HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-20, Page 2etc load to fn PC ut ri uc to si e1 c( 1 2 TIM HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 20, 1882. ONTARIO LFIGIBLATURR. fare of the population engaged in& at*p. wassea. During recent years in (treat Britain — A clever old Wald ante said that it The sip eeeb beim the Throve. The opening of the third Ibmiun of Ike fourth legislators of Ontario drew • large and brilliant gatheriag to the par- liament buildinp yesterday afternoon. The p was •trended by the us- ual parade, eclat and ceremony. Tie Tenth Royal Grenadian furnished a guard of hbnor one hundred strong. The Toronto field battery fired a salute from two guns u the lieutenant gover- nor drove from government house to the legislative chamber, and • detachment of the Governor General's bodyguard formed the escort. His honor was got up regardless of expense in a faultless suit of gold and black. *The chamber was thronged with fashionably dressed ladies and moieties. The galleries were crowded to their utmost capacity. The members took a back seat for the time being. The moan was animated and brilliant. There were ladies in rich mud varied costumes, indulges in aablegowns, prelates in flowing purple robes, officers in glittering uniforms, and consular agents in silver and gold, the pictures- , ue effect of the whole being suboued by the quiet dress of the members and spectators. sPERCH mod THE THloa E. Mr.: pc'aker on•t' Gcnlemrn of the Lzy- !atioe Assembly: It is with much pleasure that I once more bid you welcome to the metropolis of the Province, and that I congratulate yon upon the encouraeinngg circumstances under whichou assemble for the per- formance of the responsible duties with which, as the representatives of the people, you have been put in charge. The public revenue for the year has con- siderably exceeded the amount estimat- ed; the year has been one of the general prospenty, the result of the late abund- ant harvest, the general revival of trade' in ether countries, and the 000••gusnt demand for the products of our odds, forests, and mines; and the recent cen- sus hes shown that TEZ VO?ULAnuN OF THE PROVINCE lou in the last decade increased by near- ly 300,000, and amounts now to nearly two millions, notwithstanding the num- ber of our people who, from various causes have during several years put left the province. TEM BOUNDARY QUESTION. and other European countries, and also in the United Sivas of America, and is the Australia* canities of Oat Britain, great advantage has been found to re- but from the ot•lleetien of reliable crop reports and other agrieukursl statistics. A measure to secure like advantage to this province will be submitted for your eonederatiop, °Thai etrsJI ?$. 1 have also to recommend to yuur oonsiderstieyn such changes in the law respecting the Agricultural and Arts as- sociation as may increase the usefulness of that organization, and bring its oper- ations into harmony with the present seeds and circumstances of the country. A bill respecting market fees will attain be submitted for your considera- tion. Other measures which will pr.baby be laid before you, and to which I invite your attention ars, a bill for amending and consolidating the laws respecting line fences, ditches, and water courses; • bill to provide by a general law for the construction of waterworks by cities, Gowns and tillages; a bill providing for the crossing of railway tracks by streets and roads; a bill fur the inspection of boilers, with a view to affording some additional security against explosions; a bill to make provision for maintaining and promoting the public health; a bill for further simplifying the laws concern- ing real property and conveyancing; a bill to remove some defects in the law of evidence; a bill to place on a more satis- factory footing the law of libel in certain cases; and a bill to facilitate the estab- lishment of free libraries. rIYEER BALTA. It having Deanne necessary in the in- Wrestsut settlement and revenue to place under timber license a few town- ships lying to the south of French River and Lake Nipissinu, in the Parry Sound and Nippising districts, the activity of the timber trade last year afforded a fav- orable opportunity of telling at public auction the right to cut the pine timber in these townships, covering the limited area of 1321 square miles; and it iagrati- fying to know that the result was most satisfactory, the sale . having (among other advantages) increseed