The Huron Signal, 1881-12-16, Page 4THE HURON SIGNA
rid= Vitfielltd*Aell
(ua the Squared
Aad 1s despatched 10 all parts of the wreoaai-
tog °emery by tee earliest coaly and tratas.
By geserwl admission it has a ctrwls-
oin ahem say ether no= lo part of
be oemtry. sad is ose s[ iba mewetpq
sad most reliable
tt does,thaiieIlee
sadb•t n additions talks Mauve acet oYadass
family sod Medd, R te therefele
bout desirrseie sdsert a wtediwes,
Thaw. -jt ;In advpm,r, pretlmld
D7 tum - til; 1.1 It xn
ma if net w paid. role win strictly
RAT= Or ADellOITOMWO.-Itlekt crate pe
otos for Brit tasrsiss; three mak
• p Hue for
t dq�ateesent laserticia. rlyy Ys/! osat redacted moll.
asc IFillw 'taxi.- we have also atk+d-close
Jobbing dep.rtmest la mom cyom, and paeres-
iag the most complete o.40t beet ladlltl
fee turning oat woes to
to do business la that tine es
be beaten. tial at s qusllty that ossa be
b arpoosed.- Terme ease. Y
Aa tete a1 S.ssr rears.
• "Hue, mech'tsr•that ['v I.r1�ttt�� 1" Wi-
ld' a farmer ita dry goods clerk in one
of largest city establishment&
"One dollar forty," replied the clerk.
"Why,' returned the farmer, "I
could buy a hotter one tha that some
time ago fur 90 cents."
"So you could" esplted the clerk,
bet that was before N. P. times, It
paid us better to sell that then fir
1110 cents then it does this u e fora dol-
lar forty."
"And this is what our grog Dominion
Government is doing for the-- taxing ins
50oents on one horse rug !" was the in-
dig•nant farmers comment. -(Charlotte-
tetwo Patriot
.?fl el ore shoul!1't►otpleelsis they*.
hfJ -
selves -tit• those fussy fellows who are
now begging votes for thenuelvee. A
good man does nee need to canvass in a
m initipei -contest. Vett for the best
tglwv WLetyeehe twiw••fw year vote or
'Nu fight in West Northumberland
goes bravely on. Seth parties have
'itic i wart fad sl!terc
eloo f its! fi intending treks Ping
tt pit«h itehy4bi4 The osbhtetbnigites
, st •hat; Y t1IiP of theta -411e per-
son►ally rennin; the machine in that be-
(k)nighted e.itutitueteity.
Ma. Joeven Wa.uats, who has
proven himself to be one of the best men
who has yet sat at the town council
board, has announced his willingness to
run for the tat Deputy Reeuesblp. Mr.
"Warns' clear head would VIM, beep
tie- claims of (iuderich in the county
council, and leis opinion would cart'
weight in that body. Ho will U.
Maty warrbing�e ep's vote, we- he /as a1
w107s been a friend to that class.
DE. MCKAV, the miwonary, is a
ahtewd observer 4 men and things, and
his opinion of Sir John A. Macdonald,
may not be unit.tereating. Whilechatting
with s clerical friend, daring the Doc_
tor's recent visit. to Goderich, the con-
versation turned upon politics, and the
Canadian Premier's wiles. "He would
be just the man for Chin•,"sod the mis-
sionary. "The politicans there are
great trickst'rs, and the man who can
trick thepeople most gets intopower. Sir
John would De just the man for China."
4 AssereerkUt Letter.
iiorrragat, Dec. & -Hon. Mr. Joly,
leader of the Opposition in the Lural
IenIl•ttre, thus answers the rumors as
to his resignation. He writes to a friend
in Montreal as follows:
MY Data Sim. -I hope that no one
w.iii'helieve that the members of the Re-
works party who have been honored with
the confidence of their conatituents
dream pf resigning their seats. Why
should we resign because we are only
thirteen or fourteen members in sixty-
five 1 We were only nine at one time in
Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. We
do nut ackuowledge ourselves beaten.
T14 tette will soon come when the Pro-
vince will remember with regret the 9nd
of Deoenibgr, 1881. Then we shall be
foundiat our post.
I remain,
Yours trply,
B. G. Jotr-
Quebec', Dec. 6. 1821.
As we anticipated, the junior Tory
()roma is "p ck-pitte1' withvirulence
this week. The bomhastic little man
who "forges the thunder" for the inside
pages of the sheat wan shown, by us
last weak, to be ignorant a, and menda-
cious in deilino with public matters.
Hioh sounding phrase) (or hard names
are not argument., and little Bomhastus
Furiosi of the junior Tory organ, has the I
short end of the sti,;l:. We have neither'
time nor inolinatiom to advertise the I
hermaphrodite shoo., bat ifterely desire
'l'I�� A.slat s.. wiss the VaitisadAte.
last d tetiuured, it 10M....1. for audio
tiros new.
