The Huron Signal, 1881-12-16, Page 8it AY. DEC. 16. 1881. * DOORS ES BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior STAIRS, HANDR , NEWELS and RALUBTZR$ A Spesialtyy. Bead for Price Luta SHIP/GLIB, LATH & LIMB Estimates on FR4tion. 11tr'A 1 OI$ SWARTH, Goderich. 211111111216 Our sick committee have three cases os. hand. Mr. W. Green and wife, of Cesdeton, Dakota, are the gusts of Mr. &. Al- len. 42 Mumma. —In this time, we are in- formed, Mr. deo. McKee and Class Al- len killed and dressed a beeve last Mon- day. Jos MATwnnD. Hayfield. Some of the ratepayers are waking ex- tras to the hall tower, by adding a door, door, and windows. Dr. Stanbury is furnishing stained ;;law fur thu wiudows at his own expense. The following are the officers for L. O L No. 24, for 1882. W. W. Connor, W. M.; John Pollock, D. M.; Geo. Castel, Sea, W. J. Stinson, Treas; Michael Wella, 1st com.; Thos. Johnston 2nd coin., Jas. Huston, 3rd cow., Jae. McDonald, 4th com., Jas. Sturgeon, 5th com., B. Higgons, D. of C. The Lodge is in the best standing it ever was, hav- ing 5 of an increase since Dec. 1880. Lodge night 1st 'Monday in every month. 4N! TIRO ss. Lwaaaw—The trustees d the wheel in Section No. 4, Oreg, have chosen Miss Janet Hislop, of Morris, to he their teacher for the ensuing year. Fan Sow.—Mr. Hugh McKee has diyvesd of Ins farm on Abe 4th comes - shot of atA►, alnt 1f0 ages, 1fo ;'lira YoLna n. Howiok, ,u Colborne. Hour, AGAIN. —Mr. R. D. 3rorris, of Garbraid, has returned after a long visit to the Queen city. Mr. Lyman Morris, of Manitoba, is also visiting his parents. PastonAt.—The Rev. J. A. Taraholl tit at ppsehl trititills among his , and u a w4Ioome visitor wherever he • ser owirro Soma. — Qn Friday evening last the membsse of the Lesburn lodge tendered two old members, (use of whom has just returned home, and the other is visiting here) • a complimentary social supper, which wan served to the audience by the piste!, ably waisted by Messrs Aborn and Horton. After the pod things had been disposed of, Bro. Linklater was called to the chair, and a good programme was gone through with. Several songs by the chairman were well reoeieed. A tioutch song by Bro. Alex. Cuwnu c:wsed much laughter, and a duett by the sisters McManuus was well received The inc.•rrigible Jue, amidst roars of laughter, related the ex- perience of a sleepy sun of temperance who had to be plied with cakes to Lep him awake on the homeward journey from the Beniuiller meeting. Joe's ample pockets doubtless, accounted for tho strange and rapid disappearance of some of the delicacies at the meeting in question. Mr. James Linklatoer played some select airs on the violin during the evening: One of the guests, in a pleas- ing address, thanked the Lodge for its warm welcome, and referred to the past of the Lodge, and the working of the cause whore he resided. W r.' TEs. Come. a. A lad named H. Hogan got caught by the utu8ler in the re-ehlieg shaft of a ' ... :.1 in try- ing to save t.... .. , .. se one of his arms. t, The annual public examination of the pupilc ot S. 8 No, 2, will be held on Friday 23rd inst., commencing at 9 a. m. Parents of Section and all interested are invited to be in attendance. 3odsrich Township. RrroxxxD Home.