HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-12-02, Page 5wit won- ;tive roas- 'lieR tdfal tics, ares ty in '- in lead- -s &.i ,semi o and nt of 3tom- r,car, hates o the Tow male, S. sad cern )1, Hag L. l♦Ll. /S Haring et unit of ham ate ngements 10 fur icy first-class r my ows the he ` f ycollats factory se Blank tit ies,and . harms' ism. (ill sere, and races 1 must be ISO cr.M23111C iuo,uo. suite,. MO Map efts, kei- t eart, p•yat•:e• 1754. [MERCE MASTER nKl?So.4. • IIANAGEF_ crafts lel a: In (' tee. b. elth one rt L•:. LIABLE N. ,f sale con- e produced Id by PUN- A C('9ION KRI('H.ON NTH DAY leek in the warty. being Gth ('onces ownship of containing m Dungvt- , miles from d there arc stable. and ring. on the is are in fa:- of one hid e purchase Solicitor u one month the under RTON, Goderft. 11114 -td dicine ! • ••1110.1. 11. reedy far n4 t/w„wey. Prnetr•otfee► news/ Weak I! mpoirs Jaded sled sin. sed Pr- o. ►ir to the ilk s exper•ewe eaat.g Raw to the MeV re two wrwk. Id heat. Oiler. whirl 1.011. old by lirwg es toe Ilk 01 .,rein* of the 1.s fie.. *t. Casaaa Mea•iNsot tr ..A.A•momairllr TR.T, Is is s&. *Me News wrest saasies WOO i• Rept' s. Add two t. r•otRllfCgo POLON POWLIM ?AGA j 'Wad time mud again that as the C. V. R.. was situ:,ted at preaeut, uu to*tb.r extuuuuur could tin granted. the it1Nr aposake'. had then tried an ante reed but tt•il, so tar, it •t beesattcee...ul. H. had raaeivei a letter from Mi. Laidlaw u0 ' Holiday, which stated that the C. V. R. wore not yet to the humor tor ext audu,g their rood. Nevertheless, Le had lull c,nhNdence that the C. V. It. wan the Line fur ttkdw, as it was Iowa like!/ to MI meter ti, T. R. intlueaco. If the line want into the hands of the studio cite or \'andbrbdt we were all right. Aunt er line would eventually be built to the seaboard, snit the C. V. R. would betueine the natural wr.•e:u ezteusit,n trout that road. Dei. ;1st lotto from c,iil.t he had, and the I,e.t,k had Iwo to rr88 3 v holesale Gudeneh, liwlph awl litmus had in. t,ii taut of their own pockets for the terviewed the directors of the C. V. P.., D He and had got the col.! shoulder, but that should nut deter the people alutlg, the litre from working, fur it wits a ell known that the road was at the present time in a transiti state, with of farmers !Hey au,. other Listowel N itlemen talk• rl shout out being selfish, bt yuertiouexl id it were unit :, sultlttb ',mitt that for •a.ht them heir teclay, ,,laughter), and if calf had uot.,;tu .' deal to d.. with the majority of t.,ru ,uoti.rs. �Yts.t Goderich wanted was it coUN,ttt,om with titer. t:. et B. It, at \\'rooter, n,•w, that (i. 'r. R. iuflueuce need root in' f r- od, a ieI he thought Brussel. and BI 1 could mot dol better than josi w , Goderich /umber d 11r:.xater on that route, ea it was of mak. slier. Tomtit', ae1uired tally ibuut Liles to build, ehore.ts the Icor, re• aired the censtructiee of over miEes. Heir, hear. ! .ts had bee marked. no more (3.ivenlwent subs er t. fort) i.ed ilh�uy KINDS, BACON HAM, SAUSAGE, VEGETABLES, R.a, ALWAYS ON dors HAND, HERBY CLIMAX KING OF FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. DEC. 2, 1881. BOTTOM PRICES! 10 Per Cent. Disco In. _ Crocert giglivirc & Grocerm DURING THE NEXT MO OON8I8TINd OF NEW DINNER SETT ,NEW TOILET s"r rs, NEW DESSERT SETTS, NEW t':I'_:A SETTS, NEW GRANITE SET.., NEW GLASSWARE, IN LATEST t.A 1LEt•1 AND PATTERNS. NEW bUGAFtS, NEW RAISINS, NEW CUR - NTS, NEW CANNED FRUIT, NEW CANNED FISH, NEW CANNED EBF, NEW CANNED TONGUE, NUTS, FIGS, etc., JELLIES OF ALL building of the t..,ds a believed the ma;orit of the ritep,,,etyers approved ofJar al the abolition of the eubeidy,oxcept when f the euestiun of pini'...ing a railway he- -- ------ mane a local topic. t L-ulghter.) As Mr. Fittidki Lai. [3lrachan hell said, weie the mtost deeply ii t • A obtaining believed the bast way to work wouldi ul competitive -railway facilities, and Le 1 be tai appp�.,int a joist delegated to pro- 