HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-27, Page 5tktawa, sad as chuiru►an reported
against the *earl, because it placed our
bounds es far west as the Le :u of the
Woo,*. 1Vhiki in ltls emirs, evidence
hofa ottwmittee,before erne etxtion,
he iwed that the btwndery of Upper
Cao�daextettded tooth e White Earth River
450 miles west of the Lake tf the Words,
The Hun. 11r. Cau.bonto 1 :r' i., an able
paper supporting Cased claim, as
spinet the preteasicxu ut the Hudwu
Bay Company, contended thot rot retards
onr Northern boundary, the ouly west -
bib conclusion was, that is was- eith3: bound-
ed in that directiun by a few iselattdl pests
on the shote of the hu Isom Biro; else
thst the coutpnny's ten'ito l troffer l;:.e.
the intersectio' of the line wee.' Zino
with the Miesisupttt, a wyti., aid .c.•it-
sequently Canada hal no particular lim-
it in that direction. At tet tha 1Ves:urn
boundary, he said it was clearly d•suba.-
stated that it ettenle l to some point
west o! tho Ltkeof the Wo,.1s, the only
question was as t'i're tern th•tt p oil': el,
to be found, rear it the White Earth
River. the that water, of the iliea:11.4p,t:
with which the due West hue intersects,
or was it the saut:iit of the 'Pocky
Mountains. (Hear, hoar.: T .-) ts'nrd
only g•►ve Ontario "U. the !elm of the
Woods," in that it was vary evideut it
was not unduly ftvoral.le to us. It was
given as a remen for refusing Po ratify
the award that there would 1w dissatie-
factior. ou the.part uf the other Provin-
ces. In regard to that Quehuc had, he
believed, nearly 100,000 square miles
more than Ontario; and Marutt.be, under
the new arrangement, would also have a
larger territory that Ontario,. There
was no gtuund, theeefure. foe jealousy
on the pari of the other Provinces. li
the IJuwiui.m ,Parliament had rttitied
thou awant there would not have Leen t►
murmur of discontent through•rut the
whole eapfedaratioa. Cheer.) There
was nu•doo�lt, howtther, that ratification
was withheld fee puhticsl jere/Kama • Sir
John was endeavoring to curtail t)ntario's
influence, and deprive us of liar political
prestige. Hon. gentlemen opposite should
have stood up for the rights uf Ontario,
but he was wtrry to have it to say that
they had not dome so. The Lott. ineitber
for Glengarry (Mr. Mc Mester:, was very
irate at beim; refer, -.-i to as flee member
fur Glengarry, a•• Mon.retsh Ilia from
the course he was now takiuu, lie could
not complain if he was repudiated as an
Ontario, representative. He claimed
that he represented, and had a i.andate
from the elect•ore of Glengarry,. but a
stranger hearing his speech, would
think that he held a brief for the Douai -
Man against Onhitle. IID one of the
most regretable fehturea ifl connection
with this question, that party feelin[ u
blinding a large number of Onttirii s
representatives to the vital iutereata of.
the •Province. A strong Meting prevails
amongst the electors that in this House
there should be not politics, that onr
legislation laws and administration are
often starred by its introduction!' To
this portion of the electors the attitude
of hon. gentlemen opposite will not
ammniend itself. The just extension
and territorial rights of the Province
aro attacked, and the control of
our local offaire impugned and eve: -
ridden. Are these not questions,
and is this not a time when all party and
political prejudice'shuvld he cast aside,
and Ontario's sons, warmed by a patri-
otism foot their own Province, stand as
one man in detence of her rights, and
with one voice assert their intention to,
Maintain them. He was sorry hon.
gentlemen were not taking that course,
hut rather the opposite, but, he was
assured that if they went to the country
on their present platform of a surrender
of Ontario's rights, weak as weretheir
numbers NOW, they would not return
with' a corporal's guard.
Mr. Rote resumed his seat amid loud
A thou.Lthee pere•:l is .i Da:maity *
coarse and st ltiih pore .it. When pw.lde
(?e .rebel hi their nui{ht..'rs, suit pees
them pain eoeaatily to say, "I ,lid
not think, put* forward no plea fur
their Mier owe, but it rather a ream.n
for aoidrwiation, and an additional peg
ai which to hang a sore • i of rebuke.
