HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-13, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY JAN. 13, 1881 THE HURON SIGNAL kp ished every Friday Mowing. by Mc IWct DDr 111tua., at their Office, North tit W ff the iii carol GODERICH, ONTARIO. And is despatched to all parts of the serreaad- ing country by the earliest mads sad win. By general admiriun it has • larger ciroale- cin than any other uewepaper to ttlhis part of he country, and is ose of cls raciest. newsiest •ad moot reliable )ourasls la °Biagio Powwowing. as it does, the fosogolagesae.UaM. and being to addition tutee above, • firs -clams family end fireside paper. At is therefore s feast desirable ashtertupswa orwdiets. Tsetse. 11.5e 1a advance. postage pre -paid bypublishers: 111.73, if paid before six muntim: ♦00 if not se paid. This rule will be strictly enforced. HATCH for ADvanetai la.—Elgbt omits ye one for grpt ttsartiion ; three oast' pat• itns foe each au seat Insertion. Year( half -7e0117 and quartrrty contracts at reduced rates. JOU PtuITiNG.--.tie have alsoafirst-class .lobbing department in connection, end posses i ng the meat complete out -fit end best Lcillnas for Demise out work In Voderich. are prepared to du bo iser in that line at prices Dist cannot to beaten, rad of a quality that cannot be surpassed.— Twins Cass. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 11881. TILE REEVES Qf-ALIFI('.4TIOv K e are in receipt of a letter from the wolicitun of Mr. F. W. Johnston, asking w to furnish the name of the writer of the comrntaicatio.r which appeared in the last issue o, THE SIGNAL, over the signature"(Peery.- It is stated by Mr. .Johnston's &elicitors that that gentleman wishes.t,;r prosecute the writer for libel. Renee the request made for the name of -tai : writer. Our own opinion i,i that 'Query's" comrur.ication was not libel- ous. Had we deemed it so, we would newer have allowed it to appear in the columna of Tan SIGNAL ' True, some pertinent questions were asked, and if Mr. Johnston cculd answer them aatisfsetorily, he would best set himself right by siring publicity to his state- lnent in the columns of this journal. Such a course would be the prudent one to take under the circumstances, and would be. far cheaper in the long run. The writer of the communication, as well as ourselves, did not with in any way to injure Mr. Johnston's fair fame as a private citizen, hut if Mr. Johnston aims to become a public man he must not lose his temper and fly off at a tan- gent if relevant questious are asked. If Mt. Johnston possessed the necessary qualification to sit at the Council . Board, it was mit wrong that the publio ahould know it. If he did not possess the qualification required by law, lie had no right to take his seat. And if a ratepayer'of the town asked for informa- tion and invited Mr. Johnston to set the matter right•by a public statement in re- ference thereto, we fail to see why the ratepayer in question should be hounded down for so doing. For ,these reasons, we respectfully but firmly decline to furnish Mr. Johnston -with the nave of the author of the communication sig- ned "Query." Since the above was in_.type we have examined the records..uf the Registry office -for the County. of Huron, and find that Mr. Johnston ia'credited with the the ownership of lot Nu. 798, Bruce ttitreetand lot NR. 109, Lighthouse at. The date of each of the deeds is March 9. 1874, but nu registration was made unti Friday last, after the letter coin plainei of had appeared in the S1oNAr_ Each of the lots are assessed at $400, giving the necessary qualification to Mr. Johnston. We snake this statement in twit. ALLX. Me KiN.l.. h.as tiredly ac- cepted toe Reform eur.lidature in East York, mid the constituency wall be re- deemed. It is understood that )Ir. Chas. MacKenzie, brother of the ea - Premier, will be the st•undar,l bearer I0 LalnIton. A liat'seaLA aspirant fur municipal honors toasted at the nomination meet- ing that he had learnt more about muni- cipal honors In one year than any other man could have learnt in three ytars He was returned at the head of the pull. Who says now that "soli -praise is no recommendation." Fan' well-informed circles we lith that the dissolution of the Dominion Parliament tial occur early in the pres- ent year. We are looking towards Mr. Tom Farrow to