HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-27, Page 1THIUTY-FOC fall 1'k:A1t0 WHOLE NU idliER Iva GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1882. MCOILLICUDDY BROP. Prswaaw 81.50 A VICAR IN ADVANCE. New Adveettaesrat.. Leser Pee -Holman Pi; l Co Bo Wanted- Goo. eboppard. (lams May- Mathew Foley. Qra tela► -darter A attn. &Rea ffiatiapaffilla-Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co. Strageti Animals. '(AME ESTRAY. -CAME ON THE J of the subscriber. lot no. 28, l.kr hangs. A.b8eld, on the 19th of Nov.. a red heifer. condom( two year old. The owner • vegs.et.d to prove _ pproperty, pal expenses sad Iola her•way• MOSILIAN AL•oray. It193 `LAME ON THE PREMISES OF.THE .) sameatMr, about the bitginaing of 1)e- onetber. two black ewe lambs. The owner is to prove property, pay expenses tahe test away. MATw.w Toter, lot 9, Mike share road. west Colborne, Dunlop P. 0. 100.4t.. /`1AME *STRAY.- IN GODERICH about December. an old brown mare. wake wilts Mar u her focsbesd. The owner r .ge.Msd improve property. sty cinemas. ss. brawaw.� PArr*aw�ac DAvt, near the nil• aybrims Oodarleh kill -4L ESTRAY STEER. -STRAYED less the pre.W.nf the subscriber. lot K ma. S. Colborne. about tan of November, MM. a two year std Meer, bead and neck ran, wi. Mg taformatloa that will Pwenlead to hr recovery will be suitably rewarded. Wet. Tovwm. 1818.41. Real Estate. A FARM TO ll'. -A GOOD tars to rest- one hundred acres of oared Iand, trete of stumps and Ina fleet clam .tab of cuIUvsdoa. About 10 acres in grew sad about (Maio scree plowed. well watered aid with good baUdtug�a Next farm to the Kimmel dock. For further �art�cuter, apply a Mtc.A.L DALTON, Klnt=U put office. 18>Dtm. FARM FOR BALE OR TO RENT.- The tum eompruee lot s1, no. 1. Ood.- rioh township. s miles from Ood.r(oh on ]•g - dad Kos& contains 111 aeras. about 100 sores rlesred. On the term sire • frame barn 7Sx01. a triune house Wso.t mewl 18xyt, and other meatier bu11ding, also • yo orchard of 101 tine -clam trait trees just Weaning to bear. The soil u of 6ret cls.. quality. 9 awes of hell wheat sre .own and about 60 sone plowed. For furthercrparticulars apply on the to Wm. fiaisos.1prs Legal Notices. the People's Qolumn. le , f N THE HIGH COURT 01 JUSTICE, 1 BOY WANTED. - A SMART Boy 1 V11i CHANCERYDL0K. waisted to deliver papers. One not at inDiemattent r ol JoYLsabelthel I' Court. amend � dto 10 Usuwta rk uyttarea$D. l be well Harm Applyd. rk:hoot ' other Weida ender the age ut twenty cern ,Book Matt. 10th yew1 s the credltursuf David Peterson. late ut; the Township of Wswea.'sb a the CC.aty at I pARC[L FOETID. - A PARCEL Huron. yeoman, who died un or Mem tae • twenty fourth day of March A. D. n 1 8 aos w"Wal� sates minersand ot►ar d� or before tae 111l.... DAY OV YRISKUAR , . gO� woo m sv 6s." 'm L or 1 A. 1). 18g1< to.e•d by es•at. "Mid' te Masor. 4 ° r The a.aer as have u hr mut Garrote & Reedited. et the town et tioderta► + verU.es�t MA peeving n e arty. �Icu 2.r t�hpe�peeUtti their . O. C R.,.ma poli• rrs.� Mer . etesa. Oho I�It Lull p � of t10tr cane. a Msmeasst at • their to and the suture of the sucanus U LACK./MIME 0P TO REIT. T. - lat enyi held by tanm or u deteslt th rsmf The /elm we& wood shop they will be peremigeoriiir.$ J44 ken the me se the take Shore batnlft of the ,aid order levers madame - bolding any security km b pedsoe the noels me err Eta A before me at Me cbnehmi at tae 1001, .d J♦ haw'.�►la tr..t. ; Ooderlet on the eighth d,y of February. A A. len st too of tar dam t:. the lareae.r_ • ep bedaem► Tenn tea time agpolsted tor •43__saw s ▪ ptip c7alma r. I0 P. 0 �BMy M Doted at Ogden* this UM day of Mem �� ber, A. D. lit. 1RIS 4t te !IS OOl11CII. Os all a 21111 asiets =la Onst the Toes ea 00 keesain Notice hereby that •s ariass aw•sd will M b the .. �:� Am�R (yam s dela be Ontario, a�the ~Assssta j tan of liar N°TIS ekareed Ise ea ash b rrceeliga�� s an at Ao(. MtaQueen edu ea.aa4 the sr of the Zen Meng the ty. d OMMorts. ('4pwt Railway n esige yiNis esttetaedalr� •a/.I �e far the ootnmenoe�a snot easadsios9dssloa9saay jf,�• et end Rails and by atet�1.g i... eleme hem of melHallway to ()od..1a►; rd elle be Ina [oiib asci town to soma w lis Store.. oleo Le nab e W to tan)wb_ eelea et say boner sr the lag=d of rei.lddepetan dei y :salol w ell 1=' at s nos' .s4 ars le a emst V said o.spasy all Illiikhantallbsloan of ol pantrees ed ren ridesa 110 aseMbet aidof theIIIb :.e ee et as Vienna. Qmaa rear be e.