-
sults are nut expected.
,IAYEe tr Erse-ArE.-While working et
the malt -house last week, a scaffolding
gave way, precipitating one of the work-
men, J. W. Cumming, to the ground,
a distance of 27 feet. A bunch of shin -
les also fell, grazing the head of Mr.
Morris. With the exception of a
sound shaking, nobody was hurt.
The severe weather on Sunday last
thinned out our church congregation.
Sixteen persons attended the Presby
i erian church in the morning.
Vi,IrINu,- -Mr. H. Horton, an old
Leeburn boy, nuw of Monteith, Musko-
ka, revisiting the haunts of hi ch ld-
EnC.. ATL.) AL, ,lir. R. A.. Gro n is
e .ndutting a night achuol at S. S. No.
5, and a considerable number of young
Hien are availing themselvoa of the op
portunity to gain knowledge.
4fi rosoter.
Toe Hownci LTritil. SOciart. -The
.innual meeting of the Wroxeter Hnrti-
.tltural Society was held in Mr. Law-
rie's othce on January 12th, when the
f:,llowing officers and directors:were ap-
1,ointed..Archibald :Malcolm was re -elect -
.d President, Alex. Thompson, Vice -
President, and Wm. Lawrie, Secretary
and 'Treasurer. Directors- Andrew Pat-
ton„ Lawrence Locoll, Thus. D. Sanders,
l;do, 11. Moffat, Jos. Cowan, Jut,. Knox,
o:eo. I lowlett, John Young, Richard
•-iiarpin. Messrs. John Moffat and D.
M. Walker were appointed auditors.
%Tar :A, rnt:sT. .As Mr. Thos.
Tompson, a farmer living near Donny-
brook, was drawing saw -loge nut of the
Fuah, on Monday 16th. The sleigh
slipped sileaa)s and jammed hitt be-
tween the load and a tree injnriug him
co such an extent that he died on Friday
last. He leaven a wife and one child to
mourn his less. He was a hard working
your man s .
u w rend his death cerate a .a,
young qI m
ver the neighln.rho,d.
1-'aau Sot.n. Mr. ttobt. Medd, of the
2nd con., W. '.Vawanosh, has bought the
:el acres owned hy Mr. Thos. Fry, on
Lite b•,uodary line for aomcwhere in the
neighborhood rhu.'41 of $2,000.
Mr. Aakwith has been having some re-
pairs made on the sawmill. Tom says it
must run right or bust.
Ooaarich Townahl).
Ds.aartc. One of the liveliest discus -
mains of the mason took place at the R.
R. liebatutg Hall, 7th con., on Friday
evening lent. between four of its mem-
bers, and bef ire a very large audience.
Subject -!teethed that the reading of
wore of tiction ought not to be con-
demned. For afirnt*Uve, Nixon Stur-
dy, supported by Wei. M. Wskofield.
For negative, 8. A. Ferns, supported
by 8. P. Sturdy: The debate luted
over two hours, each side was bound to
win• ,f puaaible. 1f each speaker had
not been called to time the dolma would
have lame 1 actives/ hours longer. Thr
chair was ably filled hy Jas. T. Cennol-
I , he etingrstelsted optative op.ee f
the way and manner in whish be
handled the subject. After semmiag up
he decided in favor of the negative. The
mem; 'ere intend holding their sixth
aatr..tl oyster supper Friday, 24th last
Ni. ppm be they in ever en hotel le
*iroutaistaners, but what have some pal.
ity of mind that entitles them to s
*quality with their fellow -beings'
Organization Meeting at Dungan-
A meeting of the West fluroni Re-
form Association will istr held ill Mar-
tin's Hall, Dungsnnu,t, cat
Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1882,
at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpole of
organizing for the coining election. The
seting will be addressed by M. C.
Cameron, E.q.,M.P., Col ltusa,M.P P.,
and other prominent Reformers.
ivielb aeries conserves! III..
The annual me.tin6 of the South Hu-
ron Liberal Conservative Association
was held here last Thursday. D. H.
Ritchie was again unanituoualy chosen
President and Treasurer, and G. H.