see when will he en- deavor to n - d avorto get himself (,laced on the shelf The music is going to hoe lively in North Huron next election. _ 'Tee Seaforth Yon says Mother Ship- ton postponed the big bonfire from 1881 to 1891, so as to give Hon. Edward Blake a chance to become premier in 1883. It was really kind of the old dame, and the Reformers all over the country will endeavor to gladden her old heart by clearing out the rump parlia- ment at the next election. SIR Joss MAcnowiuD has passed the 68th milestone, and although we differ from the frisky old trickster politically, we hope he may pass many more in the full enjoyment of health. Of course after 1883 we would prefer to see them spent quietly in Opposition, free from the importunities of office seekers, ' ind the constant clatter of dissentients itching to tie his shoes. A BILL is to be introduced before Con- gress defining the law of insanity in criminal canes. The Bill is said to have been drawn by David Dudley Field, and provides that no person shall be acquitted on the ground of insanity, except on proof that at the time of committing the offence he was labouring under such a defect of reason as not to knoir the nature and consequences of the act The hill of course is an outcome of the (Auiteau trial. TRE Winnipeg lot craze bas broken out with violence all over Ontario, . and the manner in which men, who have heretofore Peen looked upon as sensible, are now rushing into the speculation, sugure a great crisis in the time to come. Winnipeg, lots have already obtained fictitious prices, athuugh some aver that the end is not yet. Old-timers who re- member the fever for frontages in Oma- ha, Duluth an other places in days gone by, view with alarm at the present Win- nipeg craze, and look for t fall in prices at no distant day. And i;reat will' be the fall thereof. Reformers and the TarIL,. The people were Gold, and inany farm- ers believed it, that if we only impaled 50 cents a bushel on wheat coming from the l'nited Status it would raise ours •equally in Canada; that we would get as well the profit of carrying it to the justice to Mr. Johuatun, and have no ocean. Every farmer who reads the doubt that it was owing to the registra- { p,a1N is—and they all do that—has found that there is no difference in the price tion not having been made previona t last Friday, that the question of the Ree►e's qualification was raised in the past O of wheat between here and Detroit or Chicago, or auy other market in the same Jongtitude as ourselves. Indeed it has been shown that the price of, grain has been affected injuriously through a pe- culiar operation of natural lair's which would take some time to discuss. In- stead of being higher, it has boen lower with us. As nineteen out of twenty of e THE Great Western Itailway Compan has leased the Credit Valley line for 91 years. • A col ilsny'backed by the t,Veet ern has been organized to build a lin eastward from Ton out., to a'point of coo nection with the Canadian Pacific 160 y the producers of Canada are fanners, 1 e I is they elope who have to pay for th eztravagarlee of -the -Government for tax ing the people to such an extent . as to bring about four or five millions of a sur- plus. Now, a word as to the linkable course of the Liberal party with regard to the tariff: A • great, inany manufac- turers that have been benetitted materi- ally, and some wholesale men who are interested in having it retained, are afraid that if the Reform party come- in- to office there will be an immediate re- version to the scale of duties previously existing. That would, no doubt, be just in one point of view, but it would be a coterie that no Government would or ought to take m another. I pointed out in 1874, in my speech at Hatnilton, that the position a Government must assume was to adopt the tariff it found on taking office. The duties, however extravagant must he ermoidered in relation to any changes that have to ho mate, and so ; there must he a gradual advancement to what we consider a right principle --a ,revenue tariff (Hear, hear). tin the other hand, it is a very great mistake to imagine that all manufacturers are satis- fied with the present tariff. I happen to home that in care city there is not a mar- ufeeturer hut is wifering from the ex- isting duty. 1 Implies) also to knew tn*aufact.urers