HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 8DOORS,
MOl' LI 11 NOS, and sway
1l ' t of Isignor 'lately.
r 1 :t:1 HANDRAILS,
Specialty. Bead for Prion
Eatituates on appnce-
ti'n. ft/ -Address
end th i t 1 11 h
e r ►annus s yy' er, a was mu0
applauded during tl a evening. I
HALLAMa'te SOCIAL -The members
of the Caledonian Srtoisty mid their
friends celebrated Hnlluwe'eu 0m \Wed-
nesday eve ing, the 9th inst.. iu the Cal-
edonien Hr�I, with a very ata000rsful a-
cid dance. The dancing a,mmw,ced at'
au early hour, and watt k pt up t Il well
in the morning houtx The retiree lkutents
were all that could les desired. , Th,!
proceedings eure I i-ueht to a close bar
the company siugiug ".\uld Lang t yue,
and each one wended his way home
tighly pleased with the night's entertain-
Sroalwusit.-To the north of Lc^k-
now there are several very picturesque
small hikes numbering six nr seven In
the vicinity of Kinlough and Blackhorse,
which this seawu are swarmiug with wild
duok4, far in excess of foruter years; and
our sportsmen are having an immense
time (so they say), though we do nut see
much of the game that is brought home.
We extend a hoot ty Welcoume to the God-
erieh sportsmen to have a few 'lays en.
jcyiiu nt.-Our enthusiastic sportsman
�Dr. Garner. has been enjoying himself
at St. Clair fiats for the last six weeks,
and if we judge by the number of ducks
that has been arriving here lately by ex-
press, we think the Dr. must be having
a good time. ,
Quroll *ova. --Messrs It. Bean and
Jaa. Tobin, by the aid of the twill en-
gine, killed, scalded and dressed • 2(0
Ib porker lu eleven minutes and three
seconds. Can Leeburn amateur but-
chets beat this f
Adam Angus has removes from this
township to his new Mune iu Morris
t ownship.
Miss Lpey Warner ss4ved home last
Friday from Ohio where she has been
ter some time.
Wm. Leckie, councillor, intends going
back to Dakota this fall and will remain
until spring.
Thos. Ennis name is mentioned as a
probable nominee u Councillor for the
towuship Council at the next election.
Thos. Brien and wife return to Man-
itoba this week. They like the country
well and intend making it their home.
Qulea Woaa. George Hall, Jatnes
Hogarth and Ben. Hogarth in the short
'pace of 67 minutes, in a bush near
Sheppardton. cut down a booth tree,
piled the brush, and out, split awl 1•ilod
a cord and a quarter of wood.
Wet Warner is away in Manitoba on
a rospecting tour with the intention of
taking up land if he finds what suits him
He will probably return in the spring.
Baez zN Lan, -As Wm. Hadkirk, jr.,
was endeavoring to couple a waggon af-
ter loading a•.horse power, on the farm
of David Wilson last week,the power fell
on hint and bloke his left leg between
the knau anal ankle. A physician was
soon on the *Jul, and the broken bone
set all right.
Miss Martha McManus and MisaHelen
Burku have been collecting the annual
[niseionary donations for the B. C. church.
The bachelors at Milburn have been
astounded at the desertion of their whi-
loin leader, who has joined the noble
army of Bunedicts. It is said to be a
race between the incorrigible Joe and
Sir Roger as to who will l;o o if next.
\WelesTelt DROWN.
Cot N. +L ll:ccrtxo. -Council met on
Monday .Nen. 7th. All inewbers pres-
ent except C. Either who is absent
through sickness. :Minutes of former
meeting read and signed.
C. Mitchell to open 'el' •, d! -tile freeing
or iic:lent;.,. .... tot and
be allowed `S. Labor re ase: for seine,
subject to approval of P. Master. J.
Lemon refunded $6 for S. Labor done
and charged also. Some accounts he.:d-
ed in for - settlement were deferred to
next meeting. Communication from chair-
man mf R. It Committee, Goderich re-
questingsouse person to reprosent Ste-
phen council at a meeting to be held . in
Exeter on 15th;! idst. On motion Reeve
and Deputy Reeve' were appointed,
Messrs Ryan and Ratz to see whet pro-
gress has been made in the M. C. drai$
and report :as sootn as possible. The
following .orders were granted: -W.
