The Huron Signal, 1882-01-20, Page 14118* atiz) THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. . WHOLE. NUMBER 1822. New Advers1saseats. Liver Pad Holman Pad Co. Ayer'. Sarsaparilla -Ur. J. C. Ayer t Co. Selling Off at Low Prloee-J. Saunders. grand Clearing Sale -Reid t Sneyd. MWinery -Miss Stewart Sewing Maehtae- 4.o. W. Thompson. Pavel Found -O. C. Itoberbon. Blacksmith Shop to Rent Patrick Ifogan. Mortgage M 1e--t$eager & Morton. Sheriffs Sate of lands - Rub(. Gibbons. Sheriis Sale of Lands Itobt. Gibbons. Dentistry. NICHOLSON SURGEON DEN - TT. Oand s. reactance. West Street kms doors below Bank of (lode- rickMontreal, ode - rick 1762 EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GSON, (late with Trotter t Caesar, the leading Denning of Toronto) All operations neatly and carefully perturbed. Rom*, Bea- •er Mock, CLINTON. *rPstlents from • latent* will please make appointment In M- ame by mail. 1811 Real Estate. AFARM TO RENT. -A GOOD . farm to rest One hundred acre of cleared land, tree of stumps and to •first alar state of cultivation. About ID acre in grass and abut Ilfteen acres plowed. well watered &ad with good boUding.. Next farm to the &Jabal dock. For furter particulars apply to MICMARL DALTON, Kintal post Mace. 1830-1m. FARM FOR SArLMEsOR TO RENT.- The farm Godes rich bnshlp, 1 m les from lot 1. won Bay- field Road, sostalns 111 acre, about Iop acres cleared. Oa tits farm sire a Creme barn 7$z0, • frame Daae Ialescdt newt 13x116. and Other ss alba bundling& oleo • Toona,g orchard of 100 fnMelant halt Mem Just Db.q .g to bear. The soil is of trstal•r ee.Ut 2 acres of fall wheat am sown and' about 40 acres plowed. For further particulars apply on the premise to Wu. Ooaoox. 18764t. FOB SALE CHEAP. -THAT VIrRY 1 desirable brink house, oa East Sl, with one eighth of an ears of land. The hour ooa- tales 1 bed rooms, parlour, dining room. kitchen. wood -abed and all Demmer, misread - moth No reasonable offer will be refused. IowARD MMAaMAN. 1815 FARM FOR SALE AT LEEBURN.- Lot No. 5, Lake Shore Road. Township of Colborne, four utiles from Ooderich, contain - lag Moores, 90 of which are cleared and un- der •gppd state of cultivation. his well fenc- ed •.4 underdralned, having two dwelling house, a ban, an orchard, stables, workshop. driving shed. and other outbuildings. Fur psrttotllars apply on the premises, or to HOR- AOE HORTON. Milburn P. 0. Sept 15.-U. HousE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT 11 Dungannon, 12 miles from Godertch, oosslst(ng oft of an acre of land. well fenced; a frame house- • good well and pump are also on the promises. The lot has been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can be had from Mr. .1. M. Roomers, Merchant. Dsegsaaon, or R. E. Bwowe, Nile P. O. 1767-tf: HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 74 inner of Victoria and East strata, In the tows. of Ooderich, for sale cheap. or will be xobNIged for farm property. For particulars .pply to JAI. SutiL . Architect. office Cr•bb's Moak.. or J. C. CURIUM. auctioneer. Legal Notices. GUARDI ONSHIP NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given - that atter the expir- ation of twenty days from the ant publication of this notice, &pollination win be made to the Judge of the Surrugate Court, of the County of Huron. by Betsy bearing of the Township of rite hes, in the Gouty of Huron. wife of John Dearing, to be app--'nted Euardion of Ellen Maude Mitchell, ln..r ..bill of the late William Mitchell, in his lifetime of the Town- ship of Stephen. atore.atd yeoman. now de- ceased. CAMIRON. HOLT & (Astaltus. Solicitors for the said Betsy Deering. godsrioh, December 70th MM. 1220-.k. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. Pursuant to as order of the said Court, mads In the matter of Joan Isabella Patterson and other Infants under theof twenty nae years the creditors of Dead Paterson, L4 of the Township of Wawsnosh,a the County of Huron, yeoman. who died on or &bout the twenty fourth day of M•roh A. D. 1876 are on or before the FIRST DAY OF FEBRUAR A. D. 1887, to send bypoet, prepaid. to Me. Darrow & Prouwof the lows of Godsrlkth sot4oiton for the petitioners their ckrlstlaa and surnames, addresses end deeoription, the full particulars of their claims, • sta.emwt of their amounts and the attars of the *ocariue (/f any) bold by then' or la default thereof they will be per.mptorllly excluded from the bonnet of the m order. Every creditor holding any security 1s to produce the sums beton me at my chambers at the town of Ooderich on the eighth day of February, A. D. 1292, at ten of the clock In the forenoon. time appointed for adjudication on Dated at Goderiok this 70th day of Deoem Mr, A. D. 1881. Sig•ed H. MALODOR/tor?, 1890.4*. Master at Goderich. NOTICE, Notice La hereby given that an $pplloat/on wW be made to the Legislative Amembly of Ontario, at the neat seeloa thereof for an Act to amend the Ant 1. he 31th Vtheo.w$ilo the Ser Queen Chapter , and d mouthing Act,passed to the tod rof the reign of Her Majesty,Q stint tee St. Marys, C t r end y and Huron Railway Company by eztendl lbs time for the oommonoemst and coin of said Railway; MbM atdnt eeastrudion of .10th. sad theme oe i analso Sa- d ato e point on lake Huron. aim to sash* the company to compel the submission of any by-law norr by-laws that may freeholders a municipalityicd number of a munlcip1Uty; and also to exempt the sold company and all muniolpnUtles voting thereto from the provisions of Ibe 86th motion of an Act passed in the 48•d year of the reign of Her Majesty. Queen Victoria Chapter 31, and of the 121. motion of an Act la the 433rd year of the reign of Her l[aje1ty, Queen Victoria, Chapter 27; also to enlarge the pow- ers of the Directors of the mid Company in building the said road, and to enable them to issue mortgage bonds for that purpose, and to enable the munlclpslltlee aiding sold railway to issue bonds or debentures having a looger period then 20 years to run, and providing for the payment thereof either by Instalments, or by way of • sinking fund. Dated at St Marys, this 30th day of Novem- ber. A. D. 1861. • HARDING, HARDIN© & WH/T1 1816. Solicitor. for Applicant. TO OUR 8UBSC'RIBEI tL The address -label on the first page will show each subacribor the state of his account with Tui SIGNAL, and (it may be hinted) that this is an ap- propriate season fur makinv an al- teration in the figures. There are other figures in our books, also, which might very appropriate- ly be adjusted before the end of this month goo,. "Owe no man anything,' has been wise- ly enjoined upon all, and this in- junction is especially binding upon all who do business with newspaper men. A word to the wise is sufficient, and we will say no more at present, for we detest dunning. She People's Column. DAROEL FOUND. - A PARCEL sant•laiag some others and other dry goods, we left st my wore oa the 116th of De - amber. The owner an have it by paying for this advertisement aad proving property. G. C. Roam*Tsox, variety store. 11113 -it. B LACKSMITH SHOP TO RENT.- me premise are 1111z* with wood shop notched, and ars situated on .* Lake Shore Road, Ashaeld, half • mile from KI dg, and one and • half miles from Ebtb& A ares class opening Is here offered for a general bi*okemlth. 1)elio•te health is the sole meson for the owner dv1ng up business. Terms ressonable. For further Mu -Coolers apply to PATrtcg Hooia, Klagsbridge. P. O,IML>en, NOTICE, -THS COUNCIL OF THE corporation of the County of Huron will met In the Court Room, in the Town of Ooderich, on Tseedal. the lith Instant AU s000en10 outset the Council must be rat in before the first serlon of the second day of roasting. P> AnArmoN. County a WOOD WANTED. -TENDERS will be received for the delivery of 90 cords of green wood - beech and maple -free from limbs and bock lop. •t the Goderich Public Schools. Tenders to he for not lees than 10 eorda, and to be delivered on or before July 1st. 1767. Tenders will be re- ceived 01211 Feb. 6th 1682, by W. Mtron.t.t, Secty. B. 9. T. 1831-41 HOUSE TO RENT. -A FRAME hoose, on Palmerston street, infer the Hayfield road) containing six rooms besides pantries, and two-fftbe of an acre of land. Good orchard and good stabling. For wilco - tars apply to E. R. W Avson. painter. 