The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 3Dods w Rates. hing, DE TO y )icturc Frames, which ticg to the North-west. !S, BUREAUS o produce taken to ex - 3a11_ ►w Stock. DERT r Furniture, such u Ta Mattresses, Wash -sten sed, also Hearses tor h I.tiox ery lowest prices. NCE WIRE. aero[ scaleotr. • Fences. WASTE UNDS.- CONS, DWARF, GODERICH. �N S Lt� WorOs of l itsOom. There is no such thiug as an easy chair for s Also„uteutei urea You are 'lett sr employed in drying the tears mf other* than in shedding your own. (H all earthly music, that whir& nacho - lain the furthest into heavou is the benne; i NO( f a loving heart. He who is a shape iof hie Awn puska. is worse governed them Athena was by her thirty tyrauta The beat capital for young men to start with in life is industry, good sense, courage and the fear of God. It is bet- ter thou all the credit or cash that was ever raised. A true (mod unbeewts freely, *ivies* amour: Bnnwall IIrwtte esteems hie justly, assists readily, &dela litres baldly, takes all patiently, defendsc urageoualy, self • genius and • poet. How gaily hie and continuos a friend unchangeably. j+ with his three sisters; and with If you would be exempt 1rulu uncal- what delight he attempts (este of chari- new, do nothing which you kiww or sur mewing whish -fill the timid hearts of thet purest is wroplaasuno yalways ou hil, to es t the enjoy perry with suJden terrors ! thing in your power which se right. Beside hips sits Charlotte in s dress of "The better the day, the letter the marvellous plainness and ugliness, deed,” is a bad proverb as- it runs; but stamped with the brand "house-utade," read it backwards, as wizards undo charms, and it is a capital saying—the better the deed, the better the day. 'vier Serene. tine Wright June monism' ea 1822, uu the steep road which stretches anus the moon to Keighly, the sound of wheels is heard, =jingled with the merry speech and laughter of fresh, young voioott Shall we go forward eineeu said study the approaching travellers! Their con- veyance se a ridkety dug -cart, and the hone, freshly taken bum the fields, is driven by a youth, who, id spite of his countrified dross, is au mere bumpkin. His shuck of red hair hangs down in somewhat ragged lacks behind his ears but the lad's face is • handsome and striking one, full of Celtic fire and gugd COURAOI IN Evzisr-DAY LIM—clave the courage to discharge a debt while you have the money in your pocket. Hare the courage to do without that which you du not need, however much your eyes may covet it. Hate the courage to speak your mind wuem it is necessary you should do so, and t.. hold your tongue when it is pru 1eut you should du so. • Have the courage to speak to a friend in a "seedy" coat, even though you are in company with a rich one and richly attired. Have the courage to make a will ands just one. Have the courage to tell s • wan why you do not lend him your money. Hare the cour- age to show that you respect honesty in whatever guise it appear.; and your con- tempt for dishonest duplicity, by whom wester exhibited. Have the courage to wear yuur old clothes until yt u can pay for new ones. Have the courage to obey your Maker at the risk of being ridiculed by [nen. Have the courage to prefer comfort and prosperity to fashion in all things. Row Girl* t'es Learn to be N...ehrrpers. Begin with your own things and your own place. That is what your mother will tell you if you rush to her, enthusi- astic with great intentions, and offer to relieve her of half her housekeeping. .Don't draw that little bucket of cold water to have poured back upon your early zeal: Reform your upper bureau - drawer: relieve your closet -pegs of their accumulation of garments out of use a ti month or two ago. Institute a clear and cheerful order,in the midst of which you can daily movie; and learn to keep it. Use yourself to the. beautiful—which is the right ---disposing of th:np ••� ++,'+ Jwu•tl. them; aro that it will he a part of The Cedar+ or Leeaaos. ' your toilet to dress yourself; leas int the draperies yea tale off as lightly and ar- cteu name, stand mostly upon ems t t d tel fourIl in characters which none can mistake. She talks and smiles, and is enjoying m[ most of all the charof her brother's society. Behind observe Emily with her wonderful eyes, brtllunt and fathomless, but radiant with tenderness. She is quick t.. note the songs of the birds. the hrilliancy of the flowered