HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-13, Page 1THIRTY-FOI'itTIt YRAH.
Slew .advrrtlsrwente.
Med-Samuel 'Pollock.
Notlee- Peter Adamson.
Allan Line 11..1ntatru,i .
Liver Pad Holman Pad Cu.
Circular -Hon. Adair ('rooks.
Wood Wanted W. Mitchell.
1.4.1110.1:11111y -Patrick Davis.
Hest Wheat R. M. Newport.
Council Meeting J. A. \IcIk,nagh.
Ito, for Manitoba -(leo. 14. Jobneto
Aper's Sarsaparilla I)r. J. l'. Ayer
PrieeaIteduced for 1882 Leonard
Ilshing Co.
She People's Column. I
.1 t'olborne, will meet in the Township
Had. on Monday the W1.h Jan. at the hour of
11 u'chocl.' a. m. J. A. McDonagh, Tp. clerk.
& Co. will meet in the Court Room. in the Town of
Scull Pub- Uuderich, on 'fueeda>, the 2411, instant. All
accounte against the Council must be sent in
before the lint *cation of the second day of
mev-ling. 1 kTEw AUAMoOls. County cleric.
Jany. 91h. 1842. 1421 2t.
will to received for the delivery
1.1 corporation of the County of Huron,
M.TINT. Office and realdence.West street of ei curds of ggrreren wood - beech and
htee dome below hent of Montreal. °ode- maple free from brutes and Mack lugs. at the
rich 1752 Ooderirh Public Schools. Tenders to be for
°KON. (late with Trotter k Caesar, the
leading Dentists of Toronto.) All up<rat►ogs
neatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Hea-
ver Block. CLINTON. [!Patients from a
istancr will please make appointment in ad•
lance by mall. 1616
Real Estate.
farm to rent. One hundred acres of
cleared land. free of stumps and in* flet class
state of cultivation. About 80 scree in grass
and about fifteen acre. plowed, well watered
and with good buildings. Next farm to the
Kwtail duck. For further panlculars apply
w MICIACL DALTON, Klntail post office.
L1ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The darn comprises lot 23. Von. 1. (lode-
ri,h township. 6 miles from OodeYYllch °n
field Road. contains Illacres, shout 100 acres
cleared. On the farm are s frame barn 7500.
a frame house talutos1 newt 14x21. and other
smaller buildings; also • young orchard of 100
nest-:la.s fruit trtees just begiuniug to tear.
The soil is of first-class quality.9 acus of fall
wheat are sown and about 40 acres plowed.
For further particulars apply on the prentiees
w V, ii. GOBI ore. 1813-4t.
desirable brick house. on East :St.. with
one eighth of an acre of land. The house con-
tains 3 bed miens. parlour. dining room.
kitchen. wood -shed and all necessary conveni-
ences. Nu reasonable offer will be refused.
KewARnSitm imN. 1813
Lot No. 5. Lake Shore Road. Township of
Colborne. four stiles from Goderich, Contain-
ing 100 stores. 80 of which are cleared and un-
der a good state of cultivation. 1t is well fenc-
ed and underIrained. having two dwelling
houses. • ban,. an orchard. stables. workshop.
dnving shed. •and. -other outbuildings. For
particulars apply on the premises. or to HOlt-
Al•K HORTO. Milburn P. 0. Yep[. le. -It
Dungannon. 12 miles from liudericb.'
consisting of i of an acre of laud. well fenced;
a frame house: a,goort well and pump are also
on the premises. The lot has been weli'!m-
proved. Term, reasonable. Particulars can'
he had from Mr. J. M. Remmers. Merchant.
Dungannon. or R. E. HaowN, Nile P. O.
76. corner of Victoria and East *trete, in
the town of Ooderieh. for sale cheap. or will be
•sehaaged for farm property. For particulars
apply to JAS. HEIAILL Aruhiteet. coffee Crabb'$
Block. or J. C. CUMRIE, auctioneer.
net Ieee than 10 cords. and tu be delivered on
or before July 1.t. 1'U2. Tenders will be re-
ceived until Feb. ith 1642. by W. Mt'renxu.
!hcty. B. H. T. 182141.
1 interest In the Kingston street bakery.
and being about to leave wwu. notice is here-
by given that all aocuusts due me must be
settled before SATURDAY. JAN. lith 1882.
otherwise the books will be handed over for
collection. 31148. J. L. :STURDY.
