The Huron Signal, 1881-12-16, Page 5iter bk. i THE FiTJRON BMW, FRIDAY. DEC. 16, Mi. COLBORNE:BR0,A: .... Orme ttu Tatter -A publle exusis►. tion end Ohriatlsies tow will be he:d bine t Seery .iter will be mad) tb render it a .rescan. Baal Sour. -Mr. Miles McMilbl. has sold his fano on the 3rd summates, L. B. 8., to Mr. James Chesuey. Jr., of Tasketrith, te.r • good bt(rre. The fans contains 100 acne, and with a U. iglus up will wake cue oat qh. beat is thetow+bhip. Mr. Chesney intdsde y., tit* to emigre on it and will wen get it in Peon shape. Mr. Meld Aloe stat has au ether good Pana in the ire weights r hood, t.n which he reside. %MT/u A. 0. U. W. --The fo:Lewis+ brethren were elected allows of WingI(wtu Lodge No. 198, of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, on Monday ..endo{, the 24 inst., and will be installed by P. M. W. Brother W. T. Bray, ..n leri:ay eveuino, the ltkh ivat:- - 't T. Bray, I'. M. W., Thos, Farrow, M. W.; D. M. Gordon. Foreman; F. J. Eine. Observer; Dunald Melnaes, Guide; Jas. Fergulwn, Rio corder; G. W. Scott, Receiver; John Dinsley, Finale:dr; tom. Writem, in- side W.; John Cuydua, Outside W.. Dr. Bethune, Trustee. kissasla. Back, Want ofAgretits. Thant o1 30C) .11S2:11911/3.0k. tri. ;f1 idAZIt-) The New Compound. its was' der*, amity t0 the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, inexeas- Mg the dissolving Juices, roller- ; lag almost Instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia. Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER. makes Zopesa as ever,,• day necessity in "very hoose. It acts gent' aid speedily in Biliousness, ost. veaecs, ead- ache Sick Headache, Dig teas al- ter Eating,Wind on the : �:nac.h, Heartburn. Pains in the le and 1me Low frits roe/ 8tom- Osesen elected and installed in Brus- sels L 0. L No. i e t for the yen "188'2, vis: -Jansen 11. Young, W. M.; John Mooney, Il M.; Henry Mooney, 31. C.; Wm. MaCn1I b. W. S.; That Watson, W. T.; Ben Gerry, D. C,; W. Mc- Cutehoon, let Cons ; Win. Johnson, 2d; John Johnson, 3d; Joseph Smith, 4th; Matthew Wilson, 5th; Cleo, Hartwick, A. A.; Lorenzo Raven, E. A.; Geo. Fitz- patrick, C. T. O. Y. B. Nen 59, Brussels, officers elected and installed: -Richard B. Dur- nion, W. M.; Tho.. Dunford, L. M.; Eph. Davison, W. C.; Frank Hindes, W. 8.; Wm. IL. MooneyW. T.; Frank Kelly, )r., D. O. ; Jno. Wilbee, let Com.; Chu. Pieper, 2d; Andre.v Bruen, 11; John Clegg, 4th; Fred Kaniiernan, 5th; Jen Kelly, jr., 1. T.; Fred Hindes, 0. T.; Geo. Colvin, J. G.; Alk, rt Garry, A. A.; L. W. Hanson, R. A.; James H. Young, S. G. ffioewal,.. . Penmen's. -Mr. John Diment, Sr., of this place, attended Mr. Brown's sale in Grey on Friday last, and purchased two cows and a bull, for which he paid somewhat in the neighborhood of ;300. The animals are Durham and are excel- lent beasts. Moarcnna&. -At the Council meeting held here ou Saturday last, Mr. Black, our present Reeve, signified his inten- tion of not being a candidate next year. Mr. Black has, during the period of his residence is Turnberrv, served I1 years as Reeve and two as Councillor, and has always acted in an honest and up -right manner, having the interests .t1 the township always foremost. During the past seven years of his Roeveship he has been elected by acclamation. The fin- ances of the township, we understand were never in a better cernditiou. 