HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-01-06, Page 1•
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CI EV 01. EDTa :0 NT
s 'HOLE NI:1MM 1i
-I 5rrIGF
New AdverillsoW/Malla•
Mokke Peter Ada:mon:
Pay up -Mrs. J. 1.. Sturdr.
Deauthe Sale -Jo& U. DAIL .
llarellitere Lewis d• Lewis.
Iver Pad -Holamn Pad Co.
New Grapes -D. W. Liceelle.
Farm for Sale -111'm. Gordon.
Faroe to Rent Michael Dalton.
Card tit Thanks --C.A. Humber.
1:Mummery Notice -H. McDermott.
Perm for Sale - °arrow Prondfoo
Notice to Contractors -Wm. Edwards
Ayer's Sarsaparilla -Dr. J. Ayer
Guardianship Notice -Cameron. &
_ _ Jany. Ject.
a tausass.
he People's (Column.
1_)AY UP --1
A. interest
I and bring about
by given that
_ st
Id Kingstree street bakery.
leave town, nottee is here-
ameants doe me mums be
set ed before s TUINDA Y. JAN. lith
*Meru lee the books di be banded over for
collection. Mix J. 1.• '411 "V•
Goderich, Jan Ith lett WWI&
t. The annual meeting of the Goderich Horn -
cultural Socion will be held la eny mike. ole
Thereday the litk intl.. et eight o'clock p. m.
Ic Co. for electing directors. Av.. for the mining
Ounce/on. ; year, PETER kILOIRE.4. Secy.
mine* -mePougati iii the menet ear. AIL'S'r her clam in Music. for Piano-
forte and Organ. on Monday, lith of Jan. HSI
Terme, et; per qr. of 11 lemon*. Stanley street.
GoderIch. 3ntle Ile% 16611. 16116.3t
O 1*. flak, by the Iles. li. %V. Leitch, r.
ward Millie*, to Miss Anne McDougall.
of the Tp. of Colborne.
Mer- hicCalge- At the residence of the
ides father. on Dee. ltth, by the !ter. H.
•. Leitch. Mr. John S. Miller of Lee/know.
Mtge Emma J. MeCalge of Dungannon.
bolson- Precious In the North St. Metho-
et Church, on the 5th innt., by the Itev. I)r.
'illiarus. Mr. Alfred Nicholson to Mies
•tsv Jane Precioul. of Colborne.
udfoot No- Un Jan. let 1542, at the
'dunce of the Arida', mother, Mr.. E. A.
Ith. Seward.
eward. Neb.. bp tha Iter. Mr. Willie
i . Aitchison l'eouilloot. Kearney Cm. Neb.
t Miss Thane Norval.
ildrinn - Wile -In Ooderich on Wednesday,
the Ith Inst.. by the Rev. J. A. Turnbull. 11.
41. Mr. -I ether Horton, of Colborne. to Miss
4111e•v, daughter of Mr. JIIIIIIS Wile, Ash -
Cormack - In llopusela .on Dec. 2Sth John Cor
d 19 years. oR SALE. -1 DARK BAY MARE
tack. e
I. the beloved wife of Mr. 11. Fralick. aged
Ick- In -Morris, on Friday, Dec. Eted ISA- ..11:
about II hand& high, a good driver and war-
with black inane and tall. I years old.
n years. 7 months. ranted 10 drive &net./ -ur double. gentle, and I
flehtistrv. • priee. Apply ts 44. W. EcerLIN, teacher, No..
easily managed. ie for sale at a et/atonable
S. S. Colborne. 1617.21... t
TOirnig(0.the---"r‘ipe! itAidNin,N4 UfAil.atur(32, EAET.-1
. .TI,T.,tmc.eandre 4 n ,westscreet eseturai society, win be held in the Court
i 1,..ree doors below Hank atid'eMeuentreal. Gude- House, at Oedcrich. on Wednesday. Jan. 14th
i.-- 1750. Ian at one o'clock p. m.. for the purpose oi .
receiving the tamed report of the directors. !
electing officer, and directors for the ensiling
year, and ,gr business. .11,01:i V A Rella.
Secretary. Pile -jt.
house. n pairnereton street, Maar the
Hayfield roach containing sit rooms besithei
pantries. and twolfths of an acre of land.