—Mr. M. R. Elliott, of the 8th con., haw returned from the Toronto Schooi of Medicine, for the Christmas holidays. Mr. Alex. McDon- ald, formerly of Porter's HilL better known as "big Alex" has returned from Dakota, looking as if that territory agreed with him, as alae Mr. R. Hanley of the same place. DEATH. --We exceedingly regret hav- ing to record the death of Mise Cuurtice, Only daughter of Mr. L J. Courtice, of the Tth non. which sad event occurred on Friday last. Deceased was a young lady of estimable qualities, and her very pleasant social disposition had made for her a large number of friends, more par- ticularly among the voting people of the township. and she will be very greatly missed by her former :associates. Her remains were interred in Clinton cem- etery, un Monday. HYMENEAL.—Yesterday (Wednesday) one of those interesting affairs called a weddini , canoe off at the residence' of Mr. John Rudd, of the Maitland eon. The groom and bride were Mr. P. .1. Evans, son of Mr. H. 11, Evans, of the Huron Road, and Miss Alicia Rudd; the ceremony being preformed by 'Rev. Mr. Edwards, and a largo number •f guests were present to witness the affair. The groomsmen were .'llcssrs. I'. S. Arm- strong and W. E. Evans, and the brides- maids Mise •Jeunio Rudd and Miss Arm mon, .t Aroma After amost sumptuous dinner had been partaken' • f, the happy c.,uj,le Mr. \1 -in. MrArthnr. is nnthorizr.' to rr- left en their wedding tourCt'irt' subscriptions for Tum thawstiIBNAL . .The brute and , i.e receipts therefor. From our own Correspondent. SaoOTINO MAThH.—On the 26th of December a larve number of s;eesis and turkeys wilbbe shut fur with either rifles air abet guns, at the option of the sports man, at Smiley's Hotel, Dunga'num, begiuning at tun o'clock a. in. • HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Clinton. PROTIUM CHANOIL—Mr. Geo. Ful- ton, of Mt Cleinens, Mich.. has traded the property owned by him on the Bay field Road, near this place to Mr. W. W. Farron, fur property in Manitoba. MASONIC. --At the regular meeting of Clinton Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 84, G. R. C., last Friday; the allowing officers were elect_ : for the ensuing year. W. M.. Msewhirter; S. W., Jas. Young; J. W., W. Foster; S3cy., T L Fortune; Treas., T. Cooper; Tyler, Jas. Re,rs. /'Iahlihre myth, tlloatte.s of tmr. FOURTH DAY. Friday, Dec. 9t11, 1881. The Council utert pursuant to adjourn., meat. The Warden in the chair. All the members were present. The minutes of esterday were read and approved. A um ulpee of ac tri were present- ed. A pet was rebooted from John IC ruse. A communication was , read from Mr. Moved by Mr. McMillan, aeooaded by Mr. Groin, fust all currespoodenos re- specting the non -fulfillment of their con- tract by the Hamilton Iron Bridge Co., be laid before this Council Carried. Correspondence, contract, etc., iu re- ferenos to the Maitland Bridge was read and referred to the Road and Bridge committee. The report of the Finance commit- tee was read and adopted. Moved by Mr. Rogers, seconded by Mr. Weir, that this Council adjourn to meet at 3 p. m. Carried. 4 o'clock p. m. The Council resumed, the Warden in the chair. Report of the Equalization committee was read and adopted. Report of the School and .printing Committee was read. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Hogarth, that the report of the School and Printing Committee be amended by allowing Mr. Miller to find a legally qualified substitute during thii winter, subject to the approval of the Minister of Education. Lost en a divis- ion by a majority of two. The report was then adopted. A communication was read from Mr. Sheppard, road and bridge commission- er, resigning his petition. as he is about leaving for the North-West. 314.ved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Clegg, that Mr. Sheppard's resignation be accepted, and that John Mason, Esq., Dept' -Reeve of Hullett, be -appointed road commissioner is his place. Car- rie'!. A ct.auuuuiwtion was read' from D. McGillicuddy, claiming damages for in- jury to his buggy when crofting Man- chester bridge. The claim was grant- • for Co $11.86; Wing Homes, $$1110.113; 13; W. Les, oosl, .1111•091Reoerd, printing Ill; Tilibiniprint1. $1: Sear, ttitnagg, 50; Jun Story; sup- plies, .8f; D. Gordon, repairs to vault. $ 50; D. K. Strsubaa, gaolPp lies, 5; Clinton New Era, $106. 