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11H UROI1 SIGNAL, Fttfi)A?, DEC. 2. I88lt
Tan "tall chimney' talk just slots thehand, \a ould give a good bona's. be.
.: .�
Conservatives • I hand the C. V. lt. directors dl,. sot un
It kook tansy months since the rail-
way agitation was commenced in the col-
umns of TiaSI ; L, yet It would seem
that the agitation is likely to bear fruit,
and that shortly, the adverse opinion of
the ' `doubting Thomases" notwithstand-
ing. Already some eight or ten pro -
apostles .-skeins have Goderich in view
for a terminus, and the difficulty now is,
not where to look fur a scheme, but what
will be tate best Touts or routes for God-
erich to identify itself with, and aid by
influence and bonus.
So far as the Woodstock Scheme,.. ria
Exeter, i, concerned, there can be no
question re,ganlint the duty of Goderich.
The delegates from this town at the Ex-
eter meeting gave no uncertain sound on
the subject, and pledged both influence
and money to forward tho scheme. If
there be any possibility of bringing in
the Woodstock road by Exeter,' Goder-
ich will work fur that 'object most ear-
nestly. But if the influence of Wood-
stock, Exeter, Bayfield and Goderich
fail to receive ou-operation at head-
quarters, and the directors of the C. V.
R. favor the extension from Elora, then
Gtderich will not withhold moral and
material support from the northern ex-
tension. At present the south rn route
appears to ba uppermost in the scale,
and Woodstock, St. Marys, Exeter and
Bayfield can rely upon tiaderich so long
as there a a sound plank left in their
But although Goderich, as we have
stated, favors the southern scheme, that
fact does not go to. prove that we are not
axions to have communication with our
friends to the east -by -north, and we be-
lieve that a feasible project cnn be had
by connection with the T., G. & B. at
Wroxeter, ria Blyth and Brussels. This
osd, to our mind, is far more practicable
than the Elora branch, and for these
reasons : The line' is shorter to Toronto
by some twenty miles or more. From
Elora to Goderich, by Listowel, is nearly
9J miles, whereas connection with the T.,
G. & B. at \Vroxeter can be had in-
side of 40 miles, -and the lees miles of
road to build, the less difficulty will be
encountered in construction. The T., G.
& 13. at the present time has tigt5,000 a
mile less of a bonded debt than the C.
V. R. as it now stands ; and is therefore
in a better position to extend Mr.
Hendvie, the controller of the T.,G. h B.,
has expressed his intention of extending
westward at an early day, if the munici-
palities co-operate. The route by the
T. G. & B to Goderich would connect
with the L., H & B. at Blyth, the W ,
G. B. at Brussels, with the northern
G. etd4arriston,'at Orangeville with
a road to Owen Sound, at Mono with the
C.V.R., itis miles further on with the
Northwestern, the shortest route to
Muskoka, and in a few years with•the
Cel Leda Pacific, which could be used to
advantage duriu6 the winter taunt Ls.
We have gireti above n few of the
reasons which should prompt our friends
in the north-east of the county t.. work
for the T., G. & Il. railway. Hitherto
we lava taken issue with the line, fear-
ing that G. 'i. It. influence might over-
take it ; bet we are now in a position to
assert that 110 fear need be entertained of
the line being absorbed by the G. T. 1L,
and hence our chnnge' of base on the
question of the T.. G. & B. c ennection.
Tec senior editor of the Nett lira is
getting lacettou. cal his old age. He
would have like,l the senior editor 4
THE SwsiAI. to speak at the Exeter meet-
ing 00 the r..tw•aj. question. There wag
no necessity. Mr. .\ear Era, but if asuit-
able man had Mon wasited • we were en hand
to till the bill. and that is mere than
your noble self c..dd hare (lone. The
only bill the 1'. ,,. Er.t man was ever
knows to 111 is the "bill of fare,., at a
dinner, on a.v,wpluueutsry ticket, which
he generally goes through. piens by
peeve, like • eontmuel story. until "the
Ltd ' briefs tuts sap with a short turn. I
Tug Boort Act has been Ltea
Larabtou by 1645.
