HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-12-02, Page 1. • Win.
1,61 al
g V°
t 11.50 • YEAR IN AD V•NICE.
New edivertleenseats.
Strayed -Geo. Patton.
Strayed -Thos. 0N.1I."
Strarli- Janie, Young.
Perfumery Jas. Wilson
• !Bra) d - Robt. 1 )(melees.
Liver Pade-Holzurn Pad Co.
Two HOWle. to Let -S. tou.
Christ was Goods - Mrs. Warnock.
For Sale Cheap Edward $1,&r11111111.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills Dr. J. le Ayer & Co.
Colbarte Council Meeting -J. A. hichtobagh.
Allon's Lung Balsam -Perry 1/vi. Son& Law -
rent O.
ent istry.
-11. TNT. 0 Moe and residence. West Street
hreu doors below Bank of Montreal, (lode -
etch 1762
(NON. (late with Treitter & Cessitar, the
leading Dentists of Toronto.) All operations
neatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Bea-
ver Block, CLINTON. Si/Patients from a
knee will please make appointment In ad-
. azwe by mail. 1112
Strayed Animals.
'T premises of the subs•riber. Lot 4. Lake
Ranee. eownship of Ashtleld, about the mid -
11e of Auguste& red heifer calf with spotted
face. Tho owner is educated to peeve pro-
pene. levy charges and take it away. .1 A MK$
YOUNG. 1815-41
J sense:01)er. east half lot 3. con. 4. Ashfleld.
about the beginning of September, a grey hei-
fer coming 3 years old. The owner is request-
ed to pro% e property. par expenses. and take
t away. ROBT. DOUGLASS, Duntrannoa
P. 0. 1815-41
V Subscriber, Lot 11, Lake Shore Road. Ash -
tied. shout the 1st of July. • red steer. rising
two years old. The owner is requeseed to
prove ProPerty._pay expenses, awl take tbe
animal away. THO'. O'NEIL, KIngebridge
P. O. 1815-41
middle of Nov.. a horse. • steer and •
heifer. The steer and heifer are rod and
white: the horse is black. The owner la re
molted to prove property. pay chareeli and
ake them away. Geo. Parrox, part of Block
t', Colborne township. 1811-4t.
kJ premises of the subeiriber. lee No. 12.
hem Range. Township ef Asbflelii: on the
I eh inst.. • sorrel horse. The owner will
please eitilepey expenses and take the animal • -
iways J.1ME9I DALTON. 1814 -It Loans ant) 3nsurance.
prc:nises of the siihscriher. Lot 4. I'm,. 7. AIONEY.-PitIVATE FUNDS TO
.ownshi7.1 of Colboree. on the 15th inst.. a red 1 eel lend (Messy terms in s0045 t belt bor-
ed white heifer. 3 veers nil. The owner is rowers. ALEX. MCD ALLAN.
'..0(1U,Nit ail to prove propertY. teli ehazfeee. and Goderieh. Nov: 17th VW. 1413-im.
Teachers Wanteb.
No. 11. Asheelti. for the year um Apgar
n•If N, S. and T. bheppardten . O.
She People's Column.
the =se hays been taking &ww rails from
aid property. adjoining the Lacrosse
Oround. notice les hereby given that any per-
son doing so in the future w.I1 progisemWd.
WM. MoCA IG. 1311.31t
lath DECEMBER, 1881, at the hour of 10 o -
clock Ail parties holding accounts
agatost the said Townelep are requested to
forward thein to the undersigned on or before
the tab December. J. A. 1IcDONAGH.
1815-21. Township Clerk. Carlow P.O.
•Ptin. undersigned begs to announce to the
ladles or Ooderich and vicinity. Out they have
formed a partnership tinder the name cf the
Mistake Raw CAVIADY. and that they will
carry on the hominess of dress and mantle
making in the rooms above Mr. Geo. she's-
peed's bookstore. corner of North Street and
the Square ientranee on North Street. All
orders they may be favored with whl be
promptly and carefully &Vendor! tn.
