The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 8Pr 7 That Lass THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, VEC. J0. elleded for the ea- awa, C$1 ;. Ca 1lLo B: Beater, D. crop 4th tieeretttryy ; D. A. ; l;. K D. IL afii. sown, T. IL K. Cameron, Skandari Bearers; H. J. McKay, Pipers; The society is to a standing, owning a uiesthuuaand dollan,paid for, surplus iu the treasury. We notice Mi ere is quite a change in the officers this year and if the society will prosper as well under the new oues as it did under its old, there will be no r.s$on to complain. L ,.Te6V OF mg LAY BY17N RAS leh. and BALUSTEIA ty. Send fur Pries& SLUNG - 1ATH UM 00 rax'. .IE� aakmorr. Ths wo1 „l " t ho ve"w- erist ted th'. r isNltua. ' who, the --- lewerfs XMAS Vanua*. - -Mrs. (' malty Ma sen from Tueketpfnnith, is visiting here; Misses Cour, from Holmeavidll. 1vMLsoisesLit.-- A frog was seen sod hard on the 23rd inst. Dnngaitflm. Mr. Wm. McArthur, is authoriser to re- ceive subscriptions tor. '1HZ HURON f'>InIMI. and give receipts therefor. EZArINATtOY AND ENTERTA1ttYltltZ,— T he public examination of Dungannon school took place last Thursday, with alput line hundred and thirty pupils present. The children 'soquitted them- selves well, which might be seen by the visitors, and which was expressed by Meseta Brown, of the Nile,and Cameron, teacher of Belfast school. There were about 20 Briton present, who all seemed to be well satiatie d. There were three s[hal1razes given, •viz, ono ter the best speller, (words taken front third reader; and which was won by Adrian McCain; another for the beet drawing, being a asap of the province of Ontario, and which was won by Sarah Kellingtun. After the examination was over and two rev. gentlemen, viz., Leitch and Carrie, addressed the children, the pupils of• said echool presented their teacher, Mr. Orr, with a handsome writing desk ac- companied with an address, es follows: DEAF TRACHEA,- The time has tome when to yon we must say farewell. Hut we cannot repeat the words without tint infomelert.Vo', toy •?p• r^^! nett duruut the toos...>;••s• • •, ..�r us, as our teacher, we have measured, and, we trust, t , some extent, at least, appreci. ated your ardent labor and deep in- terest tanur well being. You have been willing, able and ready at all tints to aid us in all our wcrk, and nothing seemed to give you greater satisfaction than our, advancement in the various branches of study prescribed to we You newer for a' single mioment' consulted your - town ease. Everything personal seemed to be subservient to your one great aim, namely our advantage and ad- vancement. And we trust and pray that He. who sees and knows the heart of all men, will reward you abundantly for your untiring efforts iu our behalf. Please accept this writing desk as a snail tokeu of our heartfelt g.atitwit, • to you ern the intermit you have taken in our well -being --gratitude which neither ;presents nor wor.is con expreaa. And now dear teacher, "good bye, May God with you and your partner in life, bless you abundantly wherever yu; may be cast, and in Hi:, own goy rind way bring you with us to y /shore, where iJartings are Signed on behalf of the echo( :me right sow's. •1Lt,:,ai M n. St -rig F: AI II. rr made a suer ir. which 1 i thank - for t fur their kit ors,w•l.ich took hftu vurpriae ••nating.that he had been trying to dosty to the heat, of hie.'b-ility. turd ' um) not sueeereded in this, it nus 4.104 did not knew how. The ASA; . teacher, Miss Duni- in, w evfllso pre• ' i.d.