HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-12-02, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1881. tPbdatrlphia it' dord.t id 1 .tut hl41 r.' the ...•i U.isuui Was- reran destbe GO me front obolersdaily t esale.al MteWaa, mods. Wait, u rosy iia.• s 1 have idiot at Jeddah, and twenty-twu at Meet*. The NtnetemttIt Century, ats.re all p,Ple wit • utl bav,t ea-Mewg with A westing of the lnadutd citizens w&. rheurwtu.0 fur years; by Illy' advice held at Listowel un Saturday e.euutg other age, has bona uotrd tor its ninny tors tried ilio tail, awl it euntd theta 1tlydNtivus It has Knell us the *teemY last, for the punde of gtscuas cu the 1 w sold ,,,,,/,..,. .Iv without tool for days advisability lit endeavoring t.. secure • ha its thousand -fold applications, tilt" Ise mull"td this r•ratedy GK eta eonnwtiuu with the Credit Valley Itarl- i tellarettpli; the telephone, the electric hour. In (act I would nufettempta trip way Diu Elora to Goderich. A large � � at ties to. able other diaa.cenes, wnthout St. .la:..W Oil, as 1 dt• not see member was present, and the matter was a- ohms n•,e t.. humanity; each flay how 1 can get • ah.ug wtthuut it " (ally discussed. The following resolut- a- *t{agju,� us new serplrises until we have t4 . Jacobs 'hi has beeu endorsed by ion was unauiwously concurred in : Wn...accustomed s" col vAL at sac. Hirt a h. ovW ll, oar. LS. KE. [ER r Co' tS to the exhibitions any pane" .,f nttio.nal reputation, who That this town will be prepared to give o th'e Kamm of our century that any would nut lead their mimes if they wen a liberal bonus, and utter a prutitable mew tedr of npnueIt o at puce received u a not convinced that it war a duty they trade to the Credit Valley Railway ex- t e of marorl y rem puetiCe, and must owed to sueeripg humanity: they Lave tet:sion from Elora t.. (;oderich. A pin will .reply remark; ")j told you expl•tiwttw•1 the win<derful effect ol the committee wan sppouited to take such w.• As ,n instance of this fact we Grlwt G•lauin Remedy, acrd tbwy watt steps to the matter u are deemed advis- wtwld outer cell rttent lou tot at wonder their fellow creatures t.. kn•, t the rt'e�sult. able. f11a'diacovery, St Jacobs (1. A few i 11e w,.n13 ouly uwutu.0 in this cuitueo- vet beau heard of before in this C#eveu ag(s this (;rust Germ n Remedy tion tau Ht. itev. Melee) Gilmour, of I elad, Wmio: ••Excellent floe rheu- eountry; to -day you can hardly find a man, woman or child in the (cited Stats who has not wed the remedy for =tin or aohe, or, at least has wit - its use and seen its w,niderful effects on a fellow -being. ht. Jacobs Oil has Weenie a national remedy, for It is known in every city town, village and hamlet in the country. h is a cosmopo- litan preparation, for it is praised by the Americans, Germans, Italians Bo- hemians, Danes, Swedes, Portugese, Spaniards, French, -ver, even by the "Heathen Chines." ft may be termed the universal blessing, for it is endorsed by the rich and poor, the chin/yearn trod the physician. the merchant and the laborer, in fact by all classes of the com- munity. St. Jacobs 04, by its almost marvellous propertie., can be employed fora simple cut or sprain or the worst case of inflammnatory rheumatism. Per- sons who have been confined t:. their Led fur years with that terrible disease, rheumatism, have been completely cur- ed by the use of a single bottle. Such eases have been quoted by the leading journals of our country; for inetatice, the St. Louis Rut-leepetch says: Under the title of Old Probabilities. one of the most useful and valuable officers tot the United States Government is must wide- ly known. But -quite as well known is Prof. S. H. Tice, the nteterologist Id the Mississippi