HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-27, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL MAY, JAN. 27, ltd?. TAE EFFECTS 07 CU?LIIltlle. •r ■sees tease airs assenbliei Mer re roes. A few .lays age the daughter of an East Lockport ,old man wh. hes grown cosifortatly weal -.off ie tie small grocery line, was sent away to a "female adhere,' And ee•ently aha arrived home ter the /holiday v.ecation The old man was us stt.mdance at the if epet whirl the train arrived, with the L44 horse in the deliv- ery waggon te convey his daughter and her trunk to the house When the train stopped, a bewitching array •d dry goods end a widebiiwn.ed hat dashed from the car and dung itself into the elderly party s arm.. "Why, you superlatae pa" she ex- claimed. "1'm so utterly glad to see yen." The old nun was somewhat unnerved by the greeting, but he rec.eamised the sealskin cloak in his grip as the iden- tical piece of property he had paid fur with the grey mare and he sort of squat It up in his arcs and planted a lima where it would do the most good with a report that sounded abate the noises of the depot In s brief space of time the trunk and the attendant baggage were Laded into the wagon, which wag sun bumping over the hubbies toward home. "Ps, dear," said the young Mw, sur- veying the tam with a critical eye, "do you consider this quite excessively be- yond?" "Hey!" returned the old Tuan, with a puled air; "quite excessively beyond what?" "Oh, nu, pa, you don't understand me," the daughter explained. "I mean this waggon and horse. Do you think they are soulful? -do you think they could be studied apart in the light of a symphony, or even a single poem, and appear as intensely utter to one on re- turning home as one could exprvs4" The old nun twisted uneasily in his seat and muttered something about he be- lieved it was used for an express before he bought it to deliver pork in, but the eon - venation appeared to. be travell- ing in such a lonesome direction that he pitched the horse a resounding crack on the rotunda, and the severe jolting over the frozen ground prevented further remarks. "Oh there is that lovely and consum- mate may" screamed the returned colleg- iate, as they dre r up to the door, and presently she was lost in the embrace of a motherly woman in spectacles, "Well, Maria, said the old man at the supper table, as he nipped a piece of butter off the lump with his own knife, "an' how'd you like your school!" "Well, there, pa, now you're ahou-I mean I consider it too far beyond," re- plied the daughter. it is unquenchab- ly ineffable. The girls are so sumptu- ously atunn;ttg-I mean grand -so in- tense. And them the parties, the halls, the rides -oh, the past weeks have been one of sublime harmony." "I a pose so -1 s pose so," nervously assented the .old man. as he reached for his third cup, "half full -but hew about your hook.-reaoi. , writin'. grammar, rule o'three-how about t:,ci..:' "Pa' don't" exclaimed the daughter reproachfully: "tho rule of three ' _-ram- mer __ "It is French amid music and painting, pl man may be supposed to save money and the divine in art that have made and sty it by for sickness or other pin- ing school life the ex's -I mean has ren- pose., bet he canuot do this unless his wife lets hue or helps hini. A prudent, .t \.ate sea. Dania was the thief jeweller of Asca- lon, and eminently distinguished for his e xemplary life and madly virtues. On a certain .occasion a committee of the elders of a Jewish congregation called upon hint for the purpose of purchasing precious stones with which to ornament the ephod of the high priest. Diamonds were the stones they sought, and having thus informed the jeweller, they offered him what they considered a fair prieulor the genes. Dana told them he could not at that time attend to then, and hal. them call again later in the day. The elders did not wieli to be thus put off, and moreover they suspected that this was only a few on the part of the jewel- ler to increase the price of the stones. They pe rsistedrjn the demands for im- mediate attention. Diamonds such as only Daina possessed were necessary to complete the ephod, and they offered double and treble the price they had at first proposed. But Dams was Unmov- able, and they finally went sway vrestly dlsappuinted, not to say wrathful. Later in the day the elders came again and Duna placed before theta the dia monde they desired, and when they had made their selection they