7; tklsrry a,k, repairing bridge, $8. James ' 11, retairiug approwh to Turners ridge, $2.50; Ow,. Tedford, opening Is at Clinton, $6; J. Cuaning- kam,,stn tools, 18; Robert Grieve, ego in M Killupps, $3; Tea NAL, printing, $725' Was. norm iisaioner, $42; Paul to bridge, Crt - ed. Report et Gaol and Court House•com- i attee was read and adopted Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Castle, that this Council do now adjourn, e. meet t,,merr:,w morning at eight Hoists AOAIN,—Capt. Sheppard re- u'cb. C.' t"arried. turned from Manitoba un Saturday morning last. He did .not succeed in FIFTH DA 1 leasing the hotel property situated in' Satnrtday. Dec 10. Pnrtsge La Prairie as reported. He, The Council met puresant to adjourn - however, intends returning in the spring 11emt. The Warden is the chair. All for the purpose of going into business he councillors were present. DONATION To TRACARRR.—The Educe- The minutes of feat meeting were read tional Department, by order of the Min- end approved. ister of Education, has sent a gift to the Report of Road and Bridge committee North Huron Teachers' Association, was read eighty-one volumes of books, comprising Moved by Mr. , Currie, seconded by a number of standard works, education- Mr. Taylor, that a law be to al reports, science primers, etc. This is close the Bridge at Wingham known as a valuable addition to the teachers' lib- Grahaau's bridge. Camel. rary, which, so far, is. located here, an- The report as amended was again sub - der the care of the Secretary, Mr. Tay- mit'ed to the Council and adopted. lor. - Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by A LIBZasL Orrsa.—On Saturday. Last Mr. Castle, that the Clerk be instructed Mrs. Younans, on her way from Hui- to correspond with the manager of the mesville to Wingham, was compelled to Waterloo House of Refuge, with the lie over here for several hours. Not view of obtaining admittance into the caring to leave the station she made her- institute of an orphan boy, by the name eelf as comfortable as she could for the of Bartley, of the township of Stanley, time being, a certain hotel keeper in who, is indigent and Maine. Carried. town, hearing where she was, kindly Moved by Mr. Castle, seconded by offered her the hospitalities of his house Mr. Elliott, that the thanks of this coon free of all charge, which was respectful- oil he given to the proprietors of the ly declined. He then offered her the Goderich newspapers fur their kindness free use of his dining -room guaranteed in supplying us with their valuable her an audience, and would give her 810 papers during the year. Carried. if she would go and deliver a temperance ly-law N. 9, .1881, ecntirming By- addrese. This was also declined.