Jackson, Secretary. A committee was
appointed to sunset a proper person to
be maintained as the standard-bearer at
e. general convention to be held at Clin-
ton three weeks from to -day. This Cein-
aittee recommended Robt. Porter, who
conteettid the Riding against Mr. Cam-
eron in 1878. The names of the chosen
standard-bearers in South Hurn for the
Commons end Local will be finally decid-
ed at the general convention here on
February 9th. It is thought that Mr. G
11- Jackson will be the selection for the
Local. On motion of H. Silber, second-
ed by J. H. Benson, the following re-
solution wsa unanimously carried: -"Re-
solved: That this meeting heartily en-
dorse the policy pursued by the Govern-
ment of Sir John A. Macdonald, and
have every confidence In his leadership,
believing that the future prosperity of
the Dominion depends on its . continu-
ance, and pledge ourselves to use every
legitimate mans for the return of our
Conservative candidates for the House of
Commons and Legislative Assembly-; and
we also desire to express our continued
appreciation of the efforts of Mr. Mere-
dith in the Local House "
Galleon Cattily.
Potter concluded his argumentat3.
and judge Cox read his charge to the
jury. At 4.40 p. tn. Cox concluded his
charge, and the jury retired at L p. ni.,
and the Court took a recess. At 5 :35
the Court canoe to order, and at 5.3.11 the
jury came in and rendered a verdict o,f
guilty as indicted.
. Referring to the insanity pica, sludge
Cox said: The crime therefore inrulved
three elements, killing, malice. and re-
sponsible mind, in the murderer. After
all the evidence was before the jury, if
the jury, while bearing in mind these
presumptions (that ia, that defendant is
innocenttill proved guilty,and sane till the
contrary appears,,.till entertained what is
celled reasonable doubt on any ground or
as ti. any essential elemeuts of the crone,
then the defendant was entitled t„ the
benefit of that doubt and acquittal. It
was imported to explain to the jury, in
the best way the court could, what is
reasonable donut, That defendant tired
at and shot the deceased President was
abundantly proved; that the wound was
fatal, had been testified to by aurgenns
who were competent to speak, and they
were uncontradicted: that homicide was
committed with malice aforethought (if
the defendant were capable of criminal
intent or malice), could hardly be gain-
A grain of prudence is worth a pound
of craft. Boasters are cousins to, lura,
Confession of fault makes half attends,
Denying a fault doubles it. Envy
shooteth at others and woundeth }tented!.
Foolish fest doubles danger. God reach-
es us gond things by our own hands.
He has hard work whohas nothing to do.
it costs more to avenge wrings than to
bear them. Knavery is the worst trade.
Learning sakes a man 6t company for
himself. Modesty is a guard to virtue.
Not to hear conscience is a way to si-
lence it. One hopr to -day is worth two
to -morrow. Proud looks make foul
words in fair neons. Quiet conscience
gives quiet sloop. Richest is he that
wants least. Sall faults isdufged are
little thieves. The Werke that bear
most h.ne lowest. Upright walking is
sure walking- Virtue and happiness
are may kis. Trus men make more op-
ppttrrrt'ttenities thaw they Ilsd- You sever
lotus by doing a good tent. Zeal with-
out •kscowledge is bre without light.
R K. O'Ons.tw, a prominent citizen
of Ottawa, died suddenly on Sunday
mourning from inflammation of the 1
He leaves a widow, the daughter of the
late ez-Lieetenant Governor Udellior,
and four ehildvem to mourn his ler
A circular has been issued by the
Credit Valley Railway Company, saying
that that rued has not amalgamated with
any other line.
Mr. Jame. Fleetford, a Mitchell boy,
ham struck luok in Colorado. fie has an
interest in four silver mining companies,
one of which he sold last spring fur $'+0,-
000. Mr. F. is spoken of as a leading
man where he has settled.
Tits CHUICH Sure -Steps have been
taken by the authorities of the Presby-
terian Church of Canada to apply for
Dominion legialation in order to confirm
the Aota of the Local Legislatures, it
being understood that the effect of the
Acts of the Provinces were beyoud their
The Ottawa corporation visited Rideau
Hall yesterday and presented His Ex-
cellency with an address of welcome.
His Excellency replied verbally in a
short speech, returning thanks for the
kind wishes expressed in the address for
both himself and the Princess Louisa
He was delighted to find himself back in
SUDDEN DEATH or AN ENorxsila. -On
Sunday last Mr. Robt. Grammock, an
engineer on the London, Huron &
Bruce, was taken suddenly ill at his re-
sidence in London, with an apoplectic
tit, and lingerd in great agony until
Menlay evening, when death ended his
sufferinga Deoa.ed had been for a
lung time in the employ of the Railway
Company, and was in charge of die train
which killed Mr. S. Love and son, on
the gravel road, some time ago.
