The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 7w twata°' }un 114 Fancy. Law is like • sieve; it is easy sty ugh to see through it, but on.- rause bit c on- siderablyreduced before Le gets through. "Kee your temper, guy dear sir." said an d judge to an irritable''uung lawyer; "keep our temper; it is worth a great deal mu to you than it is to anybody else." A man was boasting that he had been marri•td twenty years and had never given his wife a crena word. Those who know her say he didn't dare to, but he aver mentioned it. Sidney Smith raid to a friend of his - who never agreed with nybody as he was about embarking he New Zealand, "(loud -by, my dear fellow. I hope you wor{'t disagree with the New Zealander who eats you." On his return from India, Crown was asked how be liked tiger -hunting. "It's very gond spurt as you hunt the tiger," he replied, "tont if bard pressed. he sometimes takes it into his head to hunt you, and then it has its drawbacks.' When be returned to bit seat in the the theatre, and said he had just step - pd out to see some one, sbe gravely re- sponded, "It must have been the Evil Orae;' and when the young man asked if abs saw the eleven feet, she turned up her pretty nose and said: "No, but 1 well the clove -in breath." -New Havre Register.., , "I know," said the little girl to her elder ester's young moo at the supper table, "that you will join oar society for the protection of little birds, because stamina says you are very fond of larks," Then there was a silenoe, and the Lim- burger cheese might have been heard scrambling around is its tin box on the cnpbuard shelf. Weary W..ea. Nothing is more- reprehensible and thoroughly wrong than the idea that. a woman fulfills her duty by doing an amount of work that is far beyond her likrengtb. She not .only does not fulfill her duty, but she most signally fails in it; and the faihtre is truly deplorable. There ("tribe no sadder sight than that ' of a broken-down, over-worked wife and mother -a woman that is tired all her life through. if the work of the house- ' hold cannot be accomplished .by order, system, and moderate work, without the noossity of wearing, heart -breaking toil, toil that is never ended and ever begun, without making life a tread -mill of labor, then, for the rake of humanity, let the work go on. Better live in the midst of disorder than that order should be pur- chased at so high a price, the cost of health, strength, happiness, and all that makes life endurable. The woman who spends her:life in unnecessary labor is unfitted for the highest duties of house. She should be the haven of rest to which I both husband and children turn for both peace and refreshment. She should be the careful, intelligent &dreier and rondo of the one. and tender and confident helpmate of the o.her. How . is it possible fur a woman e*hausted in body, as a natural consequence in mind also, to perform either ut these offices No, it is not peerible. The constant strain is too gnat. Nature gives way . beneath it. She loses health and spirits and bopefulnees, and, more than all, her youth, the last thing that a woman should allow to slip from her; for, no , matter how old she is in years, she should be young in heart and feeling, for the youth of age is sometimes more attractive than youth itself. To the overworked woman this green'old age is out of the question; old age comes un , her sere and yellow before its time. Her disposition is ruined, her temper is • soured, and her very nature is changed by the burden which, too heavy to carry, is dragged along as long as wearied feet and tired hands can do their part. Even her affections -are blunted, and she be- ' comes merely a machine -a woman with- • out time to train and guide her children , es only a mother can, a wife without the time to sympathize with and cheer her husband, a woman se overworked during the day that when night comes her sole thought and most intense longing are for the rest and sleep that very probably will not some, and, even if it should, that she is too tired to enjoy. Better bpfar let everything go unfinished, to lite as beet she can, than to entail on herself the tune of overwork. -[San- itary Magazine. M Veer deal garnered. "Pa," said a little boy. as he climbed to hi.fatber's knee.louked into his faceas earnestly as