The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 4i THE HURON SIGNAL actuated erer7 VTM y 1t.1J00wUshslrM2e,�, lbt lc c a.r caret GODEWCII, ONTARIO. ladle dee atoMd le all parte of the wrsewrd- tai(eeaatry by the es rtlset malls eat Mated 44 general admission it has • larger ctrowlee Ida than any utb.t oevramper this part of be country. sad is one) of the racism aewwsisin meet Ontario the f etoarnaki a eowa d•1•. Yds duos, and being fn addition tete* %bora, • thresclaw family and fireside pp•a -it 1s therefore • most deeirable ade.rt .,sg Tiesas.—*i.ie In adr%aoe, y%stows by ublishers; $1.7e, if paid before d: m t ; (s.0a U not se paid. ThU rule will be etrtdlp enforced. Rats or Anvsarnstwe.—logit mans es ewe for first ineettloe ; three mea pm_ Nae sir y%aa phsubseeuentterttoa. Ye•riy.hat-yearly. 111111 quarterly eo%trsde at reduced rates. .�...,,, ......yr'al1111110 .1041.10. T G l. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY DEC. 30, 1881. tieliver+d oa Monday; and where friend anti eppeaent alike accord praise, what reason ma exist why any voter should canes Mr. W illus s b7r an ad - rime hallos 1 We hope Campbell will endorse his ettersooes regarding Mr. William's buten for egos, by vot- ing for that geatlem.. on Murday nett, and we ask from the "free and inde- pendent" hectors that Marty support which should always be •000rdd to an uptight and honorable man, and • man fit for positaen—end Mr. Campbell has said that Mr. Joseph Williams is that searvi.-r is.... We bar* alsoaarstchres bbiitg department in oonnedion, and peaser tag the moat o emppeIe out -at and bed facilities *sr turning oat work 1n Ooddie:h, aro prepared to do business in that line •t prices Lb/steamed be beaten. and of • qu*Ittq that camel be sarpm.d.—Tare Cash. t FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1811. THE 1ST DEPUTY RESVESHIP. 'Perhaps the meet iaspestaat contest .for municipal oaks now before the 31ec- tors of Ooderiob, is thet between Messrs. 'Williams and Campbell for the tat Dep- uty Reeveship. At the nomination meeting on Monday Last, the electors who were present had a fair opportunity afforded them of gauging tke merits of the candidate', and a perusal of the re- port of the proceedings m another col- umn of this issue, will give an idea of the calibre of the two men to thou whp had not the privilege of being present at the meeting. Mr. Campbell, who spoke tint on that oocaaion, and who beyond question, ex- ceeded all hu preview platform utter- anoes, so far as fluency was concerned, gave a record of his stewardship during the past year. In bis remarks he did ` not fail to do justice to himself as a pub- lic servant, but be overdid his work slightly when he claimed almost all the credit for many of the benefits which had socrned to the ratepayers. In re- ference to the reduction in the rate of taxation, the efforts to obtain a County House of Refuge, the getting the vote through on the irou bridge, obtaining better securities from the town officials, and creating a town surplus in 1877 (which he said had dwindled away dur- ing his absence from the Council Board), the impression created was that there was no need for any other person to be elected to the Town or County Council but the speaker. Even Mr. Johnston's able assistance during the past year was ignored, but perhaps that was dune be- cause our worthy Reeve had sounded "his own prairies" loudly and stoutly almost immediately before. "I did it, gentlemen, and don't forget it," seemed to stand out boldly in his utterances upon public matters, and it seemed al- most a pleasure to Learn that one vice in a gathering of sixteen in our Town nafaction of all concerned. The follow Council, and one vuice in a meeting of ing nominations were made: POR MAYOL -forty-seven in the County Council Was Horace Horton, was proposed by so a11 -powerful eel potent of in- W. McKenzie, seconded by S. Platt, an ft uenm But there are weeny in town who know the workiu, .f the County Coen - cit aid the guidi'rg of the Town. Council during 1831 were u•4 wholly and solely in the hands of Mr. Campbell. Good men and trate occupied seats at the two • Couueds, before lir. Campbell was a (rnember 4 either, and other good men MD. G for uderieh to ally itself with. Ike waterworks would have to stand *scamto the railway question, fur