HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-13, Page 5r"7,, -orimq mg% "Impel* At", ornrrlwef r It (IRON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 1882. _ _ 3 • Boston, Masa., .lati. 'O. -Dr. Augustus D4, Plottget,11, wow 8E1'3'611111g the rune. of Yucatan, Antes as 'pillows to Marshall P. Wilder. ..f the Ne 3116111rus. • Mr. Ow Allen spent a few days at Bruciaeld last w k, visiting f: :end& 73r Albert. -- - Debotism Sossert. —.k debstin4 c1», kr beets formed here, and consider* le interest is evinced in the matter. T e club will hold it first "field day" lei , Tuesday eveniegs 17th inst., in the Machold house, on the live local question, "Resolved that a railway would be more beneficial to Port Albert and vicinity than a harbor." The orators are 1.•••li- ing up their points, and a sharp and vigorous discussion is Carly". Fatri SAWING. —Mr. D. and T. Mc- Phee sawed one block 16 in. through in 33 seconds. This is the fastest on re- cord. The trustees of S. S. No. 3, have re- engage." Mr. H. McLean for dila year, , and isrought civilian' ion to that for the suin ..f 11525. N..t I. 1 for ; N. 3. c•aultrv. Yoo niust remember that the D. Egyptioli priests aleays pointed tu the England Histor- ical Genueloonral &Kt' ty • -"I have die - covered among tha rs ipf May.spaten the ghoul used byte aStrOW011118111 4,f that city: 4 I. a Masonic temple with symbols and hieroglyphics. I have fervid the portraits pi the founders .4 ekties. tid interpret the meaning of oer- ; fain .,r monis that have been derstood by other travellers. 1 have as- certained that the key to the ancient Maya aipinsiiet is the true one, and by its 111011,14. Stro. Plongeon and myself have 1'.4.11 able to read the names the founder". not those of the cities. I have found th st this alphabet contains letteis and characters be onging to the Egyptian ' Errospeari and Chaldean alphabets, and Vitt the %lay& langaage is akin to al. lee .,k.l..ent language* oken by man 1111 age. gone by. My studies have Sam- , ed me to believe that the founders of the first Chaldean monarchy were Mayah, sod p:.....1)!v the people who colonized GENUINE BARGAINS. COLBORNE BROS. For the next three months I will .ell furniture at its lalhowing prima. far mph: 1.twt Cuptmerds at • I NO ti tomato') l'ppboarda. 7 SO Suites . it le lavusgeo from I 1 A 00 up. Reser- 'i troM. ... ...... 3 • • • - - • • • • .......... - - - - 1 73 up. ••••,i It.... ['shies M. . ...- .. ....... .... .. Y 50 ••• ',I, l'i tads fro.. .. _ ..... • Nets up. Sideheards lairesum trotsstrijr. • ., , 300 up. 6 50 up. Everything elm ad, similar rake,. These pelmet -ant be beaten in town. 1 invite morenetion. 1 am bound tolaell. as 1 intend removiag to Dakota in the spring. 1 have aim $ lad of inatthiaery used nil cabinet (mkt, g which 1 will sell at • very low prim. M tin " Fall and Winter Goods Is now Complete in, Every Deparlmeal. Our Terns Bein0 fresh, we are able to oller Good.s at Prices That Defy Competition. . COLBORNE BROS. ACCOUNT'S. All seemed, doe John A. Ball and J. G. Hall must be settled at Oliee. nes.S. At the Market. JUST RECEIVED! FOR FALL AND WINTER FERGUSON'S We are glad to leans thst Mr. 11 Mor -A SPLENDID AsS, tit lNI •ENT wee %heti usl:od concerning the birth rig, who has been confine 1 to the hone place t their *natatory. for the last three weeks, is spun ab:e to o around • OVERCOATINGS • BOOND 'POP THE OLD COUNTRY. —MT. W. L. Ferguson intends to start for Scotland about the 22nd of this month. He intends to hring back with him three heavy draught stallions. We wish !Dm every succeaa nn I 6 trip. PROIrZWA Bt'Ll.. —Mr. John Vare•,,, has purchased a year 01,1 Princess Id! from Messrs. H. Snell & Sons, of Mul- lett, fur $200. The animal weighed over 1,200 pounds when he entered upon bis second year. GRAPHS ELECTION. — At the annual election' of officers for Colborne grange No. 310 held on Fliday. De.:.. 