HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 7s
She Poet's ILorner.
away la I Maarrlvu.,
• all.,RT kr,RAL 6;,.,1•Y IN Mil '1 ar • 11
in BOOL P(1.1L.
What ccf. )oudo. donotdelay;
Yield not to fancy's idle sway.
Rat keeping firm the onward wet.
Islay not.
Mr. J.lur MIsdirtuey has lost .'.act
$alk► w.•tth • stun:► this suaourr.
Frnuas cru Iww malting t6r i,. s'
pt i w out . f their w•. o i. ?h..rt w.....1
sells at ...out g:t per single cold In Clio -
Sickuws is geneial around hero.
There is talk m( a doctor a: Helme,-
Many ..f our Huluiesville (newt* went
bo hoar Hey Mr Mcl)ouga:: s s7run.it •.tl
Suu.lay leu.
Go .cr_eb To.7lf?.'1p.
Remember Let's ill fated mate.
When told to Ere from danger great .
Oh had this thought cum • in her pate.
Dehiy not.
She might hare lived anti, this day ;
Ru , yielding to the tempter's sway,
Her ter' si: un the road did stay,
I e:aying.
When summer airs blow lig:.: and floe :
When sunset yields the tryst ing tr.c.
And some sweet girl waits there for !hie.
tour not.
When pouting lits of ruby hue.
So tempting. sweet. you longing view,
.%nd laughing eye, just r.ay. "please do,'
Relay not.
It, when bright aspects round you shine.
A gentle hand thou clasp In thine.
And thou would.: sar, "sweet hurt be mine."
!relay not.
And when a squall at murk midnight.
Proclaims the tsrb)'s wakened quite.
To bunt a match and strike • light.
Delay sot,
Though {'n your haste you t. ur your clothes,
And broth( your shins, and stub your toes,
Tu give the babe a soothing dose,
belay nut.
In these few stumas i hate tried
To show you• when tn9y be applied•
This tutsiin. that sill t e'er be; d.•
Delay not
1f from the kissing you refrain,
Or (ruin the question should abstain.
The chance may never come ag.tin.
IP•lay nut.
- -A Irrc •.
Peter Fisher, Fay., who may be said
to be the father of Wingham, is now
away in Kansas for the benefit of his
health. We are glad to say that at last
accounts he wax getting better.
Rev. Mr. P. G. Roliert.un, who has
been for many years Baptist minister in
Winghatt, has just removed .to take
charge (at the c.,ugesgatiuu non Aurora
He leave,% many true friends after Aim
here, who regret his departure.'
t)atris Flom,' Clor. Mr..a,lui .au,
of the Hayfield cin., tart weak lost u
Bale fay about 2 years cid, by clout,
is Chu second eland lie •uas lost by
' that ailment. -
VaaY UKIOaTt'KATa OB Tuesday
awtu&C,, Mr. J.!u \t'ii$giutou, ot the
Bayfield concca.it.n, !ckL Lu )-ounge.t
Soil by diphtheria, waking the second
eon be has lust lit two weeks. He has
the scuipathy ..f all in his affliction.
11lclilt trAL Tats AuaiK.-In addition
to the particularsgieeu acouple of weeks
Mum, ui reference to municipal affairs, it
is now stated that Mr. Ji,.. Whitely, de-
puty rem c, will int stand for re-election
but that hu place will be contested for
by Mesar,. John Beac in, Edward Ache-
son and John Cox. The actual contest
will doubtless be between the first two,
and will be close.
Sudden DEATH. -An estimable young
lady Miss Dora Baskerville, died st the
residence of her brother on the 16th
con., on the 7th inst., after an illnees of
only a couple of days, from what seemed
to be it complication of ailments, Quite
a number .1 friends followed her remains
to the G. W. R. station , Clinton, on
Tuesday morning, from•which they woke
conveyed to London, where her parents
reside, for interment.
The Home Rule League to -day adopt-
ed a roan ileac to the Irish people.