15 out. 144*2
IL .1f . SURGEON. &c., Graduate of Tor-
onto Lair emit,. Licentiate of the Royal Col -
*we of Physicians, London. Ragland, &c., &o.,
11 C. P. S., Ontario. Mee and residence
Opposite Balley's Hotel. Hamilton street. • od-
arra. 17964in
GEON. Coroner. &c. Office and residence
as Bruce Street, asociad door west of Victoria
1-1.. Gina, Surgeon and Acconebee Graduate
of Toronto University. Office opposite Cameo
ron Sc Cameron's Hank, Lucknow. If not in
Mice. enquire at the Bank. 17e.ey.
Physicians,. Surgeon,. Accouchers. &c.
°eke at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
Jail, Goilerkl. G. C. SHANNON, J. li \MIL-
TON. 1751.
tike the animal away. PATR ALLA-
1.7 enclosure of the subecriber. lot F. 7th
:on. Colborne, about the ted of Oetober. inst.,
a ram Iamb. Tho owner is requested to preset
property Dee damages and take him away.
to Tiie SION 11 i.ldreTtigeSSIMAISR1ray-
r.g. on your premise*. and &veld. errieweiteon
for Illegally detaining animal i. Aide. :Ha
Semet. Goilerieh. Ont.
Real Estate.
.1: desirable brick house. on East St., with
one eighth of an aero of land. The house coo-
. tains 5 heti rooms. parlour. dining room,
kitchen. woodethed and all necessary conveni-
ences. No reasonable °Nor will be refused.
EnwanDSHARMAN. 1815
1: Lake Rang. Ashfield, Huron County,
'Si acres. 130 cleared and highly improved.
oalance standing timber. Oood orchard. new
rame house. barn 4nt60 and all necessary
= tabling. two wells. For particulars address
HAIL atcLicse. Amberly. ' 1790-3m.
Lot No. 5, Lake Shore Roe I. Township of
Colberne, four miles from Goderieh, contain-
ing lee aeres, tin of which are cleared and un-
der a good state of cultivation. It is well fenc-
ed and underdrained. having two dwelling
houses. a barn. as nrehard. stables, workshop,
driving shed. and other outbuildings. For
particulars apply nn the premlses.cor to H0)4 -
ACE HORTON. Milburn P. O. Sept. 15. -It
T'p. of Colborne, containing 111 acres, 30
tees cleared. balance excellent timber. Soil
a good clay loans. As this property adjoins
the Point Farm it 19 In consequence most
elleibly situated. For particulars apply to J.
J. Wright.
March 1st 1861. 177641.
Dungannon. 12 miles from Ooderleh,
ronsigtine of ! of an sere of land. well fenced:
a frame house. a goad well and pump are also
on the premise& l'he lot has been well Im-
proved. Terme reregonable. Particulars can
he had from Mr. J. M. Moaners. Members'.
Dungannee. or R. IL BROWS. Nile P. 0.
1 1 M. owner of Victoria and Last Ares, in
the town ot Goderich. for sole °beepor will be
zebanged for farm property. Fe2:threlars
ir.,11.1:,Jrt'Slt"4^‘,trIbioa lUirkeer.
1.3 sale 8) acres. 60 serge Meowed aid well
fenced. Driek Cottage 25x30. stone cellar fall
rase of bouse. A large creek rwia thrones
the lot, no waste land on the creek, A very
Ane orchard .urrouads the house. Good barn
and other buildings. Terms very easy. Apply
10 11. T. H rem, lot IS Lake Shore Roast.
tome Townsldp, or to Galonow k Psocts-
FOOT. 1788
rich. 1751
ta75,000 LENDON REAL ES -
%V TATE. Terms favoretile Apply to II. L.
DOYLE, Goderich. 1751
. •
VP on good Farm or first-clase Town Property
at 8 per cent. Aooly to R. it A DCLIFFE. 1751
.1vi. amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per
cent. Private funds. Apply to Szauest and
MORTON, Goderich.