The London Free Press has the cheek
to *scum Mr. Mowat of stirring up a
quarrel with the Dominion, because he
insists upon preserving Ontario's rights
under the Boundary Award intact. The
patty who stirred up the quarrel was Sir
John Macdonald when be refused to
abide by the unanimous award of the
arbitrators, and did all in his power to
rob Ontario of a slice of valuable terri-
tory. The boot is on the other foot,
Mr. Free Press. Mr. Mowat is merely
defending this Province from robbery,
and every honest citizen of Oatario
ought to back him up in defence of their
rights. -(Sarnia Observer.
The Minister of Agriculture has been
'for some months past in correspondence
with the Veterinary Department of the
Imperial Privy Council, respecting the
admission of cattle for brooding purpo.
ses into Canada from the United
States after being subjected to quaran-
tine similar to that which cattle import-
ed from Great Britain have to undero.
It is probable that the result of the cor-
respondence will be permit such imp or -
cations from the United States without
subjecting Canada to any liability to be
placed on the schedule lint in the l;nited
Kingdom, thus doing away with the
anomaly of allowing importations from
England, a country in which pleuro-
pneumonia is known t.. exist, while pro-
hibiting any intercourse with the i'nited
States, where pleuro -pneumonia is said
not to exist.
HALIFAX, Jan. 21.-Stsas)er Parisian,
with Governor-General and party on
board, was signalled soon after 10
o'clock. and reached dock at new rail-
way wharf at noon. An immense num-
ber of people assembled to w.ttieta His
Excellency landing. The passage of the
Parisian was an exceedingly stony one.
- Heavy westerly galea prevailing almost
continually- His Excellency, however, I Ct uo,d-,. • .- • •
'uttered very little inctmcenience. On I HeeeM}o.s1.•
Saturday he was receited by a guard of Dressed Hafts
honor frons the 19th Prince of Wales' 14"e
A recent issue of the Ontario Dinette
contains the following:-Jueeph Baines,
of the village of Cre,litou, to be Bailiff of
the Eleventh Div Won Court of the Coun-
ty of Huron, in the pions and steed of
William H. Weasel. resigned.
Tho doleo t• sere lees cal cdetectioa
with Si. David's Church. Heufryu, were
held 1 tat Salute/. J.1,;/. 15th. The eou-
gregetious were lame, many coming who
could not get in the church. The Bish-
op of Huron preached in the atomism,
and confirmed thirteen candidates, Rev.
Mr. 1)e .ow, of Mitchell, preached in
tae evening. The collection ainvented
to L'2. Ou Monday evening a very
succeasfnl tea meeting was held.
Speeches by Revs. Messrs De Lur,
Caswell, Taylor and" Eattison. Good
music was given by St. John's church
choir, of Brussels, Miss Kelly presided
at the organ. Receipts 1120, making a
total of Dearly 1200 fur the opening.
The church is a neat brick structure
22x36, chancel 14:16 feet, and cost
swat 11,000. This is all provided for
excepting about 1130.
Sheloounte, Out.. jan 22, -John
Smith. a quiet and inoffensive resident
of the township of Amaranth, eau mur-
dered in his own house but night about
six o'clock. He was. a bachelor abort
sixty years of age, When the murder
was committed a nephew, named John
Smith, abont 14 years of age, was with
hitt. The boy's story is, that his uncle
and himself sat by the fire after tea,
when he heard a report either of a gun
or pistol, and the old roan fell. He
looked towards the window, and saw a
tall man with dark moustache. The boy
immediately started for the door. when
the than fired at him, the ball passing
through the top of his hat. The boy ran
for his life, and looking back saw the
house on fire. The boy alarmed the
neighbors, and on returning they found
the old roan dead and partially burned.
The old gentleman was reputed wealthy,
and robbery was no doubt the incentive
to the murder. No dues
J. t. fwrrie's *Ms LiN.
Mortgage ode of livery stable with res-
idence adjoining, in the town of God -
oriole on Saturday, the 18th of Febru-
ary, 1882. Sale takes place at the mart
at twelve o'clock sharp
Sale of a valuable farm in the town-
ship of Wawanoeh, on Saturday, Jan-
uar 28th 1882, at one o'clock. Sale
takes place at Nicholson's Hotel us the
Village of Manchester, at 12 o'clock
Sale of Farm Stock, Ata, on lot 32,
Lake Range, township of Ashfield, on
Wednesday, 8th February, sale t0 com-
mence at 1 p. m. , John McGregor pro-
Smith- la Oodertclt. on the 1914, tttet.. the
wife of Mr. W. P Smtut, of a daughter.
Tr'We -In Gateritlion Priday Seth lea'.. the
wife of bit. Lewis. Treble, of adaujhter.
