HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-11-15, Page 4News of
A. good number of residents enjoyed Monday's session
Of Old Tyrne Music and dancing with music supplied by
Marie Flynn of Clinton, Mary Taylor and Norman ,Speir.
The, Goderich volunteers were on hand to, assist with the
Representatives of the London Branch, of C.N.I.B.
visited the home last week to say hello to those with
eyesight problemp.
One of the largept crowds ever attended the Annual
Bazaar sponsored by the Womens Auxiliary and officially
opened py Rev, Youm.atoff of Bayfield. The displaYs of
crafts and home baking were set up in the auditorium with
tea served in the craft room,
Remembrance Day was the theme for the Thursday
Family Night program. Two films, courtesy of the Clin,
ton Legion, were shown with Bert Colombe in charge
of the projector. Readings were given by Mrs. Sparling
and Alice Buchanan and musical numbers by Miss Gidley,
Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins. The
program that had been arranged with the Salvation Army
for Thursday afternoon; November 23, has been cancelled.
Drapery Materials Clearing at Half Price
Boys' Flannel-lined Corduroy Pants
Sires 4-12 Years..
Krimplene Materials, plain 3.49 — Figured 3.98
Good Stock of Evening Gowns Here Now.
(Under new ownership W. Hackbart)
Luxury Decor Option:
2- or 4-Door Sedans
Beautiful is the word when it comes
to describing the Maverick decked out in
the Luxury Decor Option. It's super rich in looks but
not in price. Your Maverick stands apart with
its unique Odense grain vinyl roof with Halotreatmenf
for 2-door sedans and Odense grain vinyl roof for
4-door sedans. See pages 6 and 7 for a detailed
description of all the luxury you get—inside and
out—when yoU order the Luxdry Decor Option.
1972 Grand Torino, 4-door, HT., 1971 Mustang, 2-door HT.,
1969 Chev., 4-door, 8-cyl.
— Older models to choose from —
Still a Few 1972 Models Left at
8-cyl., one owner. fully equipped.
To the Electors of the
Village of Brussels
With 8.y-ears of experience on Council
and knowing the needs of this Community
of ours, I ask for your support once again
on December 4th, so I can take part in the'
planning and developing of this fine Vil-
lage of Brussels.
For your confidence and support,
H. J (Hank) Ten Pas
CALL 887-6486
4--,1104 txf'tFi SELS POST, NOVEMBER 15, 1972
400 people attend
United church rally
Approximately 400 people at-
tended a Church Week Rally soon-.
sored by the United Churches of
the area. Sunday evening, in Elma
Township Central School. A 60
voice choir of local church choir
members provided inspiration
for the theme "We Are Alive
and Well". L. Rowbothan of
Listowel showed that hymns can
be fun to sing as he led the
toe-tapping and hand-clapping
gathering through such selections
as "Lord of the Dance", and
"Sons of God".
Rev. William Bell, also of
Listowel was the chairman for
the evenings program. Memb-
ers of the participating United
Churches made presentations on
various areas of Church work.
From the Delegates of the
Calvary Listowel congregation,
speaking in the area of Chris-
tian Development it was learned
that Adult Bible Classes are still
popular and well attended. In
the same area Fordwich repre-
sentatives told about their can-
didate for the Ministry, Monkton
delegates shared their success-
ful. Sunday School story and from
the GCirrie people came Some new
\trays to conduct Confirmation
Classes. On the topic of Com-
munity Outreach those present
heard about the Meals-on-Wheels
program that was started by the
Trinity United Church in Lis-
towel, the Live/Love project
(in Milverton) that helps support
three missionaries and the com-
munity Remembrance Day Ser-
vice held in Atwood that is at-
tended by over 400.
The last area discussed was
that of Congregational Life, In
it, delegates from Moncrieff re-
vealed how a small congregation'
continues to live with the threat
of closing ever around the corner.
How a village Centennial and a
Church Directory was used to
good advantage to build up the
United Church in Brussels closed
the presentations.
Mr. Bell, in concluding the
evening, and in response to ques-
tions, said that a follow-up meet-
ing would be held in Trinity
United Church Listowel, Nov.
26 at 3:30 p.m. for those in-
terested in C.E. and teacher
There had also been set up,
for viewing book displays, audio-
visual demonstrations and film-
strip one congregation had made
on the Easter Story.
Classified Ads pay dividends.
Wants What
You Don't Need!
Want Ads
-Mrs. Chester Earl
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. LYnri Jr..
and son of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Lynn. Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Dunne
and family of Dundas spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, per-
cy Stephenson.
The Ethel W. I. were guests
of Alma Centre Insitute in the
Atwood Cdmmunity Centre on
Mr. and. Mrs. 'Wm. Dobson,
and family, were dinner guests
of Mr. and. Mrs. wm. Bremner
R.R.2, Brussels, on Sunday fol-
lowing the baptizing of the in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Dobson of Palmerston in Ethel
United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Page
of Arkell and Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Farrow of Timmins and Mar-
ion Farrow of Toronto, visited
this past week with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Hewitt and Mr. F. Farrow
, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt visited
The Norwegian merchant fleet
of some 1,400 ocean-going ves-
sels totals nearly 20 million
gross tons and ranks fourth in the
world behind Liberia, Japan and
Great Britain.
Thugs, evening with mi.. and
Mrs. Robt. Goldner in Listowel.
mt. and Mrs. Louis Frain of
Brussels visited Mrs. A. Ray-
hard, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. pick Jackiip of
Jamestown visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wardlaw.
Mr.. and. Mrs. M. Scarllet
of Toronto visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. S. Siebert.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolbt• Cunning-
ham attended the Royal winter
Fair on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cardiff visit-
ed Mrs. C. in, gur94,
inew, Clinton PAPA and Were supper guests of Mr. .and Mrs,. ,strollao, Brussels.
mr, and. Mrs. Chas, Echeyer
returned home. Mrs. Scheerer
VVililet.eWdhitileerMdr4:1Sgc4hteererie4rParcaCPognZ panied a group on a hunting trip
up north
. The Ethel Hall Board met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Carl
McDonald on Thursday night, It,
was decided to hold the Ochres
for the winter every two weeks,