114 Hennings, tine present Deputy -Reeve. Intends contesting the Reereship, and the probabilities are he will be sleeted. Messrs. Griffin and Hislop also intend retiring at the end of the year. ZIT. In a few days the school examinations will begin, tad a good deal of wholerwtne rivalry exists as to which shall show off best. A social was held at the Methodist church, Fentown, on Thursday, the 8th inst. Mr. Beck was in the chair, and the Ree. Messrs. HiU, Redmond and Hartley were present, A pleasant even- ing was passed, and en .u.th provision was left for smother ,ocial the next night. The railway fever has taken a mild tura round hen lately. The exuerably ad toads keep the people pretty much at hone, but, sa soon as reads get better and all the sausages are made, so that the main work left will he to eat them, they will probably suffer s relapse. The Zurich Litivary Society will hold a meeting on Friday nightnthe lard inst. As a great number of the active in, m - hers of the society aro teachers, it will be a treed wind up of the year's work, and will atfioni a gooey chance to say good by to thous who are gulag to hneve at the end of the year. !Satre. Men.' -Farmers are complaining of the ex,remely bad state of the roads, and the obstructions to teaming. r Retinals. -Christina+ is coming 1. What is to be the amuseteents of the day? Will Kintail present a spotful aspect, or will it be buried with the dead psrattwert.-Tber+e are no less than fifteen farmers, who intend erecting barns in this neighborhood next peas'*. Can it be the N. P. that is creating these symptoms of propriety 1 Patna _ _ Prises were distributed to the pupils of the Elated Calm 8. S. last Sunday. They were given to the joiner classes weeding to merit. The number of verses acquired by mute daring the Yet team wee taken as the er:tsries. Emmett) -Mr. Mkt. McGsegoe, of this plum, hes reseetly bee* mimed by 1Me. Wilkie, of Anberty, as clerk. We are certain. that Mr. McCkli er trill live himself a very .feint and trust- worthy talesman, and wail wiser yield, an important inflame" over the ni tress of the young ladies. Tasteless.", -We are happy to leers leers ��.. that Mr. Lim Les beets re as teacher in hu present situation neat year. and also Mr. McPMs el are Knits - bridge school, Thecae Wren be.* shown themselves to be dieted and worthy teachers, and we are glad to know, that the trusses hese mewed their terries. for mother rear A telegram bas beets received by i•- "paefnr Nowhere, •t Hamilton, from tb Osmoses Department at Ottawa, in- titsatl4 g that the WM belonging w'. e veiled States sid silents a 'teed ofd Csaediaa railway(' ash. It lavigosatas the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole systems. Cat this out and take 1t to ,)bas and pt a 10 coat Ss. i., ora bottle for 75 cess..ad tell roar neighbor *boat it. Legal Notices. r • SHERIFF'S SALE Ole' LANDS. Comer/ or Itvaox, �- By virtue of a Wrtt of TO WIT : 1 Fleet Facia*. taeaed out of Her Mejosty's Court of Chanecry, and Lo 01 directed 'a •ainst the Lando rind 'I cntntents o: JOHN WINTER, (Defendant) at the •wt of JAN-: W V'rl:R, lkialntlff,1 I l:uce Belted and taken in t;.cecutlun, ail the }tight Title. and Interest, aid equity of Redemption, of toe ab,rve ua,uc3 Defendant, In,and to LOtsi nuw- bar 13 a.t 1 Id Nowler'a Survey in the Vlll1a�¢ge� of Harpuritny. In the County o� Huron, whio_tt Lands and fenemeate 1 shall utter for rule, at my om e, in the Court House, in the Tuwn of (loderich, on FRIDAY, THE 10th DAV OF rEBROAIt 3", A. D., 1882, at the hour of 12 of the clock. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheri'of Huron S'erif's Office. O�oderich, Novemberttb, Ibil. , 1812 NOTICE. Noticed is hereby Riven that as application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, at the next session thereof for an Act to swend tl.e Act passed to the 36th dear of the reign of Her Majesty. Qeeen t idoria, Chapter 11. and the Act amending the said Act, passed is the tir'dear of the reigned Her Majesty. Queen Victoria. Chapter{}, Ineorpor- atinst Inc rt. Marys, Credit Valley and Haran Hallway company by extending the tight for ate cvnln.cr.cement and completion of said Rahway: and by authorising the construction o1 