HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-12-27, Page 16Correspondent
Mrs, Allan' McCall
The basement of Duff's United
ChUrCh was well filled with a
large audience for the annual
Sunday School Christmas Concert
on Tuesday evening, Dec-
ember 19th.
Rev. D.,Docken was chairman
for the evening program. The
opening recitation, "Ilellowas
given by Joyanne Van Vliet. The
song‘Christnrias is a Happy Time
was sung by the Kindergarten
class including, Cathy Hum-
phries, Christine Achilles, Gary
Godkin„ Jeff McGavin, Joyanne
Van Vliet, Darlene Gulutzen,
Sandra Sholdice, Jimmie Hum-
phries, Timmie Fritz, Kevin
Flood, Jimmie Brennan, Kim
Fritz, Denise Williamson, Shery-
Fritz Denise Williamson,
Sheryl Smith, Kevin William-
son accompanied by Mrs. Neil
McGavin at the piano. Recitat-
ions were given "Don't Forget
Daddy" by Timmie Fritz; "Con-
sequences" by Darlene Gulutzen
and Chris Achilles; "A Swell
Christmas" by Jeff McGavin.
The Primary classes includ-
ing Elaine Dennis, Verna Flood,
Lori Smith, Jeanne McDonald,
Cathy McGa.vin, Carl McCallum
Greg. Humphries, Danny Achd-
lles, Peter Bennett, Blain Hack-
well, Murray Sholdice, Daryl
Smith, Terry Williamson, Neil
Mitchell, Paul Kirkby, John Hue-
ther, Ronnie Godkin, Kevin Smith,
Pat Hackwell, Cheryl Smith,
Jeannette Rock, Heather Bren-
nan and Janet Flood joined with
the Kindergarten Class and sang
several choruses, "Let the Sun
Shine In", "Christmas" and
"Jingle Bell Rock". Cathy Mc-
Gavin and Brian McGavin sang
two duets accompanied by their
m other.
The Christmas Story was told
in song by Ruth Thamer, Dianne
Godkin, LauraDennis, Janis Van
Vliet, Nanci Bennett, Pam Hack-
well. A skit entitled "Christ-
mas Hic-Ups" was given by
Dean Hackwell, Bruce Godkin,
Terry Smith, Jim McDonald, Bob
Leeming, concluding with a song
by Bruce Godkin assisted by Mrs.
L. Godkin at the piano. Mrs.
Herb Traviss was pianist when
the classes above assisted by
Doug Mitchell, Ron Smith, Dian-
ne Godkin and Steven Huether
joined in singing "0 Christmas
The Old Car, a skit put on
by the lost and found girls in-
cluded, Janis Van Vliet, Ruth
Thamer, Jennifer Kirkby, Car-
olyn McClure, Mary Watson, Bev
Stevenson and Mary Searle. The
rest of the group, Nanci Bennett,
Heather Brennan, Janet Flood,
Pam Hackwell, Peggy Humphries
and Mary Ryan joined in singing
carols. "0 Come All ye Faith-
ful" and "Deck the Halls" ac-
companied by Mrs. Tom Steven-
son at the piano. Several Christ-
mas selections were contributed
by the Wilbee family with Mrs.
Ian Wilbee at the piano and Carol,
Keith and Brian with their saxa-
Rey.. and Mrs. Ure with Misses Gladys and Ida Lel-
Stewart, Seaforth were Christ- per and Ross Leiper,HulletTWp.
mas Supper guests at the home Christmas hCliday guests at
Of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald. the home of Mr. and Mrs,Rellie
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills, Achilles Were Mr. and Mrs.Bill
Scott, Kathy and David of Brant- Taylor, Ricki Lynn and Bria n of
ford are spending a Christnias Kintaili Mr. and Mrs. Den Ach-
holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Earl illes, Danny,Chris and Dwayne of
Mills. Drs. Jean, and Gerd Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sills
Westermman of. Burlington also and Tracey of Seaforth and Mr.
sPent Christmas at the same and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and
home, Prior to leaving for. Kenya, Debbie of Fergus.
South Africa, where they Will be Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-
employed on the teaching staff. Call and Bill spent Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke, day in Clinton with Mrs.Lizzie
Steven and Sheila, Wingham spent Scott, Mr. Albert and Robert
Tuesday evening' on Boxing day Vodden. Mr. Ernie Vodden of
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether Woodham also visited at the same
and boys. home.
Miss Glenna. Houston of Sarnia Christmas day guests at the
spent the holiday season at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Emmerson
home of her parents, Mr. and Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mrs. Ray Houston. Street and Steve of Listowel;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Dunk spent Miss Luella Mitchel, Brussels,
Christmas week-end with daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill,
ter Beverley and son-in-law Seaforth; Misses Luella and
Terry Ford and family of Shef- Helen Mitchel, Brussels; Mr. and
field. Mrs. Gordon Mitchell cf Listowel;
Sympathy of the community is Mr. Jack Mitchel, Brussels; Mrs.
extended to. Rev. and Mrs. Der- Lizzie Storey, Seaforth and Mrs.
wyn Docken in their bereavement Bessie Mitchell, Brussels.
in the loss of her father. Miss Sandra Watson and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner friend Jim Butler of London,
of Brussels and Mr. Reg. Skinner visited on. Sunday part of Christ-
of Hamilton, spent Christtnas Day mas day with her parents, Mr.
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and Mrs. Gerald Watson, David,
and family. Ann and Mary.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Stevenson
of Stratford visited Sunday at the and Ronald spent Christmas eve
home of Mr. and Mrs. James with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Blake.
