HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-20, Page 7She Poet's Korner. rum sat Macer. 'rberes got to be s revival Of good wound sense among ri n, Before the days of prosperity Will dawn upon us again. The boys must learn that Icarsiti Means more'n the essenee of bout.: An' gf Is mus leant that beauty Cu lite of more'n their loofa. Before we can steer clear sr failures, And big financial alarms, 'flit boys have gut to quit cIerkl:.' An, ' . t lack unto uur tarsus, !know it aiut quite s., uebb• It dot quite wens). 1km- Is nm ..Is panto' your hair in tie uud,:lr 'An settld rip her a slow. But there's more furl d.atye in An' more Independeacs, too, An' more real pr.oe rad waleutment An' health dist is ruddy aa' true. I know it takes years or labor : Hut you've got to hang un in • store Before y ou can ears . good !twin' An' clothes• with bat little sumo. An' you steer well clear of temptations Oa the guod obi honest farm. And a thousand ways 'n' Mahlon* That only bring ye harm. There ain't but few who chs hsodle With safety other tame cash, An' the feta of many who try It 1'ruves that human mato Is rash. run ana Fancy. The only thug that a lady dialikes about a postal :ori is that it is hardly large enough W allow her to show what she can do in the matter of postscripts. The man who bought his sun • a boy's chest of tools cru Christmas ins a fine as- sortment of three-legged chain in the house by this time. A slate on which young ladies who at- tend church on Sunday eveoin_ may register their names is suggested for c,n- venience of the waiting brigade, w be found at the door. Butter w now made out of cettou seed oil. The maanufacture of artificial milk has beouee quite an industry, and an Kaatern arras is making an excel/mit arti- cle out ..f paper. Now. if seine ono would isment artificial beef, the cow might as well resign. A railroad conductor was recently chosen deacon of s church; when it be- came his story to take up a enllettGon, he surprised the congregation by start- ing nut with the characteristic ejacula- tion, "Tickets, gentlemen " The con- tribution that day was large. In a tittle town in the south of Eng- land $ lady teacher was teaching a class of juveniles in mental arithmetic. She commenced the uuestioc: "If you buy a now fur two pouuds--" when up came a little hand. "What is it Juhnny 1" •'Why, you can't buy no kind of a cow for two pounds. Father sold one for ten poussds the other day, and she was a regular old scrub at that." The world will never pr rens„ far enough to believe that a man's black eye was caused by anything else than some- body's fist. Trained dogs exhibit so mach intelli- gence that it probably won't -be long be- fore there will be sausage in the market that can talk. ler and Abeat Women. It is said that Chicago has 50,000 risk working at the carious trades for aver- age wages of $2 a week. An Iows young lady, either as an ex- pression of sentiment or of mischief, has had all her love letters bound in book form, and keep the entertaining volume on the cestter table of her parlour for the pleasure of visitor*. A woman caused a commotion at Wa- dena, Minn , by wildly chasing a big dug and crying, "Step him he hu /wal- lowed s twenty -dollar bill. ' An oblig- iug butcher promptly caught the beast, killed him and recovered the money. A young lady who lies abed in the morning until nine o'clock, and devotes the remainder of the day to dressing, novel reading, worrying a piano and .hopping, almost fainted when an agent of the paletot gender called at her house and asked her to subscribe for "The Woman at Work." 'When sufficiently recovered she told the agent that she would find the woman at work in the kitchen, and she would have to go r'.nnd the back way. The Princess of wales has been liken- ed to Mrs. Garfield in the strong affec- tion she displays for her ehildren. An English paper says th'tt Princess Alex- andra has set an excellent example. :,he has made it fashionable for British soothers to express their affections. Small boys and girls have, it is stated, completely eclipsed toy terriers and pugs as the pets paraded by ladies in Victo- rian and un foot in Hyde Park at the height of the season. The wife of the new Chinese Minister, a lady of high rank in her own country, will not at present enter Washington socie- ty. She speaks , my her own language, her little feet will not f•ermit her to goo about unsupported. and she is, to crown all, exceedingly