Baker, l;. BB. $3.60; Mrs. Daely, $2.50:
J. Barry $30 57 : J. Ryan, Wore on 16,
82.25; McKinnon, $a; T. Moritz $15;
Mr. Finkbiner, $4;' C. Stephen, $4;
Haneltoie, $I3; Mr. Pain, $1; J. Lan -
son $6; 0. Raeder, $1.50; P. Trayner,
84; J. -Holt, $18.50: T. Flynn, 50 cents;
T. Flynn, 814.37 ; .4.. Tetsean, $15; J.
McIntosh 85 cents; J. Dishartain, 81.50:
G. Tapson, $13; T. Green, 815.50; P.
Lenk, 81.50; C. Snell 835; I. Rollins,
$4.25; D. French, $5; Mr. Hamilton,
$20.50; J. McInnes, $13.50; J. McInnes
$2f►; J. McInnes, $5; J. McInnes,
$13.50; .1. McPhee, $28.25: J. Barry
$10.62: J. Seppart, $18; total $361.36.
- Nearly every day people enquire .. Of
Township Clerks respecting stray cattle,
if people would do their duty, stray
cattlo wauld ba easily found, it is my in-
tention to prosecute the first violation of
the late relating to stray cattle.
Vtsrrlwo.-Mr. Thoma Gledhill
been away visiting sick friends
Mr. Chas. Stewart has left to try town
' life. He intends learning the cutting
business with Mr. Fred Pridhein,.cuttor
for Mr. John Acheson, of Goderich.
Inreovriezrr.-Mr. Jesse Gledhill
has purchased a new boder front Leon-
ard, of London, for the purpose of
scouring and dying Ills wool. Mr.
Gledhill is doing a good bnsiness in the
woolen line, having to get extra help at
Dnircaseece.-While 'some three or
four parties from a village net far front
Goderich,aiid also one or two accompany-
ing them from Goderich, were dewing
through the village they caused a dis-
turbance not far froth the Church at the
time of meeting on Sabbath evening
last. A little accident befell them
while going over a broken culvert, And
some parties on hearing the noise, wont
from the church to render them help,
thinking the accident was a serious one.
As soon as they went near then; they In-
sulted and abused theut -badly, and the
profane lauguage that was used by the
disturbers was most disgraceful. WWe
trust this is to be tae Let occurrence of
this kind,or such parties will be prosecut-
ed a,xording t, law.
San LT ST: MARIE. -Your reporter
hearing that Messrs J. Hancock and R.
WWonnatutt, have returned froth. the
Sault, backed into the corner the other
evening, to glean information concerning
that place. The Sault district, as it is
generally termed. is situated about
twenty-five utiles from the town of Sault
St. Marie. "For several miles out froth
the city ' they said .'we traversed a low
wet and swampy didrict before we came
upon the tract of high land which was
the object of our pursuit. The soil here
is a deep, rich, heavy, clay, and re-
markably free from stones. It was
scoured by fire some ten or twelve years
ago and a large quantity of the heavy
timber has been retnoved. Since then a
light growth of poplar underbrush has
sprung up but it is said these can easily
be dug out root and branch. At a part
called '-green bush" there still remains
sufficient firewood. The climate, -market,
crops, &c.. is said to correspond favorably
with those of Ontario." 28 potatoes
which they brought weighed just ]calf a,
bushel, and a single potato not included
in the above weighed just 4 lbs 7 oz.
They have taken up land in a sectiue
C. Paotrrv. which has been settled 4 or 5 yearn.
(►nu man can clear an acre in 3 days the
:1tII?31131011. year round. Although they do tett re-
_ conunend a man •who owns a farm here to
Me V. m. 'd :Ar.hur. pastmaster. is author-
ised io receive sults,•riptioas foe 'IHZ IleRON
y143%AL. a•t l g.ve rc ootpts therefor.
Mr. .tl-t, \Welker of Manitoba is -in
the vill c; : vi+�'in-t his friends:
John Cranston, a ho was injured readi-
ly while coupling cars in the 0. $. R.
yat.1 at St. rhesus, died se Tuesday.
Jid �lin uua wrytt, the the wot'ld, diad at�4slM -
caw, uu Monday. ltetord, toity•eight
feet, twee inches,
Butt. James Ctockburn, M, P. for
West Northutuberland, is said to have
resigned his seat in the House of Com-
t.wns, on act ,nut of ill-heekh.