4 believed they would conte ort and curry cued t i'fon,ntu and intervie'.y the direc-'the bun.oers, notwithstanding the difb- culty that it w.ir thought would len tion-' Inc on s a w•t every �rwpeet being taken up by the Syndi t He I y i ereete d u, the tors. If they refused to offer any eu- cou:agement, a local chiller could then to procured, and the bid b.argaiu possi- ble made afterward& The very day he reclivel the List letter from Mr. Laidlaw, he observed in the dtidies that Mr. Ross, superintendent of the C. V. R., was in L ,1,1011 hooking for a suit.tble station ground in that city, which cer- tainly to eked like business ul the matter of extension. They should get . to work eligi lrtrl iD 711f•iiuing a majority of the eligible votes 1.0 15er Cent_ =iseo L.t.I _t_ /C) Mr. Leckie — What a uutd be the best . mode of changing the irting law 1 Cul. Row thought lost the E meat and its supporter would make any D & antendme,ts in resew to the Act, but it could tinnily beezpeeted that thuy would : revert to the old style of the ordinary Having Secured ata Great Bargain a lot of Tweeds and Coatings. twill give the above discounty y desiag November to lee Arterio fall tldhl of Staple and i'a.t Leads Marked al tie ' chests? Rouge, Goderich[ and Retail, at T • M�NTL�re JtND VL8TER8, j FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &C , &C AS IIId.A. LJLRCjE $TOOZ OF OEIRI8TMAB O -RD87s .\LL PUR('HASES MA1►1: '1 MISS STEWART' WELL KNO\1'N sem- ,-r :INT=R,Y =Q_ 7 WILL BE ENTITLED TO IFIE ABOVE REDUCTION. s THE STOCK COMPRISES T LATEST NOVELTIES IN SILKS, SATINS AND PLUSHES ALL SHADES LAOEB, CLOVES Sr HOSIERY, 'CUTTING. FITTING OD DRE8SIIKINI A SPECIALTY — . AG'T FOR CORNWELL'S EI PROVID SHLF-FITTING CHART I-:verp deparrstent is well stocked wlte mom CLASS 000iIR of the most fashionable pat - S ••Jere, 11 1 av uli her uurvhases b•ve het• for RRADY CASH, she la enabled to give her num- THElt.r lilt\' e.,iis e,11.('Eat THE LOWS T POSSI BL PRIC ES !, majority vote. When the amendment j 1 compete steep s y g l•te.est case retires. irl \" 1'F.t TION I V V ITF!i. right away to obtain theirhposition toihe was made to the every one "wild- & r�'D company, and obtain the notpustry toils- it was jet the thingto choke elf "wild -MED AQi Ian dation. If the C. V: R could be in- cat" schemes—in fact, we did ourselves 9 -now, the matter is brought home to us, we imagine there is something wrong about it. COLBORNE BROS Mr. F. W. Johnston, Reeve 4 Gode- rich, corroborated tloe statements of duced to extend, they would in all like lihood give preference to the Elora road over that from Woodstock, and he be lieved that extended powers should be asked for in connection with the existing charter. There was no reason why we should nut hare the support of the town- ships in getting in acotnpetitive line, for they had been fully repaid for the bonuses they had given. W. Clegg, Reeve of Blyth, said It:us- sels was aiinitarly situated to Blyth on account of lack of railw.ty facility. Last evening a meeting was held at Blyth and • delegation WAS appointed too attend the present misting. Whenever .e feasible scheme was submitted, /Myth r. as ready to give mural and materiel support. Something should be done+, and done quickly, and the suggestion of Mr. Leckie, in reference to the appointing of a committee to interview the C. V. R. Inanagement was one which should be acted upon. A large quantity of produce salt, cordwood, staves etc., was shipped by the people of Blyth, and • they were placed et a greet dsadvautage in shipping on account of freight. They had paid for third class freight to Lon- don 16c. per cwt, while they got third class freight fr in Toronto, twice the distance, for Ibc. He then went on to compare retes,and showed the manner in which places not possessed of com- petitive roads were imposed upon. Blyth was growing now, and would grow faster with a c ampetitive line, and any- thing the people of the yillage could do to encourage