The Huron Signal, 1881-12-02, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY DEC. i 1881. Fun ane Fancy. "Will you love me when I i uuld f' said the cheese to tb grocer. "Will the wallas A, r He pru- bali,ly will when the mina woman gets atter him. Why is a drunkard like a bad politi- cian t Because lie is always poking his aauto measures that spoil the cunsti- tn non. ill the coming man shut the dptr behind him I is the latest inquiry. It is to be hoped that he will; fur the going men seldom does. "See here," said Cauliflower to his milkman, "I found six ui meows in the milk last night." Well 1 ,u not so much 'Twas very hilt yesterday an the cows drunk the brook almost dry." "Should a man shave up or down 1' asked Augustus. "That depends." re- plied the barber. "When I shave you; for instance, I always shave down." The emphasis on the last word nearly broke Augustus' heart. "Will you have it tare ur well done j" said the carver to an Irisbituu, as he was cutting a slice of rust beef. •'Re jabers I take it well done ever lame 1 caniu to this country," replied Pat; "for it was rare enough I ate it in ould Ireland, sure '" Tb. Great western f.ea sten. HK.&LTH HINT& • ensue \e. J. t'. Jael.ae.Y LMarea. Study yourself. Find out what your own ..r4aniastion-dewsnl 1, obey the law thereof, and you will no re be sick. A voracious appetite is a rampant devil. Where one person dies from the Abse of ardent spirts, tea dies from glut- tony. Our habits are our virtuous o,' our vices. The bath makes people gond natur- ed. Nature sits un this throne and rewards the obedient, and newer r later avenges herself on the disobedient. Live such a noble life that death shall be only a transition Prem this world to another. At muddle life we shall reach a grand esplau:tde, where in full vigor and p se- ession of all our faculties, we could look forwent to the Delectable Land and think what a grand thing it is to live. Gluttons are not mule from thuds who eat large and infrequent meals, but front those who eat frequeiotly. Principles are stepping stones. Health is wealth; wealth is well-being; well-being is work; work is worship, and worship is divin.. To cure voracity of appetite, eat one thing. In treating any form of disease, acute or chronic, avoid shocks. There are no two substances known that can furnish better sustenance to the body and brain, than whole wheat un- leavened bread, and cow's milk. No near who eats salt hal s natural tante; it spoils the nerves of taste. The divine way of doipg a thing is not to hurry. The decaying processes are swift,. the upbuildiug ones comparatively slow. Sick people cannot get well in hur- ry. Be easy. All disease is Nature's effort to get one back to normal conditions. The 'hest way to protect Ane's sdlf from cold in riding, is to heat the hody through and through before starting, then put on coats and wraps, and the animal heat will be retained for a long time. Take up a conviction and inaugurate it on your conduct of life. We should feel ashamed if our spirits ate not masters of our bodies. From the Embro Courier. London the less is an ambitious city, and fully alire to anything and every- thing that will enchamoe its growing im- portanoe as the city of the west. Seeing at a glance the amount of traffic that will be diverted past their doors if the pro- posed line from Goderich to Woodstock is constructed, and coneection made with the Credit Valley, the Free Press endeavors to show how Goderich and the country north of it can secure greater ad- vantages at an infinitely lees nod. Those wonderful advantages are in connection with London and the Great Western by a twelve mile link t. Clinton. The people of Goderich are by no Indies plow to recognize any chance that would give them the railway fatalities they desire, and if this mere bagatelle '.f a railroad promised to, meet their requirements it would have been constructed ere now. But it would not. What Goderich and the other towns interested in the pro- posed line need is a through competing railroad that will provide the necessary accommodation for