("RCM 8RA1:_.;
The New Compot:'id, won-
derful affinity to the 1):,,e.tivs
Apparatus and the Live; inc: aes-
ing the dissolving juices, reliev-
ing almost instantly the dreadful
results of Dysa sia, Indigestion,
and the TORPID LIVER, makes
Zopesa an every day necessity in
every house.
It acts gent! and speedily in
Biliousness, Costiveness. Head-
ache, Sick Headache, Distress of
ter Eating Windon the St iieacks
Heartburn, Pains in the Sice and
Back, Want ofAppetite. Want 01
Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom-
ach. It invigorated the Liver, can.
ries off all surplus bile, regulates
the Bowels, and gives tone to the
whole system.
Cut this out and take it to ,!roles
D incant
or bottle for 76 cents, aaad
tell 'v0117nneg F»pbmstlt4
1'revlous to stock -Taking will continue
/WC tete CaIsase Kinds month, Ike retire start Ka/ayes and T1aware. Wall aper and
fury rise*.
The Cheapest House Under The Sun.
Grand ClearingSale
sealsoo to the nder-
sig shad- doe te
tow roil S1al
il PAA -
r rt,anses." N 1 received at tklr Walle-
t nets s. clock. ossa on
HQ�MattAT, the i bey _ d Fraat• next,
for grettlon and Comptettop of New Par-
liaseaat Buildings for Ontario. and certain
worts in connection tber'ewith. accenting to
(1 The Plass lipectiloattosa prepared
bl News. Gordon Hellfwall, of Toronto, or
IN The Plans a S ifeatio■a prepared
by Messrs. Darling Gof the same city.
Printed forme of Te be obtained at
this Department. and persons tendering are
spedstily notified tMt they will note be enti-
t el d to have their Terden considered unless
the sante ore made on and in compilanee with
these printed foams, signed with the aortal
signature of every pension tendering (including
each member of a firtni. followed by his post
omleeardydress, and with all blanks in the forms
Tender meat be accompanied by an
accepted bank cheque, payable to the order of
the (bmml_ManerofPnblicWorke fnrOntarso.
WUI. daring the Nast Four Weeks. offer their Entire Stook of Winter (foods at cicerone fries(
To stave Time of Marking Down Goode we will take the Cos Jtsrk for the gelling Price, mid
commence at e to Sell at Cost in Every Department.
iVe want to Make Room for a Large _tock of Spring Goode. We never carry load, i^t r from
one season to another. We never bold Goods until they become old and out of date.
Our Customers and the Public will reap the lieneer.
R EID 84 SNEYD, IanchesterHouse l G od er !h.
I' 4.
2.4ad.ies ►_ aces i Znla .fes !
It you want anything in tit Winery line, you oan get it at
Well-known Establishment on the Square.
Being desirous of clearing out the balance of her Large and varied stock of Milliuery,
Maniles, die. for winter were in order to make roots fur Spring and Summer
!mode, you may .expect
At MISS STEWA.RT'5 Milliner- House on the Solari..
-111711 MILK Of -
Fall and Winter Goods
• Is now Complete in Every Department.
Our Terms Being Cask, we are able to offer
Goods at Prices That Left' Competition.
For the next three months 1 will sell furniture at the following prices, for ash:
Low cupboards at4 50
Glaaeton Cppboards.
f'lotas .... . ... ..
Lounges from
Bedsteads from . .
Fall leaf Tables at.
washstands from
Bureaus front
Sideboards from. ... . ,.
Everything else at similar mitts.
These prices pant be beaten in town. 1 invite inspe.-tino. 1 ata boon -t +. sell, as 1 intend
removing to Dakota :n the spring. 1 have also a Int of m•whipery mei cabinet maktrg
hich 1 will sell at a very I .w price.
f... 7,6e
...... 12 CO
A 01 up.
9ucts up.