in various parts of the country, of whom members have told me, who have lost thousands of dollars by this tariff without receiving any cor- resp..eding benefit. All these must he censiilariel relation whenweare returneditornpewer, as I have no doubt we will tae. There will then be a gradual return to a and 'oa- ten' of tiseel legialx.inn. This is the true 'sure(•, end do not let •ny-oue imagine that it no podsthle for any Government to make such changes in an instant as would entirety reverse legisiatio.n spin shirk existing interests have nffre err her to .Jep ell4. Tur steamer Nevele.rt, from Newport, sank the eerh, ••ner Sarah Week, 'tie linen, of Point.ludithen Sunday right lndlr$ltonv are th:i< aP hands .re 1-,r miles west of Montreal. At Montreal i will connect with the Quebec, Mont real and Ottawa Jane, owned' ky th Quebec Governniekt, with whom Si Hugh Allan is nego ti ating for the par -chase. he being undecat l .d to be one o the Stephen-Oeler•Ciiiiolers Syndicate who are at war with Cie Grand Trunk. The Great Western wade this lease eo as to compete with the l:ranol Trunk &mat of Toronto. t e r f Ir will be in orde. soot after the feat meeting of the Council of ,1882, to call a public meeting of the ratepayers, and take into consideration the feasibility of connecting with tke G. W. R. at Clin- ton, or urging forward with all possible speed soros one of the linea advocated last year. The sooner the matter is taken in hand the better chance there will be to prosecute the work with ad- vantage. The people are ripe for rail- way agitation, and are prepared t., deal generously in the way of a iNnu.e. What is wanted is that our prominent men should tet the hall a -rolling at an early day. , Wr understand the Dominion Govern ment is taking action in the :natter .4 • the Huron County Senior itidgesiop. Mr. D. R. Read, Q. C., of T••r..ntn, has' been appointed e.,mmiesfe.hcr to take evidence in the ease, and he will open the int•wstigstion a:s the Grand July ream, t:.eelerieh Court Hoose, .w, Tnw day, the 24th inst., at 10« clock s. a m. Matters which have tranapired sines the i investigation by Mr .finehta Irving .1 pill be taken ul, and a nsidarwl A REFORM RALLY. 1 THE SAGE X URDRR. ' a,icmcmgmmiliiisinuium Legal Notices. Trawling be guts t s Ellaide to MOM. I Tit l ere tin said 1. Miianme =SEISM With M.Nls—A Lane Ralie S.s sad Ilse /s Eaaatlaaan. 1 BaAertvat•, ,fait. 10. ---The mystery 'luttu:l, JAn. 1 in eunneetion with this case is the ah A large and ulnae i.i.tl meeting 4.l the n60461114tunic i:t Owl city. KirkpaL Reformers 44 Sootit Huron war hold I ILA, the Hamilton wan, a relp...urtied to here to -day. There wart • hull rupee ' h (ye meal.. r o-Ufrrsa.0 to the Brantford i IIt*iiuu frau, every municipality in the 1 Chief 44 Pulsus. The most plausible Riding. Mr. Geo. Auderr(uc, 4.l Varna, l at0ryr credited to Kirkpatrick is that President of the Reform Aaauc*i_,Ai for I Bailer mid 1br.ers set thecnselves to win South Huron, presided, and he WAS all their companion s money, and s110Cee ed to Execution, r4. fur Regal, Tate and ed by Mr. John Eason, of Bay hold, .. so far as to make hien very angry. He aelsyrd ori:.• o! ..: cu u.: t•uuuc k. i:,q., J. interest, and equity 01 tt, do .,;octan, of tee Vice -President, said Dr. Hurlbut t, :``nit ` ,,they,•named ihientleut,illsad .0 terse1111m- I 1 phrJ • vor)' ulltlnsivr rltathet to nue of ¢ her 15 and 14 Fuwlee'e Survey, ,n ..w V Uarw 1•., 1'., 19r a wwuti 4.r tln. e " of Hrryurhry, to the ('0,14.4, w It Wury ankh Bruoetield, the efficient �ecrelary. them, sod that individual ;it is nut Burr- Lands and'l'eneutrutr 1 stta:l a:et Me Male, at The principal bwlueu o.i the meeting ly suited which) rinsed s bdlard cur ,4.y ufile , i se, was the preliminary' arrangements for through organization in the different municipalities This :natter was mine into in a very full manner, and a .Mie factory foundation laid for future ac- tion. After the organization had been ar- ranged a vote of confidence was imaw- inoualy passed to Mr. M. C. Cameron, the present member, for the a kur.;u which he had pursued in the House, art the representative of the Riding. A vote endorsing the principles a the Reform party, and expressing every eo.a- fidence 4.r Mr. Blake, the present leader of the Reform party, and pledging the meeting to use every legitimate effort W return a true and tried supporter ot Itis to the House 4 the neat electiun was also carried amidst great enthus- iasm. The meeting was afterward :uldresetd by Mr. Cainerua and others. Iledi.lrlballoe of Yeats. DIED la Lodurlek, ea i..,turday. Jan. tib, laic, MARY, taxed u'ya.