JI amount of Private Funds for investment
at lowed rates oa first-class Mortgages. Apply
.1.41 Money to lend at lowest rates, free of
any meta or charges. SEAGER er• MORTON.
oprteitAeColborne Hotel.
h. 23rd March 1861. 1770.
yr Landed Credit Company is prepared to
lend money on good Farm security, at six per
oent. Full particulars given upon application
to HUOH HAMILTON. C. L. agent, Goderleh.
s: COW 13 Colborne, ebot Ween miles freer
OodierSeh. comprising 7/1 arrow 11/ elenred. A
frame house. and a new frame barn MIS sad
a Risible and other outbuildings are on the
priseelepa. A years orehard. semi meow eta
est the farm. The farm has a road cm tyre
02 4*. Four acres of fall wheat ore sown.
IdMant eel! mile from • poen Whoa For
partkuelare app12 to Wu Ramo& Sheyr -
toe P. 0.
QincrpABirrox.--irroak, wrrH
Peet Idelers. for ado or to met, with i sere
ea. Stock all fresh aad mood. W sell 7,1:g
us torero bar ine other busbsess to
o. Per further partieuiargpts R. T.
8 len MD acres off Vr oft iSolf 02
Imt 5. Ogitis;:ito= 11 D. Gond Or -
Vetsad wen tea& *Apply • toirrnsow
It 'proof 111n.
T4P on Farm and Town Property at lowest In-
terest. Mortgosres purchased, no Commission
charged, Conveyancing Fees reaeouable.
N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money In one day
if title is eatisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN.
STON. Barrister/. &c.. Goderich. 1751
. Life and Accident Insurance Agent.
Representing first-class Companies. Also agent
Money to lend on Mortgage. either in Town er
Farm Propertyin any way to suit the borrow-
er. 088oe-aupesteirsi Kays block, Goderich,
Oat. 1751
NEWS ABOUT HOME.. Mr. .1. R. Miller, P. S. I., returned We are glad to learn that Mr. C. L. 1 his way along the highroad or across the
i last week teen Toronto, whither he has Ceaseweller, who has been teaching inItielda as the case may be. Presently be
• being treated far an affection of the eyes. Gbderich High School for some time, will be staggering under the weight of a
- It wee feared at one time that he would has received the appointment of Coin -
have to g.. to New York for further inerciel Master in Pickering College,and
1 treatment. bu----------------- t has late- will enter upon hhi duties with the cone
Deeeeaes. cupboards. and beeitreens at 1 s applicants for the, position, but Mr.
wonderfully low prices. at Hall, %uneven! Pe^-t''r's visii'n• .
MOMS. Crassweller s record, and the high views
i MAE. (•HAN..F.A. - -Owing to the change
7:Plutitre, room moulding. tined up by tiaan-1 Of time in the running of mini trains on
ders, the Variety Store man, at ler price». No !
••A tellers engem, ye. takin Mites.
Au' fctiai heat prom
70172, TOPICS.
ly taken phaco in the condition of the In-
ing year. here was a large number of
L H. & B. Railway; mails fur all points
charge fur fitting.
Saunders. the Variety Store num. is north of Clinton --on the L. 11. & a-
sters.; and tinware at lowest prices. Christ- will close at 10 o'clock, p. m. as the mail
mai adv't next week. "The Cheapest House •
trent going north leaves Clinton at 9
Under the Sun."
