HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-06, Page 534. tar of a we,' • .sell$a 4 eat e‘. O. *filo me1.1 A '1$1.t Mesita of su o of evbsst and • leaut. TtUte, 1-1111‘101, of the • ityer hum - i••.. %%Rage %latch • Co Sale. at , tit 'lie Tows et lyt.h 1/AY OV I.e ..uur of 12 of (11'3 therm.' if mei _ 1613 rtcx r Ike expir- Jus' eut•I calk ns l le 1.1_41 • 1. *1 of ,a.1. ounty tt hi Tow•iship !Wm.'. al e of ted trua• dist • of l‘te me;• of the Town. tetni.n. 114,11/ de- Itletr . t I. Betsy Ihieena an an; Ikation ivy Assembly of r.cn o for an Act h • 3Ith rear of Que.n Victuria. sad! .g the said f the reign of Her ipt era. incorpor- ',Ater and Huron ling t te tone for nplet on of mid the eourtruction and also to Sea - point Olt Lake mutiny to compel or by-laws that required number panty or portion • to exempt the cipallties voting tf the 36th section fear of the reign Ina (louder 31. tet passed in the Nlajesty, Queen enlarge the pow - aid Company in I enable them to ▪ purport. and to ling said railway baying a longer n d providing for y instalments. or li day of Nevem- & WIUTE Apelicant. r UF JUSTICE ;. • Cotirt of .Chan - of the estate of flougherty William (4oMuun. :•ld in the County ut the month of the NINTH 1/AY by post prepaid to of the Town of more of the de- .1rnaltiere, aildrese- artly-ulars of their ay-0uni4. and the sy) held by them. will be preempt- nent of the said iaw any security r me et my (ham• he town of (lode - 1 DAY OF JAN - in the forenoon. adjudication be o ther. MI. EROS, thICITT. ter at G•eierich. iF JUSTICE, maid Coyirt. made • Pattenon and •••• of twenty one l'at• neon. late of It. :he County of on or about the .1. It. 1.7•1 are on N ;&:,!, to Meilen lown of Godetich. s then- ebristian I detteription. the us. a sta.etnent of r ol the sy•••uritiest • default thereof -I•:•ted front the I -Arty creditor runtUrr the •same at the town of of February, .k. tti • Ite forenoon. • adjudiCation on di%) Of lit.k311, err. 'er at tioderich. . _ (IF JUSTICE, am ii. THE Towe-. • said Cotirt made of Juan Isabella Aulyr the mre of • twelfth day of o he sold by utast:on of Hen- ault r 01 the l'ar-fir •i rt. in the :Mb day of ✓ lurk, in the dperty. ix: The eery nine in the ydlip of Wawan- ontainine one tr lees. Tom pea- ce from the Town •• ot Man- y tiler of Myth. hon; .5 aims are r timbered with 't acres of slash: the cleared por- , at .on. There is ht.tiftr and log .01•1 subject to • 'aid Ramer. In of sale will be r mid yourt. me- lt, free from en - Ten err • eat of • nd..r.' 44.1if Hen thine, Into court 1 rot thereafter .hall be A tenant whose •tt Pat la in Rival' be entitled in-- the expiring • mu -Oculars ap- 'odors*diction'. • day of nevem- mum/T. et* at Goderich. 1111114d. Nurseries: 183. 5 1I BRIGHTON Ingb adrise my win nre be dm. 11,y 1. Inc beet own in Canada. low zero unhurt. I terse.. ripeniag IT are hot h • onwl net I 48741 ▪ yeateakt eg A sputa wanted IDLE. ipm, op?. GITITRALT'S TRIA.L. Mlle Ilmawaste's hew Tear beSIIrevoned slid' a Meld of %falters- mew •ree ' was Who- The Mot tbraggimg Slowly Aloes, W•41113183014, Jan. & It is undo/Mood the Jam» in the (bateau case will shortly introduce a new feature. Forty or fifty so-called cranks hare hese arrested here since (Witten' shot the pres beat, most a whom have been sent to the insaue asylum on physicians' certificates. It is said the Oystering in each case will be subixemsed for the purpose .-f comparing those cases with that of Gui-. au. Among *a physiants are thoae upon whose Ce• Mesta' Biggins was cummitted te the asylum. thggies billeted Grant appear - l ed to him by means of a key hole In the door and persecuted hint. Rigel'', at- 31M4riiK7M: t914%.• THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1882. BANKRUPT STOCK 0! LOOK HERE! GREAT BARGAIN Haring bought Ibe stook of illixer 1-1(na.sel OP' =•1NST01%-2" I AM prepared to appear at his old s(ead. West threet. MISS STEWART HAS EVERYTHING REQ I ISIT iaricEASON. Stoves, terwards sued Grant for a handred thuu t-':01$1 .: 1_ ) d I liars damage..II ti all ,. man t I) e was n y rewind 4ml n9w engaged in business :1311. t,0=00::,-;!. its won- der/a! it'`inity to t2.3. hers. Appe:attia and the Li 7e.