HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-06, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. $, 1882 DOORS, Re, BLINDS, nCILDINGS, and every D I Finish. faithful ducltarge} of the duties of this school be amine extended to every cause of right and virtue it becomes your opportunity to support. In conclusion ssuiotion of Interior tote we veture to express the hope that al - STAIRS, HANDRAILS, thougg you leave us fur the present it NEWELS and BALUSTERS will ybe for a season and that we A Speoial Send for Price shall have t Lists. HINGLES, ing you to 1 LAT & LUMBER. - Estimates ou applica- tion. yrAddress FRANCIS SMEETH, - -. Goderich, FasattNTATwa. —On Munday evening the graters of Farmers 1.1 math Grange and their friends marched from the Hall with well -tilled baskets to the residence of Mr. John Cuthbertaun, who purposes leaving iu the spring fur Dakota After the usual greetings mi similar occasions, they presented ,11r. Cuthlerts„n with a handsome silver watch, and ah address expressive of their esteem for hien as a neighbor, aad of the useful work done by him in connection with the grange. Mr. C. made a very appropriate reply, after which the baskets were opened and a very sociable evening was spent. Societe - On Friday evening last, the members of Dewdrop Lodge, No. 396, U. T. A., held a neck -tie social in the Orange HalL At an early hour the hail Was filled when the neck -ties were given out; and then the comparing of neck -ties and the pairing of partners began. When this had been done, and all had got comfortably seated again, the re- freshments were passed around to which ample justice was done by those present, when order was once more restored, Mr. It. D. t'treerou . wee called t.• the chair..\iter :i few tittroilu.:t.ry re- marks by the chairman, a lengthy pro- w -ern: to eon , +tic•; o io:.i , , IV:kJ l lt> a and rC;.;. a. w.ta uxnat•Snx.!. f!ie enter:,ui..o- u,s h:.effete t • a close by aingin; s.:",1 Seer the Queen." pleasure of again weloow- verty Section. Clinton. The friends of the Rev. Mr. Stewart, will regret to learn that ho is still laid up by an attack of quinsy. Succiaan•L.-The following persons, from Clinton have passed the December examination for professional second-class certificates, at the 'Toronto Normal School: Mr. Robs A. McDonald, and Misses M. M. Corbett and I. E. Brown. Daowesu. --We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Archie Macpherson, of Stratford, son of Mr. A. Macpherson, formerly of this place, which occurred by drowning, ou Saturday last while skating. Deceased whs 2'2 years of age. RsroaM MxITIN6.-Next Thursday, at 10 a. m., a meeting of the Reform delegates for the South Riding of Huron, .will be held at McLaren'. hotel in this town, fur the purpose of organizing for the next general election. ..e„fs'.„:ik On Tuesday Messrs. W. Sheppard, J. Sheppard, C. Spooner, Jas. Hesm, J. Jordain and G. Bowers, left by G. W. R. for the northwest. Must of thein go for speculation. On the acme day Mesas. Walter Cook and Jae. Ross, went to Chicago, where they intend to put in this years labor. Miwuos*eV Alnnie&inseams. On iSunday next Rer.A. Williams, iiliuuti , D. D. l:ndepreachser- mons in the Methodist Church, morning and evening. Oa the following Mon- day evening the annual missionary meet- ing will he held, when Revs. Dr. 1Vil- Ilidos and 11. B. Keefer, of Wi igh:ie, will deliver addresses. i -1 lis eULee. -Ou Thursday a, num :is ev. gave an exhibition of strength on the - ,market ground, that was truly rwuar:a- TIi. e.etltree .,f ,the hire -rang Star 1ble. To a coal tel barrel containing Bodge ui A. F. 1. M.. t :. R. C. met I nearly 50 gallous of water was attached ' . ' 'i ult., et,a atuull strip of leather, by notching toga. twc..., . ,.tug officers which in. his teeth, ho'raised the barrel were iluly tustallwl:--W, Bro. A. Rob -.I a couple feet from, his platfunu; and ertsiin, 1. 