All mails going south will
If you want a first-class cooking elOre. ern o'clook a. m.
and see G. N. Doris' variety. Mao American close at 11.30 a. m.
and Canadian oil for family time Raring an
experienced workntan.any house work will be Rernate Marmite -A meeting of Re-
done in the most satisfactory manner. Netters will be held in the rooms above
ItTlirso beautiful panels to be had at E. I,. THE SP:NAL office on Monday evening,
Johnson's, are only $4.60 a dozen. $3.50 for half •
a dozen. Extra finish. 50e. a dozen extra. All at eight o'cl ick. The attendance of ev-
photos to be paid for when taken. George B. cry Reformer in town is requested, as it
Robson. late with Hunter /. Cu.. Toronto. is is hoped that the meeting will be able to
The daily papets now teem with Cu le- .make arrangements to hold regular ses-
sions of the Association during the win -
rich railway items.busily engaged in taking the evidence
an attack of illness. ims't out on Monday.
yesterday the property was visited for a
ter menthe. Let there be a good turn -
Mrs. Henry Clucas is recovering of a large number of witneasea. On
Dr. Wild, about a score years ago,
Mr. James Wilkinson has returned • second time by the gentlemen compris-
. was stationed at Godorich, at that time ing the Board, in order to make them -
heavy farm gate, that two ordinary men
could scarcely carry, trudging along as if
his life depended on it. 'Sometimes two
r three juin in; thee a raid is made on
buggies and "one horse shays," a fifty
foot rope is pressed iiito servos, and
held of by old educationists, gained manfully the trudging goes on until the
him the place. Altheueli a very young vehicle is elevated to the top of a stable,
man, Mr. Cressweller has proven him- er left gracefully reclining on a lean-to.
self to bo an excellent teacher. The But when the fit ciente on, the acme of
feeling of regret among the educationists happiness consists of tiring up a steam
of Huron at his departure is mingled thresher, and starting the whistle at
with one of pleasure at the thougbt that midnight. This is the quintessence of
the young tutor has secured a position jollity; he has etruck on something so
coveted by so many high in the proles- original that the raughs and rowdies
sion. stand in blank amazement at the -mag
THR PLATT CLAIM. -The Board a nitudo of the conception. Like Napol-
Arbitrators are still sitting on the claim eon he stands alone in his glory. The
ef Mr. Samuel Platt, and will not be disease appears to be contagious, as it is
through with it before this evening. rumoured that it has fastened en several
During the past eight days it hu been new victims. As I.'ealsk ill is inadequate
to cope with it, Doctor Buckshot, of
Texas, has been communicated with,
and the symptoms detailed. His reply
is highly satisfaetery, his terms are to
cure no pay. He has had hundreds of
similar cases, and in every instant,e a
cure or was affected. He is perfectly will-
ing to take the present subjects in hand,
and provided his instructions are carried
nut, a perfect cure is guaranteed. This
is very gratifying to the community,
as the parents and friends of the indi
viduals so strangely afflicted have tho
sympathy of the whole neighborhood.
As theavatients are to be placed under
Dr. Buckshot's charge, this afflicting
malady .211 20 all prebebility shortly'
cease. Yours etc., s
rum Uakot& *011 N14*ouli.
in tae mission field of the M. E. Church.
Capt. Dancey has been in Chicago The Dr. slid on Wednesday evening
during the past week or two that. he lied a keen recollection of Gode-
Capt. R. Rhynas of the Str. Nyack, rich, for here he had received instruc-
arrived in town last Saturday. tame in domestic economy, having learn -
Mrs Win. Smith, East St., has gone ed the art of living on $2a0 a year. fin
to Buffalo far a two weeks visit. naively added that he doubted if he
The County Council will meet at ceuld repeat the eeperiment no w.
Goierich on the 6th of December. A fellow calling himself "Fether
Mr. McLay, Registrar of Bruce paid a O'Connor,- and claiming to be a con -
short visit to Goderich last week.
Mr. John Knox is of to the North
West, with a shipment of horses.
We regret to learn that John McIn-
tosh, Goderich Tp.. is verse seriously
verted Roman Catholic priest, lectured
against Romauism to a thin audience. in
the Temperance Hall, on Saturday even-
ing,. The "crop" of peutio converted
priests, monks and such like is growing
alarmingly leree, but the "lecture" they
til,.4ive is the sane; 1.14 yam. Phew "eon -
taro let" ,placards are new in sneak: at version" 40,41111 beam 1'.. wake better
men of say of them.
this office. Owners of vacant hl uaes
should see them.