although waterworks and gasworks were loukeiw upon es self atainiag institutions, the revenue which they, drew in was ouly another method of taxing the people. In a 'crowing tore meth these latter would be importaut factors, but as Gods - rich had er tuaately, not pre as mush as�ts inbahitants would luere liked during the past sew years, these systems were perhaps a little in advance of its absolute requirements, and it would be ealy prudent for the people to bide their time. The working of the Council during the peat year had been of a most harmonious nature. He thanked the Council of 1881 tor the aseut- anc, they had given him in carry- ing onthe public business, for in all his long municipal experience he had never witnessed so much unanimity of feeling in the interest of the towii, as had been evinced during the pad year. True, Goderich had nut made great ad- vancement, nevertheless she had been 'jugular!, free from calamities of a seri- uua nature, and her people had many blessings to thank Providence for. He ouncluded by wishing the ratepayers a awry Christman and a happy and pros - pewees New Year. (Loud and prolong- ed applause.) Gamic on Wednesday indulged in' one 4 his boiMereas outbreaks, when Judge Cox ordered him to be removed to the prisoner's dirck. The amass* whined and begged for • stronger guard, as his w new position in the Court Hoe was so exposed that he might easily be shut. The Judge stated that the lati- tude heretofore allowed Guite•u was part of the plan of the peusee:mem, as the experts had • chance to study the prisoner. Hereafter the voluble and im- pudent fellow will be treated as au ordi • nary criminal 1 would not like to see Mr Williams left out of the Council. "— W a. Campbell - THE Christmas week cif 1881 will long be remembered for its mildness. The thinest scum of ice had not been formed on the harbor, and en December 27th the steamer "Despatch." from Georgian Bay, entered port by moonlight in weather as triadas that 0 the latter part of an ordinary September. The singing of birds, the highway cow nibhling the green grass growing on the aide streets, and the cheerful clacking 0 the hens laying their Easter (7) eggs, assert the mildness of the lesson. The weather prophets have all come to grief. "Mr. Williams has been one of ou best members, and 1 hope he will get seat in the CounciL "-Wm. Campbell. ThE NOMINATIONS The Men who are Willing t Sacrifice Themselves in the Public Interest. r a been elected to the u bei. with the uaen- imous voice 4 the people of titd.vich, be would endeavor during the emir to so as to serve to teen as faithfully as he had dome iu the peat. (Loud ap- plause.) 0 Farling tae Neste 1■ Use Tows Nall aseeebRr es by Mayer Morass, eeve Jas sten, and items. CaeapbeU and WI Danis. 1- A large and enthusiastic gathering o electors was held at the Town Hall o Monday morning last at 10 o'clock, o the occasion of the nomination of cand dates for the mayoralty, reeveship, an 1st and 2nd deputy reeveship of Gode rich. Mr. E. F. Moore, Town Oerk occupied the position. of Retttf?nin Officer on the occasion, to the entire sat f n n' i- d g elected by aectsmation. at5r1. F. W. Johnston, proposed by J. T (farrow, seconde1 by Chas. A. Nairn and elected by acclamation. 1ST Dsn•TY-asset. W. Campbell, proposed by E Camp ion, secondedby S. Platt. Joseph Williams, proposed by S. H Malcomson, seconded by A Morton. 2N» Ieseery tezve. R. d and true will occupy seats as members, M. Hutchison, proposed by S. Mal common, seconded by W. G. Smith. At the call of the electors, Mr. Horton ascended the platform, and began to ad- dress the electors, by stating that the Lieut -Governor had proclaimed the day a public holiday, and thereby given the electors an opportunity of taking an act- ive interest in the noenination 0 candi- dates. Not much of et public character Miler, but even in t!iz Goderich Town had transpired duri*k the past year. Gunnell of 1891, there were fully& dozen The Council halendeavored to work economically and in the best interests of sepal to t.iin es a (' .nrecidlur, and some the town, and the tin ancial position 0 fariluperior• the town was kept in good shape. He Of the superior hie* none stands out would nut enter int.. details on the man of more conepiciem-4 :hall Mr. Josefeh thenFinance cointion 0 mitat.es thtrouldaihave