—[New lar No. 16 of the township of Colborne Era. rtfpairing Hutton S Sh Lo , diton approach Leonard S Crediton r retake n Ryan, bei and NoGil den, dem: county bri Grey, $8; lock-up, 8 Court Hou house, stab sen, station ton, $2.05; pump fu C Herd, repel bridge, $1; Kennedy, lit $26.50; Chas iu Ashfield, tendance un paid $150: ns Mitchell, spikes for Help's bridge, $9.20; Johu Kruse. care- taker Blyth hick -up. $20; Howick En- tetaiei.:e. advrr$sine, 11; Goderich Nene, advertising, 16.00; A. Gibson, road commissioner, 1.837.50; John Ainley, 20; ingham 4drtnce, advertising; $1; John Sands, paring Maitland bridge, $1; H. Dodd lumber • for Maitland. Bridge, $323.04 balance claimed —$270 paid 00 account; Chas Girvin; road and bridge oomtnissibner, $80.50, L Hardy, attending meeting Road and Bridge emir missiouers, $5; Chas Girvin, visit to Hamilton re Maitland Bridge, $15; John Kruse, boarding insane woman, $91.55; R. Hutch, removing refuse at Manches- ter Bridge, $3; Wm. Young, assisting Road and Bridge commissioner, $5.60; A. McGuire, clearing dirt from Wing - ham bridge. $1.25; Miller &'McQuar- rie, repairs to court House, $13; James Imrie, stationery, $2.90; John Koine. two visits bs Hamilton re Maitland bridge, $19; C. M. Dunlop, caretaker Seaforth lock-ut., $20; E. Tindall. re- pairing Bluevsle bridge and Morrisbank bridge $13.75; Christian Baylor, repair- ing bridge at. Hewitt and Wallace boundary, 83; Copp, Clarke & Co., Registers for Registrar and Treasurer, $143; T. J. Mourbou.e, stitionery for Treasurer, $6.50; Alexander Wallace, repairing clock, $1.50; T. English, air. - taker Brussels lock-up,$20; G. K. Mc- Leod, County Bridge repairs, $30.85; H. S. Stanley, material and work on county bridges, $9.50; L Hardy, Road and bridge commissioner, 350.70; Brussel Post, edvertising, 81; Abray & Edwards, repairs to bridge at Kirkton, $21.50; J. McIntyre, drag for river -bed, $5.65; J. Saunders, eiu.l and Court House repairs, $_'t R. W. McKenzie. material for questing the council to relieve him of i J . TIUNEEIL. Ooderich, Ont. 1751. bridges, $17.91; Bayfield illage leek -up, approprietioi, $200; 1Vhite .f- Sons, — ng $4.88; R. Rivett, repairing bridge near Devon, $3.75; two townships, we recommend that the nley, oounty bridge repairs, County Couucil take action on the mat- , $2; J. Huainan, bridge ter, and determine the amount that each Devon, $9 37; Patrick township shall expound en gravel road e repair between Stephen vray, $31.54; Jeremiah Be - sustained in crossing a between Howiok and n Gill, caretaker Exeter ; John Walker, repairs to and gaol, $7; T. J. Mo or - Pry, $2.66; W. H. Situp- • ter Model School, Clin- eller +t Martin, repairing urt House, $3,50; Thomas ng approach to Bayfield G. Bell, $1L76; D. B. ry for road commissioner, ton, inspecting bridge A. Sands, work and at - bridge, $201.99 claimed - mend that the peper ho 4ltd for filen referent*. Oa M. Garsuw's opinion en boundary Mu bridges, we recommend that the paper be filed, and that a by-law be passe($ by the Council clueiutt Graham's rb $edge, situated on the Maitland.. now forming the boundary line of the muni- cipalities of Wingharu and the township of Turnberry. That the report of Mr. Girvia, road cuuuuissiuner be adopted, and that the repairs recowmended Le tarried out. On the petition of the inhabitants of Morris and East Wawanolh, respecting the gravel read leading from Blyth to Winghau, the boundary between the now in dispute between Murris and East Wawattaah. travelled in 24 hours 720. Snow dur- That there rt of Mr. Haply, road ries during the day. 10th—Wind at 10 p. w. S. W., clou- dy, frost, Nomber of mile. wind trav- elled in 24 hours 1f 1. Snow flurries during the day. aid 11th—Wive at 10 p. tai. 8. E.,.oslosidy, frost, fresh. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hour. 453. 12th— Wind at 101 m.'South, light. oioudy. Number of wiles wind travel- led 24 hourif 600. Amount of rainfall 1.5 cubic' inches. 