CIOOP SAuc.--John McCms sold six
bead of 'tittle to Mr. Case, of Seafortlt,
for $'or $43.33 each. They wee►+ a
fine let sighing seventy hundred.
The Marque of Lorne arrived iu
Liverpool to -day, and was met byll the
Priem's', and proceeded to the sear of
the Duke of Westminster; near Chester.
CHATHAM. Nov. 15.-Otttioer Monk, of
Her 3lejeaty's customs, seized the
schooner Morning Light at Mitchell's
Bay to -day for an infra tion of the ret -
en1e lata•.
Raroaw Megrim]. -A large and en-
thusiastic meeting of Reformers took
place in the Caledonian Hall on Tuesday
evening last, for the purpose of organiz-
ing a Literary lLfor:n Club. At eight
o'clock Mr. Geo. Kerr, Reeve. was call-
ed neon to take the chair; ,Mawr. W. H.
The Smith acting as secretary. Ile follow-
ing are the officers elected :-Mr. M.
Campbell, President ; Mr. Peter Corri-
gan, 1st Vice -President ; Mr. A. Mecin-
tyre, 2nd Vice -President ; W. H. Smith
Secretary ; D. E. Cameron, Treasurer.
The object of the club is to practice pub-
lic speaking, deliver lectures on the lead-
ing topics of the day, and participate in
debates. The first regular meeting will
be held Tuesday evening, Dec. t;th,when
the Hon. R. M. Wells, M.P.Y., will de-
liver a lecture to the members, the sub-
ject being "The History of Responsible
0 The Subscriber tj
Has � ��:.l�a.e 1 the entire Stock �u Trade �I
CJD Has :At:chsse 1 the entire iu Trade .,f
mama ve. Brace.
The following letter, from the High
Constable- of Huron Co. to the High
Constable of Bruce explains itself:
Goderich, 14th Nov. 1882.
DRAM Sia. -Can you get 10 or 12
Constables of your County to pull the
same tidniber from this County at Tug of
War. If so, I would like to meet you at
Lucknow, sone time soon, and pull for
a supper, "r, if you prefer a small stake,
you can be accomodated. ' The reason I
send this challenge is that I hear so
much bragging about the solid men of
Bruce, that I would like to meet eon*
of them at a friendly game of this kind.
Let me hear 'from you. Sincerely yours,
J. C. Coaals,
High Constable, Co. Huron.
High Constable, Bruce Co.
• 'Mr.- 11.ri•t-i Disher left hero on the
10th irs+ . for L'.tffshr, to attend • the fu-
neral of hi; late cousin, Horace M. Dia -
her. Firmer-. ,tee‘ uuey harvesting their tur-
nips, •311,1 think that the mllleni m is
near at hand, when turnips are selling at
20 eta. per. Leslie!.
$Rnortao ltLert•tt.--Mr. Thos. Smylie
gives a ahuotiig Inetch on_the lath inst.
Any amount of turkeys and geese wait-
ing the evelit. Big time expected.
DtioLuTION O+•'. ['ARTNr:RSH1P,--The
firm of Messrs Brown and Smith but-
chers, h•ti disulved. The business will
be carried on in the. future by Mr. C.
Brown. r
R.triez.--On Saturday night last a
raffle took }dace here for two splendid
shot guns. Messrs. J. Elliott and T.
Killington were the lucky drawers.
Mr. Elwart'' Pecey, found while kill-
ing one of his pi. s a few days ago, that
the anunal n been suffering from a
very bed ;limner. the flesh in some parts
was of a greenish hue, and ejectod a very
disaereeal,le odour. Wt. believe Mr.
Parry has sent a small piece 'ef the pig
to Montreal for analyaia
UNpsrtnan. - • A young gen.. here com-
plains that a e outag lady -to whom he
never did any injury in his whole life ---
keeps always railing about him to those
that she knows xill tell him of it. He
wishes to know if we don't think she is
in love with him 1 or would we advise
hint to "hrea s his tnind" )-et or not ?
Dear nie : can't tonne o r tell him ?