-with a line album, anfdk nettle ai 'gate Christmas cards. {loth of there -` aro leaving. The children .e .'cry much attached to their ye!, Which was shown by 1u entertainment, was `it .i•1,;, 'upwal',Is of four • .pw rat. A Christmas .Aral:, tt:a, being on - . their 44,4' held in t 11tind tree, rem. the pr.* • .0 --- "8 - Madame rawer reverts that Dr. Ten- nant, of this 1 lace will bo nominated as he Ce issrvate a emendate for the first Doulini"n- elctti..n in. North • Hung), 1 • He has been e 1 widest pf North Huron 'for the last seneiteen prem, and newel' known to the tiitela(ytme�ni this riding. l't;1.,t)NALv;- \1r. D.Iv, McIntyge has returned frog[ Manitoll, where he. has tq cnt the tact six month*. .He speaks highly of the Northwest country. -Mr. Heol Mrs. D.""Campbell aro spending their holiday's in Toronto. Mrs. 1)r. MisKid has returned from n_visit to Seaforth. Mr. 1). E. Cameron, "Bank,'" enjoyed his Xntai holidays in VCo„datock. -Mr. Thos. Cain, of Cain City, Kansas, is visiting here at present. A meeting foe the muednation of oottecillsls was held in the c•,gncitio•nn ma ,31ondsy. I:onir" Kerr re-electerl Reeve by acch►mati•ea Tae following wore nominated for cnuncillors: Jas. Bryan, (editor p`lant'ing/. Dr. Tennant, John Stewart. D. Oanil',cll. T. Law- rence, ,fames Pinalata-r gel Kenneth McIntosh. We expected to hear some high flown speoches, but ee were dis- appointed. Not one of ►b, ui cot ,iptoiox- press their views. At'l:tuslm. - Mr. Wm. 1',.o'i . f pars_ meant, met with an aoeident ou Tues- day resday of last week. While eating timber, the axe caught in a branch and glancing off, struck inn foot, slilittint: it fen the L.e 10 the inn* op. On Friu.,y i.t, se I section, to avail ourselves of this epilog- the Reel.. W. Vrslick ami 1'. 'trona. Mrs. Hunter, of Ashfield, was walking i tunny. to give expression to our Iiigh speaking principally eve the advance - the ign the weeds � she stunli.1 and fell, a fatien of your enliven and more meat of edudation. Also.a.ldro•waes were • against a log, dle•aocating her honk] •ng labors on our behalf; and of ten- re•,•ertrd from John `nyder, N. Morrish, fracturing the collar boo. and lending demi,: you our heartiest thanks for the l' Natters. J. C. Le emiagl, A. ldeddlt. Ootitath Township. The people of the Union Presbyte- rian church have decided to hold one (d their popular tea meetings early in Jan - tory. A Christmas tree entertainment under the auspices of Union S. S. No. 6, (lode - rich township, !taught by Mr. W. S. Lew - ranee), was held on Christmas Eve at the School house. The attendance was very large, and therreatesto rdiality and good feeling prevailed throughout. A fea- ture in the prw•eedings was the dispens- ing of eats from the Christmas tree 117 a veritable Santa Claus, decorated with a flowing green beard and the proverbial furry ostMr. H. DavidsonI perform_nn- ed the duties of chairman in his accus- tomed cheery style. The following is the programme of the proo3edingsr: Christmas Carol...... ......... Choir. Dialogue, The Turned Head......... Pupils. Curfew must no: [tag......,.... ...Mira A. Jebrston. Sing it from the Heart .Choly, Job Patience... .. ...........11[e. Ureases. The Unw,lling W'ttaess ..Pupils The old Musi)Kacian t aad hes harp•....... Cheir. The train to Mighty w Save......... Choir, Trouble 1n the Mormon Irish, Far away Ch Taking away % from C►rietates, 01aata peta.n $t. od►fll t 1 N thenal Anthem of ExAar -NATION. -- An examintt.,was the pupils of Holmesville sok eee. The Christmas tree on the evening of held un Thursday afternoon, -Unde rt the 24th, was a grand success, a very A large children number of parent" the children were present �•aPlleisrod amusing and interesting time was spent; pt•ooeetifinre• the church was crowded to its utmost tube deeply interested'i "meet' with