in 8eeult Of the Brussels Meetiag. dap hturlo fort• is charter lation or tex Y d ulh have
The Drlr•atte■s Freda Aloft. the 1'v.pesM1 we$twanl from Moira thea Ices. He
Liar rhe epe.Yrr• A usage $.-twist) 1 asphalted 111e ci ntetupLit "I.op 111U1'
Wtlowrl and ttrllyde, iae restahafrom (!t
Ia, and centrustei It with the
.i a..drrarh u "Jura A special a ..da. more wore feasible scheme fru:. Elora to God
saltire Ayyel...ed. erich. He could nut sus why the road
could out be diverted from Elmira. la
Reported for Tub: FIUNAL. I couchMion, he reiterated that Wellesley
The railway meeting sit lirussuls was ' would give energy and money to pro -
well attended by delegates from the cliff -I mote e C. V. R. extension from earn
amid uluui; }unes
ties along the ppropel to Goderieh. -
route knot Elora sod Goderich. Mr. 1). D. Hay, M. 1'. P., pressrun -
• Gederi h delegation arrived in e,1 that this lore, meeting Wes
about 10.30 and were joined significant of the interest taken in the
early in the afternoon by the represen-
tatives from Hlyth. 'ftleaeeting, which
was t., have commenced at Ione o'clock
p. un., had been postponed by the local
committee until 3 p. in., se as to await
the arrival of the delegates from the east
by the afternoon train.
Accordingly at 3 *'chock the meeting
organized, aid prucueuud to business,
Mr. F. 0. Rogers ..f Brussels, beiav
voted to the chair, and Mr. C. R. Coop-
er being appointed secretary.
Mr. Rogers, in opening the meeting,
s:ud he vire pleased t.. lite solar,;.- and in-
fluential a deputationNesent. Theyhad
held a}.reli uivany meet ingin Brussels un
Monday, of last week, and decided to
call this general sleeting to get an expres-
sion of opinion from the municipalities
along 11.e line of the scheme prupused.
At the village meeting • number of
routes were proposed, and it was finally
decided that, in the interests of Brussel.,
the line from Elora would be the pre-
ferable one. At the present time the C.
V. R. terminated at Elora, and Elora
was hardly the place for a terminus. The
road should be extended, and he hoped
the delegates ru,w present would work
hard and earnestly to being.it westward
to the port of Go'erich. Over 54,000
bushels of wheat, which represented ov-
er $84,000 in money had been shipped
from Brussels during the past year, and
as there woe also other products to ship,
proportionately large, the G. W. R. had
been found inadequate to the demand
made upon their facilities for traffic. A
large amount of money had been hot un
more than one occJsion, owing to the in-
ability to ship in a ruing market. An-
other large industry would shortly be
added to those already in Arden's, in
the shape of salt, and a still further de-
mand would thus be made upon the rail-
way accummudation. He hoped the day
was not far distant when a competitive
railroad would pass through Brussels,
having Goderich for a terminus, and his
earnest desire was that the people of the
County -town would lend their aid to this
piioject. A bill should be brought in to
amend the present obnoxious amend-
ment to the Railway Act, as it was al-
most impossible to carry a bonus in
many of the municipalities under the
existing law. He then recd letters from
the Reeve of Wellesley and Mr, 'Snider,
M. P. P.,of St.. Jacobs, regretting inab-
ility to attend the meeting at Brussels,
but favoring the scheme from Elora t.,
• Mr. D. McGillicuddy suggested that interest of the farmers and other
the credentials of the delegates from the traders, for good 1$arkets were wanted.
different municipalities present should Always hue other lines closely, and build
up existing centres, and they would not
ou much estray. For this reason he
favored the proposed road by Stratford,
Seaforth and Clinton to Goderich. The
value of the road from Elora would con-
sist in its becoming, eventually, a Syndi-
cate road. The C. V. R., as the C V.
R., vias .en its last legs until the presi-
dent of the Syndicate -a shrewd busi-
ness man -stepped in and saved it, so
that the Syndicate could run an .-antero
competition with the 6: T. R. which was
playing "cut-throat" with them in the
west. The Syndicate. purposed building
Toa London LI-ee Preuss s ►ys: "The
Grit motto, is politics excuseth all
things." Will the Froe liras tell us what
Grit invented that saying f Surely the
London scribe has been mixed in his
dreams, for he is paraphrasing Tory Tutu
White ou "party exigencies
GoLDw1r S)IITn has devoted another
$1(0 to the Toronto St. George's Society
The Society may not like Mr. Smith's
political views, but they cling like a
climbing rose to his money. VIlI may
yet see the Professor's gold -win him; a
place with the honorary honored ones of
the super -loyal society.
ALP. BotLTszr, and a number of sim-
ilar "youths' composed theConsertative
young teen's meeting addresses) by Sir
John A. Masdonsld last week. The
bald heads of some of the "lads" roust
have made the Chieftain's ambrosial
curls look quite juvenile in contrast.
When a man is nearing fifty years of age
he needn't try to palm himself off as a
boy. There is nothing about Toryism
to attract young men.