Oood ore bar 4 and food stabling. Forpsnleu-
lan. apply to E. ft. IVATION, painter.
tit.t•LaTueesolimnth:f 1011day
;1 January, 114!. welling house. Plans and specilt.ations can
be seen at the rosidenoe of the proprietor after
Dec, 21th. JOHN WArltlING l'ON, Lot No.
25, 3rd Con %Vest Wawanosh. Auburn po.
181T -it
NEWS ABOUT HOME The adjourned meeting of the General I Mia Mabel Dance), of Perry, Mich.,
"A eittersemmag Ye. thk/b. mass.
• Seariega of the Peace will be held on I has been visiting at the residence of her
Monday, Jan. Oth at 12 u'elock for the uncle, Capt. T. N. Dancey, of this town,
An' faith he'll preset it." aeleCtion of jurors and the transaction of for the past week or two. She leaves
for home by the noon train to -day
(Friday) and will be accompanied by
on Frida • t w tt tided a a Miss (Angie)Dancey.
TOWN TOPICS. The "hop at at the "British Exch.& "
other business.
Mary 01 Augustus, where and when did
you get that photo taken 1 Augments -Why If
seem :Sallow' es election day. 1 improved
ray Mine while the otber fellows hunted votes.
Prim books and library books at wholesale
price& over SADO volumes to choose (rum.
New books and new editions. James !nine,
successor to T. J. Moorhouse. Cont.lian
School Book Emporium.
Saunders, the Variety Store [1111111, will con.
tints his cleap We for the neat thirty days,
and those who hare the ('ask get genuine
=11.Stoves and tinware. lampe, cetiery &c.
ins. No old bankrupt stock, all new and
"The cheapest house under the sun."
The Epiphany to -day.
Who were the Troubadours, any-
way ?
Don't forget to dateyourletters "Jan.,
1882. -
The ice formed on the harbor on New
Year's Day.
The Misses Atkins have returned
from Detroit.
The old Council holds its last meeting
on Friday night.
Have you broken through any of your
geed resolutions yet ?
Miss Ellen Ralph passel her Model
examination creditably.
The town band did considerable aer-
enacting on Monday last.
Mr. G. N. McDonald is visiting clans-
'men in and aoout Lucknow.
Miss Clara Platt left Jost week burp:mid
the winter months in London.
The curlers are at it hard. The first
ice of the year was on Monday..
Will some one point out the man who
didn't "resolve" on New Ye...rs.'
The Misses Kate and Edith Tye. are
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Cattle.
Mra. Wilson, mother of Mr. James
Wilson, druggist, is seriously ill.
Mr. C. L. Crassweller left on Tuesday
to till his new positien in Pickering Col-
13 0 9:0N. date with Trotter & t'amar. the
1,;ing Dentists of Toronto.1 All operations
ly and carefully performed. Menne Bea,
s Filock. CLINTON. gerPatients from a
istance win please make appointinent
awe by mall. 1413'
Real Estate.
farm to rent. One hundred, acres of
i !eared landefree of stumps and in a nest dear
sutler of cultivatiem. A bont rie acres In grass
pi about fifteen ac•res 'plowed. well watered
with good Imildingo. Next farm to the
' instil, dock. Pr further plirtleutar. • apply
to ICH/111. DA I.TOS. Kaltili1 put oMce.
USIEThe fano somprises No . I. Gude-
rt-Th township, 6 notes from Guilerich oa Hay.
contains ill acres. &hunt IOU &errs
• 1. on the fat in are a frame barn 7501.1.
.• house mime:. newt 11x14. and other
r buildings: also a )(sung orchard of the
. :ow fruit trees just beginning to bear.
i1 of tirst-chass quality. 9 acnes of fall
t are sown and about 1U aurea plowed.
Jr: her particulars apply on the premises
NI. /N.
- -
desirable brick 11-1111M., On 12.ast St.. with
eighth of an acre of land. *I he bowie roe-
/ heil room,. ..arlour, dining room,
k en. vviee'-shisl and all necessary eorivi‘ni:
• s. No reasonable offer va.:1 rciuse4.
le Lot No...5. 1•&1;,` Shore limot. Township of
far lodes front Ooderich, contain-
ing tees 'res. 9.1 of winch are .eli/ared and un-
does gooil state of cul, ivat1011. It. in well fenc-
ed. an 1 unierdrained, having two dwelling
how,- a, a barn, an oribArd, stables, workshop.
d rig shed. and other outbuildings. 'For
pa ulars apply on the premises, or to 1101t•
110RTUN. Milburn h0. Sept. -It
nuneannon. 11 miler from Goderich.
consistiug of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced:
si ?name hoese, a good well and pump arn also
on the premises. Th- lot has been well im-
proved. Terms reasonabh,. Particulars an
he had from Mr. J. M. Itheriere, Merchant,
Itungtnnon. or R. E. linoWN, Nile P. 0.
