HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-20, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1882. oranlreek• Qoder oh Townshiy. SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE Previous to Stoek•Taku,j will cunt Into 2 A es. txw 110 tweet pies in *I Mr, Juhn Salkeld has been re-elected i Primitive Methodist Church i,. :his Nil Its tstre for S. H. Na 1. We. i Miss Wean, of Cornwall. Lis been es1/1t�ed as esstatattt truisber for that i ►1 Craobruuk public school for 11131. I ; x ,,•• f . t 1 The autograph quilt got tip Ly the : +: ji:• f►1' �, :�� "'� ''� Ivor the nausea, firth•. seatb. the es1Ur e/aeli of Noses and Tinware. v1•aI ratter and 4 %� . sir ► _i u/. , Iuel a owls, youtut ladies of the V. • M. Church road t for $10. Mr: McKay was the pur- chaser. -4 SELLING OFF Mr. Wm. McArthur, is author'utl to e calve sitbr•riptions fur '1116 eft'.: • i•tbt:.i: and give receipts therefor. EI. J. IL Roberta laic week disposed of his summer's lot of butter at tet . Lair price. PssorAt.- Mr. Juhu Betty, must ger of the Mexican Ioidver.Jcnt, e t Mexico, N. Y., is at prraeut t'isinu„ re latives in the village. The trustee, we are pe.e we 1, t•' ',tot. has secured the service. of Mr. dont• as teacher in the thingsuui ii pidou: school Ms A. II. Polley, ..of G. nle.•i h, bought, a few days a,•', a flue burst Mr.. It. Bowers, of t:►is place, i„i $146. Naw EtaerloN.—A new election for trustee will take place here next Satur- day, when we trust the "31uddle” veil be fully settled. Ti ereaases. -The tempersttee lodge which started here w.tne time since, is, we are pleased to state, in a flourishing condition. Upwards of fifty ineinber., have already been enrolled. Next Tues day evening a very interesting olehate ill take Owe on the subject--' Which exam most influence in it ociety to ranee cause, the mean or the wot►tjtn. he following officers have been el ed for the miming quarter: - R. k, President; Miss L .Savage; V. President; W. Mallough, P. Presi- dent; Miss M. Kilpatrick, Sr. Coun- cillor; L Sanderson, Jr Councillor; (:. Walker, Secy.; K. Wilson, Financier; H. Bickle, Treasurer; Miss L. Kilpat- rick, Recorder; T. Wicggtni, hlarshel; Miss S. Pentland, A. .Marshal; D. }fickle I. Guard; J. Walker, Sentinel. "Tie hounds ran swihly through the fields. The nimble fox to take. That with their cries the hills and Saxer An echo sl,rIU did make. - Thies? who do not thoruu4hly under- stand this pastime would have had their idea some -what enlightened had they witnessed the hunt which occurred a shat distance from the village on Fn - day lata It was a regular old time chase. Melfi aseeMbled witt guns, hounds bayed, and amongst the tumult the game was started, and the hounds 'followed in gallant style. To see them all racing through the fields, fox, hounds, and men, was a sight to be ad- ( mired, I tell you. The result of the iata (►here was the veteran fox• hunter ! 1 "Drum ren the game to earth in leas, t than two utiles, and the "brush" was se- cured hy Mr. Wm. Varcoe. Tug Daze BfrrEN.—"Snielgrtss, - like the Devil, is fond of yni,tiug scrip- ture, and inakeapretencesof bibliad 1•tre. - Having happily been a,nnerted, he die- f plays the various features of devotion. t Indeed he is s capacious Christian, an eppitoate' of faith. He piously' asks t'te dassleader of the welfare of his charge, for he wa,a always. a Methodist and t always shall be—until he meets •a 1'i'••s- byteriaa, then he is a Presby tense, told school er new, as the case requires. However, as be is not a bigot, he can ' alfbrd to be an Episcopalian, in a gaol Episcopal neighborhood, etc. The