bashful. A few weeks' expenence sit Waahingt..n s..ciety will cure her of bashfulness. A young lady who graduated from a high schema last •Isty is teaching school up in New Hampshire. A baahful young gentleman visite. the *drool the other day and was asked by the teasher to say • few words to the pupils. This was his speech -- "8ehol se., 1 hope you will always Love your ath.ol and your teacher as ouch as I d.. " Tableau giggling boys and pile. and $ blushing behold maim. The ery of womanhood in India. en -waning limier a weight of wow past all c• mprehenaion ,.r conception, ought to penetrate the ears and hearts of all 'hristand ens "f'nwefunated at Mirth, nntanght in childhood. enslaved when At -earned, assured as widows, ',element - wed when they die." Zenon* work com- prehends shout all that ean toe dome for these c•ntsM•d and despairing seffererw mane women goenk into their person.. Bible in hand. te, teach and sunsets them, are angel messengers and need to hes 1nersssed. One woman. Mias Bolt", sits MXt villager, within the trading of on moles v,. Aeflao 's 'hr MDnlati•pt Worbe of ' lissom. Adversity bestows its sharpest stin from our imatience. It is on..y alien the wealthy are ill tha the iuyoteieu of wealth is felt. Peace is rue evening star of the soul, as virtue iA its suu, and the two Ore neve very oar apart. It is one of the worst of errors to sup pima thist there is another path of safety beside* that of duty. When' ae are alone, wo have um thoughts to watch ; ua our families, ou temper : sad 111 ww:lety, our tongue. ti ..ttei how much we may pity the culpabu+ we..lin.waes of another, we can never l,,,peet hint t..:• those manifesta- tions No elan who has eI•.sely studied the secret ►pings of hl:. °en ueart will treat with uuc'laritableness tele failings of his uci_i.l., .. ;V b, i, tero friends part, they should reek 1. • e;ich other's secreta, and ex- ct:.u.y e die keys. The truly noble mind Iger no reselittuefta. A true fiieud unb.,wuta freely, advises justly, +(ansa readily, a.lveutures boldly, telt is all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend act:Jiangeably. You can never do an injury to another without feeling that injury rebound and strike 3eurself. You are fated evermore to drink the bitterness of the cup you have mingled Sir a hrothcr. A well-bred woman may easily and ef- fectively promote the oust useful sad elegant conversation without speaking a word. The [modes of speech are scarcely more v.triably than the modes of silence. Idleness is the Dead Sea that swallows up all virtues, and the self -trade sepul- chre of a living roan. The idle man is the devil's urchin, whose livery is tags, and wheat. diet and wages are famine and disease THE 1111,0N SIGNAL, FRIDAY. IAN. The baled MOM Trsiwarr thelarlween OStte. The m. R. Price, 1'. S. 'I reit De,wttinent, Washinton, D. P. tm A., ruamends St. Jacob.. t I at the most wemderful Lwin -relieving sun heading remedy in the world. Itis tes- ti is endorsed by surae of the hand u [tab u1 tba �ieasury lyepartwent,wlw ✓ h ve been cured of rheumatism and nth painful coulplr. :ts by it. Nagyard's Yellow 011 Is at the head of the list for all purposes of a fatuity medicine. It is used with ✓ unprecedented success, both internally 1 sod externally. It cures sore throat, burns, scalds, 11, it bites; relieves, and of -en cures astpimr,. 1 There is n,ot a single dispensation of Pr,videnze which, if properly viewed, will not ,Surd an excellent lesson. Nev- er repine at the gtaal f..rtune of ethers ; f,,r many are they who wish to be raised to veer attet:tion. Noisy men are like railway engines, winch maks a great uproar, and some - nines do work ; but [key are always the puppets of the quiet then of intellect, who are the driven end stokers of our great social machine_ Consciencehas a thousand witnesses: A conscience is to the soul what health is to the body. It preserves a con- stant ease and serenity within ua, and inure than countervails all the calamities and afflictions that can befall us. Prwtealw■ Is the fatted slates. The year is declared to be one of un- paralelled prosperity ! Can -it he ques- tioned ? In the mouth act November or -1 er seven millions of 'the Public Debt wad paid. In the five months, from the be-: ginning of the United States fiscal year, over sixty-two millions ! Is not that prosperity The Secretary of the Treasury points to the fact that wi i besp our own gold, and, within the yarn, hate forced Eur ole