• . 1767/if.
The anneal meeting of shareholdere of the
Goderich Per -demo and salt Company for
the eleet ism sit Dtreetors, an:1 for the purpose
of corisiderit.: the propriety of dispo-ang of
• ler wiperty iif the Company. %Val be
held at the law ottice of Messrs. Cameron,
Holt & Cemerin. Saturdev, Iith January.
Dise at sof,11 /dock p. m. The business being
Important fall at tendanee is requested.
eat v., Treas.
li0•!..T14h. :it/a iriaei.
J. ▪ I e an,' Aiaident Insurance Agent. ,
'tepee tirst lassCompanies., A leo agent i
Mr the ANC)* Ltvg Siam K I Nsi•KANcL
Money .log1 on Mortgage. either in 'fown or
Fano 1 'telt,, itny way 40 suit the borrow.
er. 0 *up -stair") Kay's block. Gigierieh.1
( Tli ANKe.
•r Tlr (1 '1 r %V sap.
The postniaster is thankful that the
holiday carte seasen is a thing of the
Mrs. Jrnelan. Brantford is the
guest ef her sister Mrs. Crawford at
the Albion.
I b
11'hy does a tavern keeper resemble
a lianernan-llecatise they both live by
the "drop."
Mr. Jac:: Harrisen, atel Mr jeck
Frost, have inede their aerie %noire Lila
season together.
1 tt.atikih: • lie ele,00rs of SL.. David's Ward. for 1 '
4 •:'..4t,.•. 47‘1. 1 take this iiiip ,rtnnity of i
, the s ;,..,. given me by thein during tile I
monk ps: ..onteet just il heed. Having been t,
!elect, •e- of the r...presentatases tor SI.
lair! nand. I pledge nowt? to work in the
inter I i r :he ward and the town ea/needle.,
. i
and ;eta !writ the appnival of my toenail
I at th era ration of the term for which 1 havn
brim i, ord.
aswella • ,
most enjoyable time was had. Mrs. The contest for school trustee in St.
Cox and Mr. Geo. Cox have the thanks David a Ward on Wednesday between
of all who took part in the "tripping." Messrs. John Butler and W. R. Robert -
To our town merchants ar.d others we sun resulted in favor of Mr. Butler by a
majority of 41 votes. We understand
that some heavy beta were made on the
result by outside parties.
would say that we have double the press
facilities for jub printing compared with
any other office in this section. We in-
vite business men to see our machinery.
Among the successful candidates fecal
this section at the recent examination of
the Toronto Normal School, were Miss
Addie Jenkins, Mime Isabel Sharman,
Mr. W. H. Johnston and Mr. R. Me-
The new Reading Room of the'Me-
clianics' Inetitute, corner of East street
and the Square, is now in proper condi-
tien, and presents a tine appearance.
Take a run up to the room, apd see the
periodicals en fyle.
Bit; CAL -The monster eat owned by
a Leeburn bachelor must take a back
seat 'en the fence. when the Monster
specimen .4 the feline tribe owned by
Mr. D. Ferguson, Hamilton street, is
areund. The Goderich est tips the
beam at 14:) lbs.
•hirs. Hon. John Iiibberd received 51
callers on Monday last, and entertained
all most royally. • In the evening the
town ban 1 serenaded the American Con-
aul, and played a number of choice sel-
ectious, not forgetting the time-hotiored
•• Yankee Doodle."
The Kennedy family occupied Victoria
Hall on Friday night. The hall was
will tilled and the rendition of Scotch
sene u•as duly appreciated. Ken-
nedy has evidently' age.1 much in appear-
ance since we last 'sari- IlitiChnt his vigor
and voice seem unimpaired.
Mina Ade Harriet, who during the
pest year has taneht at the Central
school ef this town, left en Thursday
morning for the Normal School, Toron-
to. Success attend her. Mist Sleigh
liv.e charge of Miss Harries' room
during the absence of the latter.
