The Huron Signal, 1881-12-02, Page 8THh HURON SIGNAL, FRII)A1 DEC. t__i•
tie:8, • Ile NInt,
1 t ' J[ V and every
latenur I'iuiah.
U t,,
1 4 t..otalty. tend for Price
I.ATf,1 tic LUMBER.
Est jl,ma mates on applica-
a i et, xr Addreas
Fite Rl'1S HMZ TH,
nese, may long be awed to his country.
Resolved, That this Cunventiuu de.
Alm, befulro diasulviag to eepress its
.tiding conviction that it is of the ut-
most importance to the 11.,nunwn that
its c,utaection with Great Beetle be
nlaintaiutxf, and its belief that the ad-
vocat:a of indelwudeuce; with as cut
quest annexation to the neighbor ng
States, represent merely an etre:mai t
Resolved, That this Convention re-
commend that the Qandidates of the
Conservative p.►rty in each riding be
selected by delegates as pointed out un
T: LATE CONVENTION.pages 6 and 7 of thell'l e, distributed at l hat Con Convt ention.
tall Test er pis Ilaraw111111r11 Adueted•
Ole eateswmnt resolutions were unani-
nt•.usty mintited by thio Canasrvstive
t).anvuutil$H held in Toronto un the Aird
ult: -
Keadvel, that we recall with satisiac-
tiu t the peuc sedu►gs of the Convention
of J matter, tetld, at which resolutions
were adept's! t .storing a tuitional policy
fur she pnrtacpon and developeasitt of
tee n •. ice:tune, manufacturing and win -
tug ietereats of the Douution. The
palsoy prupeauuded in that Convention
IPS e:ltboMd is the Houae of the Com-
mons by der iota Macdonald in the
Hirt •n of L$7et It wee accepted by the
people at the polls after an exhaustive
d.isawtsiun in the press, at public meet-
in,rr and in Parliament, during which no
portion or phrase of that policy was left
un.tasailed or uudefeuded. It was car-
ried into elfeot by the legislation of 1879,
and has since been vigorously maintain-
ed by the adluini-iretive action of the
Government. 'Ch,, ulkembled delegates,
theref.•re, desire in the moat earnest
manner e. exuress their gratification at
the promptitude and energy displayed
by the Government in making the Pia -
timed l'oliey the law of the land, and in
enforcing the pruviaiotis of such law in
thorough fulfilment of the promises made
to the people.
Resolve ., 1'h It the prl. ress of 4.2.411a -
lb. since 1$19 'mi teipolabon, enterprise
and ut llt!l, :L4 .iii. anted by the exteu-
si••u end etetttpl m i.tion of industries. the
••,e..f rave -
nee, e. • .. . , . .sae of Cana -
dote ecer'tics, .is well as the restored
o.uti leacel.1 the resources and future of
the D...uiwom, tees been so great that the
dele•,;ater feel justified in attributing
the eountry's reuuarkable prosperity, in
a L►rge me,lsuro, (leder a favoring Pro-
rovidence, to the ;suety 4.1eptiou of a
Nine ...i 1 writ considered Natn,nal Poli-
Kcaelved, 'First the delesatei ..sire to
express their strung convictions that the
contuulance of this prosperity gretatly
depends on the preseersuee of the fos-
tering pediey.of 1879, and that its rever-
ter, in whole or in part, would cheek en-
tereri.,, Merin capital, snake Canada
, aspen a ishiueliter market for the produc-
tioo+, maunfe t wring and itgricultunsl, of
foo•i.n c:. iiitias, and greatly • tend to
(sats i r,•curreuce of the depression
whi•'i ,,;a heavily weighed down the ener-
gies.'f the te.iuntrti for several years be-
' fort the•eito ties .4 the present patri-
urir 'petite?.
e c •:sprit, (hat the c.turageuua and
auesea 4III policy of the (Lit -eminent with
reapeet ei the 1'4citic Railway meets with
the hearty approval of this Arse dation,
the ,auntauet entered ince by them for
the c'e•telatten :ue,i *...along (4 the whole
line, shite tees ro..tly iii sts terms than
that. mettle ' din 1873, and much less hur-
dctn,ete that dim tetras offered by the
late (1overriueut all 1877. secures the
r:spi 1 emearnetlon. i,f flae railway and
the tarty settlement of the North-west,
and relieses the Government freta the I
risk and ru.'.pwonsibdity of euentaining
Muss Meade!. of llenmiller, has been
visiting freeing in the vicinity.