low- est of men is he who seeks to gratify an invariable selfishness by pretending to seek the public good. All men of sense have some motive which urges them to action. That motive may be either a good or an evil one -a wise or an unwise one. The man who is stimulated to action by • wise motive or a good per pose is worthy of esteem. Worthy of it, because his aim is the servise of his God, and the good of his fellow man. Then again the man who is incited to rection from an impure or unwise In„tree, merits Moth censure and pity, -that be- cause he serves the Devil, this because he u a fool and knows no better. CONRAD. 1f7uurr GATaeRtllcr.-"The t)sforl Tribunesayr.—"Tee family of Mr. Wm. Berry Mt together in Ingersoll tm Tues- day last fot the purpose of c,•lehrttin. his seventy-sixth hirthoi..y Mr. Berry •was born in Devonshire, England, and has lived is. Ingersoll nearly contineous- Iy for the past thirty-six years, burinz which time a family of growl; tort) and women hare .prun.4 un aromel him He has five sons anti twit daughters in different parts of the ct,ttntry and ad- joining Republic, all of whom it era ;,re- sent on the • occasion referred 1... tits sena aro William L. Berry of I)etrnit, .lehn Berry of Nixie.), New York State. Geo. W. Berry of Lucknow, Walter and James H. Berry of interso ll; Mro. Wil- son and Mrs. Pentland t f Dungannon. Thesswith a number ••f grandchildren made a large party to congratulate their respected sire on the completion id his seventy-sixth year. Mr. Berry is still hale and hearty and may reasona- bly look forward b living a number of years' yet to come. During hisresidence in In.3noll he has been highly respect- ed by his fellow -townsmen. and we ate sure they will join in congratulating bier on the present oeauinei.'' SMCIIPIO MAL. , :tC 4 BRAZIL.) The raw Compos_:.', its won- derful affinity to t? Digestive Apparatus and the Li..; increas- ing the dissolving Ju... almo t instantly thttsdreadtul results of1,-,s a ia, Indigestion. and the 70RPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in every house. It acts gently and speedily in Si iousness. Costiveness. Head- ache. Sick Headache, DL->trr^s aft ter £sating Wind on the s , tach. Heartburn, Pains in the S:�c and Back, Want of Appetite.' Want e1 Energy, Low Spirits. Foal Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries oflall surplus bile, regulates the Bowels,- and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this nut and take it to Toni Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample or a_ large bottid for 75 cents, and tell your neishbor about It. No1i0 to ClliatoI. t1r di r:u TIwsA w addressed to the under - hexer itetunnuct." will be received at this De- partment until 12 of the clock. anon. on tHunanAY, the Ieth day of Fetltt'AItY next, for the Erection and Completion of New Par- liament Buildings for Ontario. and certain works on eonnectioa therewith, acoordi et to' I1' The flies and SpecHkatims prepared by heirs. Gordon 6c Helliwell, of Toronto, or It The Plans and Specifications prepared by Messrs. Darling & Curry• of the same city. Printed forms of Tender can be obtained at his Department, and persons tendering are •iallr notified that they will not be end- ed to have their Tenders considered unless he ram- a • • rnsie on and In compliance with hese prittt••,t Wallah Mg( cd with the actual signature of every Berson tendert (tnt.Itlliing each member of a fiat. followed by his post uttioe address, and with all blanks in the farms Properly ail• d up. Each Ten -ler must be accompanied by an aceeptr4 ).