A VRNY OLD .AGE. --Fur a number of
years a centen-itian has residesi on East
street in the,person of Mr. McCutcheen,
father ef Mrs. Miller. weaver.- The (.1d
eentleman hal been suffering from
dropsy for some time past. He lacked
a few &Lye of beine 104 years of ao.
He was a native of It eland.
The crayon portrait of Mr. P. Cattle-
, eaceer. rawn 13, eenet ew-
n tloderich, will he held en'Wednesday-, durine the eeek in Jordae's drue store.
The next sitting of the . Ditlisien Ceurt art. (.1 Beniniller,bas been en eehibition
February , 2.
The resemblance t oilie original is good.
• Tne'Snieet, jub iineere• office is the and the executien ti tii,. ehowing a mark -
Yee:•• ore trete.
tr. corner of Victoria and Ease ',trete. in
t tow', of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be
ichariged for farm property. For partici:Oars
apply to JAIA. Semite.. Architect, office Crabb's
Klock, or J. C. CVnitig. auctioneer.
;C. A. HI' bIRKR.
' Strageb Animals.
V. con. 13, Colborne. about seven miles from
teedertch. comprising 59 acres, 50 cleared. A
frame house, and new frame barn 50e35 and
• sable and other outbuilding's are on the
premitme. A young orchard, good pump, ete
on the farm. The farm has • road on two
sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat are sown.
Menthe only 1 mile from a poet office. }'or
particulars apply to Wm. Sitigius, Sheppard
ton P0. 1777.
Loans anb 3nsurance.
J..1 len 4 on grey tering in sums to, suit he
rawer,. A.".11- ALLAN.
iimerick nv. 17th Mi. 1313.1m.
e509,000 To VAN. APPLY
IP eAMEtt0S, HoLi Si CAMERON, (1
tiG0 TATE. Terms favorable. Aleph' to R.
Ooderich. 17.
VI on gond Farm or finet-ebtas Town Pro
at per cent. Anvil' to R. it A ts, um.
- -
it Amount to quit borrower:tat 6 to fe
-ent. Pe/irate funds. Apply to Sinusea
4., 1 amount of Private Feta& for invest
at lowest MEM oa first -dam Mortgages.
..OA RROW & PRO:111100T.
ILA money to lend at lowest ratea,
Eiata chreryfea. MEAGER &
t. Colhorae Hotel.
erieh. fled Marsh 11431.
PER CEN r. THE .iti
V hatted Credit Company le per
104 money an gond Parte security. er
Fall partlenlere gimp upon at
o 111'11111 IIA MILTON. C. L agent.
a20,000 PRIV ATE FUNDS Ti)
ori Pam *Ad ening Propertyt at •e
tenet. Mei"glftcr purehimed, no t
Pi. - Borrower' can bkinewo,
hawed, 4 •Ins Fees
if title 10 eatleflereary -sroV V140`4
perewer ft? ledeele%
7- -
re, the premiere of the subscriber. lot
ID. Colborne. about bit of November.
-.en year old steer, head and neck red.
hod 1,1 and white. "%V. 1' ." *ended on horn.
gi ing niformatfon that will lead to
his %cry will be suitably rewarded. %Vac
I ei the premises of subscriber • dark red
he with email horns. The owner is re-
nt to prove property. pay charges and
.; away. W. C. Duerr, tot 23, Maitland
c, 1817-st.
he enclosure of the subscriber about 1st
tuber last lot 9, eon. 10, Aehaeld. a red
4 white heifer. years old. The owner is
..ted to prove property, pay charges and
• her away. (Igo. eemrseek. Belfast P.
premises of the subscriber. lot A, con.
D., Colborne, about the Dith of November,
•, ewes marked with red paint. The owner
.aineeted to prove property. pay espennes
A' take them aw.iy. THON Asterest. Den-
^. 19164t/
' the premises of the subscriber, lot 1, eon.
W. D. Tp. of Colborne, about the 15th Nov.,
si • yearling heifer. red, with white mark
/I face. The owner will orison priers pr-
e. y. pay peruses. and take the einttaal away.