1818-0 II RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, 1 . Life and Aocident Insurance Agent. Representing flmtrJ•ss Companies. Mao agent far the CANADA Lawn STOCK INevRANlm Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either In Town or 1ORTGAGEt SALE OF LiI V i rti Y Farm Property, In any way to suit the borrow- 11 i stable, with reefdence olning in the er. Onlica- up-.talrs) Kay's block. Goderich, Town of Goderkb. Under and by virtue of tb.• power of sale contained 1n a M0 made by William Stotts to tae Vendor, $trayea Animals. will be produced at the time of sang there will be sold by public auction, at Currte's Auction FARM FOR SA'.3. -BEING LOT 9, Mart, in the wean of Goderich, on*ATukDty non. 13. Colborn'', about sevice milcafrom A. h cult1t twelve •F noAt all and Ooderich, comprising 50 scree. 5'. cleared. t A. g, 1808. at twelve o'clock noon, all and frame house, and • new frame barn 50:35 and and pre that certain teparcel otract of land and prcmlses situate, lying and being in the Tows .,f Guderich, in the County of Huron, and beim; compose.) of Lot number two hun- dred and nineteen (319, running numbers in the said Town of Goderich, containing • quarter of an acre, more orlese. On the pro- F' STRAY STEER. ---STRAYED p. rty are erected a commodious one -and -a [`1 from the premise* of the subscriber. lot half awry frame dwelling house with wood i0. con. 5, Colborne about 1st of November. shed, oh:.. attached. a large and commodious last, a two year old steer. head and nook red, stable with box and other stalls for about 20 body red and white. "W. Y. branded on horn. horses, also an extensive.dHving house with Persons giving Information that will lead w oaloe, harness room, &c., &c. There is also • his r000vory will be suitably rewarded. Wu. good well of water in the drlv(ag house. Au Yount 1818-4t. extensive Livery business has been carried on on the promises for some years past, the stable, driving house dr., having been built and fitted rep ecpresely for that purpose. and they possess the facilities fur n•rrying on the same on an extensive scale. The property is conspicuously situated on one of the princi- pal streets to the town, about five rode from the square, and comprises one of the best stands In the County of Huron. The vendor reserve, to himself the right of one bidding In respect of the premixes. TERMS: -Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale; the balance on may terms which will be made known at the time of min. Immediate pos- 30,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND session and perfect title given. For further on good Farm or 8retdaae Town Property particnlws apply to the undersigned, at 8 per cent. Apply to R. RA DC LIFFE. 1751 Sr.a itR 2' MORTON Barristers dee., Ooderich. • stable and other outbuildings are on the premises. A young orchard• good pun ens. on the farm. The farm has a road on two 'odes of It. Four acres of tall wheat aresown. I)Istantonly 1 mile from a post office. For particulaw apply to Wm. StOILna, Sheppard. ton P. 0. 1777. Loans anb insurance. MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO lend on easy terms In sums to salt bor- rowers. ALzx. MCD ALLsx. Goderich, Nov. 17th 1181. 1813.1a. 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON. HOLT &CAMERON. Gode- rich. 1730. Q75,000 TO LEND ON REAL , E S - vaVV TATE. Terms favorable. Apply 10 B. L. DOYI.E. Gororlch. 1751 (1AME ESTRAY. -IN GODERICHt about December. an old brown mare. with a white star in her forehead. The owner is requested to provo property, pay expenses, an her away. Paroles Darts, near the rail- way bridge. Oodorich. 1821-41. MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to H per cent. Private funds. Apply to Saaog* and Mottro:t, (oderloh. xf )NEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1-V1 amount of 1'rivte Funds for investment et lowest rake on first-class Mortgage.. Apply to (JARROW & PROUDFOOT. ANS FREE OF CHARGE. I DJ Money to lead at lowest rates, free of any costs or charges. SEAOER o2 MORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderlch, Mrd March 1881. 