The Brussels Post, 1972-12-27, Page 1Janice Houston, 15, was
crowned Junior Snow Queen
at the Christmas Dance at
the Seaforth District High
School Friday night.
The Grade 10 student,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rae Houston of R.R.2,
Brussels, was one of eight
The othert were:Joanne
Schenck, Mary Beth.
Downey, Brenda Pa.pple,
Tracy Carter, Jane Johns-
ton, Mary Ann Van Bakel
and Catherine. Anne Lane.
The eight contestants were
chosen by the teachers with
winners selected by the
Last year's Queen, Ruth
Anne Jeffery crowned the
new Queen.
Grey twp. student
is SDHS Snow Queen
By Evelyn Kennedy
4 ri
Christmas means
visits and visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmidt
and family of Kitchener were
Christmas guests with her
mother, Mrs. Jean Leach. Mrs.
Leach accompanied them home
for a visit in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cardiff
and family were Christmas Sun-
day visitors with her mother,
Mrs. C. Buschlin of Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Elston and
family of London were Christmas
visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs. Mietsk
Skowronski of Tillsonberg were
also visitors at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pear-
son and family were Christmas
visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall and
children, David, Debbie and
Dianne spent the holiday with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rann of
Mr . and Mrs. John Tooth and
daughter Lorraine of Montreal
spent Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann
were holiday visitors with their
son Robert and Mrs. Rann of
Galt. Jay Rann returned with
'them to spend a holiday with his
Mr. and Mrs. George Baxter
and Georgie of Guelph, Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Lamont and Susan
of Toront o and Lloyd Alcock of
Walkerton, were holiday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Arcock.
Mr. and Mrs. Orm Beaudre of
Grosse Point, Mich. Mr. and
Mrs.Scott Hunter of Mississauga;
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mulvey of
Belmore; Mr. and. Mrs. Mac
Stewart of Molesworth and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer of Wroxe-
ter were Christmas guests with
Mr. and Mrs. V. Hupfer.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hackwell
Lions plan
tree pick up
Save your Christmas trees.
The Brussels Lions are plan-
ning a monster "Polar Daize"
bonfire. Put your Christmas
trees out the morning of Satur-
day, January 6th for collection
by the Lions Club members.
Don't throw them away. Let
the Lions pick them up for the
`Polar Daize" blaze!
of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Hank.
Mulder and family of Guelph Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard TenPas, Grey
Township; Mr. and Mrs. Hank
TenPas and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ben TenPas of Brussels;
Mr. and Mrs. Klaas DeVries and
family of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs.
John Faver and family of
Hamilton and Miss Van Winkel
of Guelph were holiday visitors
with' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ten-
Mr. and Mrs. LawrieCousins
and family of London were
Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Cousins.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lowe
spent Christmas with relatives
in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan of
Kitchener have been visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan. -
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Procter
of London and Miss Ella Pearson
of the Callander Nursing Home
were Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Pearson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duncan
and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan
were Christmas visitors with-Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Duncan of Kit-
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Houston
and daughter Fara of Kitchener,
Miss Barbara Bryans and Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart Bryans of Mitchell
spent , Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Bryans.
Mrs. Lillian Harburn and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Riley of Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Lewis and
boys of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Kellington and family of
Springfield; Mr. and •Mrs. Don.
Jacklin. of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Kellington and son of Strat-
ford and Miss Stephanie Walls
of Brussels were Christmas visi-
tors wiih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kel-
lington. •
Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven
and John were Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Saunders, Royal Oak, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Searle, Gail
and Mary, R.R.3, Walton; Mr.
Bill Scott, Seaforth, Mrs. Ruth
Huether, Doug and Greg,
Brussels, and Mr. Gerald
McArter, Brussels.
The Canadian Imperial Bank
of Commerce here were ex-
tending Christmas Hospitality to
their customers on Friday. In a
festive atmosphere of Christmas
decorations and a lighted tree
they were offering coffee .and
donuts to all who enterer!.
This is how the riding of Huron will look if recommendat-
ions of the Federal Electoral. Boundaries Commission are
adopted. The enlarged riding .will included added municipali-
ties from Middlesex and Perth.
Brussels Post
101st Year -- Issue No. 52 Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1972 BI ICI'S ONITAR
Redistribution proposals
add Perth areas to Huron
vested by parliament in an inde-
pendent commission. The com-
mission must arrange ridings
with populations of 84,649. This
total may be increased or de-
creased 25% to maximums and
minimums of 105,811, and 63,487
subject to the presence of spec-
ial factors such as area, shape
or accessibility.
Brtitsels, Centennial year
it drawing to a close. Certainly
there will be few of us, WhO have
se' enjoyed it, here when another
rolls around. It. has been a year
Is there anything more
delightful to watch than the danc-
ing eyes of a young child as he
gazes in wonder at the tree on
Christmas morning. From the tip
of its shining star, to the glowing
lights, to the host of gift wrapped
parcels beneath its laden
boughs, it is a sight of mysterious
beauty to him. Who could want to
miss his first glimpse of it on •
Christmas morn.
* * * * *
The elections are behind us,
though many say we will face
another federal one in the near
future. Christmas, with all its
hustle and bustle, has come and
gone. Perhaps now we can all
settle down to more normal living
and go about our daily routines
without our thoughts racing
helter, skelter, from this to that,
and concentrate on' what we are
at the moment engaged in.
* * * *
of numerous good experiences
and happy times. Our celebrat-
ions proved that natives of our
village, and others who have
lived here in the past years,
even though they be scattered
far and wide, still retain fond
recollections of Brussels. They
came back to celebrate with Us.
* * * * * *
Work crews were busy early
last week with snow removal from
the business section. Most people
appreciated it - Motorists, be-
cause it made parking much
easier and pedestrians found it
easier to cross the street un-
hampered by snow banks.
* * * * * *
Co-operation among mer-
chants, organizations, etc. makes
arranging for various events
much easier and fosters good
relations among all. This was
evident in the Santa Claus parade,
even though the weather wrought
havoc with it. The Business
Association, Lions, Legion, all
worked together. Our firemen
deserve credit also for they were
re3oonslble for the colorful
(Continued on Page 11)
The' federal riding of Huron
will be increased to include a
population of 74,038 i f recom-
mendations "of the Federal Elec-
toral Boundaries Commission for
Ontario are adopted.
Before the changes become
official there will be formal hear-
ings and the Commission will
' submit its proposals to the Com-
mons where M.P's may request
changes. Final decision, however
on where the boundaries lie,
rests with the Commission.
Redistribution does not be-
come effective at the earliest
until late next year.
Under the proposal the riding
of Huron is enlarged to include
three added municipalities from
Middlesex and six from Perth.
These are the township of East
and west Williams and the towns
of Parkhill from Middlesex.
From Perth will be added the
townships of Blanshard, Full-
arton. and Hibbert and the towns
of St. Marys and. Mitchell.
Perth riding is shown with
a population of 77,907. While
losing live municipalities to
Huron, 'the riding has been en-
larged by the addition of several
municipalities from Waterloo
As far as certain of the Perth
municipalities are concerned the
proposals are a return to the
arrangement that existed for
several years. At that time
the then riding of Huron Perth
incl'ided Mitchell, Fullarton,Lo-
gan and Hibbert. After 1952
only Hibbert remained and it too
reverted to Perth riding following
the redistribution of 1966.
Until recent years redistri-
bution was the responsibility of
parliament but since November
1964 the responsibility has been