HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-12-16, Page 7UNITED STAT'Il>8 POLITICS. • sy.ep•i. •f Pevsldeas Anh.r•. tanwap. Waehiugtan, Dec. 6. —Tl..• Presidents Messatte u sent to the Senate and House t,- ay. Tho House met at neon. The folio g u a eynup)sis of towards Colombia, or with the vital needs of the two friendly paten t„ the ournpect. The President then refers to the et forte which the United eta'. s flotern- laent is making to secure lotus between Chili and Peru. Tem Ik ellitrT'a YE cabs I regret that the a nattier:..i! Inteleeta An appalling calamity has befallen the b•ttweeu the United Mates and Brasil, American people since their chosen re- from which great advantages were beeped 1•resentatives last met in the halls where a year a N., have suffered (nen the with - you are now assembled. We might also drawal ' the Awericen lines of cuaunnu real' with unalloyed content the rare isation b twine) Breailiao Mate and ou prosperity with which throughout the own r • tattoo bee been blame. Its hatests The President ei.o referrr. !t. the'eat• have been plemteuus, its varied iudus- i•faet. ry relations existing between the tries have thriven, the health tf its Ing.- Ueite•I States anti •l;tpan, tl.e most ad pie has been preserved, it has maintain- vanct•d of Eastern u.triuna ed with foreign Governments undisturb- ed relations of amity and peace. For MM it ager these manifestations ..1 His favor we ewe , We t'tcasionelly meet a man in this to Hitn who holds our deathly it His world who under the i:nprrwion that if hands the tribute of our 1'ratefi;l .lethe -.tope his paler' he will "get even" tions. To that mysterious exerve of His I with the editor for some supposed injury will which has taken from us a loved and —maybe it is oily a i•suds reyneet ( r - illustrious citizen, who was but lately 1 subscription pant due. head of the nation, we bow in sorrow I ` Seine.busine.s men. '•r rather men in and submission. The memory of his some business, are lay .sing under the ex tet character, of his noble achieve- liable apparition. Why. don't these bents, and if his patriotic life will be blseful fellows know that when a man treasured for ever es the sacred images- I "cuts" his ;aper it causes no a'mmttien Bion of the whole people. Tho Tn- ; with the editor • He is used to it. It uuuncement of his death drew from for- i is only a ',roof that his paper is appreci- elfin vovernments and peoples tributes i itted of sympathy and sorrow which history - Aside from that, an editor is very like will record as signal tokens of the kin- an ordinary man, he wean clothes (when ship of nations and the federation of !he can get them—they may not be the mankind. The feeling of good -will he- ' finest, but he wean 11/1111r.,,them all the Fe, tween our own Government and that of ! he wears a hat; he rats vegetables; eats Great Britain was never more marked broad; - eats meat, all other "' delioa- than at present. In recognition of this !cies" of the seasons. pleasing fact I directed on the occasion No, the editor does not go barefooted of the late Centennial celebration at 'unless he has to. • Paradoxically speak - Yorktown that a salute be given to the ing, he is a man like any other man; has British flag. feelings like a man; and as a rule not Save for corresl on lence to which I lea charitable than any other men, shall refer hereinafter in relation to the Now, "stop my paper" man, don't proper -ti anal across the Isthmus of think to hurt our feelings by paying up Panama, little has occurred worthy of and quitting. This is a very large world mention m the diplomats; re::ations of I friend, and there are e•,me very large the the two countries. Early in this people in it. If we discover that we year the Fortune Bay Claims were can't gel song without you, why then satisfactorily settled by the Britteh Gov- we will wIl out and quit the business,— ernment paying in full the atm of £15,-1(Tupeka Cumwonweabh. (, )O, meat ret whice has been already been distributed Ottawa. Ilea. ti. -A new order -in - council has been passed which provides The negotiations for an Intetnauooal i that the grain tester to be hereafter in Copyright Convention" are in hopeful ( use shall correspond in capacity to the itrogress. standard quart measure, and that the • th of The surrender of Sitting Bull and his l such shall apprniimalely equal its diameter. The tonnesrain meae- forces upon the Canadian frontier, has oro, the depth of which was equal to its allayed apprehension, although bodies diameter, was thown by experience to be of British Indians still crus the border inadequate. in quest of sustenance. Upon this subject IMarkdate OOnt.t Standard. correspondence has been opened, which • Fee1N awes !fere. promises an adequate understanding. MR. EDITOR:—The most of people re- t tur troops have orders to avoid, mean- Gelt'a good l story, provided it be a truth - while, all colliaxous with alien Indians. ful on.'