13th --Wind at 10 p. m. South, fresh, cloudy. Number o4 miles wind travel- led in 34 hours 540. A woeut of rain- fall 6.6 cubic inches. G. N. MACDONALD, Obaorver. Goderich, Dec. 14th, 1881. said winter work, we recommend that Mr. Miller's request be not panted, as we oonsider the wiuter s vests of the most importance to the school in the rural municipalities, as that is the season when the older pupils attend. ' - W. CL1tuu, Chairman. SkieewI.stea1 Revers. Report of the weather fur the week ending Dee. 13th, 1881. Dec. 7th—Wind at 10 p. nl. North- west, frost, cloudy, stroug gale. No. of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 1200. Amount of snowfall 2 inches. 8th—Wiled at 10 p, iu. S. W., mode- rate gate, clear, trust. Number of miles wind travelled in 24 hours 733. 9th— W isid et 10 p. m. N. W., cloudy, fresh, frust. Number of miles wind crnnmisuoner be adopted, and that the intprovemeutsbucarned out as suggested. That the report ut Mr. Sheppard be adopted, and that the s esttuu be acted up,n, and that 41r. Mason procure a plea ,.f a- bridge across the Hayfield river, opposite the 4th earn., of Stanley, and lay it before the Council at the Jan- uary meeting. That the report of Mr. Gibson, road commissioner, be adopted, and that any improvements un the Howick sod Car- rick boundary, useeoery to insure safety to the travelling public, be made, oouttty of Bruce bearing half the expenditure. On the tion of Mr. Graham, respect- ing the :+ridge on the and non. of Stan- ley, we reco.outend that the reeves of Goderici, sail Manley townships attend t.. the work ::r ,•:see, and send iu the ac- count when oho work is done. ()n the 'lepers and correspondence in re the bleitle.t,i in•.3ge, we recommend that they be tiled. :usA than the Warden through the county solicitor ascertain what is the contracts• -.s intention with respect to the fulfill',.•: t of his contract, to be laid before the-e:eaten' at the meet- ing in January; awl that the road com- missioners act upon Mr Garrow's advice with respect to going to Hamilton to see the iron tested. All of which is respectfully submitted. JoHN McMittaar, Chairman. was the recipient sit' a• untidier of very costly and handsome pres, nts, showing the high esteem in which ate is held by her at uaintaaaces. New Eta. Soaforth. L'ua aces, is very dull, owing to the al- ined l- i vest -impassable condition of the roads. .,.-, C, t.t. -The salt -works baro nil 1.:aut down, owing to tine scarcity- of Hey. Jeffrey Hill M. .1. ;cave .an interesting lecture under the auspices of the Mechanic's Instituto. • It was well attended. ' 41•-ai• eta'. Thele will in all pruha i•ility la much excitement over the ulec- : ion .f t!t.. municipal officers fur the tewushie of McKillop. The:e is a ., i' -.in_•.., , uuacmph►ted in every ward. D:. '.r.iul .ck has a Lurqu number of nen t ::;..:ed in clearing up the swamp near Winthrop. When the work is fin- ished the aspect of the place will be toucl, ia:y.r.,ve1. Y. M. L. C. -Steps are being taken to organize a Young Men's Liberal Con- servative Association here, but the work is not ttai sing much ground, as there is rather much oppestion to work against. 3Ir. 1;r r.;e lVl,iteiy' has sold the well known trotting mare, "Gipsy Lass," formerly owned by Mr. Thomas Hall, of Brns.e's, to an Anoericen horse buyer for Fl50. Lt.