Valley, whi.ae contributions to his favorite study have given hint an almost national reputation. On a resent tour through the Northwest the Pro- fessor had a narrow escape from the seri- ous consequences of a sudden and very dangerous illness, the ,articular of which he thus refers: "The days after cenclud- ing my course of lectures -at Burlington, Iowa, on the 21st of December last, I was seized with s sudde:a attack of • neu- ralgia in the chest, almost preventing breathing. My pulse, usually eighty, fell to thirty-five; intense nausea of the stomach succeeded, and a cold clammy sweat covered my entire body. The attending physician could do nothing to relieve nae; after suffering tar three years, I thought, as I had been using St. Jacobs nil with good effect for rheumatic pains, I wobld try it. I saturated a piece of flannel, large enough to cover • my chest; with the Oil and applied it. The relief was almost instantaneous. In one hour 1 was entirely free from pain, and would have taken the train to fill nn appointment that night in a ueigh- boring town had iuy friends not dimmed - ed me. As it was, I took the night train for my home, St. Louie, and have not • been troubled since." • The Boston Globe says": Chan. S. Strick- land, Esq. builder, No. 9 Boylston st. and 106 Harrison avenue, Boston, thus speaks: "The pleasure which I hereby attempt to express can only be half con- veyed by words: Physician. of very high character and notoriety have here- tofore declared Iny rheusnstiam incura- ble. Specifics, almost lmmniwrlwlesa, have failed to cure tor even clleviate the intensity of the pai..,which has frt.tuent- ly confined nie to my rot:-, :.,r three months at a time. One week ago I au seised with an attack ti .scute rheumat- ism of the knee. In a few hours the entire knee joint became atI•ollen to enormous 1'•nipa.rtiofe and walking ren- dered 1inps.asible. Nothing rerr.aLIea for me, and I intended to resign my - ,self, as best I nti;;ht, to another tnonth'e agonies By chance I leaned of the CETT Irl WING 11TH! IPY II sing f lw M sad . G., • omen is my be rhieh LgI • •ender and pt apidity COLOR old by 17-52.1f tt ggiet. y. 1.,gt Co. M 17{! OPLE IaES r FL() AGA r1, u -R the .Y - A It stead •f the WIT m tee. 1+ a Pt oar ed for rest. w •fes the eddb at t nes. ,d liar u —1gie D • tis yr watis.0 and l']:►ili-u.l diseases: it has bun - Witted me vastly. • Mute. Mattie Satl- vetti, prime duutta, 11•ilheliuj Concert Troui.u: "Nothing elm compare with it as s pr.ut•.t, reliable cute for the ailment named." William H. Wareing, Esq., Assistant getteral Superiittendmd, New Yr.rk Postlhtice: "Proved all that is claimed for the Oil, and foetid efficacious ready relief for rheumatic wanplaiuta" Hon. Thouuas L. Jatuua, Postmaster, New York, referring at. Superintendent 1Varuiu4•a report coucuvning fat, Jacobs Oil: •'1 concur." Prof. -C. (1. i •u ,h:ssis, Manager Chicago Gyinuasitu, Chicago, II1; "Our professionals and amateurs ccs it .'i preferepoe to ever'thing they have ever tried." George 11, 1V al'init, Esq., Superintendent Police. New York City: "Members of this dupartuncot relieved of theuu:atisui by its use." Stacey Hill, Esq., Mount Auburn Inclined Plane Railroad, Cincinnati, Ohio: "Undoubt- edly it is a remarkable medicine." Cap - Hein Cleveland. t thio: "Surpris- ing relief: a world of good." -• Prof. Ed- ward Hole, pianist • and eowpaner, Chitagu, Ill.: "Its effects are in har- mony with its claims. ' In cuuelesiun we would say that it is the imperative duty of every family to have a bottle of St. Jacobs, Oil on hand for all emergen- cies; for the remedy is a true friend, in need, and the occasion for its jininedutte use 'stay conte when it 111 le:at expected. Follow title advice, and