-, increas- The court -room this morning WI very int the dissolvinfluices, :eller- cold. " int almost instan y the dreadful malts of nrsne sia, Indigestion, and the 7JRFID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every- day necessity in 'very house. It acts gently and ..Teedilv in Biliousness, Costivc - Head- ache, Sick Headache, .1): ..tn7ss af- ter Eating,Wind on the • •.!ikek. Heartburn, Pains in the I...—. and Back. Want of Appetite. Want oi Snort,: Low Spirits, Foal Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates tlae Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Dru t and fret ala cent Sample or a balls for 75 cents wunnui by her husband without sp- tell emrgeu' neighbor about it., parent motive. Witness was asked if that act would be an indlcation of In- _ _ _ _ Answer—It would be a very extraor- RENTERS dinary act. I should want to make all examination to see if it was from passion, or whether the man was -drunk ur had disease of the brain. Guiteau— YOU would havato Ehd.dis- esse of the brain before you could call him insane '! That eh..ws just how much you experts know ab..ut it. Witness was asked if he waa familiar 1 with the cam of Lieut. like:thorn, killed by Dr. Wright at Norfolk, and replied, "Yes, sir. I was sent by the.Prendent to make an examination awl eve an ..pinion in the esse." 'How much did you get forit. shout- ed Guiteau. Witness wan cross-trestioned tul how or by what physical- examination insanity and disease of the brsin could be detectbd, and was asked if he ever had a patient in his asylum who eemc. ' eretl. Answer—I have. Guiteau said, "I had very happy New Year's yesterday. I had has ot visitors. They all expressed the opinion that I shall be acquitted." l)r. Gray took the stand, nntl resumed the examination. The witness luta not, in giving the opinion on direct examination, that the prieoner was sane, taken into account the evidence of the prisoner himself; but taking that element into secount his opinion would still be the same, the prisoner is sane and was sane on July 2d. A hypothecal question was pn.pound- tal by Scoville, involving the killing a sanity IJUU IN A N E D. Lyon and Osceola, Counties in Northwest Iowa, are conceded to be the most beautiful and fertile in the State. This sum- mer we have opened upwards of 300 new fsrms, sinking a well, building a, convenient house and roomy barn, and breaking from 80 to 100 acres on each farm. These farms are to let on terms that no industrious man can fail to make profitable: Immediate possession given. We will, if need-, ed,. ftirnish seed for next Year's crop. We will also furnish break- ing to be done, for which we will pay the regular pr:oes. Tenants not having teams enough to break with, will be supplied with a horse or horses for that purpose, at mar- ket price, and the pay taken in breaking. These farms are all sit- uated within a few miles of the railroad Apply personally or by letter to CLOSS BROS. & CO., Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa Tinware, Lamp Goods, Cutlery, etc., --AT - IJSS '111=1_A_N- COST tale A splendid chance to buy tsvorably for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS, P=RRIINT=_ GENUINE BARGAINS. The Largest Stock in Town 20 Per Cent Dii out On Mantles, and. 10 per Cent. discount on all Other Purchase MISSCHlir , LEWAR k COLBORNE BROS. • - AMU or--- 4! Memnon Cppboards ..... . ...... .. . ..... . ..... ...... 7 510 Low Cupbc aryls at $ 4 50 Fall and Winter Goods Lounges fn -m 5 00 up. Bedsteads from ............... ........ .... .............. . ....... .... . 