Oua cheety cents nporary, the Brus-
sels Pelt, holds up both hands for more
railway accommodation. Last week it
"We note with a feeling of satisfac-
tion the action taken by our resident 113
connection wltb the proposed railway
from Elora to Goderich. The meeting
last Monday evening in the Hall showed
beyond doubt that if the Credit Valley
will agree to run this line through Brus-
sels they will not have to ask twice for
our support u s municipality" •
Tar junior Tory organ says that Mr. F.
W. Johnston, Reeve of Goderich, de-
livered the second best speech at the
Conservative banquet at Toronto last
week. Sir- John,.. of averse, gave the
best. It gives us the most supreme
pleueure to publish that veracious state
ment. We always knew Mr. Johnston
was an orator, but just, think -the
"second" in the large batch of eloquent
nien who addressed the noble Fourteen
Hundred. We are glad Fred gave the
old man a chance: and didn't take first
place. Hoop -la : but won't Tilley hide
his diminished heal ? And where was
Torn White, and Tease, and Johnny
Hawkins, and Toni Cowan, and the
"Poet of the roaring cataract", Josiah
Burr -Plumb 1 Good boy, Fred. Hoo-
ray for Goderich ! . More power toyouu
"tall chimney," i►utbuuc'hal. For a long
time ''successor to Sir John has been
looked for in vain. They can nuw turn
toward Goderieh. Eureka ! Somebody
once exclaimed "Save me from my
friends." Mr. Johnston can now say
Another e'elee riven the \s►rth.
To the Editor of the Sins AL.
Sia, -1 have lately seen some spicy
articles and lively discussions in the col-
umns of your journal regarding more
railway accommodation to your town.
The attack of railway fever appears to so
affect the brain of wine of your .air liter
railway builders that they may yet over-
shoot the 'mark and go without that were nuw in a position to throttle the
much coveted luxury. The most courted GREY -Reeve Strachan, Deis. y -Reeve people of the Northwest.
scheme is evidently the Credit Valley Hisk,pr D. Dobson. Mr. D. D. Campbell -Order, order !
from Woodstock rid Exeter. This ap- Moues- John McCrae, W. G. Ifin'. Mr. U.. D. Hay -Oh : yes, you call
pears to be a long stretch of road to ston. John Sample. order' do you, but I deal indicid
build for all the advantage to be de -1 \\ ettestIT-Dr. Verdun, John Hays. cos just as I deal with eacowith i in and
rived therefrom. True, it is through a J. G. Ryner. Alex. Rennett, Jacob Pep- I censurejuwhere censors is due. Contin -
tine section of country, but the clay of pier, Conrad Heindnch.
proposed scheme all along the line. This
wetting was, however, uuly prelimi-
nary. They were site to -lay to make
any definite propositions regarding lee
uuses. No out had even referred to the
amount to be raised before the scheure
could be successfully inaugurated I
should be remembered that now we gut
uo public aid its the shape (1 Gover:i
meat aubsidy. No company could be
expected to (10 more than equip and rut
the nue after the people had built i
sod presented it to thea.. This meant
at the lowest calculation, that at leas
n1,000,000 would have to be raised to
build the road -a distance of between
80 and 90 wiles -for $10,000 a guile was
s low eetinate fur building a line. A
least $Ii,000 a mile along the proposed
route would have to be gut, and a bond
issue of $10,000 a mile would have to
be obtained. If they had a strong di
rectorate they might that the bonds at
fair tigure, but not otherwise. He pu
these difficulties before them, for he had
had experience in railway matters, and
had found out that the sooner the les
son was learnt of looking difficulties in
the face, the better. Other lines we
talking of Goderich-one of thea[ being
from Woodstock, by Exeter, to Goderich
and another by Seaforth to Goderich.
The line to Goderich by Seaforth would
in all probability get strong help fpm
the latter town. 'the line thus proposed
would run parallel with the G. T. R.
and be a good road. Listowel, if th
r, al from Elora came by it, was prepar
ed to give trade and bonus to a consider
able extent, but the deputation fron
that town was not here to say what they
would give. Listowel had railway coin
petition nuw, but was not averse t
getting in inure, for their lust invest
ments had more than paid them. The
present year had been an exoeptionall
hard year on railways. In some instan
cee It had been found that the tars had
been used u storehouses fur grain fo
long periods. Fully 1,000 cars had bee
thus lucked up at Sarnia for weeks, an
a dearth of cars at other points had
been created. Additional railroads
meant adiitional competition in trad
between small places Instead of mak
ing new trade centres the policy of th
people at large should be to developepunnedthe trade centres which we punned a
present. This policy would be far bet
ter than the creation of small village&
If by building railroads you can build u
large towns, w much the better, en th
Listowel c•.ul.: give, out if money was I
required, she could be dovetailed ou t..