tendered to him the highest price which they had last offered. "No," said the jeweller, "your first offer was all that the stones are worth and that only will I take,' "Why then," exclaimed the chief of the e lders, "did you not close with the offer this momuig 7' "Because," answered Deena, "my father has the key to the chest in which the damonis were de- posited, and he was at that time asleep. He is aged and infirm, and that hour's sleep was of more worth to him than was your increased price to me. My father has not so many c omforta that 1 can knowingly deprive him of a single one of them. " The high priest, when he had heard the story, came to the jeweller's house, and laid his hands upon Dame's head, and said: "Blessed be thou by him who hath said, 'Honorthy father and thy mother," and in thetimeto Dome raay thy children honor thee as thou hath honored the author of thy being." TRe People Who de set IM Themselves. "Ton much silverware at the start is a dangerous thing for a young couple," n ays a modem philosopher, "for it calla for other things to correspond, and will keep the young man on a strain to keep up appearances. 1 knew a pair of bran and irons to ruin a man thirty years ago, and he never reoovered from it, for they called for a fender and the fender called for a ine rug and the rug for a carpet and the carpet for curtains and cornice, and so on and so fourth and fifth and sixth until he got in debt and tried to sell his house to pay out, and couldn't sell it, but the sheriff came along and sold it just as easy. Extravagance and trying to keep up with the neighbors is the great domestic trouble in this coun- try-. It brings on financial distress, and thtt causes speculation and embezzle- ment and bamboozlement, and that ends in whiskey and suicide. There is no security in this life but honest in- dustry and living within one's means. Folks who do that don't kill themselves." dared ono unbroken flow of rythrnic bliss - incomparably and exquisitely all but." The grieryman and his wife looked hopelessly at each other across the table. After a lonesome pause the old lady said "How do you like the biscuits Maria?' "They are too utter For anything." gushed the accomplished young lady, "and the plum preserve is aim! ly n poem in itself." The old man ruse abruptly from the table, and went out i f the r•n in, nub- over to the hands of the boys of the pre- bing his head in a dazed and benumbed sent are inheritance,ieve andaandtret readok abroad manner and the coo entero wag dissoly• enter upon your duties. dl. That night he and his wife sat ;done by the store until it late hour. and at the the breakfast table the next morn- ing he rapped smartly on his plate with tmealsg 4'sM.-OreheMas, £g l-llrtitiun who have trityl "Tse - 1111111T," pronounce it the finest thing op While it ie easy to take uc'Id in 1110- tit* lase of this is rth for the teeth and summer, colds are usually re prove- breath. 5 Dont samples. lent when low temperature prevails, though less in clear, cold, steady winter, than during the variable spring sad au. tumn. Catching cold is usually the re- sult of inequality of temperature in two parts of the body, especially adjacent parts, which disturbs the uniform cir- culation of the blend 'At the place where this diaturtrnce tamers, congestion arises, that is, a rush of blued fruuu one direction faster than it is carried if by the chilled blow" vessels in the other di- rection, and this produces serious results if not speedily remedied. This d.aeased oonditiou may extend over the whole bady, affecting most severely any organ already weak. Thus a cold may conte flout damp or chilled feet; from even • slight dratf of air blowing through a crack upon one side or portion of thebody andcolingit;from standing near a fire or stove, and heating one side while the other side remains comparatively cold; from warmer cloth- ing one part of the body than another; froth lightly dressing the arms and low- er limbs, or leaving them naked; from standing over a hot register; frotn the chilling evaporation of water or moisture from a portion only of one's clothing; in general, from any cause producing ine- quality of temperature. The causes of a cold, named, indicate how to avoid one. Maintaining general vigor by nourishing, well digested food gives one power to resist an attack. When to be especially exposed, a little tonic, as a grain or two of quinine, taken in advance, mar be usefuL Stimulants, like alooholic