After rial.etrsing the tyrannies and in.
justices of England, the nauifesto con-
cludes: -' We were promised at the time
of the U,:iou equal rights and privileges
with the people of Great Britain, but to-
day, fourteen years after the establish-
ment of household suffrage and of the
c,mpul Dry registration of voters in
England and Scotland, we are a;ill
dented lath thew important rights, with
the result that while the proli.rtion of
, voters to the male population of Englund
Mr. John Gregory, one o1 the old set- is one to four, the proportion in Ireland
tiers of •Win{ham, has spent a great part is one to twenty-four. The taunieipal
of the preseut year in Manitoba, but is • franchise also, as compared with that of
England and So,tland, is a c mpltte
mockery. It is needless to •go through
the list of our grievances. Sufl`•ee it to
add that in scarcely a single matter of
public concern in Ireland bes•the will of
the Irish people had its way; that evecy
department of our business, na matter
low little it concerns others than our-
selves, is managed by irresponsible and
autocratic boards appointed by English-
men, and composed, to a large extent, of
Englishmen and Sc,tchn:en. Despite of
this, however, we are told that we must
be governed by another people, and that
now at home and intends to make this
his periaaoent residence. He speaks
well of Manitoba, and certainly he has
reason to do so, for it is said that
y ono or two judicious speculations, in
Winnipeg, he cleared about 820.009ea
The day however for such wonderful
speculations will soon he over, for ter-
rible reaction is sure t a result in that
EL -n tta01A.
Mr. Frank Coleman, of Stanley, has
sold kis imported twoyear old stallion too, for our own sake. Anarchy, it is
said, would overtake us if the benefi-
cent restraining hand of England were
taken , off ua. A more impudent
falsehood was never advanced. Our
troubles spring fr the government of
Ireland by England, and from that
alone. But is it for the interests of
England that the policy of coercion
shouhi be continued 1 1. the present
state of Siete fruitful in anything•but
hatred. ill -will, lose of treasure, and
•furniture and stock. life 1 What we ask for is only what is
The business at this station is increta- enjoyed lay every other British depend-
ency inhabited by a whito race. It is
addition to the freight shed, a. people •nab what the States .,f the American
want to get their goods under cover.
The shed is completely tilled up at pre-
sent, and all. an,und .the outside of the
platform and a lot of stuff in Lthe yard
addretteeil t. i such places* ar Europe,
Manitoba, United States and different
parts of Ontario. Mr. Rose is as hard a
to 31r.James Turner fur the sun of
$L800. It weighed 1,700 Ins , and is
fine animal. '
Mr. A. *Mustard, farmer here, has
fought a share in the Eginundville Mills
and, -is going to enter a new sphere of
life next month. We wish him succee.
Mrs. Rnbt. Youill and two children,
and Mr. H. Gihnour have left for Mani-
toba. Mr. Lee, of Varna has else gone
with a car load of mill stuff, household
working Caen as is on the ‘N eastern Line.
running a s'ation alone.
Mr. D. A: Forrester last, week shipped
his eigh'h car ..f flax seed, this fall.: I bis
represents nearly 100,000 Ili. .
After paying all accounts against the,
Rifle As'e,ciatiott, there is •t balance ..,u
hand of Rio. a good start for next,year.
PLATT: GLAAst.-Mr. J..hh Jaekson has
ordered from Connally, plate glass for
the stare being erected by hint on Al'uert
r nils of Miss , Ichulloch n
The fr e a ,
the Mlodel School, will be pleased to
learn that she is recoveriuu from her late
Mr. W. B. Moore, (formerly with H.
Ptumsteel & Co..) has secure) a gooti
situation in a Cleveland (Iry goods house.
Steres Borowr.-Mr. Chris. Dickson
has bought the stock of stationery; &c.,.
belonging to the estate of W. H. Rana
ford, and has reopened the store con-
taining the sane.
Mr. Sain. Cook Informs us that he has
raised ducksfor nearly 30 years, hut never
knew theist to cintinne laying :u late in
the year, as they are now doing.
Mr. E. Hera (third eon of Mr. C. A
Harty has secured $ gond situation as
short -band secretary to the firm of
Meson. Staunton & Co., Toronto, and
left last week t., enter on hi. duties.
