The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 6eel e• at w,.,wte a ws-oweereo ,.Pori. :.v�,; • a THE 11 U RRON SIGNAL, D ..1 a `" '1Ge T�Ilw :'` arfla-r 11h8t 12SS ownis A aTOKT OF Tel Lable1e111a4 t'JAL MI1NNA Br Pikaeces Hones eellexerTT. "i.,' she answered, "it is Tk 'towatI braved it si.h of lief. 'd thowt it wur nae she said. "1 1 th' Maaeys as I did na believe it en they browt th' tale to toe. They're wwerful fond o' tale-bearin,' that Max- ey lot." Joan stotapod in her play with the child. "They dunnot nndertttand," she sand," "that's aw. I ha' learned t., thtnk dif- ferent, an' believe i things as I did ns used to believe in. Happen that's what they inesan by talkin' o' th' Methodya" People learned no more of the nutter than this. They felt that in some way Joan Lowrie had separated herself from their ranks, but they found it trouble- some to work their way to any more de. finite conclusion. "Haat heard about that lass o'Low- r•ie's 1" they said to one another, 'lee's taken a new turn sin' Lowrie deed; hoo allus wur tt• queer-loike, high-handed wench." After Lowrie's death, Anice Barholm and .loan were oftener together ,, than ever. What had at first peen friendship had gradually becoute :ttfection. "I thiuk," Anice said to (;race, "that 1 'fiery' one, as they stall it, and yet day trot op 1. Wend'sW, after end be. whish rooves piss 1t L a fsojlkiky with after day goes toy, and no pret*utiuts gen to pace the roost, &awes his habit. stern realities." are t+keu. There are poor fellows work- "Nest week -the uritis will some st • When he left the nenelishits had ing under me whose existence means the ntwei,w p Is1d. "I wonder how it I lomat decided. At the end of the week bread to hel1fle.s women and children. will end foe •e °' he would hive nu further t.ot•upetwu in I hold their lives in trust, and if I am "Yon are still determined ?' said Riltgan. He had only two mono days' not allowed to place one frail barrier be- • Anice. work before him and he had gained the tweeze thutu and sudden death, I will 4Yes, 1 am ill determined. I wish unenviable reputation of being a tire - lead thea into peril nu longer -1 will it were over. Perhaps there will be a and -tow young fellow, who was flighty enough to nuke s martyr of himself. resign my position. At least, I eta do that." The men under him worked with a dull, heavy daring, born of long use and a knowledge of their •awn helpleasnuw againet their fate. There was not one Joan must go away from a new life." "That is the ugly way," he answered, . "In this ..I.1 ..no alt•• '• r been troth. ink Otos ....>,. , .-, oitterness and pain." Fergus Derrick was sitttng at the table turning over a book of eneravinga. He , looked up sharply. here and tied Fate in it,"- --hu voice luwering itself as be added this last sentemce, "A Fate 1" said Alike. "I atm growing superstitious and full of fancies," he said. "1 tie not trust to myself, as I once did. I should like among tkur who did not know that in , Fate to bear the responsibility of my going down the shaft to his labour, he' leaving Riggan er remaining in tt." might be leaving the light "f day be- I "And if you leave it 1' asked Attic*. hind him for ever. But seting the blue ' For an instant he paused in his walk sky vanish from sight thus during six with an uncertain air. But he shook days of fifty-two weeks in the year en this uncertain air. But he shook this gendered a kind of hard indifference. uncertainty off with a visible effort, the Explosions had occurred, amt ,night oo- next moment cur again; dead men had Leen carrted "If I leave it, I (10 not thunk I shall up to be stretched on the green earth- return, and Fate will have settled ques- teen crushed out of all semblance to hu- tion for ins." inanity. Some of themselves bore the ''Don't leave it to Fate," said Auice marks of terrible utaiaiing; but it was in