HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-27, Page 7THE HU84N SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN • 27, ti
She Poet's Qtorner.
IV r ('aa 111.0ce Years Ba • "'.
Though we may not change the +•, tare.
For a Mauston tall and grand.
Or exchanges Utile gram -plot
For a Loon tier strt;t.h of land
Yet there' something '!brig bter, dearer,
Time the weatth we'd thus command.
Though we have no u.ettu to pun•has!
Costly pictures. rich sad rare --
Though we have uu silken hangings
Fur the walls's.. cold sad bate -
We call hang thein o'er with garlan is,
For flower., bloom everywhere.
We can okra)." nuke home cheers t:.
.1f the right course we b-,gln;
We caw mike its linnet pp..
And their truest bi ' sn;
It will mike the s nee brt�htrr
1f we let the sunshine in.
Wo cal gather round the !health. c
When t hs t;,y houq arjlaug;
We can rheartssoilMile
In a ha tat surly, r
We can gal ,.,gyne cr^e; brother:
Lead h i u u trim the path sir
We may till Our hqFa e wick MUM
And with /uashlue brio/Let*
If against all dart intruders
We will Army shut 1h14
Yet should evil shsdo
We most Inve each
There amereassuese fee dui
Whit Elle' .,Mayr to Iln4;
'1'bseek syneec aw,$ .loot
From t••
. I Wait% oer AVOW, halve.
�ncy. Tie 1 altrel
•.,frit, "Tac tarp DepartmentTho best u.• In the wl,tId for cuts,
dun ant) :
Hun. 'I'L•• hid' li. 1'rtce, lr. �. Ttaa• , B►uises, liar"r L':eerr, tart khauw,'
Bury De,"rtn",ltt, \`:.n.' uwtou, L. C„ I Fever Sure+
teas ("Lapped Heads,
1ybit me said to la col.iccl fry n: a U.
Ct•rtr, .,141 ail Moil Eruptions !
l.:i. A., n.c,�nuurtn.A it. Jac •tie 1)il at'Chill•lrius,
t tip t rale in 'the cemetery ..1 Mont- {hies. It is guar- t
' the whet ..,�uderfyti ! ..•n-n•!r•v tali and 1..nd pusitks,ar • •es
Kiri perfect rtttl.factun/ ur
few:, . frim 25 cents 'star
saAe Iry n;l dru&„lots.
mann,:-•'tiros low 1 •ieih \., Alio 1••r
twenty yet.s after the de.u'.t of i„t w;ie, healing remedy is, 1f n' saran. Her ter- lanteud
Umralual 1* eud,lts•• r, tau .•f the head ul•may rl
riled in the suiety .d his teethe: Llw, ; Mt•,:_t..,1 •h,. • rulrcr; 1 elwrtwent,who , be/. Fo
atljd d.ed in the cert.tiu hope of a better
world beyond. have tleen oared ..f therm ilia.. andnth
1 N',thrre, utte . is the teat ihysl-
1 painful oumpkt Its by it. ' ei;.n She lou. : 1 the s,.•n+ of health
sonic sec s was recently etsiesaltCtd at ( _.. ._
• witLe btu bac " , en nus swum, and
■asyare's lieu/mon anon ,lasts but ' ;u tet her iuterllrg an1
t yi
St. Mat'hew's, S'deuhtou, London, "terchildren of the upper dashes. Where-
upon the folluwiiu luouuduwut to the
well-known sayini was promptly offered
by a ucwspa ,r tx•nuuentatur: 'Suffer
little c'lildrell of the upper ci.t4ses to
0•0•0.1.1untU ata'
Boma pwida's bluer ••f mortality are a
little utized. Lord A:v.tuley spoke of a
friend "` hie as n f ...lira serf of fellow
Is at tt
le - - of the list for ell ppypottes for his every ties; . 'fit,• discovery oil
of a fatuity tuudiciu It is u
unprecedented succus, both intenially oe RAD Srkrt'It (;t Y, is as rlrt i lw
aud externally. It cures sore that, tem this. is •t cure for Coughs,
Hardware! Hardware
sett with the grstat C .ugh suede Gkayo stray?
burns, seal Is, fr..rt bites; relieves, and
of -en cures :asthma.