+l. HERIFF'S BAIA OF LANDS. 1,7 . •„t. STY or HutaON, f illy virtue of a Writ of w' IT : f Miert Facies, issued Out of Her Majesty's Court. Ut (Yttwori. 04.4 alae ' directed aaggeaitwt the lauds awl 'Tenements of JOHN %VINTE1t,l1)+fendtm,l at the sa,l of j JANei WIN'rE:H, IPlaintiff,I1 nave te.w.tand ,119,11 It is now hinted that the Bill to re- distribute seat. in those Provinces which gain additional ropresentatiom in via - sequence of a proportionately increase population shown by the census will be introduced and carried at the epproacb- ing session. If so it will afford a further indication of the intention of the Gov- ernment • to bring on the Dominion elections before 1883. This much is al- ready certain, that Tory wire -pullers are busy with a map of Ontario studying where a Tory township can be added to a Liberal riding, or a Lihcral township detached, or a riding divided to the party advantage. In the Ottawa district the Tory managers have arranged that the township of Fitzroy, which isstrong- ly Tory, shall be detached frum Carle- ton and attached to North Lanark, with at view to overpowering the Liberal ma- jority- in that riding. With thisarrange- anentin view the Tory candidate pros- pective for North' Lanaak has already been paying some attentions to the elec- tors of Fitzroy. These contemptible schemes show the same distrust of the country and the same disposition to win an election by unworthy means as was shown in the great Tory bribery scheme of ten years ago.—rGlobe fierryseaaderiagApia. , Rumors are afloat to the effect that the preparations for gerrymandering Ontario constituencies, so as to ,make some safe Government seats, are well advanced. We expect to see Huron cut up into ev- en a worse shape than it is at present. If the redistribution bill is carried through Parliament this session, the gen- eral election will probably take place be- fore the end of 1882: Come when it may, the Macdonald Government can- not carry Ontario, the Province which has been despoiled systematically by file John . Macdonald ever sine: Kingston rejected him.—[New Sra. THE GgITEAII TRIAL Judie (.Y (laltms Fall Jurisdiction aid tale. .Against the Pet. I.very rola(. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.—In the Gui- teau trial to -day Judge, Cuz gate deci- sion touching upon the question of juris- diction. He reviewed the progress of opinion and cited all the important rul- ings from the early days of common law in England, and decided against the prayer of the defence. He said, ••.Juris- diction u complete in the place where the wound is completed, consequently, this court has. full cognizance of the offenc.t.'• Judge Coz next took up the question of the legal test of insanity, and decided that the knowledge and appre- ciation 4 the difference between°right and wrong moat be taken as a curect test. piton very material points his rulings were directly against the prayors of defence. The only grain of comfort for the prisoner was offered when Cox reached the question of "reasonable doubt." On this hubjlect he said:' '•I shall not charge the jury to acquit if they find reasonable doubt as to any one element, hut I shall take into considera- tion and charge them relative to all the elements, and that if from all circum- stances and evidence they have a reasen- able doubt of the commission by the de- fendant of the crime as charged. then they shall acquit." As Cox finished Ouiteau called out, "I am perfectly satisfied with with that exposition of the law." The court adj'ournod to Thursday, when Davide() will make an opening ar- gument to the jury for the prosecution." f I'nemas& Porter, in his argument before Judge It rained on 9days, amount of rainfall Cox gave his decision, was very severe 21.5 cubic inches ; it snowed on 8 days, nn Guitoau, who winced under the can- amount of snowfall 63 inches ; corona tuners on the nights of the 25th and 27th ; navigation closed on the 8th ; n large circle around the sun on the 27th. John .1. McBride, 4 Buffalo, sent the MONTH. RAINFALL. SNOWFALL. folIewing telegram to District Attorney trAYa. e. I. DATA 1wcH1t+, Curkhill, at Worthington: January. 