. Tales ..f adventures, daring, The Senate resolutions of condolence heroism, dangers of the deep, battles, etc., all hat. their charms. Who 'm the assassination of Czar Alexander amongst us could read the adventures II, were appropriately communicated to of Robinson Crusoe half way through, the Russian Governnremt,whieh, in turn, and not have a desire to know the end of it, We confess being of this clans. Now, the Stat thing we do when we re- ceive our weekly newspaper is to hur- riedly glance through it and pick out what we consider the most important items. There are generally distinguish - el by their headings; but you -don't catch nit trusting any longer to these glaring impositions. We could laugh at being fooled once or twice, but to get caught a third time is our reason for remonstra- ting. Two or three sweetie since we got has expressed its sympathy in our late national bereavement.) The abolition of all discriminating de ties against such colonial productions of the Dutch East Indies as are imported hither from Holland has been already considered by Congress. I trust that at the present session the matter may be favorably concluded. The insecui ity of life and property in too reading what we thought was a very many parts of Turkey has given rine to nice story in.one of our Toronto week- correspondenoe with the Porte, looking lies, and towards the end it informed us particularly to the Netter protection of about StJacobs Oil; wo only laughed, and 'Rid humbug. The week following we noticed another heading, "How Mark Twain Entertained a Viaittor." Well, thinking we might learn a little etiquet- te, in case Mark shoul,t take a fancy to send us an invitation, we read it, but by 81 Patrick, if they didn't finish by mak- ing Mark intr.duce St. Jacobs Oil. Well, oonfoiind it, we exclaimed, but they have got another dose of that 8t. Jncoba 1 til en us again. determined not tionl importance. This Government t,l hi, eiu,ht an simple next time; but has not len unmindful of the solemn now, sir, t adroit the coni; along comes oabligatinide imposed upon, it by its com- our Toronto Mail on Thursday, down pact of 1840 with Colombia as the inde- we eat, and almost the first thing that caught our eve was the adventures of pendent sovereign mistress of the tern- Capt. l'a-il Boynton; it appeared quite tory crossed by the canal, ai.d has sought interesting; it told how he had bumped to render them effective by fresh engage- Visali t sharks, etc. At this point we menta with the Colombian Republic began to feel a little incredu nus, Ices cause, from our knowledge of these looking to their paacticil execution. Th gentry, they would relish the captain negotiations to this end, after they had alive or dead, all the same. However, reached what appeared to be a mutually determined to learn seas. more of his ex - satisfactory solution here were met in p1ulb, we read a little further, when Ur olombu by a disavowal of the ps'wcn 0, well, it don't matter what we said, you can't find it in any of the dictionar- which its envoy hal assumed and by 'it, tea. 1'm--dashr.l if th•• captain wasnt proposal for renewed nev•tiaNnne en a oiling himself all over with tit. Jacobs modified bears Meanwhile, this Govern American missionaries in the empire. The condemned murderer of the eminent missionary, Dr. Justin W. Parsons, has not yet been executed, although this Government has repeatedly demanded it. The questions growing out of the pro- posed interoceanic water -way across the Isthmus of Panama are of grarve and na- ment learned that Colombia had proism- od to the European powers to juin in a guarantee of the neutrality of the propos Oil, it in. y be, the more easily to evade the Sharks, for we made no further search. our