s low tone. "Settle it for yourself. an old story, and they had learned to It does nut --it is rut -it looks--" tace the same hazard recklessly. "It looks cow>irdly," he interrupted. i It was after they had had finished tea With Fergus Derrick, however, it was her. "So it does, Mid so it is. God land the arm -chain had beau drawn to a different matter. It was he who must , knows I never felt myself so great a cow. the fire that Grace himself made a reve- led these men into new fields of danger. aril before !" lethal. Ile had pause 1 :Igxin,. .This time he '`When you met me to -night, I was star before her. The girl's grave; de- returning from a visit I had paid to Joan litatte face turned to meet his glance, Lawrie." and ruing it a thweght swetiited to strike "At Thwaite's 1" said Derrick. hiur • •"At Thwaite s. She -the fact is I "Anice," he said, the dart: flush rising went on businesi-rhe has determiued afresh, "I p-unnised you that if the time to change her plan of life." should ever emu)wh,hi I needed help "Iu what manner 1" that it was passible you might give, I "She is to work no more at the twines. should net bo nfrai'1 to ask you for it. 1 I amha;ipy to say what I have been able alt coming to you for help. Net now -= to find her.dher employment.' some day net far distant. That is why I • There w•s an interval of silence, at remind }'••u of the compact." length broken by Derrick. "I did not need reminding," she said "Grace," he said, "can you tell we to lits• why she decided upon mach a course Y" 'I might hare known that.," he ans. Grace looked at him with questioning werei,-"I think 1 did know it. But surprise. "1 can tell you what she said to rue on the subject," he replied. "She said it was no woman's work, and she was tired of it.' '"She is not the woman to do anything without a motive," mud Derrick. ' "No," returned the curate: Under the first street -lamp he stet Grace who was evidently ntakiug his way home. glade. sleeted with Juan. Now and thou she Travelling had puzzled sud startled hint, hut herr, ettAs1, THINK pyOs- If lbly, might be a solutfun of the tugA.T. Wry. Pass. k:ap's. ILIA. Mia•d. tluderluh.Lv 7.OQam ll.OSpm 3.15pui 9.esaut "Au1 Joao Lowrie herself.!" he ask; melt:aeb 7.50•• 1.10 •• 1.aa'• 10.50'. Stretford. A r s. Mani 1.16pin e.lepm 1.00 -' "I will with you," be said, taking his araCs Onwithin the walls of the *milts Timm,little rvm, he torsed it easy to unb.sIu hituself. He described his intertitiw with his employees, and its termina- tion. "A few months ago, I flattered Myself that my prospects were improving," he said; "but now it seem, that I must bo- gie await% which is not an easy matter, I.y the way.,. By the time he ended, he found his temporary excitement abating edam what, but still his wool was by no means un- disturned. - CHAPTER XXXIII. A roMI.IiT. , The tut time cause. before many days; when the tie that bound Joan Lowrie to her present life was ',token. The little one, who from the first had clung to ex- istence with a frail hold, at Last Itsiaened its weak gran. It had been ill for sev- eral days- se ill that Joan had remained at home to nurse it -and one night, sit- ting with it upon her k..ee in Ler ac- customed place she saw a change upon the small face. It had been moaning arntinueusly,and suddenly the plaintive sound c.etsed. "Where can you find a new life for Joan bent over it. She had been hold. her 1" he asked. "And how can you ing the tiny hand as she always did, and help her to it ? (inc dare net offer her at this,enoment the short fingers closed even a semblance of assistance," upon one of her "wa quietly. she was .They had not spoken to him; but he quite alone, and for an instant their was - had heard, as he always heard, every- a deep silence. After her first glaneu at 1CHAPTER XXXIV. thing connected with Joan Lowrie. He the tiny creature, she broke this • silence I - Tris r n;INaaR R1I$I'Ls,4 • A moment later, as if by one impulse, was always restless and eager where a herself. The owners of the :Rieman collieries eyes $ yr their a •es met. ('grace started as .if he was concerned. All intercourse between "Little hiss," she said in a whisper, held their meeting. That a person in had been stung. Derrick simply emtlush- thseemed to be an end. Without "what ails thee ? Is thy pain O'er f". their emm ploy ahouhl differ frothem d• flush- them to make any effort to tin so, As she looked again at the baby face boldly, and c•.ndemn their course openly, '"What is it ?" he asked. - she kept out of his path. Try is he upturned, as if in silent angwer,the truth was ai, ee„.em..unary event; that . a "I --I do not think I miderstaud,'' hist might, he could not reach her. At brute upon her. young man in the outsetif Lis career Grace faltered. "Surely I ata blunder - it had come to this: he was no longer Folding her arms around the little should dare so tuuch was unprecedented.. ing " + dallying upon the brink of a great and form, she laid her head upon its Creast,. it would is a ruinous thing. they said "Nay," said Derrick ghtenuly. "You dutir;uruus- patsson,- it had overwhelmed and wept alouri-wept as she had ueyer aurone themselves, for ao yoetl} as 'flan cannot blunder since you know the wept before. Then she laid the child to burst! sen important a .oastiun os. the , feel - him. i i truth, Veit not fancy that my feel- "Une cannot even slope•. ch her, he up,ni a pillow, an • d cot•ered irk face. very threshold of his professional life, ing was e. trivial that I. could have con - said again Liz's lent word returned to her with a' and they were c..nvine_"p that his knew- ,iuci•trl it se s ,.n ' .1":ur Lowrie-" Aitict ro•;.:rda,i l}' a of double force. Riled not bleed to furgekledge of this would restrain him.' But eJea,i L rvrie :" pit} in her face. - .•r blame her. Where was Liz teelight, they were settounded tie find thea it did 1 ()race's voice had, broken in eient him at this hiur, when her. child was safe ? n.i•. "Tse time if rnae.se p Leu it will net I- t...1:.:70 startled a„unci. be so," site said. ' The text titernl'ng, ton her way down He bn,ULht i.is el.t::a with hint ; anti The two ince regsrdel .ark o tlit•r in The :tight 1R;iiyre, .T. • at L .w•r ie had.; stairs to the breakfast -teeth, sluice Bar Mitt. them Lefure them. . They were ' lt,utual bqw il.iennent. Then a;,:tu1 Der-- • 1 pent ' bt with L. t:he brad timet li„ini w:v ttet by a versant, ;.trna for th'e abu'ititm .f old .:m•' date 1 eel; eca1 the fitst to speak. The young 0 luau froze the males.. gerous araugements, fer. the timelier- '•(;nice " he 'said "sou hate .ntimate ! would like to see you. :lies." said the iati••n .•f the condition ..r the leen who ,ier.:,,od une." girl. l.,b,.aret at the hourly- risk of their • Gr:.ce answered him with a • risible Joan ' Attlee found s •wartiu,, her be. �lars,and Currendering this lglawreasier. trem.d low. " .'.t:;s, there were dans f.rr :, eel., ::t . � 1 elf," .c sea. ,, ' ,as to your hive be "I lei cense to tell yo:," site said. I'aysteni tentilatiou-prospering the J.eti Lowrie you referred when you "that tit' little deed ta o deed ntidnoct• i sebstitution of fans Mr the loag•nsed spoke to me o,f youltrnuble some months neer wur no nue I could ca' in. 1 s:t ! f trnace. One "r tin. of 1:le 1'-;_cr u �a•_o. i l,•„ utisunderst.i.nhyou. if the alone wi' it i' tit' moot aw' th neet, an I Wren leaned toward theireeloptinn. But obstacles you tneant were the obstacles then I left it to conte here," the ,non with the greatest eletetnc: were eel.' n•nuld f u•1 in . the pati et Inch a Anice and Thwaite a wife returned i ensue :cud le: a prone ti. the ette•oura:w p„re, I hai'e tuisuudereGasl yet. If you home with her. What little there was meta ••f novelty did not mean that