capacity. Great numbers could not obtain The ro,0n Ives test;:yi ,ex,i,ni- evergreens, mut ems, ,�„�, nation, which w Connolly himself Miller and C. L. d°a° diently varied r• that the teac►og and theme"• tinned till#arl ly varyeiethe eperei en the ptf til Qe bei ata rept. •a - f wherever/our lot rosy be be gnat, and that by and by the groat Tsaaher of all may oche you and W in the rem of Heaven. Signed eu bellof the pupils, • Fiume* W Hutt. MAoxil3 Multi/AA. Mr. Hamilton replied for his deurh- ter, by awaking the children for the beautiful gift and address, and dist they would at all time. remind her of the three years spent among them. He also, in his own name, thanked trus- tees, lrreuta and children for their great kindness shorn to her during her time of service, without which she would nut have been se successful, as the pros- perity of the school depended as much un the trustees and parents as on the teacher. Mr. Harrison and Mr. Wallis made a few remarks expressing regret at losing Miss Hamilton. Votes of thanks were tendered to the choir, and to all th ee who hied helped thew to entertain and amuse,and toe he chairman, when the meeting was brought to a chose by sing- ing "God save the Queen. ---Cow Benlnlllir. Loos. --Mr. D. Fisher stet with by loosing one of his horses driving, which brought on in .l-_ ACCIDENT.—While Mr. hip stone was driving from ggie spaegg horse took fright near teas face backing hint down the is very badly cut a severely. We hopeagain. o PERSONAL[ Jab Stewart, in - ern r aeras holidaysat ion, id s 1 d Primmer has been home• --Misys hart.. -Mr. G. Mace visiting ' 1 by the dropping in of r. H. blaedel, of Gerrna- daye 4•n0,4. -- 1 in the evening of , Mr. Y. Cantelun was present- s trtautiful crayon portrait of If (eke work of our young arttat , Ueni tewart,) iu behalf of the tem - ranee society. Mr. Cantelon was sur- prised at the time of presentation, not p.w•ine anything about it. He ex- pressed his regret at leaving the s,s:iety. tee hurt out seen del.w his n ny, tJ 44, Ila by Mr. Messrs R. seats; the aisles and doorway were com- pletely blocked up. The order was good, considering the crowded state of 14, wee efffi- - the church. It drew to memory the birth chine to allow 1'oe our Sav:•,ur, as there were crowds been intelligent ! froom the north and from •the south, from, the east and from the west. Mr. James Gledhill occupied the chair. The recita- tions, and dieloghes given by the children were -tendered in goad style. Some ex oellent 'Annie was given by the choir, composed of Misses Sarah Fisher, % O' - Brine, ,Thamesford;, and "Percy Fisher, Mr. J. K. Dunt, I. Fisher and Charles Stewart. Mrs. E. Miller. Misses Ada Fisher and Salome Fisher presided at the organ. Some mead pieces were also given by the children, which were woe thy -of great praise. .tis address was giv en by the chairman. He Is. called up - un the Rev. W. V olick, .t. Hlietler (Bul- let), and John Fisher, who addressed the audience in good manner, showing some good lessons of Christianity. The ab- � . :G h• - .Iltchell Cod sauce of llf.. Jas. enc 1, who was unable to 1,e with us, was much felt by the audience, as was also the ab- sence,of the Rev. T.' Broad, which was caused by the bad reeds At the claim pf the meeting they began to share off the fruits of theme U@e, of which Rev. W. Volick, P. Cantelon? wn4 F. Larniey re- ceived some valuable preients,.aiid sev- eral others too, Siumerous to mention. The collection *en up in aid of the school amounted to .4`l. proceedings con- .rk, but by judic' - ises, and by ir.ter- oellent vocal music by interest was kept up un- • and excellent order was throughout, the only ,inter - cowing