•rt-s1:. --}.' n r 1 F 1.' ,nu..r lectured jn Cardne's Hall •.n `f„nday evening last, t . a fair awdienta. His denuncia- tion of the Catholic C!i ir•h was .ome- • fhin4 ..f the same natete ea that given hone a year a,6 by lbs ex-Muuk 1Vid- elo.wa. suet imp. s'.,rs should n 4 be tolerated. • Mastro' 4. ---The Maoit•d,1 fever has re+► hvol rleaforth. it 1s sprea.lirtg fast airing the sitissns, many ars for enwi- ;'rst.iag immediately. The an.rieo..4 thea nw'1'•'sm f•,rtnnes *vi,rn'il*ted b” eae.,er residents act as pewerfsl and Alining in. the the liras et December there were 297 members of thr Necfuank's' inati4wtP as against ;17 at the tante time hot year, and it is expected that at the end of the present fi,oinci.J year the Irani - CHRISTMAS TRAIL—The Dungannon rpublic school examination will ho held ,.> on 'Chnretlay the .,..rad day of December. after which the children propose holding an entertainment, consisting of di.tlogues recitations and singing, and last of ,all, hut by no means least, the distributing of presents from the Christmas tree. There aro expected several rev. gentle- men to be present, vel we have no doubt will haves word to say. PRAY$R-MRRTINO. —There is a meet- ing now, called the Union Prayer meet- ing, held every Friday evening at 7 o'clock. The place of the next will be Mr. Disher's. It is so called because the Methodist and Presbyterians are sainted in the work of it. The pastors of the above named sects take the work of this meeting alternately, using their own method of cuncuctang it. We have no doubt that this will cultivate a more friend) feeling between the people of the village of Dungannon. Rummer'. -- The Rev. R. Leitch preached a verypractical sermon to the Sabbath ech,sat children last Sabbath. Mere were about 100 children present besides a great number uf adults, which t..gether filled the choreh com, ihtely, The sermon was about "Giant. The giants baisg in this ave "Ill -temper," "Selfishness." "Disobedience," "infidel- ity," ie. Mr. Leitch maintained the onaaver•ing attention of tM children un- til the end. We think Mr. Leitch must have had rine experieaoe in keeping ehildrens' attention. ARMY the service the children were presented with a book, am,rdieg to the waw whisk. they had dose in On naiad during the past term .,( 7 .wtrwths. The Rot pries was award- • 1 to Emma Paanby who committed over three thoneand mess to Ind to Cbaelutie Wirgiws; 3rd Maggie Sardis. REPORT OP Re1CALIZATIoN e,OYMITrxx. On the communication from the coun- cil of the county of Kent upon the dog tax, we recommend that the communi- cation be filed, ai we are of opinion that the act u it now stands a sufficient for the purpose, if it were properly admin- istered by the municipalities. Respect- fully submitted. - ALsx. L 0 assort, Chairman. REPORT OF at'HOOL AND PRINTING MR- MITTSR. Oh the memorial from the county of Peel respecting Lipper Canada College, we recommend that the Warleif and Clerk join in the memorial respecting Upper Canada College with the County of Peel. On the conomunioation from J. R. Miller, P. S. L, stating that on account 'of 'weak eyes he is unable to du the work of visiting in the winter season, and re - The Grits and Tories played u game of curling at Wingham on Saturday, and the latter were defeated by five shute. Legal. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR 1t1.YTICJt8, Attorne Suliuitun, ere. Ooderlcb. .1. T. burrow, W. Proudfoot. 1751 T L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D. Attorney. Solicitor in Chastely. &c.. Goderich. Ont. 1751. SEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I 8- TERS, kis.. Ra, Goderich rad W C. Seeger. Jr.. Ooderich. J. A. Mortes, WI - haat. 1751. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER AND S. Smooches. O!!aF-Coen** of WA eft Srseev and Market $$quare, over Osmate Acbaeoa'a. Goderich. 