an Williams. A man ..f sound judgment, opportunity 0 addressing the electors ripe etperience, p ,..mew.;views, lit- before the present meeting closed. erary culture, high murals cad thorough- ly coseisteet in all his doings, this gentlew.tn was, soca after the meeting 0 .even after Mr. Oareptell will ha' -e been place l on the retire,] list; and the wheels of the machinery ..ff either the Town or County Coined .):1 nut cease to turn should it so happen that Mr. Campbell .ba not elected .n the present occasion. That gentleman miles an average Coun- • • Dunng the year the question of water- works had come before the Council and a committee had been struck to look into the matter. The committee, in the dis- the C,oue;,il 0 1881, !o.lc,'d upon as be. 1 charge of their duties, had visited several ing in the front rank of the solid rued'- ptacee for the purpose ..f obtaining prac- ben 0 the Board. Heine may say that tical information (n tha subject, and, amunvst others, the city of Toronto. The Mayor of Toronto heel acted courte- ously toward them and had placed the city engineer at their service, so that full and free information could be obtained. ♦bout this time the railway question loomed np, and at a public meeting held in the Town Hall,the latter question was • 'Praire Pastor Hubert Ispraise indeed." given precedence, and the waterworks If Mr. (lanijbell speaks .,f Mr. Wil- committee, with added members, was limns while privately prosecuting the •mrnwered to take steps toward hring- ing is $competitive hue to (iodenoh. eaaragss as well se he did at nomination. The committee had attended outside and the people .want a good man and a meetings with this object is view, and sterling man to occupy a pwblmc pot. Dodeneh had been prominently be- ition, then Mr. Williams will assured_ dose the Pmtls as rian objective railway we are errng; on the side ..f llsttery, but all who heard Mr. Campbell apeakA.f Mr. Williams at the note mat will ad - ,mit that the praise •oour.led the later der the former was fully as strong as the ,above, and 1y be their Iran. )f, en the other hand, Mr. Campbell, der►se his caucusing torr, mirspresertm (b. 'modems!). who s opposing him, thee his public ie ter - maces frill rim in jedgusent against him, ,sod he sbogld be deemed unfit to (.eampy paint std important lake outlet How- ever the emoting eonplicatiwae in rail- way matters generally had r.,Wated mein* the eueeasstuI adoption of s feasible scheme, altbourh at the present time the committee had more than ere under e.itees lotion. The scheme Irmo the'neth, with whi'ft they had identified the p•.satius, But we where Mr. ('anip themselves at Suter, was omelet—It weal bell was honest in his etprss.ion of ed• oon8dewdy spoken ebby the pn weere I airutiutl for the eMl`tiss of Mr. reat Rt Marys. and would be a valuable acquisition be the town. Bed perhaps lianas. And oa the eosmerdation ..f the hest e.nr esMieto seek 'mild be by Mr. Campbell ea elabl cleat Mr. Wil- direct motet" the esabs,d, art i/, by any buns is • 8t mea kr the std Peritiilit7. eneneciinn wit► cosh s mad should be elected. could be toned, oar harbor heeinees could be fostered, and made tee bear goad We here given oer opirioa 4 Mrresults. An oppnrtutN of connecting Wdliaae as eNitable seise fix tbeellee I with the G. W. R. at Clinton was even of 1st Deputy -Beet& of Ooderiob; it) enw viable, and if that line beeeme ewes• aeiuther online* will be /mend ](r tle'ctr'i wish the Toronto and (thaws, •and thence to the seaboard, that raged Q+I'+pMU'e optry0g pf )sir Wipjq, s. wnnl'1 he the meet imonrtant eomemstinn Mr. F. W. Johnston was the nett speaker, and he said that it was always would be evade to pay up, instead of necessary for councillors whew tuna holding back, as had formerly been the had expired, and who sought re-election ca,„ Th. con,equence was test *1 pres- to explain their position and defend ant some$18,000 had been coneoted out their actions of the past year: In lb* of $20,000, as against $2,000 at • similar first place, he would return thanks to the public if he was returned by period last year. The election of a Town his Clerk had also come before the Council, citation, for he understood that onn this and the positions of Clerk and Treasurer occasion he was not likely to be opposed. had been combined and given to