-int cheque. payable to the dike of he Com,.,;,,•.ere' l'ubli-Works for Megrim or the anti ei $3.00.00..which well to for - cited it Cu' :virty t ing declines or faits o enter into ,. Contract - eased upon such Ten- ter, whru caned upon to do so. Where the party's Tender is not accepted. the• t heque wilt be trtn'acd. Where two Tenders ei, r., one hosed on rush set of said Plans and Spee•i• fictitious' are made under the same cover by he same porion or firm, only one such aeccpt- •.1 bank ch:•que need accompany said twit Tenders. For the due fultllment of the ('ontract, Fat 1 - factory security wiU be required on real cerate, •r.by the depnait of money, publ!r or munie,- pal securittt:a or bank stocks, to the amount of live per cent. on the bulk sum, to become pay • able ander the Contract, of which five per cent.. the amount of the aeoepted cheque ar- comp.:.,ying the Tender, will be conaldered a part. 1 To etch Tender must be attached the at•tnal signatures of a: leant two responsible and sol- vent pr' .n•, residents of Ontario, willing to become sureties for the carrying out of these condition•, at.•t the due fultiltpest and perfor- mance of the Contract in all-particebtre. Printed Copies of the respective Specifica- tion, can tx• obtained on application at the 1 /c - part Bien,. Tti+ :> p•irt•••••nt will riot lr t• .nn•' to a.• - rept th'• lowest or anv Tender. Ily order. EI.WAR1ty. Seem' ary. Drottr•aunt ofPolitic\Cork, f rt:itario. 'form, 2nd Jan. Itith. signed and endorsed 'Tensaw sort PAaLtA- AT LOW PRICES. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. Grand Clea,ringSale REID & SNEYD Wl1L during the Next Four Weeks, offer their is i:►re Sark of Winter Gaols atClearing Prices To Save Time of Marking lbws Goods we will take the Cost M•rk for the belting Price. and Commence at once to Sell at Cost in Every Iteparttnent. OUR REASONS FOR DOING TRI3n We want to Make itoom for a Large stock of $wing Geode We never carry Godes over 'rum one season to another. We never bold Goods until they become old and out of dale, THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD ! Our ('uetomers and the Public will reap the benefit, J. K. Wagner, Methodist minister at Lek Badge, refused to accept the pro coeds of a hall, which a society in the village prepoaed to gimp for the liqui- *intinn of the Church dab(, on the Hot the Chum% emphatically enoutteee dancing. Vic r s REID it SNETD, Lanchester House, Goderich' GOLBORNE BROS. --OLE STOCK Or— Fal l and Winter Goods Is now Complete in Every Department. Our Terms Being Cash, we are able to offer Goods at Prices That Defy Competition. COLBORNE RRos. GENUINE BARGAINS. For tatt next three months I will sell furniture at the following prices, for cash: !pw Cupboards at p 4 50 Sofas - , 12 00 Lounges from 5 01) up. Bedsteads from .............. .................... - p, Fall leaf Tables at 2 60 u Washstands from 90 cts up. Bureaus from... ......... -..........: . 500 up. Sideboards from 6 50 up. Everything else at similar rates. These prices rant be t.�'aten in town. i Invite inspection. i am bound to eel•. as I int end removing to lakota in rte• spring. 1 have also a lot of machinery used in cabinet mak lig which I will sell at a very low price. ACCOUNTS. 11 at( mitts Inc Jan A. Ball and J. G. Ball must be settled at once. Millinery ! Millinery ! ! Millinery ! ! ! • Zaiiee ! 