30th, the following were appointed to place: W. M., Willett Potter; Sec. and Treas.. John Varooe; 4,verseer, Wm. Tindall; Lecturer, James Gledhill; Steward, Gor don Young. Asst. Steward, J. I ilea: gate keeper, lame Fisher; Lady Abu: Stew- art, Mrs. Porter. Flora, Mrs. Gordon Young; Po,nona. Mrs. Wett.o•n: Ceres, Mrs. A. Glen. The grange meets monthly, on Fraloy a:1,1 ber•r-! t-,1•• 1:111 noun. • .1W aaal..lboarlIsam. The Irish are more Israelites than the ngliah are. They are f ro in Mesopotamia. You have only to read Meso-rot•amia, and you have Pat. Was not Terah , the father of Abraham.? And is not the Trish song "the harp that. once through Tara's hall?" How are the English proved te be identical with the ten tribes? Why. by leaving out the I in Isaac you have Saar—that is.the Saxons! This is a specimen of the precious non- sense that is being peddled about by iu- terpreting pedlars. Thus hate we en- deavored to hit flying folly by showing you that in this way you may rot e any- thing. - - I Spurgeon. • Tbe Lleirldral tart who Lire* &gala. it•er 100 private bills are already inLei en‘ the hands ot the Clerk of the Ontario T• Sett Everybody. Now ArtiODE ng. and will be Dade up by ear U. fa0urit . iontw , E R 1 E Legislature. whits, as • Caster and litter. Imo a• *evertor la IllreCtiasity. / Hon .Mr. Morris who is at resent in l Aleut,. ii said to isave roarbsPS200,000 My General Stock of Goods is Complete riVITABLE Fs OICTIII: !E t-••• •N. tiberal DiscouniGiven Spocial ilargalls ill Toas at Very Low Prices, '25e. our tb and upwards. If you want r. i-aliy he Tea try my 60e. 1 ..ung Hy.on, • it is a 'splendid article and worth more moiler. I have also just opened out it coin - ...TORN ACHESON , !Jets, assortment of oy soeculatino in North-west lands. 101::"E MILO :hcM IGIA7..O_ The New COM,Q2.:. itS woe- derful affinity 'to t:13 Die stirs Apparatus and the Live:•,. increas- ing the dissolving juices, reliev- ing almcst instantly the dreadful results of 1)7spepsia, Indigestion. sad the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in 9very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness. _Head- ache, Sick erradaclie, Distress ALP ter Eating, ind on the Stet .2ach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back. Want of Appetite. Want .1 PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, cars ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels and gives tone to the whole system. London Waned*Ad vert iser: Cut this out and take it to your It is now about three years since the Draft -1st and #fal0 cent Sample A (Iry rtiJw •• puolished the story of the ora b • Crockery &Glas:3ware Fall & Winter Millinery IncludingFanev Veptncetaiind aCn Ids t; • vh c),Tts,:,‘Lal. 11.•o Lamps & Lamp Goods 121 Groat Variety MISS .T STI WILSON AND AT VERY v.. \V PI:ICES. Millinery is now Fully Assorted. all and be Convinced A! flounce t t.e :attics of Goderich &rid Vicinity, that the Stock of Fall end Winter C BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! DIFFERENT STYLES AND AT VARIOUS PRICES. Shaded Plushes, Ribbons and Feathers. E1 TIP, ONi\TTS The Latest Novelty in ; Neat, Stylish. and will Suit all, 1810-arn MISS JESSIE WILSON. The Square, Goderich. voargen e for 75 cents, and Electrical Girl in the township r if Rom- eig-bborabout it. ney. The tale passed through nearly all of our exchanges, and occasionally re- appears now The stery in brief was that the girl was so hizhly charged with electricity that she could not handle any articles