it will nut be long before you will join us in calling St. Jac be 04 "A Netiona! Blessing." THE WORLD OVER. Meluikoff is suspected to be an impor- tant member of the Nihilist Committee. The report that li:rivnecians took three forts from the Australians is officially de- nied. A decree has been issued by the Czar authorizing the issue of 6,000,000 roubles in silver. There are no sea -going vessels in port in -Montreal, and local steamers and sail- ing craft are seeking winter quarters very quickly. Mr. Dewdney's cumunission as piovie- ional Lieutenant -Governor of the North- west Territories was sent out from Ot- tawa' -n Monday. The Montreal Conference of the Me- thedist Jlissioaary S..ciety recently met in Preeetat and n l•h- 1 S109 to the an- nual income of uunasiofaries. ' El Liberal {Madrid piper) atates that the prelates who belong to the Senate in- tend to submit as protest against the Civil Marriage Bill, and afterwards quit the Senate in a body. • , A Vienn:t dispatch says :-It is exacta- ed xjteimi;ed in political circles that Count'Kalnoky will, before his departure from St. Pet- ersburg, arrange a meeting between the Emperor Francis Joseph end the Czar. The Supreme Tribunal has annulled judgment .atgainet the claim of the slaves at.'tio.Janeiro, in Morro Velho mine to freedom twenty veers agO, and ordered that wnees he paid them from that time. The would be assassin of Geneial Tclnevcrinc; is a nobleman, Sicolai San- skonaky, from the Government t Of Orod- no; He arrived a few days ago. accom- panied by one Melnikofl; whe has been • • - arres:ed as at: accomplice. Sanskowsky beeline of was. anted that la:i'.ing become p..nr by dissi- Impotency of mind, limb te- vital func- wouMerful curative prop ectiee of st. Oatiun, he was meditating suicide, when tion, nerreus weakness, sexual debility.- Jacobs Oil. I clutched it as a straw, be met 1(elnii:uff; who locrs:tacied hint t., and all diseases caused by indiscretinne and in a few hours was free front pain iu cuumuit political murder. and abuse. era radically and promptly • the knee, arm and shoulder As before The collieta.in the Ostrau coal miees, cured by the use of Mack's Dfagnetic stated, I cannot find words to convey the largest in Austria, are on strike. At Medicine, which is for sale by all re - 'my praise and gratitude to thedisctverer last accounts the strike was becoming aponsible druggists. See advertisement• of this king of rheumatica." serious. Twelve hundred n:en ,had In another column. Sold is Goderich The Chicago Tions says : "Everybody struck, and it was feared that the miners by Jas. Wilson druggist. eln the South Side knows J. D. L Har- of the large neighboring pita would join vey, Esti,, who has been a resident. of Chicago for over 20 years. Mr. Har- vey expressed himself on the "Oil sub- ject" as follows: "I have spent over $2,. 000 to cure my wife of rheumatism. Two A youth, under the pretense of urgent Importing and E: l'?Cl'?' .r bottles of St. Jacobs Oil accomplished State business, obtained an audience on n what all the ntedical treatment failed to Saturday at the Ministry of the Interior, - ' �} • L r bring about. I regard it as a greater with General Tchereyeloff, who wag pre- ESTAB LSTiMERT discovery than electricity. 