the12- able miins of the province by nearly three quarters of a million of dollars, besides adding to the revenue the an- nual rent to which the purebasers sre liable, and the duties on the timoer which they may cut PROVINCE AND DOIlDI10N. I regret that since your last seas=on no progress bas been made towards a recog- nition of the right of the province to that extensive portion of its territory our title to which, notwithstanding the award of the distinguished arbitrators appointed by the two governments, the federal authorities hsve oontinued to dispute. The grave practical evils re- sulting from the dispute have, since you last met, been greatly increased by an act of the federal parliament transfer- ring to the Province of Manitoba, so far as relates to provincial jurisdiction, the claim of the dominion to the most val- uable part of the disputed territory, in- cluding our organized ' neunicipslities south and east of the Height of Land. While a bill was before the house of commons, I addressed to the federal government a despatch protesting, tan behalf of Ontario, against this part of the intended act. A copy of my de- spatch, with other papers relating tc the territory, will be laid before you. DISALLOWED MEASURES. regret that I have to refer also to the disallowance of the act of last ses- sion for protecting the public interest in rivers, streams and creeks. The com- petency of the legislature to pass the act was not questioned, and the act was dis- allowed mainly:upon the ground that the minister of justice did not approve of the mode or extent of the compensa- tion which the act gate to owner of property affected by the act. The cor- respondence on the subject will be laid before you. The object of the act is of such iinportance as well to those engag- ed in the lumber trade as to the province in general, and the duty of asserting the right of the legislature W deal according to its own judgment with all matters within provincial jurisdiction is so ur- gent that a bill f..r the same purpose as the disallowed act will without delay be submitted for your renewed consider- ation. was far batter to be laughed at bemuse yen were trot earned than not to be sole to Lagb because you were. Tyre is some logic in that. It is well for a woman to marry if she meets a good, true man who loves her and whom she loves; but if she be not suited, better, tar better, that she remain single. The majority of old maids are heipful, lov- able and sweet -tempered, and fill their alloted niche u acoeptably u do their married sister Are they not more to be honored than they would bays boon had they married merely for a home or position ? Our young ladies have erron- eous ideas upon this subject. They feel almost disgraced if they have arrived sit a mature age and are not able to write Mr before their names. Their whole ambition is to get a husband.by hook or by oro tic, but get him somehow they mutt. Consequently they take the first man who offers himself, whether he really suits them or not. Now, girls, do not marry in haste. Get the best educa- tion possible, help about domestics/fairs, and enter rap 0 some trade or profession for which yon have a taste, and muter it. Skilled labor is always well paid. Du not spend your time repining be- muse ypn cannot see the coming ratan. If you never Ma him, you can live use- Iul, happy live.. You think if you had a husband you would have a strung arm on which to lean, a sharer of sorrow and trouble. Alas : many a slender woman has had not only to stand alone,' but also to serve as a prop for her children and husband, and very few wives find in their husbands all the sympathy and companionship they desire. If you are good for anything you will not be hurt by remaining single. neither will you be elevated by becoming "John's wife." Do your duty in life and you will count for one in the world whether married or In consogoeuoe of circumstances not within the control of either government the accounts between the Proviac: and tie Dominion are still unsettled; and the money ooming from the Common School fund for local improvements in the oountiss is which the lands that produced the fund are situate, Ins not yet been received by the province. In view of the prolonged delay, I recom- mend the payment of the principal (about 1126,000) to the counties inter- ested, out of the Consolidated Revenue of the Province, in anticipation of the receipt of the money from the Domin- ion. single. NEW PROVINCIAL HUILDIIOC