S 00 up.
for the anon of $&OOS.00. which will be tor- I --- -
felted If the party tendering declines or fails
to entry into a Contract based upon such Ten- i
der. wben cur"blur: to do so. W hero the
pent a Tender accepted, the cheque
will be returned. Where two Tenders li. r„
one basset on each set of said Plans and Speci-
!cations• are made under the same Dover by
the same person or firm, only one such accept-
ed bank obeque need accompany said two
For the dee fulfilment of the contract. sates- I
&v.'. v security wiD be required on real estate.
or by the deposit money. public or muniti-'/
lel securities or bask stocks, to the amount of I PL
five per cent. on the bulk sum, to become lay -
able under the Contract, of which five per
_ _ _ _ - _ enrnpanyint the Tender, wig considered a NEA T trESS AND DESPATCH AN f C r
To each .Ton .ier must be attached the actual
the amount of the ed cb rte ac -
4a �•
Speci Bara!iis iu Tea at Vory Lo Prises
25c. per tb and upwards. If you want a really tine Tort try rely 50c. Young Hyson,
it is a splendid article and worth more money. .1 have also just opened out a com-
plete assortment of
Crockery& G Iassware
Including Stone and China Tea Eets. Childrens' Toy Tea +dtts, Lsdies and Gents
Fancy Tea Cups and Ssucors, suitable for•Christniis and New Year's Gifts.
Lammp5&L a rap Goods in Great Variety
Call and be Convinced
111 aaco•-.L'r •:'mac Jelin :1. !fell and J.G. hall oiti•.l he settled at on... SETT-�, TOILET
TAS_ G-_ �..c�.S.�-_.�,
S.O,. t8LC.
T ', (il1S BMS 16 All P��rlli�i»��rr10' all Mods Clhea 1
Dr. Brig or Instrumental Music.
-- signatures of at least two responsible and rel-
to out af these !
conditions, and thesis* fol! resent and perfor- I
dT- --
RHYNAS'the Druggist
Protestant Institute, Edinbugh, on become sareio s for the ~tiring Prescriptions a Speciality - - Nigh' Bell on the Front Door
The Rev. Dr. Begg lectured in the rent person. residents of Ontario willing to
Moiday afternouu, under the auspices mance of the (!roust in in a0 particulars,
of the Lidiei Purity of Worship Assoc-. Printed o s
ie of there dive Sp.riflca• - --•
t cone can he obt•tinrd on app reatton at the
De. A
iatian, on "Ordination vows Contrasted partment.
with present proceedings." There was a This lh partmcnt will not he bound to ae-
large attendance, and nearly half of rept the lowest or ■nv Tender.
HI order,
those present were gehtlemon. I)r. Bags; WM. F1)WA HIB.
eat t
d that into the general question of :secretary.
gno en -
Department of Works f Optario•
tor urther than by saying that the quos-
theorily o aura _-
I'u'':e rr
f hip he woo
Id t Torrent . end Jan. leer.
firm in mimeo( its aspects was must inn-
could bel re the Mack`s Magnetic Medicine ! •
ppo(�rtaanrit that
come o . )
0hutoeh. There had been in Sootland no / _
discussion of it for 300 years till recently
when there had been some discusaion of
an unsatisfactory nature. It was being
stated that there were precedents in the
Bible as to the use of instrumental music
in worship. Well, if they followed the
use of instrumental music, they roust
also take the dancing, the sacrifice, and
the licence. Rnrne people thought it an
open question, but in Presbyterianism
there should be io questions PM t i
Chuch worship. Dr. Begg then went on
too show that clergymen were bound by
their ordination vows not to change the
present simple forst of worship. The•
speaker referred to various authot-
lties in support of his statement that in-
strumental nnaic and human hymns
were never used in the Scotch Church
till recently. Now, however, they had a
Church Service S ciety-a secret organ-
isation --which published a book that
largely copied bran the English Prayer
drink. Nearly ons -thirst of the Establish-
ed Chureh ministers were members of
that society, and were thus false to
their vnwa. Ministers were annoying
and dividing their congregations by
their mama, and instru,ner:ts were be-
ing struggled into congregations in con-
weeties with Sabbath Schools, prayer
meetings, said p!ahnody practice. it
resin to be a question how these people
aft 14 he dolt with. The spirit roused
was one of self.pietasng and theatrics)
awreertent. Used instrument and hu-
man enjoyment- that w.0 what they
had entree to. It wad a mean thing. Le
thought, to • ' and 'Noreen. tags from
other churches. dpplaiuse..' Let thee!
keep their era, and let. net the
Clitoris show as e*weple wh.cb, hnjng
Ilnwn into the osselet -place. tends t
undermine the whole principles of *mil
and robitptat+oin. --[Untt►frim and tier ,.
way Courier.