from a "bun iptious' ,olwaster who seemed anxious s anportunity to show the audience w much he knew. Through the kind teas (f a few friends several special prizes were given to deserving pupils; and the awarding of these excited a good deal of interest, especially in the case of that for composition, in regard w which the examiners, Mesar& Strang and Cress. welter, found it so hard to decide thbt that they concluded tosolve the dal' culty by giving a second prize; and those for good conduct, the rewarding of which was left to the pupils themselves to be decided'by a written vote. Not the least important or intereekng fea- ture of the proceedings was the peesene tation of a handsome writing desk- .to Mr. Connolly by the pupils, accompa- nied with an address expressive of their attachment to Finn and their appreciation of his labors. -Cow. her that followed' his remains done year w last resting ;deco.w our th Magsbrltte. Mr. Wm. Long, formerly of this has been res-eag to teach the at Oflle derma 1682. lie aehularahip tf =50 grow nch, for winning a aecoud tafloste. • Orioles. v . Mr. R. lip Boots, Olio "fourth corner" at elfill4 a rushing business, bound to make th he happens to the party in y time whet, with the 1u Mr. we ntndl fur doing he is wheter .0 or with ks for the take its plans es of Huron. . who is studying on College is home a He expects to deo- nest year. Young, nudent at Queen's ngston, is visiting the old es Some. He le well pleased with Mow in the Limestone city. Mra. Jardine, for two tears a resident od tlak.,ts, is spending the winter with liar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Young. She is well pleased with her western hums. SCHOOL EXAMINATION.—The examine- The last examinatinn under the• man- agement of Mr. P. •Cantelun, in S. S. No. 2, "took plaod nn Friday, 23rd dist. There watt a good attendance of visitors. Pupils, numbering 58. It was cue of the meat successful examinations held in the section, and not only a successful one, but a Laing one between teacher aid scholar. There seemed to be a dull- ness ort every countenance that day, a thought flashing in the mind of ninny when wiull() they see their teacher again ? Great sympathy was shown by the pupils for the loss of their teacher. Great credit is due to Mr. C.uttelon for the p,ositiott he has left the school in. When he entered the section about 8 years ago he found the school in a low state of ',regress, having worked hard for about a year or two to advance the school ami su(cFerletl in doing se. lie was also one o, the most successful teachers at the several a onpetitive ex- aminations, having taken a number of good prizes, The several classes were examined by their teacher, and assisted by Mr. Thouia.t Elliott of S. S. No. 4. Te classes from junior to senior did exceedingly well, answering nearly every question put to them. The recitations and dialr,gues given by the pupils were also rendered in a creditable manner. The exanpinatiun was cheered by vocal and instrumental music. which 'vas very well rendered by Mrs. Volisk and Miss Nellie Bread. .\ piece of music entitled "Happiest Time," drew much attention. A French sung given by Mr. J. C. Le Tuzel was well executed, and caused great excitement among the children. the following address which w:is tinely After the close of the examination the read by Miss Welsh: Rev. Volick was prop ostd fur the chair Miss Micah' Ilassiltoa Teacher. .s. S. io. •. A hearty and unanimous vete 01 thanks r►Odrr(ra Torsatip, DEAR Txil•nra, -- The scholars of your school desire, before pour leave our tion of the pupils attending School Sec- tion No. 14, Goderich township, was held on Friday, 23rd