*are ('are f •r ..V *visa,
Wk.. had "uttoldle i army his f.,ttune by The most reliable remedy fur a cough
Pt/WM bw tretlesurvb •'s14,,•' Anti Pel- ur cold, asthma, sholtiles& of breath,
hats toe 1 t • argue that, .t was a eery re- sore throat. soak longs and all brow
spectabl l tLia{ to 1.g arrested for doh!, cabal troubles, is Ilet.yard's Pectoral
beotuae i rieweal plainly that tae tor• Balsam. Price f . east..
rested ;•.'•y had onrw had credit.
As a .:e slywas wending his way
through a narrow passage at the top of
Charlotte street, Gl.wgeor, hu meta pret-
ty Mrl, sal said -le her. "Please, my
t Newt/taper laves.
We call the special attention of post-
masters and subscribers to the following e,,,,„ ptoear.l Ba4aatle B soy1
lila Tonle. :•upe,ior to any wed+elwe .ei w
d s 1 \ 1 thispl j t, +'u ! syltopsia of the newspaper laws : .0 abuts (rials. A s to itho et.rsMasr.ott
then,"maid lie "Ism like 'IstLtant-stop- notice b!.1 letter (returning a paper a alt purposes.,, rh:.
,Mae ort.
C+Jds, Loss of V. ice and Hoarseness it
Amnia unrivallac, its low price and
readiness ,d serer -s places it within the
reach of all. 7iy it and be convinced.
All chemists keep it in pb and 50 -sent
bottles.- ad
.a u,•t:is 1t.tserienll Remedy for
''► Ji tYfGY, COLDS', 46T11M 4.
P eoa^dfrom Melkweg wr 1 11rvve. els► Wet
ear, .., •o l Ca. . .
"Mala nil A 1'sWtft." she i•e ilat. "Al, 1. A postmaster is required to give of t'.e o•,I's it*, • exudeslr,••s LAA red .titr•�ler to e
d-w•1•A •a/ ,r..wM the most wuauabte .elfin dna pp
/ e rik•Ltal
poi by en angel." "And I," rejoined not answer the law) when a subscriber Iso Aosl ,,,-,, a.�-
the girl, ax she pushed past Lint "ala dues not take his paper out of the office, ,l hair. GRAY
Wien Any neglect to du n, makes the ►ro "%
Here we hate a polet. Ha writes foo the , triage -
the country newspaper: The ;.alter tmaster responsible t., the pul.lisherss. d 1 A e SYRUP R 1 j D I Oilex.x.
JI vt � LLI
' 2. litany ppeerson orders his paper ilk ye's, Dos.
continued, he must pay all tllTeat•ages, 1 �,�
Gotta sever
like the angel stopped by an auto.- and state the reasons fur its not being .,reit: se I i lulu
ur payment. ares tot
res e
-e doe cert y hent f r wnuu • He
or the publisher may coptinue to send it 1 :few Awe
nA earl Y.
payment is ni:tda, and collect the I !y «Nd to yr.: -
whole He was not born a genius. At hole t heti t los taken from re ell's.' . pt.el/WA
••• d lee 1 r '••eat r a woe
' writes for g ..ry. See hew pale and thin J 1•
/lee Meuse WIlb (reset**,
iluw dear to the heart ,►>ibe kuosekeeidtlj
w•olllan. ftr (•.
Are comforts of - tc''t tt6' few architects
Nice children. good servants, and pleat, of
room in
The well lItted u analon in which they start
Boit first of the b:aw:n.ra klud Fortaaa SSA
give her.
if she in the clip or country abide.
Is that which abs 1.►agt foe salt sow* tee`
The big. afrio-lofet": rJii'aii SWIMS-
The route _elsan dant the well
The bill. air, clo._t, berJoy sadh,r grids.
Th Ii�QP_ t,&
' ecifpaiea LA. Alit tjeole itseer
and bet;
And yet, to the eye of the feminine dweller,
if closetlete. all is aeer it were not.
How oft site has sent like e dove that is
won sled,
flew oft ahc has secretly grumbled and
Because she naw not, Dista n with au else
eerreuaded. •1 '
The big, airy closet. her ger end tear pride!