To etoossd in any of life's endavtmn.
be our talents what they mey. we re-
quire passrwseum. decision and tenaci-
ty of will to reach the fell tower* of
t. • zed '• . . �'r% y
0 l war 01.1E Maw. t AITaw-)
in a Sore. Prompt and Effectual Remedy for
Nervousness in all Is stages. Weak Almon -v.
lass of 11r fn L'as'er. kx'tatr Prostration,
Night ,Rural a Knernaforrh so. Senti,tnl'Wen
su•,ns and (h-wrral Ins* el Potter. it repairs
Nrrts ua If-ose, /Ajurenoted the Jaded Inte!-
irtt, strengthen. the Enfeebled Brain. reed Re -
le OMR Nurprisino Tette and t-igor, to fhe Er -
hayseed (fen, ra fine O gang. The experience
ret t.hansnnds 1 roves it an lvr st.t•Aat.n rtr:v-
ant. The medicine in pleasant to the taste.
and each box rants ins sup stent for two week's
wtedkstion. and 1. (be . "ret and but.
agile!! pre i liar+ io, "ear pamphlet. which
we dewire to :call free to any address.
Ienrk's Msc■rtlr Medicine `.• sold by Ilrug-
gieta at se . ; -. per box. or 11 boxes for $A. ear
will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the
meney. by add missing
N4t•k's111A4 kTH'MEDICINECo.,
%Cind.nr, t int.. Canada.
Sold In (toilerieh. by JA!NI7+ 1/111J1e5. and
all Dreeflata everywhere 1912-ly
$RtiRTienT PLA i101'TE.
Cabin. Intermediate and Pteerpte Teams
wWZRT *ATaa.
Kieerair i'assonears are booked to London.
Cardiff. Bristol. Oueenatown, (terry, UeMWt.
Galway and (1a•.'uw, at same rates as to
WTNTF. p. .1 R R.•t ti t : E MF,NT.
SAllr[V(1 F:� Ertl 11 ANI) i' WEER
leatitt AND AND F DOR-
TI , t AW.i.S4t Al HAI' AN.
t►vi,vNptltN. FROM WnsTtiN.JANUAk1-
M. CAI ',Ply' AT HAI,IFAX..IAN.1I,�t,t.
1•tt,t.11f(t i T ItAI.IR•.A X. JAN "Mk
is tItle1Ai. norm Iaf&Tet', ►'Mild APO'
hwt (•Al.l T'N AT HAI.If.aX. 10.11.0h.
PLitlTtA' F-In.)1 sI TI.A'10. FEW nth.
PALLlfRA`IAN, mom nowris.u. win. IOth
Lunt; AT HALMS N. FF.R.IrI►.
free 1130e +a end min? IweernsttMl appy to
j '.‚..t. Mentes% Telafrsph
Man ()twee Oederteh.
", 'tel i. D. cug!islt. Frc•, ..n and t'^ire' ••. •ua:: ••,
Lyon and. Osceola* • I
TOILLT T ,■ T).1>) : 7.:s. . ► 1. N r�eI E - ( 1!
„!r ,,t, t , )' ( t I I • lt( E.
Counties in Northwest Iowa, are .'1 Jt R1OCC1VC8a a Ohoico Stock
concededwto be rho most beautiful Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes.
and fertile in the State. This sum,- 1 n l oh'
rase we have opened• upwards of .tlurc)ativs
300nowfarms,sikingawell'Assortment Vases�es� of E��la�� T���ds ���
building a convenieat house and t;lif...ii•L:•i• iv TIAV':
. $_ M000RMAC� CV.7'11'1' }:FZ_
roomy barn, and breaking'from CALL AND PRICE G' ; o DS. r -i yw
00 to 100 acres cn each farm. JOHN 0■ L `le y COlj Et 4 O.