inst., and was quite a gala day, as the the teacher, Miss Min- nie Hamilton, was • leaving the school. The different chassis were examined by the teacher, assisted by blears. Higgins and (grant, who expressed themselves highly pleased with the manner in which the children had acquitted themselves. The i,rustees also complimented Mem Hamilton on the present condition of the. school and regretted that -they had to part with her. Prizes were thendietri- buted among the children, each child re- ceiving a book. In the evening an en- tainment was held. The school roots was beautifully decorates. with evergreen and mottoes. Mr. Hamiltons of Geer, rich vac called to the chair, who celled upon the choir for the chores'. "Open the doerfortheChildren," Miss K.J. Ct1x presiding at the organ, followed by Mimi Shaw and Messer. Gillenham and Shaw, readings by Miss Miss McKenzie and Messrs. Higsrins and Cox, and re- citations by Miss Welsh and Mr. Myres of Bayfield, all were much appreciated, .and some of then, were very amusing. The readings and recltitations intealiors- ol with choruses by the choruses by the choie. Mr. Myres appeared as Sant Claus, re the great amusement of the children, and disposed of the beautiful articles which were en the Chrietmaa tree. ~piss Welsh and Miss Morgan then dame forward and presented the teacher with • valuable silver cake bas- ket and napkin ring. eco nipanied with was mien to Mr. t'antelon for the able manner in which hehad conduct •d the t,x AIM ination. Addreasee were el'ren by tIg nen hetet,. ,, e1hAr .lid . M mntereat veli have taken 111 our welfare. Tli -s. ( Lott, N cf.., and Geo, ltt,w , Yoe h, ♦e '¢ attend...4i to 1 both d out f th scho I V t artl th hen f theft teach happened near Kintail d ' Tues,ia�• last. drat , and your instructions, we are sures f th t with him.Th A ye• e o elan tamed f t 1•• violent: •t will peeve of lasting benefit to u- al. , n . 1+ *her, bete • t a•m, eouittey, and ••••nr conetant endeavere shale. tllttet. Both �s a atter is II to rn e 0 , sr'a lnit ••n e e 1Dl. Neleii \ ry a•• roma accident at all times faithfully performed your er. tie Oantelen hag the s rami •,pinion • r. a ser ,on wi 1 a exatnin•- tion Closed 1,t the children graspin the Iittlnv •n' eet,u',ii ,g t pins, 1 i all Tone kind disp,naiti unvarying hand of their teacher fora farewell tt V• •lith ,446. H, •lis ••ur behalf to Imppaart b• u• the instrur: adoi0d t.. year willnr ogee to help and guile us at all 10110!• n.l ltsee,mdeayou to us a11, and wilt tint Mt {•e•i 1.o forvotten \1'0 sunk you 1 • swept •4f the amenpaany'Ing sift es a 5tfl token oef our esteem, and as to teenier, which, when you are far away five us, will help to remind you of therOwbo loved you in year' gene ht. •)^r united wish and prayer is that your lore eta, be a htrmy and prosperous one. „ 3 reline tion rclin1 red, ) e .Falb ref 1 anal 11,01%141)h •., 'Tsv,a 1 Kltl4 aaselittrl (itv knon h r►d. r y-11 ( he 1 t igt t'» celirWL t `4txi'11•'ty s, , Colbcrno. HIGHER.—We need a higher platform in our town hall. At the lucent nomi- nation meeting the speakers could hard - 1y be seen or heard at the farther end of the hail. - ap Apr t.. 1, us atel to pru- therefure we be - ',crew was worthy of cue We uuw4ak to ae- you are quitting the mum we agreed that the before you is the tip,et suit- e could select and sed ask yriu A it kindly. As yea ha, • been y kind to tis, we trust (hat where- : yeti may go, or whatever parsers .. way meet, you may always Le treat - 0d kuadly. Whatever youglut tune be our best wishes shall always he with you. May Tune's hand deal lightly w,itli you. You have beau very g•,,,.1, and teed to us, and we feel very sorrowful fe think that we must part so soon, but we trust we may meet again ere loud, but we are not peruutted to caret again 114 this world we hope that one ami all of us any meet you in that happy shore when parting shall be no more. Signed ley the pupil& ft&H,oeg 11I1►iiLtiAn o AND PEatE.YT- ATttpx.