The roomy, clean cleeet, the, wilt ordered m►tljht the
nowt. • tie 141' a tb10 id blister as big Ise It
The L:g. itrl .cly,et{ber jib and her pride. wa�nplwa than the gttteelela frill
' amt ell In silent chorus. anal an old
Fosdhu,hsttdt_wiieO�in tsuutdlasve home be was staudi on th
a as Mere rheumatic u>rylt that u 4
sot yob; aOd'yo14 Eves sli complete as s p..rch 1i,teoitit- to the conversation
whets, tnreough the .key �- uale, bumped itself
To read in. to write tn,to sleep tn, to feed ill, against the deer draft ecstasy' of delight
Forget not the cloeeta n, de.er to the sort; and fell fainting across the wheelbarrow
tsareilM theta t*'eortie sl.•rtn moons and to with urn ley-8baie -was waiting u■s the
he is. Pero ti's glory does not a4,tee
with him. At night he walks without a
General Hardware!
1 Seep all the Nearest a► 4 Best Makes..
Four -Barb Fence Wire
w_ roc �c ENzzE
.eau -
.. ,• are. -- --- -
RED Fe:`1<<_ Canadian Pacific
hat to let ties starlight soak into his
Railway Company
t sululAll , whether / I se.ytne��wta�* : a«,
t}Ieutliw or not. ''''rata tan be no legal ties�a to r prrnEoce, I The `AliAnleN 1'ACdYII: RAILWAY
t�e px lie. °°"10'.."1' r et ]taettoh} and the Northwest Territory for
disiial,ntinuaaL•e until the
payment ie s very early age he fell nut ..f the garret
window, and when they picked ails up
he was a pert. Poets are therefore uu e.r
t ArtaA
made, not holsa` This is why fiats are Ally person who takes a paper from t e A t ak
built eight end tea stories hi }t. teem fA'e
the pNst-oflice, whether directed to his se re r e
4 r ►p
COMPANY offer lands In the Fi:R1T1.F. R*LT
sale at
X14':1.1 $8.50 PER ACR
IOaw list
HOcxe,{[o fr FAIILL�. How Ixi*nv =pitta WO ti
a be woesper cenukal time Of purchase, and the belunt r il. flvijWtutliastaln:enuv
stem .. I. w•iih interest at six per cent..
thumbs i' sin/R4ly asks the sittingriom 1 name or another, or whether he has sub- Its remarkable err :is Yellowing scribed "r not, is responsible for the pay.
rf ' • forma of ronchifio cruet its 1
d the I almost specific effect in curing (:b -
carpet, '•betel lg up at to evilewue are
battered ,tore pipe. With a wink id
the diejointerl, elbow, the starve pipe,
Halting its -eau+ cru it* friend replies,
"Only three, ifut Tve raked enough
ak �f tjl irrot knuckles to make s
psi lip hftti"AL tickling per t�!
'carpe[. not M• we as 'Yoe limo l:lrt ydl►f"
I g tt a, con• de ..f linger nail two whole
4. If a subscriber orders' his paper to
be ��to'�ttptd ata certain time,
publisher eontlnbes to send, the sub- stinn:.t hacking Gouglta. d1 note tech
scriber i� boW4d to pay for it if he takes' L,t'rte,e to the public at large.
A uut of the post -0. This pregpeds y0 ret v , p�st1 I ►rap a•:ehk c'tes.(at& l'. ser, :S
M11 •.
ia,n the ground that n man must pay fns lie te,-A . '• rs•'+sv-,e1 r.• e - O..." s 's
'fat he uses. r e •r l .,f[rfe •.., , vast •n e•.tw, n..ti., tr
ga>iew6ritwr..1..'v ti•r,n4.
5. The courts Italie decided that mine- J: Ent. Y 1V. -17'30.V et 1.f()..
trousers' knees, started at go, al emu pf j nig to take a newspaper And periodicals
hang itaii» ,,:1 every finger is tits. heoseti 1r au the post-ofilce,
and or I think I have a diturce suit pend- Heaving them uncalled for, is priint f airy
ing." "Theta a -pewt* -good spread." evidence of intentional fraud.
replies tha pipe, p�ijqd thou, Wfnlnt to au
e%haustel tack hltmtner drat was resting Ns, article aver attained snchunbonlM-
e SS Hur-
iswolf urn t sLlftJ' 'b. d'-nt ask' line' d k•p,to tBtn So tiieeti;'+tnrl thathort mtoo during .