transporting the pro- ducts of the country to the seaboard, and at something like reasonable rates. It would be no advantage to connect with the G. W.,,R., for that road either cannot or will not do justice to the places already on its lines. The Free Prue' is also very much astray in saying that the proposed road would have been through $ country already well provided with railroad facilities. Such is very far from being the case, and no one knows that better than the F P. The article re- ferred to is a capital argument in favor IA the scheme it endeavors to throw cold water upon. A Sword -Ash Ie Lane Mures. There is a fish curiosity contained in a cage at Canham & Armstrong's house on The tale fan. Mtlasea As Stbsas nee tr.. The N. Y. Wend of Friday Gays Sir Join A. Illsoduneld's speech at Ter.nso is hardly worth consideration. He has committed the Tory party au Canada t.. British connection, a protective t nisi, the Canada Pacific Railroad, and a vig- orous c lonisdiun pulley is the North- west. This is natural enough; in Cut- ada it alas , is in teder t, denounce .e pu}i•; .' 1 „ , ,onent as a traitor and .u, am. I...traud. The Conservatives owll not abandon the National Policy now without admitting that they only lieu: u lip moonily as a desperate wea,out% au<l without any belief in its excellency an 1 efboacy. The Can:ula Pacific Railway aford. unlimited up;nrtunittes f..r grc- iog oudraeta to supia,riers, tiudiu_' Der* for pensioner and raising campaign funds. The ring interested in the North western land scheme is wry intimately connected with the Tory }arty. All this, however, does not alter the fact that Canada will be independent before lune, that the "National Policy" is failure, that the young men of promise in the country are emigrating to the United States, that the usajority of the business men are sighing for annexation, that the country is in an airaminable condition, 6nan'i.dly considered. that the Canada Pacific Railway is a wasteful and superfluous swindle. and that the North-western bubble willburst, so far as England is croccnted, before another year. Sir John knows this, anti if he lives a few years longer and finds him- self in Opposition, lie will say n!1 this as . frankly as we de, and demand his own return to power to bring about inde- pendence, a xollverin, and economical reform generally. A naw version of mold song: I 1 now $ bank wherein a cashier lies. For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Habi- tualConstipation, Biliousness, Liver Kidney affections, the safest and best remedy is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitten, the great family medicine. They can with perfect safety be given to the youngest child as they are purely vegetable in composition and mild in their action. `veld in lame panel bottles et 50 cents. Geo. Rhynaa, spe- cial agent for Co 'clench. Newspaper saws. saeassers Aralen Salve. The bent salve in the world for cute BruisesSore., flour., Salt Rheuui Feder bores, fettletr, t ieippel Hands, Chjlhlein., Cone, and all Skin Eruptions bud la.eltit'u,)' cures 1'.ier. It is guar- anteed to give perfect aatiafection ur Denney refuu.:ed. Price 25 cents per be:. For sale by ell druggists. datura', atter ail, is the giti'ut physi- c: tier hide. ell the beereta of health :..it. seer I nwtdp generous Leman, and ,.un Deeds but t., go to her 11 tuaiguntly 1..1' file ce•ry lieu t. .1..; unsean'ery of the great Cough lie ui.: , (.b.%tR SYICY OP RRD Snot a GrM, is an a;,t illustra- tion of this. As a cure foe Coughs, ' Colds, Las of Voice and H o er4eness it stands unrivalled, while its to },rice and readiness of access 'lacus it t. &thin the tach of a11. Try it and be convinced. All chemists keep it in 25 and 50-cesst bottles. ad • We call the special attention ..f post- masters and subscribers to the following synopsis a the newspaper laws : 1. A postmaster is required to nye notice by letter (returning a paper does, not answer the Lw) when a subscriber duels not take his paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to du so makes the powmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearagee, "r the publisher may continue to send it il ens is made. and collect the ant payer From the Seaforth Expositor. whole amount, whether it be taken from The announcement of the death of the offioe or not. There can be no legal Mrs. James Dickson, wife of theRegis- discontinuance until the ' payment is made. trar of the County of Huron, appeared 3. Any person who takes apaper from only in a portion of our issue of last the post -office, whether directed to his week. Mrs. Dickson died at her ran- name or another, or whether he has sub- dence in Goderich on Thursday evening scribed Or not, is responsible for the }say. of last week. About a week previous W her death she became subject to: a severe :old, which ultimately resulted in pleur- isy and inflammation of the lungs, but her condition was not considered criti- cal until within about two days before 1 1e ntil She had always been a ler c . intone, vigorous, healthy woman, and the dock. It was caught in Lake Huron had not felt stronger or better for years in a drag -net with a quantity of sturgeon than she • had during the past summer. This peculiar fish measures over tiye fr Mrs. Dickson was a daughter of the late in length, and weighs over 200 pounds. 1 Samuel Carnocl`n, Esq., of Tucker - The body resembles that of a sturgeon and its mouth is very much like that of a codfish, and is large enough to take in a man's heed .It has a sword over a foot in length, which is three inches wide nochan, ar., and le: son, Robert, came at the place where it is joined at the to this country in the year 1832, and head, and about an inch at the point. settled in Tuckeramith on the farm now It is a deep water fish, .but got into oc:upic,l by M-. Samuel Carnochan, jr. ' shallow water, where it mixed with the sturgeon and was caught. Old fishermen say they have never seen anything like it.—[Port Huron Tiines. smith, and was a sister of Messrs Robert and James Carnochan, still residing in that township. She was a native of Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Mr. Car - Mrs. Dickson and the other members of tho family carne to Canada the following year and joined their father and brother in the Canadian wilderness. She was married to Mr. Dickson in the year 183E• 4'.&e dims e,1 to 1f1im a true help -meat, and was a kind and affectionate /mother, a good neighbor and s generous and true friend. Few could more fully win the respect and affection of those with whom she came in contact while pursuing life's journey. She was in the fullest sense of the term a true lady. She wad a generous friend to the poor and needy, and a wise and willing councillor to those who sought her advice and sym- pathy; and all was done in such a quiet, and unostentatious manner that she seemed determined to tarry out to the fullest letter the injunction, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." To her bereaved husband and friends we extend the ainesrest sym- pathy, but, in the face of such a loss, even the most Mart-fek sympathy, no Stetter hoer sincerely tendered, is bet a poor halm for the wounded spirit. She was buried in the cemetery at Goderich, in aecordartoe with a wish previously ex- pressed, and the funeral was very large- ly egsly stteeded by people from ell parts of the entsaty. ale. J.ra'. !t,•eret. We feel delicate about saying again that Sir John A. Maedoliald is the clev- erest politican in Canada; but the gather- ing of the clans, of all kinds and condi- tions, held in this city yesterday for the purpose of registering the '`old man's" decrees, proves that we did not over- estimate the power of his secret a few days since. Hi. public character is nut the beat; his political purpose is not o the no,': est; his oratory is of the flat- test ; an' yet the "old nlan" captures more hearts and turns more heads than better and abler men. Hence his con- vention. Hence his ineuence. 