� �.vVictoria Ord yearCYr atm to.lmmo t4. en Of the Directors sr rise end venoss,y building the said racketed m r lasmued to enable Hee mortgage bonds the* pitgese. int es enable the municipalise s4ts111.14 111 to lase. l.d..r Nsiiwl byCW than MIyeses Is nu. sad 01.7 a win dDowderest, Ler by 1 sr Dowd at St M.rys, Ws 301 day of Novem- ber. A. D. 1881. RAs.DISO, tAIDrOO & wan 1816. Solicitors for Appl4.et. FOR SALE CHEAP. -THAT VERY MORTGAGE BALE OF LIVERY desirable brick house. on Rant St, with Stable, with residence adjoining. In the one eighth of an sore of Mad. The house con- Town of Dederick". Under and by virtue of tains 3 bed rooms, parlour, dining rooni, , 1bp power of sale costalned in • Mortgage kitchen. wuodabed and all neoesmry oonvesr- made by William Mona to the Vendor, whlob enoea No reasonable offer will be refused. will be produced •t the time atomic, there will EDWARD iHARNAM. 1815 be sold by public motion, at Corr4's Auction 1 Tgla • tiitiairTlt�rriii'•it a". Al3M 10R SALE AT LEEBbRN.- t. P- tabs at twelve o'clock noon, all emu I.ot No. 5. Lake Shore [toed, Township of singular, that certain pawn or tract of land ('olborne, four miles from Goderich, contain- and premises situate,yl ing and being In the mg 100 [ares, 90 of which are cleared and un- Town et Goderich, In the County of Huron, der a stood state of cultivation. It is well tone- and being composed of Lot number two hun- .d and underdr.tined, having two dwelling dred and nineteen (9191 running numbers in hooses. a barn, an orchard, atablea, workshop, the said Town of Goderich, containing • driving shed. stud other outbuildings. For quarter of an acre, more or lees. On the pro , parUcul•rs apply on the premiseor to HOR- rt are erected a commodious Al'E NORTON, Milburn P. O. Sept. 1S. -4t° t one•sr r a story frame dwelling ionic with wood HOUSE, AND LOTS NO8. 33 AND stableattached. box bnndd oother star for about us 78. corner of Victoria and Bast etre,-.o to horses so an extensive driving house with the town of Goderiehrfbr sale cheap. or will be Dolce. horsed, room. tc.. &c. There is also a exchanged for farm property. r'urp•rticul•re good well of wstor in the driving house. An .peiy to JAS. Small. Architect, ofl<oe Cnbb's extensive Livery business has been carried on Block. or J. C. epee...4 auctioneer: on the premises for some years past. the e.w stable, driving house etc., having been built and fitted up expresslyfor that purpose. and Loans anti- insurance. they possess the facilties for carrying on the same on an extensive scale, The property u coneplonously situated on one of the princi- �tfONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO pal streets ui the town. about flve rods from 11�TJ1L lend on eau' terms in surra to suit Dor-the square, and ooprleer.nne of the best rowers. Atte. McD ALLAN. stands In the Countyof Huron. The vendor Ooderich, Nov, Ilth Isdl. 18111tH. reserves to himself the right of one bidding in respect of the premixes. TERMS: -Ten per 4e500,000 ,l,() cent of the purchase money on the day of sale; LOAN. APPLY TO the balance on easy terms which will be made CAMERON, HOLT tC AMERON. Gode- known at the time of sale. Immediate pos- riok. 1731. session and perfect title given. For further, parttculat s apply to the undernigred. $ 75,000 TO LEND ON RE AL ER- `S8Ae1R 4 MORTON. TATE. Terme favorable. Apply to B. L. ltarristers J o.. Goderich. IIOYLE. Goderich. • 1781 •J. C. ('i IMM. Auctioneer. 