1'. M.; Win. Bailey, W. M.; i while holding it ,in -this position two of John Morgan, S. W.; John Epplett, J. 'the heaviest Men in town - Messrs. W.; J. S. H.Lkir::,Chap. ; John Wilson, i Spooner and Shepp ar le -straddled the Secy.; .John Tiffin, Trieai. • T. B. Mil- barrel, and the yawls weight of over ler, S. D.; Jc.se Guttuet. J. D.; John 900 lbs. was thus held by hila for a Bailey, 1. G. ru ; W. S. Clarke, T.; P. B. minute or two. - After doing this he, Scott, Organist; .1, McDonald, D. -of C. I• took a heavy chair in his teeth, and car - 00 Monday eve g. Dec. 23.., ii very ' ria d it backwards over his head to the sociable anal enjoyable time was aeons at buatds in which lie was atandi n_. and Mr. Alex. Young's, 6th run. of Colborne, brought it back again in the same circle, whore about forty young lads and lasses a very difficult thing to do. • Ho w•aa re- entertaintd one another by various kinds warded fur Ms performance by a coutri- of amusement:I, such as parlor and table butler' of over $12.—[New Era. cruquet, instrumental music, etc., until the "wee suni' holiesof the [Horning. The party was untteti up as a kind of farewell gee,. in.{ t r Mr. John Young, a son of the cheery host and hostess, and a student of Queen's University, King- ston. Our young friend most accepts- I lately. Messrs. Angus McNevut and Thus,. Collie. Trimble, are spending their holidays — with their friends in the village. Psustioete.-Mr. R. E. Brown, tate Mr. R. owers has lately sold his oi. the Nile 'will take charge of No. 5 house to,M> John Bartlett, who intends S. Sr this year. The trustees are Messrs. occupying t sante shortly. . John Liuklater, A. H. Naito!, and 1). and her aster, after which the company unused themselves with guises, which were rendered still more enjoyable by the shrill tones of the bagpipes. We 'wish the your couple every success, long way they live, and their shadows never grow Tess. AN t►uaIMVCH. Sol scenic. Mesa M. Elford leaves fur Daven- port, Iowa, next M.tday, to viait some friends and attend school also. School opened on Tuesday the 3rd of January, with a fair attendauce. It is somewhat warmer after the overhauling during the holidays. Mr. Carter is a good hand at closing up cracks. Mr. \Vm. Evans, ex-achoolruaater,goes to Toronto next Monday to push his for- tune in the Queen City. This is contrary to usual custom, uupurity go west, but sows rules work both ways, and why nut thii J Willie, we will miss you. *Three pedagogues now reside here, (Mr. T. Murch having lately moved to his property) all holding second -clans eer- titicates, and in active work. Two of them have two strings 1.. their bow, one being a fernier and the other a store- keeper. emcee/is.- -(hie day hurt week, Mr.T. C. Pickard, of Holwesviile, was surpris- ed to find one of his hens, which had set herself, came out with a clutch of chick- ens, which was such a novelty at this sea- son of the year that he determined to try and raise theta, which he is doing by giv- ing them warm quarters indoors. 