The address -label on the first page will
show each subscriber the state of his
amount with Tar Slueaa, and (it
may be hinted) that this is an ap-
propriate:season for makine an s1-
teration in the figures.
There are other figures in our books,
also, which might very appropriate-
ly be adjusted before the end of this
month. -
Traveulai CsMr.
Pass. Kip's. 3511'd.
Ooderktesla*;."t .11Oy• 3. 6 A
It 7.80W „ 1.1
0(.tb . Ica.
Sttadurd.Ar8.4Saa . 1.13pm_6.SOpn . 1.
Pass. Masa. MI*
Stratford. L v 1.S0aut 7.30piu . 7.UfMin .. Lupin
seafetth_ . L17 " 8.26 " .. 9.13 '• .5.40
Oodorteb.Ar 3.l$pw i lepra 11.00am . 7.14m
UREAL' wits 1't:ItN.
gip e. /AU. Exit's.
Clinton goaag north -it -Main .6-10pm..6.15062
trouts suchaSu(.ns S. ni. 7.11 "
Luckmow Stage tdalfyt arr. tO.ltaai .. dap fpm
Klae.Mlae „ " 1 Mem .. ' Tans
Benmttler •• (Wednesday and
tlaturdertarrives 'OOga4 it
CAPITAL. - - its,eeeeeo,
.-['RPL G.. - - - - tu,osa,oes•
Goderich Branch.
R. D('NSFORI), - - - Manager
Allo•v• interest on deposits. Drafts, letter
of ere -lit and circular sates tsaord, payable
Is .11 para of the world. 1164.
Peel up I :tptlsl, - 416,000,00e.
&se 91,400,000.
Meatiest. - Jrri;,; ;rm. JlkMASTXJe
General Manager. • W. rt.......�..�v
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROBS, - - • - Mar:ooze.
Interest Mowed on do:.nous. Drafts on a
the piactipol Towns t utiles in cassette
Gat Britain mod the a
Great United SUMS, be
sad sold.
Advascesto lases.,. oa Notes. with one o
more eadorse,., without mortgage. 1751
On Newgate Street. at reasonable terms. They
aro in . good state of repair.
*KiTt$!I .ttsl. etc t*. Totaotm--It.eabtl•te
PIM/NIX 121N. I1(YV.'if Iitart il:ag:andl-
MItahl.a:.t•.! Rt.!
IIARTFYt111) 1Ny. (4/I. of RAirmail). Costa
- learaht ..•recd k14
lurks Leo-. he els,% r tlrNeWsOtaoea at
Me luwtst reit* (.y Hut:.tc'k MORTON,
'rho uudur.i tt.• d is shoo Appnuwr for the
Money to Lura on drat -class errunty. rem
7 to 8 per Cent. --('hare. moderate.
(Inderiett Beg . 11. IMO.
If Ton wish to have your
or Mnr as mini as when mew, bring
tbem to the undersigned, he has had l4 years
experio.co In the repairing Ione.
A few geed anwnd-band machines for .ale
chap. 14 $N and lilt
Man eostodrWorks.
mete. Nelsn.Oist U.l. O.
Zrlv0 FO
, R IT_
Having been appointedlezoar-
eion Agent for the Great West-
ern Railway between Kincar-
dine and London, I will have
much pleasure in furnishing
everyinformationeither Japer -
son or by Letter, to all persona
wishing same, as to fi ,res,tick-
ete, baggage, freight and live
stock, to all parts of Manitoba
& Dakota. Baggage and dut-
iable goods checked through.
Address: GEO. B. JOHNSTON,
S. S L O A N E . General Agent G. W. R'y, opposite the Post
011oe. Goderlob. Oat.
Goderioh, Dec. 1st. 1M1. 1a13 Uodericb. Jan. 12Mg2. 11131 -in
"Uwe no man anything," hats been rise-opENING, OF
ilwaly enjoined upon all, and this in- DIS!
junction is especially binding spun
all who do business with newspaper
A word to the wise is sufficient, and we SCHOLARS
will say no more at present, for we
detest dunning.
tiod•neh Marietta.
