The Huron Signal, 1881-12-30, Page 1THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBZR IML o GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 30, 1881. Sew Adverelseseats. Card -Jae. barb. Electors -C. Cribb. Notice -Homes Hotton. manors -Lewis Milieu. Feaad-Peter Adaswn. Musk -MIAs Per mminge, Liver Pad Holman HMCo. To the Electors -M. Nloholenn. ' TO the Electors -Oso. Swansea. Opening of the Schools -Jae. Imrte,l Ayer's SannparULa-Dr. J. C, Ayer t Co. Dentistry. 'Ur NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN - 'Al. T 1ST. Omoe and residence, Wast Street kw doors below Bank of Montreal, Oadet- rtcb 1732 EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- GEON, tate with Trotter Se Caesar, the leading Deattsa of Toronto.' All operations neatly sod carefully perturnied. Rooms. Bea- ver Block, CLINTON. Affleitients from a Mance will please make appointment in ad- . anee by mall. Isif She People's ttolumn. 1'OUND. --A SMALL 817M OF MON- 1. ey, at the door of the Bank of commerce. The owner pe and opayytng for his tadvertisement.°proving PETER A DAMSON. le19. MUSIC -MISS SKIMMINGS WILL resume her class in Music, for Piano- forte and Organ, on Monday, 9th of Jan. 188'3. Terme $4 per qr. of 21 lessons. Stanley street. Goderich, 30te Dec, 1881. 1819-3t OUSE TO RENT. -A FRAME house. on Palmerston street, 'near the Hayfield road) containing six rooms besides pantries, and two -shits of an acre of land. (hood orchar,l and good stabling. For partici), tars apply to E. R. tit &YSON, Water. 1818-tt. 1 CONTRACTORS-Tasuglut WILL 1 be reoelved up to Tuesday,the 10th dal of January. 111111„ for the erectn of a frame dwelling house. Pane and specifications can be seen at the residents of the proprietor after Dec. SM. JOHN W ASHIN(ITON, Lot No. 25. led Con., West Wawanosh, Auburn P.O. 181741 1208 SALE. -A DARK BAY MARE I with black mane and tail, t years old, about 11 hands high. a good driver and war- ranted to drive single or doable. gentle, and retail managed. is for sale at a reasonable price. Apply to O. W. EcuList, teacher, No, 5, S. S. Colborne. 1817-2t. NOTICE. -THE ANNUAL MEET - tog of the West Ridipg of Huron Agri, cultural Society. will be helU in the Court Hoes, at Ooderieb, on Wednesday. Jan. 18th. SM't, at one o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of receiving the aaeual report of the directors, electing officers and directors for the ensuing year. aol other business. Jutta VARCoa, Secretary. 1918-31. NOTICE.- -- TheOTICE,- The annual meeting. of shareholders of the Ooderich Petroleum and sett Company tor the election of Directors, and tor the purpose of considering the propriety of disposing of the whole property of the Company. Will be held at the law omre of Mews. Cameron.. Holt 3 Cameron, on Saturday. 14th January. lee2 at seven o'clock p. tn. The business being important a full att. .:rnoe isuested. HOrtACE HORTON, S0;4.. .. 'Twa. Goderich. 31th Dec„ IMI. 1II12+Jt. Real Estate. Strapea Animals. P. STRAY STEER. -STRAYED 1'/ from the prcmtaes of the subscriber, lot 10, ooa. 3. Gelburae about 1st uf November. last, • two year old steer, head and neck red, Perri as gidy red ving ng tutormattoo that will 1 on to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. Wet. Yo t' No. 1818-11. HRIFE It CAME ESTRAY. -CA ME 0o the premises of subscriber a dark red heifer with small horns. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay chargee and take it away. W. C. Deem, lot S. Maitland con., Colborne. 1817-41. QTRAYED HEIFER -CAME INTO ! the enclosure of the subscriber about 1st September last lot 9. con. 10 Ashfield, a red and white heifer, 2 years old, The owner is requested to prove property, pal charges and take her away. Gm. CawFsyi Belfast P. O. 1816. STRAY EWES. -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber, lot 8. con. 3, W. D., Colborne. about the lath of November, two ewes marked with red paint. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenaea and take them away. 'Nouse AalrroR. Ben - miller. 181/ -It' GAME ON THE PREMISES OF the premises of the gubscriber, lot 1 con. 10 W. D. Tp. of Colborne, about the 15th Nov.. Lige a yearling heifer. red, with white mark on face. The owner will please prove pro - pert): pay expenses. and take the animal away. KN' S. CLARK. 1816. QTRAYED-STRAYED INTO THE 5_7 premises of the subscriber, Lot 4. Lake Range. Township of Ashfield, about the mid• Ile of August. a rel heifer calf with spotted (ace. The owner is requested to prove pro- pe0 z y charges and take it away. J18AMEd /NAME ON THE PREMISES OF THE V Subscriber, east halt lot 3, con. t, Ashaetd, about the beginning of September, a grey hei- fer coming 3 years old. The owper le request- ed to prove property, pa expense*. and take .away. R BeDOI DLA9y, Dungannon P. 0. Sleet CAME ON THE PREMISES OF THE Subecriher. Lot 14, Lake Shore Road. Ash- field, about the 1st of July. a red steer, riming two years old. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses, and take the animal away. THOS. O'NEI, Kingsbridge P. O. 1815.41 CAME ESTRAY, - ABOUT THE middle of Nor., a horse. a steer and a heifer. The steer and heifer are red and white; the horse is black. The owner is re- inostedto prove property pay charges and ake them away, Oso. PA'rt'ov, part of Block C, Colborne township. 1814 -It, ^[TRAYED-STRAYED INTO THE 1.3 premises of the subscriber. Lot No. 12, Lake Mange. Township of Ashfield, on the ;9th inst., a sorrel horse. The owner will please call. pay expenses and take the animal away. JAMES DALTON. 18(1.41 STRAYED -STRAYED INT'.) TH subscriber, of the sabribor, Lot 4. Con. 7 township of Colborne, on the 18th Inst., are! ud white heifer, 3 years old. The owner Ir .equested to prove property..P03 diaries, take the animal away. PATRICK ((33 18141 -It 11 -It STRAYED, EWE. -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber, lot 6, eon. 11 Colborne. about the beginning of September, r ewe. The. owner is requested to prove pro ppaesty, pay charge., and take it away. 410 M4RRIs. 111841. Loans ane. insurance. MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TI tendon easy terms to sums to suit bo rowers, ALEX- JfrD ALLAN. Doderich, Nov, 17th I391. 13131m. R SALE CHEAP. -THAT VERY .111 desirable brick helse, on East St. with ooe elkhth of an acre of Diad. The house con- 000 TO LOAN: APPLY Ti stns 5 bedAso rales alt ne dining room. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMEIRON. Gods kitchen, wood -shed and all aexessary cvnreni- rneee. No reasonable otter will be refused. rlcb. 1750. EDwawo SRAIersAN. 1815 IQ75.000 TO LEND ON REAL ES • TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. 1 L'ARM FOR SALE AT LEEBU RN. - 1 Lot No. 5, lake Shore Road, Township of t'alb,rne. four utiles from O derieh, contain- ing 160 acres, 90 of which err cleared and un- der a good state of cultivation. itis well fenc- ed ant uoderdrained, haring two dwelling houses. a barn. an or hard, stables, workshop, driving shed. and other outbuildings. For particulars apply on the premisew, or to HOR- ACE HORTON. Milburn P. O. Sept. 15. -4t I2OR SALE. =LOT 9. LAKE SHORE j, Tp. of Colborne, containing 112 SI-rea 30 eren cleared balaaSoil excellent timberSoila good clay loam. As this property adjoins the Point Farm It is In consequence most J. Mr1geh'Raated. For particulars apply to J. Jti4 March 1st 1861. 1776-1t. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE --AT Dungannon. 12 miles from Doderich consisting of i of an acre ret land. well fenced; a frame house. • good well and purnp are also on the premises. The lot has been well Im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can to had from Mr. J. M. Roeatmt, Merchant, Dungannon, or R, E. DROWN, Nile P.10. rl j1O03E, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 11 76. corner of Victoria and Eget Meet*, in the town of lioderich, for sale cheap. or will be e xchanged for farm property. For particular* a. or 3. C. Crea8iiiiim. auctioneer. ('nDb SHEPPARDTON --FARM FOR sale le acres. 