13en>rt:i1er. city permit you to visit our society To All 11 j j again, ye may feel certain, that you will hem t once meet with a wanet from us, or, a AO 2O if you tied • spare hoeroar at at y ur dyp,usal, we will always be haj pJy t hr from M you. Wishing you a Mer Christina" 10 Inn 'roma of Dederick V "Kering Kerlag Lis and happy New Year, with many happy immersestook us. Stogie and 1eouLlo returns. We remain Your Friends, &c. A suitable reply was then given by Miss Junes which clearly showed the sorrow she felt in leaving No. 1. A piece of singing by a Class,. "Happy New Year to You." Moved by Mr. Strang, seconded by Phoebe Smith, that the iwciety adjourned until the 3rd of January -Carried. The trustees of S. S. Ne. 2 have en- gaged Miss S. Patton as assistant teacher during the winter months. CONTIt*CT. -Mr. Chas. Walters re- ceived the contract of wood for the sup- ply of S. S. No. 2 at the rate of 92.50 per cord. The bleitlaud tiver now spirts three eatuues all within a wile of the Maitland Conce•eion, which connects Colborne with Goderich Tp. through. Holmesville, /fell us there aint any need uta bridge. The following is the list of officers elected for the t:uauiug quarter uf Pure Retreat lyivision,'No. 308, Sons of Teut- perauce:-Wm. Robertson, W. P. Mrs. C. Robertson, W. A.; 'Thos. Heddle, R. 8.: Ida Walters, A. et. S. Rich. Moore, F. S.; Chas. Walters, Treat. ; W Moore, Chap.; Geo. Stewart. Con. ; M. B. Gled- hill, A. Con.; Mrs. Flanighan, I. S.; E. Flauighan, O. S.; A. Heddle, P. W. P. Ashaeld. CofttlyIL MEETING. — Dec 37, 1881. The Council met at Martine hotel, Dungannon. All the members present. The minutes of last tweet were read and signed. Moved by Mr. McMurchy, tended by Mr. Griffin, that the clerk prelwre a by-law to have certain streets in Port Albert opened. Moved by Mr. Clare, seconded by Mr. Whitley. that 11 in. Muesli be refunded 72 cents for mistake in assessment. Moved by Mr. Clare, seconded by Mr. McMuechy, that H. Phillips and Wm. Mallough be re- funded 91 each for dug tax. Moved by Mr. Whitley, seconded Mr. Clare, that A. McWhinney be refunded 92, mistake its taxes. Moved by Mr. Griffin, se- conded by Mr. McMurchy, that Mrs. Martin and John Lang be granted 15 each, as -charity. Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. McMurchy, that the clerk be paid the sum of 912 for qualifi- ing Unites School Section, and other services under the Public School Act .of 1880. Fhe following accounts were paid: -W. Mc:C'rthur, stationery, 94.47; N. Ure i Co., 93.152, fur printed form; Jammer 1Vhysrd, stove for court house, $8.tid; Mitchell & Marey, printing, ec., 933; Mrs. Straiten, furniture for court house, 98.23; Jamey Glenn, gravel, &c., 913.07; 'V. Thompson, repairing scraper, $1'Juhn Cooke, postage account, 86.37; John Murch, Gravel, 99.65; R. Tiffin, do., 93.10; \VnL Ilollaid, planking cul- vert, von..3, 94; 8. Hogan, do, con. 4, 92; mut. Matthews, planking crossway, cutting trues un S. L. 9 and 10, con. 4 and 5, 94; J. Elliott, underdrain, con. 3 and 4; Mr. Murcheson, culvert, and tilling un' D. L con. 6, 93.50; J. Fetish, culvert, con. 10, 94; J. Vint, u.tder- drain acnes road on con. 10, 8. L 6 and 7, 93.50; W. Dustin, digging drain S. L. 3 and 14 60 cents; Wm. Wiley. cut- ting hill con. 12, 950; do. • ditching cion. 12, 910; J. Johnston. culvert L It„ 98; W. Jordan, saving crossways from fire S. L 3 and 4, con. 1, 93; J. Tigert, do, 93; Win. Mallough, gravel, 915.90; W. McWhinney, gravel, 99.90; .1. Dunbar, ditching, con. 2, 91; H. Prichard, lum- ber, 913.10: J. Famish, building fence S. L., 3 and 4, 97; J. Sullivan, ' under - drain opposite lot 14 L. R., 93; J. Dun- bar, stone culvert in front of lot 5 L R, 910; J. Quaid plank, 91.80; W. Rich- ardson, repairing hill, 93; J. Saunders, gravel, $6.50; J. Cooke, balance of salary, S60; by-law, No. 17 to open cer- tain streets in Port Albert: was read and passed. • The Council adjourned to meet agein at the call of the clerk. Jens( Cnoer, Clerk. • ELucrumm,-The election of trustees of school section No. 2 took place op Wed nudity, the 213th Dec.