adequate to the growing iequirementaof the provinoe and the necessities of the public service, has continued to receive my attention during the past year. Much mon time than had been expect- ed was consumed in procuring necessary modifications to be made in the plans received previously to your last session and in the preparation of the specifica- tions. This preliminary work has now been completed; tenders have been cell- ed for; and the result will be communi- cated to you. rustic ACCOUNTS. The public accounta allowing the re- ceipts and expenditure of this peat year, and the estimates of monies required for the services' if the current year, will be laid before you. The estimates have been prepared with every regard for ec- onomy consistent with the public in- terest. O.(RFIELD'S DEATH. I cannot allow the present opportun- ity to pane without expressing in my name, and in that of the people of this Province, the grief and indignation which, in common with the whol4.civil- ized world, we felt at the shocking and unprovoked murder of the late honoured and lamented President of the United States. By no community was Presi- dent (.arfield's death more sincerely mourned than by the people of On. ItSURANit. tario. In now dismissing you to the onerous and important labours in which for some time yon will be engaged, I desire to express the hope that your deliber- ations and decisions will, as on former occasions, he such as to manifest your wisoLotn and your patriotism, and as will contribute to the continued develop- ment of the varied resources of our great Province and to the increased well-being oaf its inhabitants. I congratulate you that recent decis• ions of the+ judicial committee of the privy council have alt at rest all ques- tions as to the right of the provincial legislature to legislate as our interests may from time to tiine require, on mat- ters of internal trade, and in particular on the law of insurance. Some further provisions seem now necessary in order to render effectual the leztelation which had for its object the securing of uni- form cundit in the tilt' policies: and A Wolf FOMENT. I invite your attemiou to the subject. The lieutenant -governor then took hu ar./•H RAT& departure and the gathering soon fol - i re:,ret that the right of the provinces f lowed. leaving the chamber alone t.• the to property escheated for want of heir.i leseisleture which transacted a little for - unanimously tnaint;tiueil by the highest 'moil business and then rose. courts in Ontario and Quebec, and ac-' quiesced in hy the federal government warn sasorasee 1. ma. '11. petty a Br for several years- has, en • recent sip- mem. peal to the supreme court .4 Canada by Dr.Bliss, if not a success at probing that G.iveanment in the name of the de- (for bullets, was highly successful in des- fendants in a well-known case, Web patching bulletin.: bet the Grandest negatived by a aiajority of the judges of ; bulletin of aueces is that which heralds the court. The use in Iitigstien is but ' the wrnderful cures performed by Bur- en* of several ca"1 the levee kind dock Blood Bitters. -that matchless tonic which haes", ve .rocurred since confder and bloom goutier whik+ acts at once sties; and the constitutional gttestioon f epos (be Bowels, the Skin, the Liver iavolyed is ao impntant, sail some of ' and the Kidneys. while invigorates and the grounds nn which the decision pro strengthens the whole system S coeds are of such far-r'esching applies- i - tion, that i have lost no time in taking HI Per mrsggttes the neesaeary steps for obtaining a re- . view of the )md�isst by her majesty s I Now heartily endor..e the •tnazing sue - privy ooescil. There is strong reason cess of Mack's Magnetic Medicine. and for apectiag a favorable result, erinem LTCRAI. WTATI•OTni I soogestnhte yore own the general fever wiiii whisk the report of the cane sissiNMa appointed to notatr, into the :VC rwaoorea and moan minas of rho provisos bad been received hy all shams interested is agriculture 1 ham Miioosly emeideraA what further imam may be employed Ilan sad ebb recommend it for i'utk sues in all oases of seeual weakness. See advertisement in another column. gold m 0o•derich by Jas ikon. druggist. Int Have Nape. Before you despair of miring a troe- blesose cough jest viewing on aetsump- tion try Hagyrd's Pectoral Baboon; it 1w cured others. why may it not cure gvist industry. sad to promote th. w.1 eon ' All .lealers ..1l .t. '2t A ree Pietere of I/Mseaee N I Sit gale. tub