of steel. She was a veritable inagnet, and needles, knives, etc., would cling to any part of her person. The publication excited a go id deal of cori- siaity concerning the girl, and many peo- ple called upon her home. Recently she was taken ill, and the local physi- SratEn Taxi ma addressed to the under - clans were called in. She described her si gried. and endforsed -TENDERS' FOR PARLIA- peculiar sensatioas. In her knee -joint: ‘;',47,!..ITI:t";1,;:tir'1"2wilyl beht ,71:livV. at Ili. on severe pains were felt, *booting at inter- '11114t41,4T• the I h tit.nd ay i‘f relltt'sntivn.ned for the Erertion and Completion of New 1r - vale, as though a battery were at work Hulldingi and giving her intermittent shocks. The s'smrit;Tf. on to therewittiin.seeo;idicenit toin knee began to swell, and the pains io The Plans and Specifications pre -01e% i Garden eci,11.!elliii.;,11. of Toronto. or spread to other parts tif her body, uene- 'ThC rally becoming permanent in the joint's. by Mdi-, . I la -li nnttnff CPer(ry. indfitnhnensaimmenViTyd All the doctars could do was of very Printed forms of Tender an he obtained at little avail. Occasionally slight relief tshpeigrilatriv nrioNtetrtf tirafft 17..3 wnsdlenorbe eati. would be obtained, but in wet or murky dri to have their Tendert considered unless tw•nlittirli,tiiince with weather the pains would redouble in ilit;,:ettuptigt7riTIten:" 81,-!:i violenoe. Finally when the doctors had . signatore of every t,ers' tendert_' given up treating her, and regarded her ' caqi tiv•intvrr 11' firml, followedn by his pont 0 7.0e.urdIrTirtunvel with alt blanks In the forms simply as a physiological wonder, a I ty tramp celled one day at the house F°.:1,11 Tendcr must be accompanied by an While he was being given a meal he wasle 4 neehreNii.:iittiiiiy(tvtilloertko the order of told about and asked permission to see for the sum °,,t pima*. which nwfilrittetelti°i- the girl. Pile had been a soldier inthe ' tfrited if the party tendering neriines or fails t bsed f Crimean army, and whild working in tile upon to do ornSZT.I.freTZ trenches around Selpastopool, he eon- paqs Tender is not aceepted. th••cheque traded rheumatism in its moat severe one iteWt,oeP;vatIniTanendelli .14iPefri. form, and noticing that the girl's synip- fiestionst am made under the Mar:esneover hy toms agreed with his, he pronounced her the ',awe Person or fine. only one such accept- ed hia,nk. cheque need accompany said two m is be suffering frorheumstism. The !ppnrr parents of the girl were overjoyed, hut rot th•!•!,!•• fulfilment of the Contract, astir Dere again cast down as they recalled lirltPonrc'qe;ipirridb117 rearm l mtaunite.ri- the fact that the doctors had said they pal kwe•irtt le. or hank stocks, to the amount of could do nothing for her. owfiy," ftve per f,,rit nn the hulk Faunto become pay. hie under the Contract. of which five per doctors about rheumatism , Get a brittle companying ihe Tender. will considered • .N0111(T 10 COWAN'S. the tmmp, "do you want to bother. the eent.. the am tint ot the 'weird cheque se - of St. Jacob. Oil. It cured me, and will Pstrto.crich Tenier m-i,t he att gelled the actual cure any case. 1 know plenty of old vol- signatures (.1 at imet two responsible and sol- diers who have been cured of chronic vbeeiclott,r,trimnst.1:1±Iirett„.01r(myrirrie%twniltIV.t.: rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs conditions. and the due fulfillment and perform - Oil." The advice was taken, and the maw-eve:11,e ti•ontontictthlen all pewit:ye:147:cm a_ so-called Electrical Girl is to -day prepar- tionPrisneisen bee'oPhrlained on appration •-1 the Ile - ed to add her testimony to the thousands of others who bear witness to the efficacy of the Great German Remedy. 