*NOV "dined with the dots' every time.They did nut advocate the construction
f the rued from selfish motives, but
roes broad principles, believing that
ore go could be done to the people
at large .,y building up existing tra.:e
*sutras at. greater diatsoces apart, than '
by eratin little competitive coition to
onerous binders.
Mr.T.8trach:tn, I:ouv..f litiey,did out
appear here t.o..u.y as t► tl+legate, but its
all unlo..ker at the pitix: hugs, HL wan
out sent by los township, but but dose
in reap..ust G. an o nitati.,n free. the
Reeve of Hruetels. Phis was a preliul-
inary weetine 1n tale Interest of the pr,-
1..oell branch of the C. V. 't. tone
Elora to Goderich. The built/nig ..f
railroads was a question of o..oney. 1f
we were askod to contribute the lame. .s
sum that was required, we tail take
t up our minis to do it in a direct manner,
by voting be.nuve., fur the Government
- would not sweet by way of subsidy.
Even when the Government subsidized
1 roads the people paid the subsidy, for
t the stoney belonged to the people, and
the Government was only the custodian
t of it. The b :uich tomo Elora to (lode -
rich was, to his wind a better road and
more feasible than that from Woodatuok
to Goderich. Much had been said of
t the injury sustained by business 'nen fur
want of a competing railway, but hecon-
sider'ed the farmer suffered most, if the
home markets were glutted and produce
- could not be shipped, as it was the farm -
a ing community that provided the pro -
1 duce for the trader to ship by rail.
(Hear, hear.. The scheme at present
was in an iuuiiat'1re condition, and would
- require time to think out the details. If
the farmers, after due consideration, be,
re tiered the road would lav in their inter-
est,this meeting could depend upon a lib-
; eral bonus fr.'ut the rural municipalities.
(Hear, hear. l The people of Grey town-
ship had given a liberal bonus to the
1 W. G. & B., and he was pleased to state
that the investment had paid them well.
, He believed that legislation should be
e adopted, having for its object the guard-
- ing of the public interests against railway
- monopolies in regard to rates of freights
1 and dilatory action in shipping gourds.
Mr. Scott, of Listowel, had noticed
- that a line was projected from Elora to
o Goderich. If such a line assumed detin-
- ite shape, Listowel would endeavor to get
it to pass through that town. To build
7 a railnwd was a serious undertaking,
- without means and without nien of ex-
penence to push forward the initiatory
✓ work. Unless the line proposed was
n under the control of the Pacitic'Syndi-
d c►te it would be of no use endeavoring to
build it. But the chances were that it
would be owned "by the Syndicate, and
e thus the action of the meeting to day
was in ordG. T: R. and V'
e , R woulder. ev...:The sally amalgamate,G. and.
thus it behooved us to ally ourselves
t with the Syndicate road for the sake of
- competition. It was better for a farmer
to lire within ten miles of a large town
P than within five relies of two small vil-
e lager, and for this purpose we should"
endeavor to strengthen and build up the
centres of trade which We at present
possessed. Ne place could have too
much railway facility. No municipality
gave to a railway ashen* se much that
it did not get it• own back, and a little
more. If a railway was to be built Lis-
towel could offer as touch as any other
place, and if the people of Goderich
Imine down with a matured scheme the
people of Listowel would support it
heartily and earnestly. As a place
Brows, trade was brought to it and the
section around it was influenced: In this
respect Listowel stood withthefirstjowns
in Canada.
Mr. D. D. Campbell, of Listowel, said
that there.appeared to be a difficulty in
formulating a scheme. No Government
cad was now available; the bonuses had
to be rained directly from the munici-
palities, and to de so the present law
must be changed. He thought it, was
alinuet un -British to have such a law on
the statute -book, and it was necessary
to have it so changed that a majority at
the pelt 'should reveive the benefit Iof
their vote. When the scheme was fully
prepared Listowel would be willing to
come to the front with the host of them.
Heretofore the C. V. R. was knocking
at the doors of municipalities, askilog as-
sistanoe in extending their line; now
things had changed. and we were forced
to go to them. If the C. V. It take
hold of the scheme and acknowledge
their readiness to act with the muniei-
palties, Listowel was prepared, now as
ever, to take her }utrt in the battle for
railway. For his own part he was in
favor of railways at all times, for he
knew their value.
be submitted, so that the business of the
meeting would be hastened, as the Gods -
rich delegation had to leave for home at
8 p. m., and a motion to that effect was
put and carried.