the He referred briefly to the waterworks resent incumbent at saving of over agitation, and then took up the railway $150, and a better selection could not question, which he said was a matter of have been made. Last year was hi. Chat deep interest to the people of Goderich. year at the County Council Board, and He had attended the meetings at Exeter s u a delegate from Gode- it was a difficult thing fora first man to and Brussels, be of great service during the rst year, rich, and with the other delegates, had but he had managed to get into the work - endeavored to keep in view the interests ing of affairs, and had taken are to luok of Goderich. The G. W. R. had sent after the interests of Goderich. The up $ repre.entative and in conversation Poor House question had come up, but we found out that the cost of the con- had been defeated. This was a question rection between Goderich and Clinton that was of deep interest 4, Goderich, would probably be 1240,000, exclusive of which had paid out nearly $1,000 during the onet of a ante et the harbor. This the past year in poor relief. Other was adage item to look at squarely, but municipalities were,.in the habit of send - if ane suitable road offered to give us a competitive line, we must have s railway. At the present time we hardly knew the position of the G. W. R., but if the C. P. R. Syndicate could be brought to connect one of their branches at Gode- rich, &.d give competition to the sea- board, we must be prepared to seize the opportunity. We must not relax our exertions, fur rtilways could not be built in a day, and railway projects required time to mature. During the past sea- son the Minister of Public Works had visited Goderich and had been loyally received by the town representatives, irrespective of party politics. The re- sult of the Minister's visit had been that plans nd specifications had been prepared by the Government Engineer, which would prove of considerable im- portance to the welfare 0 the town. Tha plans and specifications for the proposed improvements could beaten in the clerk's office, The speaker here read a letter from Sir Hector Langevin, bear- ing on the subject. Continuing, he said that he had been four times deputy - reeve and once reeve, and had only been opposed twice, which showed that the people appreciated his service*. In the County Council he was on some of the most important committees, such as the Equalization and the Gaol and Court House committee, and was chairman of Campbell had spoken so well of him it the latter. As chairman 0 the latter 1 was hardly necessary for him to say any - committee, he had been instrumental in obtaining a grant of 11,000 towards i1)on- 'thing in favor of himself. Laughter. proving the Court House. n the Equalization committee he had fought hard to keep the town from being rated to.. heavily, and had been extremely successful.o F r five years he hal been s member of the County Board of Audit, and had carefully attended to his duties in that peeition. He referred to his action on the market fee question. As legislative action was likely to be taken during the session of 1882, this question was now practically out of the hands of Cuenca Boards. The iron bridtbe was the moat important question which had come before the County Council during the past year. it had at first been vie- lent}y opposed, and had been defeated in committee, but he and (then had cau- cused and talked the matter over, and when it was brought before the Council pro , the motion to build an iron 11, Campbell, the next speaker, ap- peared befors the el•.`turs t., give au sa oouut of he stewardship. The Mayor had given favorable testimony te the faithful service and hartnooious working of the old Cowbell. Fur his own part, he lad moor sat ilia better Cuuneil than that of 1881. He had been chairma,► of the Finance cuinwittes during the peat year and would make • few remarks re- garding what had been done. In 1877 when he was in the Council, he recent - menden' the reduction of the rate uf tax- ation front 2c to lkc on the dollar. During the time hes was out of the Coun- cil the rate bad been again increased to 2c on the dolls:. When he went into the Council in 1881 he, on being made chairman et the Finance oonunittes,sgain bent himself to the reduction of the rate, and sutroeeded in once