` Mr. A. Heddle was appointed returning officer. It was moved, seconded and carried, that Thos. Gledhill act as people's auditor. Mr. 1Vtu. \"anatttue acted as trustees' audi- ter, The report read Ly Thus. t;ledhill DItZlelbnnon. 'auditor was adoptee) as read. Mr. Win. Vanstone and Jne. Snider were midi - Mr. Wm. McArthur. is authorised to re. dates for election. bfr. Wits. Vanstone ceive subscriptions tar 'lug lfuttu•t eeieAL, and give receipts therefor. was elected by a small majority over the Our village has had four weddings rutiri►.g trustee, Mr. John Snider. bly occupied the . pulpit of the Smith's Hill Presbyterian &:cans on Sabbath, Dec. 25th. Ih; left for Kington, last' Friday t i resume b,it studies, prepara- tory to his ft. A. examination. On the tolhowutg ecentui I muotner rich treat was prepared fir the yotine people %if this vicinity •t the ittfeliie i.eeve -of the township, 'Me Win, Young; and tris kind lady its the sh•c,e of a,t uveniuit party. •jt is quite 1 1 ee r tcV' to say, especially to luny..,:. .n enjoyed at. any time the ,'••rge '.ir t'" -lei 1.ospitnlity ..f the host, tha..t n •.. • ,:ppb time was swiftly passed. 'Allis eel .i also partook rif the character of a faro .- ell r,reetiug to Mr. \V. J. Young( ,rho .:tpresent is vis- iting.his friends, and wilt shortly return to pursue his studied in the department RNESS r 1 at Ely r tuoed prunes tar lash. llar.ug nude errant kerma with tl.e manutauturvr of Harness Trtaiuta a to buy direct from the factory, sad also baring made errangetnq.ts with oast of the bast tanners in Ontario for my Leather. and employing none but nrst-elaas workmen, and sol manufactured under my own supervision, lam enabled to turn out the best and cheapest Harness in the Weal My callus are all made may own shop aud Kut factory w ade, bring hair [aced and warranted to give satisfaction. Buffalo Rubes and Horse Blank- ets. Trunks and Valises In large yuantit ic..,and everything usually kept ins first -claw harness shop. AU to be sum off cheep for cash. Call and set prices befoe buying ON..Maraeesa w wtse• M save ane at NM. AM pet. aasllWM. aa street &Aeria SWAM outstanding Ll. book accounts aunt be settled immediately) by cash or note. Dederick. Nov. 1l1b. MI. 1812 The Annual meeting of the )Vwsntmh Hetberingtun a and lshfield 'agricultural Society will Tut \\ sl,uINo. - On Monday last a be held in Martine Hotel on Thursday large number of friends and relatives next, Jan. 12th. nisi at Morrisdale farm to celebrate the Ceaaar ton of tin wedding of Mr. and Mrs Henry Acclos'rT.-Charley Mr. Charles Ceasar of Ashfield, cut his Morris. Among the company was the hind xideutally with an azo one day venerable John Morris, as merry and test kweekinflicting a rent painful sprightly as a lad of sixteen. The wound, gathering was a joyous one. A very successful tea -meeting was The pupils of S. S. No. 1, have again organized teir held in the Presbyterian Church here; •hLiterary Society. This on the evening ,f .Monday last, A auclety iswmpetled of the pupils of the .•f medicine in c•nutectiet; with Queen's echoed who spend an hour Vivian three 1 nicetsit I large number was present and a most tr. four o'clock) every Friday afternoon J _ i agreeable time was spent, for everything in carrying, out their pregranune of L.11b6T1S. Was all that could be desired, whieh a'week•s notice has been given. - . 1 Mr. Wm. McKay left here nn Mon- It consists,ofreadings, recitations, din - 1 The cloaui{ exam„.0 tti.0 its c.utte,.