liquors, are but s tempor- ary aid; the reaction after the first atim. elating effect, leaves one more subject to take cold than if the stimulant had been omitted. Simple remedies will usually remove a cold, if taken promptly, before the congestion hu produced serious dis- organization. When struck with a sense of ohillness, 15 to 30 drops ofaromaticspirits of ammona, in half a tumbler. of water, will often start a uniform circulation all through the body, as this quickly enters the whole blond and its stimulating. Soaking the feet in warns water, grad- ually adding warmer water as long as it can be borne, draws off the blood front all the rest of the body, and often re- lieves congestion in any local part. Smart friction upon any part of the whole surface, or a uniform surface BEST EVERY TH1NG sweating, produces like results. But in these cases special care must be taken to prevent after -chilling of the feet, or any �• S. Hart & Co. other part After the feet heating. wipe j� dry quickly and Dover them warmly. The best remedy I have found for s recent cold is a moderate movement of he bowels with castor oil, or caustic, oe other mild cathartic, such as magnesia. This prodpces a flow of flnid, drawn from the blood to the alimentary canal, and thus reduces the pressure upon any one congested point, just as drawing off part of the water from a flooded pond relieves pressure from a weakened dant or embankment. This t.o be followed by keeping the body warns and comfor- table, and toning it un with good frugal, thrifty woman is a crown of glory to her husband. She helps him in all his good resolutions: she may, by quiet and gentle encouragement, bring out his better qualities; and by her example she may implant in him noble principles, which are Cie seeds of the hivhest 1-rac- tical virtues. Boy ' did you ever think that this great world, all Its wealth and woe, with all its urines and mountains, its oceans, seas, and rivers, steamboats and ships, railroads, steam printing presses and magnetic telegraphs, will soon be given Artemis, Ward and the "Michigan gee. meat." In a Louisville, Ky., hotel, one day, the handle of his knife and remarked Artemus Ward was introduced to a "Maria, me an' seer mother have been talkin' the thing ,over an' we're come to the conclusion that thin boe.rdin' colonel who had commanded a Missis- sippi regiment in the war. Artemus, in his way that was "childlike and bland," said: -"what Michigan regiment did school business is ten utterly all hut too You command, l'oh nal Then it was PERCHERON HORSES IAHUEB Importing and Breeding ESTBBUSMYEBT M. W. DUBAI & ` Wayne,( bad , 1 west or Dwrsag of put 117 wsawee 1N PIAL. LIONS .1ND maims laws been ansperte/ brow Prose se M4 esinidisainsesr, brine ▪ RE r too M MM*1.1 other Nert ef wAer /w re Norms /re eU porta W'rrropo for oily ewe Joon Oae-It/ta of the entire _I.r d fes eve. ..t FreiiIk serer* in Amoeba ansa a seen= lea tarts Hee ImncrteU. s have 'aniseed tbs Prts. Winners of the a»tserwal jap.N. Parts,, VIM and nearly all W Mie Rwsss W the Gnat %Rowe of Dims, slam W Comae. taboos began. They aro seared e1 Ib. honors . t tta. Caresankr, rut • end, at the Oi rChanson Centro 1 I1, Mr. Dwwfi s*racrd ▪ 1. s ad ` isol'""),l000lkie.h'e�p"r«t yd..- egos tow shorn, sondielft Igoe te �aam AO et issW/d add�� ?N.. eg LIwon AM a 0.se M.d.1. Ii1t1 Grand Pits OATALOGVP ease sass eve ampidrersow. emsea4 fair . er M /Mae. mousse 01111110111111fi �1.arveras lW*Awam trees. Order •' CALTALOOTIE X. - WIRY L&H42 BRIZIDZR • . BITZE Y NIIGHBOR.HOOD anal A t11111tsyeest inArt� IEMIE /tsneidthat � bred�the maims sees of the amy thessada.s 1• awe 'o"i se .ails des balsa work• am e w o .rte mVerses. the asehee SALLOWS THk PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CUSTOMERS BEST PICTURES, BEST SATIS- FACTION. that the Colonel spun like a top and much nonsense. Me and her consider I swore like a sailor. until pacified auf8- that we haven't lived sixty odd consum- mate years for the purpose of raisin a curiosity, and there's going to be a at op put to this unquenchable Foolishness. Now. aster you've finished that poem of fried sausage an that symphony of twist- ed dough -nut, you take an' dust up stain in less an' two seconds. an' peel off that fancy gown an' help your mother or a simple tonic like quinine. "Feed- ing a cold" prior to taking a cathartic, is AG• ENTS tyanted. BIR Pay. Lt:R the worstptesible treatment. It is only Work. Constant employmen adding material to increase the conges- i rtrealapiQuebec-hired, James Les sci e'oi Mo tion. --Ainericen Agriculturist. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich Mills iLATE PIPER'S.) Beg to return their thanks to the puhlic for the ilteersl patroti.ge received durng the past year, cad to state they are prepared to do C+RISTINC+ on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties tiring at a distance will exchange grist at their town store (Late W. M. Hilliard',,) Masonic block, East St. Goderich. y3r-Highest price paid for whoat.'.se ciently th hear en explanation. Arte - mus, with surprise, obterved "that he was always getting things nixed about the war.' It is always unfortunate to get things mixed, but never more so, than when one is sick. Then it is that the right thing in the right place is wanted mere than at another time in life, er under any other circumstances. It is a pleasure for um to note to thisain- nectinn, the experience of our esteemed to wash dishes. b want it distinctly un- fellow citizen, Colonel Rafnttel H. Tay- derstnod that there ain't going to be no inr, who, as is well known, does not get more rythmic foolishness to this house things mixed In a recent cnmmunlo- tion he writes -"i do hereby certify oohing as your superlative pa, an your that 1 snffred very much from rheumat -' lovely an consummate ma's rennin' the um and neuralgia dunng the fall of rancho Yon hear me. Maris t.. 1879, and tried many remedies with little if any good results i had heard of St. Jacobs Oil. and concluded to try AA good preventative For Revere. Ague it; more u en experiment than with any and Rtltnua i)setdeta to Dr Canon's hope of good results i can with great titnmarh and ('nnstioattos Bitters a pleasure command it to ethers, for the strictly vegetable preparation. They reawiit that 1 know it curd me Such toss the system, purify the Blood and increase the appetite, and render those taking thema�lyw,t+,ntgatt proof against dis- ease %meld he need in every ease in- stead of pills felonry. Rhyne". agent Corr (irsierieh Much of the happiness of life depends on our outward demeanor. We all have experienced the charm of gentle and courteous conduct: we have drawn irre- sistibly toward those who are obliging, affable and sympathetic in their demea- nor. Tho friendly grasp, the warm wel- come, the cheery tone, the encouraging word, the respectful manner, bear no small share in creating the joy of life, while the austere tone, the stern rebuke, the sharp and acrid remark, the cold and indifferent manner, the curt and disrespectful air, the supercilious and scornful bearing, are responsible for more human distress, despair and woe - than their transient natures might seem to warrant I t has Completely Cured Ms of Dyspepsia. Montreal, Que.. 90th Oi:(ober, 11/47. HOLAL4M LI VIER PAI) CO.: OmerlitMRN, -I have worn one of your Liv AT P14. for about le lays and 1t has rnmptete tole Agent. Oodrrlch. tweaks 1p cured me of a very had attack of dyspepsia), ti'. T. Xray. N'inRbum. After Irtng ranee used, the Pad fete It- Tennant, John N. Tant, M. 1). Locanow, self and lea genuine cure for the wont Dees of Ayspepsia. heartily nWitt MartTenn t► M. 10.. Klacardlnr.r»mno.nA it to .11 my Watts A, ('o. Clinton. Mends suffer? from the above, J. P. Rntoertw, s..fnrth. Res oily ours. lie H. Henson Ilayttetd. M. iIA�RD. Y10 at. Jsm^sPtteet S. A. Hedge, MlteMrl. The Central Drug Store, Exeter. H. R. Jsck.nn Ifensall. Mrs. John McIntosh. ItrnreA.ld. I.wra.on Si Hamilton, Myth. Mei..ica 1 Hall, C+odeerich F. i JORDBN, Chemist sad Wholmale end tent Mediclnes.Hone ander to rfettle Medicine*. Perfumery TChemcals, Paints, oilet Articles, `c Colors. PaarPhyalciaa. Prerortptione carefully dlapons,d.41 BOTTO PN1(F.S. Crocieril Mann &Nero, DONSIBTLNO off' NEW DINNER ISETTB NEW TOILET SETTS, NEW DESSERT SETTS, NEW CHINA SETTS, NEW GRANITE SETTS, NW GLASSWARE, IN LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. NEW SUGARS, NEW RAISINS, NEW CUR- RANTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT, NEW CANNED FISH, NEW CANNED BEEF, NEW CANNED TONGUE, NUTS, FIGS, Le., JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, BACON, HAMS, SAUSAGE, VEGETABLES Ac., ALWAYS ON HAND. HERBY CLIMAX KING OP FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. Teas Wholesale and Retail, at 4Ur1..41C,L3COM Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Autogrsi,h Albums in great nasty, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very .omplete, and eotbMida of Ladies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all loads, Ruby Anode, Veers in many patterns, Flower Pots, Caps and Flowers, China and Wax Do11a1 A Large Assortment- Smokers' Sundries-Merschaum Pipes and Cigar Holden and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO. A permanent, sure cure for Diseases, Dis- orders and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary secretive system, or Attendant Complaints causing Pain In :Small of Hack. Eldon, etc.. Urinary Disorders, Gravel. Catarrh of the Bladder and menages; 'rights' Disease, Diabetes. Dropsy, 1'111 Nervous Debility, etc.. etc. Pamphlet,' and testimonials can he obtained from Druggists tree. Pause ('hind's Pad,$1.30 lcurea Fled -wet- ting Ituular Pad, �n••gg1.00. Special Pad for Chronic ilseaaea, WO. Sold by Joon L.Joon1* L an emphatic endorsement Doming from nue 'if the very forgone.. lawyers of our state. well and widely known, mrrtms with it a degree of importarni and sag `eetiveness, which canna he ()remelt' .n.•owt f Wsehtngt..n 'Tod (rite I Hale Worn the Pad for Only two Weeks. Halifax. N. S. Nov. 14111.1577• Hof, Md .\ (1I'SR Pal) (•t) (lawman:v. 1 wish to M•'.• to you what the Holman Liver Pad mid Pierer which 1 bought from youhave done for me 1 aufhreA .ev.ral years all the horrors of indigestion and dyspepeits. with weak Irak and severe pain is the r*glon of the kidneys, and though 1 had tried nearly all the many medicine ed wartime). i for my trouble i grit 1ltt1e or no relief and re pldl] grew wares. maul 1 was finally diarmur aged and decided that l must give up my alt nation es i eeuld not do the work required of rte. hooklly few sae T sew a notice of your PM. I cad bought one. thong}) 1 mast .ay iota very little faith, feeling that It was erdbably .iotas humbug. 1 save worn It wily .toot two week' and I can truly and thankfully that 1 think an prnsaa.ntly end raved My � bas re- turned my e. see alt saae. my s .U*. i std ,.a4 1 eau sea w A i wiM tA rt. hurting me in .host. i heel Mk.. awn mac the ohmage la steeply ereader el, .sed my Mende are eat�mtnTee mors me prselasnnaaet Im snarl appears�s kwg1 vera to the rhd, the 'little neunnea masa Moonie - 1'1tM I eco./? w (inrriok M 1511. UNCL School Books, Miscellaneous Book s Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Weemst's Hymn Books, Psalm Books, icon, Ac. -Subscriptions taken for all the best ENWIaxH, Scorcu, IRISH, AERRICAN and CANADIAN Papers and ngazines at Publishers' lowest rates --now is the time to subscribe. A full stuck of School Books, for Teachers and high and odel School Students; All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I leave a choice • and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards THE BEST SHO«'N, Cards! ANU .'H 6A1'EP. NS EV 6n, At BUTLE R'8. Datetaton " ' ` r • 11', i , Postage Stamp (. Rice. 1762 GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS ( 1F EVERY DEL liIl'Til.i'i, Tea-Mesti=g =5.11e, Etc_ PRINTED at the tif$ce'i f THF i I RI h Street Go clench. AFTER 4 SEASON'S TRIAL. 6ODERtCM BOILER WORIS. JAMES II EALE'S Condensed Fire Kind 1 e r 8 Ohrystall Black. are the best in use, doing away with coal oii — or *hart')gs. Each kindler will barn seven minutes. ong enough to ignite hard wood. 1%1 MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN They are nude will not soilLadies' m cbest whit, n and hands._S old 5 _- TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. New BOtLElts .rats 1.1' P N4 tennufac- No difference in prlcshbr Quality. t't-'w.t on shortest notioe. domes Reale. Maker and seller, Goderich. JOHN PASMORE, Manufacturer of 11 kende of Repairing r•xerut.xt ander the personal supervision of the Proprietor* who ARK Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 103. 178' E Waggons, gathaes, yillEAT TOM. Ktc,, sir.. I VICTORIA -St., Corner of Trafalgar.. &a..mum LANK r••s Northern Pacific R. R. SEEGMIILER CHILLED PLOUGH w MINNESOTA, DAKOTA. and agvtiuItsrel IuN•mst•• Are MONTANA. Hee ndure fill gent for the Celebes'ed tan. agent fosthe Queen's Fire & Life Ins. Co. They 1* one of the Moet i twepsnlea in ex{.t- eaee, Molar prompt sad reliable Infnrm.tlna tarnished raeeefally on application, 7W4r JN71 rASIM MIL BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 LOW TOO= tesla TWO • seaav1 rias (rnl0ea- NWT , INWOea ORM MO pw..rr to aev♦tw Man Fur MMOIIMA1toIt AMMO I R. M. NttaIPOttt. Gua idem Am Imemo ..a awns A ST PANT. Maty►