Mr. A. Dickson formerly alf the Bank
of Commerce, now of Paris, was in town
during the week.
Mr. Reba Gibbons, of the 3Iiet,i4on
Farm, r, nephew of Sheila' Gibbons, was
in town thin week.
We are glad to see Mr. Palnier around
agkin after his prostration. It dc -es
not pay to Dr. Tanner ton far.
• bliss Mollie Payne, of Bost, -r,, is in
town, visiting her mother, -Mrs. Payne,
who is in poor health•just now.
BRITISH A88. CO'Y, Towoxvo-Establlebed
Establleited 17M.
HARTFORD NS. COW, 01 iturrroen. Conn.
-Established 1810
Risks taken In the above first -clam 0111earat
*44.lowest flitOrn by 1101RACE HORTON.
The eadersamed la also Appraiser ter the
Money to Loan on first -dams seventy. rom
7608 per Coat. -Charges moderate.
Goderich Sept. 10 18116.
Mrs. Dr. Adams, of Ernbro, with her
batty boy, visited her family the past
week, to dicer term in their recent
Judge Sinclair and wife were visiting
old scenes Sunday and Monday last.
Mr. R. Kennedy. of the Hainilton
accompanied them.
• We are gladao learn that bliss McMa-
hon, teacher St. David's Ward, who had
beereconfined to her house with a severe
attack of cold, i.s againeotending te her
Mr. S. J. Jarvis, of the Bank of 'Mon-
treal. has been appointed to a position in
the Stratford Branch. He will be suc-
ceeded here by Mr. U. A. McDonald, t‘f.
RVNAWAT. laCturned Murray
thrown from the delivery waggon of R.
McLean, one day lest week. and the
vehicle ran over hi:n. He was not seri-
ously injured.
Stratford merchants are moving in the
matter of an extension of the Credit Vel-
a thatthriving . Hitherto tho
Grand Trunk has had the grip nn Strat-
ford. -[Toronto World. "
The Foresters ball and supper at the
"Maitland House, on Friday evening,
was a complete success. The spread was
excellent, and the music by Latimer s
string band was all that could hedesired.
We regret to learn of the illness
Mr. Walter McDonald medical student.
He recently burst * blood vea.sel, and
has since been quite weak. He was ex-
pected to returnsfrom Toronto yesterday •
The Woman's Tetnperance Una ai •
hsa secured the services of Mrs. Yeo-
man's the celebrated temperance lectur-
er, for an evening in Goderich next
week. Further notice will be given as
to time and place.
Wednesday's °lobe gives a very favor-
able notice of M. Eleanor t n s ap-
pearance in Shaftesbury This
talented lady will shortly appear in
Ooderich under the auspices of the Me-
chanic's Institute.
A new lamp has been place' at Knox
Church. Mr. T. Hood worked 'minter -I
interest in the matter. A handsome
set of airriage steps has been preowned
to the chum\ hy Mr.0.W Themson '
of the Goderich Artificial Stone Work*.
Arrotscritavre. - Dr. Alex Taylor has
been appoiated Medical Examiner nf the
()range Mutual Insurance Association
for the dietrict of Goderich.
bleerruez Couer. -The Maritime
Court sittings conintenced Goderich
on the 29th inst. Tiler:ire-as two cases
rid, both against the tuga•Mary Anna,"
which has been lying at the harbor here
some time in charge of the Marshal.
One case was brought by the Captain for
wages and damaates, and wrongful dis-
selves thoruughly acqueinted with the
damage sustained by the claimant. Af-
ter leaving here the Board will proceed
to Point Levis, where they will be en -
in investigating the claim of Mary
Patton against the Harbor Commission-
ers of Quebec, for damage sustained by
the building of the dry dock at that
place. After getting through at Point
Levis the Board will probably proceed to
BROTHER HOLME-, of the Clinton Neu'
Eo,, does nut look upon the G. W. R.
connection with favor, and delivers him-
self as follows:
'The Londen Fee ri.01,1, referring to Dungannon.