1779. `• PER CEN f. -THE CANADA ) Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on goo,' Farm security, at Mx per neat. 11111 oartlrnlare Tire. upon •ppllio•tlon to Ifi:OH HAMILTON, C. L. .gest, Oederbh. 1786. }fLeaical. DR HUTCHISON, DUNGANNON, Dat, 1919 McDONAGH, M. D , PHYSIC- G•R. IAN, SURGEON. tr.. fiend nate of Tor- onto oronto U.lverwlty. 1.10amtiste of the Royal Cid- Imps of Physicians. Gliwice. Zealand. M. C. P. 8., Ontario. e)lnra and realdenne Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street, tad erieh. 1711Sain 11R. McLIAN, PHYSICIAN, SI'R L1 G111p(g.rmaMe « mr. ke- ( sa /tram 1!10001Oa, sesead door wog" of 11t la West. G. MAOKID, K. D., PHYTIII• H, el•.i. %,gam .ad of Tew.ensn ('ntvwmlty o mn t Crnsron's Beak. 1f t Aloe. sq.tn to et the Bank. R11. SHANNON A ARA MILTON, DRS is Slbeeli a. Aenee..w. .)blrr .i 11x. 9hanweu's raeldsnee. neer We Jell. Godertea. o. C. estawwew. J. C. Hittite you. MR. J. C. ('t'Mta A ucttoneer. Ooderlch. January 16th. 1882. 1832 -td. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY 1)11191071. SAtm or A VALuAsts FARM IN TER Tow)t-EWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, S HIP 0? WAwANonf. IJ Attorneys, Solicitors In Chancery te. Pursuant to an order of the mid Court made Office in the Court House. Goderich. In a certain came or matter of Joan Isabelle biz LawIN. M.A., B.C.L. L. N. LK* is. Patterson and other Infants under the age of 1820. twenty one years. dated the twelfth day of Depoc unser . with etm will on of Il n- GARROW & PRO17DFOOT, 13 A R p.h.ic •.ctlon, with the approbation of hen- ry MacDermott, Fwquire, master of the So- RI8TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, eta prem' Court at Goderich, by John 1'. curets Otderteh, J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfo ot. 1751 auctioneer, at Nicholson's Hotel. 1n the vtllmp of Manchester, on Nat•rrLy, la. lath dmr et January. A. 2►. IOW. at .me o'clock, la rm afternoon. the following property, vis The west half of lot number twenty nine In the third eonoesvinn of the township ret Wawa*. nib In the t'ou't of Huron, rentable, des hundred seem ofirentable, or less. Tab peer perty is situated about 11 mile. torn the Teens of Ooderlrh M mile. from the village of Maw cheater and 5 miles from the village of Blyth, 1. • good farming Iiienllty &boot 75 mess are cleared sad the remainder timbered with hardwood excepting about 6 acre es Mea the moll N of • clay loam. aad the .leered per 11o. is In • fair state of cultivation. There Is Greeted on the said lead a leg 'WASP sad log bra. TM property will be mild mildest N • reserved 14A Bled by the mid Mostar ta other respeetm (16..w•dittoos of eels will be the standing nnsdttinse of the said court The title le parfait sad will be red her from ea- ruwthr•eea. Term .1 sitar Tem per cost et the purchase sassy to 11 . veadar sntMHn.1 no the day of sale mid the Weave Into nowt on tie frit day of Mrd A. D. 1 . tbersedne without 1.100129 whoa Lha pes.k&ssr shall be entitled to hie oesveyases. A toaast oboes term exph*e at the ISth March A n 18112 Y be , ..... Meallm. TA* p.reh•ser a11 lone eatWMad jc prrr rmit imtmGdiMs&y after the expiring efthr. 1101 teras. For fencer particulars ap- gi3 fisetl c ae.wssm eer er the vendors' (tnite. p•iM •1 (edertett, this MA der of Doran Mt A. es Intl H MArnseworr, Meller at Goderioh. QAM°w ♦ Pant-nro.w. .ender; 8ethrMwa 1411641. Auctioneering. JC. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC - . TIONEER, Goderloh, Ont. 1751. Sonsorial. TKNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- . BER and Hairdresser, begs to return thanks to the public fur past patronage, and *Aiello a continuance of ciutom. He can • tows be found at his Shaving Parlor, near the Post OMce Goderich. 