The fallowing is a ,
GODruCa-Col. Ross, M. P. P. May-
or Horton, Reeve Johnston, Councilhor
McKenzie, and Messrs. J Mitchell and D
Ltsrow;L-T. E. Hay, Mayor, J. W.
Scott. D. D. Campbell, W. E. Hay. W.
Forbes, A. F. Cherie.
Burnt -Reeve Clegg, D. B. McKin- *competing line with Oho G. T. R. to
non, Chas. Hamilton, Jus. Carter, D. the seaboard from Ontario, connecting
Erwin. with the Canada Pacific, and the buying
Bat•asrts-Reeve Roger., Councillors : up of the C. V. R. would in all podia -
F. Vanstone, C. R. 0.eipj xer, J. Drove, ! btllty be the first step in that direction.
W. H. McCrscken and Messrs. J Lee. The Syndicate could well afford to do
kie, J. R. Smith, D. Scott, E. E. Wade this for they had driven a good bargain
and Dr. W. J. R. Holmes. with the Canadian Government, and
large municipal bonuses to build rail- Mayor Hay, of Listowel, was invited
roads in Ontario is evidently near "sun- to the platform, and said they were here
down," and soya subsidy from the On- tto secure the Elora line. if it were possi-
tario Government is not to be expected , hie. At Listowel they were well accent -
by a railway running through a part of I misdated at present, but were nererthe-
the country already so well supplied with less in favor of more competition. They
came here to -day from Listowel almost
uninvited, having only decided to come
railway accomodation, and running such
a long distance •lung beside another
road already subsidized. Neither must
mmg, he said, that, so far as rates were
concerned, the G. W. It. and G. T. R.
were not much of acompetition and pro-
phesied that before tireyears they would
be amalgamated. He would pike to see
an oppositi•,n to the G. T. R.. to the sea-
board, lust as he would wish to have an
opposition to the Syndicate in the
North-west, for "opposition was the life
at a meeting held a few evenings since. of trade." However, as he had before
the C. V. It. be depended on for much Their idea was to extend the C. V. R., remarked, there were difficulties in the
assistance, as from the past history sit from Elora to Gndench rid Listowel, wee of raising the funds necessary te
that road if they were ever so willing Brussels and Blyth. There were dole -
they the bench from Elora westward,
'trey evidently lack the ability. So the gates here to day from the townnhip and as the Government of Ontario al -
only means 1 can conceive of building village of Wellesley. The line could not though psaseeseol ..f a surplus. had it
another road to Goderich must he apure- run through Wellesley and Listowel placed in securities which it would not
ly commercial speculation, and a rad both, and • difference of ',pinion wucld willingly dispose of to spend the money
that will pay a fair dividend Ion the likely exist regarding the lucatiei of the in furthering railway enterprises. if the
whole cost; and such s lung stretch of line. If the road could i,e brought by people wanted the road they mutt build
road through a country see well }trio -tiled Listowel the r,eonle of that town were it themselves. But he had shame curve
with railway facilities could not 1.5 ex- determined to have it, to the conclusion that nothing was im-
pacted to pay much dividend en the Dr. Virden, of Wellesley. was pleased possible, and he would not be afraid to
whole cwt ..t the earl. The next to meet a deputation so large and in- present so, strong a can to the people
scheme to attract attention is, I believe, fluential. The scheilo which they were along the road,that they would cheerful -
also the Credit Walley from Elora ria emit here to discuss today was net a new 1 vote the bonuses Why, the reeve of
1�Brussels. The same difficulties eget one. it had been agitated for win1
e ma had told him that he (-mild not go
this line only in a more aggravated fern). tuns. end the agitation was still kept up. • in with them on this scheme, and he
Not only doses it run alongside the Great He was glad to see, however, that it was had told the reeve, in reply that they
Western fur • .-considerable distance, but now taking definite ahape. A charter wanted $50,000 Pram Elwin and would
alae engineering dlf6culties in building would be applied for to build a line to make him 838181 them to get it. Langh•
this road would for ever prevent it�ry- Berlin. It would is mere in the inter- tar.` If the (' V R were controlled by
ing for the oust of constructing it. caw, est of the C. V. R. to extend from Elora the Syndicate we would have • strong
sir, as neither large municipal bonuses, to Gedench than frees Galt t.. Berlin. t scheme at our tuck, for we wanted term -
nor Government subsidy can he got for \Wa.lwsch township had granted fb0,000 petition, strong, and tierce, in every met-
yedench, you roust evident- to extend the line t., filmtr•, and trythatI' Uw pertaining too trade and commerce
nod s
17get the
shortest road and the bonus would he available to the propos- It was the same with corporations u
t resat easily e"nstrneted. That will be ed line Elmira and st Jacobs were with indiveIuels 1f there were a mo -
found in an .-'!matin ..f the Toronto vis in •ceord with the scheme. and sepnly in anything. the monopoly would
Grey & Bruce from &►die's riding 4 would work to lush along the rad always grind He would not trust even
•ted from the chatrnue if he were the only salt
From Fach's siding to Oodench u atrout
11161 mile*, but to avoid all bodges and
M ssa Kar J, M 1 Mietheiaid gars
Ins heed a iia.• •as, ani gravely in-
formed the faithful that Mr Blakee.uld
be indicted for freemen. some sof hu
hearers doubtless wondered why the
1)pp oed oro heeler had an long carate gel ar
rust The Torte, prate about Loyalty
only when it 8014• their own perp*
Just before the lot election the organ
Inspired by lair John said that if the
Nations$ Policy endengserwl
at.on. "then en ranch the a o're trial
Jtritiwh .•nnnecei,n
male.- north ..t Wingham, to (I.derich. Well«ley was at present )sal
railway fsclhties, but .t wall a rich town- ssanufacturwr in this section laughter.