GAMS Foust. -Mr. Wn.. Strachan has
purchased a tine game rooster, and a
main would be eagerly enjoyed by the
sports of the neighborhood.
Mr.T. l mason has pun haled from Mr.
Moore, of Hamilton, lot 2.2, 5th con., of
Howick, for the sum of $2,600, it is
considered a very cheap farm.
Mr. John J. Faille, has sold his farm
on the 7th con., of Minto, containing
100 acres to Mr. J. Lawrence, of Cart-
wright, fes a large sum.
Mr. Lawrence Mason, of Cartwright.
has ranted lots 31 and 32, on the 9th
con., for a tern (.f five years, at the rate
of $450 par annum. Mr. Mason intends
moved up from Cartwright immediately.
SALT WILL. -The subscribers of
towards sinking a test salt well in the
village of Hensel) have had their nest
sanguine expectations realized by strik-
ing, at a depth of 1,1190 feet, cue et the
finest deposits. The salt bed is pene-
trate.! 120 feet. with iso indications of
being nearly through it. The brine is
pf full strength. and everything 'Joints
towards an A 1 aril. Honsall will new
be rewarded for its enterprise by having
eine .1 the beet, if not the best belt wells
in Ontario. The • share holden have.
offered the well ter ale, duubtlea with
the expectation that then of means will
take held of the matter, and go into the
manufacture of ealt .r�.eusively.
church here:
To Mss Marta Memoir.
We; your friends and associates here
assembled. in eonsideratin;t of your
faithful and efficient services during the
past two years as organist of the Canada
Methodist church at Nile, and in consid-
eration also of your high sense of Chris-
tian duty, which has enabled you to per:
severe under trying circumstance be-
times. beg leave to submit to yon st
this time, this presene as a small token
.4 our eestimatinn anis .,•'.seriatim of
your services; and we hepe that in the
wise Iirut•idence of God you may long be
spared to exercise -and honor the talent
which He has committed to your keep-
ing: also that the success of the past may
continue to characterize your efforts in
the future; and finally that w.4 may all
eventually meet in that "better land be-
yond'. where we shall sing forever 'the
praises .4 Him "who hath redeemed us,"
Signed in behalf of the donors,
Ltzzla SHIPrARn,'
The following is the address which ac-
companied -the recent preseutatt
iuit' ut
writing desit and purse to Miss Mart
Morrow, rguuist of the Methodtat
the line as a pnb:ic work. At the ams Catat13L
time, while the contract reset -Veil to the •
][e.I,F. C. patten of the
B Curling Club, has presented a
very Hnit silver medal wit., a o.Id eeutre
to the deb to be p e 1 fee ps•int
hutches by members tat t i.c c1
Bradstreet saysi-Jud' fur $2,600
has been entered against 1e. Moore, pet•
lar, of Brussels, and ii is said he claims to
h e no assets.
Ili BeamUller.
To all apeearancu the Maitland river
iutunta freezing over this winter.
Mr. H. Habil, the celebrated steam
thresher, has purchased a grain crusher,
and during the wiutur intends carrying
on the chopping business. If he gives
us as good satisfaction in this as he does
in threshing he will have a big run.
Quite a number ef partlesaiw going
largely into the wood business this win-
ter. It is &aid here that nut a load of
wood will be geld in Goderich during
the coming winter for less thah $3 per
cord double. -KAOR.t.
Tia-Marrtee.-A grand tca-meetin'
and entertainment under the auspices .4
the Sons of Temperance of this place will
be held in the temperance hall on Thurs
day evening Dec. 8th. addresses will
be delivered t,v several rec. gentleman
and others. Music, vocal and instru-
mental, will enhveu the proceedings.