Williamson. Mr . and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Machan and and Anna. Lee spent the holiday
Karen, and Mrs. Laura Machan with Mr.and Mrs.Tom Stevenson.
of Sarnia visited on Friday at Christmas day guests with
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall were
Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCall and
Miss Teresa Ryan, of London Susan, Blyth; Mr. andMrs.Doug-
spent Christmas holiday at the las Currie, Brussels, Mr.Donald
home of her parents, Mr. Currie, Brampton; Mr. Barry
and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan. Currie, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Humphries Tom Stevenson and Ronald, R.R.
and family spent Christmas Day 2, Blyth.
with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hum- Mrs. Walter Broadfoot ac-
phries and Kim. Mr. and Mrs. companied Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Stan Stroop, Fordwich, Mr. and Cardiff to Petrolia where they
Mrs. Bob Humphries and family spent Christmas with Mr. and
of London, and Mr. William Ben- Mrs. Jerry Cardiff and family.
nett were also guests at the same Mrs. Fern Patterson, Seaforth
home, is also visiting at the same home.
Mrs. W.C. Hackwell spent Guests at the home`of Mr. and
Christmas at the home of Mr. Mrs. Gerald Watson and faintly on
and Mrs. Jack Mcllwain and Saturday evening included, Mr.
family, Seaforth. and Mrs. Mel Nichol, Stratford;
Among those who attended the Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nichol,
baptismal service of Natascha Beamsville; Mr. and Mrs. Adrin
Nadine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Schauber, Brent and Greg of
W. Stutz, Waterloo on Sunday R.R.2, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs.
December 17th in St. Andrew's Fred Stevenson and Dana of
Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, Kitchener and Mrs. Sam. Barr of
were Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Toronto also were supper guests.
Dundas, Mr. and Wm. Stutz, Mrs. at the same home.
Frank Johnston, Mr. Willis Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss
das, Miss Tillie Dundas, Mr. and and Gail; Mrs. H ilda sellers, Sea-
Mrs. Campbell Wey, all of Sea- forth and Mrs. May Sellers of
forth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bol- Wingham spent Christmas day"
ger, Brussels. They all gathered with Dr. and Mrs. Brian Traviss
at the Stutz home later for a and daughter of Hamilton.
smorgasbord dinner. Christmas holiday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald and
Christmas Day guests Richard were Neil McDonald of
withMr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley the Dental College , Toronto, Miss
and Brenda were Mr. and Mrs. Karen McDonald and Bob War-
Jack Yuill, Brussels and Mrs. wick of Sarnia.
Gertie Bewley, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray and son Jim, Listowel; Mr. Jim
Ind Susan spent Christmas Day Clark, Keith and Ann spent Sun-
1971 Chevelle Malibu, 2-door, HT., P.B.,
P.S., de f roster.
1971 Ford Pinto, 4-speed transmission,
radio, new fires.
1969 Torino, 2-door, HT., P.S., radio, 8-cyt,
wish you A HAPPY and
Prosperous New Year.
25 Years Service to the Area
Phone 887..6856 — Open 'Til 9 Nightly
Santa now arrived while Jingle
Bells was being sung and bags of
candy were distrubted to all the
children present.
Thanks are due to the teach-
ing staff of the Sunday School,
they include - Kindergarten -
Gail Traviss and Joan Bennett,
Primary 1 - Mrs. Don McDonald
and. Dianne Fraser; Primary 2 -
Mrs. Helen Craig; Junior - Mrs.
Joyce Van Vliet, Janice Houston
and Keith Clark; Intermediate -
Mrs. Martin Baan; Secretary-
Treasurer Mrs. Pauline Ben-
Christmas carols were sung
by the audience throughout the
program with Rev. Docken
accompanying with his guitar.
Smiles . •
Two flies landed on a knife
handle that lay atop some round,
sliced cold cuts. After eating
a good portion of meat the flies
flew away and immediately drop-
ped dead. The moral: Don't
Phone 867-6294 fly off the handle when you're
full of baloney.
Christmas Draw Winners:
1st — Doug Hemingway
2nd — J. Crocker
3rd — Mrs. Herman deVries
4th — Rev. G. W. Sach, Gorrie
day at the home Of Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut-
ledge and family ,)f London spent
the Christmas holiday with Mrs.
Roy Bennett.
Visitors, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Watson on
Christmas day were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Blanchard and
family, Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill. Embling, Brampton, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Blanchard and
family, London; Mr. and Mrs.
Ben. Gibson and family, Gorrie;
Mr. and Mrs. John Rowley and
family, London; Mr. Hiram Blan-
chard, Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl. Watson.
Christmas day guests with.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leeming and
family were: Mr. and Mrs.Dave
Brady, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs
Bruce Clark and Jim Listowel;
Mr. Jim Clark, Keith and Ann
and. Mrs. Maude Leeming,Walton.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Sanderson,
Wroxeter, Mr. Jamie Sander-
son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.Brian
Sanderson, VVroxeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Watson, Blyth and
Mr. and Mrs. David Sanderson,
London were Christmas day
guests on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Watson and
MISS.PS. Arlene and June
Williamson, Mrs. Pelenwilli4rn,
son .anci Miss Lynne McDonald
Are _spending the Christmas
season on a. meter, trip to
Lakeland, Florida.
cbrtettee.e week-end visitors
with Rev, and mrs,prviyn
Docken and. Kristen at the Manse
Were Mrs, James Daley, Ken-
heini arid Mr. and Mrs, Arthur
Docken, London,.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Ray Huether,
Steven And John .spent Christmas
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Watson. Webster, _Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. AlyinMeDonald
were Christmas .dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Huether, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs..
Jim McDonald, Mr, and Mrs. Ken
McDonald and family, and Mr.
and Mrs.. Don McDonald and
family also visited at the same.
May all your days be filled with
peace and prosperity. We thank you for
your continued loyal patronage.
Phone 887-9226
News of Walton.
Christmas Concert attracts large audience