it he understood the impor- ta►Ros of the subject, "Pa, is you soul insured r "What are you thinking about, my sod r replied the agitated father. "Why do you ark that question r "Why, pa, I heard uncle Oeor'gr lay that you had your hours and your lite insured, but he didn't believe you had thought of your soul, and he was afraid you would lose it; won't you get it in- sured right away T' The father Inured his bead on his hand and was silent. Ile owned broad acres of land that were covered with a boe.tiful prod.'s, barns wen evon now filled with plenty, bis buildings were all well covered with ssuI%1Iee; but, axil that would not aures ter the mainten- ance of his wife and only child in ears of his disease, he had. the day before, tak- en a life policy for a large amount, yet _.;w-:tirau• �' Q••i mean to his own The Old *role* Weesaa's yawn. Illy Aide ..f the ril p :dug ht. „k ..t o` the .►atlgalad elms of stint , tl r .tarts a i. w, seed-thatahaj a ret• tate, sith its hint. honeyiuckle tacit 1• t1•e ,. tub. Et tenth Mit hen re, f, trod to a tn. w *bite bad ley. nos` lung ago, old Nanny, the old scotch woman, patiently and cheerfully Resit- ing the moment a hen the haps y spirit would take its flii:ht to "'umia ons in the skies,' experiencing witb happy Paul, "We K,w*c if ver mirthy house in this tnl•.•ra.acle were dissolved, we have a bui;.ting o f Gcd, a louse t o t made with hat ds, eternal in the heavens." By her hedpidr, en a small tilde, lay her well -thumbed 1 iIde, her "barrel and cruse" as she milt.' it, Prem which she daily, any hourly spiritually fed on the Brae` .d Life. A young minister fre- I' 1't'y called to see her, He loved to listee to her simple expression of Bible truths. Fur whets she spoke of her "in- heritance incorruptible, undefiled and synopsis of the newspaper laws : that f.ulrth not away," it seemed but a I 1. A postmaster is required to re keeled he heard the r eemed in heaven d singing, "Unto Him that loved use, and washed us from our sins in.his own blood." one day the young minister put t.. the happy saint the following startling' 2. If any persen orders his paper dia- question: "Now Nanny," hesaid, "what if, after all your prayers, and watch;eg, Goal would suffer your soul tobe eternal- ly lent r' Pious Nanny raised herself on her elbow, andtnrning to hien with a wistful t_ THE HURON SIGN Al., FRIDAY. DEC. 30, u The *lied Wages Tses•.ry Boo„petaeal- Hun. 'I homes Is. Price, U. S. Tn+n sury 1)e,arttuemt, Waahinttin, D. J 's Oil as tug a.1 its tes- tiuuulial is endorsed by some of Iktr lured officials ..f the Treasury Departwatt,ahe nun nn cured of rbeanwtista and oth [ul ar,aplaints by it. uagyr'M'• ell ll head of the list fovea purpose. Inedieine. It is used a it'. enooess, beth interu..11y It cures sore throat, fn.st bites; relieves, and orf -en eutes arta, U. ti, A., reanoutenns St. it the most wonderful pain -retie healing remedy in the world. .it of a f uup - • ti , and erten burns, seal re 4K daear a Cease. m The oat reltitide rlmedy for a cough er cold, asthma, ortaess et breath, sore throat, weak�ng. and hrou- edial troubles, is d's r,il Balsam. Price 25 con Newspaper tw We call the special attention of post- masters and subscribers to the following little way off, and tl•e listener almost notice by latter (returning a paper oes not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his pauper out of the officio, and state the reasons for its not beim', taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. look, laid her right hand on her "pre- cious Bible," which lay open before her, and quietly replied: "Ah dearie me, is that a' the length ye hoe got, mon 1" and,then continued, her eyes sparkling with alma -t heavenly brightness, "Clod would hoe the greatest loss. Puiry Nan- ny would Lose her soul, and that would continued, a ntuat pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue, to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until ' the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes apaper front the post -office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed -or not, is responsible for the pay. t If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a ►n.•m must pay for be a great loss indeed, but God would what he uses_ loose his honor and his character. 