the construction of another i road would be cheerfully done. Mayor Horton, .4 Goderich, stated that so far as the deputation from Gude rich, were concerned, they were here merely as a corps of obttervation. They did not wish to put themselves in a false position with their friends in the south. The meeting at Exeter was a most enthusiastic one, and it it Goderich was pledged to aid the branch from Woodstock, if there was any possibility of it being built. So far as the Elora extension was concerned, we ware quite satisfied that Goderich wuuld be the objective point, if ever that hrauch were taken up, and if the directorate of the C. V. R. took up that line in preference to the Woodstock route, Goderich would then he prepared to lend her assistance to the scheme, but not before, the dele- gates from that town having pledged themselves to the Woodstock scheme at the Exeter meeting. In the interest of G xlerich, commercially, the connection with Woudrtock was the more valuable, for by it we get conneotidu with the American side ea well as toward the east. Besides there was no difference of opin- ion,along the Exeter route as the muni- cipalities all along the proposed line were prepared to give good bonuses. It required money to build a line and if the people slung any route were pre- pared to do their duty, the contemplated road would be built. The two branches of the C. V. R. under contemplation could not be built to Goderich, but if the T. G. & B. scheme from Wrozeter were taken up, Goderich would be will- ing to give a bonus to help Brussels, Blyth and Wroxeter to take it to the Take. But as that scheme had not been brought before the Ineetiuc to -day, he would not enlarge upon It at present. A number of lines hat-eGoderich in view as an objective point, but unfortunately Goderich could root give a bonus to all. One thing was certain, however, and that was that Goderich would give a banes to whichever line the C. V R. would (heves, having litdench for a terminus (Hear. hear. ) The chairman here reed a telegram tr,ra Messrs Rutherford and Johnston 1,f Milbank, reg,rettung their inability to at- tend. Col. Rom, ie epitome, wished to go direct to the matter in hand. Goderich was anilo.a fora competitive railway. The Grand Trunk was probably no bet- ter or wore, them other lines, but had proved inadequate to supply the •1e mead made upon it during the past semen. Ose realism) was not enough to so th. ea trade of an import - sat hke (ktdorick The people of that flown were prepared to put their hands into their pnek.ts and pay their share for a new lane without a murmur. The iia. f rasa Woodstock was -proposed. and if it could he Milt, Ile had n.. doubt it would {wove to lie s valuable addition i, the C. V. R Ooder eh was pledged to work in the interest 4 the Southern rend if theme were any chance 4 its be ani built, hot was atom quite willing to he governed hy the »iemson of the C V R betweee tl. Wcuo ht wk and Elms erawches. se both knots mold not terminate at t:odeneh. But they did not propose to throw over the southern pried if there was any rhinos of it maturing. beceese it was de- etdedly the beet road that offered for the town 4 (lederwh esti although Wt Mayor Horton and Cul. Ross in regard to the position of Goderich on the \Vo.d- m 41 CHICAGO I30TTSE amiss Will.s�.sor_, (Successor to Irs.l' y.clnn,i. i':tkes this opportunity of informing the ladies of (leder '1 and vicinity. that hay - stock scheme. He thought an amend -—ccs ;Te(k �T— Mg purchased the interest of her predecess.