The Huron Signal, 1881-12-16, Page 3Fara 4 ; , 4 it," Mr 44trAIVII`O-miewir.-or, ick est. es- 11' pt is Ts taad r 1. Zap Pe m sad ruin have auk" itmaL MOIL W. sisffr 10 P 1/111111:10 LIV11 WL OO MOW $1,0 WON wee moose week the oeseneos aisvessee gems ter we. 4 The bard midi* woa the prise of $100, consisted of the follow*( steerm-1M Comedian Oka:ivies, light roan, 28 months old, weighed 2,00011*., was $ Shorthorn grade of twoboth of which were• by Cruickrksi' bulls of Booth bloo.i; 2d King of the West, lte.. pure white, age 31 niontlss,1: 1,1100 was • thorough -bred 8 oen of the Booth family; 3rd, Young Pilot, red roan, 41 mouths old, weight 1,920 lbs., Sbortborn grade of three crosses, all of which were by Cruickshank's bulls of the Booth family. These cattle were owned by Messrs. II. I J. Greif, Alan's, Out. Their sys- tem of feeding is as follows: -When calf is dropped the oow is allowed to stay in the otable with it for ti first four or five daya. After this age, for the first month, the calf is alhiwed to suck three times s day, but after the ex- piration of one month, only twice s day. They allow all their calves to suck until they are four months old, and sometimes let • choice calf suck six months. _When oows ars on pasture while sealing, they •genersily give each oow half a gallon of bran each morning and night; this is continued until about the middle or end of July, or as long as the pastures are good and the weather 000l; but, when the pasture becomes poor, the weather het and the flies troublesome, they kept them in s darkened stable during the day, but allowed them to run out in the fields at night. When kept in the stable during the day, they are fed cut straw or clean wheat chaff, to which is added bran, a few boiled peas, a little fiex-seed and Thorley cattle food. For twenty head of grown cattle, when on gram at night, they give 10 bushels of chaff, 30 gallons of bran, 1 bushel of well -boiled ,peas, 1 pint of flax -seed boiled with the peas. In preparing the above tood for use, the chaff or cut straw and bran is put in s large feed box, then the boiled peas and flax -...d with the liquid in which they were boiled is added, hot from the furnace; as soon as one meal is the feed is prepared for the next; the box is covered over as soon as the feed is will mixed and all the steam kept in. In feeding calves s quantity of this feed a elven s uitablo to their age. THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. DEC. 16, 1881. mires are always allowed to run loose in We shall know where men came from ! -o-eoe box stalls, being careful to keep tea. ut by mid bye, and all &bout baeogrn. whether' -.1-k_j -VMS an are and size together au that all gee ke is the development of a peotoplaseeie ma& lus their share, for if large and small were allowed to run together, the large tines would thrive at the *sponse of the &Mall- et. Plenty of fresh water must be sup- plied in &bandage, three times a day during the eurseseer and twice a day during the winter. This treatment is continued until the beginning of the second sumer, or until after they are twelve of silts= months old, duo which time they get the same treatment as the aged and breeding cattle The breeding cattle are let out of the stable each day during the winter, just long enough to drink and returned to the stable; but the fat cattle have their water carried to them. This is dose for the purpose of keeping these quiet and warm, and it is found to pay. They think in all cases it pays better to keep an animal growing from the time of birth to maturity, and ti at no me to stint it of feed or water. While these gentlemen lay great stress on proper and plentiful feeding, they also consider good ventilation, warm and cleanly kept stables and gentle treatment 01vital importance. Thiry never allow a dieg in the stable or yard, nor persons eniployed to be noisy or rough when amongst or near the cattle. Nur do they allow their animals to become dirty. All are curried and brushed at least twice each week during the winter, but they prefer it done once • day if possible. The cost 01 feehing the above steers, which won our prise, is only given for the three months previous to the show, which was 130 