•t.... day to attend the Normal School in - t lopes, music and selections from the with school'sKeiult N. }' vc s hold (III tura. Re are pleased to state that editor. The duties of the editor are to est taken in this examination was created secured es en,"of the teachers in the .pert, and -keep the society posted on all Saturday 24th Dee. The wiusOal inter- Miss Aria Burritt's services have been rend selections from the weekly newepae t)y t school for the ensuing that great erects of the day. The pupils the keetnledge of the feet that the Dunga teacher, Mr. McLean, was about to year' elect their officers every two months, Christmas da ontisy wag R ► 1 which are a .president, vice-malt/eta,severercr his conucction tyith the section in y \l t • r which he taught for the last three tears. very quietly in . the %Mete, a aho.eine f demetary. editor and three councillors. The pupils being examined by the tesvh match for turkeys being the principal The omcers,thls tenni are President, C. era of the adjoining section answered the, event; butes the shadesof nitrht drew on. C. •)ilia f Vice -President, liar y Ti.,be1t. questions put to them, not duly in a Mune troublesome juveniles began to' son; Secrttaliy, Phoebe Sinit : Editor, correct manner, but in a way that indi- cated the must carefel mental develop- ment, and an application to their studies more suitable to stature years. The diacipoiine std organization of the school was apparently trot neglected). On the whole the state .of the echo.' here a marked contraat te. treat described hy a resident poet concerning the saute school some years ago, a description that will repay the reading to any person desirous of being aaivainted with the conditions 0f ach0,is .me thittynears ago. . At close e.f the examination several of the visitors in the course of their aldresses expressed their appreciation of the work performed by the teacher during his stay :tinting them, and their regret at his un- avoidable departure from their midst, declaring the progress made by the pu- pils under his charge as unprecedented in the history of the section. The pis;iib irsde a presentation to Mr. McLean, together with the following address' RR a token of their deep regard for hint: I)EAic nevem-The human heart IA hardly susceptible of more ;.loaaaut emotions than those excited in the act of hutewing open their worthy objects the vari•,u. tokens of esteem p itd love we erten bete theta. This is none Inc les. true socially then individually, an evi- denel of which we today feel in the pleasure with which we unite in best,s• ing upon you a spall tribute of sur ap prccretion for the manner ei which y••u have so efficiently drachm -gel your dutleft as teacher of this ach...•I. 11e wish le make special inept ren ••1 y•ur puny tunhty industry and int:roe ,,oIseycrance *uthts for which you h too la• •n to con- l, ,nosly dlstinguvo.L 1 m1 e, AA me 1 eflhis sc'i ,•,I thoayeitt a opportune rtune rs•oait you with t„un• tangible ex nI the Act that we indeed ap p1ev,3' t - ar.eter •,1 your labors. We ask thew, `, ceeptanee of this small ' .4,,n of . I, not ter its nominal .1- iatric. -1, , r;,,,% which printpt Ili. d for the m ,uvea We tender roar. -rich ullt 5.01 ,•rr f .r which ane; se/ e fife ear, : ahatet. you re - 1. wax wrathy, and clutched each ether in the teacher of the school, I'. Strang; a fierce embrace. However, beyond- a Councillors, Elieta Howell; stasia Hogan, a slight loosening sof grey whisker anti a Bertie ince. collar button, nut much damage.was The following is an account of last done. Friday evening's entertainment:--Pre- Beat-LTote-A lively time was iudulg- sleben in the chairmasi. The minutes ed in here on the 28th ult., by the rate- of the last tweet were read and adtt4Aed, payem of this section, over the election Fist t tt the )programme was n piece of singing by Eliza Howell, Bertie and Charlie Oka. entitled "Waiting at the Portals." .. Recitation by Mary Rob- ertson, entittdd •'Farewell of a Mis- sionary to Afrfcn at the Grave of his wife and child :(. Reeding by Adria Morris, "Petchel• and Hewes.' 