V. S. CLeteg. 1616.
•J premises of the euhecriber, Int 4. Lake
Range. Township of Asshileldabout the mid-
i), of August. a eel heifer calf with spotted
:use. The owner la requested to prove pro-
cir,tjsir charges sad take it away. J A AIRS
• 1 Sutecribee, east half lot A eon. I. Ashfield
inut the beginriag of s-ptember. a grey hei•
f r (-caning 3 year0 Old. The owner "%request-
. I to prove property. pay elpeasea. and take
away. ROOT. DOUGLAIDI. Dungasnon
I' 0. I44344
- -
• / Subserther. Lot IL bake Shore Read. Ash.
field. anent the 110 of July, • red neer. rising
rem years old. The owner to neineeted 10
prove peoperty.eepenses. aol take the
asienal away. TWO'. (7NEIL. Kingsbeldge
9.0. 1615-0
1...3 premiere of the reherritiertot t cern. to
Colhonee, abet the beginning of September. •
• ewe. The owner te requested to peeve pro-
perty, pay ehartea and take it away, than.
Moment Ille
k to Tee eyrie At. to ail Teruo- satinets stray.
ger raw your premiere. sad avoid prosecution
he Megan? detaining anima,. Address Twit
Seas es. Onilerich. Oat.
✓ . renwritet nears h
edy establishment in the County run- td improvement over all previous efforte
tine four () presses. et Mr. Stewart III the portrait line.
The tit,ir has adopted the per liar Tee KNOT iNNt' rY se. - - 1133
eight page form, and looks like another been "out west." and 1..is *furnished us
paper in its new shape. with an interesting item retarding two
hlrq. Hincks, of Detroit. oras Leen fernier residents. We allude to the mar -
spending the Christmas holidays with liege, in Nebraske; 1 f Mr. P. Aitcheson
her parents in Goaerich. Pri.11tifOu,t, eldest sen ef R. Proudfoot,
Min Oliver, one of tne High school Ewe , of Goderich, atol !bliss Tams* Nor-
val. The reline pair have the e.e.d wish -
(Riechers, spent the Chrietmaa and New
Year's holidays at St. Maays. es of Canailian triends.
We cell the attention of ear reeders
Mr., Mrs. Cameron and little 4lausrie
ter, ..f Hastings, Nebraska. s.. arel to tile 111)Oral I der of two new grapes
the guests of Miss Seeuliller.
made by Mr. Readle St. Cathariees in
DrT. .1Duncan, of Toroetohas our advertising collearia: • %Ve know of
. . .
been visiting friends in peewit wose opinion uin the town durine the II"' •
weekHe is as genial as ever. merits of a fruit can. be more confidently
Fl 1 b
. ,
Dr: McGauran, of New York city. now for „elliyfifty yeare, and enjoys a
nephew •4 Rev. Father McGauran, ii 1 reputation for sending out first class
the guest of Rev. Father '\ aders. fruit that is unsurpassed. g ,
Now doth ye busy editor
'I este journalistic sweets
III getting new subscribers' rize.i01 - behalf of the hlishons of the Methodiet
And writing nit ree.elpta. j Church of CaneJa, will be preeelied in
An cetgle soared over the town 4 ,:i i the Not.:11 Street Metliedist 1 Church,
Wednesday at noon, bearing south-easjo ; (ioderich, next Sunday, morning mild
The bird was evidently out of 413 p7 Tit i evening by Itev. %V. McDonagh, 41 Ciin-
latitude. c ton. NI Tuesday evening the annual
Mr. J. Carel, Celberne, brother of Imeetifig will hi hell. and will be ad.
Mr. Patrick Carrel of Messrs. (arrow ' dressed by Rev. B. B. Keefer. ef Wing-
& Priudfoot's law (Mice, it in a very hamian l• R5V. W. McDonagh. These
critical state of health. !serve733 will, doubtless. lir:ne t•ieother
Mr. J. McFarlane rejoices in the fezt ; lerge c eigregations.
that one of his ducks presented him with ! ANNIVIIRstRY Scavt F... - Th, Me E.
an egg nn Monday. It was a very unus- ' Church in thrterich will celebrete its
ual occurrence for January. anniversary on Smiley and hlenley
Mr. Hugh Davidson, well known in ' next. Rev. C. M.Thompeen, ef St
Goderich town and Goderich township, Marys. will preach in the mooting and
1111.4410N.titY SERV!, -SerIllOP3
The Result of the Ballot Mark-
Sur Tows ItepeesestatIves fir Nal -The
Candidates Mete over the Cessity.