ship. and willing to Rios largely to the and the same in ether husin.sws 1f
elettings 1 w,w1d keep • Roti. t.. the west snterpn,. The delegates fr Welles- all the wheat in this rection were raised
of • direct line, and avoid the Maitland ley came here to -day intent to business, I en two or three farms. w e would have to
river and gullies running thereto. and and were prepared to bol high for the pay dearly for our bread. and so on. for,
by 4400 w. there wosld not ire • 1.ridge road to pus thr"ngh their township. ma Robert Baru permits.
The Listowel people deserved credit for wawa nett Me wavering balance keep*.
the Spirit of enterrpprnsw in railway mat- it's rarely well Mins( od•
tors w11/eh they eshihitid. leaf they /moll When definite action was taken tow•rl
otnspetitive lines already, while Nellee f enure rnetiag the line from Bleed to
ley e,'nld nod least of • railway at all (:•odsrich they could confidently heck t..
Recedes the township of Peel through , Listowel to do her duty. If other did
whieh the Elora lute would have to lass • better than she. give the others the pre
to get to Lis/noel. was already burdened j fer.noe; but if she threw cut the grater
I tewlwve trxnnem to the amount of watt a railway ,Icl4 tm the (I W. R., inducement, she should get the bsnebt
$100.(1(10 reeld h. gid '.,wail building'' rand would not feel disposal to grant an • of her greater enterprise bydrawing in
Y'nr• A( R tete. tnr (her 1, -nits tWelleal.• ' ,, the ,*•hes the mart te herself 11 (rrvii wu1. w,nt.rl
oft the road more than 12 feet long or •
ent A feet deep until the Matlend river
•t (iodench was reached and d believes
mead r4 tie sasiu•t construction ,n this
part of the country, by the slight detour
to the west 1 mentioned, w.,uld add
about 1) or 2 miles to the length of road,
whs.h would still h. 'seder 20 endow. and
Mr. Leckie, of Brussels, was glad to
see so many here today. It reminded
hien of the time nine or ten years ago
when the W., (1. & B.. R. was fighting
fur a route The calibre of the 'nen
present, and the distances some of them
had travelled, showed that they did not
come for fun, but were througghly in
earnest. It 1. oked like the olden time
when en short notice delegations could
b• got up 4, go to Hamilton on railway
business, when he looked around and
saw so many of the best men from the
different municipalities here to -day on
such short notice. The number of those
present and the standing of the delegates
argued well for future action. He sass
glad competition was looming up, and
that Listowel, which had been lying
pilot. was now aroused. He had work
ed side by side with the Listowel men
in the aid railway conflicts long ago, and
knew their worth u railway workers,
and could te.tify that no town in Can-
ada could send nut a finer delegation in
quest of bonuses than Listowel. (Hear,
hear. '1 In Brussels at the present time
we had • gas' line. but even good lines
charged what freights they pleased and
took their own time 111 shipping at all
points where there was no competition.
Inst year there w. -re 40 end !e(t curs of
prod wee lying at Brussels sort await
ing shipment for weeks. The pre-
sent was not an exceptional year,
fest lass year wen fully our had.
There was room for a oil .petitive rail-
way through the section, and he knew
of no better project than the n.ad from
EI...s. ft would not be the idea rd 11 is
C V R t. mak• flora a terminus. and
the saturel entension would be west
ward to (Ioderieh He had had car•
respoeden.e repeatedly with Mr.
rw.dlsw, and that gentleman 1 al
`.l� .r.'���
^'J 3aA21;.)