A..Rt.'rf.rr'a 1t. We es+. --- We are in-
formed that Air. John \\'ats.,n, of Ayr,
well known as a manufacturer of agri-
t- dture: Iwiticm. tit., has hien corres-
I..ndtng with parties herr, with a view
to mncing hie ratahh.hnlent. Ne better
opening; in \\ est ern t)ntarfn can 1*
found than this place, as it i* the centre
of a splendid agricultural reentry. acces-
sible by railway from all the cardinal
points the c.nnpas., and one of the
.mat healthily hitt ot'.1 tow n. in ( Ontario.
i N e w. Ern.
w111taa• alas•,. away
Millions .-f It.•ttl.•s of hr. Eiwe'sNeiw
Discovery for consumption. CotaRhs awl
Colds, have h"•en given away an Trial
Bottles of the large err• This et,ormoue
matley *amid be dist.tro'ta to the two
prietors, were it rot for the rare meata
by thin wandered m.'dirine
all at any req ntorr. and ret a Trot
Bottle free. and t., (..- r ',itself 11
,ever fails to care
Union possess, namely, the power to
anage those
u irrselre.a lcm ,.those matters
atwh ch con-
cern the Empire at lark being oft to
the care of an imperial Se..at,., in which
we would be represented.
The Ottawa Hero! 1 rery,proporl•y con-
demns the style of Christmas cards now
published es representative of "Canadian
scenes." Ties., card& are advertised to
represent "Indian tiuow Shoo Races,"
"Indian \\ igw im and Ila:k'f-makers. "
"Life in the W,'oda." "Raft Sho.,ting
the Ratlids" -with an Indian we presume
as steerst:isn, Awl it, on with fndienas,
wi sea u . !•isp•tosett, sn.m,ihoca, hlankete,
ct:.'r l Id/. until the dear friends
rece'vn11; tale ecru are forced tl) conclude'
Gust thele is nothing in Canada hut In-
dians, snow and snowshoes. Because
Caiiadiatn send them nothing else to tern
an opini.n by. And then wo wonder
why we have a "blooming" cockney get -
tine orf' with his gun at the Union Sta-
tion, Toronto, from the eastern train, to
have "a shot at a bear," and wanting to
know as he gases on the tine city sur -
'rounding him 'where them forest. are
they have heard no much about." Let us
send representations to our friends
nomad of our every -day life ; views of
our charming rivers end lake*, our mag-
nificent cities, our elegant railway car-
riages, our piaultry and fat cattle, and let
us keep the bear, the Indian, the wig
wain an.l the p ap".we ottt '.f eight for a
whsle at any rate. Let ns tell them bear
meat is it luxury, and that we have to
travel nearly 1.500 miles to nee a nal
George Duff, the champion deer-
stalker of Reothm 1, is now in hu revertty
seventh year, and yet he is cr•edtted with
the ability to bring down seven or eight
stags in a day. three or four being
Miss Elsa Von Rlumen. the female
bicyclist, defeated equines in three
separate contests at the State Fair
grnunda, ('.lumbus, 11. , oil. 27. She
J -un anb Fanclf.
It isn't because it woman is exact'',
afraid ..1 a cow that she run, aw..t du•.
s.•re.nma It Is hocau,u gored divulges al•
not lash i. •
We would often have reason to 1*
ashamed of our roost brilliant actions it
the worn.} could see ,the ti tivcs froiu
*Inch they spring.
A transee• dental preacher tin,!; fel
his ' ••.', '. eed uiy lauds." As he
.qt of the church a plain old tar-'
pour sou. w him: "That was a vary goad i
tilt; but you placed the hay wi hitch u►
the rack that thulambs couldn't reach 1'.
nor the old sheep either."
li Over a bridpu at Athens, tint., was the
following;: "Ani' person tact g over 1
thio l•ridgc ii, .i faster lace than a .'alk '
shall, if a white person, be tined 85, and I
if a negro, receive twenty-fivech
half the penalty to be bestowed on the
infi ir:ner, "
Young Keepit::;• lays his mother-in-
law is like a Fenian torpedo -she gore
of when hu isn't touching her. "Bless
your soul," said his imbiber, Offuldri,
"toy mother -in -taw is like Qnaker gun
--ale's been with t s ever since last May,
and you can't male her go off,"
One ot the, least flattering tributes
ever paid to a tiring foung artist has
been paid to a Cincinnati dauber by a
Westeru critic: •"He possesses some
merit as an artist; but it is hard to ray
whether it lies ii, landreape or marine
paintint(. You ca of tell his t'ub's from
his ships, except when they have their
tails exalted, when the absence of spun
betrays their character. Even then they
may bo mistaken for schooners scudding
under bare pules."