Tea will be served at 6 p.. tis. Chair
taken at 7.30.
Archie -Hays, of this place, a miler ..n
the schooner Mary, gut hie leg badly
lacerated by a rope on the passage from
Cleveland to Chicago,
Tat Mums erns. --On Tuesday morn -
int but the railway delegates from Gode-
rieh passed through Seaforth. They
were a jolly leaking crew. .
THE WIATHSR.-The ferment in this
vicinity are high un praise of OW Nep-
tune, on the arrival .1 the beautiful
snow. Sleighing is much needed,• as
considerable teaming is to be done.
$strata. -- Mr. John Cuwati shipped
on Saturday the 26th lust. A large
number of sheep and Iamb.. for the
American market. Mr. Cowan is one of
the veteran buyers of the township, ani
we are glad e i learn that he has done ex-
ceedingly well this year.
`ante time during the night of the
e5th, the safe at the Grand Trunk sta-
tion was blown open and the contents
scattered newel the office. The bur-
glars only succeeded in getting $8 or $9.
An attempt was made on the side of A.
W. Ogilvie & Cis office here, but the
charge ..f powder did not force the safe,
and little damage was done. There is
no trace .4 the thieves yet,
tut, setting ditch add. 10, 310; John
8petsdlee, cohort oust. 10 $'; Jain**
culvert con. 10 $4; ttameet
Bares, ditching L. R. 12 and 13 10;",
Dalian McKenzie, culvert .at 1.. I
$11.50; Thonuu Creek, culvert on S. R.
t) 7 $9; J.,epl► Hamilton dUing gravel
pit en awe. 12 $10; David Johnston,
tilling rut on +d. it. 1) ausd 10 $1; Daises
Dunn, planking culvert L. 1t. $4.50:
D. McKenzie, ditch on con 12 $338;
D. Fiala •son,'ditch con, 12 $4.18; An-
drew Nelson, culvert on 8. It. lone 1. 10
$1.50; Robert Haruiltuu. reposing
bridge en 18 mile river R. R. 12 isd 13
$20, Jaime Duns, dug tax $1; ML lad -
tun dug tat $1; James Bowland ct4lrert
12 eon. lot 9 K. D. $8 dog trot, digging
ditch 8.11.1 Gun 12 $L30; Duoald
Murchison two culverts S. R. 1 0011 12
$7.40; Donald Murebison culvert lut 1
con. 12 W. D. $4; D. Murchison culvert
and taking out stumps on. 8 R. tut. 13
M 20; Thomas Henderson, killing wild
cats 36; Jacob Riley charity $10; a idow
Griffin, charity g5.
The Council poi jourawd t.. meet again
at Martin's Hotel, Dungannon...t. Tues-
day, the 27th December.
Juin COOKE, Clerk.
Jo4tirieh Township.
The council will meet next Monday.
Miss Maggie Oliver, „f Clinton, will
tear. in Nu. 9 school section for the
year 1882.
Mr. Andrew Duff, of Hulweaville, has
been engaged as teacher for N... 10 S. 8.
for next year.
Dr. Williams will preuech wisriuuety
mermen' in the Methodist church tut
nest Sunday. 014 Monday the annuli
missionary meeting will be held.
Mr. 1'. Cole, of the Hayfield sn., has
geld a splendid two year colt to Mr. John
Ford, of the 2nd con., of Hullett.
The Methodists of Holtesville are
trying to get an assistant to help Rev.
Mr. Edwards.
Him: aYan. -Mr. J.iaeph Young, who
left Goderi:h T.•wtship sone 1.2 years
ago for Nebraska, returned on a visit
last week.
Mr. William Churchill ii back from
Manitoba. He like. the place very
well, and says he is going to go back in
the spring.
(in Wednesday last, the farm ..f Mr.
George Thompson, of the Heroin Rood,
and containing eulhty acres, was sold to
Mr. T. C. Pickard, of Hohu(sviUe, for
the sum of $2,600.
The Christnus examination of 8. S.
No. 1, will be held on Friday, Dec. 23.
It is the intention of the teacher, Mr.
Miller, and the pupils, to hold an enter-
tainment in the evening.