1 75 up. is now Complete in Every •• Del)artinenl. Fall leaf Tables at 50 Washatands from 90 cte up. . Bureaus from. . - ..... • • 5 00 up. Everythieg else at sinsilar rata'. Sideboards from 6 50 up. For the next three months I will sell furniture at the following prices, for essli: Question- - Have i"ou seen perve•ns wit., I recovered in three inont/ci Answer -I have. Scoville—Were they discharged . Answer—Yes, sir. Scoville—If you experts were to ex- aminedauch a patient itnniediately up' n discharge could you tell by any pkrucal indications that he had been inesne on- " ly tt ree months previous ' • , Witness (hesitatingly:, — Not without a , history of the case. - Scoville—I though so. Guitesti—Your idea, doctor, that a man cannot be insane unless his brain Ia diseased is rather frivolous. You don't agree with the Saviour. You ought ti. • atudy up spiritology. insanity or moral insanity. Kleptomania ' and pysimanea were simply conventional ' terms, invented to cover certain crimes.. Insanity is never transmitted any more than cancer. Susceptibility to insanity is Undoubtedly transmitted from parents to children, but insanity does not stems- i eerily follow except from Profound phy- sical disturbance. The district attorney announced the conclusion of the evidence on the part of the government. Dr. Bowker, called by Scoville, .satil Mrs. Puninire told him at Leadville she I entertained grave doubts ea to the men- tal condition of Guiteau at the time of her divorce. The prisoner undertook to read a let- ter, as he claimed from an old friend of Garfield's in Ohio, showing that public opi;iinTgleiathtlatiridlgeti:dilltifnavt.(1)rbe silent. Guitesu—"It shows that the state ., f public opinion outside of t -he court room." Cox—"Be silent. Public opinion has nothing to do with cam." Guiteau---"When I speak I :peak t• fifty million, not to this little crowd." Marshal Henry (tuoviag toward dock. -"Keep quiet, sir."1/ Gniteati —"I'm through, sir." The marshal whispered to a baillff,and the prisoner soon started another ha- rangue. The isailiff put a hand on his shoulder and tried to quiet hitn. Guiteau—"Get away from me or I will slap you in the mouth. ' With this out- burst he eubsided. It was agreed that Scoville shall to- morrow give reason fur wishing to intro - dice new withesses for the defence. The court then adiourned. Witness did not believe in emotional That Kentucky dostrage. AIRIANT, Ky, Jan. 3. --Wm. Neal, Ellis Crsft and George Ellis (all whites) have been arrested for the murder of Gibbons' children. George Ellis con - famed and says Craft and Neal awakesed him on the night of the merrier mid I urged him to go with them to Gibbons' I house. He went reluctantly. 'They en- tered the window and Neal and Craft I outraged the two girls. Emma Thomas recognized Neal and said she would toll her mother. The bov Robert we. about to give the alarm when Craft struck him on the head with an ate, killing hiln. Craft told Fanny her time to die had come, and amid piteous cries of the child for merch struck her on the head and killed her instantly. Neal then killed Emma Thomas the, same way Craft and Feel at first denied Ellss' story, but Neal confessed this afternoon, snd both he arwl Ellis waived examine-. tion. Craft will hare a hearing tin Thursday. Ellis and Neal ire married. Craft is single. They 'were all present when Gibbons' residence was burned, and one of them drove the hearse at the funeral. Another was a nall-beartw Crowds have been itatb•ved all dity and tysionhing ie entreipiterl Thee* prices can't he beaten in town. 1 invite inspection. 1 am bound to sell. as I Intend removing to Dakota in the spring. I have also a lot oe machinery used in cabinet inakil g which I will sell at • very low price. ACCOTJI\T-rs. All accounts due John A. Ball and J. G. Ball must be settled at once. arso° At the Market. Our Terms Being' Cash, we are able to offer ands at Prices That Defy Competition. COLBORNE BROS. JUST RECEIVED ! D. FERGUSON'S " A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESH GROCERIES SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Special Bargaills 111 Teas at Very bow Prices ERFUMERY — 25cper fib and upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my 50c. Young Hyson3, ••••=6, .