ACT.ru&,IPH Qr'tt.r.- A very gratifying
measure of suet spas has so far attended
two efforts of t huly members of the
Methodist cht:ro!i, who undertook the
caavaas for thtir "antngrn}.h
Some five buttered names have already
been obtained. realizing about $60, and
the summit w I erohahly exceed $100,
er one thousand name., before they are
Fona"•Tai'•.. 'l he Court t f the Can-
a lien Order tr' Fereston which was or-
genrzed a fee+ weeks ago are getting
deog nicely. Iles :edge is quite an ac -
!Melanin to our village, and we trust all
•.nr yout.g nes . will j••in anal send a
4e..ant even ing Id leant once a week.
}'he ("Herten% officers have been elected
t Ws: leer. r'ht. f !{anger; J, Kmd.h.
Vin'( Chief; J. i•:pplett, Recording Sect:
► .lnhnsti'e, Frn.ekariil It•x'y; B. d.
Prawn's'''. '1" •asuler; L. Prows'
wo.dward; 1. Bagley, j:•. W eelward;O.
ion, sr. Beadle' Wm. Knuth. jr. Beadle;
.1 nettlefnw. (ihaplsin
with a small family and limited capital
can make himself comfortable in a coin-
paratively short time. Railroad lands
sell at $4 per acre, and the terms are
very reasonable, viz.. $1 per acre cash
on purchase, and the balance at from
five to eight years. Government grants
(160 acres) by swearing allegiance $17.
A church, hotel, variety store and one
school are the educational t accommo-
and ace
dation facilities. Menem Wonnacott and
Hancock intend moving out in the
coming spring. The distance from
Goderich is between 300. and 354) miles,
and can be reached by water.--tCom. .
I ft anitP.
The Hon. R. M. Wells is at present
here, and is the guest of Mr. D. E. Cam-
eron, banker.
Mr. O. McHardy, one of our council-
lor, is visiting friends in Toronto.
Mr. Lindsay Lawrence, of this' place.
has returned from the Capper Canada
College, Toronto, and accepted a situa-
tion in Mr. Saunder's drug store, Lon-
1. 0. 0. F. -Quite a number eif the
members of the L 0. O. F., of thisplace,
paid a visit to Kincardine Lodge on
Tuesday eveniu.t last. They are laud in
their praises of the Kincardine brethren,
who, as usual, entertained their guests
right royally.
THRESHING SIA• Hllri Arriti ir.-A
son of 1). Bole, Kinlough, gilt his hand
into a threshing machine. mutilating the
hand in a shocking manner. The bleed-
ing was so extensive that it was thought
the young man would die before medical
aid could be procured. Dr. McKid was
called and dressed the hand, which has
improved so much that all danger is past
and ♦tnputation is not necessary.
.keettagT.-On Monday a very pain-
ful accident occured in Mr. Whitely'sHo-
tel, the victim being Miss Wiley, of this
place. in descending the stairs her foot
caught on the upper step. preen stating
hor to the bottom, causing a fracture of
Moth arms at the wrists. besides bruising
her very severely. The patient was
attended by Dr. Tennant. who set the
limbs. and we are pleased to hen that
she is doing well.
I•ar ri'Rr AND ('o i, PAT. lin Friday
evening. the 11th inst, Mr. .loseph Wil
benison, the venerable Huron poet, gave
an entertainment in the Caledonian Hall.
')r. McCrimmon occupied the chair, and
Mr. R Graham acted as secretary. For
a couple of hours the p..ot lecturer -singer
held the attention of los audience. sing
ing and reciting original and selected
poems with his old -tithe fire and feel-
ing, and eenttectiag the various pieces
with a running comment upon the poets
Heron Presbytery.
A meeting of the liurun Presbytery
took place in the Presbyterian church of
Clinton on Tueatiay, the Rev. Mr.
Thomson, Moderator, pro -tem. Minutes A' young girl of unsound .mind, named
of last meeting read and confirmed., Ar- ;Johanna Easterhreek. daughter of Wm.
rangements were made to hold a Prea- Easterbrook, bel -gate keeper On the
byterial Sabbath School. convection at Paini road, Hamilton, was walking
the Thames Road church, on the 18th of along the road on Suesslay, when she was
next January. asked by David Hall to get into his bug:
The unanimous cell presented to Rev. gy and ho would drive her home. In-'
Mr. Thomson, of Brucetield, by the evon- stead of doing so ho drove into a side
ereeation- of Exeter, with a salary of
$800, was declined by Mr. Thomson.