&piped /lei C et. "I've been Blood
buaittr3luul.i master's gavel on achap-
ter night. r -haven't mosso' but one
the existence Of enniltle•a numbers rf'
widely advertis-•t i wrs.and_bl d plan.
fiers. It is evident that this medicine
knuckle since I started in, and then I gins its work at entre, and leases no
',Pa' thumb, plump ear; des' ableetfect unattained.
A General Stampede.
Never was there such a rush for Drug
Stores as is now at ours fur a Trial Bot-
tle of Dr. King's News Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All
'serums afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi-
tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any
atfeotion of the Throat and Lungs, can
get a trial bottle of this great renter?-"
free, by callin3 at yon: rugs ore.
►'sort+, s.4_
sok !•' " `-sties I a,r JNtA; :. e''1Y4
"-Crannies. walk f'.r somebody to come a.ont and t
W:nerever a closet may harbor or hide. fall over it. d t•••.s•••••:4
And give to your Marys. your Katies. 'IMF
s Ie..*a•s Tree Mead. ( ` 3 .r'?
�I�e!amt► A friend m newt is a friend indeed. !..4 a d te.:
- Ansley • A F
'are big. airy closets, their joy sad tlAt es tc,mil when levo `� _^v��
pride- How trub itisltlst a gond nathe Ora caps- , This none can deny, i Y rt"t
The ruotny. .lean clusc•I'. 111.• We or, err -t tal in itself. Such capital like every blatant* is rendered' alliin! neiseorely r.f- v . t 2
!i[ Lig a;ry closet., :Ldr joy acd diets
'wase seeteb Aaeeeleoe t.
A poor old woman called a few days
rutjo on a Glencluce weaver, who besides
his common 'trade, acts as a "dentist."
After the tooth was 'extracted, the olid
woman retretted she could not reward
the doctor with the usual fee, stating as,
a reason that the Poor Board allotted
her only a shilling ti week. "Indeed."
said the dentist; "If that's a ye get, ye
gelid acetlmVj!►t1Y� u nut built in a Ly, complaints and weakucsst'a so common to
but is the result of fears of continuance 1 our foam.,fea:e population. -Every woman !.
in well -doing. NO man c.tn hope hT a. should know that Electric Bitters are
spurt of good, » pliers or honorable dea1=' woman's tree friend, and will positively
restore her to health, .even when all
ing t.. acquire an enviable reputation other remedies fail, A single trial a1-
which is implied ill the 'po4Seou n „1 a.
ways pelves our assertion. They are
pleasant to the tante a^d lin • cost • ty
observed in asturtAce of years, the trifle.$ cants a bottle. gold by alp druggist -r . ru, n. .
of which life is madup , if d. on cn-
scientiuusly, are what contribute to the
result, and win for a aria the c•tntileu„e
of his fellows; • nag when on. has- ,thus
lc/aired this t;ne3"tbetne. men seek kiln
ill business, rely on his wort and prefer
"good tr :n'u." Little things done and ly f
' flictedwithdisease,morepartioularlythse••
EPPS St OCO.%.-0*AT&P1'LAYpt)OltrOK•rtr(e.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the oTwratinns of digestion
and nutrition. and by a careful application of
the Ane properties of '.yell -selected ('.,Mooa. Mr,
Epps hat provided nM breakfast tablee with a
delicately flatonred beverage *i.ich may save
ugm*m• henry dnrtnrt' htfle. 11 it M the jndi-
.,kion, no: of
sneiI art Wes of dirt that a eon -
might just sit dr,rnr agaiti, an let every hisgltods,:inch a evii:al it w•ithi:i the *Inv ion may le•graduailyb+tlltupwit tlrp 44I
tooth in your head be purl out : , ',.1 cannel to resist even' tendency to disease.