The youth ooh•, made the attempt
upset the life et lieu. Tdlrisetae is a
fired.,. A roan who was waiting ler time
juutb outaitle the ministry was ale' er
rested. He is knee to be a thief, but
dative any'knue•ledgea to his coutValli-
.Blett and Hairsin veer. bora to retesem
thanks to the public for part naaroaa. and
'Akita a euntln'tsuaN et eseene. 1 e cam
always be found at Lis dhmvtnn't'a'Ior• sear
be Nuel OSoe Ouderi.-h. .tray
ENTIRT.t!NUE NT. -A very eutceasful
entertainment under the auspices of the
Deluding Club. '.f School Section ,No. 4,
McKillop, teas held on Friday evening,
Nov. .13th. There Ars P. fair attend-
ance, also a nuntbar of the fair sex honor-
ed the meeting with their presence.
Excellent readings; recite tionm, and
tomes were given by Messrs. Hartley,
6. Lockhart: .1. Lockhart .1. MicFaul,
H. McIntosh, G. Turnbull, and speeches
were delivered by' •Messrs. G. '3lurdie
and R. Sperling.- .
Bret NE... -(cur merchaiite dill a lite-
iy business these pat three weeks. The
,manufacturing industries of Seaforth are,
aloe doing well. Mr. A. G. VanEgmond
is dein; an extensive bueinese in the
manufacture of cloth and woallenettexls.
He as shipped reveral large consign-
ments to foreign markets. Mr. D. D. the veteran age merchant of
Huron, hastbecn more successful in his
- - husinose this leer than fonueriy. The
►d•niui.tratiou sup.ervreon aver the 1•.- • The lecture by father O'Connor, on Seaferth business men are in favor .f
cation of the line, and over the rates fur Thursday ,evening last, in the Town greater railway facilities. The a,lfation
the carriage of Iwasettysers and freights, Hall, wen very slimly attended. tarts reached a fever beat, and likely it
it provides abundant guarantee. for the `` .The sum sit $92.23, besidesa consider-; will he successful at no distant dal
and for the sdo iuu ,.f the tariff hest. late
thus people of uur town for the relief
I.xtiou of the nu s; riltantamn oil. route. able uantit•1• of clothing, was eubscnbel
calculated t.. direst the great stream '.1 I of the sufferers by the late tires in the
trate thetalgis Catiadiea:else nei. to .•nr r District of Muskoka.
tat;.•' and Reports. ' Goon 1 ,t. -t:.+. --Last week' Mr. hall,
hecdtud. Th:.t the ..l..tu.wi ret;1►tiou . „i Ann Artier, Mich., shipped by t:. T. 1
of the Dentition is wieinutently Keeper- ; p1.., four splendid breeding mares that.
oue•tlt:ot the Conttuti•,n .desires to ex- hat been purchased for hitt by Mr. T.
time its gratiticati.,n at the departure '4 Tinting, of the following particle. -:-year.
to a Ater ter of lurplussea. The uasinte- township, $41)1): 3 -year old, Geo. Nutt,
,Jounce of tin teuple revenue will raise the' Tuckerslnith $19•-,; grey mare, W. W
cretin of Cie country; rad enable the Ferran. something over 3200. Yester-
1; 1 ' 1 Il a t.1
O t rntt C t to reduce e interest te. i .
da blr, I atmos, f Guelph. ani a
Y• p
..f the public debt, pr,tid.; for the prune- ;'stranger from Pennsylvania, shipped a
.•f public wort(i re,uired for the carload of splendid 'geldings, by li. W:
•inat,. i:.. adtat.eenteltt ..t the (..'miry. I:.. among them being horses purchased
and will attend an opportunity for re. i"'f the following parties: -Team, J. Mutt
guruse tls,ttien without lessening the Base Line, $413; team, G, Stenbury,
liners:Oen' now ensured by the tariff to I Mtanley, $3.i0; T. Farquhar, Hullett;
clic varied industries of the c..untry. , tf lt►0; A. 'fhu,npsen, Stanley, $181,; A.