1 regard it siding over a commtuion for mitigating ae a greater discovery than elictricity. the sentence of the exiles. As soon as It is a boson to the human race, and 1 am admitted, Ito tired a revolver at the (,len very glad to have this opportunity of eral but the ball palmed harmlessly be - testifying as to its remarkable efficacy. I tween the latter'n arni and side. The cannot speak ton highly of it, and T General disarmed the youth, who said would be recreant to my duty W those he.was merely the instrument of arootl:er afflicted did not I lift any voice in its I person, praise.' II.U.TFt.r.L, C.alrt. Nov. L';',*. -Dar, W. The Philadelphia heoee i say's: Mr. G. L. Gage entered his house on Sunday I. Graham 820 Ninenteenth street, night, and encountered a burglar, with Philadelphia, is a journalist of many whom he clinched. The tussle confirm - years experience, and is actively connec- ed to the steps into the street, where the Jed with the Philadelphia eitteolny Mir- burglar was thrown and secured. He for, a loading theatrical and musical endeavored to uae a pistol unsuecees(nl- journal: During the "late nnplea ant- ly. He hal packet] nearly everything Dass" Mr. Graham was Captain of Com- in the house for removal. pony K, One hundred and Eighty-third Pennsylvania regiment, and though ex- posure in the field he contracted a var- iety of ills, and he says a very trouble - POMP rase of rheumatism in the right leg and foot was a war inheritance that he had in vain tried to get rid of, until he wee rec, inmeneed to try St. Jacobs Oil. He states that he felt slight relief even on the first appli(ritinn of the Oil. Be- fore the first Mottle he purchased had been used up he had but few traces of his rheumatism, and at this time he says the diastase has entirely left him, which he attnhntes entirely to the use of St. Jacobs Oil. He remarks "No person need suffer with rheumatism if St. .lar- a friend In the Grand Union, and Inst no ew ..pprt-.are.• few0tas one, e, lure - oho (h1 ran he obtained: to these who time in warningthe father of the later, ........d Hie Ater.ry of Me Pere/wren' are &filleted with that complaint it is P roe.. Oyster "CATALOI/Cs L and jest in time t.. prevent ata tieing sum EVERY LARGE BRBEDjR worth ita weight in gold. • reasfnll•t carried out. Two year's ago the ar The ('hirsgo fn*Lr.slrenn wiry(lap. nnth eloped with the same !emelt lady l4PEI;Y NEIGHBORHOOD y '"eeloped NW TTM. FR5elelli it a'r.l.tdnw tain Paul Boynton, the world renewed I anad a Yonne eomp.wmm�n. They were A e eblrtr trial has Aemce- swimmer, thna spe&ke of the old German oared to ('ties. and brought home before BEY E',trat.'rthat oboe brio a, the Remedy: "From ennstant exposure 1 am the merri.Rsceremr,..ny had been preform ersnmnn m.r-s of the ere-, the prn4"' n 1s anmesthat euhject to rheumatic pain.. n eat Wilmet,who iv only eighteen yesof .,,i i., ,eDu,n , the market and nothing would ever iwo(' t me on age. has been married and divorced - Vias Ray Wass close "t florae. * portal ef•r. We will Give nue of the best Singer tiring u►aehinee that are made in the world for 50 subscribers. \-o better IaucAine mwlr un earth. It is warranted for 5 years by the manufacturers, viz: The Lawlor Meuufacturiag Coy el Mont- real. A warrant from this company is surely a guarantee of its being :• first class machine, anti especially when it has such a man as Jamas :McDougall, Esq,, at its head. Our utter is as follows: For 10 subscribers and 120 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. For 15 subscribers au•1 $15 we will give a $30 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. Eor 21) subscriber. and 312 we will give .i 1110 Canadian Singer with two drawers extensian leaf and cover and full attach- ments. For 30 subscribers and $10 we will give s $50 Canadian Singer with two drawers, extension leaf and cover and full attachments. For 40 suh•cribere and $5 we will give a $50 Canadian Singer with two- drawers extension leaf and cover and full attach- ments. Fur 50 subscribers we will give a $50. Canadian Singer with two drawers, ex- tensive leu and coter and full attach- ments. This machine is a genuine Canadian Singer, and we guarantee it nicer look- ing and