A gentleman enteredthe parish church
of St. Jean Baptiste village ..n Tuesday
wonting and kneeled to take part in the
early chars. When the sexton went to
arouse hits from what he believed to Le
sleep, he found that he was shaking a
Dentate at Naw.
Impotency of mind, limb or vital func-
ti m, nervous weakness, sexual debility,
and all diseases caused by indiscretions
and abuse, are radically and promptly
cured by the use •.f Mack's Magnetic
Medicine, which is fir sale by all re-
sponsible druggists.• tiesadvertisement
in mealier column. Send i. Goderic'-t
by Jas. Wilwu druggist. -
,Newspaper Laws.
i:w al. a's .tratra ►alar,
1w net salt• to the wsrld for cuts,
1!lrui teens. Ungar., Salt Rheum,
Peter S••iee, ,'avert, Chapped Hands,
Chiba Mao ('.eu:• ..on all akin Biuptions
Sit .%ely ,..... Ptlt•a. It Is guar-
ai.teewt •' etre ,r•rlese eatis(aetion or
hurley telpli ...b Pr,c.• .5 %acute per
Lint. }'..r sale by all dru,;gists.
' {'l l nil IL iLrlt:l
pistol!, v1 t set trade .I . _ , n hand and
(rr rale at r.-aw:.aWe ra
Th.- s,L.erlbee ie now . , rr) tag. n the brick
uta►nu( t.uutirs, ar tl..• ..sAatl kilns, and will
g•vr all ' .Arra whin 1. . s•. tt• w Dl Allo the
.Duel pr .pt act...chin :: c hr/ck :d u( tlrat
.Sv.. •twl.ty. cud i! a ,,.. ver rssaotuble.
J•,:iN ii. Y.t.bLGOR,
t •
,/ /,• Ali}:
1 . ' '^ AOIOITY OF
R•:::': THE CTO.:'A?Ii,
f di arising from
TOR(NV1 ti
The Great American Bernell ,for'O r II OLD ASTHMA
P•'epa.ed from' the )fast Re/ Sprees Runs.. (DN4
Nom Itator.) Halswwle, Boota(ag 1fsw eornat
and Torte. Superior to one n dfefne offered for
an w the above roIwts. I . e'eitc combination
of As Gum which cruder from the Red .sten., tree
-Wlh ,rt doubt the most valuable native Oun for
Yedieina l pu,•posea
Entry one In this
hae aeard , i 'Cepa ra•
1,r;.":1,17, GRAY'S tiara tar
\\'e call the special attenti(n of pmt- eepmarraai sr
roasters and subscribers to t} e following fret. Jrhe and air its
o osis of the news a our laws ; s p r ii e e' ant i -.pa, -
cit= l I 1 nadir, ern
and the
1. A t,ustmaater is required to bite Pines in o, c", ant
notice by letter (returning a paper dies OR.e' °I balsamic
not answer the law) when a subscriber cern„,. Dr• r n e p '•
does not take his paper out of the office,
i'',4';'.1,7 .RED 4
and state the reasons for its not being ; y ~-
taken. Any neglect to do so mwkes the iris eon. Pared at a
aster responsible to the publishers i w sop l ire air t e n
or payment. , Darlene, ro SPRUCE r e r a hare.
hr pine rent. Cn,
2. If any person orders his paper die- oddrerr ume..nd :noWt:
continued, he must pay all r o d r t n k o,rhapne d
arrearages,ave wade GUNI. .rick ed
or the publisher may continue t 'send it aro ca r n e j /1.0%m in
until payment is made, and collect the t pps.r w r e r s pore
whole amount, whether it be taken from
the office or not. There can be no legal
discontinuance' until the peytnent is'
3. Any person wh., takes apaper from
the past -office, wheth r directed to his
name or another, ur whether he hart sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for the pay.
4. IT a subscriber orders his paper to
be snapped at -a certain time, and the
publisher - continues to send, the sub
scriber is bound to pay for it if he takes
it out mf the fast-oltice. This proceeds
upon the ground that a man must pay fir
what he uses.
5. The courts have decided that refut-
ing to take a newspaper and periodicals
from the post -office, or removing and
leayirf. thein uncalled for, is prima facie
evidence of intentional fraud. .
Wausau's True Friend..