Rev. Mr. Patterson reported preach-
ing at Grand Bend, in accordance with
Capt. Prince, formerly Warden of the a
Central Prison, and now Registrar for
South Wellington, was stricken with ap-
oplexy last Monday while walking on
t'.e street. Ile was at once conveyed to
his residence and died next day.
The costs of tl:e trial of Messrs, °n-
un a'id Laurier, at the suit of Mr. Sen-
etal, amounting to over $2,000, have
been subscribed by the Liberal party in
Montreal. The counsel for the defence
did not charge a cent for their services.
In the Supreme Court, Chief Justice
judgmentRiuchie gave
the erlebtedMerrce escheaMontle)!
maintained that Ontario had not the • O
powered escheat, and that it was only
vested in the Dominion Government.
The appeal should be, said he, confirmed
with Coats.
M-. (leo. Bowyer, reef Dixon county,
Kaunas, can of Thos. Bowyer, Esq., of
the village of Oorrie, is in town with hie
family, un a month's to visit his aged
father, after an absence of ten years.
61r.11. has been very successful out `'Lest,
and is settled on a large fares near his -
brother Thomas, w1.o is also prospering.
At Portugal Cove a monster octopus
or devil fish ran shore near the mail
steamers' wharf, and was captured by
fishermen. It is thirty-three feet hong
from the tail to the terminatum of the
long tentacles. This is the tirst fresh,
complete, unmutilated specimen secured W
and landed of this monstrous bah. •
FARM SALES. -Mr. John Switzer has -
sold his farm, lot 17, 6th con. Elites, 100
acres, to Mr. Grey, kir $4,500. Mr.
Switzer intends returning to California.
Mr. Andrew McClellan has sold his farni
in the 7th concession Wallace, lit 26, to
his son, John McClellan. He will div-
pose of his stock and implements by
auction, thesale of which will take place T/�
on Thursday, 17th inst. �N/�l
The Allan mail steamer Sardinian,
with His Excellency the Marquis of
Lorne on board, after touching at Mo-
.ville, arrived at Liverpool on Monday, ,
and the Marquis was met nn. board by'
H. R. H. the Princess Louise. The vV
Princess and Marquis Were cheered re-
peatedly and vigorously by the thou-
sands of peoplewho had assembled at
the Birkenhead landing -stage. In ad-
dition to the prpulnr reception, the
municipal authorities were present offici-
ally to welcome their arrival at Chester.
road and there outraged the girl. He
was arrested and eotnmitted for trial.
There is great indignation in the neigh -
the instructions of the Presbytery. and borhool over the atGir.
that he had declared the congregation I At the tier of the GST. Pe. station. at
vacant. A committee was appointed to Parkhill, on Sunday n. last work. Rev.
visit Grand Bend, to ascertain the state �� (' Rygers Baptist Minister. loot
of the field there, and t.i relied as to the $1;500 worth‘of household goods, which
feasibility o1 uniting the French and were stored in the freight shed for ship -
English elements into one c.olereeation. A meat. The fiofo•ving ..uses ate also re -
Thu Assembly's remit esppectnu Aged
ported: -W. .T. WWile•,:, of .MvGillivray
and Inhrnt Minister's Fulid was referred 8200; H. I[. Kittrelge, 8500; .1. McNeil.
to a committee, Composed of Messrs. $90 .las. Donley, of the Royal Hotel,
McCoy, Kerr, Carnochan and I). D.
$78; \\ • M. T.t , atpson, $18; anti .lienar.,
Wilton, and report at next ulet'tine. Hag'g.art Bros. loam number of reapers
A committee, cum,sed of Messrs. ane' 14"ws. •
McCoy, McDonald, Thntasou, Stewart The Clinton �' .r E:., says: -It i.
anti Musgrave, was appointed to exam- state+l by those who ought to know, that
ins statistical. returns from conerega- .lir. John Kair.e will take tits piece of
tions, and-prepm-e a report thereof. to Mr. T. Farrow as Conservative candidate
be submitted nt the next meeting. for North Hurons at the next general
Rev. 31r. Still -art submitted a report election. The reason fair this is said to 11
upon Herne Mission matters.. Repast a well-grounded fear that Mr! Farrow
adopted. • e will not le able to hold the conatituenci.