1753 Legal. s B L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Atbraey. Solicitor In Cbaaoery. Sc., On dsetek. Oat. 1751. NEWS ABOUT HOME. I "The Goderich cat must tyke a bath seat, also for Rubt. Tait has • John "A oldsl's amang 71, Lakin' notes, 'Thomas that hriugs down, the scales at An' faith hell prong it." 15 lbs." -[Brussels Post. TOWN TOrsos. Something new in Library and School Prize Hooks. Junes Imrie, successor to T. J. Moor - house. Tits Lowarr Ysr. -Rail's furniture 1a now being sold at less than wholesale prices. Call early for bargains. Hee •dverttmest for price lit. Yesterday (Thursday) was a beautiful day for takingg pbologr•pbs, sol the consequence was that all eyes instinctively turned to Sal- low* photo pilot'''. Sunshine is good for light, health, beat and photos 9auaders, of the Varletrstore, will continue to sell off his immense stock at lower prices than bankrupt sale. His goods are new and fresh. He intends taking stook in February and the gab Is genuine. The cheapest house under the sun. See .iv't. Isn't this the season for "caller her- ring r' The County Council will convene un Tuesday. The skating -rink opened on Wednes- day evening for the season. Miss Smithwaite of St Catherine', is visiting her sister, Mrs Capt. Rhyne*. Mr. Wellington Small!' has been laid up with diphtheria since his arrival in Em- erson. Mims Jones, of London, is visiting friends in town, and is than guest of Mr. Bonnamy. Mrs. Slack, of Chico, arrived in town on Monday, on a visit to her father, T. Dark, Esq. The Misses Mary MacGieagor and Hat- tie Andrews have been spending a few weeks in Buffalo. Mrs. McMath, of East St., has been suffering for some time, from an acute attack of rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Gluing have returned to town after a month's visit to friends in the Provincial capital. West Huron Teachers' Association will meet at Exeter on Friday and Sat- urday, Feb. 17th and 18th. Ven. Archdeacon Elwood is visiting his son-in-law, Mr. Beith, manager of the Ontario Bank, Oshawa Mr. Charles Miller is shipping off his mschinery to the Northwest, where he intends pushing his fortune. Miss Ross, daughter of Col. Roes, M. P. P., attended the opening of the Pro- vincial Legislature last week. Latest novelty of the season. A goat in harness, with sleigh attached, driven round the square by a little girl. The many friends of Mrs. Duty, will be glad to learn that she has quite re- covered from her recent severe illness. Mr. George Acheson has returned, from hie North=west trip, looking quite rejuvenated. Mr. Wm. Acheson has also returned. Rerlansu Fool' Ht'sINL'.►-Mr. Hor- ace Newton, who has been carrying on business for the past three years has de- cided to go to the North-West. He is now selling of his stock at greatly re- duced prioes. Rev. W. F. Campbell M. A., Mission- ary Secretary of the Diocese of Huron, will (D. V. \ preach the annual Missionary Sermons on Sunday next in St. Steph- en's, Sterling; St. Johns, Holmeeville; and St. James, Garfield. Pn.oi*.I_ --Mr. Robert Sperling, of McKillop, has gone to Morris to take c of a school jn that township. Mr. Sperling is an unusually clever young man and will, we ore convinced, make an excellent teacher. His many frienda in McKillop will with hint Meow in his new vocation. The temperance lecture in the Tem- perance Roll on Thursdayof Let weak was largely attended. Te chair was es - copied by Mayor Horton, who intro- dooed the lecturer, Rev. Dr. Williams to the audience. The lecture throuhotat was replete with sotmdi advice, apt illus- trations and scathing ezposures of the iniquities attributable to the wins of drunkenness. At the conclusion votes of thanks were tendered to the lecturer, chairman, and to the choir. Rev. Dr. Williams purposes giving another lecture on temperance at an early date. O1aNOm DtaTaicr M6srilro,-The an- nual meeting of the District Loyal Or- ange Lodge, 306, was held in the hall of L O.L. on Tuesday of last week. Then was a full attendance of delegates from every lodge in the District, and oonsid- enble business was transacted. Several matters in connection with the order were taken up and disosssed, after which the following officers were elected for the present year:-Bro. J. B. Edward, W. D. M.: Bro. David Cook, D. D. M.; Bro. James Wells, Sec.; Bro. John Reed, Treas. ; Bro. R H. Elliot*, Chap.; Bro. John Bozell, Dir. of Ter. HorricvLTrr1AL Soca err. -The annual meeting of the Goderich Horticultural Society was held hero on the 19th inst. The receipts from all sources were $504.60. vu: Legislative grant 5108.60, Municipal- grant. 