said lisilway to Goderich; and also to Sea - forth. and thence to some point on Lake Ilan.,, ai,ob eneb r the company to compel the snbmimton of any by -taw or by-laws that vay be petitioned for by the treqquired number ' of freeholders in any municipality or portion .4 a municipality; and also to exempt the said company and, all municipalities voting I thereto from the provisions of the 34th section • of an Act passed in the Ilbtd year of the reign of iter Majesty, Queen Victoria. Chanter 31. and of the 16th section of an Act passed in the (fed year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen • victoria, Chapter V; also to enlarge the pow - e not the Directors of the said Company in building the said nod, and to enable them to i +sue mortgage bonds for that purpose, and to , • aNe the municippa•lities aiding said railway t us.s bonds or debentures having a longer period t han a years to run. and providing for the payment thereof either by instalments, or by way" o• a .inling fund. Dated at e.• Marys. this 3)th day of Novena- , bor. A. 11. 1181. HARDING, HAYDItW et;' WRITE 1814. Solicitors for Applicant. jN THE HIGH Ct►t'1tTt,FJUSTICE 1 eitAs 'kltY DtvettoN. • 1'urevant to a dr.-rre of the ('ourt of Chan- ecyv. mate m the nater of Cha estate of NN ,iitain Oraluem, and iu n c1,111e. hott;hcrfy ts. (int!, no• ch• cn.1 t,.r.. n' N"iihaw Graham, lat.- o1 1Le township of Ashtield Pt the County of Huron who died in or atom( the month of scum' , l are on orh, l•Tr the NINTH I/AV OF' J A si 1 .t 11 V. tete, t e send In post preystid to Malc.dm Grantor 1111/4119 of the town of 1i o icric1 1 ,io)ic;tor for the I'laint1(1 W pliant Dongh,•r y. one of the exe,• torn ret Or d,•- . reseal, 4h• •r c1.8a,1 an and s.rr.rtne.s, sddress- rsund J. ;n in. the 011 11 r, 1 r o( tier clatms, a sii.'emrnt of their at -remits. and ,ter netnne of i' a ert•uritiew (11 any -1 held by then}, or in actsut• thereof, they- will 1-s, peretnpl- only • .1n Ind from the benefit of the salt decree, F:1 en creditor hnl.ling any security is to produce ter anew before Inc nt my Cham- bers. at the ('inert Home in the town of (lode - rich on I'"'-'F:VF:VTBENTH DAY OF JAN - 1' Alt 1'.) at ten o'clock in the forenoon, heing the gene appointexf fir a,l.iudiealinn on j the claims. Dared IC. 6th day of December, 1861. C AIIIF.itiaN, ItOLT & ('AMKRON, Plaintiff's Solicitors. 11. Ill ACUKitMOTT, f=1816 It. Master at (lndertch. 1The Point Farm. CHEAP LANDS FOR SALE rj•HE 1$UBSCRIBSR 18 PREPARED ` to sell the surplus lands not actuals re- quired in cnasectlen with the dammer Hotel Al a very low ,sores, and on most liberal terms. There are two parcels, one of W &erre and one of AS *ere•s. Roth have clearingsand buildings .oe them. and are meat eligibly alt. salad with a frontage OR tin, imam) read. A pw'ttnn of lbs mower down. and (►e hal- Mice ate per nr'at. toyule laser. Apply os the premises to J. J. WRiOHT. 0oaert.h, Nov. 51. I. iaµV Consortal, KNiOHT, PRACTICAL BAR - TT MLR and notch .sire. 1a remelt dents L the petkhr 4. inn • M*4to • eeatlsasae•s * Muer. lbPast Olken Mark t~av'a`'he'ari7IS }Miscellaneous gaits. Canadian 5Pacifi 1tr CANADIAN pAOt11c risQL 'A et Masataka and Obit North n . a T. s.tor $2.50P 1'arnest Soho mad* swath* al (lima MIA Warta u .b lice uses.. ito Rebate o betera it ct•ndttlo• a or THF AND Railway Company. COMPANY erase Maas la tae ryge1u,a mere .J. at R ACRE. n bass, and the Mimeo 1. aveaunialtastalsieats. $3 25 Per Aore )t;vr. 1..s nal other imeeovee,ents. A.NT $ONDB of the eesap•nv. wb 'I' tsM t pppp.. arae: $ ,'111•A .