Tho Kew 0ompoaltt. its won-
derful affinity to t.ha Dicaltive
Apparatus and the Lire:; increas-
ing the dis' olving Juices, reliev-
ing almost i '::rant y tho dreadful
results of. ao sla, Indigestion,
and the 1 ..''1!D LIVER, makes
Zopesa tut F:'Jy day necessity in
ivory house.
It acts gently and speedily' is
Biliousness. Costiveness, Head-
ache. Sick Headacho. I'_ -.'oro -s at -
ter Eating; Wind on the 17' ' lack,
Heartburn, Pains is tL's ..moo end
Back, Want ofAppetito. Want 01
Energy. Low Spirits, Foul Stom-
ach: It invigorates the Liver, car
ries off all surplus bile, regulates
the Bowels, and giros tone to the
whole system.
Cut this out and take it to yowl
Daugg�l1sst and get a 10 cent .Sample,
Or a- large bottle for 75 cents. sad
tell vourneighbor about it.
To All Whom it Maygoncern
Of the Town of t;oderlcb, is now off. ring
immense stuck of Single and I,uuble
•t �catly reduced prices fur cash. llavu.,l
made arrangements with the nanutact urer of
Harness Trimmings to buy direct from He
factoryand also Laving rade arrangements
with • ut the best tanners in Ontario aur icy
Leather, and employing none but ere -elan
workmen, and all manufactured under my ones
supervision. I am enabled to tura out the ben
'and cheapest Harness in the West. My collars
are all made In my own shop and not factory
made, being hair faced and warranted to give
satisfaction. Buffalo Rubes and Horse Blank
eta, Trunks and Valises in large gUanttties,sad
everythiug usually kept to a Got -clay hareem
shop. All to be sold off cheap for cash. (call
and get. prices before buying elsewhere, and
save money.at W lit. At7ayef'a )Harness Ds
rat. t•dallNw atreel, f:Meriek.
aiIAU outstanding book accounts must be
settled gmmediately by cash or note.
Goderich. Nov. 10th, 1851. ISIS
SURPLUS, - - - • $3.te,,eu,.
Goderich Branch.
C R. DUNSFQRD, - - - Manner
Allows interest on deposits. Drafts. tetter
of credit and circular notes trued, payab:.
In all parts of the world. 1751.
Paid up Capital, - *6,000,000.
Rest, - -
President, - NON. WM. McMA 4TRR 1
Genera! Manager, - W. N. ANDERSON.
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAf.Er.
interest allowed on deposits. Drafts ons;
the principal Towns and Cities in (-soda
Great Britain and the United States, be t
and sold.
A.lrancesto Fanners on Notes, with one cr
e rne endorsers, without mortgage. 1753
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
tained in • Mort�e, which will be produced
at the Rme of sale: there will be sold by PUB-
OF 1)ECBMBRIt, 1881. at one o'clock In the
afternoon, that valn.ble farm property, being
the Eget half of l.oa baa IQ In the 6th ('onces-
stoy Eeefern iitvt.las, of the Township of
Asell(id in the Connty of Heron, containing
one hon,lred 8.:155, ode or leen.
It Is situated about 22 miles from Dung no -
non, er miles from Lneknow. and 15 miles from
The property le well watered. and there sr
• frame house, frame tarn and stable. and
about 3 acres of nrr•hard. In full bearing, on the
premiers. The fences and buildings are in fa::
trend i t tori
The Vendor reserves the right of one bid
TE:ltMS:-Ten per rent of the purchase
munry t. b5 tali to the V'ndur'e `tali. ltor tan)
the time of sal,'. and the b lane.- In one mon
lhetwfter without Interest.
For further meth tarn apply to the ander
.1. ('. (•l'itltIE. SEA(;F.H at MORTON.
Auetlunrrr. ItariNts•rs, Ike., Ooderit.
Goderich, Nov. 111. Itbl. Igt-ad
Mac.k's Magnetic Medicine !
( eeet 1 T MArt.t. f AIraR ,n
ie a :sure. Prompt and Rthctne. 0. medy fat
N'ereosu,sess fa oil ata ttapa. Weak Mews*
loge of Joel's J'otrer, ArisaI Prosiest**.