Monday last, being a public holiday,
was a lively one in town. The friends
of the different candidates were out
bright and early to have voters in read -
mess when the polls opened, and during
the day the excitement was kept up. In
the contest for the Deputy-Reeveship,
the state of the poll at the close fully de-
monstrated that a persistent personal
canvass was of far more importance in
obtaining votes than the best of reputa-
tions morally, publicity and finanniably.
Mr Williams, le accordance with his pro-
mise, did not solicit a vote, while Mr•
Campbell travelled round the town in-
defatigably. worked personally in' the
matter, and was returned by a good ma-
jority, proving that "there is nothing
like leather," and that the battle is, once
in a while, to the fleet -footed.
In the wards a stubborn fight was
made by the aspirants for poettion in
the Town Council Board, and during the
day a number uf roorbacks were in cir-
culation, many of which exercised an in-.
tluence on the fate of some of the con-
testants. In St. Andrew's ward the suc-
cessful men were Lee, Bingham and
Swanson, all of whom have had munici-
pal experience; in St. David's, D:tncey,
Humber and Edward, the old represen-
tatives, were re-elected, by large major-
ities; and in St. George's the close of the
poll found Butler, Nicholson and Jordan
the successful men. The former being a
new candicate who haacome to the front.
The following
For first Deputy -Reeve.
Sub -div. Campbell. William,,
Ne. 1 Gt; 3•!
4 • 4.: 63 39
• :; 36
"4 36 •
. 47
44 4, te;
:15:1 234
Mea:ray fur Campbell
sT. DAV:1;:4 WAR!).
No. 1. -eNe. 2.
T: N.' Dancey, 5:t 71-130
C. A. Humber 65 . - 63-128
'Jos. B. Edward, 57 63--120
Lewis Elliott. 45 57-102
C. C. Crabb, 40 42--- 82
l'1THICK..4 weate
R. W. McKenzie • by acclamation
M. 0. Cameron
W 511./.
left cal Thursday niorning resume his evening, and a Sunday School mass-
studies at Toronto University. . meet:ti, will bs ad•iressed in the after- .
.1 noon by Rev. Mr. Thompson. the pastor
On Sunday last some 70 prizes were of the church and other S. S. workers.
distributed amongst the scholars of StI /Mmulev evening the teameeting will
George's Church S. S. Rev. R. Hicks 1* held, when a hiresses will he deliver-
. n
presented the gifts to the children. lel by Rer. Dr. Ure, Rev. C. M. Thomp- I
Mr. .1. C. Rebertson, non of Mr. W. ; eon. Ret. J. Turnbull. and Mesons. J. I
it. Robertson, came off third in classics ' Mitchell and T. McGillicuddy. The
in the third year, in the recent examine- members of the church are expecting al
tion in University College, Toronte. I grand time !
• • ANNIVE:tstnY SRPVII'lls. -The BrusH
; eels 1',.' says: -As announced the an•,'
nual anniversery soviet:T(1 in connection I
with the Methodist Church were hell ,
!lent Sunday and Monday. Rev. Dr.
Williame, of Golerich. preached two I
able sermons to large cengregations anti'
I $ 1 Soh 1 ' h '
!afternoon. Oa Mondly 'evening the tea
I meetingcame o:T aril was a great succestel
i the receipts were $45. After lappet
Dr. Williams entertained the very large
roulienee ter over an hour nn '•What i:
' Cenedian saw in England'. and in his
1pleeeant style gays a great deal f if in-
; f.,ereatior. concerning hie visit to the
ole Lanai. The rev. gentleman *ill
always have a hearty reception in Prue-
' eels. At the eonelusion of the oddment
Irotes (4 •thank' Were passed to the lee-
t:natsrerf: ifiss.c4h•rdimiirmimad
ittee, itn4satpiwthe nteetirss-
served ir Or linserient lf the el•e•e", at
itt. wee prayer onion meetings
have been well attended daring the
week. To -night the closing meeting ..f
the services will be held in Knox
The Kennedyf l•
If M. Hutchison. Esq., during their re-
cent visit to Ooderich. Mr. Hutchison
is a moat enthusiastic admirer of every-
thing Scotch.
Christnisr number was a
one. "The Political Roll Call," a clever
and most amusing adaptatinti !.1 Mies
Thompson's famous picture. le well
worth framing.
F. Jordan,
John Butler,
M. Nicholeou,
W. 0. Sniffle
Jae. Buchanan,
Oe... Acheson,
No. 5.
N. 6. No. 7.
Wm. Lee, 81 53--134
D. Bingham, ' SI • 4-1-136
0. Swanson. 41-106
3. H. Colborne. 70 24- 94
Peter McEwan, 41 34- 75
Elijah Moore, 13 - 39
BIWNIEL..-Reeve-F, C. Room, by
acclamation. Councillors -Jas. Drew,
F. W. Vatistene, %VI H. McCracken, John
On New Year. es ening at St. George's
Church. The anima was prearthed by
Rev. Mr. Hicks, in a masterly manner.
fmm the thirty-first psalm ; 16th verse,
"My times are in Thy hand, etc " prov-
ing that in the psalmist this greatest
powers r./ prsed 1101 e.•.41
Waoxigrga Vict.aut -Ftaeve--Alies.
L Gibson. Councillors -J. B. Yogis'
Thos. Hemphill, T. B. Sanderson, W.A.
MeKleeor TOWNSHIP. -Itaye--Hays,
majority 33. Councillor -Holland.
GODRRIC11 TowsiJn 14 wag • hard
fight in this township between Mr. J.
Whitely and J. Beaoom for the deputy-
reeveship, resulting in the defeat of the
latter by 53 votes. The councillon.`01011:.
ted are Messrs. Cox, Peaoock and Leith -
wait. Whitely, 283; Beacom, 230; Cox,
312; Peacock, 270; Leithwaite, 224; Pur-
vis, 125, and Wallace, 104.
lowing candidates have been provisional-
ly passed for admission to the Seaforth
High School by the local Board of Ex-
aminers, subject to confirmation by the
High School Inspectors; M J. Hines,
No.6, McKillop, 482; Jessie Ross, Brus-
sels Public School, 430; Agnes Kay,
Brussels Public School, 417; J. Rice, No.
7, Hibbert, 415: Agnes Murray, No. 1,
Tuckersmith, 400; A. Wilson, Seaforth
Public School, 390; Rosalie Baechler,
No. 8, McKillop, 385; J. Drewe, Brus-
sels Public School, 379; Mary Buyers,
Brussels Public School, 375; Jennie
Dickson, No. 2, McKillop, 373; Mark
Hamilton, Walton, 363; Jas, Johnston,
Seaforth, 359; H'y. Cormack, Brussels,
357; Maggio Hislop, No, 1, Grey, 356;
Annie Govenlock, No.10, McKillop,355;
Eliza Hays, No. 2, McKillop, 350; Ida
Hunt, Seaforth, 343; Jessie Dewar, Sea -
forth, 337; Harry Robertson, Seaforth,
336; Maggie Walker, No. 2, MeKillop,
34; Lydia Edwards, Seaforth, 333; John
Ross, Seaforth, 328; Euphemise Goren- -
lock, N. 10, McKillop, 328; Annie
Dodds, N. 2, McKillop, 320; Frederick
Hill, Seaforth, 319; Isabella Barr, No.
7, Tuckersmith, 30'.); Jne. Stewart, Sea -
forth, 303; Mary -Roteger, Hensel', 300;
Jennie Dolphin, Seaforth, 292. The
following are recommended: W. McDou-
gall, Eginonville, 306; G. Stephenson,
No. 10, Stanley, 302. Of 49 who wrote,
18 failed. Total marks, 560; necessary
to pass, 280.
Mr. James Linklater has sold his
yearling colt to.DIr. W. Strachan,
the sum of 870. We' congratulate Mr.
Strachan on his purchase, for the colt i*.
a geed one and.far excels anything that
,can be raised in Dunlop.
21illburn. ,
Penxs-ret ANISM.-- A Millburn girl, ac-
companied by an Ashfield lass, walked
nine miles in two hours a few days ago.
' We doubt if there is a damsel in Lee- ce•
burn wile cat: cover the ground in the •
same time.
Cnnisrm As Grrr.- A handsome pair r;
of lawn vases from the Goderich artifl-
eial stone works were presented aN
Christmas gift to Mrs. Allen by a Gode
rich friend.
CLINroN. -Mayor- Forrester. Reeve
--E Girbett. Deputy Reeve -T. Coop-
er. Councillors -W. Jackson, H. 1Val-
ker. J. Morse, H. Moore, J. Stevenson,
.1. Twitchell.