23 484 "I will hangGuiteau without charging' February. M 28 2 10 14 one cent to the Government. (luiteau March, l 11 U 1''2 1p} is not. crMY A 1, :D 72 6 3 May. 11 10th The anti -color feeling indulged in b June, 13 158 some in Toronto received a severe snub I July. 14 19 ,3 in «tee of the Anglican churches nn New August. A Ifs 8 Year'. Day. During evening service a September. tri 23'3 venerable colored roan tank his seat on October, 18 42'A the bench in the nave, but having no November, 12 24) M 7 book was unable to join in the worship. I December, :t 21'f. M 0 The clergyman seeing that ne one was civil enough to offer him a hook, stepped and btuu;ht the la•avy end 0 it duwn Her End was Great Peace. with such fore Y,4. the Young war's head a+ 10 cause his speedy death. <;•ri, 4•. Jon. C'th. I`R'-'. Phillip Buller app,, ret before Police Magistrate Weyina this morning tot ans- wer the charge of murder Joseph +e n the l'ourt Hon is the Tows alt uoderioh, on FRIDAY. 'true Nth DAV Oh' FEHH(' Alt i , A. D., Ricci, at Inc boar of 12 of the cluck. ROBERT GtIR:)N, Sheritfuf Huron Sheriff's Moe. (soderich, 1 Not ember 9tb, 1081. ( 181st charge NO'1'l.:a. Kirkpatrick wan in court as an imlwrtant To All Whom it hay Concern, l� — witness, or au acces.ory atter the mut'- Notice is hereby elven that alter tine exptr- der, but he was not arraigned. aeon of twenty days iron the tires 1,lb,assies .Iohn Smart swore to having seen the \TI . g031ESOIT, nty Jr this notice, apps l ativa cult Lc Diet to the prisoner its c'111 n with a on the Judas u(II, Surrogate court, of the (bshi night Y of the Town of O,slerieb, it now offenug his of urou, by ttetsy CountDemy of the .Twile Dight in qureti at the IL•bwsuu Hall, of Stephen, in the t'ouuty of iluron, Waite of Immense steel: of Mingle and Double John Dears to be &pp doted guardian of hep: , Ted Rodeo r,; Sege w4. veep F"•IARNESS �len,afaudr alitchell tuGwt ,eau 4.r the Lie drunk, and s'.tuw rd his Tanury: hu and W llllamt afiu•heiti its rats tltvuwe ,of :it(' 'rown- othen drank, and at 11 p. in. Rodgers, sblpof Stephen, aforesaid ycum.m, now de- r and the prisoner went upstairs. cwt' Sage p p l'AMuww, Roue tCaMCwe . Sage was tow drunk to walk without at restly redu;•est prices for Cash. Daving solicitors for tie said Ade, D, r4ag help.fhe unfortunate man ora, net,[ arrangements with the manufacturer of tuderich.December Nth1081. 1505'0. Harney* TrtmminlPt to buy direct team the ruin again alive try witness. factory. end also having made arrangements �TUTICE Mr. D. Danakin, said he tawrisoner with one of the best tanners in Ontario for racy p leather, and employing none but first.clase Notice is hereby given that a•1 application and Sage cowing down 'Market btreet workmen, andailluanufactnrtd underlay own win be trade to the Legislative Assembly of that night. Sage was very drunk and 80 pert halon, l.,4. enabled 10 tutu not the best Ontario, at the neat.caaton thereof for an Act and cheapest Hernew In the West. My collars to amend the Act assed in the Seth year of Butler suppoi ted him. tVitne.a then are all made in m,y own shop and of factory the reign of liar -Majesty, Que• n Victoria. swore that he did not see Sage that trade. being hair faced rad warranted to give Chapter 74, and the Art amend: ,g the said night. setisfacttuu. Daffllo Robe/land Hume Hank- Act, panted in the 43,d year e f the reign of Her 1V, S. Campbell, sworn—Sage drew eta. Trunks and Vahare m laguantisles,and Msjesiy, Quern Victoria,t:hapter6t, ncorpor- peverythit usually kept int first -clam harness ating the a ;t. Marys, Credit Valley and Huron $443 that day from the acho4.1 fund of shop. get i es tell o!ehbnyi stp for cash. Call Railway Company by e: tendinngg the time for the township, and he had nearly 56a) its ansave money, at WU..11Cjrl.