HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-11-22, Page 171 Coming Events SPECIAL MOTOR. COACH TOURS wEDNFspAy, NoV.15, 1972' - SATURDAY NOV. 18, 1972 - Royal Winter Fair - Ticket includes reserved seat and admission to building $13.00 per person. OCTOBER 14, 1972, APRIL 28, 1973 - 21 days to Califor- nia - visiting Salt Lake City, Reno. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Qrand Canyon - from $380.00 per person. DECEMBER 23, 1972, MARCH 17, 1973 - 9 days to Florida. Motel accommodation for. 8 nights (Beach front mptel in Florida) - from $139.00 per person. JANUARY 27, 1973, FEBRUARY 10, 1973, FEBRUARY 24, 1973, MARCH 31, 1973 - 14 days to Florida - Motel accommodat- ion for 13 nights (Beach front motel in Florida). Optional side trips from Daytona Beach motel - from $209.00 per person. **** Brochures on request. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789, SEAFORTH Phone 527-0050. 1-44.ff COME to Blyth Lion's Club Bingo every Saturday night 8:30 P.M. in the Memorial Hall. Ad- mission $1.00, 12 reg. games at $10.00 each, 2 share the wealth games, $25.00 special and $125.00 jackpot in 60 calls. Every time it doesn't go there is $10.00 added. 1-44-ff THERE will be a dance at the Wingharn Legion Hall, Saturday„, Novemb'er 25th." MUSic Supplied by The Northern Gentlemen. Everyone welcome. 1-47-1 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. 2; Lost, Strayed HEREFORD cow; last seen 04 5th Morris, west of Centre Road. Anyone knowing whereabouts,call 807-9493. 2.47x1 5. Bus, Opportunities. AVON CALLING. Just 2 territories left open in this area. A good spare tihie, income can be yours as an Avon Representative. Many earn an estimated $40 weekly or more. Want more information: Contact Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London. 451-0541 evenings. 5-44-5 WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS?? NOW you can train right here in Canada and have your expenses paid while doing so. For appli- cation and interview, write: Safety Department, TransCanada Transport Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117,Ontario or call:416-864-9381 5-46-3 8. Farm Stock for Sale FORTY Chunks of 'pigs, Harvey Kitchen, 087401.8.- 847-1 puagmtg.D. ganipshire, Duroc and prowgeo Boars, service- able age, indexeS as high as 140, Bob Robinson, R.R,#4, Walton, 3454017, .8,47-1 8EYERAT., Hereford and Angiis calves, Around 400 .ihs, Phone 887,9493,. 8,47,1 10. Used Cars for Site TRUCKS. FOR SALE 1. 1966 Chevrolet with 368 H.P. V-8 motor 5 Speed transmis- sion, 2 - Speed axle, 900 x 20- 12 ply snow-tires on rear, and 900 x 20 - 10 ply tires onfront, 1200 gallon. Forman tank com- partments 300 - 200 - 400 - 300 Dual pumping and metering equipment, one electric rewind, one manual rewind. Asking price $2,500.00 2. 1963 Chevrolet Series 60, 292 H.P. 6 cylinder motor, 60,000 miles, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear axle, 1000 x.20 12 ply snow tires 1000 x 20 10 ply tires on front 1600 gallon Forman tank, 7 years old, com- partments 600 - 200 - 500 - 300. Single pumping and metering equipment auto stock Electric rewind. Asking price $3,000.00 For further information apply to Robert Dinsmore, Texaco Dis- tributor, 'Phone 527-1224, Sea- forth, Ontario. 10-47-2 11. Articles for Sale TWO wooden storm windows, 887-6284. 11-47-1 FLEETWOOD automatic record player with Garrard changer. In like new condition. Phone 887- 9218. 11-47-2 FARM MACHINERY NOW AVAILABLE International 3 furrow and 4 furrow plows; 3 furrow Case with fourteen inch bottom; 3 x 12 Massey; 3 x 14 Massey; 3 x 16 Massey; 3 ,x 14 Overum; 4 x 14 Overum and several Hydrein plows. McGAVIN FARM EQUIPMENT 527-0245 or 887-6365 Walton 11-47-1 FERGUSON tractor with six foot hydraulic bucket for snow removal and grader blade on 3- point hitch. Roy B. Cousins, 887-9464. 11.47x1 GOOD used hand sleighs.Phone 887-6286. 11-47x1 NINE-piece antique din ing room suite. Phone 887-6804. 11-46x2 Want to give away 4 - 3 month old pups. They are Spaniel and miniature Collie. Two females and two males and the mother. A delightful Christmas present. Please call 887-6177. 11-46x2 12, Wanted to Buy THREE cord of stove wood, elm, maple or beech; 16 to 21". Jack Thynne, 887-9320. 12-47x1 15. Property for Rent HOUSE, about mile and half from Brussels. Contact Jack Cardiff, 887-6457. 15-47x1 19. Notices HAVE barn space and 'Ay avai.1, able to house steers for the winter.Would like grain sUpplied.. Allydne interested Phone 887-1 9353. 0,47-1 19. Notices HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs, Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free of charge as a service to You. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN ' REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON RE- QUEST. Call collect - 482-9811 '1 days a week - 24 hours a day License No. 378C-72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19-44-ff „ h WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. we pump septic tanks, pigerys, lagoons, etc. Phone 887-6700 Brussels 19-44-if Brussels Pet Food DEAD STOCK REMOVAL ,We pay up to $15.00 for fresh, dead or disabled Cows and Horses according to size. Small animals removed free of charge as a service to you. Dial: 887-9334 Collect Prop's. JOHNSTON BROS. 19-44-tf Custom CORN DRYING Weigh scales available. Con- tact Ken R. Campbell, 527-0249. 