Maya BtlsMlt, wife of tbs. A. E.
Smith, has pee tar visit her f ' . dsaeat
Mr. John Washington is about to
erect a new house, and invitee tended
from contractors.
Mr. H. N. Pleasing and family have
guns to vett his friends near Ottawa; he
;"t* from there to Manitoba.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispensed in Knox Church here
on the second Sabbath in January.
Mr. Jobpells has leased his sawmill
here to Mr: Thos. Askwith, for a term
of five years from the first art January
As Mr. 8. M. Scott was driving along
the 8th con., of Colborne, on his way to
Goderich, one day last week, his Want
got frightened, and throw him and his
sister out of the wagon. Mr. Scott gut
his wrist sprained, and Miss Scott sus -
Lined a few slight bruises.
lsaaswe tNs of pe Laeetasw Liberal
On'Tuesday evening last the Liberal
Club, recently established in this village,
held its inaugural meeting, which we,
largely attended by the leading Reform-
ers of the district, notwithstanding the
extremely disagreeable character of the
The chair was occupied by the Presi-
dent of the dub, M. Campbell,.,
and after the disposal 4 the preliminary
busineu, the Hon. R. M. Wells, M. P.
P., debtede1 an a&dfews ou the History
of Ret1[otlsible Government in Canada.
The lecture which lasted for over an hour
was an able, eloquent, and exhaustive
effort, and was listened to throughout
with earnest attention, and produced a
marked impression on the large audience.
The honourable gentleman at the dose
was tendered the unanimous thanks of
the meeting, by a standing vote, coupled
with the request to allow the lecture to
be published in the Sentinel, and alio in
pamphlet form for distribution.
A debate on the subject "Resolved,
that the Jury System be abolished," then
took place, the affirmative being sus-
tained by Dr. 31acCriramon, James Mc.
Leod, D, E. Cameron, A. McPherson,
A. McIntyre, and the negative by D.
Patterson, Goo. Kerr, Peter Corrigan,
Hon. R. M. Wells.
The subject was !ell handled, a num-
ber of excellent arguments being ad-
duced on both tides, but the decision of
the meeting was in favor of the neg*tiie.
It is the intention to establish these
clubs throughout the constituency, and
if the spirit which prevailed at this meet-
ing is any criterion of the,general feeling,
South Bruce may be expected to Live a
gond account of itself whenever called on
to die so,. The neat tneetingjwill be held
in Corrigan's hall, Tuesday evening, 3rd
January, 1882, and will be devoted to
purposes "f organization. 'e hope to
see a large attendance. Hon. Mr. Wells
will again be present. -[Sentinel.
to let tour reads: Know fleet we consider , - _ _
the intelteotual giant of the organ to be, { CANADIAN NEWS.
like Artetnus Ward's latitgaroo, ".urn -
umoosia' little .' IS ' • iidy that, nail
notltin. nor!.
Oa Monday tale, Mr. Near, 0 the G.
W. 1:., was in tow•:i in retponae to an in-
vitation from the Mayer and the chair-
man of (io lericll railway committee, to
consult with reference to 6 riniuz a con-
nection with the Great Western at (
ton. Although a dedr,ite arrangement
was t. of comet to :.t 11)3'a.tert-ic•w, a feas-
ible acherac s::, t rn ,ed. and v:P have
every 1(113( 0 to l eltoe a that w•e 0 ill ,e
in a position; iiie •'•tort time, to lay tl.e
details of a raiiwr.v l,r•ject before the
people ..f C.ed:;'.:, ::oil vicinity, which
will give all tla• . to m:met:ti'"l that it
was hoped ait'et,. ;.:.:e t•'rc:e ve front the
C. V. R. by 1 •ra. It is nnnleretoo.l
that (only 21 milrw'•.f r•.ad are required
to Le Cnnatructe.l ', ion. n the proposed
Coa:::tttionwith time. l;,\t;. 1t. at Brussels,
Ar THE meeting of the County C
til list week, ?dr. .1. Il. Stiller, the
efficient Public School luspecter of thin
district, asked poroniaai.•m to be relieved
from winter ti)::in'1, ••'.t'i11g 1e en in-
firmity •of the e)o which was liable to le
aggravated by driving through the coun-
try during the itor1tmcnt Pennon. Mr.
Miller offered to 1 roviole a duly qualifi-
ed substitute, 1.o he approved of by the
Minister r.f Educat'•m. so that no injury
would result t • tl,e efficiency of the in the district. Strange to say,
the application f..r leave to prey id. •
substitute was rejected tooth in com-
mittee and in (' midi: and atranzer still,
the reason 1.4 the rejection appeared to
Jae (Mp fu as the ttpini• •tar • •f a.orne c f
these .-h.0 voted .lairat the aptlIcation.
could 1* ascertained) that Inspeetor
Miller had been too emidoous and affec-
tive in Itis ditties in the past. The ac-
tion of the County C.uuncil In this in-
stance is certainly not likely to incite
county official* ro' w,lrk too hard in the
timme to coma
Memos. Ennis sr : Matto. off Tnrr.nio.
waited on the M un r •t of Crit • one to-
day. and *prevented that nit •.f every
hundred Loons of Amerto*n coal imported
into thee c pantry five tons were hist in
shipment. and asked that tie duty nn
test percentage he wet tolkettad
• Mrs. Reattach has endowed the Mon-
'trsal 1'reshyterian theological college
with S�O,OOO.