Oodericb. Jas. nth 18611. 182D21.
house, on Palmerston street, (near the
Daytleld malt containing six rooms be+Ides
pantries, and two-tlfths of an acre of land.
Good orcltarn and good stabling For particu-
lars apply to E. IL WAT4JN, painter.
Mg of the West Riding of Huron Agri.
cultural Society. will be held in the Court
House, at Goderich. on Wednesday. Jan. l8tb.
1868. at one o'clock p. in.. fur the purpose of
receiving the annual report of the directors,
electing °Ricers and directors for the emitting
year. and other business. Jong VAacO6,
$- rotary. 16163[.
The annual meeting of shareholders of the
Goderich Petroleum and gait Company for
the election of Directors. aur for the purpose
of considering the propriety of disposing of
the whole property of the Company. Will be
held at the law office of Messrs. l'ameron.
Holt & Cameron. on Saturday, llth January.
1882 at seven o'clock p. nt Tete b,:sinessbeing
important a fun attendance is requested.
Goderie•b. •24th Dec.. 14!tl. 181972.
NEWS n S ABOUT HOKi. The tannery of MT, Masson, o[
"A cbterm fissugye. takin' notes,
An' faith heal pent it."
Picture room moulding a• les* than list price.
and no charge for putting up. 0. l'. NUR-
Tits LOMRBT YET. -Rail's furniture ie r.ow
being sold at less than wholesalerices. til
early for bargains. See advertisement for
prior list.
It is a great pleasure to view the beautiful
snow atter the bare turewiuter we have had.
but if you wish to see something that will
ilease the eye at any season of the year drop
nto Sallowie studio and get your photo taken.
Wroxeter, nephew ..f Mr. Ceori0 Swan-
son of this place, was destroyed by fire
Nue day last week.
Hit Si ROOL. The Goderich High
Scheel has reopened with full classes.
tin Wednesday 125 students put ' in an
appearance, and more are expected. •
Mr. R. J. Whitely, of Lucknow, gave
us a call on Monday. A happy dispos-
ition,and regular reading of THE SIUNAL,
help hint to keep up his avordupois.
Mr. A. McD. Allan will attend the
winter tweeting of the Fruit Growers'
Association, in Hamilton, next week.
O e h "t t
Mies Sara Dickson is visiting at St. ten pomnlogical.
ur townsman is an auto nn y on ma -
Miss Maria Hincks has returned free
Mr. Fraser, Newgate St.. arrive:: in
town on Mtndsy.
Mr. Fred. Sees/miller has taken up hie
reaidence in town.
Miss Teenie MacDougall is visiting
friends in Detroit.
Dr. MacGuaran leaves t„ -day for his
home in New York.,
The Separate School Board met on
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Black has gone on her semi-an-
nual trip to Toronto.
Mise Lee, of Newcastle, is visiting her
brother Mr. Wet. Lee.
Mr. Malculin McGillivray, now of De-
troit, is home on a visit. •
.We are pleased to see Mr. Archie Mac-
Kay, on the street again.
There was a charivari on St. David's
St. last Thursday evening.
Mr. H. Dunlop -has returned from a
business visit to the Queen Crty.
The school trustees met, in the Town
Hall at their last meeting, on Monday.
Mr. W. F. Gooding has lessed the
skating rink for the season from Mr. e1`.
C. Harrison.
Mr. A. Meldrunt left for Tomtito un
Thursday morning to continue his stud-
ies at Knox College.
Rev. D. McGillivray win preach in
• Life and Accider.t Insurance Agent. Sea'foorth text Seafurth next Sunday, ane♦
Representing tlrst-c1mab1ompautet. Alsoagent
for the CANADA US'S ptocg bttiuitaace Co. the following Sabbath.
A chromo for the man who has not yet
called the Attention of a friend to the re-
markably open winter."
Stoney to tendon Mortgage. either In Town or
Farm Property. In any way to suit the borrow-
er. Utlicc-tap-stairsI Kay's block, Uoderich,
Straye) Animals.. `
about Ifecember, an .old brown taste.
with n white star in her forehead. The owner
is requested to prove property, pay ev penmen.
an her away. PATRICK D.tvt.. near the Milo
way bridge. Goderich. Id_t-1t.
from the premises of th' subeeriber, lot
10, .on. 5, Colborne. about .lst of November.
The semi-weekly .4Jr. eat.•-A•ieissr. of
Watford, has been enlarged, and its
price has been raised to $1.50. Bro.