Eases Poor test. We have made arrangementa to club Tam Beane& with the leading city week- lies at the following rates : S emei. AND Otos*, . • .12.25 Sweet Amu Aeveartass,2.50 Senior, *am Mut, 2.86 Siemer AID Roan CANADIAN, 2.26 Stamm Alin CALDux TeaOIs,2.25 Sioux AND OAmane Panesewas a 3.00 a*Dsataws layette.. Some shrewd Yankee has invented a key that will wind any watch; it is a neat attatchwent to a charm, and it is said t0 work like a chane. So does that grand Key to Health - Burdock Blood Bitters, the greatest discovery of the age. It unlocks all the secretions, and cleanses and invigorates the entire system. Sam ple bottles, 10 cants; large sim3, 11 of all medicine dealers. (2) What to wady. Pope, the poetical philosopher saidl "The proper study of raankio d is sen,' and yet, bow little Is the real octans of man studied. If people understood and heeded the laws of health, and if when out of sorts would resort to a common sense hke Burdock Blood Bitten, many of the "iUs that fresh is heir to" might ineffectually remedied. Ii invigorates and regulates all the secretions to a healthy action. BEEGMILLER Chilled Plow —AND— AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Having purehased the Ooderich Foundry, I am Ewing the promises for the manufacture of CHILLED PLOWS and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ons large coals MW Work, General Repairing and Jobbing wW be tis- ttnupd. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Rundnian la the only man authorised to collect payments and give receipts on be- half of the late firm of Runeiman it Co., and ail perces indebted are requested to govern themselves auoordinidy. S. es>zcl Hadar. On the ccnnon of the recent opening for the season of the Washington Train - School for Nurses, Dr. J. M. Toner gave an interesting account of an inter- view which he enjoyed during past sum- mer, with Miss Florence Nightingale He said: "Upon my care being sent to Miss Nightingale I was immediately conducted to her room on the second fluor. Here I found Miss Nightingale reclining upon a lounge, by the side of which stood a small table with writing materials upon it; also the photographs of the nurses and the pamphlets and china I had sent her. She held my card m her hand, and addressing me by name as I approached, and without rising, ex- tended her hand and bade me welcome Florence Nightingale, though of English parentage, was born in Florence, Italy, in 1820, and is therefore sixty-one years of age, bot she looked not a day older than forty-six. Miss Nightingale's fea- tures are regular her face ii smooth and unwrinkled, she has an English complex- ion, large brown eyes and a well-nourish- ed body, which would weigh 162 pounds, so that she is now the alight, fragile per - sou which thi engraved portraits. taken just after the Crimean war, represented her to be. Though she sat upright on the lounge when I entered the room, and again several times during my stay, yet she did not at any , time move her lower limbs, which were covered with a shawl. I do not know -the character of her invalidness, but whatever it is, it in no way affecta her mental energy or the sympathy with the work of educating nurse!. She has enlarged, clear and distinct views on the subject of nursing and training of nurses, and expresses thim forcibly and fluently. The Cau•s$the-CIrts 'amour Mas. Atnoi g the curiosities of every large city, and especially about the holiday season, is the gaze -at -the -girls young man. That he finds his pursuit agree- able is. evident from the way in which he sticks to his business and the rapidity with which he multiplies. There is no trouble in indentifying him. He is his own indentification. From shortly be- fore noon until dusk the gaze -at -the - girls young man may be seen on the leading thoroughfares. Every pretty face that comes flung claims his atten- tion and he at once proceeds to investi- pte its charms. He does not do this quietly and unobtrusively; not he. The gage -at -the -girls young man's chief stuck in trade is power of gasing long and im- pudently. Then the gaze does not to alone. With every game roes a smile, a peculiar smile, a sort of • cross between the lop -sided smirk of a Guassu and the aesthetic simper td • Bunthorne. This cnmbtnmtiow is bestowed lavishly H. brushes against the girls and fairly for- ces bis Rase into their fetes The game - at -tat -girls yoring nian will stoop and lo.dt under • (lanisl nrougb has me ..roar to discover what kind •d a hon is btddea beneath it. The rear-•t-thtegirla ycwng assn is in his glory at the Risk. arse Three. Apply Hagyerd's Yellow t ►d wad take iawetdly according to direct/nes. Yel- low (]cal is the best remedy Mr Rheuma- tism, ll.sralgia, Bruises, Berne, Furst Bites and ell lameness, inttatiise mad pain • No household should he withoet ►t (2) 1882. z �— H D" G- 8 D U INT LOP IB NOW RECEIVINU Fall and Winter Goods In tlentlemen's Wear, which he will make up in Tr3t-01aes Style at Very Low Raters. Harper'�s Weekly. lllaepsr's Weakly steads at the head of Assi- ericae illustrated weekly journals. B7 iia ua- position ta politics, its admirable 11- ostrations, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches and p.reme, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day, it tarries instruction and entertainment to thou- sands of American homes. It wW always be the aim of the publishers to make fDtrpers Wecidy the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year HARPERS WEEKLY $ t 00 HARPERS MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPERS BAZAR. 400 The THREE above publications . -.10 00 Any TWO above named 7 Oe HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .... 1 50 HARPER'S MAGAZINE ll 5 tP HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE Li- BRARY, one year ISS Numbers) 10 00 Postagefree to all subscribers in the United Stales or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned 11 will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Nu.nber next after the receipt of order. The last Twelve Annual Volumes of. HMV rate's WgzueLT, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail. postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex- ceed one dollar per volume) for :7.00 each. Cloth Cases for each volume. suitable for bindingwill be sent by mail, postpaid, on re- ceipt of $1.00 each. Remittanoes should be made byPost Ofaoe Money Order or Draft, to avoid snce of lees. Netospapere are not to copy 151. advertise- ment rot Aort the express order of HARrzR k BRant $RR. Address MAMMA.5 Ready -Made Clothing, In Great Variety as usual. Call and Inspect. *mttlo'I lievit. New York. 1882. Earner's Magazine. I LUSTRA ED. SANTA CLAUS ! I ha e so many articles suitable for holiday presents, such as ALBUMS, VASES, CHINA ARE, TOYS, CARD, Alwafe varied. always good, always im- proving. -CHAnt.scs4 RAnrIs ADAM*. Jr. Harper's Maga:.ine, the most popular illus- trated periodical in the world. begins its sixty fourth volume with the December Number. It represents what is best in American litera- ture and art; and its marked success in En(t- land - where It has already a circulation larg- er than that of any English magazine of the same class—has brought tato its service tits most eminent writers and artists of Great Bri- tain. The forthcoming volumes for 1882 will in every re.i'ett surpass their predecessors. HARI ER'S PERIODICALS. ETC., ETC-, ETC. For meawo�ep'had children. that apace will sot permit me to muss, theta sit. ensure books for the abif iren. Come early and take your choice. Pc. leant 1IARI'F:It:a MAtGAZI\E $ 4 00 HAH1'Eit'S WEiSELY .. 100 HARI'F:R::4 BAZAR... 400 The THREE above publications 10 e0 Any TWO above named 7 Os H.1FtPEY.'� 1'OCNG PEOPLE.. 1 50 HARPEH:SMAGAZINE 1, 500 IIAItPEICS YOUNG PEOPLE: o HARPER'. FRANKLIN SQUARE LI - it ItAI:I-. one year 152 Numbers).. 10 00 I'nstagr free to all subscribers in tic United Slates or l'anada. The volumes of the Mnpasrnihegin with the Numbers forJane and December of eaeh year. When no time is specified, It will be under - (good that the subscriber wishes 10 begin with the current Number. A Complete Set of HARPERt. SLaoizoic. comprising D Volumes. In neat cloth binding. will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser. on receipt of 62.2.1 per volume, .'tingle missies, by mail, po.stpal.i,$3.00. ('loth ewers, for binding. 541 cents. by nail. postpaid. Index to HARP}li a MAO•NINK.. AIphabetial Analytical. and Classified. for Volumes 1 to p Inclusive, from June, 1650, to Jane, 1100, one vol. rya ('loth. +4.110. Remituneee should he made by Past (Msec Mosey Onitr or Drat. to at old chance of loss Newspapers ere not to molt Ohio oderniote farm r theat the express Ory of HARPS.. Hamra MM. Address antra t Bt5OTRR•. New leek. 2H118 FOR 1881. 1 Thanking ibe Pontic for past favors. 