50;000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Goderich. January lata. 1882. 1823-1.4. at 8 per o• men Farm oly w t ADOLI Property 751 IN Tag HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. MONEY TO LEI(D IN ANY Sets or 4 V*r.t *i Lc FARlt IN Tx. TowN- l.JL GRIP OF WAW AMOUR. amount to suit borrowers at t to Se per Pursuant to an outer of the said Court made nat. Private fund, Apply to Sammie and in a certain ..we or natter of Joan Isabella Marrow. Ooderlgh. Patterson and other infante under the age of • twenty one years. dated the twelfth da of M`vlONEY TO LEND A LARGE December A. D. teed. there will be sold by amount of Private Fonds for Investment public auction, with the approbation of Hem et lowesth res os. first -clam Mortgages. Apply ry Maclkrmott. Esquire, toaster of the Su - to OARROW t PROUDFOOT. Dreme Court at Goderich, by John C. Currie auctioneer. at N icholson's Hotel. In the village of Manchester. on eatarday, $be 1Mb day et IDANS FREE OF CHARGE.- January, A. Hnon at one o'clock. in the J Money to lend at lowest rate, free of afternoon. the following property, viz: The my costs or charges. SEAOEIt d' MORTON, west half of lot number twenty nine In the opppoos.ite OoIhorne Hot:L third concession of the township of Wawan- Iloderic4 fled hornet( 1881. 1779. oab in the County of Huron, containing one - hundred acres of land,more or Tess. Thee pro - i• PER ('EN r. -THE CANADA perty le situated about 12 miles from the Town ) i andwd ('twill Company is prepared to of Goderich 24 miles from the village of Man. llend mons on cod Corm any i ftp a six pe cheater end 3 miles from the vel of Blyth, ent. Full rtIcul•n$ven upon •p Ileatton r in a goad farming locality' about 75 scree are ppsa pp cleared and the remalnaer timbered with to HIGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Godertch. hardwood excepting about 5 acres of slash: 1786. the soil is of • clay loam. and tan cleared por- tion is in a fair state of cultivation. There is m j__ erected on the said land • log house and Iote JTt�te.M� barn. The property will be sold subject to • reserved bid fined by the said Master. in other respeceonditMm of sale will be DR. HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, the stand conditions of the said court. The Oat. 1819 ale is perfect and w111 he sold thee from en- cumbrance Terms of sale: Ten per cent of the purebsse money to the vendor. solicitors GR McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- ea the day of sale and the balance,w Into nowt . iAN. BURGEON. Ite.. Or•du•te of Tor- on the test day of Meech A. D. 188t, thereafter sato Uslver.lty. tessellate of the Royal (sol- without Interest• when the purchaser shall be lege of Ph siders. Loader. tnglead. &r.. tee, ~Pled to his curve ante. A tenant whose Jr C P b . °uteri° "Aloe and resident. term expires at the 1. h March A. D. 1481 4 in Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street. God- puaansatn i. The purchaser shall be entitled nick- imam b ,Inn Immediately after the expiring of Die said term. For further p•rticuteri ap- i1R McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- Nl'n the au •pioneer or the vendors' solicitors. 1J Dstnd at Ooderleh, this lath day of Dw•em- O14)N. 0oroser. ate. 0en asci her A. 71 1911. on Bette* Sweet,.55mwd door west of Tlearks H. MAcDaarU•t 5+°*ma. Mastless. arGo 1051. derich. - - GARR'ew R Pa. it•°votrr. 1 it G MACKiE), K. D , PHYgf;, Vendor. *oUoltors. li►tt. i . elan, %MOOD and Armeneher. tiredtss ' of Tomato Uslverdty. 