••••••••11r 'Ragtinh. Trench and Canadian make. SHAVING MUGS. TOILET SET.a. Ralf Tooth and Nall Brushes Assori=entrz.• Vases . TOWN CALL AND PRICE GOODS. WILSON hIRIST1IAS OODS AT MARS HOCK .11 ST RECEIVED 1 HOE s-rocK OF TOYS .4 ) r" ANC Y GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. FULL LINKS IN MILLINERY. SEE MY STOCK BEFORE BUYING YOUR HO1 WAY GIFTS. MRS. WARNOCK, Hamilton -pt. -- ; S. SLOANE DEALER IN GRA.1-IsT, F0P1.403DTJOM, 1717001.,, it is a splendid article and worth more money. I have also just opened out a dOM- plate asaortment of - V.A. LAIL St 117 IlE*11910 FALL OVERCOATS! i0 ei Ce=1.t_ REID & SNEYD Having Secured at a Great Bargain a -lot of Tweeds and Coatings, will give the above discount during November to parties ordering fall (lolling. A Complete ntsek iolr Stook and Fancy limy geode Moulted at the Cleoest Cash Prteee. REID & SIMI/1D, Nanchester House, Godard "IT ILET SET Crockery&Glassware (011111S, hISIICS 3110 NEM 01 111 k1116 C114, I' ps Lam & Lamp Goods in Great Variety Including Stone and Ching Tea Sets, Childrens' Toy Tee Setta, LaR HYNAS' Druggist Ladies and Gents' Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifts. Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced FOR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS To g$1111. CA cry bad). Now Aril% Ins. end will be Vide op by oar WIt. 1 MM. PRIDH who, no a flitter and Witter. has Ise superior In the 4 anntx. FURS! FURS!! FURS! J. C DETI:OR & CO'S M kNT LES c u'r FREE OF MARGE. just Received a Choice Stock West. of Ellglaild Toes anti Ovqoatillis My General Stock of Goods is Comp/ete Liberal Discount Given TWO IMISES TO LET Oa Mewl/ate dtreet. at eveaortable terms. They sre la a good date of repair. 8. EILO A.1\1" Maderieh. Dec.tak WM. IBIS Goa Wood. Wanted. 1800 maws OF WOOD. IDelivered at tbe Railway Stathrm. for which the Wass. era Wale will be paid. Jig A IteINT0811, Pinner* oinierivh maim 33_ 1VC000RDIE.A.C., CUT 301113 O. DETLOR & 00. HOOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. I have greet ?lemurs in announcing to nty eitomers at; the public at large that Fall & Winter illinery Iii• 8 itt"-tflikre;:tfi.•r11.7.taf thellsaSime. floirtate iFe 111 11.1eptleir, cc:e I believe will give the customers satisfactinn. ati$1 do Credit t.• myeelf. MISS ellt;SSIE WILSON Would kneounce to the !tulles of Goderich and Vicinity. that the Stork of Fall ,Jind Winter Milliorry is now Fully Amorte41. BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! DITTERF.NT FITY1,1131 AND AT V kRIOUP PRICES I Shaded Plushes, Ribbons and Feathers. ONNTS I The latest Novelle In Millinery; Neat. Stylish, and will Ault an, imam MISS JESSIE WILSON. The Square, Goderich. PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AND AT LOW RATES, AT "THE SIGNAL OFFICE You will hill 11 hees toweri 1611 Ow toweA As I buy in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trade in1the Town, I ran *ell at chaser prices than those who do a smeller business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to Ify Stack of Lev Boots and Shoos t, Which et one .4 the largest to be found in any retail store 'itt the Province. I have on band severs! MON of the celebrated "K. &. R." Long Boots, which have given such Satlefas:--ticaz. In the ;*at. 1 In ORDERE D WORIC We are at*II ahressit a the times, and Laving $ lerge steff of first -clam niechaniee, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order. at the ate-rtest notice, in firet-clasa style, and of the very hest material. In conclusion. I bee to reliant my sincere thanks to my customers for their liberal patronage in the islet and rdst assured I shall do my utmost to deserve a emtinuaare of the game Yours respectfully. Cor East Street and th• Square. Goderich E DOWNING ""'"weIeleenetwe's'isasialMes 21011111"--, ki