curiosity was ettisfied. Now, Mr. Editor, in order to fool Ds again, it 1 made require to be printed wrong end up. w1 Panama (aerial, • guarantee which We have ade up our mind to look nut weak' be in direct contravention of our for anything and everything in the shape of Mt or Saint attached to their name. obligation as the role guerante of the in We are sorry for the readers of any tegrity of the Colombian territory And of journal to bet thus "taken in,- so to the neutrality of the canal itself. My phrase it, bet what can they expect lamented predoceesor felt it his duty to when we editor are eau flit in,tite same storm without any protection. Whilst place before the European powers the .ympathiring with them, we can only reasons which make the pour guarantee admire the ability shown in any enter - '1 the United States indispensable. and prise that can thus compel as It were, for which the interjection of any foreign the attention ofpeople. When it is aow- toideted that only a short time agn St. ruarsatee might he regarded as • super- Jacobs Oil was seareely known in Cana - tonus and unfriendly act. For,Meing ds, and now has so commended itself to the probable reliance of the British Gov- the favor of the people of the Dominion 'mistime on the provisions o1 the Clay - rheumatism, to become the household remedy for tom Rulwer Treaty of Intro as atTading rheumatism, neuralgia, prune, bruise, chilblains, etc , and all because of iia Teem for a share in the guarantees which surprising efficacy in these ailments, we the United States covenanted with Co- think it will he regard..' by everylwkly lomhia four years lettere, 1 have not hes- itated to supplement the action of i ty pnderoasnr, by proposing to Ref Ma- jasty•s Government the modification of as a matter of onngretnleti'm that we . le, easily attainable, at eh • re Fable mesa for th' cure of diastase Stich is our view of the matter. although we are "fooled. • on an *verve. abort that instrument and the abrogation of five times a week 1f St Jaxoh .sn •ueh clauses thereto( se do not eompnrt .tend it. we toadup our twind to fight it ,wenn that s line. if it a tskps U with the nhligiateme of the United f(tatee THE HURON SIGN ML, FRIDAY, DEC. 16, lbs 1. The Waite,' Mate. T..s..r/ Dope Ms Hon. Themes B. Pains, 1 . t '. airy lle,ertin.*•, Wwuie't•_s D. U. 8. A., recotem int s kte. Jamb 0:. the most wontlerf ll pain-ewfie4eg ..i. healing reteedy to •hr world lila i• timo.,tal is endorsed by unue units b• ; officials of the T reassry Illepartursit. t. i have beau sorsa ui rbenti;atiut head ••t paniful 000r••lainta by it. u.•1yaN'. Yellow 01 L at the head of the iet for dl purls* of a family meiiciue. It i. utie;l w e unprecedented suucc.., butt ►utero;iI and eatprnally. It curls tent threw, burns, l/ccaalds, fi' st bites; 'theme, awl of -en cures asthma. Baoalte a Arabes 'sive. ' The best salvo in the world for cuts, btu see, Some, Uleen, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, bilblairu, 17..rtts, and all Skin Eruptions posititely cures Piles. It is guar- ! Masi to give perfect satisfaction or uu.ttey refunded. Price 25 cents per bin. For sale by all druggists. Aieong tI , p.,..plo font Outeri. at Winnipeg un the Sud mat. 'ere tie f ':- towing : H. $uiclair, St. Gorge . John Adams, Stratford ; Mrs. W.D. Bethel Toted, L,ndoi ; .l. H. Bogle' and H. Au- dios", Iugunoll ; C. A. Bel, Gielerieb 8. Jona, do. ; J. Smith, Landon. • Nett:re, atter an, is the great physi- s n. she bides all the secrets of health wt bio her breed, generous bosom, and u 'meta but to gi. to Ler intelligently his every need. The discovery of .1..• great Cough Remedy, Glue's SYRUP ..r Ilii Seam.* (lt., is an apt illustrs• to o of tkis. Aa a cure for Coughs, Id., Ls. of Voice and Hl.arseness it oda unrivalled, while its low price and • ..dtnuae of access places it within the ets'ch of all. Try it and be convinced. tit chemists keep it in 25 and 50 -.Tent b ties. - ed • XewepJ rr sows ' "'is GreedAmerico» Remedy for COLD$ ASTI/JlA, We call the special attenlon of post- JJ R O 11'C 717'18, 8 LUSS OF masters and subscribers to he f .11owing Vi)ICF,, RSENESS AND synopsis of the newspaper laws : TIIRO4 7' AFFECTIONS. L A postmaster is required to give P'•.ta-elftiow rtepa... ad stave. own► ..._- notice latter !returning 1paper sloes see' n■t.,.., ewt.o..ia abs y ra.sa..'t by 1psect hale. ti•.et''rier to awe wed/elwe �/Y.1N/y� not answer the law) when a subscriber aura' .bo"• °".ayloiw/. w'o'e"'ci'' a,saMwaf oa r ebo ora a•& t •r"de.l•vw 14, Had '4, s taw dues not take his paper out of the office,-e'uao..l dorbl g15 ....t o.i..,04 ,..n.'s ua.w for and state the reasons for its not being oweP"''''`'- - r n this taken. Any neglect to doso makes the has heard •.uw ar► posttnaater responsible to the publishers % ee"), - GRAYS a.