-The examination in connection' with 8. S. No. 5, Colborne, was held in the school house on Friday Dec. 23rd. The pupils, who were examined by )Ir. Echlin, teacher, and Mr. Sheppard, ex- teecher, acquitted themselves admirably and gave evidence of careful training in, Ole various auhjecta. When the exam- ination was over addressee were .de• livered by several of the gentlemen'pres- ent, who expressed themselves {s weU setist'ted with the progress the chiMren had noute duriug the last three years, while Mr. Echlin has beep their teacher. After this a valuable 'retch chain was presented to the 'teacher by Miss D. Hetherington, the fuliowing address being rad by Mr. T. C. Wright. S. S. No. 5, Colborne, Dec. 23rd 1881.4 To Mr. Geo. W. Echlin, Teacher. Dear Teacher, -We, the undersigned pupils of your school, having heard with deep regret of your departure from our midst, avail ourselves of this opportunity of expressing our high regard for your services while you have presided over us j The deep an4 kind interest you have al- ways taken in our welfare wilhforever be a bright spot in our memory, and now that we are about to separate we feel that we are all losing a most valued friend Therefore we ask you to accept at our hands -the watch chain as a alight token ,:f our esteem and well wishes, and trust and hope thatyou may long be •spared to enjoy manj/ daja T.. C. atnHT, - 3oH1 STYONto, - M45aT JAl4E LYNTIELD, .EidrA MrWinxer," and the while school. Me. Echlin. taken completely. by•.aur- prise, . mrdially thanked his pupil for their.token of•a9ection end regard. s:ederteb <tga aebeel. The following L the result sit the usual half yearly wetted examination of the pupils belongingto the First and Sostsood Forum respectively. /. FORM 1. Maggie Cameron, 81"e; Bella Wilson, 73; Jennie Plickson, 69; W. K. McLean, 00; Aneie clutyre 68; Richard Bridget 68; Harry Watson, 68; Katie Tighe; 65; --Evers $cDourfsll, 66; Ella Johnson, 64. Martha 1d, 63; Hulett W:(lker, 63; Wm. 'rattle, 61; Frances bleLesu, 57; Nellie $ci(i, 37'; Albert Ham',er, 54; F. b Ctrb 4.;.. Week et Prayer. The Following it a list of the churches in which union preyeruwetings will be held, with the subjects for each evening: Tuesday, Jan. 3. -M. E. church, oun- ducted by Rev. J. unibuU, Humiliate eon and coufessioe, , i a000uat of indi- vidual, social and na Mud sins. 'Vexduesdny, Jan. 4 --Ktea chnee, conducted by Item. Dr. Williams, Pray* for the bleeding of (gild on Hie OherA and His Word. Thursday, Jin. b.- North street Methodist church, owtdtwte<i by. Rim. Dr. Uro, Prayer for the yowtg ar,e'all agencies ter Christian training. a/. •a Friday, Jan. Ik Knox ohurgli, osit ducted by Itev. G. A. Frans, pet for the universal prevnleuee of peace righteousness. , _- ----` Mees s. UoosaManseember. Mb 1tISI. wham. fJ+tlll a bac►............. ss M SI •'Je' Whet, itleviutigg) M. 1i bu1 113 N 1 30ttlour, y harlel.................. 850 :.1 0 W Ur s, M barb.................... 8 b is 0 43 I'ea& r bus► ................ Y a 0 73 Harley. 1 busk__ .................0 70 w 0 80 Potatoes h bas ............ 0 S1 w 036 Hay. l sen ..................... 1S W a la IID Butter. V It.- ....... ........ 0 18 vv 0 bis Eggs. 1 dos. tuapacke4l........ 0 18 ut c IS Cheese, .. .............. 0 11 " 011 Shorts, 1 cwt................... 1 00 a 1 e0 Bran, ill owt • ••.. . .. 0 71 080 Chop. Y Cwt..... . ............ 