5116.50; Members $280.50. The °filters for the ensuing year are Alex. Watson, President; John Stewart, Vice President; A. MoD. Allan, I. Salkeld, Arch. Dickson, J. H. Williams, T. Hood, R. Bonamy, P. Adamson, Ju. Stewart and Co Blake,' Directors; W. Campbell and W. R. Mil- ler, Auditors; P. Adamson, Secy. A circular was read from the Agricultural and Arts Association offering prizes for the best managed farms in various ceuu- The skating rink will be open on Sat- (ties, Huron included urday next at 2 p. m. to the school The Canada &Anil Journal speaks children. The small sum of 5c&dinis- sion will be chargel Don't forget the sale of inagazine3 and papers at the Mechanics' Institute rooms on Friday, Jan. 27th. There's where you can get cheap literature. REFORM M11T1110. -The annual meet- ing of the Reformers of Goderich will be held on Tuesday evening next in the rooms. North street, for the purpose of electing officers for the current year, xnd the transaction of other important busi- ness. Every member of the party is in- vited to attend. The meeting will be- gin at 7.30 o'clock. Let there bo a grand rally. SUNDAY S.'HOOL ANNIVERiIART.-The North et. Methodist Sunday School holds its anniversary on Sunday and Monday evening next. Dr. Williams will preach to the children in the morn- ing service, and to Sunday School work- ers in the evening. On Monday oven - readings, recitations And nwsic by the children. A silver zollection will be taken up at each of the services. AHR(CULT1; RAL DIN1411t. -A dinner un- der the auspices of the West Riding of Huron Agricultural Society pill be held in the Bntish Exchange Hotel, (. der- ich, on Thursday evening next, at eight o'clock. It is expected that either Mr. Brown, manager of the Model Farm or Prof. Millen( the same institution, will he present to deliver an address. ( ►then prominent agriculturists are also expect- ed to speak. Every effort will be made to make the affair a success. Tickets have been put at $1 apiece. thus favorably of a young gentleman well known to most of our readers: -"Mr, C. L. Crasaweller, one of the Assistant Masten of the Goderich High School and a third year Undergraduate of the University of Tbrunto, hu been appoint- ed, out of a large number of applicants, to the Commercial Mastership of Picker- ing College. Mr. CraseweIler's reoord as a student is a brilliant one -Second Class A. Dec. 1878 with '79 marks out of a possible 80 in Book-keeping, a First Class in Mathematics and the General Proficiency scholarship at the Senior Matriculation Exaniinatio' in 1881. This shows good work for one who was teaching nearly all the time. At tho Second Year Examination he also won the Second Proficiency Scholarship. As a teacher Mr. Craesweller'aj,auccees has been equally pronounced." TCA-wPRTIN.:. -On Friday evening Iasi a tea -mooting was held at the ilniun Presbyterian Church, Goderich town- ship., After refreshments had been par- taken of in the schoolhouse close by, the gatheringassembledin the church, where,. after the customary devotional exercises, an interesting programme was carried out. Rev. Dr. iJre occupied the chair on the occasion, and after an amusing Irish reading was given by Mr. R. A. Williams, of Leehurn, in his own inim- itable style, which took exceedingly w.bh the audience, Rev. Mr. Francis was called upon to address the meeting. He Gook for his subject the training of youth, and gave sage advice on the sub- ject. He was followed by Mr. T. Mc- Ilillicuddy, who spoke on the relation- QMAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S - yoga or TscrsaaNCI. --At the last ship of conrregahons and pastors. Mr. 11JJ TSRH te., era. io der3eh •ed ton, I m. regular meeting of