to send us gold to the amount of $130,000,000 ! Is,that nota Mien of pros- perity 1 No ! It is a sign of decadence ! Take history, from the days of the voluptuous Solomon, --whose hand was heavy on the poor of his people, to this day, .it is net true that accumulation of money, by a Government, denotes prosperity for the people. The exact reverse, rather. There was an unappreciated truth in the bitter song • "111 fares the land. to hastening griefs a prey. W here wealth accumulates, and sten decay.' The money that has been pouring into Otis country, of late, goes into the coffers of those already very rich. These mil. li:ns represent their gain out of the stuffs you find in the big stores. So much on shoes, so touch on stockings, etc The domestic manufacturers make the gain : and ewe!! i:it•, ri:un•.poliea. But the working people they unploy are not ben- efitted. Ther wages are at 'the lowest possible point. And I'rwtecfion. for the maker of hats, cats, shoal, stockings ; and every article of ordinary life --not for retail, '.,•It wholesale, makers, hears heavy en all but the privileged manufac- turers. Political parties, at present all in confusion, will have to rally, one on one side, the other on the other, in re- q'rd t , ti:ese •luestions. -[N. T. Free- man's .Journal. Aare fare for a'e'ragb. The most reliable rein e.ly for a cough or cold, .asthma, shortness of breath, sore thrktt, weak lungs and all bo,n- cdial troubles, is Hagyard's Few ural Balsam. Price 25 cents. Newslap•r taw.. We call the special attention of post- masters and subscriber to the following synopsis of the newspaper Jaws : 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning a paper does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. ". If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearagee, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper front the post -office, whether directed to his name -or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or nut, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper bo be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the rub - scriber is bound to pay for it if he testees it out of the post -office: This proceeds open the ground that a man must pas tor what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing efasing to take a newepmper and peri(.dioals Innfrom the p>,at-office, or removing end leaving them uncalled for, is prima Luria evidence of intentional fraud. No article ever attained suchunhnend- ed popularity in so short a time as "kir- 1 dock Blood Bitters, and that too daring the existence of cwntless numbers of wide] s tri en t t at t is medicine begins its work at once, and lases no ' -desirable effect unattained. y advertised bitters and blood pun- ters. It is d h h Tke Hartford P0.1 chronicles an in- stance ..f doctoring by telephone. It ways a physician of North Adams was called by telephone at night toBriggsville, two miles away. A child was suffering) from croup. The night was dark and stormy, and the doctor found nothing pleasant m the contemplation of the trip. He called the Briggeville house in which the little sutTerer lay, and re• quested the parent to bring it to the telephone transmitter This was done. The child roughed its croupy cough, and the doctor potently to everysound which came from his patient He prescnbega remedy, and one of the members of the f imily prepared and administered it. The relief wee immediate and the re- covery rapid Mr. Thumaa H Taylor, Secretary of the (•mmser•cial Travellers' Association. died at 1.1. residence in (luelnh, on Thursday ":,„ming. aged 43 yawn. Mr. Taylor was well known to the [white of Ontario, having been on the road as com- mercial traveller for many pearl. and be- fore hieing his voice by the disease (ere:_ sam;ituuo to which he succumbed, took an active part at concerts is all parts of Ontario. He was Morn s! Dublin. and esttne to Philadel is with his parents when young. From Philadelphia he went to Harntisnn, And afterwards to Guelph, arriving in the taster place *Tont 23 years ago. Don t throw *way y our ' Id barrels They are festal. it has been Tonna that an ordinary flour barrel rel' helot n^)4 m(► mire. dr•ltars A Grimed stampede. Never was there such a rush for Drug Stores as it now at ours for a Trial Bot- tle of Dr. King's News Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colda. All 4eerions afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any .affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a tnal bottle of this great remedy lif ree, by calling at your drug stem- Wsllaas'a Trail. reseed. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when as- ei.tanco is rendered when oriels sorely af- flicted with disease, more part icularlythi we complaints and weaknesses s., common to our female popalation. Every weutan should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all ether remedies fail, A single trial al- ways proves our assertion. They ere pleasant to the taate and only cost fifty gouts a bottle. Sold by all druggist'+. EPrvel ocoA. -bit ATLI.' L la Dl 701/ WO trf tts0. tay a thorough knowledge of the natural s goverrnq the operations of digestion awl nutrition, and`hy a careful a placation of the flne properties et wellselect Cocoa. Mr, Epps has provided our breakfast tables with delicately flavoured beverage which my aaeY us many heavy doctorw' hills. It is by the jwdi- elcieuw user of such articles of diet that a con- stitution may be gradually built up lint fl strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred”' of subtle maladies are floating amend us ready to attack wherever there is ,• weak point. We may escape many a fate' shaft by keeping ourselves well forttflnd }with pore blood and a properlynourished frame." - t'irif Sorrier tin rAt*.-ld only in Packet: labelled -"Lotto" Epp, se' Co.,mu.opathi, Chemists, London. Eng." -Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. i;At 66 s week In your own town. Terms ansa {.i outfit few. Address H. HALLg'rr 1 Co. Portland Maine -- r — ANCHOR LINE. UNITE') OT.\TES MAIL STEAMERS Sail every Saturday. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW t'ABiNS. les to $MS STEERAGE fed' These Steamers do notcarry cattle,sheep orpi. - -4 N YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. ttAR1N-Ess to 1141. Excursion at Reduce Rates. Passenger aer•ommndat ions. are ensurpsaee• All Staterooms on Main Dork, Paaarrger. hooked at lowest rates to or Ir., any Raihrrd station In Enrnpe or Atneri. Drafts •t lows -at sit es, payable 1f res of eharpv throughout England. ocotland and Ireland. For brinks of Information. plana, Ike., err' to Mo ns:m t RwrTNRM, 7 HOWL1118110nRF N. Y. Olf to MRS. E. WARNOCK. ilamilton gi 1751 Agent at Roder!. TJ ROTO COUNTY IRECTORY. THE NEW DIRECTORY F*R HI WI COUNTY, L* ('KNOW AND KI` CARDTPaltisnowre 4y it contains the naaw et evert Parwler and lfovs►he.lder in the Coo r ty with their lust OD r addressee TM sues rampkte work ever Mood. PRICTE, - - i3-OQ ents Wanted I.1RFrt(1 Address tA10Ne ref e5Jamt (w.. Dee. lith 1tp1 l.endam, eke. 1110 PATENT S. We continue to art as Solicitor, rnr i's. e•a (earths, Trade hiseka, Cepyrtg*tato (tri Om Celled Pastes(aunts rubs Kaftan Frame Germany et.•. W. here bad alisrlF- •we )-)sacs. ett* Patera nhtattiw,t through its are nett('M to the Weswr,ra' A ttawwwaw. T1skkagigs std lendid Illustrated weekly pt par. Rirs w the Proems of 0-bwee, 110very[Mer. t„:14..."41 >K, .s4 5.5* as ane ryas, blither& ofVert •twndc "Ra Tv. 20. 1882. r Gterades's assts Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Hewes 8,, Sores, ]alters, Kelt Rheum, liner Sures, fetter, Chapped Hand , Chi/bluing, Corns, and all Skin Eruptiorjs Mud p 'sitively cures Piles. It a gu e lated In give perfect sati.factien ur monoses refunq:eed. Print 23 cents per b..x. her sale by all druggists. Yi-tt,re, atter ail, is the great physt- titrt.. the hides all the secrets of health *ibis her broad, _eneroua bison), and ,..., deeds but to ge to her intelligently '• i his of cry need. The discovery of t I a great Cough Remedy, GRAY'. Sv&ur ••r Rau Srsres Gun, is an apt Must's - of this. As a cure for Coughs, Colds, Lovas id Voice and H•.arseuess it stands unrivalled, while its low price and readiness of access places it within the reach of alp Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50- ent bottles.- ad The Great American Remedy for (IU U6HSt, COLDS ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, LOSS OF VOICE, HOA RSENE88 AND THROAT AFFECTIONS. NYsntJtem fe!t se�doaN�rN��ea e... twttrwe-- r�,)t�wasstsiaaiMsat�s. iliaias.yssa-asitosatensulbs �a abs Hie sealer �a ran' a t itMalast/aegtora'woo enlrab4 native (7..w Jor Meer owe lea this owe heard y spa rr- .ithaw."- GRAY'S l:aa tae derfsl e -ewwssar reds yr tie 'sertzvafwta, d art wudia A SYRUP i gales pro Spraesa sad the Piers 1■ eases of Leap DO - la /a ITart . b• ;401 RED are pra- t unrtted. .