per head, i. r., 110 per mouth. J. A R. McQueen, who ale° competed with a herd of grade Shorthorn steers, in their report uf breeding and feeding, iistimats the cost of feeling • Shorthorn till three and •-half years old at 1116. Mee oat gesso. Or it will terminate in that dreadful di- sease, conannaption. We are *ware that a prejodice exist* mune many persons against medicines which profiles:to cure a cough or oold when bordering on con- sumption, or even when the lungs are affected, but we can assure our readers that WDITAILd BALIIAll Or WILD CIIZRZY Will do all this; and in making this asser- tion we speak from experience, having suffered for months from a ooegh, whith after using many remedies without any relief threatened to terminate seriously. We were, however, so fortunate as to The above food as gismo three those secure several bottles of WI:fizzes BILL - BAY or WILD CH1111.11Y, and are now en- tirely rid of the cough, and restored to our former health. To thine suffering in • like manner we reoomiriend this ex- cellent preparation. John G. Wostafer, editor of the Chroa- We, of steamed food they are turned into the Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. 50 note and $1,s. bottle ; large bottles pasture. Whimever it is noticed that ' much the cheaper. Sold by dealers gen- the animal does not ea, well, the gun- *sally. tity of foodgiren is diminished. Never give more than the beast will eat it- the time, and always keep food boxes clean; this is very essential to succuss in feed- ing. Occasionally sprinkle a little salt in the boxes or troughs after feeding, and slways sprinkle salt on the boiled feed. For winter treatment, the warns mix - feed is continued, but a little More is given. and in place of pasture and cut gre tt corn, hay and cured corn stalk is prepared and fed as mixed warm feed. They also feed a few turnips to each , beast, but do not believe in giving too many cold roots in winter, considering the warm mixed feed much better, es- pecially the boiledpeas. They give their aged cattle about three pecks of turnips per day; to their fattening cattle they give about ono gallon of pea meal per day mixed with the warm mixed feed and divided into three meals. They fatten off their cattle between two and three years old, and they hold that all cattle should be sold to the butcher by the time they are three, in order to give the farmer the best results. The ahoy* is their method of feeding cattle over two years. As before stated, . they allow their calves to suck from four to six months, generally letting the dam suckle her own calf; but in cases where an it is desirable to dry the dam for y reason, another cow is procured and the calf allowed to suck her, and the dam milked for a short time until she is dried. They have found it preferable to keep the cairns in the stable during the first summer. This they think advis- able because the calves learn to eat much sooner and better, they grow faster and do not worry the co ws or themselves nearly as much, and are protected trona the hest and fiies, which they think im- portant As soon as the calves can be induced to eat (which is at about six weeks old), they us fed * little bran and este at first, as much as they will eat at &time, and as woe as they begin to est well, bran and boiled peas, with • hu!. Thorley food, are fed three times each day, never feeding more than they will eat clean at a time, bet always as muck as they will eat. Beton the grlaill or green feed comes in, an little bay is given, clover hay being preferred, and if it is a season of the year when roots ars fed, they give to esch calf a few out line twins • day. Bet as woe as green food can be obtained, it takes the place allay end rot:a and ie fed three these a day. Clover, coming in first, is fed in de early summer, Shen Asserisan COM whisk is always eel up in a straw cutter mid fed to turnip in • t-oeirb The day, and as soon as it is eaten, at morn- ing and noon, u much cut green corn is fed as each animal will est up clean—no green food is given at night, for when the cattle have eaten their evening meal Seamier Blur on Ilosiseheld Art. •Do we not see on every hand the new arts and the new devices fur mak- ing