MR& al this p n>I AS e•rtanttnus pilo, Hundred of subtle m• ilei ea are floating
A berm-NAtt•age CLIENT, --alt certain ildenet, atpi lottilAsSo
t.s me lrtag-till &retied n, I'vidc tet ittiack wherever there M n
`vre(►k U' rat. iCr psi•• rs.ratu` mane a fai 11
Scotch magistrate. well known for his that ill• duo's,. •'.s u1 Lie, 11.11(1 is it is to ire shaft by ,teepinz i,tlrwlv's well fortifli wtrh
��...l_ � pyre 1•lurxl anti a prv.perly nourished farm ."
pieas,intry and good humor, -stepped in- }acquired trielentt,atsoolley, does nit tie-, . . malt •ti art.. Grr rte. riLITA qlv to t'wckMr
tv the chambers of x law agent, 1.. en -1i ' 1•tbell"•1 - JAt:ta Errs. ,f• Co.. Homreopnthi„
pew,: ;.•,11 b ; t `t . or iiiii *.,nye fst its M ('t -ti --4. Twtrteta -E5.a. .A 'u
• t I' 'i w.*dal sl se mint'• pTe• ' Epp+s Chocolate Essence file afternoon use.
Wi1. s
quire into the progress of a law plea.
He was told that defcncet had,, been
given in..&sld that it would l,e ti.,t ne-
cessary to lodge r• ;•lies. "After that,.I
sut•pnte," re joined the nlA-latrat e,
Rebate of $1.25 Per. Aor.
`Delia allowed, on certain eondlttnns, tar esMtivetion Lt �ltlerf attain.
THE LAND' C3�F�r�t9fr,rl!►7 84'1rTIDB
of the 1'um l
pray, which city be used at W the A�.nclrilb�fllle hank of Jloatreal, and oth-
er Banking Institutions throughout the country, a Iff be
VReceived et Ten Per Cent. Premium,
on their par value, with interest &craned, on account of and in payment of the purchase mon-
ey. thus further reducing the price of the land to the pun•haser. •-
yyecisi arrangements made with Emigration and Land Companies.
l ur full particulars, apyplyy-� to the Company's Land t'ommiasloner, JOHN licTAVIEW, Win-
nipeg: or to the undenignFd.
By order of the Board,
Montreal, December 1st, Lat1.
(UAILES 11111111XILWATER.'Sec etary.
1u• -
To the old stand in tl-o Albion 'dock, formerly occupied by him, where be will be
Wo welcome all has old customers and the public generally. A large quantity o
fa to tr,v.ai by cr.iblfe 1 wry., whIgb,'
though th,•;, may sreeull,Lr,rt Gut' jY ills- i�i�v
6 A week in your own to -wit. .Terms and
.DVst mfr
coat, u„ ,: t l in that direction at all. 't•;i, portlanu.lni tlulneu Acldrnss i1. IIALLIrr & 1
Let everv' v.,ung roan strive to. WMA _ .... - Lt 5 --
' "c nines the money -plies, wheat, .nae loud n.tu,ait , hitt'nttwe moo f� N C H O f� LINE.
duct, ye'11 tuckoa the bual'u' plies j f ...---- CYtl6U91AT&9 !f AIL 4TEANthltc
An Aberdeenshire Laird, who kept a tab Rat*s Fee lost.' I 31a'I • ' -v r'aturda t
lulu yard, .strangely en NEW Yon 70 t.Lal.-GOR'
very Wxx} poultry we leavet.Onadle t 1111e,41l44 uW 1 CCADIN8.Ns to low. FTEE!. g:
cru;h cotlki n 't com$iaad a fresh MX; for THn 1111 �.tlrR;ith my dry w 1 Theeetwousersdotsotcarryca tle.shelper, .
his .breakfasts Ont days however, like at tole ff11 itetl! g NNW YOFh TO T a+Ntvn': 1t1i:Fc T .
•$2. 1 CADENS til to Mt. Excursion at 1 edl at
met'hilljiril!'lie's• wit'. �ft�itlg towards the *OVAL Alla [iuse>R.. .. aY..e Itasca.
with a '11e.NAL A`tb AnVEri.Tlt)ts,. r passsger aocomstalallinv art. I:popp ,y1 , '..
'market, And very suripieioutlly,'11dt�1A1• A to MAIL, j 2. ! All sitaten.,nis , u ]:sin heck:.