�r, she will en.:eavur to Leelu it up to ment should be made to the Railwdy the standard laid down by Mrs. Copeland - Winter 000 d. s avzy-stocam is of the west Act, and hoped Cul. Rosa and Mr. Hay 1 Fa.I 1 a n d would attend to the matter at the en- suing meeting of the Legislature. (Hear, hear.) At Exeter s strong com- mittee had beeu struck to interview the Government on this matter. This meet- ing should do the same. If business was meant they should show their intention. When Goderich first began to agitate for railways it was, laughed at; now a num- ber of schemes wereanziouslvlooking to- ward Goderich for their cue. The first overtures of Goderich to the G. W. R., were treated with silent contempt: now _ that comp.uay, through their London friends, were, knocking at our dour. F Goderich was prepared to give a good bones to the best line that offered, but at present the road by Woodstock was its choice, and it was pledged in aid that ISS JESSIE WILSON routeto in threvent of its maturing. The following resolution was then sub•' initted: Would Announce to the ladies of Goderich and Vicinity. that the Stock of Fall and Winter Moved by J Lackie, seconded by Dr. Millinery is now rune Assorted. Verdun. of Wellesley:- "That this meeting is unanimously of opinion that an extension of the Credit Valley Railway from Elora M Goderich is of great importance in the interest of the country, and pledge themselves to an earnest promotion of the object. That a delegation be at once &moved along the proposed lino to interview the FID- R ]3 0 N NET S I Credit Valley Railway Company in re- spect to the project. That the said del- • egates be authorized t/ ascertain as to whether the said directors would prefer 1810-3man extension of a line from Woodstock to Goderich or from Elora to Goderich, - and on what terms in respect to bonuses, and which connection they will be pre- pared to encourage." Mr. I). McGillicuddy, of Goderich, protested, un behalf of the Goderich, delegate: against being bound to the reaolutiun, as at present worded. The Goderich men had coule hither to -day as honest ,nen to'deal with honest men, in an honorable planner, and they would not stutify themselves by acquiescing to that resolution. Gode- rich was q ledged, by its delegation at Exeter, to support the read by W.od- stuu k, add in the face of that pledge they could not vote for the emotion now before this tneeting, in the cointtsercial interest of Goderich, Woodstock, was the best line to take up, and the town of Goderich was with that route until it would be proved to be utterly impracti- cable. If the line under disouuion were selected by the directorate of the C. V. R. in preference to the Wood- stock route, then they would work for it hard and strong, but under existing cir- cumstances the Goderich delegates could not vote for that motion without run- hing the risk of being Leaked upon as "weatheacucka," liable to be turned ar- ound by the breeze of every new rail- way meeting. He concluded by stating that Goderich influence would be thrown is with the T. G. & B. R. to M Wroxeter, via lrels, if it were taken up, w the County town of Huron would use every exertion to endeavor to secure breaking. These fkrms are all sit - what was known among railway promo- uated within a few miles of the i Is now Complete in Every Department. And every undeaior will lac made to •sive Olir Terms Being Cash, we are able to offer The Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in fork and in Material, • Occds at Prices That Defy Competition. COLBORNE BROS. -FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! l trdcred Work a `specialty. Agent for the Parker Stearn Dye \\',.tk', 'Toronto. MISS WILKINSON, Chicago House, 'Vest Street. 11 1 w - a Winter Millinery BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! DIFFERENT STYLE AND AT VARIOUS PRICES. Shaded Flushes, Ribbons and Feathers. The 'Latest Novelty iyn Millinery ; Neat, Stylish, and will Suit all, MISS JESSIF WILSON, The Square., Goderich. o RENTERS ',.11Afff-TED. Lyon. and Osceola. Counties in Northwest Iowa, are conceded to be the most boautlthl and fertile in the State. This sum- mer W3 have opened upwards of 300 new farms. sinking a well, Co1olliilIo eas •sozse. I3e1. %J.j and 116 King Street West, Tonntfo, Camutu. iii/Awn lir MaxAmx.MgNT : rrr.tdr■t-GEORGE MACLEAN ROSK, 23 'tad 1.. N elbngton Street W., Toronto. Treao..rer--JOHN N. LAKE, 1e, Ring Street hast.