ExitTr.e. --Reeve- L. Hardy. Coun-
cillors. -Jas. Pickard, E. Drew, W, Bis-
set, and W. Fenwick.
Howtos. -Reeve -John Koine. First
Deputy Reeve -11. S. Cook. Second
Deputy Reeve -D. Weir. Councillora-
John Jauues, Samuel Johnston.
Luiateow. -Reeve-Geo. Kerr, by ac-
clamation. Councillors -.T. Stewart, J.
Bryan, Dr. Tennant, Thos. Lawrence.
SA 'Data --Reeve -D D. Wilson.
Deputy Reeye -J. Beatty. Mayor -A. 1
Strome. Councillor' -A. Stewart. O. C.
Wilson. Z. Ram, John Dorsey, R. N.
Brett, A. 41. McDougall, W. Colophon,
N. Cluff Dr. Scott.
TI'RIRF.RRY. -Reeve -Henniaga. De-
ploy Reeve- McPherson. Councillors
--Hislop, Anderson, Evans.
Winghani. --Mayor -C. Tait Scott.
Reeve -H. W. C. Meyers. Deputy
R"ove- - W. Elliott. Councillors Wiwi
I 11,.. 1 F. Black, J. Neelands, J.
Read,ng. Ward No 2-.1. M. Barkley,
Thomas tetcflyMient, Oen. McKsy;Ward
74o. --John Hannah, S. J. ti,nith,Wm.
Wotan: Ward No. 4--W. W.Inglis, W.
Mer"Iymont, Walter Scutt.
HAT --Mr. Poinnie hoe been Plated
Deputy Reeve of Illy nn,i Meseta.
Ham Heyrock, Morita awl Notaries
Conneillovi; the Reeve, Dr. B•rdtanan,
elreted be ficelamatinn lase week
• 41
" 4
Nimeolise - Four Of our sportsmen,
with a well known resident of &Mord
as guide and captain, spent three pc:unda
.f powder. and shot on New Years Day
in their hunt after game. The quin•
tette Brough down -one rabbit !
A .1OLLY REUNION. -A few days a
number ..f the Black Sheep, with several
of their Spotted Friends from Labor'',
made a chopping bee for Mr. James
Tobin, who recently met with a painful
accident. Tho chips flew about lively,
and the boys did the job royally. bk.
Tobin has nowt? a large supply of good
firewood for the cold weather. Mr. R,
Gibbs acted as shepherd of the flock to
the satisfaction of all.
Mrs. Fraser, ot Ailsa -Craig, daughter
of Mn. Ross, Of the 2d con., is paying, • g
her relatides a visit.
Vial -nice. -Mrs. W. Speare, Elven
Kent County, (laughter (1 llir. John Mc-
Ewen of Brucetied, is visiting her friend* •.
in this neighborhood.
)RIVIT A KY. It again becomes our pain-
ful duty to chronicle the demise of
another of the pioneer settlers of Mau -
ley in the person (1 Mr. Alex. MeEwen,
of the Bayfield road, near Bnicefield,
who died on Monday last, at the ripe
old age of 443 years. The cause of hia
death vets inflammation of the bungs. Mr.
McEwen was born in Perthshire, Scot-
land, in 1799, and emigrated to this $1"
ceuntry, with his three brothees, in 1843
and we. one 1 the first settlers in the
township of Stanley, where he has re- ,
sided for the last 39 years. Ho wastrel!
and favorably known by A large caret* of •
acquaintances, and his friends and iota*
tires hare the sympathy of the ratite
community in their bereavement.
Mr. 1 P Ildfour, 1 nrnterly a teacher
of the Clio)in High School, hnt latterly '
if th Sarni* High School, hav bass
c emitted, owing to his health, to regions
his mnition. He intends locating in
Toron•A fully recupensted.
04 young man named Prink Hums, a
resilrtt RichveDsl, was killed on the •
-r. betweerr Trrunitro and Rich -
erred, ,.ti .the 3rd inst. vrhile walking
alone thg lie left Drumbe
*hoot 'me o'dfarlIF in. in a state of in- '
1s-rorrontri, nn Tuesday last, Web •••
111 111(1,04 ti t-iof goods from Pas. S4
ti.r•-.),ming on the ie.. Rettirnike'l
with tl.e empty wagon the ice broke Row,
his team wag drowned