0lgee eppn*14 Cam** eon 11 Csmtares'm Beak. Ltsoksow If not in $20,000 PRIVATE FINDS TI) LEND eflee. esquire at She leak. 171117 on term and Town Property at Ingest la- ment. ltertgugea pwrehs.ed. no Coma beton I )Rel. SHANNON s HAMILTON, chnifsd. Ooev.ysbt B(wems Pees reemeaa. &eeloeraa Aooee eAwrs to N. B. rowe s u obtain moss as an ddp,yy Moe M D►. tees's eeMde.ea, sear the V title le natleteorory. - DAVISoN r J(WN- J.tL Ood«tat O. C. &ltawwo.i J. C. Remit- ter 1 781. i• TILE .e wsissl rte w . awn ef soma weed eel Mel lam a eta _ {y►ehlle tier ha - - rea • Meetre Jag ret. will s Ile imertia, oat to be delivthele se- - t emelt reit eta leby W Mrvcsesti, lts.V a I. T litat. NEWS ABOUT HOME. '410kis011imalisd y, mkt"' notes, 11s' (MIM he'll pleat it." ?OWN TQJ1O5. above :he �Nciteaytallpp�lit January you must "re= locality. the best sadal that times a.• unitised ese- to the audio of Bt 411.•.2.4.0 ooreme .-Take seam N I Jebspd ie making beautiful aab- :dr • doom. lad idea of whim ere fiatsked b Toeoaatto, 14 umeB. or. 4b ssawpr. an four tan benne et agg a sew Mara el wall paper es ..11 ogler peoat aKeok R stepromotable* el of retestMsem, oomie mei okespest lluame under l•ilr„ will be Candlemas (itlt e: 'IOU$E Tu RANT. -A FRAME 1 1. beasa. ea Pampeeena street. the sad wed_ase s re et elad. bre a t sad hula, Pa wawal i (Ind.& ea Wed- Semething like a Jsfa- t;.eads, si Clinton, was in arrived in town , Mich. , of A(Idi.r, is the guest Mr. James Sa&aders. Deahme...apr of Mr Edward , >r 1,11V in the Post IADCLIFmm, FIRE, A[AEil(E, Ills end dsstalsmeCompaat s. AAkmapree dep the Cazaaa Loa &rocs 1 ns Do. nand w nay way, 0 441 . u soy soap ta nett lay's meek. Snirtment THE r Burns a LKWIS S. LEWIS, BARRISTERS, too late /Morse , Solicitors in Chadoery etc. Office in Ike (court Hoene, dotterels/IL IMA Latera M.A., B.C.L. E. M. Lewis. 1810. Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR MISTERS. Attorneys, Souoitors,eta Oe4esioh. J. T. Gamow,W. Proudfoot, , 1751 B. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D UO • At Oa ney. Solicitor in Chancery. &.c., 1751. (EAGER & MORTON, B A R R IS - 110 TEM. 8tc., &c., Goderich and Wingham. C. Seeger, Jr., Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing. bent. 1751. Dentistry. 1 M NICHOLSOIIW SEr110E W DSL =edema Mem Welk MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND lo). Solicitor. Office -Corner of West Street and Market Square. over George Acheson', Goderich. 1751. Auctionearing. • C. CURRE IE THPEOPLE'S AIX - 0 C . 'ROIWIN& d0drtek. Oat. 1781. tonsorial. ti CAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T - LAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey- ancer. &c. Office over Sheppard's bookstore, Ooderioh, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest 1751-y. AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderich and Wingham. M. C. Cameron. Q. C.; 1'. Holt, M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. h. Macara.- Wingham. 1751. 3fiiscellaneous taros. JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &e. Office. Crabb', Block, Kingston.1., Gude- rich. Piens and specifications drawn oorr t- ly. Carpenter's' plamercr'0 and masons work measured and valued. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COUNTY or Ht: sou, • By virtue of • Writ of TO WIT ? • Fieri Facie, Issued out of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench, and to me directed against the lands and Tene- ments of EDWARit MARLTON,at the suit of FRANCIS SMEETH. 1 have seined and taken in Execution, all the right, title and Interest. and Equity of Redemption of the above named defendant In and to the following property : - Situate. lying and being in the Town of (lode - rich. in the County of Huron. known as the Summer Hotel property. particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North limit of West street. said point bele` due west one hundred and fifteen and one ball feet 111501 from the South East angle of Lot number five (51 M Goderich office reeerve, thence F.aeterly along the Northern limit of West street one hundred and fifteen and one half feet 11150to u the South Kt angle of the said Lot number five (51, thenno due North two (2 chainmore or less, to the North Ewa eagle of, that Lot, thence due East twentynine and • ball I I nka, MO more or less, to the uth West angle of Lot twenty one 1111 In the