the anxiety of Goderich to secure ad-
dittonal railway facilities, suggest. that 3Ir. Wet. McArthur, postmaster. is author -
instead of taking action toward. securing
a branch of the Credit Valley front
Woodstock, Goderich's interest would
be better served by securing a branch
connection with the Great Western et
Clinton, and advises an effort being put
forth to secure that end. The cost of
such connection is put dawn at $250,000,
Now, the only place that would gain,
erha s b such a connection would be
!Ijssel, and the other by the crew for P P Y
Goderich; tha township of Goderich 1.1 the spring.
wages. Mr. Sealer for plaintiffs, 'in
would not assist to the extent of a single Mr. Drow, who lately brought mit the
both cases. and M. C. Cameron Q. C.
cent, and as Clintoo has all the conimun. bankrupt stock of T S. Reid, has va-
and 1'. Holt, fcr clefts.
ieation with Goderich that is necessary,. enchains Wore here, 31111 returne4 with
FORORRE.--The young man McDer- it is not at all lieelyany assistance would the balance of his stock to Exeter.
mott, whose roguery is alluded te in our be Oven here.
. . Mrs. R. Pointer, of -Cliurchville, who
ma„aoa Lens, n ',, p aye es a
are of • t:(Kletich Coencil was held on .
heti been for some
her sister .Mrs. Thee. Disletr of this
Ca' 34 IL blEeriee.- Theregular meet tulle pest the guest of
game in Mr. Jahn Martin, of the Col-
borne Hotel.' He presented a note for
Friday last. our apace this week will place, returned hone on Monday last.
$20 signed by Mr. P. O'Laughlin. of
net admit of an extended report. There Seem:G.-There is every prospect of
Aehfield and 'supplemented' it with a
'as an tippet front r. Bueltrinsai who tho "lam ia skating rink ieiug openod
letter purporting to be eiened by that
had been taxed fur wrong lot and had shortly. Under the careful menage:tient
gentleman, requesting Mr. Martin to
p.ttd tho. amount required, and after- of -east's H. Bickle and W. Glenn we
cask the note as a favor. This was donel
want discovered that his own - lot prophesy a large attendance and good
by the huidlonl of the Colborne.
WAR offered fur sale for taxes. On ice.
oblige O'Laughlin, who is an old friend.
motion blr. Buchanan's lot was with- Tows Cue:la-Theprobabilities are
There eva.sno "shaving" onthe notes, and
B drawn from the tax sale list. The
lied twelve subscriptions for '*111 tenors
SIGNAL. and give receipts therefor.
Mr. B. Pointer returned home last
week after a lengthy vuit in Chicago.
"Mr. John Martin has been making im-
provements to his hotel by the erection
of a commodious kitchen.
Mr. R. West has lately returned from
Dakota. He speaks well of the country,
and anticipates visiting the \Vest again
e . g
aointinent of a night-watchman, to re-
noteemil letter. it ie needless to say,
place Mr. Stardy, was postponed. The
*ere forged. AlcDerutott will aeon come
proprietor -3 ct the Park House summer
to grief.
hieel. staked air remission of taxes. On
Vesiset DPUBLED. -Tae scle.oner neetien ai Mr. Hutchison, seconded by
J. Sufful. bound from Chicago to Port blr. Edward half the taxes was remit
our village will seen delight in the pos-
session of a town deck, us a petition is
at present going around to that effedt.
This something Dungannon needs great
ly, and we trust our residents will all
"come down handsomely."
fl,.•pe, with a half cerge a,000 bushels tel Ati application for remission of inion prayer meetings among the
of cern and 100 barrels of pork. was taxes froin the Seegruiller foundry was members of the Methodist and Presby-
5:reek by a gale in Saginaw Bay, and acceeded to. and the required mei:mien terian denominations are at present In
lost the jaws of her main boor, and her agreed to. The taxes on the old Gaelic vogue. The asseinliey takes place every
fore gaff. She lied te run before the marine was contested but not settled. Friday eveeing at a private residence of
wind, and sighted Geder:cli lairle.r light Mr. Pace of tha Chemical Salt works a member. The dwelling of Mr. Mel -
about 11 o'clock en Thursday night. objected to pay the' taxes on that insti- ighan is the next place of meeting.