2t�a�.ioS ! L �,�.ioe ! If you want anything in the Millinery line, you can get it at MISS STEWA.R,T'S Well-known Establishinent on the Square. CHEAP, CHEAP, CI EAP, CHB A.P. Being desirous of clearing out the balance of her large and varied stock of Millinery, Mantles, ♦fc. for winter ware, in order to :make ns.nt for Spring and Summer Gonda, yon may expert BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. At MISS STEWART'S Millinery Rose on the S !.t . JUST RECEIVED! A'1 D.FERGUSON'S A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Zpecial9argaius iu Teas at Very LoA Prices 46c. per ib and upwards: If you want a really fine Tea try my 50c. Young Hyson, it is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just opeped out a com- plete assortment of Crockery &Glassware Including Stone and Chins Tea Sets, Childrens' Toy Tea Sotts, Ladies and Gents Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Lamps &Lamp Goods in Great Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. CaII and be Convinced TTS 8Lt3,: SLC._ seed Permeroft all Mods Chea 1 �tuh Brushes AT--- - T ET S E At the Market, OR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS To awls L eryh,Nh,'..w' Arrit lac. and wt11 be Made ep br nets qt.. nem t'ttn,. ill • RHYNAS'the Druggist wish as a foster and litter, has no emeertorhr tie oust). Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell o;r til '. grunt Door GoeraI too? of Goods is Complete-- iURS! FURS! FURS!! LiberaDiscountGivenEr' Illllstrat?a Floral Guide I T ///���� �- -- -�, J G DE�t'LO; �',r, CO3 ear 1'1+1 f, n•. t:;eannt nno4 '•f UM riser, + , ®H fl e 1 • ,... n �` Iwo 4 Iu,+vl : ':Ars of {'law err, and were V �f• ��me 4,.�ar " .n,(:) 4 1 S •-,'' T Tt' �' . •'' '� ' 't t ` e ; '' e • ....mew. tresis s tit the ...hottest Flow• 1_ 1 ° 1 •.� f ! 1 ) •1� ♦ 1 / J . 1 I l t 1 i •r. t'1anln r.•...1 ' . Yt•tahlc•, an 1 lllreeltemafortr .. t ' r;rn ei-tn '... h.r'lf,i,.i,ie enough for the (•rn- , ' J'ust Received a. C ilf)ice 4t.'c d `: liana •'11,1.,.1 •.a Holiday ay Prevenailr,nt r:`rlel t I, our PLA/N AND FANCY, PRINTJ,YG EXCCI/T s. WNI i rl �.. and 1 will 4on' .1 rice a copy, p'r'ove paid, Thi• tF r,,tFa"•n'.t',l of lf'yo..1 printed fs .rel, !SEAT//ESS 'A�VJ DESPATCH, AND AT LG6t1' �f Pani fl Twin l r—.1 fliTrP.pi). i h, i .n.. . .,.1 • H crier «or•1= •'• a rt the 10 rte. L 1 f • 1 fele• st:Y.tS• are the heat in the world. RATES. AT THE SIGNAL OhFICF a a rhe F'i. i. it. IIJI wi,1 tell you 1r•rw to tact and,tre,ri tt :r -CCORMAC slew. Flower and re.rtabte Carden. I73 RENTERS ERFUMERY ' race•. h l ol.ereil Plates.. IIO Engra'• rife. For ....rataiu r1;' ,M1 era; $1.°3 i" cleg'iut sloth. In G.•rm.v, or i-ngliab. vial's Isls.traled Monthly M4aariee :2 Pages, it (', 1 •-e.l 1'late in every number and many tin.' Engrarin l'riec $l.2.year: F'Iv.• ('opt^; for >j5.00. Specimen Number', sent for Met .,t+; 3 trial Copies for 25 cents. A dd gene. J4111s11 raCi. Ceehr.t er. 11. T Mack's Magnetic Medicine ! a v% s Is a rare. Prompt sad RAbrttal Remedy ft r Yrrrnwaarets fes at/ Ma stage& {Wast Memory. kw o/ Brain Power. Sexual f'rostrrllion. Night Crr•nl.e, ,epernrttnerAa,a, Meenael Wewk- mresns'f tJ ee)al boas of Poser. it repairs Yerre,.s It irsf., Rr wreriates the Jaded Intel. ted, etremofhrns the Enfeebled Brain. and Re- store. Nrrrpprritsingo Tome and rigor to the Pr- 4,..lyd r1rwrr•aNn omen*. The experience tot Shouw.nds proves it an i, vALI/ANui Ra11- atv. The medicine 1A pleasant to the taste. and ea. h hoc ront*Ins nuAcient for two weeb's msedieation, and 1. the eheopeal rind Joest. f/Fuil particulars in our pamphlet, which , mail firer to any address. ( ser OA( , TRAOa MA..R. - Mme►'• waametle findlatae G sold hy ihug- Sedevlell Marbwes. gist. u: i • •s per hen. or 11 boxes for lea. or 1Nq te• mailed fm of postage. on receipt of the i t'rna-n.Jamrar”, Mil.. iipt. sneri• • h•• at:'t "'•se n M Id tea II Aki \TIC 11111.6141 lbt 4 w.. Wheat. ty'oth! Mah. it Pt ••j et .'' Windsor, tint., (quad.,. Wheat. tepriems(�p► 0 blares, • 1 11" a l 1t 14'1d is tralerteb. b JAMta wna• , , ,4 Floor. ! barrel. e M se 0 a 1 a0 Ile ui stn start I! 1412.1y neut.! hest. e a • 0 1t --- *Peas, a hush • 70 ..r a 73 Htoasty., tr buck arley. , hash t: N 0 re 1R a, Cord Wood Wanted Rays l tori 4 12 ,.t 0 !Io Ratter. ! !.. 