The e.enstru •tions train of the Strat-
fond of Huron railway reached Wharton
o u Tuesday afternsou of last week, bind-
ing the hart ire of Georgian Bay and
( Lake Ei ie with an icon band. .
1 Cushing to \V•right's mill, at Berry's
'Mills Station, Intercolonial Railway,
a;,uut eight utiles freta \ionetun, was
burned to the ground it Thursday
night. A large .ivantity of lumber was
!also destroyed. it
Faun Boynton lets requested an Ottawa
potlrnalist to send hint :i full description
,he Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers,
!preparatory paratory t•,,his intended trip through
!them lir his water travelling apparatus
neat sprint.
A moats n,coed '•ex:tr.l, who was first
mate of the Ausuricaa barque Alexander
C:tmphcI. L:1..: been tined 820 •r six
months imprisonment in Sydney for as-
' iietins; teas sol•liers to desert from Be1-
+fast, Ireland.
Mrs. Spiers, the wife of the Mayer of
Galt, having presented him with a son
during his year of office. the Council
I prt•wenteol the t1ay..r with a siiver'cradle.
in acknowledging the gift he said he
would tall the homy (:alt.
The yeane. ladies attending the Pres-
byterian College in Ottawa tweet a few
days ago that a lssor woman, who obtain-
e d a living for herself and children by
' washing, was laid up by sickness, enol
the next morning they turned out and
did tea washing and the following neon.
ing 'Tuned the clothes reedy for sending
;honey. With such physical health and
willing hearts, there are conn* tlrod wires
in the fetors from the college lame&
1 May every sae of them get a good hus-
on Fnelaj•• hest a fanner of the town-
ship of ermine, e, Middlesex, named Wil -
leen Pail bee), near Amiens P. (1.. was
foetid hanging by the neck to .one of Ibe
' ens -teams in his stale. life being es
tinct. The nnfirtunate man was peat -
i ly troubled in mind by the les .4 a non
and the owing up 0 ha farm.
Moaui (rt•ns' tome!. Mr. Thoma.
Ru..el, of the Tb.naea Rosd, U.bcxM,
who is ersaieE to the front w of Heron's fast sbnrthorn brseders,
nasmttly pparchased two very 6ne
heifers frets Mr. Jabs Isaac, Northus-
herland county. One of theta is a men
and the other a red. and they are both
from imported st.ek ow Moth sides The
sire was "imported Statesman let'
They w said by competent judges to he
las fine a pair as bas yet been brought
into Huron. We wish Mr. Russell the
!best of gond leek with them
Mr. Jas. McDonagh Lu now is nix
possession two fine Clydesdale nares for
breeding jpurposes. He brought out two
with him last spring from Scotland, and
having the misfortune to lose one, he
wrote back for Mother to replace it
The eh:ileu as eswtaation io tlttwnes-
tiue witty the Hultnesville Pubiie ge►ta)1
takes plate neat Thursday. 211Ud Moat.
Besides the usual programme on .ueb. -
eabiuua, music and recitations will be in-
terspersed. Friends of pupils and others
interested in eduoatio n ye earnestly In-
vited to attend.
Rsatovat. -Mr, Harris, wad maker,
has removed to Petrulia. «'e' earn be
ties received a lucrative potation.
luAJerNATIOtt. -- Tito exaiyivation 41
Nile public school will tithe pleas on
Friday, 23rd lost , ocnnuieucing at 0:30
a. no. In the afternoon an entertain-
ment and Clrriatrws tree will be held in
the Orange hall, for the benefit of the
pupils. All parents and guardians are
cordially invited to be present.
TRA-t(1sTDtu AND Lacmraa-A tea -
meeting will be held here on Thursday
next, Dec, 22nd, ruder the auspices of
the Meth(dist church. Tea will be
served in the Temperance Hall from b
o'clock until 7, to be followed by a lec-
ture in the church by Rev. J. A. Wil-
liams, 1). 1)., of Ouderich.
I heard yesterday that Mr. J. J. Fish-
er, of Colborne township, lost his big
black stallion on Tuesday last. Mr.
Fiber will have the sympathy of his
friends and neighbors in the misfortune
that has thus overtaken him. Hellas done
a great deal toward assisting to improve
the stock of the township by bringing
in imported horses.