19-44-4 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Mark L. Cardiff, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, retired farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particul- ars of such claims to the solici- tors for the executrix on or before the 15th day of December, 1972, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-4'7-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Florence Miller Smith, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the solicitors for the executors on or before the 5th day of December, 1972, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard ' only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD & MILL BrusselS,Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-46-3 24. Card of Thanks On behalf of the Brussels !,ions. Club, 1 would like to thank the contributors of Brussels, Walton and Ethel and surrounding areas, for their support and liberal donations too-the The campaign. will close the end of November, Jack Yuill. .84,47x1 we wish to sincerely thank the many friends of the late Mrs. Doris. MacDonald for the gen- erous acts of kindness so grac- iously extended to her during her illness at home and in hos- pital and shown to us, at the time of our bereavement. We wish to thank the doctors and a special thanks to. the nurses who were so kind to her during her stay in hospital, also the ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook, Rev. Falconer and Rev. Clarke. -• Kenneth S. MacDonald and the Cunningham Family. 24-47-1 27. Births BRIDGE-To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bridge, Brussels, on. November 20th, a daughter, a sister for Colleen, Verne and Michael. 27-47-1 MUTTER - To Mr. and Mrs. HarOld Mutter, Kitchener, in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Wednesday, November 15th, a son, Jeffrey Todd. 27-47x1 News of CRANBROOK Correspondent' Mrs. Mac Engel The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion will be administered in Knox Church on Sunday, Dec- , ember 3, at the usual time of service 1:30 p.m. The bazaar sponsored by the Ladies Aid was postponed from November 18 until Saturday, Dec- ember 2 at 3 p.m. This community was shocked and saddened to learn of the tragic accident which took the life of Dennis Ducharme. Heart- felt sympathy is extended to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkpat- rick, London, attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Kenneth MacDonald on Saturday, The Kirpatrick s were in the Cran- brook store for several years. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Norman Pfei- fer who is a patient in Listowel Memorial Hospital. Cranbrook is now wearing a brighter look since the new lights were turned on this past week. All are appreciating the change from the dark. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Purdy visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Purdy at Cooks- town. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and boys visited on the weekend in Toronto and took in the Santa Claus parade. They were ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Allan McTaggart, Goderich. Miss Marie Veitch, London spent the weekend at her home. Somebody Wants What You Don't Need! SELL Through Brussels Post Want Ads • $12,000 PLUS REGULAR CASH BONUS for mature salesperson in Brussels area. Take short auto trips to contact customers. Air mail. President, Dept. AF, P. O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto 352, Ontario. 5-47-1 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a Brussels Post. Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. 7. Situations Wanted BUILDING construction and renovations. All types of car- pentry and cement work. Call 887-6913 or 887-6322. 7-46-2 CLASSIFIED RATES Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-25 words $1.00, 4 per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy. changes, 4 per word, minimum .50C SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.12 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - .981 per column inch Minimum size 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch LEGAL ADVERTISING - Rates on request. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 24 per insertion BIRTHS - No charge when in minimum form, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices Cards of Thanks and Births (other than in minimum form) - 25 words $1.00, eaoh additional word 2C. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus .08 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 25 words $1.00 , each additional word .04. No Cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements alter noon Mondays. 25 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT OF ADVERTISEMENT BEFORE 6:00 TUESDAY, following publication. DEADLINE DEADLINE TO INSERT CLASSIFIED ADS 1S 5:00 - P.M. MONDAY Phone 887-6641 Remember! It takes but a moment to place a'BrUssels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. / To advertise, just Dial Brussels ; 887.6641. THE BRUSSELS 13 0S1r, NOVEMBER 22, 197 ..1S.