•.. ".r.. fur payment. Biu ..,4 *taw 2. if any (person urden his paper dis- 83111013 continued, he mustall ar eS, awd fhe earl pay Tcar'att ll o r s I w or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken front fa 'Troy the Whim or not. Ther earl be no legal discontinuance until the payment 18 L•rfr I ,Ads made. sonata./ srwPtia pj✓.lk.l• to ta' pi"e even item order .hew t. drink a tea wade 'raw rhe I►rrre cases of L i.ij Di► 3. Any parson who takes &paper front the post -office, whether directed to itis name er another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisheV continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it tit of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a roan must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts hive decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima _Nees evidence of intentional fraud. No article erer attained such unhinged - ed popularityin so short a time -as Bur- dock Blood itters, and that too tlurine the existence of countless numbers ..f widely advertised hitters and blood puri- fiers. 1t is evident that this medicine begins its work at once, end leave+ no desirable effect unattained. A General afempede. Never was there such a rush for Drut' Stores as is now at ours for a Trial Bet tle of Dr. Kings News Discovery fin Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Br.,nchi- tis, Hoarsenesit, Severe Coughs, or ant affection of the Throat and Lungs, c.'in get a trial h. the of this great reweJy free, by callin at your drug store. W. a.'n True Prieto. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can dtiny, especially when as- sistance is rendered when oneis sorely af- flicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses so cnnitnon to our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail, A single trial al- ways proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste and only coot fifty cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. P: gra a (.000A.--ORATmrvL AwD enpPO'rtT, y-;. -"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application .:f the Ane properties of wcll.eelccted ('oeoa. 1!r, Epps has provided our breakfast tables with 1. delicately flavoured beverage which may sac c us many heavy doctors' bills. It le by the judl- eleious use of such articles of dict that a enn- etitution may he gradually built up until.tr..,. enough to resist every tendency to diaeasr. Hundreds of subtle mtladiea are floating amund us ready to attack wherever there i. weak point. We may escape any a two, shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified will pure blond and a properly nourished franc." --Civil Service Gaselta----Aotd only in Packet labelled -"Jamas h:Yte R C"., llom'eopathf. Chemists. London. Eng." Also makers n Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon tar•. 66 s week In your own town. Terms and $ft outllt tree. Addreet H. If Au, rr & Co. Portland Mattie ANCHOR'LINE. UNITED STATES MAiL, STEAMY:RS Sail every Saturday. NEW YORK TO (;I.AS•'G( W ('ABIN.y 211 to 210. BTKM1AGE jtN' These Steamers do not carry cattle, sheeporpte NEW YORK TO LONDON DIRECT. CABINS PA to Na. Excursion at Reduce,' Rates. I'aneenger accommodations are ansurp.Ascd All staterooms on Main Deck. 1'ai.rngcrn hooked at lowest rates to or freii• anyRa�Iroad Station in Europe or Amerle. lraftsat lowest rates, ps abletfreeof charge. throughout England, Scotland and 'Ireland. For hooks of information, plans, Rr.. appii to }lits Dims m1 RROTHERA, 7 }(e,wu]n(7RRKs. N. Y. Or to MRS. E. W A RNOC K, Hamilton 1+t 1751 Agent at Ooderich Ht1 01W 0017NTY I R ECTOTY • THE NEW DIRECTORY FOR HI RON COUNTY. LUCKNOW AND KiN CARHINtt.now reae itoontalnsthe same. of every Farmer and l�otssasoMer In the (born ty with their Post 0 et Addresesw The neo es_,piste work ever W.N. PRZOID, - - •3.00_ Agents Wanted. fi1R*AL (01MM17sN101i. MMr: MINION Trw1JeRteG row, London. O.N. Dee. a. iM, Olt PATENTS. K'r eostlss* to art se 8ntieitnrs for Pat en' • caveats, 'rade Marta (' fa ell.. fti, lee Owed Matas, nasaes, f)rila intra d. sP'ea , Germany. vie. W ve had (�trt7- Pb1eW ebeat Caw % ao are netsa•d In the splendid_ Apias:ae Tido_ and *beim the F'r. .. r . arotat�y tmtlrr. =s rar- POUSI/. iawndp�hepet ananPalma AtIOtawise M r Nark. YanAe bam► Awe�sk maws it's SYRUP- er " RED aur laps k. es a.elorwal tu.ie, and 4aw•e wde p ro peties served. sac. sr• s.