the Sons of Tem Jas. Mitchell followed, and advocated R Sm9r. Jr.. Usder(e►. J. A. Yotioo W Ing- egTemper ham, 1751once, Division 120. liudech, H. Hale, the acquiring of knowledge, givingan MALCOM80N, BAAR[tiTER AND I rt O D. . W P. , the following officers were exr.edingly instructive diiicourse. Rev. S. Solicitor. Otte* ;brier West Strait installed for the ensutrtg year - 8r. H. Dr. Williams of North St. Methodist cad Martel t80uae. over George Aoheoe's Bines, W. f Stater Drs rson. W. A. ; church, in a humorous conversational Godsrioh. nat. Bro. Adorn Mutton Todd, Sexy ; Bro, style. gave a half hour of wit and wit - Walton, Financial Secy . Br... Lewis dont to the satisfaction of all who heard. ECAMPION, ATTO R N E Y • A T ( Elliott, Trees Re, Jas. McFarlane, The ch..:r .f Knox church, Goderich, in - Chap.. lir. Jos 1. Hall, Con...Rioter tenpersed excellent music daring the C. A. Hale, Amount Cow; Nssbr Wil- evening A social was held in the son, 1. Sentinel, Biro. 0. Swansea, 0. S. church the'followingg *venni., sad we The lodge is in a penepo nous cosdities, understaiorthe hand.ome fires of 575 and its membership w increasing. was netted of the joint reoeipts. The Hon John hintard. American C,rmm1 pen ole 01 lhee section did all a lboir at this point is a happy man D'Jring Pala"' b make victors [eel at haat the past week his three sorts. Moera. Will, John and Fret Hibbard have been visiting their perorate The two former hail from Fargo, DIA ..•.a, whore they do an intermit,* business. and the latter bids a re.ponetble commercial p *limn n Chicago The hays made Mr. Hib- bard a pr...nt of a handanene and costly pair of gold mounted eye -glasses, and the nld gentleman is duly appreciative of the filial feeling that prompted the gift. Dunng the week the hand sirens - r1 the •iaitote ''owe the domains of tine{e *•r. $70,000 PRIVATE FUNDfi TO [.END no Faun ant Town Property at lowers In• tenni Mnregigre pareh•.sd, nn .'ownmiatne Oraweyaeeuig Few reeannahl. $5 $5 to $20 Aday 16Lia. earn*, p„ nwSn min obtain mnea In nneda addr.w If IfW 1s ealtlmreeery.- Pavinom 1 Ji) -.er+v.w IV ran 7`rn11aaA Mara o'f(ttl 14retetare 16.' t'tnderleh x•11 • LAW. eslbltor In Chemistry," .o`oll"e e y war. er. to Ogee over Sheppard'& .eoaere, Oelerlek, Dal Aay amount of meaty to Mesa at boas* rows d Interest 17811. CA111ROlf, HOLT & CAMERON, sofloibn is Maurer. tc., Mand W0I>Aah•aM4 C.CameaW. a IL, ysQintaror► Ovaeetoa 1751 s Miscellaneous taros. JAMiIN 1SYAILL, AR011ITTW'T, &. 011e, (hebb'. Block, stolons et (Nefe- V. Plane es I ar Mown norm/4- V. V. Arpe•hers' . nand maaoG .word answered sad T Ai][sl$IIiLD ♦,s. , (1M1001MONOR • M tsiAaM of (laoolet . te.t1 n•rp C takabl•m sad res/dasew R et, ofOolbwwne Hnswl, r le armed sees 1141 e MOOILLICUDDY BAOF. Pvicuatw l 61.50 A YEAR IN AD VANCI. OUR TOWN FATHIRB. , The liMatwlery Meeting --Mating the se_ e9n1NMa App1.thy sae Amdltere and the mot eraswt Trustee. Monday, Jan. 160, 1882. The roll was called of the memben elect, and the following, after filing their declarations of oikoe, took their seats: Homes Horton, mayor; F. W. Johnston, reeve; Wm. Campbel, 1st deputy -reeve; M. Hutchison, 2d deputy -reeve; council lora--T. N. Danoey, C. A. Humber, and Joseph B. Edward, for 8t. David's Ward; Samuel Skies', St. Patrick's Ward; F. Jordan, M. Nicholson, and John Butler, St. George's Ward; Geo. Swanson and E. Bingham, St. Andrew's Ward. His Worship the Mayor took the chair. The minutes of guesting of Jan. 6, 1882, were read and eoatirmed. It was moved by Johnston, seconded by Hutchison, that Si_ A. Mo0aw be an auditor of Goderic5, for the present year -Carried. The Mayor appoiated Andrew Wad- dell the other auditor. Moved by Swanson, &wooded by Johnston, that Dr. Taolov be appointed High School trustee --Carried. The following committee was then ap- pointed to strike the standing eoganrt- tees for theear: Juitaoton, Campbell, Danoey, Jordan and Sieene. On motion the Council aeiljeseaod to the first Friday of February. „ Mechanics lasttede. Jig_y6, 11612. A meeting of:the Mechanics' 1bmtitttts Directors was