'Toth. Editor of the London (Can.) Advertiser Dial Slit.—As you have given fne good deal of notoriety by writing of me as the Electrical Girl, I thought I would write to tell you of my condition. • • (Here follows the recital which is sum- marised above.) My parents obtained a bottle of St. Jambs Oil, and to its effects I owe the feet that I am now able to walk without pain, and the swellings in Ilse joints have all disappeared. Toon very tmly, Sums .1. HOIFT/Sat. On the evening nf Saturday or Sun- day last the G. W. R. ticket tam at Burford was broken into and the drawers tided. The burgeon nabs secured shout thirty eent& Prominent members of the Primitive Methodist Church are awl 'ng for a cheese and a rant of ..vtownships in the Northwest for colonisation. It w intended to place • number of emigrents of that denomination who enntentplate opening out from Entland, where they will all be together, and easily accessible to the case of the Atwell part ment. This Department will not be bound to ar- ced the lowest or any Trader. BY order. NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW FALL OVERCOATS! 10 =le/ Cext c.xtn_c) EID & SNEYD Having Secured at a Great Bargain a lot of Tweeds and Coatings, will Rive the above di+count during November to parties ordering fall clothing. .1 Complete Mork sof daple and Fancy Dry Roods Darted at Gee Closed Cast Pelee,. REID & =ETD, Manchester House, Goderich RATES, AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE." allfir JAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. • ETOILET SETTS Tiliscellaneous ttarbs. pRFUMERY Office. Crabb's Block. Kingston st.. Gode- rich. Plans and 'deaths& drawn correct- English. French and Canadian make. 0310,. 08Z . I C te r' and m en y. lupen r s tere • Yon W measured d valued. tirirlAat;r3;ii 71; ll'atC s)M6orel,:;114e8eotingdCnr•Meret- on Newsste four doom teat of Colborne Hotel. N. a—Horses examined as to monad , 1731. Deal. 5on RENTERS U WANTED. Lyon and. Osceola. Counties in Northwest Iowa, are conceded to be the moat beautiful and fertile in the State. This sum- mer we have opened upwards of 300 new farms, sinking a well, building a convenient house and roomy barn, and breaking from 60 to 100 acre3 on each farm. These farms are to let on terms that no industrious man can fhil to make profitable. Immediate possession given. We will, if need- ed, furnish seed for next year's crop. We will also furnish break- ing to be done, for which we will pay the regular prices. Tenants not having teams enough to break with, will be supplied with a horse or horses for that purpose, at mar- ket price, and the pay taken in ix °eking. These farms are all sit - 1 tutted within a few miles of the I railroad. Apply personally or by !letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO., SHAVING MUGS.' Blillsks 30(1.pilabliv Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes Assortment t; Vases CHEAPEST IN TOWN. CALL AND PRICE G001:08.1 J. WILSON Miltsawer WWWINIJI CHRISTMAS .A.'11 MRS_ RHYNAS' the Druggist Prescriptions a Speciality - -' Night Bell on the Front poor FURS! FURS!! FUR3 J. C DETLOR & CO'S %NTLES ci-T E. noceived a Choice Stotilt I f 1 OorcoI i /1 a 33_ MoCORM.A.C, CT_TT'r BOCK'S JOIN C. DETLOR & CO. •••••••••••• TV JUST RECEIVED , sTOCK or I BOC)TS AND SFIOES• TOYS ••• 4 cy GOODS FOR THE • HOLIDAY SEABON. FULL 1.mr.s IN MILLINERY. SEE MY RT(iCK ttrrottE itt-vtso YOUR HO! IDAY 1111.711. 11.1t8. 'W ARNOCK Hsmilton-st. 8. SLOANE DEALER IN neermary. Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa CI1RAM. Department of Public weeks tor °mans. Toronto. led Jan. Het PIR,CDIDT7C/E1, VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guide g., leaf 14 an EIegast Some .f Ise rages, twe lidded noses .f Pletwersi. sad mar, fr17lliefesinnsof the epind Flow ers:7antaandVemlahl:oan tlitroctlewfor iiciti.handamepnoehpwiten:r Table or • Holiday Pr•entadnyo; sad 1 will send yo • copy. postage pant This mime and Poe Odle. address& wttli 10 mate, • Is sot • quarter of Its rod It is prated la both English and German. If you afterwards • order •••••••45 der' oet t he 10 eta. ItlIttew ollgila are Ore boat in the world. The Florid itt inn will veil you how to art and Crew thew. Usins reewev and taaries. 61* railva. 4 "loved Mates. Mi Iteeraysnew roT wr.v.1111.1 Meer r.vers .51 551. elegant cloth. In German oe • nears filestrated Ilegeables Naos. s t 'lord lisle in every ameitsre east Ane Tarred Pelee OLD a year Irty• Coyote* for 510 speeinsea Numbers met for 10 edits .1 trial coma for 15055!.. Address. 1,61111110 terl. Reelbees re. N. It $721 WeItitTior a day at Wm. molly y *met fres Adaree nos * A Wale, 611 Mack s Magnetic Medicine ! . .. : .' ts,- et • 1 • , a ,..1 •N‘ fi Li .1 one 1 ?wane 11111 AMC IL • E.I. I •1 le a Aare. Prompt sad Effectual Remedy for Nerommeem in all Ws stows. fr.., Memory. Ws of Drees Pewee. imestat Pla•Yreyyee. Med Vivre,* tripeemoteo•rilmen. APINI Mai Wads - Mae owl Genera/ 1.4,. Pgplen It moire Nerese• Wad., RrJrry Min • the Jaded hat Wt. sheetwelleme Ike iNfeerrieel "rata. Med 6118.,01 Flogrrets*ng Tess awl ripm- to ow karsated rietroroftee Gramm. The experleace Int tbousanoto peeve., it an ivy ALI•Aata Rau ant The rimoltetne Is pleasant to the tibiae. and each hot contain* oudicient for two weates inerlicatton. and is 411, camped mod brat wren ?Oculars In pow wiphlet. widen we dewire to free to any draw liatret's 111.41etee to mold hy Drag irtato at 55,1.. per twit. nt 11 bride fro Dd. er will be !nativei tree of pester.. on reed's& of Um mostej. by setrirmirl A11111111111441710110111141111111re., Whodanr. Oat, Camel. PrigiortaGreerich, 1411111111 WM*" mid SMMIDB, Vc7001.a, HIDES, 41r.43 -,ate_ TWO HOUSES TO LET On Neweato Pltrael. at reateoftable toms They are is a seal amp at male. B. BLOANIC. 01116111.6[111, Der lak ND. Cord Wood Wanted 1600 OORDE1 OF WOOD. at tats Railway leation, tar vle Ab grvadiureria wash Wee will be paid. .IA8 A. MeINT0611, worm ()alarms on% 15lam 111144m DOWNING. I have great glmn mure III an ouncing to Inv customer. and he rublic. at Lirtto that my stock of ilots and Shoes for the Fall-Trole in now complete. and I would in- vite inspection of the lame.. 1 have heen especially careful 4. porrhast, g, do which believe will give the customers satiehrtom, and Credit to myself. you will Fmil MI. hos 1,011111. 111311 die As 1 boy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trails in', the Town, I can 5111 54 raiser prices Asa those wits du a smaller business. I would especially rail the Attention of Fanners to ly Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Which is owe of the largest to iv found in an retail store in the Province. I have on hand saveral oases of the culebiadad "K. 1. S." Long Boole, which have given smelt • 7..m.me=1.,Se So.t.i.sfewction. 1 ORDEIOED WORIC In the past. We are still abreast of the times, and Ravine a )eer. staff of first clime mechanics, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my lin* to order. at the sheetedsoftie, in r54 -e4* style, and of the very beet mate rial. in conclusion, 1 her to rears my sincere thanks to my customers foe their libe& patronage m the past, and rest assured 1 WW1 do my attain* to deserve s continuance of the Santo Tours respectfully. now Neat /Woo/ awl the Square slodernill E DOWNING SNOW. .111•101411.Ir 4411.111.1011.1=PRIMINEOPM6