hedgerows. Next to her is - Anna, who mews her brother's careless flood of suede with opposing currents of speech. She hu a tine complexion and delivate features, but is unfortunately clad in a dress ex- actly resembling Charlotte's. This is the erne least considered of the sisters, but whose life exemplifies fervent piety and self-sacrificing courage. (raze at them as they pass you in. the quiet road, and in spite of rough exteri- ors, a happier four could hardly be met with during a long summer's day. The vote on the by-law separating the town of Stratford from tt)e county of Perth, submitted to the elector on Sat- urday, Dec. 17th, resulted in the deteat of the by-law by • majority of 41. Several meetings were held, and much interest .was taken. Stratford, there- fore, remains true to the county for some .rinse yet, A cosnpans' hbeing organized in Win- ipeg, with • capital of 810,000 fur the purpose of tanning and shipping frogs to Easton.' cities, ..where they are in great demand. Lane canning houses will be built early in the spring in the in the spring in the vicinity of the town of Whitetiu,uth, on the Canadian Pacific Railway east. "Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath," says everyone having tried "Tz-tszsa cedars',The cedars', which still bear their an- t stically hums;. or as delicately. folded cuntt'ntour. knoll., within a compass `,f and place[:, as :'.:e s'.iirts you 1.".14 care- lean than forte rods in diameter. They I fully to wear, or the ribb.•u an,l'lace you fora[ a thick forest, without underbrush. put with a eft neatness libout your The older tre.is have several trunks, and j throat. Cherish y pair nista-lets 4.f taste 1 t the th l's. W.a,throp. t)alwuaat. ---it w our pasatul utuy to record the death of lie. Hyman Tyer- man, who raided user Winthrop on lot 19, con. 9, McKillop tgwlishl He was • mut uunsidersbly edvattoed in years, title69 years old, and always liveedd • quest and peaceful life among his many ueighbots. He was • native of Yorkshire, Ragland, and came to this country about t0 yeses ago, settling ill McKillop when it was but a wilderness. During that tiwe he trade for himaell tsaany friends, w greatly sympathise with the large tau y he has left in their & Action. About two months ago the deceased endured a loss of about $4,000 in the shape of his baru and content* being destroyed by fire Be caught cold andtutlammationsettled on his lungs, and not having procured medical aid till too late, death followed. He wu a consis- tent member of tits Methodist church. He who rules above thought best to take hint out of this world of trial and woe and place hips in a better world. He was buried at the cemetery at Bolton's Corner yesterday, when his remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of friends. What to Madly. Pope, the poetical philosopher said. "The proper study of mankind is man," and yet, how little is the real science of man studied. If people understood and heeded the Laws of . health, and if when out of sorts would resort to a common sense like Burdock Blood Bitten, many of the "ills that flesh is heir to" might be etfectwtlly remedied. Ii, invigorates and regulates all the secretions to a healthy action. Mr. Charles Stewart, formerly of Guelph, left for Winnipeg about six years ago and secured about 150 acres of land near the present city. Failing to appreciate the boom, he sold the , entire property for $1,200 to a negro .winstrel named Charles Callum, who also at one time lived in Guelph. Stewart ar- rived in the city Lot night, and wears a long face, as the property was sold a week ago by Callum for 519,500. thus spread themselves widely around; I •• • ,e' put most e[ tel: " art are cone -like "e int and fitness in every little thing that you' form, and dap not throw out their boughs have about pmt Let it Lr ow itop"tssihle laterally to any great extent. Some few , +s•.i.e W t..se. la . t».t.p CHEM' FOR CURING 1PTION, couQRs, , ASTHMA, CROUP, of the Threat, Laagsaatll alaenary Organs. Ta ►•[yawl. cos IAN NAS BIU CQii=D Remedies and Pkywietase lava Jed to *Feet a eery. 1 b Peratet•aa, MI a/tp II let by everybody w a road trial. h nesse .s/ ass as Maar eels[/, ICTOLN! it hu as !qui. es M the Most Dullest' ('hili. i sec opsr, tea ear Amok WPM seeps each beetle; is by allbry e& MRK, II. BRICK 11804 pf gond white *Irk es [setas as mashie rates. :or is new carotins en the brick sea at the Klntiil Mink sad win