held this. evening. The President Mr. A. Moroni in the chair. Present, Rice, Robertat.s, Millie, Mit chefl McGillicuddy, Sheppard, Weather- all Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. A number of account ower' presented, referred to Finance Committee, and or- dered to be paid. The Treasurer was authorised to re- mit the 5 per Dent of the Oosesnmeut grant required by statues to the Aaso- cutien of Mechanics' Institutes. The Mechanics' Institua Assoei tio.t'. offer of 520 in prizes kw the ewenisig classes was accepted, and the Public School Inspector requested to conduct the examination. The Directors. decid- ed to sell by auction en Fridley, Jan. 27th.st 7.30 p.m. in the- reading mons, all the periodicals for the yeas 1882, each paper and magazine to remain on fyle in the room until the next number arriw.e.1 The weekly Free Prewt and New York Werkhj Sun were added to tis•- list of periodical& 0mprlenese■t Om Debi - h has long been the bast of our peo- ple dist no citizen can be deprived of personal freedom ex.spt on a. penalty for crime or misdemeanor. But the boast is ill-founded so long as it is pos- sible for debtors to be impsieoned for failure or refusal to oley. an °oder of the Division Court in regard to a debt. There should not be enc law for the rich and another for the poor, hut unfortun- ately there is. A merchant whir fails in business and is unable to pay the face value of his indebtedness 1119' arrange with his creditors for a discharge on paying thirty or forty cents on the dol- lar, while the day laborer who cannot pay his grocery bill is. liable tar be clap- ped into -jail, not pseeisely for debt, but for refusal to comply with an order of the court, which amounts to the same thing. 1. f. (friss'(.'. ads Lfrt. Hovtore sale of livery stable with res- idence nd)niaing, in the (nen of Ovid - finch. on Saturday, the 18th of Plebeu- ary, 1882 Sale taken Anne at the matt at twelve n'cloett &harp Tho following are the officers elected for Moncrieff Grange, in the township of (troy, for the current year: Ju. Cuthill, W. M.; Wm. Fulton, W. 0. ; Alex. Stewart, W. S. ; Hartwell Speiran, W. L ; Jno. McTaggert, W. S.; Geo. Ful- ton, W. C.; Duncan McTaggart, T.; Duncan McInais, 0. K-; Mrs. Hartwell Speiran, Ceres; Miss 31ary Jane Avery, Pomona; Mise Elizabeth Shiels, Flora; Miss Jane Fulton, Ass;atant Steward; Delegate to Division Grange, Alex. Stewart: Hartwell flpeiran and George Fulton, Auditors. (loop Hoene% --We have heard of the following horse sakes that have been made in this section within the past week • Mr. Wm. than, of Hullott, sold a seven months' ..ld cult, sired by ''What's Wanted," for $200 This wasa splendid animal, and his superior has not been produced 'n this county. Mr. Charles Mason, of Tuckerwmith, sold a year nld for 5160; Mr. Stewart of Tuckeiemith, sold a three year nld filly for 5150, and a fowl for $100. Mr. McGregor of the Loudon Read, near Heiman, snld a foal for 5150. All these splendid animals. ware sold to an American dealer, aad have been taken to the United State& [Seafnrth Expositor. Tho Nebo s special c orrespondeat a last letter from Muskoka ro.iews this destitution in that district and the rnen sures taken for its relief. The fins de droved 'belt $100,()00 of the property of t'le settlers, and left about gas him dad pentons in need of relief, maty of them suffering severely from lack of wearing apparel and bedding, and some even frees lack of food. Realism assist- ance to seppl their immediate mamas' tiest aid will be required to fuenieh seed in the. spring, implements, and building material. A sem 01 about fes thnrtaaror Anllar., it is thnnght, will be necessary Tis Ar the Central committee have re- ceived hem municipalities and individ- uals atom 51,700. *11 el which has betas impended Sale of a valuable term in the town- ship ..f Wawanneb, on Saturday, Jes- us" 214th 1882. at ono &cloth. Sale takee plate at Nicholson's Rotel in the Village ,e Maneh. ter at 19 n'elnc4 noon i,.""'C,•9R5tC'ster.1.101114 mels:••_.:.-8.r. .a---.(-'a'J^ HMiiuita. r t.:;!►t^ 44111101,... y