50 sores cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 30:30, stone cellar full else of bonne. A large creek runs through the lot, no waster land on the creek A very aus tine orchard surrounds the hoe. Good Men and other buildings. Terms very e•s7 Apply to R. T. H4Yeas. M 16 Lake Shore Road. (()I- temise - horne Township, or to O.tasoW k Provo- roof. 1788 ARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, con. 13. Colborne, about seven menthe) Deiderich, eomprlaing Na aerie• 3e cleared. A frame hostile, said $ new tome barn 50125 awl s stable end other eeth,iitdtnge err on W prrmiee.. A young orchard, gird pump ale. es the farm. The taint bas • road os ewe sides of it. Four acres of fall wheat areNMM. Dfssaat ealy L rave hem • pan nabs /k pertloalaas nppl, a W m. SalaLoa. She9itaed- ton P. O. 111 DOYLE, Dederick. 1751 404,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEN RV on good Farm or aretclasa Town Propert at biter sent. Aoole to It. RADCLIFFE. 17 ` ONEY TO LEND IN AN . 1 amount to snit borrowers at 6 to s+ Dent. Private funds. Apply t0 SKAoiR an MORTON, Goderiob. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A 11.0 amount of Private Funds for lnveetnte at lowest rates on drat-0Ws Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW & PROUDFOOT. Teachers Mantes. 51 Mr TEACHER WANTED -FOR U. S. K. No. 11, Aahlluld. for they7ear 1882. Apply to It. T. HAYRICK, 8. end T. 8hepperdton P O. 1813. ASSISTANT TEACHER WANTED, in B. S. No. 2. Colborne, 1Benmiller.i Male or female, haring third elms oertllc+ate. Apply to NicxoLAa MORatsH, Ooderteh, P. O. i816 -3t, Election ttaras. aro THE ELECTORS OF GODE- 1 RICH. 1 have been &eked by a number of ratepay- ers to stand for the om.e of FIRST DEPUTY REEVE for the year 1882. I am willing to occupy the position, and it elected will try todo my duty to town and county. 1818-2t. JOSEPH WILLIAMS. 1'10 THE ELECTORS OF ST.010601'14 WARD. OtxTi.arax,-At the request of alp friends, I have consented to stand as a candidate for the position of Councillor In the ward in which I hare resided for so many Teat's. Having al- ready served the town In the Council for some years, and having, while acting in a public ca- pacity, already endeavored to do my beet in the public interest, I hereby solicit the votes and influence of my friends, and pledge my- self to support all measures that will conduce to the welfare of the town. M. NICHOLSON. Ooderich, Dec. 281h, 1881. 1819 TO THE ELECTORS OF ST. AN- DREW'S WARD. OgrrrLrwKN,- Atter being nominated on Monday last. I was at tint inclined not to stand. However. friends have urged mo' to remain in the field. and if elected, I will en- deavor to nerve the town to the best of my ability. 1 will not be able to see all the elec- tors personally, but hope to receive the sup - of a majority of the ratepayers in the w tn ard. Respectfully yours. J. 11. ('O1.13ORNE. Goderich, Dec. ".elk, 1881. 11i19 - MG THE ELECTORS OF' ST. AN - 1 DREWS WARD.. I am again before you seeking fro -election se one of your representatives on the Council Board. Being a resident of the ward for the past 31 years, you are well aware of my posi- tion. and the fact that 1 always set in public matters without fear or favor. I have a good deal of time to spare. which is freely and earnestly given to the public interests. Re• lying on your support for the coining year as in the past. I ant, gentlemen ]burs res ttulty (EEO. SWANSON. ELECTORS OF ST. DAVID'S WARD OitNTLstsax,-It was not my intention to be nominated for Cotmcillor, but since you have seen at to nominate inc. I will, if elected, en• • deavor to the best of my ability to perform the duties appertaining to the office. Your most obedient, C. CRABS. 