your heart had been to he done, they' reuraiued to dn. hurl•"Ifs all noataeusb,".said one. "Fur- stirred by feeling your generous friend - this was scarcely more than to watch 1 nacos have leen used ever bine:• the sari caused you to regard as unjust to her until the pretty baaby face was hid- mines were o' ene'l and as to the to rest- et-, I Lave misuntlerstee,d yell misera- den away tenni hunwu sigh'. I it arises, I su,q osis, fr nu the eteepleints bly.'; When all was ever, Jean became rest- I of the men. They alma), will c.nupiain ".110 drat felliiw :" Derrick exclaim - less. The presence of the child had sate I -they always di.l-" l ed, w ith seem emotion, "mydear fel- ed her foto utter desolation, and note <<� low, d•, pot mean to toil Inc that o Mia2 it was gone, the emptiness ...f the ?e fa S they have had relent fe.r ONO -you Lint." remarked Derrick."As. you imagined I referred to Miss Barholm 1" ed, . lutItlolilugly. "Joan Lowrie herself,," said Derrick, nearer to me to -day than she was a year ago.'. "Are you "- -hesitatingly --"are you quite sure of that f" 'mid words ad tsapted his lips in spite of himself.ere 55 twSTINt'*D.I let us make -the compact over again." She held out her hand to 1L}lu, and he took it eagerly. - - ewers Peeler I balsam. Cures c hs, la .141., sathMa, :torp who",pin¢¢ slough, sure throat, brine:lu i.e and all lung complaints that lead to et11- suutptiun. „Price 25 tents. in on her way trent iter work, leture g,ill}( to Thwaites. el.1 had knelt down upun the hearthrc.; to warm 'herself. There had been ie. light in the room but that of the tire. Al. if its ;;low, fulling upon her face, hall leteaied to Anice aune. thing like h:tee:oldness. "Joan," -1. arid, ":eve you ill f" Juanstirred n little uneasily, but slid not !sok at her et she an,ttvere•1 ',Nay, I amn i rte!; I nicer wur ill i' my life." "Then,'•saidAnie ,'what -what is it tlst I we in yell • tees ?' There was :. a•„• •ntoty t romeer 'of the.l111ely lir"!'e• •'•.tieete chin. •'I:.n tired 0 J.vla , a•laweretl. `That' .sw,' a:: .: snot fell uer,n her lisp. Atica turned 1 , . he tire. ":C:uat iv •it 7 •�?i t a :..r.l, altntst in a t.a see-. J•rut leokea up et her not ardent, not Litter, net .1 - , ..tale!), in appeal sgnin•t her own •tksb,dr. "in r. a theer a a•' „ „1 .i ;taco fur me i' th' t.:t,!.1 Is it .t:::, to le this way wi' rile ? Con i never reach no higher, strive as 1 wail, pray as 1 will -fur I have pi:o;•ed. L no tha'r s woman's p1::ce fur the i' th' teeth' f' "(es," said Anioe, "1 nm sure theer 'is." "I've tIowt as deer 1111111 be seme- wheer. Sometimes 1 vc f 'tt euro as theer ntun be aumewheet, eemetimes rye fait auto as theer mon be, an' then a,,ain I've been bests se ;e that T ha' almost glen it up. If the. r is such a place fur rite, I mon find it 1 !run :" "you bill find it," said Artier, "seine day, surely," Anice thought' 1 all this a;a;:t when she ;lanced at Derrick. Derrick was more 'ban usually dutmai s'•l :. ,lay. 11. had fer a nae time Leen %i e.:s a his wry to an imp■,rtant decisitm, fteught with .ante a11nn}'ttllce and at.\i t t to himself. There was to he a se .:i:, i4 the owner' in a few weeks, and at this meeting hi hied •1 ermine,', 1 t 'r first steak. "The 'Over T reetasn in illy - ' at lot position, tide more fnlly I ant cet1 ,net t 8e danger constantly threatesaiuc cls.' •M'7sM to Anice "1 Aa cons ince.; that the present system of furnaces is t! ISMS of more explosions thea are gteer- aTfy attributed to 4 The mime hart is hwlse'chilled her. At the last, when p her companions were ah tut to pease her, say', there have Leen fie nates tete since "I was Stier of it," was Grace's agitat she broke down. sA "I conna bear it," a1e,said. "I will • go wi yo'." Thwaite's wife had proposed before that she should make her home with them; and now, when Mrs. Thwaite re- turned to Riggs, Joan accompanied her, and