CAatow Hour. -Our enterprising
neighbor, Mr. John McDunagh, recent-
ly erected a handsome and onmmodious
hotel on tlesite of the old building des-
troyed by fire last spring. The new
structure is L-shaped, two storeys high,
fine frontage, veneered with brick, and
from an archttectunl as well as a busin-
ess view is an ornament to Carlow. The
house is well furnished, and is finished
throughout in a highly -creditable man-
ner. The cost of the hotel, together
with out -buildings, &c., attached, will
reach the snug sum of $4,004•-a pretty
big investment for our "four corners',
bus one which we all hope will be but
the pioneer of other business enterprise*
in the time to cotne.
The last meeting 0 the towni
council of Colborne too 1881, was held
at the Township Hall, on Wednesday.
The meeting was well attended by the
ratepayers of the township. At the
dose of the meeting Reeve Young, the
municipal veteran who hat so efficiently
presided at the Council Board, returned
thanks to his colleagues for their, able
assistance to him in oondu,ting public
matters during the past year. All had
worked in the best interests of the
township, and there had bean no clash-
ing or bickering regarding sectional or
other matters, He hoped that peace and
harmony would long remit. with what-
ever Council Board guarded the
municipal destiny of Colborne. The
'sentiments of the 'Reeve were well re-
ceived by the members of the Council
and the ratepayers present, and the re-
mark that "brought down the house"
afterward was made by Councillor Car-
roll, who naively stated, that the "quiet-
ness and harmony and goodwill was
mainly due to the fact that so many Ir-
ishmen sat at the board.' The Isugnter
that greeted this sally put all handy in
good humor, and the meeting came teen
end with a loud outburst of merriment.
PREnENTarlox, -- Mr. Tres. Cruse was
presented with a team of horses by Mr.
Jonathan '.Hiller, this beim, the only
presentation of the kind that has hap-
pened here.
A musical and literary entertainment
and Xmas tree under the direction 41
the M. E. Smnlay School of thin place,
will be held in the church on Saturday
evening, 24111 inst. A ' iter eras invite
tion is extended. Several good speakers
will address the nleetitrg, and a collec•
tion will be taken up,
PERSONALS, -Mr. Win. Robertson is
off to London fur Christntaa goods. 3Ir.
Benjamin Krupp tirtiet: of Ridirewell,
Fax inem paying a visit to his 011 friend,
Geo. Stewart, hod others here. He has
improved greatly in the pietureInc,
having been under the heat instructors
in Philadelphia. lie leeks quite im-
proved by his general trip through the
A 1-ery succeaaful tea meeting, under
the auspices of the Sena of Temperance
One of the A merles tetbsebUYs Reuses Me
German (,s*-Prta her la the Myle of
Baron An elua von Rothschild, of Vi-
enna, wrote the annexed letter to Stoec-
ker, the instigator of anti-Semitic agita-
tiou in Germany. He mays :
Vtttww&, July, 1881.
To A. (hart Preacher Stoecker:
Sisi -If I am correctly informed,
your physician once advised you to take
plenty of exercise, and since then you
have been almost constantly employed in
anti-Semetic movement& This matter
really concerns me very little, for, thank
God, Austria, has nut yet advanced so
far ou the, path of intelligence and re-
finement as to possess a ' Judenhets0,"
such as the cultivated city of Berlin tan
boast of. But Mill, I should like to call
the attention of your reverence to cer-
tain grave errors which have crept into
yonr speech, recently delivered in the
German Parliament You said in that
address, 'Behind me stand the milliuna.'
You are mistaken, the millions stand be-
hind me, and if you doubt this, you are
respecthtlly invited to visit my counting
houw, where ample proofs shall be given
you. Yuu contend that "the Jewish
usurers have ruined all classes ,of peo-
ple." Now, tell me, my dear Preacher,
WHO son TO TU1 Jswtat caUL*I1
la it not thus whose credit is exhausted!
And if their fellow -man will not crust
them any longer, are they not already
ruined before they seek their last resort,
the Jewish usurer 1 This is only an-
other of many cases where the Jew is
made the scapegoat for the offences of
his neighbors. You say further that
the Jews, out 4 all proportion to their
numbers, assisted by talent and capital,
exercise a mighty influence in the com-
munity. I sin really surprised that this
should surprise you. Aa if talent had
not, from time immemorial, held the
sceptre. Would you rather that this
world should be ruled by fools than by
wise seen? And as far as the dispropor_
tion of our numbers i:t concerned, we
Jene cannot help but feel highly tatter-
ed if we le seas more talent than our
Gentile fellow -countrymen. And as for
our power as capitalists, this is the re-
sult of our business,
Why do not the Christiane imitate us? I
IDA., we hinder thein from earning money
j "r front saving it ? "The Jews should I
he more neatest," you sae. It is true
that modesty is a most desirable virtue, '
salted 011ie to Jew or Gentile, but **I
Goethe has it," fiddly scoundrels are mod- ••
est." Now. among the Jew; there are so i
1 few scoundrels, awl .thea really it is!
touch easier for a court -preacher to be
• modest titan for f Jew. It a court -preach-
er displaya that c,0:,meud A•1e virtue, hi
Tarte'r oilers.