home beautiful r • "For making home &museum !" growl- ed the bachelor. "Yes, there is now a craze for what is called household art, but it is for the most part only a new form of cheerlessness, a passion for mak- ing the parlor a show -room, the splendor of which must not be belched and scarce- ly looked upon save by- the outside world. It is art for Mrs. Grundy, and not for the inmates of the house. Mrs. Grundy is the power of powers. If a woman has only two rooms in the world. one of these is furnished, garnished, set in order, tint kept for the approbation, of the venerable lady. Dpirestic com- fort must live elsewhere than in the apartments devoted to this lady—who exacts of all her devotees yelvet carpet that mut not be trod on, damask fur- niture that must not be sat on, and all forms of finery that must not be Warmed by good,, honest fires, lest the dust a- light on theni, or opened to the pleaant rays of the sun, least his beams fade them. Tho disorder that sometimes is heaped up as domestic comfort I feel no sympathy with; domestic bliss is to my taste first -cousin to elegance, and an elegance that enters into one's doily be- ing. Unlesa one is a man of wealth it is better to banish set-up conventional par- lors altogether, and live and dine in the best apiutinent, seated among books, picturea, and the best furniture, invoke peace and comfort, Give iis, I empha- tically say, in our households color and 'cheeriness—not cold art nor cold pre- tensions of any kind, but warmth, brightness, animation. Bring in pleas- ing colors, choioe pictures, bric-a-brac, and what not; but let in also the sun; but let in also the sun; lgidit the tires; and have *vet 'thing for daily use." ~sem .ad If you wish to avoid groat danger and trouble, besides • no .mall 01ex- pense, at this season of the year. you should take prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed, blood purified, Morn aeh and bowels regulated, and prevent and cure diseases arising from Spring malaria. We know of nothing that will se perfectly and surely do this as Elec- tric Bitters, and at the trifling cost of fifty cents a bottle - - -{Exeb.-Sold by sill Ermine. 5. 15. Beertrad. In those Bate* of quack medicine ad everywhere, it is gratifying to find one remedy thrre vertiesseente worthy of prune, and which really doss as reeneenteaded. Electric Bitters we eon vouch for se being a true and relia- ble remedy, and one that will do as onre. omended. They invariably OnITO *AMA and Live? Complaints, Dieeroree of the Kidneys and We know whereat we speak, end can readily way, give them a nial. Sold at cents • Trade be all demists germ or Ins appaanin im &PPI.""ard'161Twlesa"6" tuhe traachse. rutertiulley is , T INWND AR rcoedited with he opinion hauor- ginaly want oall torstaomasa 110 on all fours when they are ;miry up main very late, after being at a pohtical ban - vet; but that of itself, without ousts - tire evidence, weld hardly be taken as substaatiaing t he professor *theory. Some distingtdthed scientists have argued that sun .iriginally had tails, but that by sitting down un chairs so much they wore them of This would fit in with the theory that they used to go round on all four.. If these scientific gentleman keep on they will eventually establish that the human species differed very little from orang-outrangs. and used to sus- pend theiaselves from trees hy their tail* while they bombarded each other with cocas -nuts and studied politics in the higher branches. - - Ilagyares Yellow NI Will be found invaluable fur all purpo- ses of a family medicine. Immediate relief will follow it. use. It relieves pain, cures chilblains, frost bites, scalds, burns, corns, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c. For internal use it is none the less won- derful. One or two doses frequently cusessore throat. It will cure croup in a few minutes. A few bottles has often cured asthma. Colic has been cured by a teaspoonful dose. It cures with the utmost rapidity, it is really • medicine. Ma. J. A. Pont -roe is one of those *period lifer. We will give one of the best Singer ewing machines that are made in the world for 50 subscribers. No better machine made olt earth. It is warranted for 5 