llesolre 1. thy: this (•detention. liar- ' Innes, Stanley, $160: W.' Herbison,
nig recer'dcd tis full s oproval of the ad- i tioderich township,�$160: W. Pearson,
olinietraii'e policy . which has been so • Stanley, team, 3321,.
largely instrumental in promoting the , (.f the Dominion, pledges at j�0�0W,
itself ti,malopJ,rt the ',resent Government ----
by tsar!' legitimate mimes whenever it Furtorat.-A young 114:411 na.,:.:.i Itar-
rmay lee, called upon to ,appeal to- the ne McDermott. supposed t.t be a trifle
trountrv. daft and very hart et hearing. attempt-
Pe.eselved. Tina: the Cenvet.ti••n regard ed to gets couple of forged notes malted
with apprehension the continuing in- at the Musk, one day last week. The
. crease in the public expenditure which notes purported to be signed by Patrick
has taken place under the adminutra- O'Loughlin and John Farish, and were
tion of the present Provincial Govern- for 11110 and $40 respectively. Mr.
meet, ooh+le the revenue of the Pro- Cameron, huwevet, was suspiciuua of the
since has temaine; caanperatively genuineness of the signatures and refus-
stat;ouery. mei is of opitnun that by ed to cash them. we understand a men-
the mercies of great economy that the chant in town was victimized with the
expenditure may be materially reduced: , $30 note and gave a wit of clothes and
also view with strong disappronation the NM of money in exchange for it. Bar-
centralizine 1» !icy of tl.e 1,,;:ari o/io:- n.•v disappeared immediately afterwards,
ernweat fn setz4n4 np a seeonatuents and has not Leen seen mince. it is to 1*
nut f tesiotsaly in the gift of the execs ' hap cd the scamp may yet be punished
tier ami using thorn for the purposes of for the came,-(8entinal.
their p.l:►i.-a1 ailgrandiremcnt, and are' We clip the following from the 11'iite
.4 "pines that that p.elicy is inin►ieal to 1 Half kr7.oter, which refers to Keene
the best interests• .•1 tea I'r•aince. and Ruler mrd Thomas ('ain.fermerlyofllsie
fraught with .danger to the rights std satY,ge, hut, whti are at the present its
liberties et the people. The Cuttven- j Kansas: "The Cain brothers from the
ton .lesires to express it• warm snaps- east hare eeaatnenced a Ilea (..avn to he
thy with. atldappr•val.4.the e..ursepert•1called Cain City, 25 riles s•.uthwr t
Sued by the Op*.*titat in the I're.tinciml front her. They threshevl 9.,000 leosh-
LcggaIdatnr•e. tender tire Male ica.ktrhip ; Ai •4f wheat this fall and hale tett up a
of Mr. lfandltl� and lde.lges ittaelf t • Idacksmith and wager, shop. hot.
continual and he.►rty sst•pe•rt. i ia(R and dry geed* store end ether enter
Resolved. That this C••nrenti•en hen- ! priers. These all attra.t other things,
tily and thankfully reence at tic rest.'- l and flier are pretty n,nh-lint of overeat
ration to health .>f Kir Msedonatd. I Thr Cain Pre... are from fh, .:i't : nd ase
leader of the Liberal ('adreerratite party. said to have an endless supply of money.
1li1d-irk .1 tys'.1 e;.'ticits and t me return • .,h team from S. Mc* ,i gall. Gnderich
the ripe statelinss who, with wisdom. i Ther will continue and encourage wheat
pttt'iotatt4 and s•ac:est. 1,v tneiely shale culture en the famous "Data,' said to
ed the pe l k.:i.lyd the legialati..nbe the hest wheat land in Kansas. Them
ail Caned.%' :e than a quarter of a ! flats tun hast and west ahead tea to
oenem s Convention fervently twenty odes w.uth ,.f chs "Rooky" sad
"s an tlttdimielte4 awful riga thee tgi' several counties
N be S2 1;'$l.