Being unmannzeable, she was unable to tutien Matter not settled A eyaaa. WHAT NeXT !--A society has lately
make pert. and dropped anchor about
three tulles from the mouth of the bar-
ber, almost opposite the Point Farm.
On Friday morning , she was observed
signalling for a tug, but no assistance
could be given her from tine port, as the
engines had been taken nown in the
Government tug, and the Minnie Walker
was too small for the task of towing her
in. On -Saturday morning the tug Erie
Belle ran up teen Serena to take some
schoeners down to the river, awl sight-
ing the stranger in distress, Made up to
her, and brought her in. In the harbor
the tug grounded on account of going
tem near the beach, and the Suffel was
knocked against the lumber dock, break-
ing off her jib boom' end carrying away
her head gear. The crew of the gaffe'
were quite comfortable during their two
days' riding off the harbor. The yew1
will remain in port for the winter, and
the cargo is being despatched to Port
Hope by the G. T. R.
a large and influential meetiag. of the
loathe; hotel keepers and liquor dealers
of Huron, was held the town hall.
Clinton, on Friday last- Mr_ A. G.
Hodge. Secretary of the parent Associ•
ation, was pretest. After a few nitre -
duct "7 remarks. the Chairman intro -
&wed 1 -Ir Hodge, who. nn owning for-
ward, read the charter of the 41. T. B.
Assoc:Wine, explasiaa the nature and
oh;ects of the organiuticm, showing the
necessity of united and hannneious ee- mirk HIP Wreak. et Itaaativi.
regulating the polling places and nani- Peen organized here under the name of
ing the returning officer' for the munici- the "Bummer s Club," an appears al-
pal elections was read and palmed. ready to be in a flourishing condition.
We think it WOUIL1 bie advisable to make
Dm WILD', LEcTI'llf. -A fair au tho secret business (1 the order public.
diene greeted Dr. Wild in the Tem 'er- so that outsiders could have a chance to
-"clear the track."
GATH ERIN°, --A very social
and agreeable entertainment 'was given
to a few intimate friends at the dwelling
of one of our young townsmen on the
evening of Friday last. It wis an entire- '
ly informal altiir, and intended to pro-
mote sociability and create a friendly in-
terest among the young, men and judg-
ing from the lively manner in which they
seemed to enjoyed the banquet it was
quite a success. The supper was got up
in grand style -salads, roast goose, lob-
sters, and such delightful biticuits, the
remembrance of which yet lingers in our
mind. After full justice had been done
the repast, came the feast of reason and
flow of suul, at which all present "took
a hand," and each bent himself to the
ance on Wednesday evening. is
lecture, "The Stone Miracle and 1882"
was very interesting, the speaker (livid -
his time between instructrnee his au-
dience *nil making ahem Laugh. The
discourse was well received, the lecturer
'wing frequently applauded. Dr. Wild
at one time believed that the pyramids
were built before the flood; he is now of
opinion that they were erected about
2170 B.C. Tho builder, he believed to
au Melchisedek, who was none other
than Shorn and Job. These three char-
acters he believed to be the one person,
and ingeniously endeavored to prove his
contention. Towards the close of the
lecture the speaker isked : What is
going come to the world in 1882?
e pyramid is a witness for God. and it
tells us. 1882 will begin a grand struggle
task of outdoing his neighbor in plea -
for liberty, which will last or 53 years.