%'aMaraesatee. the Railway; 4 by authorizing t and cdmeon u[ Bald RailvulnI and by 1140Inchhe 1100 of s id all on hie person. pos. Maaaltes Ylrr $. Lederleb. - of said Railway to t.oderiele and also to Sea - The hearing was adjourned for one fir -01 outman ling book accounts must be forth. h. and thence to swine point on take settled immediately y carp or note. Huron, also to enab e the Company to eolnpel Week, bail being refused. G. R.Van Owderich. Nov. 10th, Ite'1. Ia12 the submission of any by-law or by-laws tWit Norman, Q. C. , prosecuted, and Mr. V, I may be petitioned for by the required number McKenzie defended Butler. — o[ freeholders In any municipality or portion .a. Tesvtillag facer. ' ,'slid.' nitcilanyslity; ad all mindm•unlclpelitlaalw to exemptvoting the rompunu THE' WEATHER OF 1881. GRAND Tilt'N1: thereto from 141e provisions of the 31th section __ 1 of an Act linseed In the and year of the reign of Her Matesty, Queen Victoria. Clavier E. (n latee,ittag Ytatesaest by the borers* meat Observer at Goilerleb. - We are indebted to our observant towtwnan, Mr. G. N McDonald, for compiling the following interesting state- ment 0 the, weather at this point during the post year: - JAr.DARY. • It snowed on 23 days, amount of enew- fall 48i inches ; mock sun 011 the llth at 5:00 p. m. ; durum lunar on the night of the 15th ; there .was no rain during the mouth. FZBauakY, The 1st was the coldest day of the sea- son, thermometer marked 18' below zero at 8:00 a.m.; it snowed on 10 days, amount of snowfall 14 inches ; it rained on 8 days, amount of rainfall 28.2 cubic inches ; corona lunar on the nights.,f the 7th and llth. MA Rdi. It snowed on 12 days, amount ofanow- fall 201 inches; it rained on 2 days, amount of rainfall 11 cubic inches ; cor- ona lunar on the night of. the 7th. APRIL, It snowned on 6 days, amount of snow- fall 3} inches ; it rained on 3- days, amount of rainfall 71 cubic inches; cor- oes lunars on the nights of the 20th, 27th and 29th ;a brilliant-meteorseen in the S. E. at 9:00 p. in. on the night of the 28th ; thunder and. lightning 4.0 the 24th and 28th. MAY. It rained on 11 days, amount of rain- fall 10'6 cubic inches; thunder and lightning on' 5 days ; foggy on 3 days ; aurora borealis on' the night 0 the 16th ; navigation opened on the 4t11 : humming birds seen on the 24th ; trees in full fol- iage on the 18th. JUNE. It rained on 13 days, amount of. rain- fall 15.8 cubic inches ; comet first seen in the N. W. on the night -4 the 23rD ; eclipse 0 the moon at midnight of the llth ; corona lunars on the nights of the 6th. 8th and 9th ; thunder and lightning en 5 days„ fog all day on the lith. J1'LY. It rained on 14 days, amount 0 rain- fall 19'5 cubic inches ; mock sun at 7:00 p.m. on the let; aurora borealis on the nights of the 2nd and 29th ; thunder and lightning on 11 days. - AUGUST. It It rained on 5days ,'amount of rainfall 15.8 cubic inches ; tbernaonaeter narked - 95` in the shade at 2 p.m. on the 30th, hottest day of the season ; thunder and lightning on 4 days. NEiTEMBER. It rained on 16 days, amrfunt of raja - fail 231 cubic inches ; on the 5th be- came dark at 2 p.iu. and remained so un- til next Meriting; thunder and lightning on 11 days. O(TOIIRR. It rained on 18 days, amount of rain- fall 42.8 cubic inches ; hail shower en the 4th and 10th ; thunder and lightning on 2 days. Nov Ranier,. It rained on 12 days, amount of rain- fall 24 cubic inches ; it snowed on 8 days, 73 inches fell ; first snow of the season on the 4th ; first ice formed en the har- bor on the night Of the 28th. ti1(ation. The Capras Craze. San. Pass. Rxp's. \tu'•1, \t ‘x'4. 1, and ot the 16.4. sc.0.un of an Act in the Gaderirh.Lv 7.30am .It05pm 3.15prn 4.lthm I laird year of tie reign of Her M esty Queen 8e•Meth• T:50 L10 " ii5 101, Vitoria. Chapter 77: also to enlarge the pow- Str•tford.Ari..tSam 2.1•1°5;n11pno 6..30pr:i 1,00" i en of the (Directors of the .aid Company In wan% , building the said roatd, and to enable them to i'ar. t xp's atix'd, ytix'el 1 issue mortl,-age bol is for Hutt purpoec. and to Stratford.Lv l.fa•m SOpm 7.eeaut 't.11pm - ewbit' the aiding said rallway nsunict�litk•s 8estforth•tit " _ 21.55 " 4.15 " "9 ' I to irue bon/la or debentures having • longer Goderkh.Al' 3.15pet f_30Fttn 11.00am 7.15pr per kxt than Al years to run. andpeuv'id(ng Tor GREAT WESTERN. the pay'ntrnt thereof tithe r by Instalmeats. or Exp•o. 31,,11. E.