5. The courts have decided that refuse dL7ala Haven't I hung my soul upon His "ex- ung to take a newspaper and perio i e exlimg great andprecious remises f" from the post calls, ur removin, and P leaving them uncalled for, is primo fe•ia an' if He break his word, a' the universe evidence of intentional fraud. would rush into confusion :" A reseed ertlyoeerasy. • The halffax Chronicle draws attention again to the following paragraph which appeared in the Free Peru several -weeks ago, and asked for an explanation from the Ministerial:organs:- "Nova Scotia coal miners may find food for reflecting in the fact that the Dominion Government has refused to use Nova Scotia coal. In the contract for supplies to be delivered at Ottawa for the use of Rideau Ball and the pub- lic buildings, it was expressly stipulated that coal from the United States should be delivered." It is now stated in addition that the above enol was inverted free of duty, but perhap+ the organs can telt whether it was or not l This is another instance of:a Government for the protection of native industries employing foreigners to deliver supplies that can be obtained at home, and, in doing ao, evading the customise duty. Thus we have: Letter earners' uniforms purchased in England : Intercolonial printing done at Buffalo an 1 New York ! Weight scales imported froaa Ver- mont : Plants for the Government Conserve - tory purchased in New York : Carpets and oil cloths for the public buildincs purchased in England ! Foreign artists employed to paint for the National Portrait Gallery : Militia clothing purchased in Eng - lend ' Coal imported from the United States : To this record of hypocrisy we may add : Advertisements in the Dominion Pant Office Guide advising settlers to cease wrestling with stumps and stones in Canada mei go to the western States where prairi • fatms are to be had on the easiest terns : Advertisements in pamphlets issued by the Department of Agriculture setting forth the treater advantage of settling in the United States than in Canada : In the light of these facts it is easier to understats,i Sir John Macdonald's de- claration in favor of anr.exation than in- dependence at the Tory Convention.-[ Ottawa Eree Press. No itrticle ever attained such unbound- ed popularity in so short a time as Pm. - dock Blood Bitters, and that too durior the existenoe of countless numbers widely advertised bitters and bloxxl pnr•, fiers. - It is evident that this medicine begins its work at once, and leaves ti. desirable effect unattained. A &emerad aeamprdr. Never was there such a rush for Druo Stores as of now at ours for a Trial Pot- tle of Dr. King's News Discovery !.o Consumption, Coughs and Colds. :111 persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or area affection of the Throat and Lungs, we get a trial bottle of .this great reined\ free, by calling at your drug store. • Weaa'. Tree Freed. A.frs iend in need is a friend in.lfeel This none can deny, especially when +u. sistance is rendered when oneissorely al flicted with disease, more particularly t 1., ' complaints and weaknesses so common t. our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters er woman's true friend, and will p..aitivelt restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail, A single trial I ways proves oar assertion. They aro' pheasant to the taste and only cos* eft. cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist,. 1 g8 1. Hardware! Har B.ekle.'s Andra salve. The best Tuve in the world for out., Bruises, SAN .e. • it.•t -. ria t Rheum, Fever Korea. Tetter, t Implied Hands, Chilblains, Cures, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures 1'tlaav It ii ]guar- anteed to give perfea.'t satisfaction or money refunded. Prioxe 25 vents per box. Fur sale by all druggists. t. Nature, atte all, i the great t,hy5i- n. She hid •jn• all the secrets of health rithiu Iter broad, generous loom, and Mall nerds but to go to her intelligently for his every meal. The discovery of the greet Cough Remedy, G►tara •rxt'r or Rio Saturn Guts, is an apt illustra- tion "f this. As • cure for Coughs, Colds, Lou of Voice and Hoarseness it stands unrivalled, while its 1„w trice and readiness of access planes it within the reach of all. Try it and be convinced All chemists keep it in 25 and I50 -cent bottles. - ad pods (treat American Remedy for COLDS, AS'I'Ll.M I, () ArCHI 7'Is, LOSS OF VICE, IIIARBENE.S.S AND 4O.1 7' APPM; 7'IONN. 1 tr..a rAt AwM ere �.rw u.... tnra- Ba4aww, &»o lap f fee ecru ret hoperlor e. any wedviw. offered fur ou+.plolata A the .eo combination d, erudr•lao.s the Red .v„rrav freeerre the .ret cahoots wai,v Uwe for e,,.