1 THE ELECTORS OF ST: DA. VID'K WARD. • At the request of my friends in the [Car! , which I have represented at tho Counci Beard. during 1981. 1 bare decided to stand a ' a candidate tor COUNCILLOR, IN ST. DAVID WARD tor 1982. and take this opportunity to solid 1 from the ratepapers that generous supper which they kindly gave me when 1 lastsoagh ' their vntee and intlnence. t ours very truly 1818. C. £..HIIMBER. ) ' I ELECTORS OF ST. DAVID'S WARI Fxl.t.ow-RATrpATILRA,-In compliance will your request, I have allowed myself to bo pe • n nomination as Councillor for Hating heen nominated, I wish to b elected One eo well known to all of yon as I am, n ) quires to say but little. I airs one of you selves. My interests are yours. burin many years a School Trustee and for sever: years it Councillor, you bare had an oppo e [unity of testing my ability and willingness t promote the interests of the town. It is tru I am "only a working -man." It is my else d who make • town or country. As a (elicit labourer in the greet industrial field. 1 ask Di support of myof llow-ratepayers. 1 mayre el have an!opportynity of meetingy ou alpe „ eonally: i solicit your votes all the sant 4,1 HKPPARDTON.-STORE, wrrn 1.1 Post Odlee, fur tale or to reef, with Isere t ICA. Stork 511freak mel 'noel vt- Ilirliney may tonna. having ether Mistimes to to. FM farther particulars apply to R. rev*. Alan 166 &revs of land.wire halt of led .r the Int em., R. D. A•haeli. (kind Q. adl d a viable el waifMeed. Apply to ft Mint Denny 1130, QTRAYED ANIMALS.--SIND .1 A_ to Tits Stair 41. tnadrertlerseyew premises. and &cold ptt85 OSeMt..r toe Ong. oneeig on Illegaal 7 1, .letalslhg &ntm5 * Adkins* Test► f1w><ICL. Ondetisb. Otte. T (TANS FREE OF CHARGE. - 1.1 Money to lend at lowest rates, tree 04 any costs or charges. SEAOKR 4. MORTON. ° t • orae n►233rr4 Afar e 1881. 17711. it PER CENP. -THE CANADA 1) Landed Credit Company is prepared to lend money on good Farm security. at slc per cent. Full ppasrticularagiven upon application to HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. agent, Uoderleb. 1785, . 90,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purehssed. no Commission charged, conveyancing Fees reseonahle. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if title is satlst'actory.-DA VISON 8t JOH'.- 9TON, Barristers. he., Ooderich, 1751 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Repreaentiag fIrstelass Companies. Also agent few the t'ANaos Live. ST.N-K INerRANPE CO, Money to lend on Mortgage, either In Town or Farm Property. In any Way to suit the borrow- er. 011oe-cup-stairs) Kay's bleak, 4oderlch, 3 teaical. D.R. HUTCHISON, DUNOANNox, Ont 1811 R MCDONAOH, M.D., PHYSiC- jiAN. AUROEt)N, k, Orme irate of Tor WS* UslvtrsKY. Licentiate of the Royal Cel- tpf priors. London. England, &e., ta, C. P, 8., Oetatfn. Office sod reddenoe Ogas=Nt Baileys Moat. Hamlltoo street, t - nRCRMeLEAN, PHYSICIAN, A - (LEON. Comer, RA. OfSee and r.MNenee owKnee weed eed deer west of V laterla 1751. L aim. 1[ACKLD, M. i1 , PHYg e1in. Surgeon enA AC.•onrhrr. (ireAttaesae en ('alveweity Itflleeeppos(tr ('amer- re 1 Cemerela's Batik. l.ecknow. If not la sips. enquire at the Hank. 17Oy. NEWS ABOUT HOME. • obial u aasat yee tattle' noses, a' faith he'll prent It." TOW TOPICS. f7',,tere4 l"ca i, It you want a first -elms cooking stove, call and see G. N. Davit variety). Also American and Canadian oil for Wally use. Having an ezperienoed worktnan,ang butiae work will be done in the most satisfactory manner. Saunderef Variety Store, determined not to be beaten by baakrept stocks, will, fur the next 30days, sell at tower figures for cash, tbaa any other store V tows. New. teeth gooda. never damaged by fire- Coal oil Sc. per gal., or S gala for one dollar. "The Cheapest House Under the Sun." See &dv'[ next week. Are we to have any skating 1 Graham Moorhouse is home for the holidays Twa Hours at Hame-to-night with Kennedy. Mr. Hutchison is recovering front a very severe cold. "He (Mr. Williams) is a good man." -Wm. Campbell. Mr. Joseph Goldthorpe, of Colborne, is ill oftvp hold fever. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford spent Christ- mas day in Hamilton. Capt. Charles McIntosh, of Detroit, is visiting his relatives in town. Mr. Frank Lawrence has a little son, very ill froth au attack of croup. Messrs. George and Wm. Acheson and Robert W. McKenzie, left on Tuesday for tVinnepeg. Miss Ross, of Stratford, ie spending her vacation in town, the guest of Mr. Ralph. Mr. Kidd, of Dublin, has built a neat residence adjacent to the International salt well. Mr. and Mrs. Bright of Exeter, spent Christmas day in town, the guests of Mr. Jae Addison, collector. On Christmas day, the band received the nice stun of 849 from the different citizens, at whose houses they play- ed. Interesting items front Auburn, Bel- fast, St. Helens, and other pointe arriv- ed ton late for insertion in this week's issue. - CoeittecTlo'.-It was Mr. Joseph Teweley, and not D. McPhee, who fed the fat ox which took first prise at the Christmas show. Mr. and Airs. H. Guest and family, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Douglas and family, of Iiamilton,are the guests of Mr. Geo Cox, of .THe SIGNAL Mrs. Sturdy has sold her interests in the Kingston Street Bakery to Mr. John. Smith. who will take possession after 12th Jan., 1882. Mr. -and Mrs. Sturdy, are about to open a hotel at Port Huron. Watch -night services will be conduoted in the North Street Methodist church,by Rev. Dr. Williams, on New Year's Eve (Saturday), commencing at 10 t o'clock. Mr. N. A. :McGillivray, formerly a student in the High school, is home for the holidays. He is now etching in Rockwood, Michigan; and pleased with the place. We are glad to learn that Mr. Donald McGillivray came out first in classics at t the recent terminal examination in University College, beating his opponent by a total of 74 marks. K MN env To- Nluirr. -Reserved seats fur the Kennedy family conoert can be obtained at Imrie's. Do not vote for the titan who insults your judgment by personally begging your vote, and who considers his tra wr- tunity to be of greater value than your intelligence. Nairn xt.-Ott Thursday Messrs. Buchanan, Lawson *Robinson shipped a carload of ceiling lumber to Crystal City, Manitoba. Mr. Thos. Greenway was the purchaser. I arra 1.AT70N. --The following ott►oers were installed on Tuesday evening last, by Maitland Lodge, No. 112 A. F. & A. M: --V W. Bro. R. Radcliffe, W. M; Bro. Wm. Craig, J.; Bro. W. H. Mur- ney, Chap; Bro. C. A. Humber, Secy.; F. F. Lawrence, Treace; Wm. Phillips, S. D.; Robt Rhynas, J. D.; John Mc- Arthur, Q. G.; Bro. M. McPhail, T. ST. (:aoauz's Cauaca. -The Christ- mas services, morning and evening, at St. George's Church, were well attended. The church was tastefully decorated. -and the special musical services under the leadership of Miss Bertha Trainer, the organist, were of a pleasing nature. The senuous of the day bore upon- the cir- cumstances of the birth of the Saviour, and were listened to with the closest at- tention. The offerings at both services were of a substantial nature. CH1u6TYA4 TRICE. - The Christmas Tree entertainment in the M. E. Church, of this place, carne off on Friday evening last. When the hour arrived for the opening of the programme, the base- ment of the Church was well filled. The exercises of the evening commenced by singing, by the school, and prayer by the Pastor, who then took the chair. Miss Lettie Paps! presided at the organ yith her usual ability. The ..rt citations, readings, dialogues, and music, were all interesting and well rendered, which showed that considerable time and at- tention had been given by those who took part. The audience was cheered by the presence of Mr. D. McGillicuddy of THE StueAL8 who gave a short