(1,•., by way of a ,inking fund. Clinton gointrmot b .9.3lam .1._'tpm ),+,pm Dated at St. Marys,thio Nell day of Novem• suing south Safi,. sexism ;.Ya " bee. A. D. Del. STAGE L EM, - „ HARDIN(;, HARDINNG & WHITE Ltickaow Mtage ldailyl err. feel: an. len spm 1816 Solicitors tar Applicant. Kincardine IR edneadsy and m y T "I THE HIGH CO ORT OF JUSTICE Saturday)•rrivre 9.OYetm 9.1 1 ('IiANCERV DIVISION. Pursuant to a decree of the Court of Chan - 1/ made in the matter of the estate of CIRCUly, LAR William (Datum, and in a rause, Dougherty vs. graham, the creditors of WilliamGr•bast. L ate of the tow•nehip of Ashfield in the ('otmty c{,l�j School of Huron. who died In or about the month of 14�Ltc SdJlloJol Ics�ectors, Trastces August, IRli,.are onorbefore the NINTH DAY (N„ OFJAht'AlitY,18M2, to send by post prepaid to Malcolm Destine C'atneron of the Town of TEACHERS. Roderick the solicitor fort hePlaint iff,William wr- ll is again my duty to cal) your attention to ceedDougherse, thetyironcehrfdofianthe .radexee suurnams re."( addretheder- tbe provisions of the Public School Law with es and description. the full particulars of their respect W the use of Text Hooks. Public claims, a statement of their accounts, and the School inspectors are required to see that no nature of the securities 446 any) held by them, unauthorized books are used in the Public or in default thereof, they will be preempt - Schools. Trustees who permit such ,.ill lose only excluded from the benefit of the sale their share of the Public School Orant, and decree. Every creditor holding any security Teachers substituting any such book for an is to produce the same before meat my Cheryl - Authorised Text Hook are liable to be -con- hers, at the Court House In the town of Gode-' victed and tined for such offence. W. 1' <kb on the SEVENTEENTH DAY OF JAN - Rage a ('o's. "New Series of Readers for use CARY 18ia, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, In Canadian schools" N Fessabartase la tie being the time appointed ter adjudication on Province of Ontario, and therefore subject to the claims. the abort provision of the law, $ t Dated '44!.6th tray of Tyevember. MALADAM C K$, ('AMEHt1N, HOLT a CAM Kim's, Toronto. Jan. 5: Minister of Edueaten. Plaintilrs 1(.aicor. -- lie M.tft('UsERMOTT. PRICES REDUCED DM 1802. iI- --- -- --- alaater at Gudrrirh.— II (� n� Reviews N THE HIGH CotRT OF JUSTICE, Blackwood al1U the FORT Reviews 1• •l'HA..(•ERY Divf:tfON. 1'urstutat roan order ief the said ('once made in the matter of Joon Isabella Patterson and other infants under the age of twenty one ONLY $10_ years the creditors of David Paterson. late of Township of anosh nkCounty Titi:EPRINTSOF alit the eoan, who.ttd e w aboutthe T p �j� n p q�j p twenty fourth da of atar,-h A. D. 1)76 are on Four IleadiIl �luartBrl➢ 'levier' 1. before l rte FIRST by DAY pre aid, to AltMessrs r, A. I►, 1fiRt to send post, prepaid, to Marrs 1 Harrow a Proedfooi ot the town o(O derlcb, TEEEDINtIRGR Rf:al1.K tt h,„. solicitors for the petitioners their rhnatian and surnames, addresses and description, the TEE w6aesirt .l set n1.1 if.1 . y -ib, full particular of their claim+, a etn.rnrent of TME LakIW4 QI (RTI:RLI Ke, nee , ,.n_ their accounts and the nature of the securities 3, realm). tit amyl held by them,'ur to default thereof they will be peremptuntly excluded from the TEE RESTIME QUIZ TER, -I R1:1tI:W benefit of the said order. • Every creditor lErrnpelicall. hording any security is to produce the acme ail, before rare at my chambers at the town of Uuderich on the eighth dray to February, A. (t �j� n�pg ,�J11n1Q D. IR'('_' at ten of tae chock in the forenoon. Blackwood's Mdi1bar1h Mall del 1i-ingliredineap)Ndnted for adjudication on the claims, ►Dated at (lot:erim eh this 'Lith day of lee7e whicn have here, t•stabli„hrd in thi. country I bcr, A. D. 1851. Signed ' tar nearly half a century, are vegulerly pub. 18pa+, H. MAcl»Kaigqrrr,Master. at (:odericb. Hatted by THE LeoxADz, Scow i^. ISLtImtao Co.. ';l Barclay Street, \ew Vork. These IG N THE HIH COURT OFJUSTICBi, publications present the 14'4 fnrriyrr, prrfedi. ('HANCEItY DIVISION. SALE OF A I ALt'A4LF. F'AHII 1N THE TOWN - cola in a convenient furor and at a reasonable SHIP OF WAWA/401.H. price without abridgment or alteration;' Pureuwt to an order 4( Li”' said ('faun made . in a certain cause or matter u5 Joan Isabella Patterson and other infants under the age of twenty one yearn, dated the lwelrth day of Trash Fat haat flsrledisg Peasagio December A. D. Mehl, there will, be sold by public auction, with the approbation 01 Hen- Payallc Strictly in'AdrnMor. ry 31AcDerniott. Esquire, master of the Su- preme Court at (ioderich, by John l'. Currie For any one Review .....:,12 Soperannum, auctioneer, at Nicholson's Hotel, in the village F'or any Iwo Iteviewe...., l b1 of Manchester, on Melarday, the Iola day of For any Ihrce Rc,iewe,....,.. 