Goderich offloe reserve thence due North along the West limit of inti twenty one (21). twenty ((ahs. nineteen 1191, and eighteen 1DO, In the Gelder - lob office reserve two (2) chains, more or less, to the Southerly angle of lot thirteen (131. God - 'Inch Aloe reserve, thence North thirty two (30 d West five IS) chain, seventy eve (75) lin s. more or leets. to • potpie one hundred and three inn) feet from the centre line of the track of the I rand Trunk Railway, where • poet hu been planted the said distance of one h■ndrwl and three (1011 feet. being measured at right angle* to the said centre ilae. thence South sixty one 411 dagrnea. West to • Wirt four hundred and 'seventy two lei feet. Fiat - rely from the North Weeeterlylimit of Oodertch office reserve to the easterly b,.sdary of the land conveyed by the Dederick Summer Hotel Company to the norporatton of the Town of Goderloh as aloresa/d. Theme smith wesrly along the saki 'westerly boundary of the tows property and parallel is the meitmrly boued- ry of the Wader property one huadwt mad seventy el. OM fast pewter Mess to the oestm ceast tree cos the top of the tank. eaesbsouth forty sae and a sof min degrees west. M111 sleep the se...rty amu et the end IOws prnti one (Modred anal thin Mt Gal feet. Themes. south Themsouth thi1rrttyy saes IT) de prem. met .till .oneg the said o..s.rty Molt .118. riot Wont pr'o,srtytwo hundred sad Mrt (1* het to the place of betginnisg the p'sopewty .bp..xtb dese.d, nowr1leg loss sembweA hes eve is iwwlrw imiletve.. el the Dederick aloe reearve sad portents of Menti A sod B. Wilke Lads add Tearaw.t. 1 Volier fee �adaMI,. at sJ SSC. 1n the cowl in the Tews of Golibrieb M Thensls► %.e.tlal deg of Aril wit, ea the Meer at T ♦IZZEHZADt V �8 , (SUCCESSOR Ur KNIGHT, PRACTICAL R AE - O, • M Dr ee's4IeMM M 0.1111Ao V•• t ♦ DER sad H•Irdnmmr. be. to voters rtertMry stables sad tesideee thralls re the meth, for lea seaman,. ate doom east 0NJ.lbess. .,Mems a eananoanee of riming. .w enl lr sew ed •aaoe�nor •• tw .orad Mime be Musci •t me Almelo* Per4x, alai non Nal the }lest riffle, riederire trill 44.1 are tOglig trade for the en teeing on the old mill site. Postman, formerly of t► -upload t. Woodbine. 1itnnipeg. ot Wilma vs. Thomp- on Saturday refused *IB s new trial, $nnday 8sboul enter. �y�eea ngrely usit of the celebration of the ry at Lucknow arrived publication this week. Mr. andI[r. Charles Cameron who have been 'lilting relatives in town have returned to their Nebraska home. Miss Yellin Tye, who has been visit- ing herr, n 1Cott s,S4i�. to her home sville,Mtin Mr. Thomas Kidd, of Seeforth, has purchased the Merchants' salt works from his brother, Mr. Joseph Kidd, of this place. We regret to learn that Mr. Samuel H. Detlor, of the Inland Revenue De- partment, is low from a sudden and and severe attack of illness. The S. S. Anniversary in connection with the North Street Methodist Chur3h was postponed from Monday evening last until this (Friday) evening. The brewery owned by Mr. V. Roth of Bayfield, was burned at three o'clock. on Wednesday morning last. Nothing saved. Cause unknown. Loss over $10,000; insurance $3,500. . Captain Charlton returned from Ot- taiwa last week,whither he had been call- ed in connection with repairs proposed to be effected nn the (iovernmentdredge and scows now at Goderich harbor. Mr. and Mrs. Percival E. Bell have gone to reside at Batavia N. Y. Mr. Bell being engaged in the lumber busi- ness in that place. We wish the happy oouple prosperity in their bear home. John Stoddart, Esq. of Wiseonein, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Morris. He hooks exoeedingly fresh, and buoyant for his yearn A quarter of a century has elapsed since he visited Goderich be- fore. MEMORIAL Ssavl,-n. -A memorial service, having reference to the death of the late Mrs. Pollock, will be con- ducted by the Rev. Dr. Williams, in the Methodist Church, North St., nett Sabbath evening. The"oil