Buchanan gives his patrons good value
for their money.
The new forth of the Exeter Reflector
much improves the appearance of that
paper. If Mr. Cowen keeps the Reffec-
to. up to the standard of last week he
ought to satisfy the Exeter people.
Mechanics' INSTITUTE CLASS. -The
new book-keeping class will begin on
this (Friday) evening. Intending pupils
will please govern themselves according-
ly. A drawing class will begin on Satur
dry evening at 7 o'clock, with Mr.
Young as master. Mr. Young is spoken
of as a thoroughly competent agile.
Mrs, Geo. B.wth, eldest daughter of
Mr. John Walker, died in Montreal in
the month of August, and was placed. in
a vault previous to removal of the body
to Goderich for interment in the family
burying ground. The funeral at Gode-
rich took place on Wednesday last, the
body having arrived on Tuesday. Mr,
Booth was formerly a :eeside::t of Gode-
Windham has r.ow the Salt \Ve11 fever
and company is being formed to sink a
test well. The intentions of the promo-
ters of the scheme may be good anough,
and the probability is that a deposit of
salt will be found, but if they expect to
make any money out of it, they expect
th make any money out of it, they are
going :lis be deceived. There is no other
business in the Dominion where the mar-
tin of',re,fit is so small as it this, and it
re.leires the closest peseible economy in
working expenses, and a large capital to
- Mr. T. Mshony, tuf Goderich, had one carry it on. in order to make anything at
of his hands badly crushed at Dublin au out of it.-; New Era,
Last week while crupling cars. R. C. $,tzus:le-Tho hazier under the
Mi Ira Lewis, County Attorney, has auepioes of the St.,Janes R. C, Cliurch.
forted a law partnership with his son Seafortir, Rev. P. 4. rhea, pastor, was a
Mr..E. N. Lewis, as Lewis & Lewis, great success. .Among the prize winners
The Blyth Reri• alludes to hint as were a number of residents" of this sec.
"Mr. Jas Thoma♦;ref Goderich, the re- tion. The silver water picture and gob-
nowned Irish comedian and clog dancer." lets,. valued at $40, donated by Rev.
I Father Watters, , f this town, was Won
The ice crop threatens to
• last, a two.year old steer, head and neck red: ahni. Last ye\t s
body red and white, "W. Y." branded on horn.
Persons giving infortnatton that Will lead to
his.recovcry will be suitably rewarded: WM.
Yocs a. . 1818.41.
u tory
briby Rev. J. Ronan, and the genial God-
_ ne a
can. 13, ('.dour.." about seven miles from
Goderich. tompri.ing53seem 59 cleared. A
frame house. and • new Pram • !airs .♦tee end
a stable and other ontbnillinire are on the
pn•miac,. A yuan; orchard, geed pump, etc.
on the faro[. Tne term has a road on two
sides of it. Foor acre. of fall wheat are sown.
Duatant only 1 toile from n Dolt °M• e. For
p art ie ulars apply to Wm. Silt Swept ard•
ton 1'. O. Ie.•.
Loans ana insurance.
on the premises of suhteriber a dark red
heifer with small horns. The owner is re-
quested to prove property. pay charges and
take it away. W. C. D(.xeT. lot :d. Maitland
con.. Colborne. 1817 -it.
1 the enclosure o` th- eetha riber• about 1st
September last lot 9. non. re A,hticld. a red
and white heifer. 3 years old. The. owner is
requested to prove property. pay charges and
take her away. Gs ). CAMP:ELL. Detest P..
0. 1916.
A young clerk tamed McDonald, em-
ployed in the Goderich branch of the
Bank of Muntreal was seized with
violent hts on Sunday evening, and his
condition caused much anxiety to his
acquaintances. His mother was sent
fur, and returned to Toronto with her
sun 011 Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. J.
erich priest captured another water pit -
o er. valued at $'28, donated by Father
Shea. Mire Annie Doyle and Mr. M. C.
Cameron, of Goderich, each Rut a tine
Dr. C„lemeui a town It fell
good figure during the c"ming summer. h
Rev. Mr. Livingston, of Bayfield, will
occupy the North St. Methodist church
ul -- t Sunda ring and even-
A large number of,townafolk will at-
tend the tea -meeting at the Knox Church
Goderic.l township, this (Friday) even
city dnc ota, and we understand his
pr rex • un ay. m
Capt. Cox b ss returned from a visit to
fat sheen.
o the lot of a Mr. John Smith. should be.tliven toward the prosecution
At a rye;alar moettin; of Huron L)dgo of the mission work. lie.. Mr. Mc,t rt-
Nu. 4d, I. 0. (`. T., aril in Aiderich agh, of Clinton followed in a spirited ad -
nn Thursday Jan. 6th,1582, the follow- dress of about an hour's duration, after
ing officers were duly installed for the
term endin, June :,nth, 1882:-Bro. W.