0 SO " •• ataeiry, At Y. IoM1, at (1444' o'clock, in the For all four llevie5a.......... !! Ila " afternoon, the following property, via: Thr For Blackwooad's Magazine.-.. 300 west half of lot number twenty nine In the For Hlackwdod sod one Re- third concession of the township of Wawan- vlcw. S 00 osh in the County of Huron, containing one For Hiarkwood gel' two Re- hundred acme of land,more or less. Tills pre- views ........... 7 p •• petty is eftuaterl about 12 miles from the Town For Blackwood and three Die- ' of (mermen 24 miles from the village of Man - views . —, .... 8 A0. chester and 5 utiles from the vill a of lalyth, For Hlackwood and four Ice in a gu(x1 farming locality: abouts scree are 1000 ('deat•(•d and the remainder timbered with Mingle number of Rlackwoed, 1e, eats hardwood excepting about 5 acres of slash: the soil is of • clay loam, and the cleared por- tion Is In a fair state of cultivation. There 1s erected on the said land a log house and log tarn. The properly will be 54,14 subject to a LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. other respectsthe conditions the of sale wrill be et Re D1.1S *T.. NEM TOR,{,)hestandingconditionsoftheBaldcourt. The Hell. title is perfect and 5111 Ar .old tree front en- cnmbrance. Terms of sale: Ten per cent of the purehmee money to the vendors' solicitors ALLAN LINE on the day of sale and the balance into court ow the first day of March A. D. 1SSr, thereafter without Interest, when the purchaser shalt be entitled to his conveyance. A tenant whose term expires at the 15th March A. D. Ifet2ls In tewa Min Angle number of Review, 75 Beate, ' ,.f R11VAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS to ion The pnrrhatwr shall he entitled possri.ion immediately after the expiring LIVEitiv►oL, LONIIONDERitY. GLA& oft esaio thedt tionFor errnrihevrnportcularitori (i0N', hated at Dederieh, thin 28th day of ikrem- SHORTEST PEA ROUTE. berA. D. 11181. Cabin intermediate and Steerage Tickets H. MAC Dee noTT, t.OwaaT NATM.. Master at Goderirh. (:anion' t i'Nnt'nroov. Stet r 1'as*e'ngrn are booked to IA,ndon. Vendors' Solicitors. 1880 -td. Cardiff Brined, Queenstown. Derry. Hrlfast, ----- Galway end Olwenw, at same rAtes as 10Liverpool fl+ Ayr LLQ___ er 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. url U bIIIQillU8 NUr8erles, RAiLiNO EVERY ALTERNATE WEEK I MAW/1111W IN 183/i. FROM PORTLAND AND moil TON, CALLiNO AT HALLIP AX POD�LY,NiCSIAN, 7ROM RO TON.JANL'ARY Havlwg infix tested g4 144, CS1AUFROlf 1'H►ATLANIi JATNc.,Mil, MOORB'S EARLY & BRIGHTON CALLING AT HALIFAX. JAN. 18111k. PAHA/41A_N FROM R0STON, FEARUARY tyro new i ( 219'4i G7 fad (A�,TNO AT HALIFAX, R 4th CTMre"• 1 anhowltstln I eAcler my out of his place in the chancel, walked wlr;vh is ryual to '!Il' inches ...is the 1'RRl%°IAN, FROM PORTL ND, FEA, lateen. to t,ian, them. Vmt will not for dl► CALLING AT ALIFAX ���t�, Et• Appointed Mf►(oRF.'P EARLY fa the beet down the sup. from the screen to where j level. MORATIAN. F OM �iL rear early bink crane vet grown In rwnala the pwtttatrhtal worshipper woad, and CALLING AT ALIFAX, lb 18th. bleb 1t has.irNxt thirty degrees. not, r.ln nnhnet. 'Py Corporation's try information 1 Netle alt.D If TON is a delicious red grrwpe. eft rnlrrg Bare him his ..oro hymn INN.k. After A o of the l'.. ration ■ rr e.lutioti For ti•ketasad ev llrwlallaa gply b ]Iwo ,her No,nee's F'wrtr They wer Meth large the service he warmly shook the rale man itimfrttmg the freedom of IM city upon N. ARlligT� et hnnch and harry. ane very M'niuetiee. i hp the hanoi, and cordially welcomed I Parnell and Dillon will he trent ter the A/MR rr�!�I[�aifil tenth to any addrea, p.rtfald• nu him to the church. Aa • result. Honda, 1 Lot'i) 1.trntenant accompanied by the n- 1T141- 1). 0111e• 04148,04. A• of eche, for 111. lgrrnrewanraM night naw him in hie glace *gait', with hal 114444 that Parnell and Dillon he allowed I (tC to ePZO Nit hem' •"--- fellow•worshil'atert• -rade t• heals hie ;n to attend the (illy Hall and rewire the $JJAmmit /i,w, A are17 5•t rt' es ea .,r trer.l.•rr tl h$S0W t rT . Pt1Mis� ah.. D. W. BEADLE, ''arwewr4a1, Owe ie*1 ere 1