more bringing it down to tic. When he want out in 1878 there was a large surplus in the town treasury, but it had gradually die- apeeered during his absence front the Council Boar]. He also recommended this year to press the collection of taxes, and he did this in the interest of the poor matt, s.i that the wealthy men veioo on the suljeot at the County Council Board (Hear, herr.) He had out been brought out as ;a candidate by utters, but believed he could be of use to the tuwn as a ropre entatiVi iu the Comity Council, and home bis nomin- ation here to -day. (Applause.) If elected the town could rely upon faith- ful wavier fromim. He concluded by wishing them t�e tomplimtnts of the season, and a happy New Year. (Pro- longed appb'use ) 1101111411101 fug ST. LNDaew ,: Waal). L Robertson. er. I epi•••Iteturntug u$tuer. kdww, Buighatu, propemed by Harry Bolen', seconded by J. H. Colborne. tin,. Swaatatei, propueed by Hugh Beim, seconded by Jas. Sheppard Elijah Moore, proposed by A William- son, seconded by Peter Fox. Wast. Lee, pw`p�eeed by Wm, 1V.tsou, co sended by Goryuu Coutts. J. H. Culborue, proposed by W. It, Squier, seconded by Geo. Sheppard. Peter McEwen, propmed by 0. H. Par- sons, seconded by E, Coutts, NOXISR11* hie ST. DAY1D'e WARD. Jas. Addison, Itrpy-Returning Olen-. Joseph B. Edwards, proposed by Juhn Histup, seconded by Joseph McVicar. Chas. A. Humber, proposed by W. H. Marney, reounded by T. N. 16►ncry. Thos. N. Dancey, proposed by Chu. Reeve, seconded by W. Murney. Christuper Crabb, proposed % y H. Clucas, seconded by Win. Mitchell. Lewis Elliott proposed by Win. Mc- Keown, seconded by Wm. Mitchell. NOMINIte rot wt. Oloati{ x WAID. Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter 1). Gerdes. I)epy-Retarnutg Omctr. of credit and circular notes twined, payable b A. Mur- in all sof the world. ridge to by p To ill Whom it lay Oonoeri WM. 8C Of the Town of immense stock of niggle and Doabis Dow le his HARNESS at sly reduced prime w1� terearth. Having maaafrdurer tie e as Tigem. a Harness Tramway" to buy davit in.ni the factory, and sow taring gad, arrri.s.meat. with enc of the best tanners is Ontario rut my Leather, and euidloruig time but firelbelme workmen, rattail Manufactured under my own sul•rrvutioa, 1 am a wblyd tut ora out the best and cheeped Hareems In the Wert. t.7 wLaro are all made in 107 own duo and not factory made. being hair fa.ed and warranted to give satisfaction. outlllo /lotus and borne Wash - eta, Trunks and Vallee. to inme quantltiea.aad everything usually kept id • drrt-class harness shop. All to be sold off cheap for cash. fall and get prices hcfore buying elsewhere. and save mutiny, at WK. .4(51 thl tae ares De- gas, Nam1U.n street t.dertra. LlrAll uutatandiog book accounts most be settled immediately by cash ut utile. Ooderich. Nov. let h. 1611. ISIS Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, • - - els,000,00e, SURPLUS. - - - • 0,000,000. Goderich Branch. C I{. D 11' i SFURD, - - - Manager Jas. Bughwwn, proposed y feast n seconded Juae h Williams.Withams. John Butler, proposed' by John Mc- (,CANADIAN BANK OF COMMA= Arthur, seconded by C. R. Duosferd. F. Jordan, pruposcd by Jas Doyle, seconded by Peter Adatneon. Malcolm Nicholson; proposed by F. W. Johnston, seconded by E. Campion. W. G. Smith, proposed by A. Cham- bers, seconded by Robt. Mcilrine toot. Acheson, proposed by C. Crabb, eecmded by Alex. Morten. OTHu PLACES. Amerind) Toweentr.— 01d council all re-elected by acclamation. Reeve - Robe Webster, 'Deputy Reeve -Joseph GritSn. Councillors - John Whitley, Archibald McMurchie, Patrick Clare. BAYPIILD. —Reeve—Essen, by accla- mation. Councillors—Stanbu , "Cle- ing their poor into Gudericb, and the, ver, Middleton,, Grainger, all by trek - town suffered in consequence. The iron 1 tn&tiun • bridge was a question which had to be fought, until the Council finally carried the project. While chairman on the Finance committee they had made a change fur the better in the securities of In-rm.