years by the manufacturen, The Lawlor Mtunfactarinq Coy of Mont- real. A warrant from this company is surely a guarantee of its being a first class machine, and especially when it has such a titan as James McDougall, Esq., at its head. Our offer is as follows: For 10 subscribers and $20 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments, - For 15 subscribers and $15 we will give a $80 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. Eor 20 subscribers and 11-2 we will give .850 Canadian Singer with two drawers extension leaf and cover and full attach- ments. For 30 subscribers and 110 we will give a 150 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. For 40 subscribers and 15 we will give a 150 Canadian Singer with two drawers extension leaf and cover and full attach- ments. Fur 50 subscribers we will give a 150 Canadian Singer with two drawers, ex- tensive leal and cover and full attach -1 ments. This machine is a genuine Canadian , Singer, and we guarantee it nicer look- ing and better than and other Singer machine made. This is a specially good chance for young ladies who want a first class sewing machine, and at the same time give your gentlemen friends the best news paper 'published in northern Huron. The agent of this machine, D: Gordon of Ooderich will pay $5 up to $10, ac- cording to the price, to any person send- ing them the address of parties Who will bug. This is an additional chance for the ladies canvassing for subscribers to make 'money. A Reliable lam. It is an establishment fast that Hag- vard's Pectoral Balsam is the best cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma, croup, bronchitis, and all troubles aris- ing f Tom neglected colds Price 25cents. CpiNsumenos. Many say that this di- sease cannot be cured, but the proprie- tors of Allen's Lung Balsam will satisfy any one tflat it has been cured in many comes of the worst description. They have hundreds of testimonials from thankful individuals Who willingly admit it has saved their Sanders' Vaty Stott Hall, Parlor, Dining Room N D Coong SIORSO Sole Agent in Goderich tor The Toronto King Wood Heating Stove—the Only Stove Giving Universal Satisfaction. Sole Agent for the OSHAWA COOK STOVES The Best in the World The Oaly Stoves which Never Crack DILL IND IANTNE STOOK Before Purchasing Innewhere. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. SALLOWS THY PHOTOGRAPH ER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CUSTO ERS BEST PICTURES, BEST SATIS- FACTION, BEST EVERY THING W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goaerich Mhz (LATE PIPER'S.; Beg to return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received during the past )ear, and to state they are prepared to do a-FLism rTG- on the shortest notice. or for the convenience of parties IgIntlf :Litt thet.sti.= stpe exchange 'Late W. _It. Hilliard,) Masonic block, East St. Goderich. 7-IT:Highest price paid for wheat. -Vg., GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS add 8 LT P NS manulae. timed on shortest notice. II kinds of Repairing executed under tbe personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARF. Practic▪ al Workmen. P. 0. Box 103. 1787 PERCHERON HORSES JOHN PASMORE, LAROEBT Importing and Breeding • r 0 f ESTAELMINENT waigolls, TTIZ — C ag 0 S WORLD. M. W. DUNHAM Wayne, Du Pair Comity, Illinois, IL SI. A. 133 Lutes west of Ctucago IlIverten the proot 17 months SCA STAZ• LIMOS 4111, MANES boos been inipooto4 tom frail.", to this ostabilshonesa,, boom. RE than thoroashinoof Despoefotlen • ef • .9$.r Importer, of Draft Flores* front oil ports of Europe for any ONO Ver. On--Ofre 01 1*. entire ntanber of Import. Al Poems* la America caa r, won 00 ildo farm Hii impretanons Levi included tho Map Wiesen of the roirwrwsrl Exposition. Parts, 11176. and nearly all the Prise Roma Of the Great Shows of France since his timer - Melons roan Tlioy also eartiod nff thi. b41110r1 at the (Antenatal. IWO, sadat taw Grows 471rrFade. /SAIL Nr. Denenatiee Nerd er'NF RONA. noinpotittose wet me meeeee and diseet eollestIon of Oftritse- IMIss over sisown, eoustating of the prize win. nen at Ms (Wast Snows of nootland and Ea- =was awardsd taw aeon/ isowp000kos of //AIWA