4. A dialogue by C. C. Oke and .fames Sal - lows, "Evidence Enough." 5. Singing by Ida Sallowe, "Heralds of Lion." (f, Reading by Maggie Tiffin, "What she saw in Church." 7. Singing by Sent* and Milton Tindall, Elsa Wilson and John Oke, Walk in the iighe." N. Resting by Phrobs Smith, " A Mother's Uift," 9. Editor's )elections. An address was then read by the pre - of one of their trustees. A large num- ber wended their way to the school house, where Mr. Thus. Anderson was again nominated to his old seat in the council of three. Mr. Jo , s e h Mal - lough l 1 lough was also nominated and a tight contest ensued, which resulted in favour of Mr. Anderson by one vote. But a slight hitch in t'te transaction in the shape of a vote being changed, led the opposing party to think the preceding% illegal. so a new election will probably be the result; at anyrate there is "music in the air. ' Cor a.t i,. HyNENPAI.. A very sociable gather- ing te..k place hero on the evening of the 29th lost., at the residence ..f the Relent, and bliss Jones, teacher .d ju- bride's father to witness the nuptials nior department, was presented with between Mr. John S. Miller, of Luck- a pair of beautiful vases. The follow - low, and Miss E111111‘ .1. McCaig, of the. mg is a copy of the :uldres. Fare - place. Tho ceremony gas perforated well address to Mix Janes: We, the by the Rev. Mr. Leitch, our eateenteil members of the Maple Leaf Literary pastor, who kept the company in ¢. .,1 Society, wish to tender to you our sin - limner. with his cheerful countenance and p leareent converestion, while waiting for the lucky man to arrive on the .ce neo ciao regret at emir having to sever your I e.niertion with our society. in lining veil, we feel that we have lost a kind Miscellaneous (Lards. Jw1L1<B SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. Owes. Crsbb's Block, Kingston tis, Gode- rich. Plans and apeciflcaUens drawn correct- ly. Carysatoer's- p4asterer's and tau a,u s work measured and valued. TAIKENHEAD, Y.S., (SUCCESSOR to ole. Dun.ant Uraduate of Ontario Ve- terinary College. Office, sables and residence • on Newgate Street. four duos east °toolbars. Hotel. .'. 8. --Hosea examined as to sound n om• 1731. Mack's Magnetic Medicine ! a >iths3t • o t' tie of h closing ensu tna l n the At the g Ethel public school last Friday, Thos. Leiahtnan, the teacher, was made the re- aapient of a handrnt :e address from the pupils. Mr. Leshutan in his reply: ex- pressed hie tii.U...l and hoped great things for the future in conriection with the sch(x•l. se 8 • TRADC MARK. iAllows taterost on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit sad circular nous Lamed, payable f s• • i n all puts of the world. I7111. I Legal. OfllIEWIS at LEWIS, BARRISTERS, / Attoseys, Solicitors 1n Chancery kc. Mee in the Court Ifuuse, Uuderluh. lies Lawns. M. 4. B. v h. E. N. Ltewta. 1820, (1ARRI>W ti PROIIDFOOT, BAR AttornJ. T. arrow. W youSolegreg uoaeetoe. J. T. Garrote. W yro 1781 L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D . attorney. 4ullcitor la Clammy. *c.. Ooderick Ont. 1781 LO*R .r MORTON, B A R R I S- TR1ith etc.. arc., Oodertch and W C.8ea(ee..k.. Uuderich. J. A. Morton, lWttyl- SMALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND . 8o4tctter. 0 e-- roamer of West Street and Market $quare, over George AeheN,n's, Goderich. 1751. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY -AT- . LAW, Solicitor in Chancery sneer, Bos. Bos. Ofiloe over Sheppard's b abook/Sore, Uodeech, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest- 1751-y. f IAMERI IN, Ht )LT A; CAMERON, VJ Barristers, Sulk:Burs in Chimney/. &c., flederich and %%Inglant. M. C. Cameron, 1,1. C.; P. Holt. M. G. Cain• yore, Goderich. W. 1.. Mammy tyinghant. 1751. Banking, BANH OF MONTREAL. PKT-tL, - - elle-NV.00f. .1C-RPLUS. - - - • es,e:..0 510. Goderich Branch. R. DfrN:IFORI', - - Ji't•La1er ( mesa1 l CANADIAN. BANK OF COi BIZR+O1 is a Sure. l'r:aiut urn.' .tiro Luta Remedy tor CANADIAN. Nerrowsneas fa a.: ars .. .. Weak -Veinory, loss of Brain Poo ,, .- vital Prostration, NightStreats.Sprrre.,:'r-, ..s•,.Sena sal Weak- ness and General I.as5 o• Power. It repairs ,Vrrrous Waste. iNiteia:,Jut the Jaded Inlet - led. strengthens Me Enfeebled Brain. and Re- stores Surprising Tone Wart Vii/01. to Cite Ex- hausted (7eaenrties• Organa. The experience of thou -aide proves 0 an isvaLEAKLE RAW euv. The medicine is pleasant to the Isms, and each box contains sufficient for two week's medication. and is Me cheapest sad best. CdrFullparticulars in our pamphlet. whica we desire to mail tree to any address. 'Mark's Ilasartle IIAIHae iseuld by Drug-' wills at se he mailed fretierbox. oostage. on receipor It beet* furt mune.. by addtesiingt[ rtitR'21 MIA &TIC II WalICI IS Windsor, Ont.. Granada. R gold in Goderich. hy JAUEn WIL11 S. Aro! al! Druggists everywhere I li2ly .\ JNSLJRANCIS CARD. 3ay1l ld. • A reward of 95, will be given for the fist victini in the new lock-up. •".t the last Division Court held here, Get Your Shooi Book s Mr. Seeger, of Goderich, acted as judge, Mr. Rutledge, of thea place, intends -.--AND erecting a new store in -Clinton next season. The C. );i. Church is too be re -opened some clue© in January, when a monster tea-intetim+ will be held. Mr. McKinley, Government Inspec- t..r uf the Dominion Fisheries, paid ,our Peet up Capital?, - ,91,000,00n, Rest, • 91, OO,UJ•,. PreeI den', - htu.`.: W2..f. 31e:ile1STFB General Manager. - fV %, ' Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - 3fANsosa. Interest allowed on ell.posits. Pratte on a the principal Towns and Cities in Canada (rout Britain and the United Strata. bough and sold. Advance/it° Farmers on Notes. with one o more endorse -s. without mortgage. 1713 BEST w EAT allo 8RAZIND LANDS ARE FOUND ON -,.Z Northern Pacific R. R. tN MINNZSOTA, DAKOTA, Aso MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 Low PRICES; LONG TIM&: REDATE FOR IMPRCVE- MENT; REDUCED FARE AND FNEIONT TO tE"TLERS. FCR FI;La INFORM.AT:ON, ADDRESS R. M. NEwpC. T, C. LAND Act u _, 0•, non sass. ' S. PAUt.. MIIIfa BRITISH XSS. COT, TORot:TO-E.tablisbc 18.33. PHIENIX iN>t. COY, of Lotions IEnglandl Established 1782. H.%RTFORD iNS. CO'Y, of Hsarroan. Coon. -1•:atablished Isis. Risks taken in the above fist -class Offices, at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned in also Appraiser for the CCA\ALA PER. LOAN Aso SAVINGS CO'Y TO/MATO: Money to Loan on first -elms security. rom 7 to 8 per CenL-C•';:urges moderate. Hut:ACR MORTON. t:,:rric4 S.0l1). 1930. OREN OF THLSCIIOOLS! BARS :F. AND -- village a visit iitsi week. Morrie. Schooi. stationery MMIE Ng. X110"Mii =00= BORE, 1L».