the cottage was lucked up.! This elterat• changed greatly the routine of her life. There were chil- dren in the Thwaite household -half a dozen of them -who, having overcome there first awe of her, had learned before the }lady died to be fond of .Tuan. Her handsome face attracted them when they ceased to fear its novelty, and the hard -worked mother said to her neigh- bors "She's ;;erten a way wi' ohilder, some- how, - that lass n' L)wrie's. Yo'd won- der if yo' could see her wi' 'enr. She's teeny a Lit o help to ore." itut as -time prngre.sed, -tniee .Itar. huhu noted the cun'tant presence of that there have Leen urines, tut tltere have ed reply. ":As I said . before, I have also been explosiuus, which stay in many misutiderstoxid you miserably." "And yet you'had tit; word of blame forme '' "i had ne right to blenle you. i had not lust what I believed you won. It had never been;ntine. It sass s. mistake," he added, endeavoring to steady himself. the result was that forty dead and "But do n't mind me, Derrick. Let oa wounded men were carried uy 'the shaft, try to set it right; only I ase afraid you 'cases be attributed to then,. There was an explosion at Brownton a month ago which was to serine extent a mystery, but there were old, miners who understood it well enough. The return air, loaded with gas, had limited at the furnace, and to be recognized, when they were recog- nisable, by mothers, and ..wires, and children, who depended upon them for their scant food." Derrick argued his cense well and with will have to begin again." Derrick drew a heavy breath. He took up a paper -knife from the table, and began to bend it in his hands. "Yes," bre said, "we shall lure t., be - spirit, keeping a tight rein upon himself; gin again. And it is told .in a few but when, hating exhausted 111, argil- surds," he said it -Ph a delileratenees merits, he found that he had not ad• altanest painful it its suggentis n of an in- tanced his cause, and that it was s times effort at self-control. "Grace, settled matter that he should int, he what w•.nld you think o1 a man who took fire. tend himself Netting reason at defuree, "Then, geutie.nen,-' he mid, • • 1 bate and in spite of all obstacles c••nfr•,nting but one resource. I will hold nes human the possibility of Levine and marrying - 1ife lightly iu nay hands. I have the if she can be won such a adman as wont 1.,..k upon her face. instead of honour to tender you my resiglati.R" I' Joan L'•wne o" diminishing. it grew and deepened. There was a dead silence fora :omen! i "inn arc putting me in a difficult pee Even (Derrick who 'net her s.. rarely, or so. They had certainly not expected isition. feel a• sacred. •• If he would taw it when he passed her in the street. such a result as this, A welt -dispensed .1:tre a,• lnel,, be would he the man to jelling man. who sat nee tie Dsriek, dart to decide for hi:mels" .1. kc to aim u1 a raped unolertnne. Derrick t•asc.1 the paperknife aside. "She is net ill, is she he asked Anice enc.•, aletietly. Anice shook her head. '•My titer fellow," he maid, "i: will be '•.%it•l yen know that T1 am the perwen ' N... she is m.t ill.'.tl:'• rain of yolk. Fier my'fart. I admire in' eieatien. 1 hare wi defied the soul, '.Then she has ''inc.trouble tl at tee yen entlni.,aesn, lint t1' not be rash," , in spite of n'yaelf at first. 1 meat cenfesn. body knows about.. he said. """hat a "A sate with a will awl a'sir et deals I 1 haul ennft entre! the 1.•sa1b4ity of 1"T• beautifulcreature aha is '" imlrtu tally hands is n.4 caaily ruined," Ientitled ' ing Joan le'e'rie In11! T I.'ve her. Se -".tad how inc'mnrehenaiLle Derrick a trills herby. "As to heinR 1 dues tie clue stands. His eyes chanced to meet anise's, and resit or enthusiaatie. I am neither then Gradually there .ian tie i .1....e the a lark dash swept oyer his fees. Ile roe sot the other. ' It is th'tanthedilli Icuiste's ,Mind certain remembrances eon• . .:: '•'� mIr"i.ftwd IRtl, the }ffr'�s • WElt Hass. bap'.. Illa'd. Mild. utratford.Lv 1.110aw_7.601..m 7.0mkuu 3.45pm Seadorth . 