—Reeve, P Kelly, eccl*m*tion. Councillors—Dr. Carter, John Guamul, N H Young, Joseph Carter, W Shane, R W Mitchell, John McMillan, C the town officers, which he considered Floody, James Truax, B. Simonds, J 0 greatly in the interest of the Town. Moser. He was sorry to " be opposed by Bar•atm'. -Reeve-F. C. Rogers, by Mr. Williams. That gentleman had acclamation. Councillors -Jae. Drew, made a reputation and a name at the Council Board of 1881, and was a good man in every respect. He had not one word to say against Mr. Williams, and would be sorry to see the town 1..se so valuable a servant. He was satisfied that this opposition wad not the doing of Mr. Williams, but that others were behind in the muter. Mr. Williams could easily be elected to his own ward to • seat at the Board, and he trusted that he would yet withdraw froul the contest and run in St. George's Ward, for the town could not afford to lose eio good a man. He (Mr. C.) was not an oppcaent of Mr. 1Villiams in this con- test but Me Williams was his opponent. C R Couper, W H McCracken, W F Vanste ne, P T Thompson, W R Wilson, John Hallidey. The nomination for the Tp. ..f Col- born resulted in the return by acclama- l•i c.eunciI s feet which tion of all the n never happens 1 in this Tp before This certainty roe. to show that the council mttst have administrated the afhirs of the Tp. wisely and justly, for the past year. CLImrox. -Mayor -D: A. Forrester. ' by acclamation. Reeve -E Corbett and D R Menzies, Deputy Reeve --Thos. Cooper. W C Searle. Councillors -St. Andrew's Ward, W S Harland. James He thanked the electors for their Smith, by acclatna.tiemt St. James' Ward, patient hearing, and wished them pa- Thos. Jackson, John Joslyn, Henry s pertty in the year to conte. (Applause.) Jticlker. Wm. Jackson; Stop Ward. Jacob Morse, Vein. Cooper, Hugh Mr. Williams, on coming forward, Moore; St. George's Ward, J C Steven - was warmly greeted. He felt that Mr. Mr. Campbell had said that he was not an opponent in the present contest -he had said that he (Mr. W,) was the op- ponent. This watt, to say the least, a strange assertion. For h * part,. he could sot see how one candidate for an office could lee an opponent, and the other candidate not be an uppon4ent. As he understood the matter, the office reverted to the people at the end of the year, and the people had the right to say telt;►t 11451 should then have it. Two men were now running for the Int Deputy-Reevethip ...f Goderich, -- rather, rather, one was running after it, and the other was willing to take it. '(Hear, hear, awed prolonged laughter.) He was not a boastful roan in the matter of personal effort. and would only say re- garding his year's service, that 1 he had per done no good, he had done Little harm. bridges was ct►rrieti by 16 ..f a mxjority. (Irrttighter and applause..) His opponent i in this c.ntest, placed great stress upon Unfortunately the work had been delay- his years experience, but even the ed, until it was finally decided to post County Council was a changeable body, and very often it happened that the man who was in A one year did not get back tate against the business interests of the the next. (Hear, hear.) New men town. He was sorry that a ceontest was were continually getting elected, and as likely to be between Messrs. ite.tams the business before the Council was of $ and Campbell for the 1st Deputy -Reeve- need changeable nature „s man with judgment ship. In the event (f either candidate man not tie afraid r take his asst (Hear, being elected, the town would Looe a 'nary of the elder t s. (Hear, httitr.) In the present contest he was pone the erection of the bridge until next spring, as the going en with the work during the winter time would milia gaud representative, and for as .own pert he would like to see both gentle- men at the Council Board. Re could inform the electors present that Mr not canva.•sing personally, for he had tee much respect for himself and to.. much respect for the intelligence of the Hutchison, who was also sleeted by"fids and independent electors" not to let them judge between himself and Mr. •cclamatiou to -day to the position of 2nd Deputy•Reeve, was hind- ered from attending by a severe at- tack of illness, and it was • pleasure to 1 know that the ratepayers had been un- animous in their choice i.f him despite his enforced absence. After thanking the elector+ again for his re-election, the speaker wished them the (seraph - meats of the meson, and -resumed his seat. amidst applause. While Mr Jotinetnn was speaking, the returning ()Seer declared the nom- inations closed, the Maynr, Reeve and 2nd Deputy elected hy scelams- tum, and that • pull would be evened nn Monday Jaw. 2nd, ISS1, fur the elec- tion of • lit Deploy -Reeve for Goderieh, fee 10182. Mayor Hort..n then same forward, and returned thanks for his electe.n by seelatiastion. Re did ant behove in !roasting of &presets rendered, but when he stated that daring the pas year he had eat upon 711 magietr cal sae&%, in sed. eotaties* to de *o. Aa to the Poor det,on to the (ordinary husine.s devolving Homes geiutuin, tate (i.d.r Cogncil open the Mayor, 'Home ides could be had brought up the question u ifs ineee- formed that the e.fliee was got a mere inge, bet our 1t..avre had not •acrid honorary nne. If it had not been that themselves M obtain the desired object he had some time an his hands it would In the Cnenty Council,--notwith.t tndnlg have been difficult for hint to have erre Iheit claiets to-day--atld Ina that acarine he bad detsrmmoed to run for a ;wiener* whish *odd enable him 10 osis. his Campbell in the present issue. If the opinion of some OI the people was cor- rect, be would not again have an oppor- tunity of addressing the people of Gode- rich as chairman of the Railway commit- tee, ommit-tee, and he might es well say a few worts on the railway question now. The railway question was at present quiet, bet. was likely to became a lire issue at any moment He had spent an hour one day last week with Mr. Heading, of 8t Marys, the President of the Vt. Mary's and Goderich reed,. and had learned that tt wee tn. insertion of those interested •t the south end k. pre *scut* the w..rk to (iederidi The rued was two s5eumin shape e by way of Mit- chell aeesf.'rth, sad it was of interest to the turn that her public even daring the oasis( y]ear shoed be alive to the q�usstem. He had endeavored to ter. herthe interest* of the cwt. in the di- rection of obtaining additional railway accommodation m the peat, and would tMnngh with the work which had de- volved upon him However me 1e had aacz�rffnImit` !"aa 'it�, rt - 't -ales,+ `r--e" ,pon, 0 8 Doan, James McCartner, Wm. Costs. Examen -Reeve -L Hardy, hv ac- clamation. Councillors -Jas Picard, W. H. Verity. Wm. Bissette, E Drew, Wm Fenwick, and J N Howard. Gooltur•e TRee G b OW ($HIP.— re- a - riel Elliott, elected by acchamation. Dept -Reeve, -John Beacom, Joseph Whitely. Councillors, J( hn Cox, James Peac', k, James Lsitbwait, David Pur- vis, James Wallace.) Gest Toweetue. -- Reeve --Thomas Strachan, by acclamation. First Deputy Reeve --John Hyslop, by acclamation. See,md Iteputy Reeve -Walter Oliver. by acclamation. Cuuncillnrs-Edward Brsans, Thomas Ernie, 1V. Milne, Peter McDonald, Alex McKay, Richard Rupp. Hut.Lsrr. -All the Council re-elected Pawl up ('upifaJ, - *6,000,000. Rest, - 11,400,000. President. - Hu,':. WM. Melf/BYZR General Manager. _W n. ....,u.i./tsv Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Mutant. interest slowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principol Towne and Cities in Camila Great Britain and the l'ntt.d States, bough and sold. Adrancesto Farmers 00 Notes, with ore o more endorsees. without mortwsgs. 1711* I NSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, Tonoxto--EstaMlske 18113. PHtEN1X INS. COT. of l owooto (Ir aglsadl- Established 1742. HARTFORD INS. (WY. of HAa,vome Cosa. Established Iola Rist Ween in the above first-class 0Aloes; at the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS COY Tomato. Money to Loan on east -clam security, roan 7 to 6 per Cent—Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich (Sept. 10. 166e. VICK'S Illustrated Floral Guido! For 11110 1s s■ Elegant nook .f rte Paas. Iwo taiered elates .f Flower., and nose.. the lees Illustrall.sii of the choicest Flow- ers. Plants and Vegetables, aril Directions for growing. It is handsome enough fur the Cen- tre Table or a Holiday Present. Send on your • name and Post Office address, with 10 cent and 1 will send you a ropy, postage paid. Th is not s quarter of Its Cost. 11 Is printed In tooth English and German. If you afterwards order .reds deduct the 10 eta. V HAM /MUM are the hest dui the world. an'rhd growRe I'U.A(DLNeni 6 e'imwill tell you how to get Viet*. Flower and Teyrtable Garden. 17L Prises. 6 ('ok,red Plates. 500 Engravings. For 50 cents in paper woven ; 11.