ad• dress. After tlus part of the programme was ended, the audience repairedto the upper part of the Church, where a beautiful tree stood well laden with use- ful presents, which were snort stripped to the entire satisfaction of the reclp- ienta All through the entertainment - was interesting and profitable. -(Cox. Convrl-. Coe SECTION. -The Seaforth Expositor nays: The people of the town of Stratford voted on a by-law on Satur- day last providing for the separation M the town from county jurisdiction. There was a very large vote polled, but the by-law was defeated, by a majority of 41. Stratford being the county town, a different result could scarcely be ex- pected. Now that the County of Huron has given up the maintenance, Of the county roads, it is nothing in tho pock- ess of the ratepayers of Seaforth for this town to remain under the paternal caro of the county. Thin year we pay $7R4 in counts rater and all we receive in re- turn is tile hon edary line appropriation. 842, and the High School grant, about 8043, making a total of $6115. It will thus be seen that we pay $102 for the honor of sending two representatives to the county hoard. Were, it not for the grant we receive for our High School, it would pay as well to follow the example of St. Marys and other towns and secure a ditle,rce from the county, and set up on our own hook. It would be well for County Councillors to cherish this fact in memory and deal leniently with Sea - forth in the future. pseww IMF Y N. rl/ew's. The Geed Maas et Mt. Peters on Christmas day was celebrated by the Pastor Rev. Father Watters at 10.30 a.m. The day being so Easter-liko, the eon- gregation was very large. The Church was beautifully decorated with ever- greens interespersed with dowers, which were gracefully festooned above the al- tar and between the aisles,entwining the pillars and in front of thu gallery. The walls were hung with mottoes suitable for the day, artistically framed with sprigs of cedar. The Altar itself looked lovely, a handsome scroll, with number- less waxlights and crosses of evergreen, were suspended from the arches over the sanctuay. A most notable and pleas - feature was the very large number of al- tar boys, twenty-four, who were dressed with precision and who attended to the duties of thoir oftice with great attention. The grotto at the left of the Altar was very natural, also the surroundings. The choir sang well, as usual, under their leader, Miss A. Doyle, oraaniets. Mr. Robinson kindly gave his assistance, which he always does on grand occasions. His solo in the ''Adeste Hales" which was sung before the"A spurges" was en- entoned, was particularly fine. The choir sang "St. Clair's Ayrie" and the "Gloria" and "Credo" front Lambillottes mass. At the Offertory "Pastor'es" Lvnibillotes Christmas Hymn, was sung, Miss Robinson doing full justice to the sok part. The hymn "Hark the -Her- ald Angels sing" was given at the Elev- ation, Miss Lizsy Doyle singing the solo part in an appreciable manner. The ser- mon was • very pathetic homily, given by the Rev. Fathers McOauran on the gospel for the grand resat of Christmas, being an exhortation to the congregation to take the beautiful lesson of humanity, given them by the infant Jesus, at whose name the heart of every good Christian would melt as a model for their future lives, and fur ever remember that the mission of infant Jesus on earth was to become their Saviour and Redeemer. Father McGauran's sermons are always brief and concise, speaking from heart to heart and are always received with great pleasure by the congregation of St. Pet - Among the pedagogues spending their 1 Christman vacation in Goderich are Messrs Frank and Arthur Crasaweller, T. .Henderson, and Dass Ida Straubel, ' Miss Burritt, Miss Maggie Dickson. -. The Assembly in Cardno's Hall on Wsa.ale Manistee.. 