+. e .,les of tits Dant of Morainal, and oth- i er Hsnkbug Institntl th1sar1Mut the ..urn r; , w Ill IA Received at Ten Per Cent. \Premium., i on their par Tattle. with Intern• ey, thus further reducing the p special arrangements mule For fell particulars, apply to nlpeg; or to the unders By order of thilfoard. Meatreal, December Int, mall j S11TABLE FOR THE SEASON. meta4. on e.euuat 01 and 1n payment of the purebase mon- re est Ohs land to the foto rarer. tb F1lgrstion read Lind Companies. tlimpany'. Load t'..nadaatoaer, JOHN 314.-TACtSH. Wls- elltaltLIIII INDIUM ATM see•ecarr. 1m1T- -Moa STOCK •P -- Fall and Winter Good le now Complete in Every Departinent. Our Terms Being Cash, we are able to offer k Goods at Prices That Defy Competition. COLBORNE BROS. FALL 1JVI. FALLOVERCOATS! JUST RECEIVED !ic)125er sic. =scowl-I-matIC' D. FERGUSON'S REiD & SNEYD Having Sex ured ata Oreat Bargain • lot of Tweeds and Coating*, w111 give theaboye disoount daring November to p•rtya ordering fail elothing. A Complete Meek .f Mayle and Caney ler Ganda larked at alto Clasen Ca.4. loner. +t UI'LV' DID ASSORTMENT OF REIN & EINEM, Manchester House, Goderic h FRESH GROCERiES 1'IT AMEN SMAiLL, ARCHITECT, hc. i 060P. . Cr.4.b s Rlook. Kingstea st., aioaa- rleet Plana and spw�ted eatio.e draws oeere- 1y. Carpenter's' ,laslarers and manna'. work mamma albasod. ' AiKENHEAD,V.R.,(SUCCI $OR r t. ilr. Daaeaai Oral eats elf cedant. Vet- %riwy fb (Mlee, made' and madames ea lI wiete. tem damson.* oHlollern. Ree 14.11. - .aewena as to mead .eau Mt $72 �tli *4 n. Ctrs 5 Co . Amman. .t�t. •iasr� - YeryLo PriRs TOILET SETTS 2be. per tb and upward. If you want a really fine Tea try soy 50c. Young Hy,,ou, it is a splendid article std worth meso money. I have also just opened 01,4 a ono - piste ares'tment d Crockery&Glassware Including Stone and Clin. Tea Sets. Children. Toy Tee Botta, Ladies and Gouts' Fancy Tea Cups ant Saucers, suitable for Christmas slid New Year's Cats. Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Varcty AND .1T VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced Fall & Winter Millinery MISS J .:..fiii.;SIDE WILSON Would Announce to the ladles M (Loden.' and Victntty, that the Stock of Fall and Winter Millinery is now Fully Assorted. BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! Combs Brushes acid !�yo1' all Kinds Cho-ap. RHYNAS'the Druggist Prescriptions a Speciality - - Night Bell on the Front Door FOR FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATINGS T. fall averyb.dy, Mew Arriving, sad will be Made up by ear Ina. !RED. rarleaAM was, as a Cutter sal pilfer, kaa ne Superior 1a eke ('.arty. My General Stock of Goods is Complete Liberal DiscountGiven JOHN ACHESON. DIFFHRENT STVOI1M AND AT VARIOUA PRICES, Shaded Plashes, Ribbons and Peathorse CHICAGO IIOTTSE FTTR 13O - ETST The. Lab •eu Novelty in Millinery ; Neat, Stylish, and will Suit all, 1810-3m MISS JESSIF WILSON- The Square, Goderich. Mack'sNagnetic Medicine ! zo n RENTERS dUUWANTED. }.recite ) TOAD! MARK. t Arvust-( Is a Sure. Prompt and 1:Reetital Remedy for Counties in Northwest Iowa, are .vi nvon mesa Cs uU its .- alar, Weak Msswrr, conceded to be the most beautiful lose,e grain rawer. .tie'suol Prostration, �Yyhf Nreet le, `pc'rrtnl,rr•n.r.t. Stmfwul HHrak- and fertile in the state- This sum - Lyon and Osceola. verse and Generalo.rs or Power. It repairs Net -roue 14'netr, I( -j ' erten-s the Jolted lwtet- lent, strengthens the l.'14' bird Errata, and Re- stnrT*Nur-prising Tone oaf (Igor to the Itir- hauslr.f Genera/ire Organs. The experience of thousands proves it all INTALUABI.a Rus- t:Dv. The medicine in pleasant to the taste, and rack box eontainssnfllcientfor twoweek's medication. and Is the cheapest owl but. itdrFull particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to mail Inc to any address. nark'. Magmatic Illedtceae in Bold by Drug- gists at re eta. per box. or 11 boxes for SI, or will br moiled tree of postage, on receipt of the moneyby addressing lA171 a W141%Rrif Mi'.DICCIS