The Council stet this day at 1-oun_'s
Hotel. Kintail. All the uu•nthprs pre -
went. The minutes of last \le•eting were
read and'signed. Moved by Mr. Whit= j
ley. seconded ill, Mr. .Grittin. that the
arrears of taxes on W; ..f EL 2 eel. 1 E. 1
11. be cancelled. Moved by Mr. Vet hit-.
ley. eecundid by Mr. Chnre, that Ilugh
McPhee be Deputy- retunting officer for
JtInsolr it i.e No. tw.. tstehi 414
ltobcrt b1c(;mry, and tlutt the deputy
returning (fhceys for the remaining pelt-
ing subdivions be the_ sauce as last year,
and that the {lolling places be the same
as last year. Icy -law No. 16 establish-
ing a new ruaal, was read and passed.
Byelaw Noe 13 appointing Ilugh Mc-
Phee, D. returning othcer instead of
Robert McCrory was passed. Moved
by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Clare,
that Jacob Riley be granted tun dollars,
and widow Griffin five dollars as char-
ity. Moved by Mr. Mclllurchy, second-
ed byy. Mr. \Vliitleyy, that Messrs. Grif-
fin, Wehste.r and McMurchy, he a com-
niittee to he the contract for a bridge
arnica the eighteen mile river, con. 12
and 13. .Accounts paid:- Jaunes Haw-
kins, glitch on D. L. 1 and 2 $12; Adam
Loudon culvert on D. L. 1 and 2 $6:
Thoma Stewart grsaling bill on R. L. 1;
and 7 (sen. 1 $33.50; David Johnston re-
pairing culvert in S. L. 6 and 7 con 1
Lal) Dents; Samuel Hagan, budding cul-
vert (. L. 3 and 4 con. T. $6; .lames
Bryan },noting and publishing By-law,
$9.50; McGillicuddy Bro. printing $11;
John Griffin bulletin/ culvert and cut-
ting bill on D. I. cue 6 $15; A. Seott,
clearing fire 'slash, ren. $ and 9, $10;
Wm Mc(lrory, planking culvert 14 I..
3 ate! 4 con. , $2; Matthew Shackelton,
ditch rig culvert S. L con. 6 S. 1 3 and
4. Pi. Robert ('hero, ditching culvert S
1. 1 and 4 con. 8 104; Thomas Stewart
saran. er.esways from fire, N 1. 3 and
4 ran :( $12: Thomas Murpp,hy, culvert
and el.tehnng, r. L. 6 7 A9. ltobeli I;ta•
hate, plank $1; W. T. l'eliov. np+.,inns:
hill N.s'th .4 his mill Pit: 16 I. rt
K.nghtlr. detente ditch ae n•..s S. 1. P1 .
Pa,reek Kee( digging ditch in fnmt ,.f
lot 14 314; Jain. -a Mehan'J 17.1 feet
prank rt $(t per M. $1 (r2; VVm. Vn nam
her sittings of Div. 1'onrt, m f traogr
11.111 73.11; .lances Seen, !•lank and i:ro
s.,llnng a`,reoa, hint to a 111t4ti 'j 4 • •.ntr
lot 3 L R. It i) Buchanan. ditching
*8.81, 11.34tt (;rsharn. gravelling SI
John Me-Oraadp'. r plank and repairman
*delayer err.. $9J. I)wvol Stewart . iitt.alg
hill A I. 12 and 11 et9 211 .tsmaa Man
Mr. Leslie J. Herbison, who left this
township a couple of years ago, for 1 H=D�+S
Montana, where he u at present. engag-
ed in herding an enormous drove of
sheep, half the 'reelect of which he gets
for his connection with them.
31ILS. WARNOCK, Hamilton -4
Of E,eeti'I.. Frenyh and Canadian teaks.
Hair, Tooth an ► Nail Brushes
Aseortmeat h Vases
P �UeE,
- root,
;eeln,ENT.-!Ase, day last week Mr.
John McCartney jr. of Maitland con. ,cut
his leg below the knee. He is fast re-
covering. • t
Mr. George Scarf, .4 the 11th cen.e.
has sold his farm to Mr. James Wilting -
ham, for the aunt of 81, 9511. Mr. WiI-
tingham is talking of keeping batch, int
'Legal. •
. s
a Rt. J. T. arrow. Y� 1111.�
U.steno•t.. J. i Darrow. W.