Goroanicu,Jauti..ry 9Rtt., 186at
WWheat, IF.:L 11 bush... r.... Ili 26
Wheat 4Sprtagl t bush..... . 1 25
Flour. i barrel,. .... 6 50
Oats. w bash 040
Peas. • bush ,. 070
Harley, i bush 0 70
Potatoes ',Minh 0 35
Hay. ass ton . 1.5 ss
Nutter, i a.. 0 18
F.ggs, 0dos. tuups. iced l 018
171toxer • - 0 11
Shorts, i cwt ... 1 00
Bran. 10 cwt 0 ,t
!'hop. is cw: .. 1 W
Won:. • .... 0 1)
Own Yorkshire Regimen:. As he
stepped 'front the steamer a salute of
nineteen guns was fired from the Citadel,
the band of the :alt strut:. up ILA
Save the Queen. and crowd around gave
him three hearty cheers. Elis Excellen-
cy at once seated himself in the Gover-
ner's sleigh. and together, amid great
cheering, they drove to goverment
House, and were followed shortly after
by the rest of the party. •
rix Sea... Why.
'Sir John MLacdunald is nether wan-
tonly unpatriotic, nor wholly careless of
his public goad name; and we are there-
fore forced to believe that those in whose
favor the charter has been disallowed
have been in a position to force him to
do their will, and that they hate merle
leesly exerted their power.
What is it that gives the ayndtnte
such malign influence over the govern-
ment 1
How is it that this body of capitalistic
adventurers can force a et -overman*
backed by an overwhelming tsajoxity, to
do its bidding 1
How is it that a ministry whom fol-
lower, ma be relied upon to swstats it
under all circumstance., Ends itself inr-
oed to outrage the public ,)ptnot. of the
country, rather titan o%nd the syndi-
cate 1
1t is that the syndicate le rolled an to
furnish the sinew .1 war for tie next
election in swienest quantity to seedy
overbaisites any damage this unpopular
act may dell
Whatever the reason, aha, at (east, is
evident, the syndicate are feasten of
the situation, and can astral the govern
asenhabsoiutely, and in their interest.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland W
refused Parnell and Dillon even the
consolation of Ming preowned with the
freedom of Dublin in gaol The Lord
Lieutenant has alae stated that the mem-
ber of Parliament now in gaol mono!
he released at the present time
(11 27 �t� LI IL I P Lei `s1 V i V V �ooi V
w 000
tt 041 AND
to 80School Stationery
0 IA
to Ota
O It -AT
(4 100
7 90
Pahlic School Inspectors, Trestecs
It is alrain oily duty to call your attention to
late yawisions of the Public School Law with
respect to the use of Text Boake. public
school Inspectors are required to see that no
una,.theriz,d books are used in the Public
Schools. Trusters who permit each .+ill lose
their share of the fhtbltc School Grant. and
Teachers substituting any rich book for an
Authorize.! Text }3u,...t are liable to be con.
' u.u'd and fined for such offenea•. K'. F
Gage & co it, "New eerie* of Reader, for nae
ie Canadian :(cho ois M 1'wa.srartss.d t. ilk
Pr.tfaer •rtlse.rN, and therefore subjet-t to
the aboro pro% inions of the law. (Vlnnedt
Minister of ledacatton,
Toronto- Jsn. 5.
e'o, err or M amt. Hy a in a. of • Writ of
m w tr : Pert Fatten, tamed out
of Her Majesty • Court of I learuxey. tad to me
directed against the (pada and Teammate of
JOHK WIWTLR lDnbsedaot,t at the emit of
JAM, WiNTRR.IPWntlfjt I have eased and
1.1.a in Kerr ution..l! the Right, Title• sad
totems& and deity of R"e.wptioe. of the
above named Defsedant, in sad to lets sum
ber 'Swot Il Powler s Nerve), in rt. Vann,
of Harporte . In the County or Marna. what
la.d. and Tenements 1 shall sew ter BEM. nit
my oise, to ow court Kowa to the Tetra et
OedeHeh. on FRIDAY. THE Isla DAY OF
MIMI ARY. A. D.. IOW M the hoer of not
the else*.
fibetif s Osce ch, Stone of Iarea
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Tats sale yy ppl,�o�dd until MONDAY, ttbo�,
rub stay at f'iS*UARY. talk am* boor sod
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1'4 OEON, tate with Trotter & tustmr, tN
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.at1r and oaretarreerteratee Rooms. P•..
wee meek, Femme! geneueets treat .
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Just to hand. of all the
sr w BOOKS
All Goods Guaranteed of the Best Quality
Prices as Low as Inferior Coo ds
Tachers wilt and 15 to their samara's to give me a calf tee nay
Books and Stationery,
They might regains as 1 c•. Ols.taat.. Cheam the Lowest Prtoo. 1. the County, harlot bough
fife.* as 31,. meop0000so .t a very tow rete •a tits dollar. 1 am u a posltl.a M sell at
C+reatly RedLuced. Prices
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S _Es... M E S I M R 1 E,
Borth Site N&trket Ware, Qoderiek, Qtr,