gantry and entertainment. The health
We in Catimill shall not enter it at first,
of each was proposed and drank (in seat
the fight. He had foretold the .RUINIO•
or but we shall ultimately be drawn into
withtogeuscstioi, tsttzbleanareessponoseersiitringof
Turkish war and its result, and his pro -
"Auld Ling Syne" were sweetly wafted
phesy that England would not tight in
upon the breeze: and when the column
that affair came true Mr. Murton, pre- notee of the clock denoted midnight,each
W ent of the blechsnic's institute. oc- Hee doparted to his house a happier man
espied the cluiir. for having passed a few hours in social
and harmless enjoyment. We would be
- - - plumbed to report. a more frequent occur -
drink oases before the Montreal Police to the same positioa for the district of .ction of itsrights The follow- Te eke Editor of the !MIN AL.
youing men, for we think they are cat-
tsnn en *44. pert 02 s
A ease of terrible degradation from Holmes of Brussels has been appointed once of these little gatherings among the
Court on 28th Wt. A young nem named Grey. ing officers were thee" duly elected to DIM Sat, - A disease of a peculiar
Jos. Queien wee hies& up for statz • constitute the county of Huron Liceiteed nature him appeared in the Nor -Western !culittect toil° mneh
the dwelt that moored his fisthsr's d
body, is order to buy drink. Ta. pri-
soner bad robbed the house et almost
everything hi could lay hands nn, for
the purpose of getting liquor. Quoit*
formerly held a responsibte pneition
here, and was much respected, but let -
tarty can rt se employment on amass!
of his halide.
Mrs. MiDer. of Waterton, Iowa, is
craned by the death of her husband, who
strangled to death twn of her children,
we,1 3 months ind 5 the 27th
went Wits a
11.01*44. &Embro Courier, says: We
widows* in our exeluinge bet twn of the
best weekly newspapers in the Province.
They are Off HURON Signal, published
in Goderich by MCGillicuddy Bros.. and
the Huron Expositor, published at Sea-
forth by McLean Bros
At the recent examinations Define the
Ontario Law Society, Mr. Wm. Plead -
foot passed his final, and was admitted
I Victuallers' Aserniatem. - Thorne,
Lou . Blyth. Presioest , A. Div Shen .
E*q. Seelneth. Vies president . If Rob-
son. Sal.. Clutton. Secretary -Tressurer.
Executive Committee. Kkeriv. IrvdsV
Setiforth; Gen. B. Cow, 1mq . Goderie ;
Jno Fanner. Esq.. Exeter. A. Roe,
Rai . Brussels. Jan. Restah. Eel.. [Myth
I I. Itattenbury, Esq.. Clinton; Jaq.
, Morgan, Len . Barfield. N. Deighart,
part of (lodges:in Township (affecting1
the huvaan specie& At first it was con- ; Carloir.
sidered a mild type ef lunacy, the v:ctiin --
C,onsideralshi excitement meads in
dubs neighltirhoed over the sudden dis-
appears/ice of John Cowan, teacher in
M. M. No I. A charge of breach of
promise was re vastly inside against him,
which has been denied by the accused.
A few dove ego Mr. Cowan qnietty left
the sionglibriehood, and his whereabouts
IR M priment nnknown. Mr. P. Strang
has ho..n secured le• the trustees to tooth
inning the issiniag year; and in 9A proi
height, he will enter upon lite duties at
being only seriously afflicted during the
full of the moon, bet latterly it has as-
sunied a more violent form, the victim
being attacked sometimes twice a week,
and suffering ser partneri/arty dur•
ing the nignt 'Iltlas entirely baffled
the skill of nor local physicians. The 1,
to the bar. Mr. A. Mackay, who has Esti „Zurich Delegates - .L. Thome, symptoms are strange and entirely new.
been reading with Maws. Gamow & Rag. Blyth; (leo. Jackson, Eat. Kg- The individual appears to be in his us -1
Proodfoot, alvei passed his final eurnina- ' Henry (kinks. Req.. Gods- nal heath, going about his work retell
tion u barrister and attorney. We caw rich, ars the de to Woad a con- arly, and reining to bed at sausataltle
of boom Aftea
their Games& , aoato, on r n but or so, up he
, gratulate our young townsmen spool motion to be n Tor
fitionilf the I7th Dumb', jumpssieve out of the house, sad weeds