paintings of Mr. Attrill's short- horn cattle, on exhibition in- the win- dow of Saunderi s Variety store, at tract much attention, and display con- sider•bla ability on the part of the artist, Mr. Young. Mr. Brown Mallough, of Dungannon, having been accused of writing the "Snodgrass" letter, has written us, in- dignantly denying the Imputation. The letter has been unfortunately mislaid, but the above is the purport of the con- tents A special edition of the Waterloo HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Chronicle, containing a very full desert p - Don and history of that town, profusely (:odench, Jan. 24th, 1882. I illustrated by some good wood -cuts, was The Council met pursuant to statute, Issued last week. The venture was an the clerk in the chair. The following uncommon upe, and is a big advertise- gentlemen presented certificates from the meta for the town and the (Tiruttide. clerks of their respective municipalities, Rsrotrn MIEnNO. -At a meeting of of having been sleeted reeved and deputy the Gaderteh Refornt Associati.Ht, held reeves for the current year: Robert on Tuesday evening, the following (A- eon, Webster, Joseph Griffin, John Eason, os.. were elected for the ensuing year:-- , P. Kelly, Edmund Corbett, Thomas President, Elijah Martin; let Vioe-P e - &ideal, Thomas McGillicuddy; 2nd Vice - President, J. Yates; Secretary, Loftus Dually; Tr.sssrer, Samuel Sloane. Kim' Ceram' R,rcut.. -The annual meeting of Knox Church congregation will be held (.n Wednesday evening. itefreshments will be *erred during the evening. and music, addresses, etc., will, with business matters, form the programme. Burglars were in Amhorsthurrgg a few weeks age, and made a nig haul The store of Mr M. R Twomey. formerly of Godench, was tufted, but after boring the door the manila appear to have given the lob up. ( Me firm had $2,000 worth of silks. etc . stolen. Captain John McKay, of (Roderick, who by been visiting in Ingersoll for some time, on Tuesday night took unto hiawlf �} `wif_e- in the person of Miss Jenny PAiaer', daughter of Dr. Fulner, of the titter town. The happy pair left on the midnight train for Halifax, where they will take ship her Europe. - { Woodstock Review. Tas SEATING Itr.(s.-Inspector Hood Tjsteldy condemned the skating rink as set manic bui1d bet pointed 'eat to the les se that with certain alterations, and by strengthening the walls in diffbr- ent places, the building could easily be made safe. Mr. Gooding agreed to make the proposed alterations, and it is likely that the matter will be attended 'to at once. - Ip the Court of Qneen's Bench and Common Pleas Division at Toronto, be- fore Chief Justice Wilson, on Tuesday, re Sgttier. -Application for • writ of pro- hibition to the Commissioner appointed by the Dominion Government to in- vestigate the charges against the County Judge of Huron. McCarthy, Q. C., for application. Robinson. Q. C., contra. Judgment reserved. A FowrueOre Enrrott.-Bro. (lreen, of th-, Hawick Bwterarise, gratefully writer: -The editor of this paper was unexpectedly called to Chicago by ur- gent business_ , on Tuesday of last week, returning an Tuesday last. During his absence the business was managed by Rev. Mr. Hough, for which we are un- der deep obligations. By the way, it u not generally known that the Rev. gen- tleman is a skillful printer of many years standing. Tsorrnto Rex'. -A cutch trot, two in three, itilitidlf6, itis b h' irrinj bd to take place on the Driving Park. Clin- ton, on the 1st of July nett, for $100, bbtween Mr. John 13eacom'e Tontine, just imported from Kentucky, and Mr. Joseph Copp's Royal Revenge. Tontine is by Belmont, and is said to show fine action. Royal Revenge is by Royal Revenge, four years old, and shows speed with capital action. Each owner is to drive his own horse. A CASE or IN-ANri'r. - On Tuesday least Roney Campbell laid information afiainet his father-in-law, named Boles, on the ground of his being dangerously