HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-11-15, Page 14VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS TAXES FINAL SECOND PAYMENT DUE NOVEMBER 30th, 1972 To be elegible for the 1972 Residential Tax. Rebate, All 1972 Taxes must be Paid by DECEMBER 31st, 1972 WM. KING, CLERK CAN IDB SERVE YOU? Monday, November 20, 1972. one of our representatives Mr. E. G. Roe will be at Blue Barn Motel Listowel 9 a.m. to 12 noon In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically all types of businesses including Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational Businesses • Construction • Professional Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Telephone: 291-1580 or in advance by writing to INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 197 York Street, London, Ontario NSA 1B2 1144nros-of 'Walton. 8.th and 16th Units see film on India Mission Band Jim McDonald opened the meeting of the Mission Band on Sunday, and "Silent Night" was sung accompanied at the piano by Dianne Godkin. A white gift ceremony. was held with the following taking part, Jim McDonald, Pam Hack- well, Heather Brennan, Janet Flood, Dianne Godkin, Jim, Bren- nan, Bruce Godkin. Each class presented their gifts after the ceremony. Cathy McGavin and Jeannie McDonald sang "Away in a Man- ger". During business Doug Mit- chell read the secretary's report followed by the treasurer's re- port and Dianne Godkin took the UCW to study India The afternoon unit of Brus- sels U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. De Vries on Tuesday of last week with an attendance of 19 ladies. The devotions were convened by Mrs. DeVrles, assisted by Mrs. Hemingway. The theme of Remembrance Day was carried out in the read- ing of poems and excerpts. The Beatitudes were read from the Scriptures. Miss Lucas introduced the study for 1973 which is the country of India: She made use of a quiz program to present some startling facts about the largest democracy in the world which has a population of more than 550 million with only 2% professing Christianity. Most of the people make a living from agriculture with an average annual income of $76. Fifteen languages are spoken but only 30% of the people are literate. Contagious diseases are rampant and since there is only one doc- tor available to serve 5,000 peo- ple, the deaths are beyond count- ing. Mrs. Thomas announced the Autumn Thankoffering for Sun- day, Nov. •19. The general Meet- ing of the U.C,W. will be held on Tuesday evening Nov. 21. Remember! It takes but a moment to place a 'Brussels Post Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6641. offortog, There were 45 in attendance. The Mite Boxes are to be brought to, the peoeniher eettof;, Classes were formed for study with the following tqa.qtk, ers, Mrs. Mac $holdice; Mrs, '10e, Mrs.. merto4 Hack., well, AO Mrs. ROSS. Bennett. Open house There were 150 registered at the Cameo Open House in Wal- ton Community Hall, Saturday afternoon. Instructors demon- strated new ideas in paints and the hall was decorated with many articles that had been completed. There were bargain tables and special discounts. Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell welcomed everyone The instructors taking part were introduced by sales co-or- dinator Mrs. Annett. Teltham of Harrow and they were guests of Mrs. Mitchell later for supper. As the fashion show took place Mrs. Mitchell played several lively old tyme tunes on her Violin accompanied by Mrs. Marie Flynn of Clinton at the piano. Miss Gail Traviss sang two solos accompanied by her mother Mrs. Mildred Traviss at the piano. The door prize was won by Mrs. Maxine Marks. Other priz- es were given to Joan Bennett, Mrs. Sharon Stephenson and Mrs. Doreen Hackwell for displaying articles taken at classes at Phyl- lis Mitchell's. Weekend guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Shortreed were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goodman, Erin and Andrew of Ottawa, Misses Carol Shortreed and Janet Mc- Laughlin of London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex•Gullitzen Jr. arrived home on Sunday after- visiting with relatives in the Western Provinces. There will be a special ser- vice on Sunday November 19th when a Didication of the Cross and Chancel lights and outside light will be held. A sing song will be held before the service and Graeme Craig will assist with his guitar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundy of Hamilton spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall. The Lost and Found girls held a successful bake sale, Saturday afternoon at the Cameo Open House. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Daley of Blenheim accompanied •Rev. and Mrs. Derwyn Docken and Kristen to their cottage for afew days the first of the week. The Insitute are holding a card party in the Community Hall Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig • and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Mitchell attended the church rally Sunday evening in the Elma Cen- tral Public School, Newry. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk haye returned home. from a motor trip to Florida, where they spent several weeks. The IoSt and found group met at the Manse for their Halloween party when prizes were given for the best costumes. Contests and folk dancing were enjoyed by the girls, closing with lunch. In the story concerning the assistance rendered Wilfred Shortreed by his neighbors which appeared in last weeks issne the name Of Walter Shortreed Was inadvertantly oninted from the list of those who took part. The Walton 11 Seven Super chefs met at Mrs. Mae Shol- cleS June Williamson readiea the minutes of the last meeting. She alSo ' . read the treasurer's report and the girls discussed "table talk". The demonstration involved mak- ing eheese and chocolate fondues. (Intended for last week), 17th Unit holds bazaar The Boundary and 17th Unit held their annual bazaar in the basement of Duff's UnitedChurch on Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. Harvey Craig was in charge of a short devotional per- iod opening with the hymn, Come, ye thankful people, come., ac- companied by Mrs. M. Baan as pianist. Mrs, Roy Williamson read the scripture lesson follow- ed with prayer by Mrs. Ross Bennett. Miss Linda Cook, Mitchell, had articles on display and ex- plained the benefits to the unit. .Two articles donated as door prizes were won by Mrs. George McCall and Mrs. wm. Roe. Mrs. H. Craig officially open- ed their bazaar and bake sale, followed by the unit serving lunch. W1 card party The Walton Women's Instit- ute are sponsoring a series of euchre parties, for the winter season the first being held Fri- day night in the Community Hall. Prize winners were: High lady Miss Tena Dennis, Seaforth; low lady - Miss Ann Clark; High man Bob Smith, Seaforth; Low man Cliff Ritchie; Most lone hands Mrs. Don Achilles. The next card party was announced for Friday, November 17th, at 8:30 The committe e in charge were: Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Torrance Dundas, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Call and Mrs. E. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rowland and boys of Kincardine spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan. Mr. Dave Sholdice is a pat- ient in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Don. Ryan, and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lee spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wally East of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. John Bos attend- ed the McGregor-Goldrich wed- ding in Wingham recently. Family and Consumer Affairs convenors of the Walton Women's Institute, Mrs. John Bos and Mrs. George McCall will have as the guest speaker, Mr. K.S. Wood, Clinton, speaking on "Chiropractic Care". The roll call is "Gifts for Cancer- Cup- board". This will be an open meeting next Wednesday. we regret to hear that Mrs. Maud Leeming is a patient in Clinton Hospital, we hope she is soon much Improved in health. Mr!, AO Mrs. Fred ponit,are holidaying in Florida for a few weeks* Among those attending the 03rd Annnal WoMen's Institute convention of the Guelph area in the St. 4clhn'S United Church, Stratford, last week were; Mrs. William, Humphries, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs. George McCall, Mrs. Alvin McDonald, Mrs. Ger- ald Watson, mrs. Nrnie Stevens, and Mrs. Allan Mccall, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles attended the funeral in Guelph re- cently of Mr. Harvey Zeigler, not Mrs, Harvey Zeigler as re- ported in•an issue earlier. Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Seaforth *spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis's and Gail. Mission Band children are reminded to bring their White Gifts to the meeting this Sun- day. • Saturday, November lith, Re- * membra.nce Day, the post office in Humphries Store wil be closed. There will be no mail delivery in or out. Many of the boys of the Wal- ton Soft Ball Team, along with some parents motored to Ham- ilton, Sunday, where they attend- ed the Toronto-Hamilton foot- ball game. 'Bonus on your. interest . • . savings: Savings you move to Victoria and Carey the nerio4 November 1 to - November 15, will receive full interest from November 1. This .means that the „saving account you open .before November 15 earns_ fnil • interest for as much as. two weeks before you open the account! So, whether it's a 4% chequing.account bearing interest on a minimum setni.nnnugl balance or a fast growing 5% nonchequing account on .4 mini:num Monthly-. balance, bring it to Victoria and Grey no tv, and get bonus interest. TIMM and VG GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 C.L Stief, Branch Manager Listowel. CQrrePPondent Mrs. Allan McCall The 8th and /5th Unit met in the church basement, Wed- nesday evening November 8th to See a film on India along with the Walton and McKillop units. The group met separ- ately for buSiness with Mrs. pon,McDonald in charge, _Mrs.,George McCall gave the report on, the U.C.W. Regional Convention, at Brucefield United Church. ,,,Announcements were given. out, March 2nd is the World, Day of Prayer. $865.00 was cleared on the Turkey Fowl Supper. There is to be a Ded- ication Service of the Knox tate November 19th after the morning church service, with a pass around lunch to be served by the 8th and 16th unit. The regular and copper collection was received. The ,Unit is to have the Christmas U.C.W. gen- eral meeting next month. The 1973 officers were el- ected as follows: Past President Mrs. Don McDonald - president Mrs. George McCall - Vice- President Mrs. Alvin McDonald- Secretary Mrs. Don McDonald - Treasurer Mrs. Rae Houston - Visitation Mrs. Doug Fraser - Pianist Mrs. Jim Fritz. Supper Committee - Mrs. Don Fraser, Mrs. Jan Van Viet Jr; Mrs. Ken McDonald; Copper Committee Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mrs. Jim McDonald. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jim McDonald and Mrs. Don Fraser, with the hostesses from the other units. NOTICE MY OFFICE ON MAIN STREET WILL BE CLOSED as of NOVEMBER 28,1972 I will still conduct my business from my house. OFFICE WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY from 9 to 5 each day. FOR SERVICE:— PRONE 887-9023 — SELWYN BAKER, Brussels, Ontario 14—THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 15, 19)2