•Tutuluu. first ['Ice-rresMe.l — W. 1'EMBERTON ,'Acids, 1. ',ender Buildings, Toronto. amend Fr lee-resld--ewtATHUR FA !I - LE i , 77. Brock Street, Toronto. aerretary J. ALI'If. LIVIN(,STON, III and King Street W., Toronto. building a convenient `house and 1:21:1,08PFOTVB- roomy barn, and breaking from.t'ue object of this weekly is to , olunize a 60 to 1C=0 acres on each farm , true, of land in the North Wein te;•r.tury, ler-, msu:ng lands to actual sell lent at cheap rates These farms are to let on terms w1111 lee, provision that sura, ac1Uement ba kept far from all inwxleaIllg liquors. An that no industrious man can fail erelivelion hue hero nicute to the Dominion Government of Canada or a 01/111044.;ai.uice' to make profitable. Immediate tract of uuid, cotnpnsing about 2.0ee,1V., aorta'. 88e98i0II VAD. We will, if need- for this purpose, and the fovernrm•nt baa re- plie•I favorably to the terns offered. which Is ed, furnish seed for next year's to allottands to subscribers under especially favorable conditions. The insamr •nient are crop. We will also furnish break- prepared to provide facilities for reaching the ing to be done, for which we Will warns.. The best experts from Kurnpe, Unituxl Mates and Csmeda will be a upluyen to select pay the regular prices. Tenants frons ilio entire utimorveyed lends of the North R'ret. territory hand favorably Located Awtn- not having teams enough to break mer dally, and having the best soil• water and timber advantages, and other deeidereito ne- with, will be supplied with a horse ceoomey to a *sec essful settlement and perms. Or horses for that 0, at mar- rent prosperlly. No reasonable pains will he purpose, -pared to •ccoinmolnte early settlerw In estab- lishing themselves in their new homes, wat•re the management hope they will moon enjoy the blessings of a large and harmonion• commun- ity, free from the disslpat i.msso commonly at- tending the mitering of old tie*. and the for- mation of habits In a new country. (treat ad- vantages will be derived from this mann, r of settling • new colony, having the nor ial. eom- mer.•ial and other privileges of an old settled community. Itis an acknowledged fact. that n•ir Great North - West is destined. at no distant date to be the wheat growing centre and the serine§ of the world • and It Is hoped that this large compact settlement in the eholmot ,art of this territory, will become an important and eun- trolling centre of • future Province. noted for the sober habits, enterprlue, and virtue of its; Delivered at the tisilwa Station, for which pee Ir. the highse eet rash prim will be paid. The Management for the present will take JAS. A. 111c1NT013H, •tih.w riptionw for lands in this tract at tM per sore. end on ratty terms of payment, ten per I Square. fldlerach cent. In rash. and tea tree rent.. annnally them Nov. f4 leri 1g14.3m after, until paid• with interest on unpaid bed _ mom. at the low rate of ti( per .lent.. with UseIII THE IIARITIMECOURTOF4)N prlv.lcw, of pwying sooner If drains. They ho De to he peepereA tto give titles inside of • ICI* few months. or as Boron as the lands are nod ins I* "N Aosta," ey (7etirrw.A. scribM for, when the flet payment of ten per mimosa • °se■m e/yw M in 1been wtitnt • t will b e required. ad h toAt�i ee Mr Court of Ontario. nn holing I D. CORDON, of ROTA!. ALLA('R, PRANK DELLA. ' Agent at 9oderfrh. MOREL and W11.WAM RAXIR, signior* the Goderieh. Nov. ism. nil Togs Veai,et salad les "Mary Amok' now lying aider sera" by virtue of • warrant -- seal from the mad (1rt, sod no deernrrnr or I nares" has ham idled is the said ('arse 11N r lsOmnear* to all petrms who have er eistn televises, t. MY. ew Ialorrat In 0M said tug or vassal Anna,' that If • wawa see dr �s�aw�e1wrsarswrAe not Mel h the olaete of tee if of s( of the maid ('sense at tied- eeieic. to x A•ys from Aha paNinttna of tem salla., the aid t'owrt will order the said Mg to M weld to answer the rtats* twstttoted. or in hs lastltwted walnut the ..ins. .w mate moth ardor la the premiaris as to It shall .,'.m Suet. Dated twh November It1111 O()espp..