The Presbytery 3djourt:ed tai meet at The warden At deservedly popular, per -
the Thames ;toad church, on the third - s..ually, at:.l wvuhl pule as strong a cote
Tuesday in, January. a•any man the Conservatives could
bring out, but a Liberal will be brought
out who • should defeat hits.
New AerOI rsmsers. -At a meeting of
the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual
John Shaw, steward of the Hamilton Fire Insurapce Company, Mr. H. V.
Insane Asylum; Walter Muirhead, of Diratein tendered his resignation as
t :a t rev l .w rate iu the Dollar, and
IC; Pz 7srpa,r to ot!`fer
ftlE CLE 1T A VER1"Immil
Graet Reduction!
-FlitI- - -
He w,.ulti also intimate that he has arranged 1,•r t
s 'zzll Assortz-rs.e=t
Which are expecte-1 to arrive im 444,44.1 04,0 for the
Holiday Tracte!
Many lilies :are exclusively confined to myself -for the season
at least. Having had fourteen years experience in the buainess,
both in the (141 Country and Canada, I ant therefore thoroughly
acquainted with
The Basi Markets toProcure Cools
Lowest Prices
And will give my petrels, the advantage of my knowledge and
Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Elsewhere
T. J. Moorehouse
Goderich, Oct. '19. 1381.
(coon SALa-Rubs. Martin: ••f Grey.
well:known as a steel( raiser, sold 27
head, of cattle teeMr. - Bawtenheimer, tent
the day of the cattle fair, at $32 per
hesal. The sew o1 14464 was a plump
One t', recoive all at once. but the herd
was a good one.
wete.Me[I0*l ;sped.
• Report of the weather for the week]
' ending Nov. 15th, 1881.
L. Nev. telt--Wind at 10 p. In. West,
brisk gale. cloudy. dumber of miles
wind travelled in 24 hours 817.
10th-- at10
-- Wind p. in. N.
W.. light
feet. cloudy. Number of miles wind
ire. e. ellen in 24 hours 786.
l lth--Wind at 10 a. w. East. light,
• raining, began to rain at tti p. wt. Nein-
b r of miles wind travelled in 24 • hours
12th --WW ani at 10 p..u. S. W.; heavy
gale. cloudy. rased rain:t:,g at 19730 R.
I m., amount -1 rainfall 10.5 cubic inches.
No of .wiles wind travelled in 24 hours
1 13th --Wind at 10 p. in. b. E.. light,
24 hours 757. Had .shower during the
i day.
! 14th-WWinel at lO t. m. West, cloudy,
the buried 'gale this faU-
cloudy. No. • f mike wind travelled in
;velocity ..f wind at 8 p. m. 65 miles per
I hour. Snow Hurries. Number of miles
wind travelled in 24 hours 642.
15th- Wind at 10i•. m., S. WW., light,
i partly cleu.ly• frost. Number .•f milt*
wind travelled in 24 hours 898.
0. N. Mei-nos Ate. observer.
Goderich. Nov. l•ah. 18»1.
Hamilton, butcher: and John Fraser and Manager and Secretary. which was se- -
John Linkman, itis men have Ween ar• cepted. Mr. H. Eilber, of Crediton,
rested for 'peculation in connection with wasappointed Manager Treasurer and ! tarn'
the institution. Secretary if the Company, and Mr. H.
Iter. A. B. Simpson. pastor .•f the Love, of Hills Green, agent "f Stanley,
Thirteenth St. Presbyterian Church. N. and Henry Bonar, of Johnston's Mips,
Y., (muter' of Hamilton. Ont.. has agent for Hay. Mr. Diratein has bon
withdrawn- rote the pastorate, having Secretary and Manager of the Compsuy
been led to conviction on the subject of ever since its inception, and much of the
baptism that necessitated his resignation success which it has attsinedisdue to his
his mett.hership in the Presbytery sad energy and care.
the Church.
A meeting has beer. held in Liverpool,
at which a chemical company was organ-
ised for Canada. Four Englishmen and
three Canadiana are known to be inter-
ested. The works to be erected will be
filled with the very latest improvements.