As friend in need is a friend iuciecd,
This none c -u. d,,nv, especially when ns -
1 sistauiee is rendered when one is tong..!,. ,f-
tlicte.lwith disc: se.more;,:urt i _•tilarl''t : ose
complaints and wt!:i l:lleasc'. '.'111 I,•,11 te'
our female papulation. Every Wig/NM
should know that laoctric bitters ail:,
wurnan'tt true friend, and will pesiilye,%
-restore her to health, even when
other remedies fail, A kingle triad 1
ways proves our assertion. 'they +i
pleasant to the taste and mile vett lit t•
dents a bottle. Sold by all druggists,
rode a pule in 4m . same distance in Int.
35e., and five miles is lawn Ps,
"What every sue urya sosDse lir Tree.'
Ani ,•t rev one who has testl•d its >wsrilt
.oral( sr••.!v in p'rat'e of Hagyatd'e
Pectoral Balsam as positive cur* f. .1. all
throat and bins c"mplaint., coughs and
welds, sore throat, hrnnrhlt•a, at..! :ncl-
plant c„nsumptn n
Peeplc have n» mans right 1" become
ilye1jeptir, and remain glew'my and mise.
rwhle, than they have to take poison and
enmmit suicide If the ttomseh becomes
weak and fats to preform its flirtations,
Rurd„rk Blood Bitten will spa. lily
remedy the trouble
Nature, after all, In tiro great tihysi-
cian. She hides all the secrets of hemi h
within her broad,: generous biisem, to d
man needs brut to go to her intellige:it;1
for his every need. The dlscorer'. '•,
the great Cough Remedy, GRAY'. Si al" ,•
or RID Srnri•s Gt'M, ie nn apt illuett,y-
tion of this. As a cure for Coughs,
Celdn, Loos of Voice and Hoarseness it
stands unrivalled, while its low price mei
readiness of accent places it within the
roach of all. Try it and be aelvineeti.
Al} chemints keep it in 2:, and 50 -gent
bottles. -ad
Its remarkable power in reliering
certain forma of Bronchitis, and its
almost t-peeitic erect in curing ob-
stinate hacking loughs, is now well
.known to the pt(blir at large.
Sok! by air reipeetabie chemists. Price, and
sas teats a bottle.
The words " Syrup of Red .cprwe. (lust- envie!.
hate our Registered Teta Mark, and our wrap?, r
atediabei err also registered.
KERRY, TV..1 TSf) V (t Civ.,•
•. Wholesale Druggists, ,
Sok Proprietors and Manwfa t rrec .
-1•O^.►lint ii_....1 a 4.i
•1. r::
1'.t R 1
f,, ,lis t t, • r
•• .i:iia l'ii.i.3 r i n d '. s
i•.fmna Die re til! •t rt r..
to' 1...1.L Thentira c.t ,'Jr.'''.
:1 to i. acct alar it 10 11 • .r vi. i•
•• v: Jowls . '
:• or .0. anon, ,
...('ii '-arta Y. i o• 1 •.
t Wt11 ( r
..;n, rata uti'at. It i t 1,• `
it -tI 1 ^.avn vtlm:life 1.,. or
L .ltisrtrfmly t,.'tal.te.: • • r..r:-
• t'tit :n.. del 'r e: u'„•r.
• • is • hest medkaaeO it use it.:
• t'11 rowels _.
.1 •1 ?f n:1 re-
t om• ,t,n(tr for a q"ert tonne. cr u.
et'tkw. Inc Ave .in.lata.. •
fincse who cnnr•ca obtain it bottle or
,vt1^1•1n from their dmr^1-t int-
• • owe dotter. and we villi stud ft
^t 11315,-'- 'f7 s ,
Kar. a r'nco.t. GRATEFUL .INDCiti YOH:1 Nc.
-'Ity a thorough knowledge of the natural
lawn which roovrn the operations of digestion
asset nutrition. and hI a careful application of •
the Ane properties of well-seketed Cores. Mr.
Kota ham provided nor breakfast tables with n
dellratrl flavoured ).•. erwge which may nave
es many heavy dimer,' hills. Urfa by the nA(-
ricint• u.'- of each article. nl4iibt that .jean• '
Alba ron may he gradually built.pwatil.ir.u,g
er/011 A to resist every tendency 10 din's"
Hnndrrd. of subtle maladies arc Anat{rar
around u. readyp to atta. k wherever there I. ■
weak point. We mar escape many a ta'al
than by k. !ring ourselves well fartllkd with
pure Mond and a preeerly nouriebed hem
"irfl .Wrry-r (invite, Hold noir In 1'a.•kr4
labelle'i "J•iu . Fart. 4- t'n.. Ilon....'pathle
('hemlab.. London. Eng." .tlso mak' tw td
Epps's chocolate F:wnee for afternoon tree
\ I T k u ST.tT P,N MAIL til .t
Mail every Hat nrday.