AVM Yl w,ta. SpeTwsalor r*en. R.sw.msi Weal -
NW awe' (Jewrrarl Loos of Power. 11 re A
Nerrow Waste, Rtfveewmtau the Jaded load
lsef, strengthens the w/relied Praia sad ar-
stores �•ptiento limner aid rApe to 4*.
hasotrd Oemeraftwe (.-peas. The rill(*"er
of thousands proves it an Invst.rasLI caw
env. The reedit Me is pleasant 10 die taMr
and each hex emirates eurflclest tor two week''
medication. and 1s the rAmprae sold tad.
lir Full parr .-elan In our pamphlet wWak
we desire in mail tree to any !Agrees
■oars Reee.uk lseetrtwe ie sold by' IU'W
Sista at M eta. Iw,r 10lir if boxes foe l3Mt M
w III Its 1mA,�yM15A hes of postage, 05 remora et W
money, 1du ewold la Gederkli. b`y �If{�$ (MiM�
al!t lr. t.a_ eNrywRyMaami lf•s� al
Miscellaneous tarns.
�' (`rebbimerit. 1[nstlranst.Yew►
rich. Maas tag
ly (Mryeuterlie �saa unseal nes
5watmow ae20 resr,A.av .,N tub:
revelator Nato.
f ootm vat ow Mort.-; rasa, l
(.'*trent its vsoa I
Mated time and again
R was situated at pr
eitellalut/e ouuld
apowlter` had thou trine
had, se tar, a 4beeust
sesadavedl a latter hum
I i Monday, which crated
were not yet 111 the Iiu
their road. Nevertlwl
a,nbsience that the
fur thew, as it w
CLW under (i, '1'. R.
'4 r line went lulu the ban
sate or \'andbrbilt
Auuther lfne would
to the seaboard, ate t
boatel* the i►atural
from that read. I
Goderich, tiaelph as
terviewed the director
and had got the cold I
should nut deter the
line loom wurkiug, fur
that the road was at t'
a transition state, wit
being taken up by tl
believed the best Iva
3. to appoint a joint
ceed to T„rentu and i
tors. If they refuse.,
cou:ageulent, n local
bi iN.carel, and the
ble made afterward
he rec;ivel the Le
Laidlaw, he observed
Mr. Ross, superititen
R., was in L,u,lon to
station ground in th
taiuly looked like bus
of extension. They i
right away to show t
company, and obtain
lotion. If the C. 1
ducud t.. extend, the'
lihood give preferenc
over that from Wo
!loved that extender
asked for in connecti
charter. There was
should nut have the i
ships in getting in
for they had been fi
bonuses they had git
\V. Clegg, Reeve
eels was sicuilarly t
account of lack e.f r.i
evening a meeting w
a delegation was app
posse:it meeting. \
scheme was alileuitt.
to give moral ale'
Something should •
quickly, and the
Leckie, in reference
a committee t.. inter
management was ei
acted upon. A larg
salt, cordwood, stay
by the people cal
were placed ata 01
shipping on accost
had paid for third t
dot 16c. per ci
third class freight
the distance, for lb
to ceulpare retes,an
in which places til
petit roads we
Blyth wig y;r.-wing
faster with a c ,mise
thing the people of
to encourage the cc
road would be chee
3layl.r Horton,
that so far as the d
rich, were aoncer
merely u a corps
did nut wish to
false position with
south. The ineeti
most enthusiastic
was pledged to 1
Woodstock, if thei
of it being built.
extension was con
satisfied that Gnu
objective point, if
taken up, and if t
C. V. R. took up •
t., the Woodstock
then he prepared
to the scheme, bu
gates from that
themselves t.. the
the Exeter ineetit
Goderich, comme
with Woodstock
for by it we get
American side a..,
Besides there wat
ion along the Ex(
cipalities all el.
were prepared t. e
required money t
the people aloe,
pared to do their
road would he bt
of the C. V. I
could not be buil
T. G. & B. s
were taken up, (
iA to give n 1N,
Blyth and \Wro
lake. But u th
brought before i
would not cola
A number of lin
u an objective i
Goderich could
One thing was
that was that
bonus to whist
would chase,
terminus (Hear
Tb. cbairms•
trop Meso 334
Milbank, iwtr
Col. Roes, w
direct to the Fru
nese anzinss fe
TM Orwnd 'fro
tar sir worms th
proved inmdeq
''brad made
senses (lee r
sup the e•rt
alit fawn like 1
that town wet
halide ante the$
Share for • our,
Tie hoe from
and 1f ,t could
it would pprove
stkeC ♦ R
mor► rn the i
nrd if there s
ons 188411, ltwt
1v erred R
V R bsiw.e1
hrsnchas. ss
ter1IMte *'
did nut pt
the MtwlhSrn
.-Maw's elf lt n
eidedly the be
town of God