These farms are to let on terms d
that no industrious man can fail WI i e (�to make profitable. Immediate . LSO ROOTS AND S R
L ` .
possession given. We will, if need- JL l t�-J ,.,
ed, furnish seed for neat year's
crop. We will also furnish break- O �"
ing to bo done. for which we will a d 1� A
pay the regular prices. Tenants 1
not having teams °noughto break i.
with, will be supplied with a horse
or horses for that purpose, mar-GooDsI
kat price, and the pay takken 'in
breaking. Theeelfarms are all sit-
uated within a few r, iles of the AT MRS_
railroad. Apply personally or by
letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO.,
Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa
Illustrated Floral Guide ! J CST I.1•:I i- I t P 11 I, P(:)- FTtl('K (
TOl'ro ND '.Nl11' Ma(u)l)_ 11)11 THF
, Far lest 1. aa Elegant Moak ref 11e Pete•. 11101.111.'i `'l:A.(lN. F1'1.1, 1,11.41r4 iN
Iwo r.lsred Pleb. Of Hawses. tag reser MILLINklll'. r'F:iL 1141- tenors Hb.F'1iRK
time Nee IMe•tewtiara of the choicest Flow- BUYING IN(: Y.01 1t 1101 11/.cl* 1;l rr!-
I ere. "Unto mei VeirtalJe., an 1 Direct loos for MR.S. W ARNOCK, llantilton-M.
grow inngg. 1t is handsome r nongh for th• ('en-
tre Tatar or HnHday Present Send on vow
name and P.'it I rftlee address. with 10 cede
and 1 will send you a copy. lastast Paid. This
I is not a gylarter or Its cost. It h printed in
Tooth Entfit.h an.l (lernan. If you afterwards
order seeds ded0r t the 100P.
'Hien *rune am the h,.1 In the world.
1 The Ft•.wto (I, sr.r rem tell yew how to tet
and grow utero
ten's Flower mad t.•tetahle garden. 173
Payr, a Colored Pierre. AOS 5Uier"ltta*. rot
1a erns- is miner racers : 11.114 in eatpont cloth.
in Gerrean ar F:ntzli.h.JAS. A. MeiNTOF4H,
Iflet'. Iliwatr*re greens!, amine -6t I truer,. Itoderieh
Pages, a Colored Plate it every ntlsber sad ' :N■' ft 11Mt1. lett-ern
eater e h:osrerinet. Price tl.lty yearn
Pe coope.. for p.m, Speet,eee 1Veinee I
+ tont foe ween.: 3 trial rimless Yee Ort erast. I $72 AAWlEfR. p?OMy at home meat
Addycostly omit
11*. s.rs.n eF.trent fAees. *Wins
1• w: ARMSTRONG. tree
d W anted
IkktiMtcam et the ear wilthefetid.sfor which
i have streat pienanr., in rnnouncinrt to trey' cost. ,ers and ' he 'melt.• at bootee t t.
my stock of !trouts anti Shoes for the Fall Trade .s new , o ill 1,•11 .n.' 1 wool, int
via inepecti•m of the tame. 1 have keen especi ;'le e trefoil 10 •o' rebs•.• ;ti.wla which
i believe will give the customers satislnction. ae.l do t'n•+ii• to .Yse1
�ri►u will hit�fl `I\ Pros loot 1Ii;si 1Ii�1(,�►���11
As 1 Loy iu large. , uautities, and ler Cash. Doit: • the I t: toet also
Town, t c.rn sell at closer pric^e than thoe..• al, .1., t am,
lousiness. T weel.l esp'ci illy call the
Attention of Farmers to ily Stock of Iiong Boots and Shone
Which is one of the largest to be found in any ret siI stns,, to the ['peon., 1 bare
on hand several cases if the celebrated "K. d. 1t." 1..n•;
Ii000,h. which have given aneh
irn.mesa.Se Sati o+ .r.:tioz . I
n Lite fast. t int
OR3�ERETJ -17.7-01:EZ::