1 Friday evening last was a very success- ' ful and pleasant affair. There were about forty.. couples present, and all went in for a social, pleasant evening. • There were several ladies and gentlemen from Goderich.--(Seaforth Expositor. The following is the list of Officers for L. O. L. No., 182, for the current term: Bro. F. W Johnston, W. M. ;L. Elliott,D. • M.; R. Plunkett, Chaplain; W. H. Mur- ney, Treasurer; Jas. Conley, D. of C.; Jno. Reid, 1st Coin. Wm. Runtball, 2nd H. J. Murney, 3:d; Wm. Babb, 4th; J. Million 5. The lodge meets 0n the last Tuesday of each month. A. 0. U. W. -The following officers were elected by the Maple Leaf Lodge No. 27, for 1882. P. M., W. R. Miller; M. W., W. R. Robertson; F., D. Ferguson; 0., L Elliott; R., T. N. Dan- oey; Fi., A. Morton; Rvr., E. Graham: G. H. Bell; I. W., M. Creasman; 0.1W,, J. McCallum. Representative to Grand Lodge, W. R. Miller The following is a corrected list of the junior division of St.Davids ward school: St. Davide Ward, .iunior division, Miss Watson, teacher, No. on roll 76. Pre- sent 67. Prnnoted 13. Promoted in order of merit, A. Addison, W. Whitely W. Clues*, R. Breckenridge, W. McIn- tosh, J. Edwards, D. Yule, S. Wilson, R. Noble, B. Ellis, K. Respell, R. Keag, A. Bruce LAMT BOT Race or 1881 I )n Monde aftern.n last, an interesting event teetk e. place on the usual course, between our well-known local scullwa, Geo. R Cos and W. (loading, which was oetainly a novelty at this time of the year 'L7N pair started for a raw "ret the course and on reaching the International salt - works, they derailed tee make the homes - ward miles race f•,r the oysterw. TM finish was so chop that, in the ahutgtee of a referee, it wan dirtied to totes up, W ('n1 woe elected by aielamate,o to lest the hill. Time not taken, bet enema* fine. should you elect me, I shall support that which is for the benefit of the whole town, not forgetting the "noble ward of St. Devid's." Ii Iours, MI5 ELLIOTT. DK8 SHANNON k HAMILTON, P1lysietans, Rurgenna. Aetweellera. Re. et Dr. Ahannone redelen e. near the tlitL M.Aerteh. O c'. dru,rxoe, J, (' HAEltr 110rn 1751. St. David's Ward. Deo. 21, 1181. 1819. C_ = The'subscriber desire* to thank the num••r- ous friends and customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the pant two months, and shoo to apologize to these who were not attended to properly last Sat- urday. as the extraordinary rush of business etunng that day made it quite impossible for us to attend to them as we would have wished. Hoping all have spent a merry Christmas. and wishing one and all a harpy and prosperous New Year. JAMES IMRIE, Successor to T. J. Moorhou.e. Tonsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR - thanks to the public for past and *elicits a continuance of a m. a can • aloeys be found at his Shaving Parlor. near the Peet °ase Oodertob, 1733 Heti Symington 1n Colborne, Ota the 21st inst.. the ' wife of 51r. John $ynungton. uf a daughter. II A RHIRS. Elliott Levy in a othorn' on Tuesday. Dec. 77th. Mr. Thom !fieri. teher. to mar,. only eanghter of ac Matthew Levy. McLean Herein At the readenee ref the bride'. mother, on the Yeah inst.. by the Rev. Its tt'.Iliam*. Mr Tb las, Murray M• Lean, to MIs. Man Harris. daoghter of the Iota John Harris, of (kw/ar4,i . Seeds t 'Ilineon On Thursday. it.'•r Md, as fibs residence of the bride's brother la-lsw. lee thefts,. R, 4 re anti key. J. A Tura- % dt. R A., Kr. 