t. , W ia,iaor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Goderich, h JA MIA WIL8CS. and ail Druggists everywhere. )812.1y CHRISTIIAS GOODS AT MRS. HOCKS JUST Rm('KtVED A LARGE: STOCK OF TOYS AND FANCY (*014(4! FOR THE HOLIDAY SZAW)N. FULL LINER IN 111LLI1I1RRY. AIR MY STOCK KF.FOIIE 3UYllt0 YOUR H01IDA Y (111Tt,. MRS. WARNOCK, Aat iltom-et. S. SLOANE DCAL&.R IN 1 , t3RAIN, . P1‘,OD17O13, 8EE3D8, WOOL, 7!i I DEIS, aft - TO li0SES TO LET Oaf Newa4. tatro .s.L. r aoss ?b.' arc B. BLOANZ Mawteh. Dar in lel lug mer we have opened upwards of 300 new farms, sinking n well, building a convenient home and roomy barn, and breaking from 130 to 100 acres on each farm. These farms are to let on terms that no industrious man can fail to make profitable. Immediate possession given. We vriUU, ii'aeecl- ecl, furnish seed for tiext crop. We will also furnish break- • Miss Will�is�.son. (Successor to Mrs Copeland.) Takes this opportunity of informing the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, that hav- ing aring purchased the' interest of her predecessor, she will endeavor to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mrs. Copelar-d- - 1\e2 r Stool= is of the =est, And every endeavor will be stale to give The Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in Work and in Material, Ordered Work a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Stearn Dye Works, Toronto. MISS WILKINSON, Chicp.^ - House, West Street. rw.• FURS! FURS!!Tu FURS! Gn J. C. DETLOR & CO'S L:11 `iES' ?t1AN`1'I.ES C1;1' FREE ()F ('11 : 1(E. Just Received a Choice Stock ¶88t of Ell1ll eeds lltl OYo11coaI!lls ing to be done, for which we will B. :oCORM AC, CUTTLR_ pay the regular prices. Tenants not having teams enough to break with, will supplied with a horse or hordes for that purpose, at mer- ket price, and the pay taken in bt eaking. These fhrms are all sit- uated within a few 'i ilea of the railroad. Apply personally or by letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO., Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa PERFUMERY JOAN C. D111LO11 ac CO. n, itngllsh. Frere' and e'eosd.rn snake. SHAVING MUGS. TOILET SET.`S. Hair, Teeth and Nail Bruhn Assortment g Vases ('HLAE' T IV TOWS. CALL AND PRiCE G00DS. J. WILSON Cord Woos Wanted p 1600 OORDlvr�rSOP' WOOD. ala(t. 5 4.s eatir pRile. «111 5.3644 - fee anon JAN A 11•11M811, .near. (t,eesleb re's. fl, 1W 4554-10 BOOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. i have great pleasure in announcing to my customers awl the (ublic at large that my stock of &arta and Shoes for the Pall Tyings u non complt'tr, and 1 would in- vite inspection of the sante. 1 have been especial)) crateful to pure! so, ,ands which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do ('rtelit to tuyaelf. You Will Find 11)1 PliiCS tOWIlli lliaii ll i/�►�1��� As 1 bey in large geaatisioa, and for,Casb. De.ing the largest ►IK tia(;c itr tbo Town, i nen rill at closer prima that theme who du a weedier basin's& i would e.p.cially tall the Attention of Farmer$ to Yy Stock of Lonp,'j g g'uni shoe. Which is (the of the largest to be found in any retail of Rl m the I'rervhler. f into es hand several grass of the celebrated ' 'K. est, B," useBeene, which have give ie mach Ixx =c ex a A►ti.s a cttc . In the past. On ORDERD -V70122,3-.0 We ere still abroad of the tiw 1 an prepared to asatnf!.ste •sb and Lavine • lttrpe ttoff of Antietam time henna, in first -cion style, end ell , es anything in my line to Ilder, at the shortest notice, ley nudge.o thane, to ire � '� ^'ry beret Proteids{. le c meluamn, i hA to retire.reared 1 emu do my o ainee t n'M'4. for their libt al tate, m,ilge in !helmet, and rent b ♦.wept • onattlna*noe• ' ' the same. roars gsp.lIgl'y. Oen. teat Nur .red re eluderivi, E DOWNING. 111