1101, -os many things that his political and per- eonal opponents cannot understand, — [Toronto World. ' Wass\ awe. JMae ! Mr. John Joseph Hawkins is wildly desirous that.a loyaliy plank should be insetted in the Tory platform. How would it do as a substitute to give John Joseph a oerti$eate setting forth that he is truly loyal, and that be may be safely allowed to roam over the Indian Be- arer without danger to the British Coe- stitatinn t If John Joseph were thus labelled, it might prevent his being sd- dressed, es he was at One Oouventi°e in this city, is this way : 'Hale, Johany, what side are you ow grow iw—{Adveria- er. 4. If a subscriber orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher continues to send, the sub- scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refus- ing to take a newspaper and periodicals from the post -office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. • NO article ever attained such unbound- ed popularity in so short a time as Bur- dock Blood Bitters, and that too daring the existence of countless numbers of widely advertised hitters and blood puri- fier. It is evident that this medicine begins its work at once, , and leaves no desirable effect unattained. rawer wMs. Magyars Pesteal Haase, is owe of the treat d.asrvediy pander remedies for the sure of soughs, coed., sore throat, asthma, whooping oowgb, a of p, brow Alta, surd all pnlmoaary ••opll$mwts. ger sale by all (halwu. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE P4LiOU?VES8, DIZZ/NECS, DYSPEP„ IA, DROPS IflDICESiION, FLUTTERINO JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, CRYS!PELA.", ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, DF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS on stoop, T. ■ILBURN & ea, P" -fro nano. •'1,.. (;refit :lr,urican Remedy for .-' i'".; IL COLDS, : f STHMA, B Ie .!) .V CHI7'I S, LOSS OF re 1,:"E. II9.1 RSENESS AND 7'1[11 .'1. l- 7' AFFECTIONS. P •e M -.A from s Ma Ow* Red Revues (Pow. atali- ;•. I T•..•;;.ru..plai to env .wti•le t o aat Jbr 11 •A-. nA..r rne.sia(ara 4r , t&. i•e .5pr .i ter. 021.44...e ' , _ ,rho a u5,d Jena b1 Red Recces for AaW derM.tAr wa..t Daniella arsine (Pus jos Redu.(.to 1 perpo.ea Amer 0.4 ldaersfrd IyrmAaru of tae wow- slow tAs ,1, wow GRAY'S , ,> farts fthe gad alS W .lap see„ Iaat taper. awed the SYRUP ""°'`' ` Plnr. iw low seer. of bel,a mkt or Doing Dim laror, pr♦ 'a '""""` RED perties . Ar ensu f'aV sve- .;a ere, . me care- larl:l amid 1 tatty pre, their tow- ata ,awD patient. ti o e SPRUCE. p tt,w- ,s, he pint canttaata4ws wood, awed a e r s order thew quantity to drink fromtea efthe leat a t0uw ed pruce e.wri•te top& .0.,!.011. Its remarkable potter in relieving certain forms of Brows/titin, and its almost specific effect int euriuy ob- stinate hacking Coughs, is 'tow ,rell known M the public at large. Sold by ail respectable chemist:. P.ie', ".r and 91210,111, a battle. ' The 1e, -d. •• !leen!, el Red !•anis• O•. -, •• snore •t are Der RegUfrred TFLtt Na. i', 44.44 .our 1r, ..;.i.er andtab'ela are also rrpt,f. ,d. KERR 3' WA 71SO:1" f CO.. Whatnot, Ibisgpfete. Sole 1'2-91-(et4,ra aid MaraifucRuM In this A General Stampede. Never was there such a rush for Diu: Stores as is now at ours for u Trial Bot- tle of Dr. King's News Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchi- tis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the. Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at your drug store. A Ned *flag se brew. Professor Herrman, the wonderful mt t•a mnkeowa tiloa1wtue the world for his shill, sad 9I. Jacobs Ott for a severs attack of rbewmetiwa in the ahealder, and was earedby He eon - idea EL Jacobs Oil a valaahis prspaa\• slow. Wonsan'. True Friend. A friend in need is it friend indee,l. This none can deny. es•a•gially when as distance id rendered whenoneis sorely at flictedwith diseade,moreparticularly deer complaints and weakneades me common to our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bitten arc %omen's true friend, and will ;a.aitiveit restore her to health, even when ail other remedies fail, A single trial al- ways proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste and only cost tiftt cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. es7.9115•1116 