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. Tlet s tllueratee Neataly Magttdne-71 Page.. a Colored Plate in every number ad many tine F.ngravings Price 51.2* a year; Five t'olA.iesddrefor $ .00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents: 3 trial copies for In odds. wi, JAIME* TICS. Ia.ehester, L Y. T wa Hours at Ham I Victoria Hall Goderich, One night only. FRiD.•1Y, DEC. 30. KENNEDY'S by acclamation_ _ .__ consecutive _ or term. Howl 't. -Reeve-J. Kairle, accla- mation. First Deputy Reeve -B S Cook, 1t McKee, and T R Gilpin. Sec- ond Deputy Reeve, D. their and J Crockery. Councillors -J W Jaques S Johnston, J Edgar, and James Mit- chell. HAY —Reeve—Dr. Buchanan, by ac - detention. Deputy -reeve -8 Reannie and T C Kalbfleish. Councillors -H Heyrock, G F Moritz, Alex McEwen, N Fried, W Snider, ani Samuel Surarus. Mohacs. --Reeve and Councillors by acclamation. SLSP'OHTH. --Mayor—S. G. McCaughey and A Strung; Reove-D I/ Wilson by acclamation; Deputy Reeve -Jas. Beat- tie by acclamation. Councillors -South Ward -Alex Stuart, D. C. Wilson, Z. Beam, and Wm. Gray; North Ward - Wm. Campbell, Dr. Scott, Dr. Hanover, N Cluff, and Win Lee; East Ward --A. Young, R.. N. Brett, A. G. McDougall, John Dorsey, and L Murphy. STANLEY TOWNSHIP.—The members of the odd Council were re-elected by accla- mation. T1'ct s.swrre. —Old council elected by acclamation. d'esoms.--All the old eouneil re- elected by soclamatioa. Winona's. -- Maynr—C T Scott and Geri. McKibben. Reeve-- D M Gordon and H W C Meyer. Deputy-reeve— Woo. Elliott, by soelamesiun. Warr WAWANeMM. Reeve — Chas. threes. by &orlaaation. Deputy Reeve --Edwin thane by aoctamation. C..tta earn -Wm Kinahan Charles Dentin, John Washinet+en, Rohert Lnebhart. St nouns. Reeve - -A L Gihenn, by ytelaastion. Councillors -4 B Weight, Thos. Hemphill, A Patten, J Sanderson, W Herren, .1 Paulin, Thomas B Sanders, W A Mange. soar Jabot Daniel, a farmer of the town- ship of Gray, committed 'wield. by hanging himself in his barn on Monday shernon n. Caere awpT'need to he of dnmeetie nater,. 1lerriet miib(da ilk tn. %ata -g o w SIH. KENNEDY. 11 Will be assisted by the following members of his family Mies H[Lrw KtwataT, Soprano, Mine MAauoxv K5"K[oe, Soprano, Miss Mute Rexene,. Pianoforte, 111*. Roan.? Kt'nttT, Tenor. MA.TtH JOHN KtNNSlY, Molle. COMMENCE AT 8 O'CLOCK. Body of Hall, 50c.; Greene Admission. no UNDER'S Has opened out a FRESH STOCK Of Christmas and New l'eer's Goode. which for VARIETY Quality and Cheapness. Can't Be Surpassed In Town. at the Vorlety STORE trill too fossil LATB3T AOVELTII 1 H. lies .pond s New Show Room 1'1 Mails. and raetifrd attune. aerie. IAA dOM Medd can rimy. The Cheapest House Under The Sunt. 0,4 110 Srrriusera littttfr. and Xmas tree in Nile 'Mout, nem Hall oou the *venial was literally crowd' occupied the chi manuer. A rid out TVC. sant, sad gays • Lions. PaasISTAT:ON, u following present* were given by the F to their teaJher at 11 the evening peeling for a new belt of L) NI To Mr. tt. L Brea.. Daaa Tsucaaa,- »asrly gone, and we ate --a loving and fru his loviug, though se pupils. As an mitre cialioo and esteem u teacher we bog leave article (a lounge value of our regard for yo accept the acme not value, but as s Hewitt row and regret at y„' heartily thank you fui you have always rum tare and we sincerely long spited to enjoy esteem. Signed in behalf of To Mr. R. Z. Brows. We the pupils of N the value of your ler for the past two year time to present yo memento (a baby'. $9.50) as a token e.f teem. Asyouhave tri trying circumstances be long spared to t morally, as well as that we may all meet above" where we s .Vero Signed in behalf .o (rl:GM The New Co d rhtl affinity Apparatus and t Litt the dissolv Ing almost Inst results ofDysppe and the 1ORPI Zopesa an eve "very house. It acts gentl Biliousness, C ache Sick Hes HurnWin Pal Back. Want of Zner:y, Low BI ach. It iaTde° ries off all turp tae Bowels, an whole system. Cat this oat a cad ire reDinisDotal tell sour neigh JUUw Lyon a Counties in N, oonoeded to b.• and fertile in t mer we have 300 new fan building a car. roomy barn, 60 to 100 ft, These farms that no indur' to make pr(• possession fp ed, furnish o' crop. We wll ing to be don pay the regal, not having tee with, will be or horses fbr ket price, at breaking. T' uated within railroad. Al letter to CD Sibley, 0' - PER Rngn.b. t SHAV! TOI Hair, Tootr • CNF CALL AN J. W