4 U1 't 021 lv ins tvnpa(tteAl • 0 11 . 0 1t — ! oat •. .-. 1 le .& I M 1800 CORDS OF WOOD. Pcan • • • a71 0 F Wont , p ref'. 140 ' 1 fe t't i•erel at 11w, Rallwal• otatton. for 'swab 0 to " 0 et the highest rash price will be pard. Wood.. 2 M „ 254 ,TAR. A. McINTOftH, 0Me. 7 AO " 7 •0 'ill care.. (idltMrh Ahkep.ettm. e M y Iter to 1lIM 1peaM p,omee«t Rage 4 ' esole Lyon and Osceola. F'nglish French and (:ana.tinn nuke 1 j01-1111 C. DEO { (J3. SHAVING MUGS: BOOTS AND SHOES TOILE'iipl a I)G�'NING.. . Counties in Northwest Iowtt•, are Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes conceded to be the most beautiful and fertile in the State. This sum- Fs Assortment o sacs mer we have opened upwards 011'1 l• IIF:APE:if IN '11111 N. 300 new farms sinking a well I have ere t t ensue in 1' IR to lay enst..rirtt and the ut•l at lar•_e that 11) stack ..f B,;ots and sat es he Fall Trude i.t non eomplrte, ,iml 1 world in- - cite in.pectinn of tato sante. 1 It v,• )seen esgaecially ran•ttilof+which 1 believe will give tate cnel 'mele.itief.ct11 11, nod du 1'i- i1 '-, utysel:. • t buildinga convenient house and CALL ANO PRICE GOODS. roomy barn, and breaking from 80 to 100 acres on each farm. These. farms are to let on terms that no industrious man can til to make profitable. Immediate possession given. We will, if need- ed, fir nigh seed for next year's crop. We will also !tarnish break- ing to be done, for which we will pay the regular prices. Tenants not having teams enough to break *nth, will be supplied with a horse or horses for that purpose, at mar- ket price, and the pay taken in breaking. These farms are all sit- uated within a few miles of the railroad. Apply penally or by letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO., Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa Sat' A W1!F.K. e12 a day M home easily tD st maOe.. d..Atigasta. M(early mNlkafet.freefrAddis* duo 1,11\wl uu HI till . Ilac Js WILSON 1 As l buy in large quantities, and for Caen. P•.dig the largest st or trade irides ♦ a 1 Town, i ran sell at closer prices than those whodo a 1144:111.1:irositt.ss. 1 arr'abl cep eciatly call -1 let RI [cm C Lttentlan of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Skov 1VLich i1 we of the. largest ti. foe footed to tray satin utoc. to Iles Pn.cmow 1 have � en hand several cares of t::e ce:chtat.•d "K..C. 1...o, . GOODS,ImmeraaSe 1134•4s, which •:ata g mon s 1 Satin+a=t�.ez. I AT h,EREt_i 1t4 , . tin Jr','r NF•eFI\'F i) 1. ItGF: •4'rin l: •,1 TOY!) NI) FAN('1' IKK►INI £011 'sit,. Ht►LI I e,A Y SE A BON. FULL 1.1. 1 ♦ MILLINERY. SEE 211' STINK Lip.FotiI. BUYING Till It 1111I WAY GIFT'. MRS. WARNOCK, Hamilton -et ORDERED o:Ric We ar• moll*Kress of the times, anti Lavine 41..1..0. stet of iir,e-r:., a e. Nantes, I 1 ant pn.par-.d to nlewuiseture aavthi.,- t'i rev it• . ' r. r; the si t motive, in tint -alas 40310, and .4 the very best rlaterial In t ,i, :.,.r r, ireturn iI my sincere tha•rlta t•' my eo.tomer. f• -r their liberal g.atrotft;;•• in t'' •end rise 1 •:.sired 1 shall d„ rnv *tenon to desert' a e••-itintwttxr of The .imv. IYears respectfully, ur- Seat Street and the ,vera-•• •1 emeselmearnisislamer E DOWNING. Man tier m. - - 1 if