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OXFAM . . . a detergent?
Not e*actly r r but OXFAM-
sponsdred projects are
cleaning up water supplies In
developing nations Re Mali
and India Where crops wither
and people die because they
haven't enough water. PleaSe
97 Eglinton Ave., east
Toronto 315, Ontario
Rain forces cancellation Pr. Frank Mills the Med-,
Large TohlatOes Mrs. Art Fin, JIMA DEFT PTEERD, Keith CillatCy)ffeier 11111044eatil Director
layson,laYeeno PliVe Cunningham, Clark, Heather IVICHaY, Mau- of the HUM County Health
Jinl Bowman. rice Flood has announced that the Health.
Plain or Cherry Tomatoes • SENIOR BEEF STEERS, Dianna Unit Will actively Participate
Brenda Wilson, Mrs. Art Fin- AdainSon,,Ann McKay the night school program of the
laYeent Mrs. J. H. Johnston JR. DAIRY CALF, Annette Bone- Huren Count), Board of Ednea'
White Beans, Large - Mrs. J. R. ehanSker, Bill Boneschansk.. tion in two areas. The first;
Johnston er, Pave Plan " will be in a seminar "Prepar,
White Beans, Small - Mrs. Wm. JUDGES, BEEF; Bert Peppier, ation for Parenthood" and the
Mrs. Heinvle.
euRyt;at .Stuart Smale,
second in a "Family Living" Dolmage, MrS.J. H. Johnston, Neudstat
Butter Beane - Mrs. Art Fin- St. Marys
layson, Mrs. Wm. Dolmage,
Mrs. Ed. Martin.
Citrons - B. Rosman
Watermelons - E. Rossman
Mrs. Helen Adams, Jane S m iles •
Table Cucumbers - Janet Veitch,
Ripe Cucumbers - Brenda War-
dell, Mrs. Helen Adams.
Heads Sunflowers - Mrs. Wm.
Farmers 1/2 bus. Vegetables -
Mrs. Art Finlayson, Brenda
vvardell, Mrs. Jack Conley
Largest Pumpkin - John Perrie,
E. RaSsman, C. Deaner.
TOP SHOWMAN, Keith Clark
A tourist, checking into a
Rome hotel, asked the clerk what
time meals were served.
"Well," the clerk replied,
"breakfast is from seven to
eleven-thirty, lunch is from
twelve to three, and dinner is
from six to nine-thirty."
The tourist shook his head
and, said to his wife, "Doesn't
leave much time for sight-see-
ing, does it?"
Dr. Mills said the "Prepara-
tion. for Parenthood" classes
schedUjed for the night school
timetable will replace the. pre-
vious so-called, prenatal classes
which were conducted through,
out the. county. "preparation
for parenthood'''. classes will
he conducted in each of the
secondary schools where
night courses are .available and
will be taught by the public health
nurse for that area with the
assistance of various resource
personnel,. The presentation of
this series of classes in sem-
inar-type discussion groups; in
conjunction with the Board. of
Education night school courses,
allows for better timing of the
course for the expectant mother
Health unit will assist
(Continued from. Pagel)
Pickling Onions- Mrs. S.Jacklin,
ELM" Brodhagen, Brenda
Gherkins Ross Higgins, Janet
Veitch, Mrs., Jno. Perrie.
Cern, Dent - Mrs. 4. JacMin.
Table Corn, Bantam - Mrs, S.
Jacklin, Mrs, J, H. Johnston
Ears Corn, Av. ROSS Veitch
Ears Table Corn for Freezing
Mrs. Art Finlayson
Drummed Cabbage - Mrs. Ken
Johnston, Mrs. Art Finlay-
son, Bob Higgins.
Red Pickling Cabbage - E. Ras-
sman, Mrs. W. Dolmage.
Yellow, Field - A.
Perrie, Chas. peitner, David
Cauliflower - Mrs. Sam Fear,
E, Rasstnan, Mrs. Ken John-
Pie Pumpkin - Mrs. Ken John-
ston, J. A. Perrie, Jim Bow-
Squash AOV - E. Rassman, Joyce
Brodhagen, Becky Dunbar
Squash Hubbard - E. Rassman,
Joyce Brodhagen, Brenda
and father! in centrali;ed lo-
cation and integrated with the
Ober community night education
The second series of Presen-
tations, "Family Living" sern-
Oars, will also be taught by the
area public health nurse (in all
secondary schools) and will be
presented on a separate evening
to that of the toprepara.tion for
parenthood" series to allow at-
tendance at both, if desired.
This series will make use
of resource personnel front var-
ied fields as well as the nurse
instructor, and the series will
offer instruction to all age groups
in such important areas as safety
in the home accident prevention,
first-aid care for acute emer-
gencies, practical home, nursing
and generally the essentials of
healthful, happy living. The in-
tent of the Health Unit in pro-
viding these two courses is to
help people to a better under-
standing of child development
(in the "Preparation for Parent-
hood" classes) and :a source of
practical information and open
discussion in the "Family
Living" classes.
The schedule of dates of these
two series will be published in
this paper shortly.
Enquiries may be directed to
the local Huron County Health
Unit office: Goderich, Court
House, 524-8301; Brussels, Med-
ical & Dental Centre 887-9331;
Clinton, 111 ShipleySt. 482-9661;
Exeter, Hospital 235-1014; Sea-
forth, Hospital 527-1243; wing-
ham, Carling Terrace 357-2264;•
Small farms
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The Small Farms Dev-
elopment Piogram will be Im-
plemented immediately in Ont-
The announcement was made
jointly today by federal Agri-
culture Minister H. A. (Bud)
Olson and William Stewart of
the Ontario Ministry of Agri-
culture and Food.
Ontario and the federal gov-
ernment entered into agreement
on a Small Farms Development
Program for the province on
August 24, 1972.
"Implementation of the Can-
ada-Ontario agreement is the
first phase in the introduction
of the Small Farms Develop-
ment Program on a national bas-
is," Mr. Olson said.
The Small Farms Develop-
ment Program- is designed to
help farmers who own small
farms to develop larger and more
profitable operations. The fed-
eral government has set aside
$150 million to be spent through
out Canada over seven years on
this program.
Mr. Olson and Mr. Stewart
said the joint program will be
implemented by the federal gov-
ernment's Farm Credit Corp-
oration and the Production and
Rural Development Division of
the Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food.
Interested farmers should
contact their local agricultural
representative or the local Farm
Credit Corporation office.