(tolling with rrtigrlhee,
Jokey cwt bows.
pores w jib atsdrii11-
111do 4 time wwa:
Prime tau... rubbier.,
Haught of heal.
Wag of tart-yaed--
Watt blood -rain
How 'truss the platter
Treat for great Jove-
Depwr4 an Ilettb-
erewalt as old Covet.
Hushed is his gobble.
No more h.• wbtrrs,
Vaatabed his wattles.
Stilled are his Wok
wad the bravo gurantiaad
Moutons his heti
Poises the carver,
twenties is MO
1 ppettte whetted.
F ler oust of (nays.
Only the caroms
!Matter displays.
Rack from the table
(;uurawtd with groans
Reluctant pushes
3:3einr the tone:.
That night in horror,
Cuddled in red.
Fitly wild tsobblcrs
Rarest o'er his bead t
l To Ill "Won ii: lay Oe tem
V0►'1Se • Ai.0 3O1 ,
, (r the Towu of Gotten,/ , to now t•trering b
Linauuse ataet u( 1.n41. bud 1 eubaa
The aMeso of Aliases Mee strides•
ly et Mart Msewse Semispr. of Ms
Bishop Iran•`uier • only arrived at the
residence of Mr. Frank Arnold, 151
John. street, yesterday,from Drummond-
ville, looking and feeling well Iu fact,
this morning he remarked that he felt
nisch better than usual, and at 1.46 p.
m. h. went into the hell to put on his
hat and cost, and when in the act of
putting them on he dropped dead. Dr.
Temple was immediately summoned and
pronounced life extinct. The cruse of
death was heart disease. The bishop
buried hia wife only three weeks since,
she having been an invalid, for
The Right Reverend F. D. Fauquier,
C. C. L, Missionary Bishop 0 Algoma,
was born in 1817 is England, where he
was educated. He came to Canada and
prepared for the ministry under the late
Bishop Bethune. He was a D. C. L of
Trinity College, Toronto. He was ad-
mitted to deacon's orders in 1845 by Bis-
hop Strachan, first Bishop of Toronto,
and in the following year was admitted
to priests' orders by the same bishop.
His first and only parochial charge was
the mission of Bast Zorn, in the diocese
of Huron, which be held for twenty-
eight years. He was alert rural Dean
and Archdeacon of Brant. It having
been decided to send a missionary to
that more diatent portion of the diocese
of Toronto, in which the great bulk of
the population it composed of Indiana,
the venerable Archdeaom Fauquier was
elected to till' the Episcopal office fur the
new diocese. He was consecrated on
the feast of St Simon and Jude, 1876,
in St. James' Cathedral, by the Moat
Reverend the Metrepulitan, assisted by
the Bishop_+ of Quebec, Toronto, Ontar-
io, Huron, and Western New York.
The new bishop's first exercise of the
Episcopal office was in advancing three
deacons to the priesthood and admitting
one candidate to the deaci,nate. The
ire'arious health .4 his wife, which ter-
minated three weeks ago in death, caus-
ed the bishop to spend a considerable
portion of each Toronto, when
he lived on 1 t.wor-street He was a
robust man and apparently bad still
many years before him when he dropped
dead. "tie was Of m 111,1d kindly disposi-
tion and his death will cause wile -spread
as • Iodated prises for ('ash. Maytag
Oer ngomeuta with eta moniteattla:et er
7Triirgruigs to bey Atreto frees the
tauter), end ono havtuu nude arrangesseste
with one of the boat tanners in thtu,no for lay
Loather, and rsoploylttg untie but Aresstais
worktueu, and all awn urelured trader my own
supervision. la *Debi to turn oat the beet
and cheapens harrow et lite tt'e.t. qty tomes
are all made In air own 1l.up acid out factory
made, being hair ta,ed and warranted to give
sabtactlon. SuSsio Robes and Horse Blank.
eta. Trunks sad Valises la teras eseaUWe•ad
everything usually key. in a (Int-. nes hareem
shop. All to be sold utf elmap for cash. Call
and get prices !Adore huvn,g elacwhere, sod
save mooed•, at W911.1111111101illtaraessDe-
pot. rastlltes threat l ederlta.
p tri oumvaudit street,
accounts must be
settled immcdmitely by cosh ear tale.
Galeneh. Nov. lOth. 18e1. 1513
emessm,e��� weaome
Brtmicombe- In G.atrrin h townshtp, on Dec
teth, the wile of ('. 11. ertmloombe a a .or
Smith.-tn Mussels. n. Tuesday. l)ee. tan. the
wife of Mr J. It. $rnith of a .stn.
t'dPITAL. • • 1»000,000,
SURPLUS, • • 11.000,090,
Goderich Branch.