better than and other Singer machine made. This is a specially good chance for young ladies who want a first clasa sewing Machine, and at the same time give your gentlemen friends the best news paper published in northern Huron. The agent of this ntachine, D. Gordon of Goderich will pay 15 up to $10, ate-- cording scording to the price, to any person send- ing them the address of pa: ties who will bug. This is an additional chance for the ladies canrassing fur subscribers to make money. STO-VES -t 1, TINWARt SLllhIItI' \310'01' Store, Hall, Parlor, Dining Room ANl C0011 11 SIMS t Sole Agent in Ootterich for The Toronto King Wood lieat•tig Stove -the Only Stove Giving Unit et•,wl satisfaction, 'tole Agent for the OSHAWA COOK STOVES The Best in the World no Only Stoves whlo► Never Crack. CALL IND EXAMINE STOCK Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. SALLOWS TH PHOTOGRAPHER, MONTREAL St. GODERICH BEST LIGHT, BEST PRICES, BEST ACCESSOR- IES, BEST CJSTO E RS BEST PICTURES, BEST SATIS- FACTION. BEST EVERY THING W::ea Dueler* Disagree, who .ball Deride' a V ['� TTT (-4 ,, ft Il Q 1 Nothing is more variable than the different opinions of medical men; but 1 when they fail to agree, or to ,perform a cure in.a chronic disease, the patients of- ten decide f Lr themselves, and take Bur- dock Blood Bitters, and speedily recover. It is the grand key to health that unlocks all the secretions, and liberates the slave • from the capitivita of disea'e. • Weak t.aagssad savai is - sake Breath with the mouth closed, have access at as times to pure air,..exercise' inoderately; eat nourishing but simple food, and take that beat of all cough re- - modies, Hagy-ard's Pectoral Balsam, it speedily cures all throat and lung troubles of adults or children. Price 25 cents per bottle. Dr. C.reon's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters, are rapidly taking the .lace of all other purgatives, including Pills, Powders. etc- Their action is mild yet effectual and they are a certain cure fur all bilious complaints. In Ia'rge bottles at 50 cents, trete Rhynas, spec:al agent for Goiletir!i. them. The strikers claim an increase of overseers demand companies of a� PERCHERON HORS overseen. Two coni tee of infant have been sent fruit: Outran. LAnOEST — LN Tar. — A' O ItLD. VILYOickKtt M. W. DUNHAM Tt'ayar, Du rage Conn -.r, Mmes. U. S. A. Itib miles west of Chicago., On Thursday evening a womai. was lM.f.ethe /two 17'mown. • 1 *) AT 1U. observed sitting on the track near LION, AND 1S.tk LLS hire been ,mport.d g teems Fewer to fAie establ tehe.e,.f, sere Bramj ton, and although the engineer MORE them fee combined teesp•. efm,ne. of blew his whistle loudly. she took n•, no- .11 df..' f,wj,orfer. of Demi, flare►., fte.a all parr.. of £0r5 ,. /br 00M tice and before he need Lull up tite t .w O,,,. -g fth of the entire ta:mber of fmporr- catcher had struck het .et the heist and e•f r• nob A.t•e.• in Attwrleacan r.e seen on inflicted fatal injuries. A whiskey let ' WA Lrrrs W nroBwisi t'Nfrer�erri l.r o ufWaled eaa.a, tle was found in her possession. 1•aris. IA lit and Dearly sit the Prise Ronne A young man name•i Wilmot, of 11' - °o+;tidt bhoe�s oftao nutrealscei . btm taws, woo has been mixed up with a: .t t ,. centennial• .' m•na and. at the f.,•.•.f tempted suicides, divorces and aloin • Atom Title. 1445. y%r. Iewh.ra'e peed menti since he was fifteen year* ..f age. ,the M.w.s5.sefl Aise.~.f eoll�trf rO;r:2! hal arranged to elope with a Young lady Ashes• ever shown, eonstatin nr f that prise win. from a (tentretown convent An ',id Des it the t,rr•at "hews of aeMtasd ani Rn- ``la•d. was awarded the rir•.w./ F's. .pp.f.kea friend of the family fortunately over Prier of •I.0O( and fire.