`.aN reps I rh rare tartr seas! y yre- �ward at s s�wptter � o.e rrw- "t° SPRUCE p.rarrr, se, sae state iwe �tler awl n a p e •�rdtr truss. gsnwtnt,n to drink vrhe faeat arra eases at^ T T ticked e d Jro s tae G s 0 et to Spears wpicte soya w.w.a.. Its rensarbable power ill rel'enitig certain forms of Brow/sale, estd its almost ayeciltc elect its slirtate hmckiog Goesgks, is tete v-.af known Gs the ),.)elle at large. ld Soby a3 Sold ab asattable road& Pia,': u•..• to seer. u bottle. The mo -- Orme er Ped gMw+ dhow•• .,...r:. nate 0.,ReM.de vel Tr.nde Marl, .andoe. r . ;sir WW1 abets are also nvr:-te•n d. KERRY W. -I 7'."7().V r'• .vete, Witak nl Drew.. Sole Jt'---4:ean sad ease a.:' . lIoatrvsL roe sale by JAwu4 11'ILvt.g, GROOM RHTNAI, Chemists and II teegists. • WcyT'1:T: DEll S. Ara pi.sstat tot ka c cataia their own Purgative. Is r. r.?., ern•, and ofeeraal trsrrwyee of worms in C:.iidre. or Adults. Duman. Coiffeuse -re end Aextesescre which HAGTA.n'a Yrie.ow OIL 1. teed to ewe or relieve either is aFYt er 1e.uv, • TWA IUTTtIA&LY tet @OCP, corn FM tSldRPs FORK Tit BOAT, 4177IIIII, COLDS, Av. At)rlt[a 1XTtaaALLT fns DRIICYATrSK, NRC=,ILORA, CA1LSLALTS, ' CALL01 J LUMPS iWZ wens, STIPPJOINTS, CALLA, P7104T 811; LA111:flosg, CORNS, CONTRAClloxt nar-rsen, Lr7Maeao, rrfar. DR, 'NMI" PAIN IN 114014 SPRAT" PAIN t• irk a Evert Methde. sewed to give wishes. 1N Rrraww5 SAsad MTTLLL 75111 Sass T.3CCUIm:x k 00., PrtopHttlp /I Ti 1ONTn, feat. ,AR OnA1!na. Inicnrrxis 1 Highly morn lm4.t ` fritw $'t:aw'sa. e ,ywile!.• wt. ('.a• - Mflaitanw.toe twee- t : yslor'aiwm. 4Arthar*. . - of Ir' Rin _7, 'Ree F•»r ea. / fuer Vow - Any !Ikon -, t f•^en the' je eels At lit i wale ?My sr. as tad tmthr t avarwtt id ets sa l.:n. Frons /`W eirayP112111 Ole. IIA Nie Hardware! Hardware! THE UNDERSIGNED IS 8TILL ..BEAD FOR BEST Its+' ll4Rflh11llE 4ft AND LOWEST PRICES. HE KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF SHELF AN], General Hardware! DO NOT FAIL TO SEE AND AXES! I $cep all the Newest and Best Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE "LYMAN Four -Barb Fence Wire R— W_ MagENZI�_. Canadian Pacific Railway Company Tt'e (•ANIDIAN PA('IFi(' RAILWAY ('l)MPANy offer lands in the Fe:BTULL BELT of Menitob• and the Northwest Territory for sale at $2.50 PER ACR Payment to be made one-sixth at time of purchase, and the trles,•e iu flvesnntnl Instalments[ u.1L interest at six per cent.. A Rebate of $1.25 Per Aore bring allowed, on cert.''. conditions, for cultivation and ester lrnt.rovements. THF LAND GRANT BONDS of the Company, which an be procured at all the .kgencies of rho Bank of Montreal, and oth- er Banking Institutions throughout the country, will be Received at Ten Per Cent. Premium, on their par value, with interest accrued, on account of and In payment of the puruhase mon- ey, thus further reducing the price of the land to the perrbaser. S fol arrangements made with Emigration ltd Land ('ompani,•p. nlFor full particulars, apply to the Company's Land Commissioner, JOHN M,TAViSIL, Win - peg; or to the undenlgned. By order of the Board, Montreal, December 1st. 1.151. (TaA*LFJt I11118.Ew.aTER. Secretary. 1R17 - AT THE OLD STAND. D. C. STRACI3AN nAa RZMOVII HIS Gl}ROCERY BUSINESS To the old stand 1n Ole Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be please to welcome all Lis old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of ANEW, FRESH GROCERIES AV CHEAP ,{,.THE CHEAPEST. D, C. STRACHAN HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY, 416t'CCENORS 50 JOHN KNOX). MM./1.4&CTUHERS OF Buggiez am es• -:1 4 .rlr?'1 �1f11M�� 8zC_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE.BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done ie ith Neatness and Despatch, and at. row enable Rates. Coil and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ cSu IT. STORY, tK:<O`:'P' =► itAWli.TON t(TRPAT. GRAND CILE,t RING Sot 1.E —O F --- Boots and Shoes, C;tMPRELL'S BOOTa SHOF EMPO UIU, FOR OA* iNQ.N'fH, Previous to tock taking. My Atr•ck ie Large rind well -assn: ted, ane' GREAT BARGAINS will bo K;v-er T=RMS - WM CAMPBELL. 1769 Daniel Gordon. CillellaCf aid ll11110fIlf. 01010011 11~ ill 1he t ww..ly, rad fo•rwed Nf..rk ff.re pule of Lvwfo.rs J PAs[ ($ dclltfis," Ran-Reole Stress, Stas.-Roaan•., $leve Camas, Lorries**, err (7sah fes_ 'rrre" win OM lyre-thah4vaatagot Ice sy t(rk it [ley twee gessase 1 D t:f)RIW►T . West APre• • sem. Pn•• elAy-., ep, ,yam,. R . atttbl ..,,