(l p epyeaki n•• 1• C V'01lIc .. , ..2• PaeMent tote bo,.Itod at rawest rates t r r, . -
any Railroadi;tnti,m „t En s ,r err'
• i Uraftsat lowearate tyala! •u •-.• 1 • 1arr.
was full of beautiful w white egg. ' thrnnghnttt F.nlrtand. ,.'r', hnd ar•d Irchttal.•
For l,,,nk' of infurtnatlnn L•lan., L. (era
next tint., ho talked with his griero rte I ► 1esed ('lrrgymaw. to tix.nrrtaO hadmtenly T IkrwLix/`. i
bi him, 'Usines, 1 tike feu veal► Eveu t11 r�ttfenco of lair stern 4: Arra VIt3, i; tT/►1tKOCG ilw ,l'lton •.
well, and I think you acrvct me faith- n,tite exhauntei wofie fie a (ltet►chet a rM _ At rat at (i'Nlrr '
fully; but- I cannot Arte that i Admire ewtlltllt•A`i1e u%11 to o Bile i t.• irriit an incessant a -_- $QRON CJ'tTPtTV"
your mite.' las whirls the, c•.,1 reply coughing, tl:aking it i ptersihb• f.•r him I ECTOR ' -
WAS, "Devi, I'm us. scrpri%e.l at tpltr tote hearth Yet, how very case CID all
D 1 i
for s ittualtle altiailte'�a nyiaL"w" tNs 10( tt� r�tpl)b NES DIRECTtiI;Y Fttf' lit
tlr'V'1c „„imE:--sT� ,41,0 sort• l�iww s•\'elf crag Rta� crN'\Tl', EcT:St3'R 4NU l:i'
Pioneer Court, Paisley, Davie Coughs amt Colds. Trial l.ottles given r•
ARi,t:tltuanwv5.abv. Vt,- tatsifllrtwun •
tteu a yr111! 'limit
�Me of every Farmer and HHomMlsoldeetattlr ('Vow
Driwkw•wn, ant hon st weaver, WM Mill- • ti• with tr. ;r fort Ont t .tM' eeset. *too '
nemplete work ever 'ws.dd
M sost .r for $ its d!M n' Yrdutt+s sd-5 Cui41 ,,1)r,*e :Tei c w, - - fi 3.00.
1111etin! en readily
legm far more than any ••eller '`
Dice basket: 11 passing, 1111. Q ,51"2' 1L ANL) rRA A
ks ais0o.Ored west JP basket 'KIWI t CATKI P
hot Tho I SI 1At Asn �A•tAllt a
»roasted to alhgps!r . • .
*Web he t ser Trait well! lie i, : `, "'salient asp ten iowan rah. Agents Waste •,
which he omitted to stake a reeespt. 1
The mnf,r was s. 1 kerma is the i preparatinn- For Contrite, ('••his. I:nt,. I.1.:, 1: 11. I ,.,i'n../ A
pt 1 n in $h 7%Irt*t i sl aw .sd iso
nAOajborbmdt; t„ a. t,l, Ria- i Chili*. 'tido e I i Lw11bV •i ►1 tsi/sttvY 10..
aM'rwww anti TigbiNM .04 4, 1, telun. t e •
C As/ er, and fn new.* Dant b.stt es at iii*) IM`s• ash. 1+01 1•t.:.
before) "their `leave cru tgnal, in itsrl[e I
mentos ' that
t, .,.r i.' 1-s [ lieu• Qhlwrito admits . •
sped h � PIIATF�s.nHytlr.l►aepttttr+rattle!
hr•nen. that 1laene 1••vt Ail patience. ssa • J _
anti nrrfy •• the
bitt••aeteea ..f hRs e
}) '•R1tMit1 tlrl +e(t►(1t1•, tprr; 'ibaw. ► }}��•!R�►TwHy • p,` -
baud thy tonQne: else Ill 1 tatson +l.•seIIT by IOe tavallt taking We c.,ay'nn- to Ito a. Sa1MI1„r. t.r {`eros I
nat�Ie that no,• 'rhea hotly in Pit t trlr �n7 daadaeli prwparalMn d 1 seats.
7'laee klaete�s t'. t•••
� ,i �„e "West IlaPInL�- /dr}11" r�rTs►rt tw wtyilrr.' ats. mates, (' pc. via,,,,..