„ and Nt'.r 0 ErdSc1..., t I &Dery one boa beard 011ie won. derf, l .1 forts of tae Spruces and the Panes in soars of Law D:. - mule. 1s "NOW .A• /y.p.i. ala1, repo. tarty ..a.e anp/e.•e SPRUC ,.•r1. and or.l.'• new to delta a tea wide T from Ike .�L M. Spruce Wpm. SN RE AY'S P /a *7,1, ,.repara. .• ties ...in serve p,nv.res, n«d all its n I Capri• , u..dtr, rr• r•ant i,., iqfoa..d I,pals a ole . rop-rrie- , reed.. • ;T.s yr- . ea re- i..l `, pre. a (0 • fry.. n,vre, 11 1r 1. U., w it r ., Its remarkable ppo�ere.• in rcllei,ileg certain forme of Bronchiti.:, aulkitg almost specilllc eject in curing stinelts harking Coughs, is now set knoars to the' Inlblie at lame. .•:wt t Ar ed Jteep.elabk cresols. P tD rr•,.e n bottle. 15. •' vyrrN of Ped .Rprue we 0 J RryWrva 7r...1e Yarn, ,...J..a ...-u .r rin-t••Mcbt are ill -4 r:..NIrer.d. I►EJ?R )' )17. i T.i i..” Wholawale Drar.,r' Sok P. —!.tore sad 111,10•14:1:C. .ren, MoatrwaL THE UNDERSIGNED IS STILL A18R�D FOR BEST 1e„ MliIJIVARE AND LOWEST PRICES. HE KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF SHE1.1 General Hardwar DO NOT FAIL TO SE MY CROSS -CCT SA 1 S D ' � AXESI I Keep all the Newest and. Best Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE •'LIMAN Four -Barb Fence Wire N-zIE- Canadian Pacific Railway Company.. The CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY offer lands in the FIFLTILE: BELT of Manitoba and the Northwest Territory for sale at $2.50 PER ACRE. Payment to be made one-sixth at time of purchase, and the balm', c in IIveannual il:stalments with interest at six per cent.. A Rebate of $1.25 Per Aore pa*allowed, o' certait. conditions. for cult trot ion and • (t t r'un rot, m, nee. HE LAND GRANT BONDS darer. which can be procured •t all the Agencies of (tic hank o1 \Montreal, and oth- Institutions throughout the country, will be ut th r Ittn e ere on th lar ey. the a Four full nipeg; or t ved at ,Ten Per Cent. Premium, e, with interest accrued, oa account of and in paynu ret of tl e 1 inches° mon- toeing the price of the land to the purchaser. -rets made with emigration and Land C'ompanlee. apply to the Company's land Commissioner. JOHN McTAV ISH, WW- II/fled. r of the Board, Montreal, Dec (7ARLEU Ytr\KW'.\T[R, aeeretstry. 1881. 1817- \ t•aaurn'ative Stew. Front the figures before us, showing the state of the poll, we find that Dr. Waters secured a majority in all the ag- ricultural districts, but was beaten by the C.hourg vote, which means that the farmers are against the National Policy, and the manufacturing interests in favor. If, therefore, the voting in West North- umberland be accepted as a sign u to how the general elections will go, the Conservatives must be prepared to lose Ontario in the next contest. But even as matters stand, they have real cause for alarm. They threw the whole weight of the Government in favor of Mr. Guillet yesterday. They had been pre- paring for the !tattle for months, had se- lected their own ground, and it is also quite true, that the election was sprung on the Libe ala Under these circum- stances, although as a general rule we do not believe in moral victories, the result of the onutest in West Northu nberland must be scored lo� for 1Post (Irish Cowmen - stirs.) ) A Sere. The result of the election, shows that amens the larnmes of Ontario there is a strong rection sgaitrat Sir John Maodo.- ald'. Government. The Conservative majority has been ridueed to soeh an eitest that whew the general elections entree on, and the power of patronage cannot be nrwteentr►tetl npon one con sotittteney West Northumberland will be easily redeemed (Mnntreal Her KersaCOCOA. —uaar.rl'LAMnCOarMUT 1 c. -'Ry a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by • careful application of the fine properties of weD+ lected l'.. oa. Mr. Epp. has provided our breakfast rabic-, with a delicately flavoured beverage wl.ich may save us many heavy doctors bills. 