insane. He has been ailing for some time, having been afflicted with brain fever, and made an attempt to roast his grandchild by setting it on the stove. Fortunately the child, which is about 2 years old, stood up, and its shoes pre- vented it from being l,urnt. Mayor Forrester committed hint to jail, until such time as 'he could be taken to the Asylum. -[New Era Before the University College Nater al 8aiencs Aseretation. Toronto., Mr D 11 Cameron read a paper .m the Salt bed. of Western ()inane Hw desert/1.d their position. diatawseoet their probable formation. and explained the twoo.ss.1 manufacture in Godirteh. OoLr SNAP - (►o Monday 'nornisg the telegram from the Toronto, observa- tory prediction • enld snap for that sight Arid It cam.. The thwrnteineter marked 1V: b.lew sere •t this point sows se.eewm meow. At ('reamers in the County of &Med ROBERT GIBBONS, 1 the mercury r.e.ehed 40' below Items. thee ForBente At New York the thermometer reamer - fillnsvy M( tie en Laiws LAND Prs('RAl1R.-We under- stand that Mr. S. Platt,' of Goderich, has purchased from the Canada Com- pany a block of over 700 acres in Col- borne and Goderich townships, known as "the falls reserve,- so lorig s resort fur pleasure seekers from all parts of the country. It is said to be the inten- tion of Mr. Platt to form a company, to darn the river at theedge of the falls, and erect a large mill for the manufac- ture of cotton or other like article. Should this turn out to he correct, it will make lively times in that neighbor- hood for some time to come -[New plaintiffs. der. Seager. Mr. smerou, ErI Q. C., and Mr. Holt. The London (Eng., correspondent of iudgment was also given in another case brought by the crew against tho same vessel to recover their wages. ,Judgment waa alseo given in this ease for the pluntitTs for the amounts claimed and codex. The same counsel were en Cooper, Wm. Young, Anthonyllan, L Hardy, Fred. W. Johnston, 1Vm. Camp- bell, M. Hutnhison, Gabriel Elliott, Joseph Whitely, Thus. Strachan, John Hialop. Walter Oliver, Samuel Rennie, John Keine, B. S. Cooke, David Weir, John McMillan, John Karon, James Hays, Wm. Evans, Geo. Forsyth, J. R , D. D. Wilson, James Beattie, Wm. Graham, Geo. Castle, Valentine Rata, Henryither, David Walker, John Hannah, Jas. Hennings, Wm. Mc- Pherson, Thos. M. Kay, Jonathan Shier, Thos H. Taylor, Itob.rt Currie, Chas. Girvin, Edwin G5tnt, H. W. C. Meyer, Wm. Matt, A. L Gibson. The clerk requested the Council to sleet their warden. Moved by Mr. Hardy, seconded by Mr. Cooke, that Frederick W. Johnston, reeve of Goderich, be Warden of the County of Huron for the present year. " Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that Lancelot Hardy, Eq. reeve of Exeter, be Warden of the Coun- ty of Huron for the current year. Mr. Hardy, caked leave from his mo ver and seconder to have his name with- - drawn, but'they believed him to be the most suitable man for the office, and re- fused. Upon a ballot being taken twenty -filo yeas were recorded for Mr. Johnston - being a majority of the council -and the clerk declared -him duly elected Warden of the County of Huron for the current year. The Warden then took the chair, and after thanking the Council for the boom conferred upon him, signed the declar- ation of office. The minutes of last meeting of Decem- ber meeting was read and approved. Mored by Mr. Strachan, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that a committee of 6vo be now balloted for to select the stand- ingcommittees for the pfamnt.-sear-- a Upon a ballot being taken the con mittee was declared to consist of Meson. Graham, Meyers, Koine, Kay and Rate. Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. Whitely, that Mr. Arch. Dickson be appointed auditor for the current year -Carried. Moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Kelly, that this Council do now ad- journ to .meet at 3 o'clock p. m. , to morrow -Carried. • Maritime (..r:. ltefora Judge Toms. A sitting s this court was held on Saturday last, for the purr (me of giving judgments in causes heard at the last sittings. In the case of the fug "Mary Anna," the cause was instituted by Capt Hill and Capt. Menten, who served on board as mestere of the tug during por- tion of last season, claiming arrears of wages and disbursements due them, and ten days' double pay on account of their • wages being withheld frttln them by the owners. Alen for damages for wrong- ful dismissal and for assault by one of the et the owners. l y throwing one of the plaintiffs overboard. The owners of the tug defended on the grounds that the Court had no jurisdiction, and that the plaintiffs were not entitled to recover the moneys claimed, and they attempt - to justify the dismissal and assault. The learned Judge in a very able judgment decided in fav ,r of the plaintiffs. and decreed payment of the wages claimeti with damages and costs. e, tinsel felt the (Nobe thus refers to the recent ap- pointment of Dr. Kirkpatrick. formerly of Goderich, on of the late J. Kirkpat- rick, and brother of Mn. M. G. Comer- on: 'amenon: Mr. J. Kirkpatrich, M. D., M. R. C. S. (Eng.) late Surgeon of Stafford House and the Red Crescent Ambulance Corps, has been appointed medical offi- cer at St. Vincent, West Indies, by the Government. Dr. Kirkpatrick was the successful candidate out of several com- petitors. The position is not a very easy one to get, as selection depends upon good qualification, testimonials, and a medical examination by Dr. FageBrown, Government Medical Chief ,f this De - gaged. w •rdea.hlp. From the('1tnton New Er.t. As was generally etpected, consider- ing the politeml complexion of the Coun- ty Council, F. W. Johnson, i,f (iu„lerich, has been deepen out warden. it it nothing to the county's creiit that he gets the position. There are member,' among the (',runty t'ouncil who have been in it puny years longer than he, psrtment. Dr. Kirkpatrick having corn- and whose claims of preference should plied with all the cenditrnns. Lord Kim- be recognized However, he will find - herley appointed hint. that it will not add soy to hu trs.tige, C. G. B. C. Eme-(row. -At the C.,un- and when he comes out as the (;onesn ty strand Black Chapter. held at litrat- ative cuididate for the Local in tt'e•at ford in the hall of the Black Preemptory, Huron, se he intends doing, he will be No. 161. on Wednesday. li1th Inst , the sti easily defeated as if he had not resort following Sir Knights were elected for std to button -hole canvassing t t ger this the present year -W H Murney, position (kwierich, C. R. W M. Wm Little, Lannert& C. G. T. M . R Plunkett, A meeting of the County of Huron (ioderieh. ( G. Chaplain. John Dun Licensed Vtetuallerw Association. will '0th, Stratford, C. 0. R; Arthur Woo i be held at. (Clinton, en Wednesday, let man, Rlyth, C. 0. T; J. 111 Edward, day of February, .t 10 .. clock, a m., (inderieli, (' O. Latium; A M Kor for the purpose el roosiving the nt mw. Listowel, C. G. D. L. Thomas of the delegates to the (y. T. B. A . held Rumen, Rlyth, 2. O D O R Mtdliam st Tenants Dseesnher 17th, ult. ; also for Laidlaw, Myth do. George Hawkins, the tran•arteen of other busman_ Pert smees- Pert Albert, C G B. 1; 8.meel Page. Asst.twn -On Sunday morning last, Listowel; John Wilms, God/inch, (C 0 Chief of Peltee Purley, of Clinton, ar- C; John Reed, de; W. 11 Wtlanr, Streit rived in sewn, and in a .mpenr.with 1)111, ford, C. G. 1; N (aatepb.11, Stratford, proceeded G. the remd.now of Mr Bat let Com. man, J. Ii McKMh, Ood.neli, nes. agent for the Ringer Sewing Ma - 2nd; A. T J Lnmeg Lestowol, mrd: R clans (o , and arrested him (.r ember Arm.trong. (Mde►rich, 4th; James Pow element ..f re '1:0y belonging to that num ell, Stratford, Mb: H. A. L White, 81. p•ny He was taken to Clint/xi and s.0 Marva Ree Wm lLeas.,tb. et Hen's( reigned before • patio* o2 the peace, 7th Irmo nnenm,Mpid h.en f , ri•derfa1. (10th 114