.Altorpey, $5Ueitar In Chhery, Se•.
Un.ter cpm Ort 1
TE/t1. kr.. hs.. Gonerlcb and W
b_Nw,ter. Jr.. thiel b -h. JI A. )4urtnrtilit 5.
. Auli.+uor. (Mies--41srmeeet West arms
��ket yluarr, ores Uearw s £a ms's.
J. LAW, eitteeer in (bearer'', (oa'ey-
sneer, kc. Ult1.e over "t.eppard's bawkMase,
li.derich, (hal. An.; amount of muni 10
Will at tomcat rstr, ul interval. astir.
/ial'rtrtere, Solicitors in Chancery. tc..
floderlcband W IAat)•am. M. C. Cameron. (f.
1'. nee. at. O. ('emeson. (ioderrch. W. It
Macarw. W imgham. 17.11.
•/ • TIONC Jt.O,deneh. on:. 1751.
Legal Notices.
By virtue of a R'rit .
comers: piss or H.:ttow, { er
T.► writ: t inert Facia.. ,+rued ow
oe Her et�aa
Court et Mastery. and to two
directed nthe Lends and Tent meats of
JOHN WIN not, (Defendant.) at tete suit or
JANE WINTNR,Illalatiff.1 t hare seized nod
lakes is 6xocution. all the Right. Title. and
Interco.. end equity ul Redemption, of ter
abuira Ramed.Detend$nt, in and to Loin sant
bar IS and laid. Fowlers Survey, in the Village
of ttarpurley. In the County of Ilurim. which
Lands and Tem:meant 1 shall ulcer fur Sala, at
n,y °Mee, in the Court house, in the Town of
Gudererh, on t•'KII/AY. TBI+. 100. DAY OF
FERRUAR)'. A. D.. 1831 at the hour of 12 of
the clock.
Sherif of lfaton
serrates Oe.OoNeteb.!! 2911 ,
November 9th. ISM
Under and by virtue of ,a power of sale con•
lathed 1n • certain mortgage 'which will he
'Produced at sale), made by WANDDARICT S.
:ORNMHand JOHN tx)itS(SR. to the Ven-
dors, default having been made fn payment
thereof. tbery wIl) be sold by PUBLIC AUC
TItrN, at the QQti F,I! ''( HOTEL. In the VII.
DRC. lith, A . l+etil, at one o'clock p.m, She
fettowinrt freehold propend, els :
The north taste ut 1•ot hsober one. In the
Twelfth (ennceesion of the Township of Ore,':
too the county of Huron. toata(ning limy
s, mr ote o'w.
The property is one mild, south of Rreaseie
on the Seaturth Gravel (toad, and on it U J
subetart.tat t'rarue Cottage and I.a,tt Narw.
�. About 30 acres are cleaned.
yand t be
a ct. am 1 welt covered with mite.) timber. Fences aro
�TMltM4oredAL One tenth of the p41-
j , chase money istobe pall down at t Ie base of
jlt, am) su@ti.nt to make arc hat! in twtowick.. tt,ereatcr, tho balance• :o be secured by
Iasst rnortlraae of the proper? pn•ma•ed,T� � IIOUSKS . T( LET
tersest 8 per tent. rarer.
eor feet bor particulars apply t"
On New,ple Streetst r.•aaonnhle term. They
t:Ito% 7 K HF.T r' .
air in a. .0.1 stat.' ..f repair. Vendors tl8kiftot$, London. O:l .
s. SLOAN�. ALk1A'.DliRtltfUNTRR,
.t uctium+er. )lrurrels.• 1:11 .1
Goderbcb, iter. 1st, 1881. ISIS ices St, tuft.
look out ? • '
44r. John Demp»y, ..f the- 11th eon., f
Fold 160 sores to Mt. Cuurtice for K,- co
450. • Mr. Dempay has leen a resident
of this place for a good number .•f ,ears. �l
Sunenisc. -Surprises are ••eneral.