1 take measure to oaten that i ave ea hood a Miter Mork than ever beater et elate* Whew. Marley. Pros, Neel and White Ost.. Tans. ('lower. and Tlnotby: ales Pee Vine ('lover. ANA.. Lnevere snot laws Oras. A arm elaas assert meat et PtZLD. GARDEN and PLOWER AlfAliit sale, ted with great are '1'.e the hoot std houses la the cosotry. e keep the Mesa sad Rivet geeias sear we ears pareame. COUPTON'S SURPRISE CONN, TT* el e i%� yea eaWw has. enersed JAMES McNAIR 71 lamtltae M G_ SEIEPPARD_ Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G_ BARRY CABINET NEB AB IINBERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Kitehsa Bed -room, Dialog Room sad Parlor Furaliere, such se Ts. Wes. Chairs (hale, cane and woad seated). Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses, Wash'.sa Lounges, Sods, Wh t,Nou. Looking Glasses N. B. -A complete assortments/ Coons and Shrouds always on hand, oleo Hearses fee h at reasonable rates. Picture Framing a specialty.—A call whetted. 1751 Fiarrxzers .41A.ttesItiorl. Barbed Fence Wire contracted for in any quantity at very lowest prices. . 1 SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBEL) FENCE WIRE. 1;79 Wire and barb galvanised atter beng twisted which (snout sea. 'coif. Use Barbed Wire for Ponces. NO SNOW DRIFTS -NO WEEDS -KO WASTE IAKDS. For sale by G. H. PARSONS, CHEAP sfARDWARE. OODERICH. ?Hs EZZIOIDY FOR CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, OOLDB, ASTHMA, CROUP, All 11....es of tin Threat. Lsags and Falsenary Organs. IT ITS PAIIIRVUL ram COSSIJIIIPTI4la MIS BLitt bIIRED When otter Rosset es and Physicians have failed to effect a cure. i.eeras.sd b PavatciAaa Mnrts�aa AND Scums In feet by everybody who has gives it a rood trial. It serer feils t0 brine relief. As an ZXPICTOSANT it has no Equal. It is harmless to the Most Dentate Child. 15 sesiseae see OPI PM is any ]arras, ArDireel inns see umpany ,eek bottle. Per sale by ail Druggists. STRICTLY PURE HARMLESS TO THE MOST DELICATE. L ComplTe Cases Itmiei eraebas so seer a n iseite that "Ninety- vper et. are sermuentl eared where the directions are strictly eompIied with. 'lam is ae ebswitwt Or other infrsdieita 80 baits the yeas or old. Assn h sont*Mno Op tnnh� 1 KW 111 ALL DI IG1111g. Perry Davis & iso. s Lawrannar, Ma Ancon, •s pz TIFUILAIEL. 7Kt RU'ILUERI1. KINTAIL BRICK TARO. A quantity of geed wine M:.! ea Egad as ter sale at reaMnal.le rater. 11ir ruts. riper Is ntw ram(re ee the Mir! eiallly 5,,. upas at the EthIsil !grit, and will give all ',steel wbteb easy lm list hat 111 Weis pram`` t attemelos. The Mork 1. of are .las quality, and the terms are namable Address IONIC R. WrORBOOt, gYifafl. THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of the Throat and Lalis. AYER'S In diseases of the pulmonareliable a safe and remedy is inval- uable. ATslea CRERRr PECroRAL is such a remedy. It is a scientific combination of the medicinal princi- ples and curative virtues of the finest drngs, chemically united, of such power as to insure the greatest posel- p� , ble eSciency, and cGCTOR' Li. s Itsf�` It deilta.at ore- the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and L adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, tat youngest children take it readily. IR ordinary Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, 1 fluenza, Clerlpresaa,m Sore Meese, Asthma, Croup, asill Catarrh, the effects of ATsa's cesium Pscrosea are mageal, and multitudes are annually preserved from merlon* ill- ness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every Souse - hold for the protection it affords in sad- den attacks. In Whooping.cougft and Coomuroption there 1e no other remedy .o eticacitm., soothing, amt helpful. Low pewee are inducements to try arms of the many mixtnrem or syrups, made'of cheap and ineffective tagrn& este, now offered, which, am they cos- tate no curative qualities, can afford only temporary relefand are sure to d�pp��t the patient. Dtaeames of the tbroit and hump .Iemand active and effective treatment. and it is dangerous medicines.experimenting spinf horn the ggrreat liability= band cheRp these diorama may, while so trifled with. become deeply seated or insurable. Vas Ara's CHARM' Pe--rIRAI., and you may cnsfldently ext the beat mufti. iM ark.owle grad mufti. curative power. Red is as «heap as Its careful preps and Ams ingredtosta will ab o1 w; Rest. meet puy.klaes. 5e- Ing fns aosep*l• tis, sibs It. The teat of halt a eplakhas proven Its certainty en im casts sot ahltraj beyond the reach of human mat. PREPARED SY 0R. 1. C.-AYER • CS.. fwsaleni soot As ialeal Cleendalk Lowes, Marg. Masa ur AWL $R'.e,.. ,..._:Y a tom _noel