110 •' 1 W aV oul ... 0 til 0' tri tV cod ...... ..................... 00 115 Hides................ ... ..... 700 '• 7 S) Shrep.kins.... Lora 1 W Dressed Hoer .. ................. 0011 " T 60 rots( 11. John H. Wa:s•.n, 83g; Hector Mc- Quarrie 7d; Suri Johnson, 77; Bridget Vaughan, 71; R Jae Currie, 70; Mary Ferguson, 68; Mi gni, Seegmiller. 68; Jessie Arae ketteidee.6:4;GeorgeMwore Mi, Emma Acheseli, 64; 1 la Johnsen, 64; Lindsey Elwood, 63; ?tinnie Cooke, 112: Edith Wiggins, 57; M...td Start, 57; W. Wilson, 56; May Paltne-, 55; Albert 14. Carey, 55; Quintin %Valiants, 53; Percy !lfalcomson, 52; Kite Magna, 62; Agnes O'Reilly, 51; Annie Wilson, 48; R. J. Acheson, 47; James Johnson, 46: Fred. Price, 43; Kathleen Ball, 41; Susie Wal- ker, 40. A Dublin dispatch, referring to the finding of arms and ammunition there, says the discovery comprised several thousand roundel of anldlunition and a large (tock of rifles and revolvers ted other arms. The discovery is believe to be closely connected with the Bradford affair, for which Tobin was arrested. Papers found at the time implicate a number of persona on both sides of the Channel. fhere is no doubt the mate- rial is associated with the Fenians. The •iox;uments seized wore of old date, and had reference to the Fenian organiza- tion of 1867. The articles seized coru- prise light hand grenades, two parcels of dynamite, each parcel being fn a case resen,hliug a box of ri Enfield breech-luadinv rifles, 6 revolvers, 5,010 rifle cartridges, 500 ver er car- triges and twefity-eight pound of eun- powder, with a tort of officers' Nunes Ile - longing to some organization. Two brothers name,[ Whalen have }peen ar- rested. !Ttxao' a Co., Portland. Maine ges, '2$ 3liscellaareous Cartes. r AMa.3 SMAILL, ARCHITECT, Vic. s/ tHtloe. Crubb's Block, Kingston st., tiode- Muh. Plans anti spm lficatk,•s drawn correct - b'. Carpeeter'r' plaatescr's and nuasou'a work measured sed valued. AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR Pe • to Ire. I)uncanl Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary Culleje. Mere, siebles and residence tui Newgate Street,ufour doors raft of Colborne Hotel. N. H. Horses examined as to sound nese. 1151. $72 .� WtKK. If a day at home sadly 7L mala ('osily uuttit bee. Adders erg & l'11., Augusta. Maine. Legal. a. 1ARROW & PROUDFO4)T, BAR it(sTgR3, Attorneys, Solicit* - etc. t' tied/440h. J. T. Harrow, W. Proud!, J. 175[ • • f. L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. kc.. Uuderieh, test. 1731. egEAGER & MORTON, 11 A 11.R I S - ► rF.1e4, &c., &e.. Goderich sed Windham. (•. `[eager, Jr.. Uo Lere ti. J. A. Morton, Rwing- tuaul. 1731. y MALCOM8ON, BARli1STER AND 1,. Solicitor. sloee-Corner of west Snect and Market- Square. over George Acheson'& t Goderich.1751. CAMPIOW, ATTORNEY - Mollcltur in Chancery ('unvey- ancer, Sr. (flee over Sheppard's l,obktaor•, ooderioS, Ont. ABS' nnwuot of wymy te,- leen et bwest mire of lntertHL 1751_;_ C4MERON, HOLT & . CAMERON, BarMste 9ollcltors to Cbaneery, kc.. (iodericb and ingbam. -14. C. t'aateron, Q C.:1'. Holt, it- (i. (,atucrout, Goderich. W E. ' Macara, WIili ba+. • 1751. $5 + a per dry at bosse. fMaspie s•DD `n iDDGo worth $S free:. Address e•4 OPENING gp TRE 8COIIISt HRT.. The seho,1 examination in S. S. No. 4, 12. Mr. I''.