.sn�tural. i a,", t � Ms/�t ,11: .'sate Illi ranee. Germany.
rte. gehate bad les•
itcleeneM �' whllIpnnnl♦Tthltl pt/. a lihtetl ktre.si
t0 'sail the srtything tat rte• liverta.:rrgQfalosacaw} rrls4: t 11s a.r rasa+.,, 1
"Hand thy tomtit., tenet-f►F•else•i'D2tst real. tent star of 1[ypnpbraphl•she tstl(arnrt' AMOttras. 'Ib,. law rn
tt`+t ranine ' • tFrtr Arlwne'nit the stnmarh eplenrlld II1nAMtoi wMk1T MWr. Rt•eaaFca•.
it 4Yt. ill ke face $ nitre that Irak TM b , , ,;, n /p.i rtsrl. ed flow*• elms.-. the Prn.v-r`am d $.,lent+. k 'eel in'. :
it twill.
k.M the., will tie t11ea'! th. Meaphrtf Art' * M �• P551h, at/w[tAsl ,.tine and W an enwsnons .arcyh'k
"Whet name. fare von giro me, sir r etre/t.1,, tro`A w4f 44s. -err• Aw1r feast AAdres AI5'NN A tat., Patent So1k
In hath the nn mal wort yr( rt.&hlr klfl5 tram. i`aMleh••r. of -• trtarn. Auricle/is,a;'gnnf•wt man hnt t'm n.' beteg t0 beteg to Arl..totn- ,rrnm'I' anA i.r.lnr ttnw. Nr,.• Yn.r MONO ..,,.y who., I'*teiti
tsar the 10111 believe it I owns an. r... Mil
• :sem:.ti.'s? fn7:,`153s
ur Bate ay .1 AWLS
Ggoatts ItH r4A ,
Chemists and Druggists.
W V , r.x Dal
Ain pl,c:at ,..c. •n.ci:s:L•citown
Punt ti• c. : ' t. •: , r, acrid etlk eteei
drotteywr of wormga
s 1.1 C.lfldret (*Adele.
To DTsee .. Cows alit-. an l AccTnrwn
wh.ch H.-.vAFD's t+aLLOW OIL is -
teed t', cure or relieve either in :Er r
_moo -r, • cornice.clea.yrr, sons: Tllno_(7.
ASTTU.tf 1, COLD4, doe.
r.lrrrtr.t rr..1r, 5t:rDAL(IL4.
( It1J.Jll..4lNS, c.+LLorsLcxre
WL1.LIYG.5, srlre'ooLrT*,
9.fr.r..v, FRONT .11.11714
LA.VF. v rc.4, (Of.N.t,
onNn:..f(Troa:v' nRrrs:e.
Lara lGO, IMl,
Dr.A ?lyres, PAI v TY SACK.
/rt4l� 4, PAIT d NIDE.. a..
Ever,' t..'ttle gatetrteed to give atidac.
ties es many r -fended
pattn011$ watt [AOR NMI. P5105 7 S..
T.K[ILS= de 00., Prcprlstors
T •r• -)\ -:•-s 0l1T.
i .,teed • •'ems
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1 • fit
patine - teat fir '1•aye.
eej��rK west, ., els.
OMNI' 4slar,D r.• rt•; raw.
T. & J. STORY,
Bti .
C 1-1111PZ
I REPAIRING and JOBBING dime with Neatness and Deilltnteb, .and'at teas -
.sable Rates. .Cali and examine before pun�hasleg cice wbere.
"re a J_ STORY,
Ii' 't-_•stNnoisTND. Il.t l'iLTI}N ETI CF.T.
l n. CLE, ,!t.IN M t�t,E
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ta.kipir. My Mock is LAW and we l!I•E s - ted,
a.F.\T 13A R.G I.
122 bo pew, rp` ��j
Daniel Gordon,
taillitt. Mau
�►�l 1114[11117
Wriest Jltatioo 1st j.'•.. '. ,, i 1.•o AI Mock this ai•!,• of I„a,
Pau on8I1Tts, -
;-Rot`ys Si EE,► -a.
EASY Cu %fres
Lrtrrt.trs, 1st
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lis h i•foR7 '5K wrest *reel, sorer I',tt !/, ire, ta„dl'fr