(. K DUNSFUED, - - • Maney.r
Allows Interest on deposits.. Drafts, letter
of credit sad circular notes issued, maw
Il parts the world. ITS{.
n al
Pawl up Capital, - *G,000,000,
Raaf, - - *1,400,000.
Presides?, -tt(u: '. WM. McMARTEtl
General Ata/ogler, `W.. - ..,•u ' v
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MAxaoga.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on at
the principal Towns sad Clues to Canada
Great Retain and the United mates. bougk
and sold.
Adreno Farmers on Notes. with one or
more endorsers. without mortgage. 1751
Under and by virtue of tae puwer of sale cos -
mined in a Mortgage, which will be prod
at the time of wile, there will be sold by PU
OF DECEMBER. IMt, a one o'clock to the
afternoon. that valuable farm property, \Meg
the East half of Lot No. 10. in the Rh Coeoes
Mau. Eastern INvtalos, of the Towsrhlp et
Ashtleld• in the county of Hama. coots/Ma.
one hundred acne• more or less.
It is situated about tN miles tree Dead,
non. 9 miles from Lucknow, and 15 roti» fine
The property Is weft watered. as there are
a frameboa» me bars std a.bte. and
about Sarre* or M
orchard, in fun bearing, es the
promises. The fences and buildings are la fair
dlnnbgge Vendor reserves the right of am bid -
TERMS :-Ten per cant a tae pore!...
money to paid to the t eedere 8olkef•er st
the 11111e of We. and the balance la one swath
thereafter without latereet.
For further particulars apply to the under-
A mellower. ttarriettre, t!., Goderleh.
Oodetiek NOT. 11. iset. 1911 -Id
I$ItITISR ARS. COT, TrwiSTo- Established
PHOENIX INS. coy. of Limnos (England)-
lttablished- 1'33. TI'ORD 1Ny. ('O'}•, �f 11t* mite, Conn.
-Established 111a
Risks takes la the above tint -elate omces oat
the lowest rates by HORAC I: Ht •1tTON.
The undersigned is atm, Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on Aral -class nocttrlty, row
to $ per Cent. ---Charges moderate.
Goderich Sent. 10. 1 080.
Livingston In Morris, on
1". Rte lite elle of Illustrated Floral Guide
Mr. Ronson Laun,p:,m uta daughter.
' Per 1*Ri t• en r-tryt*at tools of IMP rime..
!I,n•L, ,t:11 1, ,w• I,ef„rt. Iti::t :til caul+its.. l'n L.s ICs} un 1t.,e-,�.,riny, 1'.- 711,, et ih• re,,. (elerrrt Pawns of ii.wrrw. sad mere
"So nttlhty wed yet e" tn.xleet.'• Let a1 l B
r.-wio'Pn. r r•t UH• t rtd,b fader, 1.)- the Iter. then 1000i(tadratlnna "111.e Omicron 1' 1uw-
lh. 1'rc, moot, d t. Roo. J. A. 'rurnbal cgs, 1.1"L"
and \'rtp•tablo., ant Directlewefor
1 Jew b0 modest. and he is kicked anti A.. "r. Vivfnnt itkla:d l hilia� of Tmmnen growing. 1t is enough for the Cen-
of this glace wait held in the temperance
1 hall, on the 8th instant. Considering
I the unfavorable weather, the attendance
was large. Very much credit is due to
the sisters of the division, and the lady
friends of temperance, who provided
such an abundance of luxuries for this
occasion, Ample justice having base
don., to the to d things provided, it
me ,moth coke was exposed, and two
Lw j candidates app ietud. the friends
4 whom worked with much enthusiasm
I for their favorite. When the poll closed
the result showed that Miss M. B. (lied -
hill was vict.,rious, with a handsome
I majority. All now repaired to the
I church for the intellectual part of the
programme. The chair was occ'pued by
Mr. P. C:antekon, W. P., who having
• }sleep atldnwed the au lienex, intrtslsrc-
ed in order tea following speakers:--
' Rev W S V.'llsck, Mr Jan. Mitchell,
of the .Neer, Mr. T. McGillicuddy, of
' Tit Suawat and the Rev. J. Turnbull.
It A., pf Ooderech- The addresses mem
by these gestleesen were attestiiely
listened to, and were very ;wadies! and
will ,e' detubt hebeit the oder hen.
i Alternate with the addresses the audi-
ence was eheere.l with ore) and inetre
menus music, which was very well ren-
dered by the Misses Adde !'ether, De11s
(!'Radon, IThanreaf,wdl, McManus, Me-
Ib,rnetl, Mesarn. John Lnklater, Henry
sl,orneh1 snot the niob cloy, "Serve him t . )1 i,. name and Itind °Mee address, with st mmtv,
of ose:.a I:..,. daoyti,lirof Mr, tem, tre Tahiti or s Ilm,rlac 1'rerer,t. rend on )our
right. lou aver that the .new to Lees- ' and 1 will sand you a•opy. port
s�.e pall. Thu
l:.s, 7. Iu a:ra•rele, oa Zr.
i isnot a quarter of tis con. It 1• printed In
let's "Nathan" is not a Jew w, all, hitt a is r. m'., by seer. nr, •adersen, )1r, J,S, high English and (lertnan. 1' you afterward.