The company's operations will he very
extensive, but what lines they will make
is so be kept secret for fear of beim(
A 14:1 .1 teacher en the tow-nline of
York and Scarb oro, about eight utiles
from Toronto betrayed the daughter of a
respectable farmer in the neighborhood
on Friday night last. By request he
called at the house of the girl's pare,tta
for the purpose of arranging a settle -
anent, when he was soundly thrashed by
her father. A former lover of the girl
stood in rear of the premises with a
loaded revolver to prevent the school
teacher .•«'aping The latter ecprested
his willingness to marry the girl. but the
st-•ris parent would not consent. The
former lover has premised to tt:arry her.
netwith.etending the p'' bar cireell-
stances of the case
--ewe Virtues.
The boiler of the tug Lehigh exploded
on Monday, Nov. 14. at (filen (eland.
New York. James Tillotson. of Albany.
the only person aboard. was blown •
hnndred ant( tifty feet and killed. The
tug was torn to pieces.
An Iowa man refuses 810,000 for At
old battle flag el the forty-seventh (Ohio`
regiment, of which Garfield was c000seL
About (:arfield's grave are to be pleated
a weeping beech, a pyramid osk, a big' it -
eye and a silver tir
The steamer Newport, of the New)l'ork
and Cuba line. reportssheran noes shawl
of sperm whales half a mile wide and
twenty miles long, ..tf Delaware rape
The steamer cut two of the immense
whales in two
A mysterious hor sent to Ralph
Greyke, member of Parliament. from
Alberica was opened with great pre
cautions at Woolwich Arsenal under the
ides that it was an infernal machine, but
it we, found to captain tame*. If guano
M+► Kay -In Goderich. on the morning of Sat•
order. \oventtr•r Irk Maggie Mackay. May
da.,ghter of Mr. D. ('. MacKay. aged sixteen
years sad three roostha
Dfcluon- In Oodertelt ea the I7th Inst.. Jane.
beloved wife of James i1ckson. Registrar el
Huron. in her *kb year.
Ilaskertille. I.n the lath rnn . (.oderirh town-
ship. on the 79) tn•t.. Dura Beaker%IIIc. to
the ieth year of her age.
Wugrinton in O.denrh tonnal,ip. on the 518
inst.. John Mortimer. youngest child of Mr.
John WWI/Intern aged 1 yea" and •' months.
Harris At .Amherethnrtth. on Sunday. 13th
Nov.. Mr. O.ear A Harr;.. eldest daughter
of Wm Mur. lioderIek. aged 11 yeas -sande
loenal. Os Teeeday. Ker. Ise Mrs. John
Drums. mpg • yews.
Gedeelik �ssRssw
�e�, Oosaatca, %.vssaber 34
17th. MI.�hsat
• Ulla ,1 i
neer, • hoerrl.. a 10
PPe•a,11Mash heat 07711
Oiacrky. • hush 0 70
Potatoes w hush ...- 0 let
Hat. • ton it Ian
ltni't,r, a.. 0 m
tom a dna liMplebe 0 19
Chew. .. ......... . 0 11
Shona. • ewe 0 75
Sven . • cwt ... 0 M
chop • cot 110
W,rnl 0 r
Wood. 1 tri
rs $t *p
' ': Mrs. E. Warnock,
OP 0te
e• et.
se 0 0 71 1 11,.. Received •Complete 1ionk of Omds suit
0* 0 On
able for the Season. and tarites 11.T Cuatow,en
l0 IMI anti the public generally to eel and tnspeet.
M 0 11
b The Quality is Unsurpaaaad,
I;13TEPtS. Attorneys. 3ulh:itors, rt*...
Guderich: - J. T. G.arrow•, ta-. I'roudfuot.
• Attorney, sollcltor•in Chancery, ac..
Goderich. Ont. first.
`L EAGER & Ml)RT(IN, B A R R I ei
9.3 TER8, etc., &c.. Goderich and WIaghani.
m ager. Jr„ r
Goderich. J. A. Moon. l ilen-
t Solicitor. (Mice -Corner of West ak00e4
and Market Square. over Ueori a renebs's.
Oodeelch. 1T31.
. LAW. solicitor In Chancery, Convey-
ancer. Sac. Office over Sheppard's booksbre. ..
Uoderlch. Ont. Any amount of moa. -y to
loan st lowest rat.• of Interest. trl r.
/,14MERON, HOLT & C.1I p
1[ERN ,
• ' tta-risters, Solicitors ir.• ('*an, cryo &r..
e.ja1n and Wtnirhem. M. ('.- Omens?. Q.