1.17 " 3.56 " . 9.15 " 5. 1.0 ' Uoferich.Ar x15pm .9.lepm. 11.Wam 7.t5pm Git•Seef weeTBRN. Rap a. Mall. Flip'.. CII tea going north 9.21am .1.1lspm client " gulag south xiiip.m. .if,iAtatu .7.15 '• ti 1 t(i 1J) E11. Lutksow Slue iambi arr. 10.16ani dap spin iii cardiae " •'" 1 OOam " 7am Re miller " 1 Wednesday and Saturday) arrives Donut 9.1 SEEGMILLER Chi lled Plow JACBM5LO1L AGRICULTt;R'LWORKS.. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu nbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Gsneral Bodily Paint, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Froste0 Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation oa earth equals ST. JAmaa 011. u • .efr, Aura, .dwpls and cheap Laterual Remedy. A trial entails but the oumpanuvely trtatae outlay of 40 feats, and every one cutter. Ina .Ith pain can have cheap and wow.. proof of rte deices Direction. In Dees Language... BOLD ET ALL D11100 LBW UiD DEALEli3 I5 IEDIUIIL die VOGELER & CO.. B.tsioa.r., Md., C. B. ♦. PERCHERON HORSES LARGLST Importing aid Breecling ESTABLISHMENT -%ORL33. Haring �pureltaaed the Guderith Foundry. 1 Jun fitting tCHILLEDtini PPnminee 5,.r tL, asanufaetgn ofPLOWS and AG VI CULT URA L IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. M111 Work. General Repairing and Jobbing will be con- tinued. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. ituncintanla the wily utas suttweised to t:efect payments and (five receipts on be- half of the late Ann of I.uucin�au d• Co., and all persons Indebted are requested to govern themselves accordingly. S. SSEGAIILLER, Proprietor. )IESII ARBIYALS. ctCs -, :� tntetsocyaa: N. W. DUNHAM, Wayne,. Dr, T.•g•, C tr::; , TIItac'-a, U. 3. A. :l I:SJ r:eu west -4i Chicago. Derten the pent IT months 360 ST 4L- LIO',tt .-lt'D tI.It54 shavebeen Imported from Feaster lis 0 it cstahlishnseee. bear MORE tame the romhioed ifspnrations of all other importers of Draft horses fromall parts oftl w'ui.e Joe any woe year. thee -firth n't1:4 r:,:•: c number cf Tarpon. ed Freed llnr« . to Atnerint can be seen on his•tarm Rus Impertatioes bars incltuled the Prise Winner of the relreesnl E.rpositiose Paris, IN 70. and acartyall the Prize Horse. of the Great Shows of i'mnce since Ips impor. t.ot.ona b. gars. ': u•,) n -.•,tarried off the honors at the Centennial. rr.7,r•i'rand, at the Greer t'hiewpIR o Pair. R!, -•, Danhaw,'s mere of PERF HRxn\.a, lin eompetufo,s with the largest and p',e.t collection of Clydes- dale. ever shown, consisting of the prize wino nen neat the (heat Shows of Scotland and F.n- glaod,) was awarded the Grand Aere.fs takes Prise of 51,000 and Grand Gold Medal. 100 PARR CATAL0(7rr hew FREE' ew nppll:atien. Contains weer 40 lams. festoons and the history.f the Percher`, race. Order"CAT.LLOe11l7E, S." ]Nl v tiltY LARGE BREEDER & H'v ittatY NEIGHBORHOOD n1:RF.Iis ♦A PEAC�RRERON STALLION BECAUSEatrwted the when bared to ttte oommnn area of the country the pmodner f4 more uniform, are easier keeper*, better work• eri, and sell for more money on tate market Masa any other class of Horses. , 1882 - ii 11)rr's Qiiziire ZLL JBTRbTyi;I . This popular,iournal is a rare combination et literature, art, an.l fashion. 11. stork* porn's. and essay an. by the hest writer* of ?AVM.. and Atnrrtra : l's engrsvIn pnsetwe the highest art .ntiv est, Home and Inall mat- ters pertainfnu to fashion it is nniveraally ac- knowMdgedt to he the bailing authority in the land. The new tolu:ne will contain many hrillinnt twteltios• HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Fee Tears 11.1HI'Elt:`t DA%.tR I1AHPMI58 HAMA%INii g 1161 11Anil:R':s Wih:K1.Y. 1 Is) The THREE ab.o r po411,•atluse ..., ,19 ,i) Any TN's) nttnve named 7 Ai iAftFF:It:s: Y(it'Nis I'Ei)p1.E 1 ro ARI'l:It'\1At:.1'/.1XF' SO9ial'}:lt'a Yelt Nil I'Pt11'f.1k t . 