NEW 1'OBK TOOI.Aeta ,m•
t .1fit'Vy. P5, to Ossa. trTKKRAfir. {!a'
Three slt eame rat do sort carry out Ir, she. p nap't.'e
sgtt• ' 01111 To Los i ON DIRECT.
('ARI ,4$tI •o ewe. T.sctnion At itcdu..•'
Par..•ng• r accommodations aro nmmvirpaased.
111 tttatetwouss .,a Main heck.
i'aaaege►ea poked at lowest rata' to or from
an Ran read matton in T.nrop. or Amer,. it
NOV. at lowest rated, pavabte.hee,. MVP.
throtRoland. fbMLnd and Ireland.
Hardware! Hardware
TLiE ITN DEIa!• • a}:D Is
$TILL .A. EAn i
F(Ilt ItE :'r
General Hardware!
I Seep all the Newest and Bast Makes.
Four-Barh Fence Wire
w_ Mcg_.m1NTZIE_
The Tirami:h is still to the tr,•r•.
• Ibare Measure to state that despite the inecnvcinence i nn put to in my business/by
the recent flew in any premi,.•.. that I ant now in tell blast again, preyuttrd to eitaothe great.'
bargains in Uoderi,li in
and wary other line in the business,
I would also return my thanks to the Parc henget' and people of t:oderich for the sue
central abets in eavingniy property in my u.:rice teen a home, at the late Are.
John Story.
Ds C. $TCI A
i/Ati REY.ut-ED HM
To the nit: stand in the Albion Bleck, formerly occupied by hint, where be will NI pleased
to welc..me all his old customers and the public generaUy. :\ large :quantity of
T. & J. STORY,
B ...,_ .
• .-- --, -- -t . =irk
8zC _. :. - (97 C -
-• • ' ` ti 1 1Z1 n lean
• 1%
REPAIRING ot;.l 3t DIMING done with Ne'ntnes3 aad Dcsratch, n.l nt ryas -
(melee 1',atet. ('ail del vianiine befut.purchasing,-nowhere,
l' NOX' t OLD :TNI'. HAMILTON, P'I'itE1 T.
For tale 0, .151(5.' 11 I1'•'t.
Ga•auee kin NA. ,
Chemists and I►ri:ggists.
Cu Cholerv.Cholera Morhus.Orp-
oentery, Cramps, Colic. Sea Sick-
ness and Summer Complaint ; also
Cholera Infantum, and all Com-
. plaints peculiar to children teeth -
1 int,, and will be found equally
Ienefoial for adults or children.
Yoe sot nforwiatinn, plane. Ra, epph FUR SALE SY All DIIUCCISTS.
to HVIIPSsaoi. BwoTwgna.t Nnwitvagaar...
N l T. M ILBU RN & 00.,
(lir to URA It w 1 Rv r•c K. Hermann fit
l'al t...ws ea f wI..vh Proprietors. Toronto.
GR 1% ,W: it :It i; .
(, ---
ocbs a 1'
. -^W
1 •
31111 SIIOE
n i
v4; A I
r T-
Previous to tock taking. My Etc c:c is Large 'abd well -assorted,
ID(7.adetfiich, Jan 13, 188111
will be gi •_r
%ors.4 //" \\ eseal; •w w--
Daniel Gordon,
C111111C1-thr auil lliflaCf.
I ►blest ileo.. i n Ihr 9 Minty, anal Lapps SI,. -k 11,141 rifle of 1..r"I,n
f'4RL4iR Ri'ITre,
IIRt1 R'aw St ITIM,
tilhx-11i'API", ,
E.ttY CH Ilan,
Lnrsuze, CT,., STC1
.ta.% B•tyera(wltl AnA it 'cube,- advents re to .„e my stock if they need a geed ar'ages'
.has lMt'•• 1) (jflk/H)N ir.,9 .41 rest meq.' rod fitly.. ►1n.i...ch.
n....r w.- . -.w egeelaasw...•+....