w which stay be sent ilea th ttttntten. The Mirk hof ger and the terms ere* r senwahi, Imp d .streespill 1 trees stand alone especially, on the I to you tie .pw'll s .t' s, is large and very beautittil. With where it. win diem the orderly a d• [Louth iaxcep ti rat n one of the trees came up' plea;r u sant pim4 . your dres,ing-table.to e. my, ideal of the graceful beauty of the? or to stick your pins in our cushion, cedar of Lebanon, such as I had formner- even a s.1. sone t t. •sv and uncut[ -ort r ly seen it in the ,lardin ries Plantes. S„use of the t Idcr treet ate:tit•eady touch able inclinations. This sill tut make you "fussy” --it i. that thin; that does e•1. The faalo;•n.' is now coming into that: the ,e . cuowim:, exce,:t by a.l, ety y due to have articles Made of this wood for sale to travellers; and it is also burn- broken,'at i w ill soon be wholly destroy - experiment, what is harmony and the' • :t. once set eel as fuel by the few, pimple that here intangible peter of re!ati your knowled,;e beyond stu.ly. and turn struction, aro nevertheless sure. Add 1t into to d-- which[ is literally having it to this the circumstance that travellers at your lingers • ends, as I told you,- and present titre; have aeon shameless order will breathe about von, and grace 1 enough to cause large spots to be hewn evolve from commonest things, and uses! on the trunks of some of the noblest' and belongings, wherever you may be: I trees, in order to inacibo their nam earliest ' Frenchmen; one was dated 1791. The pass the summer. These causes of de- ill former yoarn 'to say nothing of the es. and "putting things to rights" will not The two'i t which I saw were be separate task- woe.: and non Lle, ally wood of the Lebanon cedar is white, with more than it is in the working of the so- a pleasant but not strong odor, and bears lar system. It will go on all the time, no comparison, in beauty or fragrance, and with a continual pleasure. with the common red cedar of America Take upon yourself gradually, --for the sake of getting them in hand in like manner, if for no other need,—,'R the cares that belong to your own small ter- ritory of home. Get together things for use in these cares. Have your little wuh-clothe and your aponges for bits of cleaning; your furniture -brush and your feather duster, and your light little broom and our whisk and pan; your bottle of street oil and spirits "f turpen- tine, and piece of flannel, to preserve the polish. or restore the gloss, where dark woof{ grows dim or gets spotted. Find out, by following your surely grow- ing sense of thoroughnets and niceness, the best and readiest way of keeping all fresh about you. I shall not lay down rules or a system for you. When you have made yourself mistress of what you can loam and do in your own depart- ment. so that it is'essior and more nat- ural for you to do it than to let it alone, 1 —sot that you don't count the time it takes any more than that which you have to fire to your own bathing and hair dt•eesing.—Men yon will have learned enough top keep a whole house, so far as its cleanly ordering is concern[!. —,tit. Nicholas. A egt»t. There is no (Jottllt that our Canadian climate is conducive to Lane affections, aml for this reason Dr.Car* n'a Pulmon- ary Cough Drupe should be in every hook. For Colds. and all other Lang and Thnoet affection, they hays no 'Areal. In large bottles at ;r0 cents Geo ithy nes. Agent for Goderich. A great many people are troubled with cold feet, which is invariably caused by a sluggish circulation of the blood, A few doses of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitter will soon produce a free circulation of the blood and Stimu- late and Tone the system. Sold in large buttes at 50 cents. Geo. Rhynas agent for Goderich. 'perlal hire:•. AFTER 4 SIAM'S TRIAL. JAMES HEALE'S Condensed Firs Kinilers w the beet ta w. Ening sway with coal all w st.av (feCh r will bars seven rehires, AMMO to ignite hard wood. They are boat the he* white reds and will not sou Ladles' haada Held at TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. No dt�renoe is prki4 r YttsLly James Neale. Maker and seller, Qoderieb. SALLOWS 8 TUE GR PHOT APHE R, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CUSTO ERS BEST PICTURES, BEST SATIS- FACTION. We will give one of the best Singer ewing machines that are made in the world for 50 subscribers. No better marlin! made on earth. It is warranted for 5 