Christian. With the sakne ri,ht f ntirht , e..buh"y• "t Erin, 10 Mi•• Minnie J. Mallett,
art Ifru.wcln.
Christian, but y a .i residence The ►u.aaLfir tar.. will telt yno new to get
!se ;a 1 Mr. Jami+ ttron. r.r Itrnaneli, to I \Yrk'a Flower and recrtable Carden, 125
Mist isahrl1*. r;dret daubtiter of ler, Peter Pager, f ('cloud i'IN, ,, ?0I ►;retravltswr. For
• osier brr.Itt dr Int t the In
say, the Court Preacher Stoecker i;o no IIrk'ae ME/:A• nn• the h••st in the world
Jmon ll:lwnaHl -In Grey.
t Ir
.)f the 4r• .'e tathtr. l y Rev S June•t on and grow thine
wh. has Landed himself with acne bar-
barous relics of the Middle Aces to pro.
*cute a miserable anti-Semitic agita-
tion. Ilut 1 will not say„ this, as 1
)k l)un*Id. 50 cents in paper e,.1
gra ; f LOU to elegant cloth.
v:r'. Barri' -At tLc residence of the' In (demean or t•:nt;lish•
bride's father, bee. 1.4. by the'Rev. A. 1t. l'eak's Illemtrand tenthly Maga tae -32
tannin. I7reldcet of 1.. trill Lndirs' ('onrge. ragas, n t 'cloud !'Fate in Curry number and
)!r. John kmse•q, of l:vet(-r, to lei s Mar) i many ner 1;nttravintp. ITtce • eras:
would not desire to so vroasly insult ' ('hrlattna ]ferns, of Darlington, Flvr (''l'5" for 15.00 `+patinae Nomtners
my co -religionists. Your trend Rachel')i I sent torn) ecnts ; 3 trial copies fur !S oust&
16• : t ddree,s,
is of the opinion, that the people are O•ltri.u. in o;.sir':iOtt h, "n FriJa; 11 -Ar tnvt .1 1119.4 (KR. teebeetee. It. T•
backing him. I will admit that there to Pattie?. O'Grlen, :ts-edtl2 years.
1 people in his wake, but as a German Pr,e,itonr-- to Dickenson .011017, Kansas.
pliiloeo.pher once said, "There err i "" lite 11th alt., sot . flg0Pltnn or the tun ■\�
t1"111 t' t 1f 1
a run ,. s•pn e . r. const tiroadfoot,
enough wretches in this world t" beck ! formerly .,1 Morri., aged1 year and 10
! m; bad
eauSe," Yuur friend also, indu}. nwnehti i
g•» in the crushing secueatiun that the ('^nrtf"e .(t Porter's 11111, on Frldav, Iter +
Jews are s ulatOrs, Now, dui Yoh, Emma anis. daughter of Mr. John L.
grainpast l'nnniee aged A start and p0 mom.hs, .
I Hes opened nut a
Horton. Leeleirn, and ('hat. Stewart.I
Goderich.; nderich. A hearty and unanimous
vote of thanks having been ten otereet
the .pe.n keand magicians, the meeting
closed st a late hour. On the following.e
evening a seial was held in the hall,
which was well attended, and was sorial-
ly and finenei•lly • .,souses Total ileo-
' needs 362 50. (New N011
w who was the hat
700 kno speculator, Trip- in Fast Whitby. on the eih nit., Ar•
grata 1 None other than the Jew, char Trull. son of Denry and Elisabeth
Joseph, in Egypt, although at that time frail, aced 14 years std 1 months.
there was no court -preacher to discover
any crime in the action, and the people aedtrlek Markets.
were grateful to him. In one of your --
d ion 'emu you once exclaimed: "Look at O"nxntrn. December. 1
Herr von Bleichmeder. He has more • Wheat, t Faut so burl........... j1
%%heat• tapringt 9 bush t
money than all the evangelical peixtcherw I 1 q,,u a t -.l., .. ..., s
pmt together. "' Now, 1 ant sure that ' Mu, P bush o
Herr von Bleichrnedsr has Clever said: ,Bert._PeAk`built' p»
"Look at the Court Preacher Stoecker. 1'etatoee 1t bush
0f t•hri.ttnas and New Year's Goods. which
:'h 1651.VARIETY
2s a jt zs
Sit a 1 A
b (s 013
Na OSI A oM'
Ho earns y. • inn. . . la rte rt la 0e Quality and Cheapens..