Fanners keep on the watch: if your i O
house is taken b)- about thirty fire or
forty house bretkars you must not be I J
aurpriseal. Mist .Minae Elford, 4, t
llolrneavilk•, waa surprised by a party of
about forty nietubers of the Methodist
Church of that place, who presented her
with a gold watch, foe taking the posi-
tion .4 organist in the said church. The
party had a guest time and returned!
house early. II
There is a fresh armor of trouble be-
tween Russia and China on account of
the adjustment of the kiddie difficulty.
A grave crisis exists in atfeirs. The King
eidrs with the l'r4grease,miste, who hopei
to have the country opened to foreign
A despatch fr Nalonee save: -"Mr. IseeeD
Peintcr, of Toronto. had a satchel con-
taining valuablo'eap•ersandmwley stolen
at Kidd s Hotel, Centreville, one night
last week It was found by Mr. Kidd
in 1.esessian of a tombstone agent from
1 ►.Lana, n ho ;rare it up on being told
he would not be prosecuted.
Some time daring the night of the
24th ult., the safe of fhe Grand Trunk
Station, etcetera, was blown open and
the contents scattered round the office.
The burglars enly succeeded in getting
$8 or $9. An attempt was made on the
safe itt A. W. Ogilvie t Co..a office here,
but the charge of parwder the out force
the Rafe, and little , damage was done.
There is no trace of the thieves yet.
HALLee VW)*TA6t.E NtriLliA,, '•1IA1R
Rr, r..wtI has the hearty commendation
of theueanda whose "turning locks'
have been restored by it to their former
beauty ..f color and growth. it is, in
fact. a miracle in its way, even in this
age of wondrous improvement a fact to
which every one who hat given its vir
tues a test will certify. Thepniprietora,
R. P Hall & Co., are men of liberality
and eyterprise, who give the benefit of
their discovery to the world at large,
and have placed it in the hands of every
druggist in the country, that its benefits
'nay be extended alike to a11. if their
is the least suspicion (.f gr'my halt show
ing itself upon your hese!. lei at "nee
and procure a bottle r.f this celebrated
Hair Renewer [Carthage, N. Y., Re
' pnldacan.
%ode"lel' ■irkrts.
lanncrtw w. 11 . er,1r-r. le len.
tt heat .►-std, 5 ?Medi. $1 Z3 ed 11 21
Wheat. .wl.rirag f Y hash... 1 IS ••r 1 11 w hot r _ fel a :M1 Ie 0 00
G,•u ti 6 ,.h n wt ,e a (!
1 -.aa, w hush 0 7e ,4 14 73
hail, T. 10 torah 0 70 w 0 ie
Prtwav v husk ................... . 0 131 ,4 0 ea
Ilay. a inn15 On •" la are
Holler a w.. 0 is .n 0 to
tares. a dor innpoewtai...... ala to n 110
I llev...e . , ,., 31 11 , 0 42
Short*, Y rel ,.. 1 an .r I 0
(Pcwt 071 ' 0p
'hap, Lt eat .... 1 M 1 M
tteoe,.t. ....
0 ..PO
11 tar. 7 'S
'sh.epskln* 0 N ' en
1 Irnwe•l )poem 41' 1 re
The Subscriber ti
I!'r=icared Offer it
Has purchased the entire Stack in Trade ••.'
, :e r. i w- rate in the Dorset-, set-, and
i HF ;'11; \ \ 1-;1:1 }....i e
GreatReduction! i
F 3OM -
He wou;u also iatir:t:m-• 'hit he has arra:gra f r
Which are expected to arrive in good :to.0 i•.: to,`
Holiday Trade!
Many I,nc4 are exclusively ce,n :ne•t to myself -for the m.'as no
at least, Hating had fourteen years experience in the husioeoa,
WI) in the Ind C.'ctntry anal Canada, I are therefore thoroughly with
The ilesi Markets to Pram oos
\ f Tli is
Lowest Prices!
\mi wiii;ive my paten..:i.,{.• of n..y kn stud
u3 p.erieare
Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Elsewhere
ra Fe". cit j. t
ct T. J. Moorehouse
• e• ••terse n