1761. CAMPION, ATTORNEY ,-AT- AA. A T- 14. LAW. Solicitor in Chancery coiner - mincer. &c. Omoe over Sheppard's itsotagore. Uadertoh. Ont. Any amount of mono to loan at lowest rates of interest. 175-y. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, V Barristers. Solicitors In Chancery, Re.. Goderich and ` ingta*m. M. C. Cameron. 6I. CM: P. Holt. 0, C`ameron, Goderich. W. 5. t$ $5 to $20 per day se home. Ramble 1 oath $I one.. Addnes STINSON & Co.. Portland. Maine Auctioneering.— C. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC- for sal': of road allowance, was read and I' Byplay No. 10, 1881, licensing hawkers! passed. PFoach to the old brfdge, era) h:s cat-- ryiug to telilplut'.en said odor. O and ped.11ersowaa read and paused. On the petition of Jo,Ln liiusc, your By-law No. 11, 1891, appointing a o'ui.itteo recommended that the full road commissioner, was renal and passed. of illant nut. oe Muted by Mr. Gibson, seconded byaniuunt of taco cats e 1 Ar. Castle, that this Council have learned respondent. and the personal expenses of with regret of the death, after .a long ill- John Kruse, amounting to 820, be paid, Hess, rat "r. L. qlemnum, of thet•ran- and that a by-law be' introcuced amend- rn a ship air -law No. 8, I°80. • respected lof ou citwrberho ofs tineifor niunuI i :s and .411 o1 which is le Tactfully suoniitted. jasseJa that wta '!tio!tty tTmttatl:l>c a i;h his U. D. 1t tr.:iGN, Ch:urrran. willow and family in their bereavement, REPJRT or Gin/. Asp Cort:? Not -SE eels• and that the Clerk ha inatructcd to 5!,TrsE transmit an ea!•res•-i t, .f fli• our. -vin- Your c it.nuittcctree,a c tt.:."rt as L pathy to the ,mih l-.irrie''• follows: That they F-ive visited and. Moved by Mrtlib .u, : „n•l<•i be care.ul!y inspected the gaol, and found !lir. Young, that this (..u:r tl ilc now ad- it clean and web kept. There are at juurn. Carried. present four prisoners confined --three --L males and t•ae female—two males as nepert=. vagrants, 3n$ 67teocummitted fur want of e stir: i MAN( a Ci Nife 177R1t ,SCretica to keep the poser; the female The following accounts and matters was also committed os• a vagrant. Wei paring been referred to eonrmittee; are reet.mmend that the deft and chaian recommend us. follows :— proesnre .n oil tank fur tn! toss of rmthe John-Maley's account, asking that gaol. That the sum of $10 las granted this Council allow him $0(1(1 on account the c tretaker for extra services in clean - ., 84.00. ` • Un J R. ymen'a.v.r:ewp as.tenco frith The Subscriber regard to payment for inslrec:its:; Chanty (V ✓] Model School, we ream metal that the Inspectors be pail fur inspecting the Model Schools at Clinton .cud (i„derich at the sante rate as they are paid for making half -yearly- s $sits to a Public 4 M R. M OO R E H O U SE School according te, amunled regulatioua j ® il ` approved by the Lieutenant -Governor in ! . Council, 33th Sept. 1879. ,.. Ou the .correspondence approach to. old Ilaytield bridge which this Council . W agreed to transfer to H. \V. C. Meyer, your committee recommend that the THE SAME AT A VERY ,_p• offer uf H. W. C. Meyer be accepted,1 'and that $u0 be paid the reeve nE Pay - By -lay O G neat R e d u ct i o n titled for :1f r. Meier, in v.ew of the ap- es VL Has purchase.' the entire Mock in Trade of :1t a very low rate in the Dollar, and =Prepared to Offer of work dont , :t c,•ntr/et of building ingCourtHouse. atP. That the the etre of repairingn aikn cording t.rid sc. leovine a nt,ofbalance, so- for bythe Clerk of the Peace be fur - d cooling f , natu) pi s statement, ie $700. Mahe,' under the supervision ot the clerk fur - From I idgeaommis nersade by elle Road mid chairman. That the petition