-- - -[y tVY A WIN LS .cakao!r Butter, P a 1• ve • t
e•ewe. .
whale year.- In OMnelanion, if you will '~' 0' "w
11►s•, � rot
s• e' .ewe have aw ort (lisp. 1f in spite of their wealth t cannot
money 1 it is trove the Jews pet sale ; .t A 31 E S H E A L t':'s
value on weahi, and I mot say that I
��do&Isapsotwit ell w oOCan't
than a hundred Jewiab firma do in ( • ...... ... a 11 0 at Surpassed
Ile w 1M
not admit that the 1 ha y toil I p p cwt ' "
•• t M In Tews. si tea• Variety
tsslitise you will st hast Not
env team .... 0 tl0 '• 0 1st
5A 313
we the little mosey they may pumasa 1
prevent, to the year of 1f1d1, t foss- I
grime elf as agitation against [best, whet
would beonen .4 then' if they had no
Will be friend
wastinrwa, erBretret ahriel
en•neJ.wtheit.tlo a ppoero!' Condensed Fire K i n d l e r s,
Christian*w ho would rather he h the bain ens, 6Maway with reel oil s Re ► 01000441
Jews I Even yea, moot reverend air, :ere "es`tsgs herb kindler will barn %rope' D
positions with me and 1 natter myself .arii11am0tt %net Isdtei batch. Ptah a New Show Room
that you would see rash* en bad . hir- TWENTY CENTS PER HUNDRED. 11'p stairs, sad strive eterks. Ina. r
Ain.! For myself, I ase only say that 1 Mee M e. •
might. perhaps, be willing t.t thong" Twiv. ?seem' 10 hfwlle herd wood
mole Issue ba east wbtu twin sod
ice differeree in prier or Quality srt)
d I were not Rothschild, I should still be
very far from wishing myself the Court-
fTamOS Keane The Cheapest House
Pariah*, 94neeker. Very retp•ctfully,
A Voll Rariscvit1 Milker and utter (i•rnferieh
Under The Sun.
Omuura.s '1
tion and Chra
lbrender i • s+
Fenn Bow.
hal' sold his fart
LBS., to Mt
Tuekeessaitlt, f.
fats amain. 1(
tie Using up wi
is thetuw+.htp.
ing5.reside on
gaud shape. Mt
ether goad farm
loud, on which h
A. O. U. W.
were sleeted uffic
No. 198, of the A
Workmen. un Mo
inst., and will be
Brother W. T. Br.
the 16th iust: - - of
Thos. Farrow, M
Foreman; F. J. Zit
McInnes, Guide;
corder; G. W. S
Dineley, Finaeuie
side W.; John C,
Dr. Bethune, Trus
Olken electe.i
aids L l►. L N.
vis: -Jamas H
Wes. ]iaC.11igh.
W. T,; Ben Ger:
Cuteheou, 1st C.
John Johnson, 3
Matthew Wiled
A. A.; Loreenao It
pettrick, C. T.
O.Y.B. No.
elected and instal!
nion, W. M.; 'TI
Eph. Davison, N
W. S. Wm. 11.
Kelly, jr., D. C. •
Chu. Pieper, 2d
John Clstg, 4th
Jae. Kelly. jr.
T.; Geo. Colvin,
A. A.; L W. Hai
Yewtag, 8. G.
. Punctuates -- 5i
of this place, atter,
m Grey on Frid;.
two cows and • 1
somewhat in the
The animals' are 1;
lent besets.
Mvxtciraa- - A
held here on Sat
our present Reeve
tion of not being
Mr. Black has, d
residence is Turn
as Reeve and two
always acted in
manner, having
township always •
peat seven years
been elected by
antes of the tow
were never in a
Hennings, tib ;
intends cosiest 1.
the probabilities
Messrs Griffin
retiring at the er.
In a few days •
will begin, and a
rivalry exists as
A social was
church, Featow t.
inst. Mr. Beck
the -Rev. Messrs
Hartley were pr.
ing was passed.
was left for
The railway •
tura round here
bed roads keep t!
at home, but, as
and all the mute
the main work '•
they will Kobel.
The Zurich L: •
a meeting on F+
As a great num)
hers of the socio'
be a quasi wind
and will afford i
by to those soh.
end of the year
tmely ha
thehe esobst,rewttu,nt
What is to be O.
Will Kintail pre-.
will it be buried •
Pusrst-et. - 1
fifteen fanners,
barns in this near
Can it be the N
symptoms of pr
Pussaa --Per.
the pupils of tit.
last Sunday. T
junior clsa*es a
nemisr (of vest
the Mat tarn woo
ExnarlltD -M
thio phos. h,- r'^
1tr. Wilkie, of
are certain, t?
penes bleach *
imwottby easel moesmarlls•,
of young 1v1
Tumults.Tumults.- 1t
thatthe Mr. Ian.
loather in hu p�
ear, and abs 1N
ridge school,
them.slvs to h
tesche, antir•rwe
tlm treeteee herr
for metnre,
A telegram hs•
orator Mewhe
tis Oestnms ire'
tient}ng that
tl.iyd Slates ra
Matt oft (ad,s•