'A I'Eit'.'1 FHANKI,' liy( A1tE LI- YItA lie. one year tee Members ,. . to 00 Puente Jr- in all eetarribrn the e (Jiite,l Relate.. ar t neons. The Coh'me.of the Maser Iw'gtn with the first Number for January elea.:a;fear. When setlwe. f..nemienttM. II Will ►. wntlrestoott that the sotto.. nher wbM•s to ciertmence with e thLN umber nest after the r•eetpt oforder. Tar ftewl Tw.v. Annowl Volumes of HAe- PRR•s 11111 z.tlL la arm '.,th blatlftie, 5,11 Ir moat icy Malt, cdrecdaress. pontaae NM,n,Ibtyt Ane. rnv..•t free one do apetdredol-m"h-950(loth (*worm for each yn.-M., stiltebl. .for MMInR. will M Rent Irl mall, poen* .1. on m- eet of 9t s Mel. ftrtnetan, '. shnttld he made he Prot (Nit Mosey Order or Reno, to s,- Mel . ) an.e of ley .\'etrepnpera aro nM In ramp Ibis ndiw.be 5*,ethos( the errrves enter n5 ftASWIM .Q. 3111 tdirsss ■Alrsl A ittlf1eT91fttm. CANNf7D CORN BEEF, „ LU\'CH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN POTTED TONGUE, BEEF. HAM CHICKEN. FRESH SALMON AND LOBS f:R. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Brown & Co's BISCUITS AND CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS Ax Pure Spioes. TRT THEM. Chas. A. Nairn. ALL THE NEWS FOR A CENT. THE Torouto Daily World, TILE UNIX ONE -CENT 3iURNINO 1'.1 PER IN CAS -ADA. : THREE DOLLARS A YEAH! TWENTY-FIVE CEATS A MONTH!! ONE CENT A COPY ! ! tFLrsslYan Malt the 10.1 of any other Iloralaa raf/rr. -- TOL AN MALL 71071 ET by canva.s:ng for The R'orI.I. Agents and l'awvasetn wanted everywhere. end post -card for terms and SAMPLE' cOP1' FREE. WORLD PRINTING; CO., No, ttte°$ing street east, Toronto. The crowning 0.nry of teen or women is beaotlful IfRAuor Olt TIL This can oalybeoh tained by using CINADALLAN. which lsa• pp_reyed itapif to be the MIDST 73_41.21R RESTORER in the market. motes s healthy growth of the hair, renders soft sod silky, strengthens its roots, ander l; vents its falling out. and acts with rapidity • RESTORING GREY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR. Try It befor .using any other. Sold byal druggists. t'rlcee 5u els, a bottle. t 732.Iy • For Sale by J. WILSON. Druggist, 4GENTS Work"'Constaat employigha for Capital required, Jars. Las& Co. Mo true Quebec. 1799 18132. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, AN stITF.DLTOsROTA O ND O RL* lot' FROM sex TO tIXTI I. N YEARS OF AGE. Vol. III. comm. c.s November 1, lee. kOW le THE TIMM TO at'1M'llle. Te Vot•N, l'Icorlds has hien from the first successful beyond anticipation, .Y i' hies Mg /'list. It has a distinct purpose to which It steadily adhere- that, namely, of supplanting the vlc• toes papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as mum wholesome. - Bos - toe Jowrme& ger newness, elegance of engraving, and contents generally, it Is tinenrp,tsse,t It, any pnidication of the kind ) et brought to our So - Lice. Pittsburg Ooz,11.•. Its weekly visits are eagerly I.,..ked for, not only by the children, het also by Irr.•nta who are an:lons to provide pure !treat ore for their rids bnp,,-C'Mteflon Adeceate. 911M1140. N. t weekly paper foe children which parent n..•.1 not fiver to let their children react m th family fireside. Nor f,r0 Daily 7Yesee. Ja.t 111pap r to title the syn watt t.reent *Id t'n ve,the attention et the bora sad Irttta- TB1RMItg. ■Aeelrir4 VOStilg a'Mrbl NrrT.wr, Footage revenue. ( tf$L.ta, �nnt.t• \, aPIERS Moir Cent+each. The Honed t'nhlete ter )dnt win be read to Ne, errsb.�� Prim d'over for Tnt vs. Pen forpostage. .Mats: post tort r for 11011, 71f{ ',teams.. itccnrRnAAttinnal. Rermttanr. v Rhombi Ire made hy Massy t *der or Iwart, is mem chalice 4lssee. \'r lei/Sent ra etre eel to ,s.1 1 this adrrrlise.. J'!IOM'S!S>attL c"Ihe rryet►s. .•ester of ifARpslt v.w Tort l'saa HARP= e! I'ROTASRI. NNW