• Cressweller, teacher, tdlo,k place ,eon Wednesday, the 21st inst. About twenty -tire young folk .had as- :,&Alibled on the Saturday night previous $ 1+i:t' [t H:.a N 1, - -- and with two or three wagon loads of decor, and a somber cf mors, had (3 e t Y o u r S c h o o I Boo k dt,decorateda the school house. There were `J v aheut eighty school children and a great cr,,wd of visitors -trustees, parents, -tN1, people from other sections, and 16 teach - a s The evtchildren had to at pia four in SchoolStationery a s •at anal even then a great many hal to lee sent into the ante roost. Benches and hoards were brought, but nutubersP t.,. hal to stand, and there was hardly room for the classes to recite. :\ plentiful supply of provieinns, cake, apples and pies, was on hand; also a boiler full if tea. There was singing by the ehildren , in English asci, ,and by the grown up people in German. At three o'clock the examitwttien proper was over, Mr. David Dtuhie was elected chairman, and the trut,tees, perenta, and teachers were called on For speeches, to which nearly all responded. The ',meting broke up soon after 4 o'clock after having spent a very pleasant time. EXAMINATION.—The closing examin- ntion of the pupils attending S. S. No. Hay, was held ..n Friday last. Ti say %N. I, • that it was a success would be giving a very faint ilea of what it really wan. From tee o'clock the crowd began to gather from all harts, and et noon every NEW EDITION.S. ilr .availble chair rah lumber Sc l pile, , near the school was brought into requi- sition; even then the supply was unequal to the demand, as a hove soother were All Goods Guaranteed of the Best Quality unable to obtain seats. Your corres• pondent counted nineteen teacher, among the crowd. The Mom was very nicely ornataented with evergreens, mn:tace, &c. Miss Dobie, the teacher. ,li 1 all in her ',ewer to entertain her ,;snot, and succeeded admirably in - — making them feel themselves at home Teachers will find it to their 1114 ,ntat.• to give me • .SU torgny At noon a splendid repast warn aerved. and enjoyed by all. The very at humor B o o k s and Stationer wasmanifemted, notwithstanding the da• comfort •,crasioned by the crowd. Music, dlaloguas and rMittioM were given . They might require, aa t ran guarantee them the ►,,peps frier, in the d'onnt ha, ing Ivotghl thmughoot the day ,the murnmr , epoecully ey !(igen a Mr , awebowse e•1 „ . cry low rate ..n the dollar. 1 am in a p„wltion to crit rt ,deserves mention. After the viumnr classes were examine,[, Mr Frank Crass .3T ^ w eller was appxointed chairman of the J'���`� ed �rl,�.,es meeitig, and for the folk,wine he - speeches were the order •d the ds %time of holy called on had f,. reepond, • •r ONE E CALL WILL INSURE S U R E crane ter Lig men of Hah were sure to MANY, s.uat him to Ilia feet and hold him then � until he deli.errl an oration. A pleas• -- 10 =ox= =c=_ A FRESH SUPPLY .1es1 to hand. or all the ivEv� Boos Prices as Low as Inferior Goods. Y, 8apnel(1. ing pert of the programme was the pre- mutation er- Ca mutation.,f a beautiful met of china. and Mr. .14%•, 1,.;keman, while feeding his heels "leered a kick el ich s feared will prove fatal. 1Ine of •ur odd pioneers. Mr. .1... Grainger, en Thursday last. passed quietly away to the better world He lire 1 to A goodolel 7400. and was reelect by all who knew him Ti,' estimation in which he was held was ehcwn by the A large allium. accompanied by the fol lowing Ad.lrem; to Maas noble, by her • - -- pupils. DEAR Tr*. HER. lm [•resent. with this gift It shows the high appreci ati.•n in which yeti err held by both !npila s, /toreros of (hi. sectu,n Vfe' fele you sill accept it at, kindly' na it i. given During the Two veers pun hr a nadian School Book Emporium ing J_G.1_ tut S TMRIE iRtJCCESBOR TOT .1 MOORHt)USE North Side Market Square ■tas wawa ' - +At-," i"r � s 1111 srrttsw*" (rodericb. Ont .i.. .,.. ..A. J A"Par 1 4 i Natio Pay oil Maul pates, Laver New 1 Farm Farm Card Chan, Perm Note., Ayer'i Guam rphilia °'11 q -1 . -dv , U ei Id ,3 .t .I •o: Prow len mi is: