The Brussels Post, 1972-11-08, Page 14Village Of Brussels SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS * IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER * IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMOD ATION IS INADEQUATE . . * IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST * IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF BRUSSELS, MORRIS OR GREY THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! The Ontario Housing Corporation, at the request of your municipal council, is considering the development of senior citizen housing in the town. To determine the local interest in this type of accommodation, survey questionaires are now being distrib- uted. ONLY BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONAIRE CAN YOU HELP TO DETERMINE WHETHER A PROJECT SHOULD BE DEVELOPED. Further information and questionaire forms are available to all interested persons' 60 years of age and over at the Clerk's, Office Wm. H. King VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Pork Cubes with Rice 1 pound boneless pork shoudler, cut in 1-inch cubes 1 tablespoon lard or dripplius 4 medium-sized onions, thir.1 sliced 3/4 cup rice, tincookm 2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon sage 2 cups water Brown pork cubes in lard or drippings. Cover tightly and cook over low heat . for 30 min- RernoVe meat to absor- bent paper., Pour off all but 1 tablespoon drippings. Lightly brown onion In reserved drip- pins. Add rice ; Salt, pepper and sage: Stir in water; then meat. Cover and continue cook- = slowly 30 minutes or until meat is ,lone. 4 to 5 servingS.. BRUSSELS POSI, NOVtMBER 8, 1972 How rnuoll is it costing you to own 244 operate your farm mach* inery? Can you reduce these costs and are there alternatives to your present set of farm equip- Ment? These questions and others are discussed in a new publica- . eon called "Farm Machinery Operating Costs", issued by the. Statistics Branch pf the Ontario Department of Agriculture and. Food. Methods of calculating annual use and operating costs for all types of farm machines are explained. For costing purposes, the whole range of farm machinery has been grouped into five main classes as follows: (a) Tractors - 10 years life. (b) Group I Machines - 1.0 years life. (c) Group II Machines - 15 years life. (d) Farm Trucks - 10 years' life. (e) Obsolete Machines - over 10 or 15 years old, all types. One schedule of hourly rates (or costs) has been calculated for the normal life span of mach- ines, and a different schedule for the obsolete stage. There is a section on second hand or used equipment suggesting a simple and practical method of arriving at hourly costs for machines that were not purchased in a new condition. -The section on farm trucks shows three ways of figur- ing costs for trucks: (a) Cost per mile of use. ,(b) Cost per hour (motor run- ning). ,(c) Cost per hour (motor not running). A schedule of reliable cost data on farm machines can be used for a number of purposes: - to aid farmers or research organizations in cost-of-produc- tion studies on farm enterprises and in other investigations. - to help in farm budgeting and planning. - to facilitate counselling by extension workers. to determine custom or rental charges for farm machines or -sets of equipment. - to compare costs of alterna- tive methods of performing the same task or series of opera- tions. - to discover which farm prac- tices pay best. - to find ways of reducing costs and increasing net returns. - to make decisions about the purchase or sale of farm mach- ines. A convenient method of arriv- ing at total machinery operating costs is to establish a basic cost (depreciation, interest, housing, repairs, insurance, maintenance) and then add to this basic cost the other costs (such a s fuel, oil, grease and oil filters). The for- mula is: basic costs plus other costs equal total cost of operat- ing farm machines. Tasty -Topic Operating costs of farm machines studied