PsIr\rrATIUN Or A GOWN. -On Wed-
nesday evening, at the close of the regu-
lar prayer -Meeting in Knox church, a
handsome silk pulpit gown, imported ex-
pressly from Great Britain, was present-
ed to Rev Dr lira, and his associate Rev.
J. A. Turnbull, B. A., on behalf of the
congregation, by Rev. Chas. Fletcher.
The pastors returned thanks to the
friends of the church for the handsome
gift. Mrs. Gibson, Mn. Hays and Mrs
J. R. !Biller eollecte•1 the purchase
At s regular meeting of Huron En-
eampment No. 28, I. 4). 0. T., held in
Goderich on Dec. 16th, 1881, the follow-
ing officers were duly elected for the
term ending June 3rd, 1882: -Pat. H.
S. Holmes, C P., Pat. J. Roberts, H. P. ,
Pat. W. Bubb, Senr. Ward., Pat. J. W.
Smith, Jr. Ward., Pat. W. B. Mathew,
Rec.Scribe, Pat. G. Steven, Fin. Scribe,
Pat. C. A. Nairn, Treas. Huron. En-
campment No. 28, I. O. (1., meets on
the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at
their Lodge moth on the corner of North
street and Square, at 7:30 p.m. Visit-
ing Patriarchs always receive a cordial
and fraternal welcome.
ONTARIO. -The Annual Convention of
this Association will be held at Wood-
stock, on the 1st, 2nd and 4rd of Febru-
ary, and arrangements are being made
to have this meeting as instructive and
profitable as any of its prelece8sors. It
is expected a number of scientific and
practical gentlemen will be in attend-
ance, who will deliver addresses en var-
ious subjects appertaining to the dairy
interest. It is hoped there will bo a
large attendance of dairymen and others
present. The annual subscription, for
membership is one dollar, which can be
paid at the convention. It is expected
The Lao Meeting KtBNrNaell-MSlares,
Petition, mad Ae estals appoinffse4h
11Igh1 Natektoaa.
Met on Friday, Jan. lith, 1882. Pres-
ent -Mayor Horton, Reeve Johnston,
Deputies Campbell and Hutchison,
Councillors Cameron, Campion, Dancy,
Dunsford, Edward, Jordan, Lee, Sloane,
Swanson and Williams..
showing amount received, $11,634.74;
amount paid out, $6,713.77; balance in
bank, $1,182.01. Referred to Fitanoe
The street inspector presented $report
of work done during November and De-
cember; also in reference to the running
of the town clock. Read and tiled.
The Collector made a report in the
cage of Mrs. Mary Wilson, when it wait
moved by Mr. Swanson, seconded by
Mr. Jordan, that the Collector return
"instructed by C•,unci) not to collect."
showed number of interments during
the month -adults ti, infants 4, total ,10.
Receited and filed.
A communication was received front
the Mayor of Galt in reference' to the
law cotnpelling towns of over 5,000 in-
labitants to have a Police Magistrate
Referred to the Mayor with power to
act. ,.
received from G. Elliott and Matthew
Ellis fur the position of night watchman. '
Referred to Pumblic Works Commit:
From Jane Andrews. to have taxes on
lot 1350 remitted for the years 1880-8:.
On motion of the Reese, seconded by
Mr. Dunsford, prayer of petitioner was
The taxes. of Sarah Haddon were re
milted. The matter of those) of Sarah
Sallows was referred to the relief coin
mittee. The remission of taxes asked
for by P. McEwen and John Scottie
were referred to Finance committee
the usual reduttion will be in The 1/etition uE R. Logan, Sec. of Gode-
h Braes Band, that the 4th ep
way fare, but parties wishing to takeuarter's
advantage of ihis must apply to the sec- I ricgrant of stoney be paid to the present
rotary, C. E. Chadwick, Ingeraull, 'who, i band, referred to Finance committee.
on" application, will forwards certificates. l( On notion of Mr. Dancy, seconded by
This should be attended to at once. Mr. Edward, the taxes of Mrs. McCarty
MI.S.tIONARY MEETING -The mission- were remitted:
ary meeting in the North-st Methodist Mr. Swanson gave notice of inotiou
Church tan Tuesday evening was well at- that at next Meeting of Council he Would
tended. Mr, Geo. Cox was called .to ask for leave to .introduce a by-law to
the chair, andafterprayet oyReef. B. B. have the measurement marked on wood
Keefer the report of the mission was with chalk.
rend by Rev. 1)r. Williams,which show- - rower a rt ltlrTTER.
1 payment of the full
ed that some 44J missionaries lid to be reeunuuoud the pay n e t
sustained in connection with the mission ing acc)uiatac--C. Crahb $14,30, S.
work of the Methodist, Church of Canada. Seegmiller $8.59, J. Wilson $4.40, D.
Tho chairman then called upon Rev. Mr. Ferguson $15.49, J. Smaill $12.00, W.
Keefer, of Winghar.!, who addressed the
meeting in a speech of much argument
and deep feeling, and showed that where
Provideucn had acted bountifully to
those present, bounteous contributions
which the collection was taken up. A
short address from Rev. J. A. Turnbull,
• of Knux Church, Goderich, closed the
platform utterances on the occaesion.
The choir furnished several pieeys of
music in excellent taste during the even-
ing. $174 were taken un oa the e.cce-
i V. G • M. E. Cant.' it ANN:1'63.4I:Y. --The '
F. Pelham, 1!.. S. V. G. Huron Lodge anniversary services in connection with
No. 62, I. 0..0. F., meet at their Lodge the above congregation were held on
r)oni on the corner of North street and Sunday last, followed by a teatneeting
[Square, every Thursday eyening at 7:30 on Monday evening Rev. C. M.
p.m. Visiting brothers cordi.slly invite.) Thompson, of St. Mary's, occupier the
to attend. , pulpit ie the morning. preaching a very
F)ractical disco1irse front Hebrews 1:9.
In the afternoon a mass meeting of the
S. R. chil•lren in connection with the
church was held and addressed by Rev.
G. A. Francis, paster; T. McGillicuddy
superintendent of Knox Church S. 8.
ane the Rev. C. M. Thompson. In the
married thirty-six years a; ', and came evening Rev. Mr. Thompson again rec-
to Goderich in 1831, where she had cupied the pulpit, and preached an in -
since resided, save for a short stay in teresting sermon from 1. Tim. 4,8, to an
Bad Axe. Mich., whither the* removed attentive congregation. The teanleeting
on Monday was largely attended, and
was addressed by tits fallowing gentle -
mei in the order of their names: Mr. T.
McGillicuddy, and Revs. Dr. i7re, J.
Turnbull, B. A., and C. M. Thompson.
The pastor of the congregation •.ccupied
the chair. The choir sung a nninher of
accred songs in a pleasing manner. At
the close of the meeting Rev. O. A.
Francis spoke in high terms of the val-
uable assistance rendered by Ret. Mr.
_ yy Thomson at the various services, a re
premises of the .nhwviher. lox 6. eon. it disappeared myaterionsly on Fri i ty mark which frond favor with the audi-
('otlMtrne aM.nt the beginning of "eptemb, r. A night, need cannot he f- t.a 1. He is once. Tho receipts wore about $:e),
ewe. Th.) owner i, re ler.tel to prove pro- ah.eut '2years e.f a o, feet tt mehes •do which will be devoted to the church
pep r kty, pay ebarge,, and take it awal s.6u, $
1t1/eara. 1116-4t. heihts, and of a sandy cern plosion. 1 h h d fund.
' I nd, ,n Free Press. (
STRAYED ANIMALS. -"END $I t tase4#MptagtatMVentral x host.
t TuxSweat t,advert low imoil .etr3••
,re nlenser, to earn t}.nt Meier*. wick
1 R. McD,INA(I H. M. D.. PHYSIC- i ar4alb rttanala. A,tAroes Tlt
lend en easy tern[, In sums to suit bor-
rowers. Atex. McD ALLAN.
Oodericb. Nov. 17th 1991. 1813.1M.
$500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1736.
*75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S -
TATK. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L.
DOYLE, Goderich. 1781
• on good Farm or erst-class Towp Pt•opert,
at 8 per cent. Amply to R. RADCLiiFFE. 1751
a -amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 6f per
cent. Private funds. Apply to Stemma and
MoaToN, fioderlch. .
amount of Private Funds for Investment
at lowest rates on first -clam Mortgages. Apply
.4 Money to lend at lowest rater, free of
any costa or charges. 4KAOKR tt MORTON.
anomie Colborne Hotel.
Oodorich. 23rd March 1881. 1776.
Landes! Credit Company le prepared to
lend money on good Farm security. at eiz per
rent. Full partleulars given upon application
to 111-011 HAMILTON. C. L. agent, ooderieh.
••NN on Farm and Town Property at Ioweet In-
feuret. Mortgogrs purchased, no (•emmiasion
••harge.d (tonveyanei Rees reaw.nahle.
N. 14. Borrowers ran °Mata money in one nit
if title 11 eatl.far-tory.-DAV1Ps)\ a: JOHN-
eTi,N. Barristers. &e., Goderich. 1731
+ Oat, M!
t premises of the aub,criber. lot 8, eon. 3,
W. D.. Colborne. &boot the 18th of November.
two ewes marked with red paint. Tee owner
is requested to prove property. pay ezpenw-a
aal take them away. Tetoaa, A.itTlot, Ben -
miller. 18144t•
the premises of the subscriber. lot 1 con.
10 W. D. Tp.of Colborne. about the 13th Nov..
1881, a yearing better. red, with white mark
on face. The owner will please prove pro•
pert/. pay expenses, and take the an sway.
WW 88 CLARK, 1616.
premises of the subeeriber, Lot t. Lake
Range. Township of Ashfield. about the mid.
Ile of August, a red heifer calf with spotted
fate. The owner is r •i Setj,cd to prove pqr•oo-
perty pay charges and takelt away, JAMES
TUUN(i. 181.'-4)
health has been ,oiuetrhat improved by
I the trip.
Tax Ponrr FtbtM.-Mr. J. J. Wright
last week disposed of 100 acres of the
Point Farm to Mr. Taylor, of the Lake
Snbne•nM'r ricer half lot t, con t ASh6.td
$Mut the beginning of Sr umber. • grey hei-
fer coming 3 years old. T e owner is request- at n the local rent of the G. W. R t'
;away. Ho T. U.tl'OI.Ael. ongnnnon Goderich, that the nvereire train to L m -
P. 0. 18ISlt
Shore for $4,000. '
The Wingham T.'...: under its new
management 13 quite a success. We are
pleased to see that the new blood has
put vigor andipower into the Times.
In a previnus issue we stated that the
Kennedy family were the guests of Mr.
Matthew Hutchison, While in Goderictt'
recently: We were misinformed. They
stopped at the "Albion," but spent New
Yoke's evening at Mr. Hutchison's.
Three tramps named Potter, Dickson
and Shaw were brought before the May-
or on Monday, charged with vagrancy.
His W?.rship dischareeel them, but said
that if they would again aeeear before
him he would send them to prison witl;
hard labor.
We are informed by Mr. G. W. John -
ed to prove property par expenses- and take o • ` ag '
R don of the (:. W. R. will be delayed 30
minutes at Clinton to connect with the
G. W. R. morning train freak Goderich.
This will I'e a great coevanieuce to pas
\l Subscriber, Lot It. 1.•ke+here Road, Ash-
field. about the 1st of July. • rest ricer. rising
two years old. The ewnsw i, reoluested to
prove property, ry expenses. and take the
animal away. THOS. O'NEII.. Kingebrtdge
P. 0. 1615-t1
A man names D:,nald Mc 1Dona
th h 1 f C d h d h
Mitchell, I`; O.; H. Bolton, V. G.; Jae.
Yates, Re:,. Sec.; G. Steven. Per. See;
N, Campbell, Trees.; J. W. Smith,
Ward.; F. F. Lawrence, Ceti.; J. Rob-
erts. R. S. N. t . ; P. Holt, L. S. N. G.;
T. Steven, It. S. S. • R. Given, I. 0.: .1.
Nairn l . Q•J. Payne• R. S.
' OBITUARY. -An old and esteemed re•
sident of Goderich died last week in the
oved wife
ex may.er Pollock. The was
a daughter of Lieut. John McKinley, o1
the British Coast Guards, and was a
native of Fifeshire Scotland She was
last year. to return to Goderich
after the great tire. She had been a
Church of CAnada.for '22 years, and her
quiet and gentle manner endeared her to
all who knew her. She was laid up for
three weeks, and was filly resigned to
her departure for the better world. Her
sorowing partner in life, to whom she
had been for many,yeara a true wife and
ought to w rntn res enc an w u loving cotr.leaeien, has the sympathy of
consistent member of the Methodist
TRAYED EWE (' 4ME ON THE haft resided in Saginaw for Lear ears, tae Gown n his great bereavement
Mitchell • $5.30. Hart A-, Co. $37.13,
John Bates $14;, E. Armstrong 57, Buc-
hanan, L. and R., $117.t17, •A. M. Pol-
ley, $661.50.
They decline too take any action itt re-
duction of taxes on property lately oc-
cupied by W: M Hilliard, $15 was al-
lowed L'. Armstrong kr that .portion of
the 3rd ,iunrter .luring which his band
was in existence. The taxes , on the old
Kirk property not to be collected. The -
Collectori to accept $l:o from N. A.
Chemical works in full kr taxes.
Wim. CAMPBELL, Chairman.
on motion of ,Johnston and Jordan
report was adopted.
PVBtte -MORK* 1'0M1(ITTEt',
report in favor of Hugh McQueen as
night watchman.
C. A. Hrltasa, Chairman.
Moved by Mr. Dewy, seconded by
Mr. Dunsford, that report be adopt-
Meted in am endmedt that the name
of John Yule be substituted for that of
Hugh McQueen.
Second smendlrfent - moved by Mr.
Edward, seconded by Mr. Dancy, that
the name of Richard Tichbourne be sub•
stituted her that of John Yule, Yeas for
the 2nd amendment --Johnston, Camp
bell, Edward and Dancy-4. Nay:
Hutchison, Cameron, Campion, Duns -
ford, Jordan. Lee. Sloane, Swanson,
Williams- '1. Get.
Mr. Campbell moved, Mr. Edward
seconded. the appointment of Gabriel
Elliott sa night watchman. Yeas -
Johnston, 1'0u1p6ell. Eileen!, Lee.
Sloane, Swanson -e. Nay -Hutchison,
Cameron, Campion. Dancy, Dunsford,
.Ionian, Williams -7 Dost.
There then tote.l on the amendment:
Yea -Johnston, Campbell, Hutchison,
Cameron, Campion, Jordan, Lee, Swan-
. .&, Williams - '1. Nay Disney. Ed-
ward, Dunaf,.rel, tilorone 4.
The amendment substituting the name
o1 Jeehm hole utatuwol of Hugh McQueen.
for uiela we:All :1, was declared oar
Cnnnei1 then a ;l• tirnel.
JIId:i,N IRY .&NNI\ t.R,IAR'i. - Thr Olin•
.on .'..' .E o 53,)% The annutl m:a,inn-
sevwoas In connection with the Me-
t.t r ie' Church, were reached here nn
&inlay, b))• Pe. L)r. 'intents, of
h IV'h.k kali were excellent ,er
O ,
*g on your r•etaiae,. and avoid prareetior 1rysta: & dar< are not geteg to Ieate
a town. at was intimated by a ('linters
newspaper recently. Owing to the whole
of the foundry buildings tong r,g iii$
Inc the manufacture of plows, the Miler
- Imakers will have to remove L. ether
I prewliees. but we understand that they
will put up a building for themselve, in
' >r. 1 ir. -I1 III EO\. A, . t,r►dnate of Tor ----, _ --.
l nI'h aI-ia licentiate Ldn. F. the Royal kr. ]uctd`oneering. -
Ir of ImJedciam, London. F.naland. kr.. airs, s
M. (' P. +.. Ontario. (1w1rr sol re.ldewt•e
Opyptadte 4:0.,.3 Hotel, Hamiltoe atrr.t, es.-
- -
eme1i 17m ' j C. CLRRIS,THE PE(1PLE'S ACC
TR, IdcIZYN, PHYSICIAN,, SUR- v • T1O!fis%R.00drrirh, (1st mt.
.aa.J apRig, ( etwKR fir- ()Teo MA
1!li 1 f. . •.
IfA Renta tttssaes, tIDsend door west of V Iwer
rr t Osmwa s a , LsWlttiM t s agtt la
011ku4. eagalre as the Rank. 17116-,.
(1 lif tTsirlana. Snrgroma. Atxwweltsra, be.
i ce atl i c Shannotts reoldence nmr the
all. A .rt.:1• t) e, .. , r vr."' •Ha1•T4
'AV .731
i ur r - - -- at\.
n ons, the evening one was particularly Te the Editor of Ihr eitortAL n1nr. i I. 'n I:,.terlr h. nn Felder, Janetary
/ *1. IM'1, th. wlf. of ties tI . T. Whitely•ot
ser, nowuyi roach leen thought. and in tato Scheel Board n,rrhu¢ rr•.
very careful i.reperation .11thnugh the rt in a town paper, 1 e bsgrre 1 lac ted' I:rwlrn. h ices, of a ..n.
((++ a:.ret-x 1 . ):a,t M'awam.ah. on ted 6th Inst.•
Dr. is an 4.11 man and has been in the: I follow.ng statement:rhe wit" of Air 11 t:n. rr ..r a toot
Wive w- ria of the ministry for est.•; 411 "It was the pret•ailin; 'pin6,n tht' "41111111111':)**;""
Ih's o.
yesiw !.e still poeseeses the clearest in I book-keeping should 10o taug'tt in the ' ltr°r•,r••- huit At In, erne. se the "i
Asmara of the bode s father. 1141 the Pith alt_
tauetct. iota his pe.wers o1 delivery and central sehtnl This meat i "port\no
endlnrence are not excellent by many of part of a pupil. e,btcation WAS ,ee'ningiy
fi 'urger pers. The pnhhe• rnr.tmc on ,LP>tleoael." The fir,t infrrene o a r.•a'Ir,
-- the tdprint. We are g.s1 t , Iran: that
ontiay tvemnl was well attendee♦. Mr would draw from the Aber ...odd likely
A. P. Fisher was elected chairman, and he that hook -keeping i, not taught in
ware a brief resume of rtiaaionnry work the Central Scheel Yet it is nnr o1 the
in this district,,n-, his long reaidenre ;orinripnl a.,hjrete tin/ht there. 1f
here Mr. McDeot•t.ilT reed a report 4,1 linear) who hold that "opinion" would
the ntiaainnary Secretay, ,n refer,nce to only make themselves Netter se,1nainted
the reogrees sol mignon w••rk, enol w:t, wt: h w": t dery in otir schools they
followed by addressee Froin P.•t t Mr. well! 1-e• tea, likely 1•4 make statements
Keefer, of Winghan, and W'i:li\nitt beth ten ♦mit to injure the reparation e1 sur
The Stratford 11,,,' 1 has hoe" t•'e1 by please give their names •e T Mctliif• of whom entertained their hearer. with !♦chole, whose interests they were ex
IEr Robe to Mr .1 M Moran I made able and ;nim ref'n4 sd;dreslrs nor rr1 tee 1111 and nr•tard PARKS,
the tint] is prospering.
Bst.LEnvo 4. S. W.V..xe.i --A large
- number of ministers. and P. R. teachers
sKNIGHT. PRACTICAL ItA.R. are expected at the Lertheorr,tng eonvan-
. Rite and Ilair.lrew•r. Mess to retort tion to he held yen Wedneaniay and
thaahs is forpn MIr for p►,t patrn r. snit , Thu , nth and 9th of Februa It
te is a ,1:zuane•r. nl einem ni r ran T February.
tYaw iy Ste /nnnil at ht• chef Ing 1•aAor. near i. his that the hospitality of llrnteriai►
talPetR016-e Ooderk-b. 1753 will he freely e><tended to the traitors.
Persons wilting to receive delegates !til
1.) Rev. e. >4. testes. II. A.. waisted by Rev.
T. Tester. Iter. 1' A. M 4nr•enr. H. A . K
+Tedford. to Mien Eerie. eldest danshter of
Mr. Jae. Hull.
Mnaewee* Dom, In Colborne. eon t ., INV
an.. M the Itrt. J. Pritchard at ',O'
&rare d the bride • father. Mr. N m. iWO
d. k of II,iIb•te a. Mime Kane. rose •t
Aare is're est Jnmeph IMM.. ► rep.
1411149111.1. l'oweax At the rr.odence of the
father. on the le ti Inst.. try line Pe,.
Dr 1're. Mr Hobert Marsha& ur Wix,r•
',ens to HIM *mesh 1' Pc/WC of etnrleninh
Rte ,.TT el tares t tied •••eidenee of 1be
NAS. m„rher. Went rrawaneMh. on the
51 5 of Il.relm5r, by th. Ker. J Carom.,
Nr W NertlMl to MI.. Marrar 4 nevem
lith of tt•.set w•,ver•Ise