( Gold if.e.s. heard him explaining the programme t„ 160 P.4nr rAT..T017 771 mew /RPltt Fall& ¶illtOr!i(111ill Mrs. E. Warnock, ery Has Received a Complete Stock of Goode suit- able for the Season. and invitee her Cus.oiners and the public generally to cal; and inspct t. • EVERY LINE IS FULL THE VARIETY I8 LARGE The Quality is Unsurpassed, PRICES THE LOWEST. Call and Inspect. IlantiL'un Street. Opposite Colborne hotel. W. ,S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich Nri11s LATE PIPER'S. Beg to return their thank to the public for the liberal patronage received during the past year. and to state they are prepared to do G-RISM IN0- on the shortest notice, or for the convenience otparttesliving at a distance will exchange grists at their town store (Late II-. M. Hilliard's,) Jlasonic block, East St. Goderich. -MY-Highest price paid for wheat.'fag GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Black. T1) MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New I:)ILEI:a and SALT PANS manufac- 1 urrd on shortest notice. All kit.dt. of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of the Proprietors who ARK Practical Workmen. 1'. (1 /ha 104._ 1787 JOHN PASMORE Manes, -!tiro ...f Waggolls, Crries, ViCT( ►ItL1 -t., Corner of Trafalgar. t g••nt L.. the r•.I.hrateat SEEGIILLER CHILLED PLOUGH Mectice4l Hall, C -odi_eri a. kk s r r It. �I. P. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist - wholesale and Retail Dealer in Drage. Chemicals, faints file, Ityt• Stuffs, Artist Colors. /arPbysiclaasPatent ' Medlelnes.Prescriptlonr Horseearetuiland y nadl•pte Men.eedld.clnasV, Perfumery, Toilet Articled, sic. R J CONSLTNIPTION, COUGHS, COLDS &tc. ttc DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE U sE {,- EZIECTRICRITT ERS_ tui; STOMACH, LIVER 8z KIDNEYS, GEO. RRYNAS URI'(,(;ISt &c. '=iii, Prescriptions a Speciality Night Bell on the Front DoorRd G. C. RO=RTSCI1T Has just received a large lot of SIDE BRACKETS. CORNER BRACKETS f� PIPE BRACKETS, PAPER RACK, WALL POCKETS TOWEL RACKS, MUSIC POOKETS, - SLIPPER RACKS, VARIETY STORP, EAST ST, Holiday Presents At BUTLER'S Photo and Autogrsph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR 'EVERYBODY. - ALL. CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and .consists of Ladied' and Gents' Purses._ Chiga Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Valles in many patterns, Flower Pats, Cups and Flowers,' China and Wax Dolls! A Large 'Assortment. Smokers Sundries-Mersehaum Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. - School Books, Miscellaneous Books Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Wasizt;'s Hymn Books, Psalm Books, dcc , &c. -Subscriptions taken for all the best Excuse, Scores. Iumm, AMERICAN and CANADIAN Papers and soli nee at Publishers' lowest rates -now is the time to subscribe. - A full stock of School Books, for Teachers and High an I tele: Sch.-••i •:.:dents All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a choIae and Iar>;.• selection of ' ! THE BEST EVEP. SHOWN, Christmas and New Year's Cards! ASI, t RtapEI Tilly E0Ea, .At BUTLER'S. Dominion Tel cgraph and Postage Stamp Ofllce. 17.12 E,` Dominion Carriage Works," Goderich. MORTON ANDCRESSMAN tad tarlewlt•ral iea•Iemrst.. e'en. agent Me the Queen's Fire& Life Ins. Co. TT i. Is one of the cwt rem partied In erlet- being prompt and reliant.. InM.mattes furnished . h. wfulh on appi..stief. 'slam /mea PAIRS/ID manufacturers of FIR.4T f L.4:I,4 CARRIAC+ES, BUC-i•CrIES, etc. Opposite Colborne Hotel. We solicit an examinatu.tt of •sur v.-.,Icies. REPAIRING I'IUIPTLY ATTENDED TI1- GET YOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS PAINT=Das t►. Wliceo/ Till. Hf'fp IN Mit;\.41. North Street, Gnd.riots