1t is by tt.c jndi- cietous use of such amides of dict tb•tt a con- stitution may be gradually built up it:,t ii strobe enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred,' of subtle ,ntladice are floating around us ready to attack whereverJeer weak •point. We otos escape mars n r:•.•t' shaft by keeping ourselves well fort itb•d v. illy pure blood and a properly nourishc-i - Cirit .Suede, (la:efnc.-Mold onir in 1'aokers labelled -"JAM,.+ Errs .t Co.. llonr.•otetthi.• Chemists, London. Eng"- Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon ore. 1761 a week in your own town. Ternand �66 s SA outfit free. Address II. HH ALLL:tT & Co. Portland Maine — - ANCHOR LINE. D. ct: HE OLD STAND. TR.A.CEI.1 MOVID IIIA CU R.0 BTJSINf388 To the old stand in the Albion Block, fntxpted by him. where he vett! be to welcome all his old customers andth 1 nge.elly A large guanine 01 NEW, FRESH tROCERIES CFIEAP ,4S 7'Rt' CIIF..tvEsr. D, C_ S2RACHAN� HURON CARRIAGE V7ORKS. T. & J. STORY". 181'CCES21IS T) JJ11N KNOX,. MA NUF.\CTCC1y;S or Carriage UNITED 9TATEi MAIL STF..AMISES Sall every Saturday. NEW 1'Oitla TO GLAt'(.e•1S- CABINS, jets to jus. STEERAGE jus' These Steamersdo not carryeattle.sheeporp NEW YORK TO LONi)ON DiRECT. CABINS jai to $113. Excursion at Reduced Rates. Passenger accommndatlona are unsurpassed.' All 8tatrro oma on Main Deck. Passengers booked at lowest rsu`a *0 or from any Railroad station In Europe or America Drafts rates, payable ifreeutcharge.. throughout England. Scotland and Ireland. For book' of information. 'Nana. Re.. apply W HLanitrteOo RROT.L... 7 �. owe (:nLL?,. Y. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. Hamilton gt 1751 Agent et Ooderich Ht7RO1'Q QOVNTY DIRECTOTY. THE NEW DIRECTORY FOR N1 RON (X)t'NTY. LUCKNOW AND El' ('ARDiNElsnow ready. lteo.tainsthesaafes or every Farmer sad Rolled older la tie ('own to with their Poet OA x. Addresses. The most complete wort ever issued. FRZO�, - - 1113.00. Agents Wanted.I LIBERAL COMMI`tIION. Address: unser* rnmas tl>>u Der. OW 1811. PATENTS. We coednwe to vet as Solicitors for Patents Caveats, Teed* Marks Copyrights etc. for the Vaned Pietas. ()eri vets& gland. France, Germany. ear. We lave had pleats eve remrttlereemes ,a obtained trireWh se are nonce l In the RCIMw11,10. Aww.►caw. T1M1. BSA 7rMaw Illts•ted weekly paper. jil • oar. • w• tee Pr.,. -.. of Pledenee. 1• very later, eattne set M• •a enew'mnn•r lrr.ppiattnn Address NI NN t CO.. tPnlicitrrw Pnhlbaher. of Phrw.T'rW A et y' Park �..rk Hand 7.,nt h• r rot i,} JAMES '11L.ny, a;ruga .. . t'Al. . ifa•In.r' • a•:: 1)rtt4: pets. etc ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BU REPAIRING and JOBBING done •nth \ratue, „liable Bates. fall and examine t•efine. pun Lasii leu 1. 8i J. i N(•Y" OLD STND. 1LT TO ORCER. :and Des; :,t. L. reas- STORY, -•rl;'•:I;T. (4PUND c Eti IN(1► SUE 11 1'- oots ands hoes, • • V L t,• - n Are 1 :.a• -.a'. + • t 1: .--- :. their own Purgative. :a r - fr. 1.•'1,r:..1 efreetual dewtre,rr of r-nrnr+ 1., cL1:.11ru or Adults. - AI1�TDfi7a to Drsasas, Cowrutwn and Accnantera which HAcvwan•s YELLOW Ott V t.ed to .gars a relieve either V ][Ass or BWT. Ala.t�TAEGU IIRINALLI 111 (BOrP, r COCOH1, CRAMPS, PORN THROAT, ASTHlrA, COLDS, Ae. Astute trnasa It IM RRHRr M4 i71M CRTLRLAIN , W'R'LL170S, RALLIS, LA arZWEas, OWrTRAC IONS Luanuao, n wigwam, SPRAINS, %RCRALAIA, CALLOCM LUMPS ETIF? JOINT 1, PROST 3111 71, CORNS, aRCtLES, Ifs, PAIN IW NA(Z, PAnr R £ Iota itwrw beetle ew. M.. i so give rt+o. s• lie• a wrww —dela wldere 1Ase NVT%L NIM es.. LICILI EIT 004,ftepstetera Toa 9r7 , T. �..n tinAT70. • ort•••••••••••1 fit ._ _,.sided t.-• 7:1 _..!eve, "le? It, s/.A:. • ••• ter ",t ea - ''Vert, r tr., .:e,.�i V--rBarre. Rao iter vol. Ise we A ►- reuse. - •rte••. t o.• of 1110•••••••, ..sir t• .a a ,.•r Coma. psrdwfar*.a�•er ar r PT!.r : }- . ,'>•• Prete arh, 1M,..1*ne Rt are..te ,MM s,.1 themes" I' - . . •... rvc.o ttol part.s.Lw. Mace •a.. seta Ret. —AT -e. CAMPBELL'S BOOT SilOf; EMPOIIIUM, FOR UNE MONTH. • Previous to took taking. My Stook is Large and well -assorted, and BARGAINS GREAT will be giver z=RMs - CAS= WM. CAMPBELL. 1 i G1t Daniel Gordon, NM and Uudertaler. ()tdis Hew is Me tem*, ..d ups. Meek Su side of Lo.Iew PAatoa Sans,Bq ild►x Ikea !!arise, LIT CaAnik, ger' , ser Cash Buyers win e d K, tea tkelr Mvaata nits see alykteek 11 t1614044.4111111 •r1r 00 ' DO wwaae "W. weer Ofir.. (jodrrity 4 .sir p In.