- • A;:ur a at rare 11l1.cea Benj. Fralick died )sat Friday night in SUPPLY her , 2nd yearand was buried en Mnday, when her remains were followed by a A FRESH lar a cuts H s of relativ and friendsi 1g cu re nes who attested to the respect in 0 hich the deceased was held. Mrs. rra!ick had G•„• , ha:• I. rf all tis' resided in this township for nearly 30 years and sen account of the public posi- tier held by her husband early became acquainted with the settles of (trey and Morrie She was very kind to all. need - int{ her willing assistance, and although r hilly./ t see her three wore and ten she will be greatly missed. Three sots and one daughter remain with her bereaved partner to mourn her loss. Braude. Mr Thomas English has received an appointment en the police force in Win- nipeg. He will leave for that city on the 10th January. Mann Bron., owners of the stone gnat mill have leased their mill to a gentle- man named Stewart from the neighbor; hood of Ayr. Messrs. Mann will go Go the North West. While Mrs \inlay w -as working arnund the ateve in the basement of the Metho- dist Church thin week herck,thes ,Aught bre and had it not been for the pmtta as Mance of R. (ferry the accident mit; t In the early part of the evening tomo of :eel able friend. We hare spent more have been sGrions if not fatal. the yieine gallante were making apecn- than year eery happily together, and lotions as to the possibilit of the grN,ne s next year, when Friday evenings come in here nn arc runt. of the ba n . round, w,• kill r•atl • miss -on , r. (ferry had his hands burned. A gentleman was in town last week gettingd r ad , tt } voter pee. seeking infinnatio n rerardiue the pur- •loweyer,.lohn remembered the old max- Renee amongst It ; brit lege, That they el .ase of the Ronald foundry. The in - int that "a feint heart never won a for will always brin• back to you happy tention was M engage in the tnannfac- lady,” and his courage anal perseverance brought, him safely to the desired haven. After the nuptial knot n;is tied, the guests were tnrniehcd with a deliciou- sapper, provided by the brides m ether. and enjoyed immensely by .ill parties concerned. Among the many hand.oneo presents which the bride received WAR A very ha,ds.me motto "Forget me n•.t• presented by Mrs. Stnthers. After sup- per shire very apprnpriate songs were in the •rendered ...ere needy !;p the slung herds rrrelle,:lien et days stone hy. And the ee ..f the scanty elle have been under your Lied and patient ntaructient for the pi.t yen with to express their deep mor- row at Loring you as their teacher, and hope that next year you mey meet with even greater surer.., in your new field ot'Aber,than you have with us. And .•n this the eve . f your departure, we leer of you to accept from these VARA*, a small token of the esteem you are h«lei in•wwtong n. It weer an oDpnrtn tore of steel goods, such as fills, chisels, &e. Whether this will amount to any- thing it not is notyet known. The mall we want in the foundry in one with capi- tal enough to ran the lingerer,. and carry it on successfully. 1 Pet. The ate*ma)tip M,1rAy lAtl, aalnnr at Mud island, is reported to he broken rep. A hoary sea nas running all day. The pessenger, have all been L,nl...) .wfety •,nd ear • .•e n not t... N BYW P3OOKS NEW EDITIONS. All Goods Guaranteed of the Best Quality Prices as Low as Inferior Goo ds enel.ert will flirt i1- to their ad van•tve to give me a call for any Books and Stationer etitfltt ree'.Ir•, a. 1 can guarantee !heel l.;r isiwcit Priers in thy, Conn! v. having h fight t Area of 51r itteomhn,tte at a . r-, low rat • on the dollar. 1 app, in a ;.maim, t,...li at 3-reatlS,-- Reduced Prices ONE CALL WILL INSURE MANY Canadian School Book Emporium an' IS ISR=E (SUCCBSBOR TOT •) MOOR HOUSE. ) R gidP tiarkPt 4gao Onderch Ont•