• care- t V ar♦tamnll /Pre- . pared or a (ow tem - Pe eahue, contain. a o ro • sickedtonettto 'Orn. in wplete swau.on. SPRUCE GUM. Its remarkable power in relieving certain porno of Bronchiiti.i, and it)s� almost speeiffe efeet in curing ob- stinate Flocking Coughs, is note well knowe to the p'lhlie at large. Mai by all resprefoltie e,ea.ld.. hie•, VI sod t10 e. V. o honk. 7a. wood.. Sorer. of /7•d ;:porus (h r" o".$14- ev/e o r egidte..-d pure Marc. sadl.Ml. ore a1.et r.i,Ufm d _ KERRY, WA T.q'OY et Irlsof rr4 Der•Mra., Mao Pro --+store sad L0..y,'a r. -.r sale t.) .• al(Y.s tt 1,. :, •rev, (1ROROL , Chemists and Druggists. INZiIE$ To DsuAsle, Cowrtwit.rs and Accrue/ere which HALYARD'. Ysu,ow On. is s- teed to curs or relieve either in MAN or Buse. - TAEYJtINTIRNALLr 101 CROUP, eor'n7f.Y, CRAMPS, BORIC T1IBOAT, ASTHMA, COLDS, to. AMMO II(TUTAILr root 1Hs7TMATIAN NNrJk4LGIA, CHILRLAI7Ys, CALLOUS LUMPS alISL Ii0A, 87777 JOINS, GALLA, PGOAT' AIM, LAMIN13S, COR7r", c»lrTRACTIONI BRUISES, LUMBAGO, IT • DRAPNRsg, PAIN 117RAM SPRAIN!, PAIN ` iIDM M Every battle aannntsed to Five wotisfice fifes Or worry n intlfleas t'MTN IAN strTLL Passu 1s.. TACCIATTRN & 00., Pt'oyilet al T1)IONTn, i)wT. TM— MAN'S WORM POWDEilS. Ars pt.wst to take. 5 alta in their .we Pegsllva t. • safe, wire, and .Aleetsef Irises,_, or wenn" Is CLtittls. • Aatais TSAa CGATa.. , R•v. r \.reg- ^...e 0.0 -Ct 'tr srr Road. .trid. (on- at►awtl t•r.. I art lee .- likm+recs.lk art Moto. 1MKra. fn.a K Ap. _ delete'' re. Levi of wail a ain't ny ='- ". • .. £ . pS , the (•.n.. aye, , R' abs Maw. sea, ■easel er Ltd-lrt 5. 'i by- rd ado. mild and ttnwenii ;. t:a-r �_ :t'a Y►•+m t t paste •abr.row7 tub Ma MM. Hardware 1 Hardwar THE UNDERBIGNZD 18 1/TZLL .A. D FOR HEST OOmsa.i • .'-per•_,. - :. ��.:/41 AND LO WENT PRICES. HE KEEI'S 'O'VLL STOOK OF SHELF AND General Hardware! DO NOT FAIL TO SEE A:ES1A I Seep all the Newest and Bost Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE "LYMAN" Four -Barb Fence Wire R_QCT J CZ AFTER THE FIRE. JOHN STORY The Tinsmith is still to the (runt, I have pleasure to mate that despite the ineenventenee 1 was put to in my business/by I he recent Are in my premises, that I am now in full blast again, prepared to give;t he r-rcatee bargains in Ooderich in STOVES, TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other line In the business. I would also return my thanks to the lire Brigade and people of Ooderich for the sae cessful eObrts is saving my property in my abeence from home, at the late Arc. John Story. AT THE OLD STAND. B. C. STRACIIAN RAM REMOVED HIS GROCERY BUSINESS To she old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be please to welcome all his old customers and the public generally. A large Quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES' AM CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. D, C_ STRACHAN I3URON CARRIAGE WORKS. T. & J. STORY y' tsUCCEsORB TO JOHN KNOX). MANUFACTURERS OF • r' .. r.., ;11._ t r ' CRItICS ANY STYLE ,OF VEHICLE BUILT TO. ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at reau- wattle hates. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. T_ 8z J_ STORY, ICNOX'S'()i.i1 STNV. t1AMI1;1'ON-•!'I:EET. - --r- GRAND t GRAND 'LE' RING SALE Il F Boots and Shoes, -A CAMPBELL'S ROOT god SHOF EMPUIflUM, }1()J ONE 31UN'171. Previous to tock taking. My Stock is Large and well -assorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be giver =1:ZMS = CASH WM. CAMPBELL. 1; li!t Daniel Gordon, Cabi�el-Mager and Uurlerlaler. Oblate 11..x tea tA' r.o,v,fy, awl Lamest PIMA (At. red. o/ I-.n,do„ ! Penteea Armee. Rio- Roo 4cITp•, bib Dm- BOA aim, RAW! ORA IRA, Lor Stas. 'Ts" Coeds I. ee• tell and d .4te,r adv antaggatm-k tn see: my 11 they need . ft red artier • Aar p fi IJOIiDO141, Wast Strad, I Wr Post Ofee, aedir4•41 1y