('.; PHol'. M. 0. t'ameron. Goderich. W, It
Macara. W1ngham. 1731.
00 W.
Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets
LOw•r.•4-r RATaS.
Steerage Passengers are hooked to Lowden,
Cardiff. mimed. Queenatewn. Derry. Belfast.
Galway and 0Ia sow. •at same nree es to
For tickets and every information apply to •
Agent. Montreal Telegraph .
11111.3m. Oleo Goderieh.
New Goods!
8 a Dr. BRAD,
et OMerin Vs
*erinar/ etebtassod restdeses.
on V dean east o Wdberse
Hotel. easkeI se se etiew -
nose 1111.
Call and Inspect.
t% 110 LL N t' �+II
New .14..i
-(trsyed-.lames Dattes
N „t►t•e --Peter Adamse
Bottum Prises -0. H. I
Liver Pad -Holman P
-Irk?ed-Pat t+alh
The Puint learnt -J. J.
Un, 1e 'Tutu --Grube To
Lambs Strayed-- Ake.
Mortgage Sale- l'ro,.y
Mortgage per cent. femme:it -
Cord Wood Wanted -
A errs Clair Vigor-Di
wok's Magnetic Med
Medkiae Co.
tbsoiTIt1T. O doeaai
deer. holow BrWeb
OEON, (la:e wit,
leading Dentists of T
neatly ani csretntl pp
ver (;luck. CLINTO:
dlrtane,• wilt please to
ranee by mull
She Peopl
• parties have he.'r
the 3fcl►unald proven)
Oroyad, notice is herr
ggli blast so in the fat
As received at t
edber. X111811.. for the
**rift ofat
The Council M the Cot
of Huron, will martin
Town of Ooderich. a
DECEMBER. n.•xt. ,
Council must be sent 1
of the second day of re
Nee. 1151•.. 1111'
The code:signed he
Indies of Ouderlt h and
termed • partnership
MIAOW' Him t Canes
•a?ry on the busmen
making Is the rooms
Pool's bookstore. cora
the Square leatraace
orders they may h•
promptly and careful
Slur Rene
mitres will b• r*ucit
nowt. for nee hernered
.rood. to b+• delivered
at les them thirty
Wag tn,n; tn.. loth
. ood n. -.i be hard w.
ask log., and four
seder for thirty coni
er say tender tan
-tweties will he. rein
Of the costrat t.
Nov. II:L. Iie:.
K. Wee lea . A
.411 erre., *3) -T'a-
salaam ataadina tim t
sauna honor. barn
tai two well*.
am. Amb
•�O 'xl weal hal
. ichens f of ad Cefabbk ue. n thA
I9199. Twwo rer tial
tb F'ern`s. Fort
sed erre," acres are I•
end lermsre•se•abtr.
se Renew Twv17e, It
Lot u. s, Lake S
Colborne. fvie w,ile.
lag ass ere*. 90 of wI
.Mr a rood state ores
ed ane urderdrsine
Rosie., a bars, an e e
driving shed. sod
petk`n►ar+ apply on
1 Tpof eethers,
rtes cleared, Waala wood may loam.
Lb. P.,tat Farm it
r-ilglbi atsaated. 1'
▪ W t.
a 1151.
D000sasor.. 1
ro soll aura of t of an
• flame bons•. s go.
on the pr-mue. T
proven'. Temps ref
be bad from Mr J
Duagoaeo•. or H. E
tiot78E, AND
• K oorner of 1
the town of Oodertc
•setasawett forearm
=to Jas, Slla1L
er J. C. Coal
1-7 vele se •erns.
homed Prick Cott
elea of boos. A I
tY lot, ■„ orate V
Ae or.. hate•neon
sad other handing.
t o R T Hayses l;
*sear Townehlp. o
• nes. I1. COMO!
finderlra. rote petal
fraise boor. snot •
• Mable awl new
prssaYsr A tonne
on the farm The
Dries of it S c it s
Maori only 1 mU,
p•rtleuase apply 9
M P 0
`a 1liPPAADT
i Pout (igen. M
I s.1. *supe! W hos
sty *prim harm
o roe forth,*
11 rout A34l�
Lot . ea the Sri or
loarA. frame Bev
Amend sad went
It Poor- P'oO'