that all prevalent dames of eidlia•d Wes i always Wended .41b a ineretles gtopatbe W gad bad acrutieaa, and no remedy Is better adapted to ire sere than Oradea Blood Bitters taken according to spuds) directions found no every bottle. Hardware ! Hardware THE UNDERSIGNEDD a BTZLL VSZI♦ID FOR EST II4OT1KE AND LOWEST AWES. HE KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF SHELF AND General Hardware DO NOT FAIL TO SEE MY CROSS-C11T S WS AXES! I $cep all the Newest and Seat Makes. SOLE AGENT FOR THE "LYMAN"' Four -Barb Fence Wire R_ W_MCKE+ 1\TZIE_ AFTER TEE FIRE. JOHN cTOIR,Y The Tinsmith 16 10.01 to the front. I haveleismy to state that despite the Inecnvenienee I was put to in y bustnoas/by the recent ere in my premises, that I am now in full blast again, prepared to giv'eithe greaten bargains in Goderich in • STOVES; TINWARE, LAMP GOODS, and every other (Inc In the business. I would also return my thanks to the Fare Brigade and people of Goderich for the sun oemtul efforts in wring my property la my absence from home, at the late tire. John Story. AT THE OLD , STAND. S. C. STRACEAN BAR KAI[oya) HIR CI-ROCELTVIr BUSINESS To the old stand in the Albion Block, formerly occupied by him, where he will be please to welcome au hos old customers and the public generally. A large quantity of NEW, FRESH GROCERIES AR CHIC 4P AS THE CHEAPEST. ID, C. STRACI AN - KITS a(`000A.—l3RAVint LAND COwVORTI%t:. —''By a thorough knowlo,ige of the natural laws which govern the oprrnl.ions of digestion and nutrition, and by a ,•awful w plhwuon of t►m tine properties of well-w•txted (know. Mr, Epps has provided our b. eel. fast tables with a delicatelyflavoured bee which may voice an us num? hoary dortnrfe tills. It is by the jndl- ctetons use of arch articles of diet that a een- stituUon may be gradually built npuntil Omni, month to 'aeons every tendency to dtw.a lie Hundreds of subtle melodies are floating arosed ato attack wherever them ;w weak point. ' We may sweeps many w tNal waft by keeplug ourselves well fatMsd wi'h pure —CAW sad a pert nourished frame- - Rev-vire(Jaiett.. is only in Pio tete labelled - Jhiraw Krra t (•e , Bom.ropwtluc CYew els, Loudon. Eng."_ Alae awaken) of Bppfs Ca000late Easesee for atternooa oar int ANCHOR LINE. r, r Rale ny JAMIta Gonads RnvMAI' Chemist). and Druy,giats. HURON CARRIAGE WORDS T. & J. STORY, Bu taUCCESpRS TO JORLN KNOX), MANUFACTURERS OF . ... .0t ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Neatness and Despatch, and at reas- onable Rates. Call and examine beforo.purclasing elsewhere. T_ 8Z J_ STORY, (KNOX'S OLI) STND. i HAMILTON STREET. s C arr!ages UNITED WTATRtt MAIL STEAMERS Rail every Saturday. NEW YORK To 01,A(0OR' , to ATInn Times CARi~tamnsvede carrycattle,AOK sAseievpter CAW sj I YORK TO IA)NOON DIRECT. ,. so BM inairsta..5 Rede.ed Roam P111111WWWM ocrovesent tMM ere u.sarpsai. AS Mss).rnemo ew1 Mali, Deet. bonkn at Inset rates le or from nay Ilrwed ntatIOe 1n Ynrntr or Morri s ilraRaatMwwarates, parahra;free ofrhtrv.- 1 ant Armband and Ireland . of iraM,nnation. plane, ten apply to tviSew saor.s'.aa, y Bowunroovum.. N.gry Or to MBA. R. WARAHNI eriisceat 9eaaicb EXTRACT WILD eSTRAWBERRY Curet Cholera, Cl,oleru loi'bua, t, eatery, Cramps, Collo, Bra Sick. nese and Sumner Complaint ; aha Cholera lnfantum, and all Coo - plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing. and will be found waft beneficial for adults or obildiw. Mt SALE lit ALL ININIMITS. T. MILBURN i 00., pvoprle Des. Tweed& GIRAND CLEARING SALE OF Boots and Shoos, ('A1 PBELL'S BOOTand SBO E EIIINICICN, FuR ONE %IONTII. 'revious to took taking. My Stook is Large and well-an-4lrted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given T==S = CASH WM. CAMPBELL. C :oderich, Jan 13, 1811111 1769 Daniel Gordon, Cabet—Mer and Unfferlaler. (Moist Haase e. the t waste, end Lnysst Meek this nil. of London ' Pulses Annex, Rte►Rorrla ern!, Ssaal-BOAIMIt, SHIT Cs*Ita, Lotenesorre ver Anne sae :wtB It UMW, MW, siveata.Ms.te *y Week If Ibey'asst • eyed arses Is Maas D. GORDON. West Air .l, rico Peat Otis*. Oedsrid.