luta Growd Gold Model. NB PAGE' CATALIfarlt *PM 1711111 ow opplimssfest. oododoe *rev 40 Illus. tootle's& nose eh* hietoog of Ms Porrhostisi moo. Grilse "CATALOGUE WIRT LiR011 TIRENDNI% & WIRY NZIOIEDIORHOOD IMMO A PirlitilltIbroW ItiatinO1 IIECAMIEtbirt, esimmoo mama ni lbo OOnnia7 nee 1.1104=10. IS =Oro nalforatt a. melbeartes. welt BAsad al:rar room mosey on ga. 55. m aar aimiss ir RoVlso 41k;fileakoki. F. :ORDAIN, Chemist an& Druggist Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Drugs. Chomeals. Paints. Oils, Dye Bluth, Artist cobra. Patent Medicines Horse aad Cattle Medicines, Perfumery. Toilet Articles. to. Physlcimos' Prescriptions eArefully diapensed.14 BOTTOM PRICES! 1N,T Crocery, G1Isswr81 Groceries, CIOINTBISTIZTC1- OF NEW DINNER SETTS, NEW TOILET srrrs, NEW DESSERT srrrs, NEW CHINA SETTS, NEW GRANITE SETTS, NEW GLASSWARE, IN LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. NEW SUGARS, NEW RAISINS, NEW CUR- RANTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT, NEW CANNED FISH, NEW CANNED BEEF, NEW CANNED TONGUE, NUTS, FIGS, &c., JELLIES OF ALL KINDS, BACON, HAMS, SAUSAGE, VEGETABLES, &A., ALWAYS ON HAND. HERBY CLIMAX KING OF FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE 'Teas "Wholesale and Retail, at C4r.3IE-K. Xak 3113I Holiday Presents At BUTL EF Photo and Autograph Albusus in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very mutable for presenta for Teachers and Scholars. PRE8ENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and consists of Ladies' and Genta' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Good*, Vases in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cups and Flowers, China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortmeut. SmokersSundries—Merschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WitatEY'e Hymn Books Psalm Books, &c., &c.—Subscriptions taken for all the best Emotion, geortai, IRISH, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and razjnea at Publishers' lowest rates—now is the time to subscribe. A full stock a School Books, for Teachers and High and odel School Students All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choice and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards! THAN DBEIZApicEaVETHINSH1v0z2W, N, At E3T_Trrl....EFV$ • l) ominion Telegraph and Postage Stamp:Office. 1762 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES 1Vr, C3r71 PRA./vrms. ST.A.TT.T.A.1=LY BRA -CTS.. CORNER BRACKETS 01/016 BRACKRTS, FANCY TABLE*, Dons in Lary,' l'arirty, Christina. Cards in Lamp: Variety. "V".A.i13/C8, WORK 32i0=1C13, avestias Desks. Alaulas, •ategraph Tel Rook.. and Toys In Great %solely. BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS. G. C. Robeitscal... _ _ _ Mie VICTORIA-St.,Corner P.f Trafalgar. - ajonibion carriage Works Goclericha .14.7s gent for the ce:ibrateil SEEGJILLER CHILLED PLOUGH 5s4 tgrlealtural Implements. agent for the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. This is one of the best Uompanies In exist- ence. being prompt and reliable. Information famished cheerfully no application. MIA so JAMS rimming*. ALLAN Lit\ E of ROYAL MAIL sTEAMSHIPS LIVET:POOL. LONDONDERRY. OL B- OOB' SHORTEST ItE itlyrE calm). Iaterissodiate and Steerage Tithete toworr it MIL gtsonige Paaftestgete are beaked to Loagast. Cardiff. Bristol, tmeessteent. Derry. belt. thaw., and Warne. at same rates as to 'Arrives& WI NITER ARRANGEMENT. NAILING stvgitv A LYP:ENATL WHIR runs PORTLAND Atilt nom BOB ToN. t'Al.,,fNO AT 111.11.11fAX. S ARMATIAN. FROM PO' ON, NOV. 2451. critementan, riton TIAND. POR l'ALLIVII AT if UFA NOV.h. Pot? VA! A N. MONrarTON. lore. Int, IA' ',MO AT 14 kl.WAX i)r,r 54. gAReIASINIIAANN,i AlrniititANsmstl.sa. riirAx Nce Ugh P IIAN, FP,ONI tericroN ink CAMINO ATHA 1.1ira X. DIM% 17ta. rat tickets sad every laformatioa MOB 4. If A IthaTitONG. Agent. Menitreal Telegraph nem Ormleeloh. ar R MOUTON ANDC R,ESSMAN manufacturer. of FIRST CLASS CARRIA.G.ES, BIS eto. Opposite Onlhorse Hotel. We solicit an examination of toff ?Orioles. REPAIRING PROPT LT ATTENDED TO. GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS PRINTED st the ofieeeritHE HURON SION A L North Street, Ooderieh • 7-* 1, • ••1 Oi $