���� H. MA('D1;RMOrT. RSAO10t It 01 lvle RsgYrar at (Itwtrw i k ten as the "tor.v foot " railroad. Apply personally or by Mr. Horton had moved the resolution favoring the Woodstock route at Exeter, letter to CLOSE BROS. & CO., and certainly objected to be bound by 6ihley, Osceola County, Iowa the resolution before the meeting. Cul. Row oleo objected h. the Gode- rich delegate, taking teart in the vote or Oord Wood Wanted being hound by it, in any shape or form. The resolution was then amended by 11500 CORDS OF WOOD. substituhag the wool "largely." for "unanimously.' in the first lin., and adding, "the Goderich delegatea. byooa- sent. not ►ppm: iug or disapproving of the motion until it is decided whtcIs route the Company will adopt it was moved by W. G. Ray. of LI& towel, seco.ded hy E. R Wade, ell Brussels,"That • committee emanating of J. Leckie, T. K. Hay, J. W Reott, D. D. Campbell, W. Clegg, C. Haaailtcn, Dr. Holmes, Dr. Vardoo. P C. Rogers, and E. E. Wade. he appointed to arrange a delegation sad an internee. with cls Credit Valley) Railway Company, ' At the .djonenment of the meeting the shove Committee met and arrsnired for • delegation to go W Toronto 18 wss decided that after the ('relit VallqQ Company appointed a day upon which they could receive • depatatinei, each ts�ity interested would appoint its T AiXENHEAI) V R. , (RL'O IONf)B • . to lin. Dswnaal (,doss. d (lw•arleu vs moat ry Cdhows. (fir. aYWr sad eesidwleA es News**, Metes. fees" Maw seal s/(7dbwae Hot.(. N R Hamm exaetand as to shoed wins 17111 e Point Farm. CHIP U1118 FOR 81LE ! THE S(1BSCRiRKR iR PREPARED so sail the ruf lea mads not erta•Uy ,e (mired In emimefI , with We Ramw,wr 1ileYr at • very tow prism, and ow moat ilb.r.l 1,rtws. Them are two pamNs. owe of M sawn■ am, owe of M arras. Ftnth have 1Mmlltwggew Md haiklIngw inn thews, and are most iigfl :y sot waled with • frontage on the gravid Mit a A pnt a nrttee w M atri1 of the down. sad She baf awow . O.t'u'ka m. $72 cA A win�iit l w at iewso swwtb AO*/ s tM MOWN.s to nHT ave*.Atae.csa. tfwra fres. /WinsOMrt , Mom 112 tat J. J w13J1Rtaer --00 TO— J. C. DETLOR & CO'S LADIE-S' MANTLES CUT FREE OF CHARLIE. Just Received a Choice Stock OF Desi nf %lnd Tweeds aid Ovorcoalls $- mCCORMAC CUTTR_ JOHN C. DETLOR & CO. ROOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. I have great pleasure in announcing to lily customers and the public at large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and -I would in- vite inspection of the same. 1 have been especially careful to purchase good, which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myself. Yii wdl Find Prices Lower lhao ilii 1,0i0 As 1 buy in large quantities, and for Cash. 1) iu- the largest shoo trasdg in -the Town, 1 can sell at closer prices than those who do a mailer ' business. i would especially call the Attention of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Vi 1 uh is one of the largest to be found in any retail stare in the Province. I tare un hand several cases of the celebrated "R. a-. 11." Iong hoots, which have tziven arch Iaa.-1=erise satiieyactiors i In the past. i In ORDERED WORK We are still abreast of the taints, and laving a largo staff of first-class mechanics, I ant prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at the shortest notice, in first-class style, and of the very boat material. In conclusion, i beg to return my sincere thanks to my customers for thein liberal laatr,nage inthe past, and rest assured I shall do nay utmost to deserve continuance of the sane. Yours respectfully, Cur. East Street and the Square. Goderich. E. DOWNING. JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM 7.7P =MICR. The first eoneignment of the sawn of those justly celebrated ALMON 'f NUI ,l, —AT - D. FERGUSON'S Grecor, 4•milter street, Qod•r'ich