years b the manufacturers, viz: The Lawlor Maunfacturing Co'y of Mont- real. A warrant from this company is surely a guarxnteo of its being a tint' clan machine, and especially when it has' such a man as James McDougall, Esq., at its !read. l cur offer is as follows: For 10 subscribers and $20 we will give a $50 •Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf `cud cover and , full attachments. For 15 aubseribeta and 515 we will giwe a S'50 Canadian Sitt_er With two drawers, exte.isir11 ieaf and cover -and full attachments. Eor _0 subicrii.ers an l 51'2 we will give a 550 Ccutadian binder with two drawers extension leaf acid cover and full ettach- memts. For 30 su!oocribers. , and 510 ter,• will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers,• extension leaf and serer and full attachments. For 40 subscribers and $5 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers extension leaf and cover and full arach- ments. For 50 subscribers we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawer., ex- tensive lead and cover and full attach - meets, 'This mac:line is a ken m; ne l'.I11:Nilatt . Singer. and we •cuart,ttee i: nicer ing and better than and other linger machine made. 'fhis is a specially good chance for young ladies who want a tint class sewing machine, and att,the same I time give your !!entlemen friends the hest news paper published in northern Huron. . r The agent of this machine. D. Gordon of Goderich will pay $ > up to $10, ac- cording to the price, to any person send- ing them the address of parties who will bug. This is an additional chance for the ladies canvassing for suiseribers to make money. A Lady's Experience. Mrs. T. A. Gist, No. 1204 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "1 had inflammatory rheumatism very badly. In one foot and ankle it seemed to ha e taken hold with the deter,Unation to stay some time; and the morning I ob- tained the St. Jacobs Gil I could not put my foot down to the floor, even for an instant. I used it that eveninv for the first time, and the next morning for the second time, and that afternoon put my foot down for soreral minutes tet..' Sunday following 1 could stand up and walk a few steps. On Tuesday could walk about my room, anti went down stairs by holding on to the bannis- ters. Now I can walk quite well, and there is very little pain left. Jnst think ! one bottle and a half and i aro almost free from pain. It is a wonderful medi- cine. t Vexed t'Irrgywsa. Even the patieae.• of Job w cul•: h: coir.' cx!tauste l w. rr L. a l,r..•t,:'r•r and endeavoring to interest hi. audionet while they were keeping up an incessant coughing. making it sin ,asible for hits -to he heard. Yet, how very easy can all 1 this be avoided by simply using King's New Discovery for ('snsnntption. BEST EVERY THING W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich Mills (LATE PIPER'S. Beg to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the past year. and to state they are prepared to do GRIST 1 .T0 on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of parties living at distance will exchange grist at their town store (Late W. M. Hilliard's,) Masonic block, Fast St. Ooderlcb. AV -Highest price paid for wheat.-Isk Ds.- Hama, of Middlebury, \'t.,,s»s: "I had boen troubled with 'Bn,ncaitis "for two years, so atfedin': the or¢Ans of .peed[ that 1 could nor a• a :( n!on,l "fornix weeks. I had R;th it a severe ' 'cough and cold night sweats. I took "two bottle, of Allen's ter; Balsam and "am entirely eared GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and S LT P NS manufac- tured on shortest notice. 1l kinds of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who Ant: Practical Workmen. P. 0. Bos 103. 1787 • JOHN PASMORE, Manufacturer of Moci_tce.1.ii J11, C -oc az-acx aarr , A • g.1..w :. y�tr �4`- '. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drugs. ('he:uwal,, Paint, Oils, Dye Studs. Arttat Colas*. Patent Medicines. Hurst and Cattle Medicines. Perfumery. Toilet Arttclee, tea t4 Physlulans' Prescriptions caretully Ittspena,d.161 BOTTOM PRICESI Crory, Wm& Grocerii .:.11 CONBIBTING OF NEW DINNER SETTS. NEW TOILET SETTS, NEW DESSERT SETTS, NEW CHINA SETTS, NEW GRANITE SETTS, NEW GLASSWARE, IN LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. NEW SUGARS, NEW RAISINS, NEW CUR- . RANTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT, NEW CANNED FISH, NEW CANNED BEEF, NEW CANNED TONGUE, NUTS, FIGS, &c., JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, BACON, HAMS, SAUSAGE, VEGETABLES, &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. HERBY CLIMAX KING OF FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE: Teas Wholesale and Retail, at Meit Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Aut.sgrs li Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY, - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Iadies' and Gents' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, -Cups and Flowers, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries—Merschautn Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. , School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons. \V FILET'S Ilynut Books, Psalm Books. &c...Cc.—Subscriptions taken for all the best Eonttsu, Srorcls, Ist.tt. AMnEEleAN and CANADIAN Papers and mines at Publishers' 1 n'e.t tides—mow is the time q to subscribe. A full stock of School f.• o;;ar for Teachers and High end`. ode1 School Students I have n choice All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suite.,.. ihrag/olis Carrie es Land lame srlrrtiotrof ears Cards i CIfE t• ell ¢.t 1'F. t: THAN EVER, 1 Christmas and New Y Etc.. Etre.. LEST EVER SHOWN, VICTORIA:St., , Corner of Trafalgar. gent for the Cc)i'brated SEEGMILLER CHILLED PLOUGH Ind Agrlralteral Implement+. O. agent fur, the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. • Thi+ is one of the best Companies in exist- . n..e. being prompt and reliable. Inf„rtttation furnished cheerfully on application. ;+3.4m JON. rt•iawtg. MAN., , A permanent Coughs and ('olds Teal bottles order+ and 101 � and l rinwn I at your drug store. 1'nn%1431M, •�. Sides. etc., 1 Free .r ['oath.of the k4uM irinh.•t,•.1•., All pennons wishing to test the nter;ts of el ;les , ter. a great remedy ---one that will positively ,avni li1".1141, e,• cure l'onsnmphon. Cnugh•. Colla, 1'RI• Asthma. Bronchitis, nr any affection tiwg.i of the Throat and Lunge --ere requested ;1 &Some art.• ., 1 to call at y.,mr drum store and get a trial ' bottle "f Dr. King's New Discovery f"r 'y. B -e• n `_. 7.n U.msumpti m, ire .!J ..l, which will pJJoh4 N'itt \lar l scow you what a reviler dollar -sir 1 N sit bottle will do. ',aeration .N !TuARRr Eno A KIDNEY I t .than IN ill, \ 1, •, one core far Diseases. I)ts• •nr+of the Kidney s, Madder .•I:te Sy„Sri. or At irwdanl -in¢ Parrs in small ,' hack. ry 1 tie,r,trr., l iraerl• I 'atarrh pawns[•.: heights Ilf+naae, . 1'11, . rer%ou. la•btlitt, timoniala tan he obtaised - I'ad, 51.:) burr+ 1141•wet- 1•.,1. e2.01 rpn inl PIA ter sun. JesI R. Witxe. Sole A.ent tkrlerteb, Ingham M. M. 11. l.ucksow. . M. I►., Kismet's,. stn.. non. Myth 11na ALLAN LINE of Rl VAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL. LONDONDERRY, GI, 1- Goty, SHORTEST SE ROU TE. Cabin. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets - LOWF_.T RATLa. At BUTLE 'S. Do:ainiun.T• learapi, 11.1,•1 l'o=tam• ` umt;_Ua:,e. Stet rage Passengers are booked to London, Cardiff. Bristol. Queenstown. Derry, Belfast, Galway and (ila-Itow, at same rotes as to Liverpool WINTER ARRANGEMENT. SAILING EVERY ALTF-RNATE WEEK FIt01('A11 PORTLAND AND Fitt HOIi- 1'ON, .LIXti .t -r It ttiF.. . SARMATiAN. FROM BOSTON. NOV. 211h. CALLING AT HALIFAX. NOV. 26th. CIR('ASt4IAN, FROM PORTLAND. FOR LIVERPOOL, DIRECT, NOV. 261). POLYNESIAN, FROM BOSTON, DF.C. 1st. CALLING AT HALIFAX. DEC. 3rd. SARDINIAN. FROM PORTLAND. DEC. 9th, ('ALLiNG AT 1{ALiFAX, DEC. 10th. i'ARISiAN, FROM BOSTI)N DEC. lath, CALLING AT HALIFAX, DEC. 171). For ticket and every information apply to ii. ARMSTRONG. Agent, Montreal Telegraph 131-3m. OMce Oodertcb. UNCLE TOL PHOTOGRA I H FRAMES VELVET' :'RAMEB_ MoTTO FRAMES. STATUARY BRAC10E7.8- CORNER BRACKETS •[hitt' 6[ to siET+, I IU S Tune:.. Dolls uq L • • r.ri. ty, t't,ristuui, I',tolls n L u'.l• I-ariety. :1j VASEB, WORM BOXER, Writ eL Bettis. II .. Autograph tingle',, Toy Reeks. cad T.,■ its Erroll arlety. BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS. Com_ C_ Robertson._ 1'.,ca. ” Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. 'MORTON ANDCRESSMAN manufacturer..1 FIRST( 145.4 CARRIA 0 -Es, BUG-G-IEs, eto. Opposite Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examination of our vehicles. REPAIRING PR' )lel'LY ATTENDED To. GET -YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS !TINTED at the oncost T11b HU K')N rli.\AL North Street, UoJeeizit.