'eh', ''ands. to Pitts Mary Col leson. ell of Colborne. Wblaley 1wwae,_At the r 814.ne «8 the brides father, A.haeld, to the Ret Mt. Carr,. on the 7th Inen . Kr. J. E. tthltlsy. to Niles Elise Jan. third AaeWiler of An- Ar.w I)rfn.7 R..q, t,raham Temptetes Alan at the same time mut pia •r. air, W. Unshorn, of Inndoo, to Mine Margie Tem Melon, 14l to gh. Solemn vespers and benediction were given at 7 p. m. There was also a mass at seven o'clock. a, in. with appropriate hyinne, followed by another immediately after. The offertory amounted to STA and was given to Father Watters, , Iiederieb teak St'keul. Tho following is the result of the En trance Examination held last week. Thir- , ty two candidates passed, the rest fail- ing chiefly in Arithmetic, Dictation -and Grammar. Total number of. narks ob- tainable, 5130; necessary to pau, 280. Ann Blake, Goderich Model School, 291. Susie Campbell," " " 326. Anna Fletcher, " " ei ea& Louisa Gibson, " 32it Minnie Greer, " 414. Birdie Hays, o' 39:1. Louisa Hillier, " Abbie [)'Neill, " Lucy O'Rielly, " Mary Rusk, " Marion Stalker," Mary Stokes, " Annie Waddell, " Isobel Walker, " Olivine Wilson, " Fred. Cattle, " G. A. Kennedy,' Richd. Winsor, " Sara M. Harris, 1 S. S. Ashfiel 1, Sara Martin, e 5.8. Collo„ane, Wm. McQuarric, Francis Beaten, Bayfield. Ninian Harrison, Exeter. Arch. Hyslop, 1 t3.14 Grey, David Perrie, John J. Srttale, 5 S.S. Usbntue, Jennie Loggia, Tuckecamith, Manie Walker, Lucknow. Susie Walker, t' Robert Walker " Mary Ferguson, Lambton, Mary J. liaise, St. John, N. B. The members of Maitland Ledge No 11.2, and Goderich Lodge No 33, after the in- stallation of their officers on Tuesday last, met at the Park House to celebrate the natal day of Masonry, it being the feast of St. John the Evangelist. 'I'heit were also present a number of brethren from Benmiller Lodge, and a number of outside visitors. Tho spread was an ex- cellent one, and did credit t') the pro- prietors of the Park House. Tho chair was occupied by W. Bro. H. Cooke, and V. W, Bro, Radcliffe did the homers in the vice chair. After suitable remarks on the anniversary by the chairman, the following touts were professed and duly responded to: The Queen -"God Save the Queen." The Craft -Coupled with the names of the Grand Master and officers of the Grand Lodge -V. W. Bro. Radcliffe. The Prince of Wales and Royal Family. The Governor•General-"For He's a jollygood Fellow." he President of the Unite! States - Bro D Crane. The visitingBrethren-P. M. Aro. Robertson, M. Bro. Wilson, Bro. Malcomton, Bro. Morton, Bro. R. H. Columns. Our Visiting Friends. --Mr. F. W. Johnston, sing and .neon by Mr. D. McGillicuddy, reply by Mr. Ales. Mc- , (law, and song and .•. hy Mr. H. P., (r Cloaa ' Newly Installed Officers -W Br.. C.'oke. Kr, J Robertson, fir.. W. Mynas, (' 4 Humber, O. Ywsnenn, Jon Seek. Illegne Mr R. A. William. Tbu Marin. Interests. Siong ey Bre. Grum The Press Bro Mitchell and D. )IIIc i11c uddy The tut ass Mr F W 1ohnate n The Hort t ;apo 1, W Mc(irognr. The gathering separate,[ at .t season- able hour "Heppe to meet s•,rry to part, harpy to meet eve. „ 320, 3211, 317.' 325. 3611. :358. 343. 354. 299. 314. 370. 338. 333. 290 :321. :396. 407. 323. 391). 459. 381 :333, :321. 280. :389. :3:11. Schaal Beard aeaslnatlene. The nominations for school trustee). for 1882 and 1883 took place in the Cen- tral school on Wednesday at noon. The' attendance was sma! 1, the average n u mbar of ratepayers from each of the four wards was not over three It seemed at one time as if no person would put in an ap- pearance from St. George's ward, but fi- nally a tneIver pupped quietly in. whisp- ered his candidate's name, and as quiet- ly withdrew. The opinion .of all pre- sent was that as now practiced the elec- tion of echo of trn+tees is a farce. The retiring; trustees were all ret -elected, with the exception of Mt. H. Coke, who do- clined to stand. The following Oro the names of the persons neminattei, with their moven and seconder. err, Asnasw'n wean. A. McGaw, moved by E. Hopper. 'se- conded by John Bain; elected by sada. 'nation. sr. rATRlt'a . Whitt). John Pasin ore, moved by .id.n dates, 1 seconded by T. McGillicuddy,4Ie^fetl by acclamation. , ay. oaciai1a•A w ice, ' Malcolm Nicholson. a9b4c 1 1 I'apt McLw.xi, seaindiel hy W. ('ampt.elt Mw acted by acclamation, eT. n * w %ars John Huller, moved by ILsbt. GOrdota 1 seonnded hp ii Hale. f W a, Robertson, moved by + (3r*hat ,'seoon,ie.1 hy R. Moi.ean, w'