of R. and Bridge commissioners it nppears the payment of the huhu ..f 9:.1 e. „vie Gibbons fee opine secoa.aedatiowi be leave a balance of ontiy $100 to Midi the granted- That the tender .1 D. Fergu- the contract. Hence your committee sun, te_ pant "Cr'or tt a Tear 1882, recommend that only $300 be paid lir. '"" -1"'"17""m• jlMjntithe tender wood Angus be Hyslop un account of said centimes, and delivered at the gaol in pursuance oat ad - that all material now on the ,roup', iv vPttiseft•nt,at$1 s9petairdi•atpted. to be used only for the con.4ruetioa of,hhaa tM raw viae Coyrt this Council. said bridge, and is now •t!ie property of Howse he regi and the (mai in the The treasurer liming eubmittaf to Court Boers be mended. All of which your committee, mortgage (I) $4,800 ow isreePseefsalweslowtsresvw, dhair.aan 250 acres: (2, 41.100 en 7., acres: (3) $2,200 on 1011 re -re,: $2.000 on 100 msrotar . .r vas Ru*o av tata.t row acres; (L, 81,800 on I lei acres: (t. $1,:.+1t1 warm • ' on 100 acres: and (7.) $'.1,72I) on 114 We have examined the mottoes Paid -• rmountinc t•• OI3,820. t'eethtr with hides -set" and report as k41 ws: Mr. .1. T. Carroa •e certificate* .•f the That 140 Warden's address be pub - titles of each lot upon which inane bare linked been made, we find that each of the Masa Oa the County 14cdiciter•s advice in have been made in accordant* with the refugees. t•, the non-1s*llsaent aces. Statute. tract by the Hamilton int: Bridge Co., On .1. iin,th;nlin /.1 s torrcwpta►denee, to not proteciisn* w.N the work of we recommend that the thanks of this h,rihlina the Maitland Bridge according Council be tendered Mr. Brotherhood t0rtnt, we approto (,1 the come for the interest he hes taken in direct- purm l Iib the Watdest'. committee and ing the Attention of this Council to the rood c ,inmisaiom.rs ie .-htaining legal dangerous condition of the Mortised advice thereon, and reio,nmend that the advice M Ipp rir nted is the minutes. Ra (Rn the ter to ldie Jamie/inn, is rr Maitland Lridve c„ntAeL. we approve of the letter sent to 1 Jambes*, dated t elt* 'sill Lave a •.. -•i .. ••f revenue owe? J has been out llregemitly sines his pros- That the following accounts 1* paid . November 4th, 351. setting forth cer- 'epdtt„,.e ash, i I,u ems atb(a* oration, and Ids neighbors acv Neat he Thos Sttml , cae4Mker of lock-up! tain didkulties in tM way (.f promoting rpdj►;►.l>e A:etor La the lwstitto or Itsbhs non,' ohs "P'10,1.1 (4+1401,4`fi 1190 Rated g- Mooed lifida with t.1'. ,Pork chi; lawn end earo--, - I bridgs, ami thereby possibly prevewtisg lir. .1(s. Rytwal, M. i'. for Smith a serious accident, and that he be grant- ll.•otwnrth, is reenvering his aoowstom- tad the spm of 81f, as remuneration for ed strength after his recent illness. He his services rendered to this Conned. • 1 s 0 0 m e U W - a+..... ... --FIWM----- I td WHOLESALE PRICES. Ile would also intimate that he has. arranged for a Z9u11 .A.ssort ers.t t•F .1LI, • THE LEADING - NOVELTIES SUITAULE FOR CHRISTI/LA PRESENTS ! Which are expected to arrive in good title for the Holiday Trade! Many lines are exclusively confined 10 myself—fox the thereon at least. Having had fourteen years experience in the boniness, both in the Old Country and Canada, I arts therefore thoroughly acquainted with Bast Markats to Proiure Goods Lowest Prices! And will give my patrons the advantage of ray knowledge and experiment.. Prig Uaaraiiteed Lour Thu Blseihere IN THE COUNTY. TERMS CASH JAMES IMRIE, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. Moorehouse Goderich, Oct 19, 1881 0 0 Seo 0 1.1—$m c44 0 C)0 •