HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1972-10-11, Page 11Invest in your own future with Canada Savings Bonds $100.00 can grow to $253.25 in just 12 years Compound interest • Complete security • Buy for cash or on a monthly Savings Plan • Average annual yield 7.30%. For safety, savings, income, see our agents: William H. King, Esq., Box 119 Brussels, Ontario, 887-6512 or our representatives. NESBITT, THOMSON AND COMPANY, LIMITED 289 Dundas Street, London, Ontario — 672-4000 • Wm •••me... W O S V -a a E O a a ay— a -a a at. a a 41: 0 a.. an. .a. a a a .0 a a on 0 O a' .5 4.• GP a) b. a. a: •40. a AY= 4R a. a. a O %Om 11 it P ho n e Ro s s M i lt o n in t he A dm is s io ns O f fi c e 4 8 2- 34 5 8 .c E 111 E E E 000 U. CL CL 0 CA 0 CD m up stir: DU E TO S TA R T ".e 0 "tio g a 03 Was C 0 Q 0 2 u csi ui ui ui veNche 333 glRg,s!"' e t o s ta r t. W e c o u l d t a ke a fe w m o re . 1: 3 0 p . m. o n t he E v e n in g I n di c a te d T he fo l lo w in g c o ur s e s h a v e n o w r ea c he d t he n u m be r w he re i t i s p o ss i b NI GH T C OU 0 IL. 0 Dr iv e r Ed u ca t io n • a SAP Wi a a go. a N E-a a r• 0 4.4 41= vb. C O %b. a a a ay. 13 a a a a VI a O =Mb 11; MOW 110." * I n d ic a te s a c r e d it c o u r s e i n t he fi r s t y e ar o f a n Ea r ly Ch il d h o o d Ed u c a t io n Di p lo m a P r o g r am . R E V IS ED ST A RT D AT E tol Iwo 0 a. No• fl• 0 0 0 Z Q 0 < CD 0 U) P.M z 0 C li n to n C e n tr e a O OC a O. ; 4= a • Winners in domestic science White Pread Mrs. S. Fear, Mrs. H. Gall, Mrs.. R.Grasby Brown Bread - Mrs. S. Fear, Mrsc R. Grasby, Mrs. W. Mmes. Fruit Bread WS. Ken. Johns- ton, Mr's. H. Goll, Mrs. R. Oresby. Three Kinds of Bqns - Mrs, S. Fear, Mrs. R. Grasby, Mrs. H. Goll. Coffee cake Mrs. H, Goll, Mrs. R. Grasby, Mrs. Mel Jacklin. Angel Cake (not mix) - Mrs, R. Grasby, Mrs. Ken Johnston. Angel Cake (mix)- Mrs. E. Cudmore, Mrs. Lulu, Kerr, Mrs. Leona Armstrong. Fruit Cake, Dark • Mrs. A. Mc- Intyre, Mrs. H. Gott, Mrs. S. Fear Fruit Cake, Light - Mrs. H. Gott Mrs. S. Fear, Banana cake - Mrs. R. Grasby, Mrs. R. Heipel, Mrs. Ken Johnston. Pumpkin Loaf - Mrs. R, Heimpel. Mrs. S. Fear, Mrs. C.Yuill Pineapple Loaf - Mrs. C.Yuill, Mrs. R. Heimpel,Helen Adams. Date & Nut Loaf- Mrs. $.Fear, Mrs. H. Goll, Mrs.R.Ileimpel Nut & Cherry Loaf - Mrs. R. Heimpel, Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. Ken Johnston Gumdrop Cake - Mrs. R. Goll, Mrs. S. Fear, Mrs. Ken Johns- ton Chocolate Cake - Helen Adams, Leona Armstrong, Mrs. Lulu Kerr Queen Elizabeth Cake - Helen Adams, Mrs. R. Heimpel, Mrs. H. Goll. Thanksgiving Cake - Mrs. Shel- don Jacklin, Mrs. A. McIrp. tyre Light Cup Cakes - Leona Arm- strong, Helen Adams. Raisin Scones - Leona. Arm- strong, Mrs. Geo. Hemstra, Mrs. R. Grasby Shortbread - Leona Armstrong, Mrs. H. Gall, Mrs. Helen Adams Muffins - Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. S, Fear, Helen Adams. Tea Biscuits - Mrs, R.Grasby, Leona Armstrong, Helen AA. annS. Oatmeal $quares - Mrs, John Perrle, Mrs. Mel Jacklin, Helen Adams Butter. Tarts - Mrs. H. Goll, Mrs. E.Cudmore, Mrs.11elen Adams. Raspberry Pie - Mrs. R.Grasby Mrs. Ken Johnston, Mrs.Ross Nicholson Raisin Pie - Mrs. R. Heimpel, Mrs. ,Ken Johnston, Mrs. S. Fear Pumpkin Pie - Mrs. R. Heimpel, Briefs Mrs. Wellington Marks is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Miss Laura Lucas, Mrs. Leonard Maxim, Mrs. Tom Stra. chan, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs, Carl Hemingway and Mrs. James Armstrong attended the Women's Institute County Rally held at Auburn, Miss Linda Wilson, who has been assisting in Dr. Bogyk's office left this week to take a medical secretarial course at Fanshawe, College, London. Mr. and Mrs. David McCut- cheon and family were visitors in. Walkerton on sunday. Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs. winnifred Edgar were, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edgar, Shelley and Duane, Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar, - Debbie and Marcie of Goderich. Mrs. George Chidlow was a Thanksgiving weekend visitor with. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Wood of Mitchell. Mrs. Idella Wilson and Linda, Paul and. Greg of Don Mills and Mrs. James Bryans, of Wing- ham spent the Thaksgiving weekend with-- -Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Bryans of Harold Bridge is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. . Mrs. H. QP11,. .Mrs, S, Fear„ cherrY Pis Mrs. R.. Grasby, Mrs,Finlayson, Mrs, R, .$Lehols6 n. ApPls. Pie Mrs,. H. P9.14 ;qrs. S. ..Fearo Reiss. Adams. Chocolate pie Mrs, C. Leona Argiatr(mg, Helen. Mara P. Le Mon pie Armstrong, Mrs, Lyle Martin, Helen Aclams, checolate .Fudge Mrs. S.Fear, Relee. Adams, Mrs. M. Craig Maple Cream Mrs, .M. ,Craig, Mrs, H. , coo„ mrs. S. Fear Five varieties Cookies 1VIrs,..H, Goll, Mrs. Wm, Dolmage, Mrs, Sheldon jackun. SPECIALS Neilson Chocolate Cake .• Mrs. Robt. Grasby, J. M. Schneider Apple Pie - Mrs. H. Goll, Chocolate Cake Brenda Thur-. deli. Melville guild meets Melville Guild met in the church parlour with Kate Wilson presiding for the devotional per- iod. She read a poem on "Har- vest," followed by singing a hymn. The scripture lesson Math. 13, verses 36 - 43 was read in unison. The topic was presented by Julia Kearney. A contest on the "Bible" was conducted and Julia Kearney read a poem on "Security." RoseMarie Bishop presided for a short business period. Lunch was served by the committee, Kate Wilson, Julia Kerney, and Margaret Work. Remember! It takes nut a moment to place a Brussels Post want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Brussels 887-6614. .0 CI. C Ca CO 0 Cfl • CA 333 co 0 0 at a O To C • oI • a. 1-• ..; • gcA ;0 a. 81 a • =3 3 pii - 11 / 11 51 51 11 11 11 1 11 1 VWeV°R;24S u; 6 6 ui i ch bg Ne 33333 to 2 u.) Ito co 11- 6 ui 6 6 3333 e) 0 CL 1:1 I- Z al ›. X E. CC lai I- 0 0 at at ... 0 = z C.) < Z * Z 2 0 ILI wi. opa 1-, 01 0 cc -- ,TE CA gL, IR ix 01 -I •-• Z1• = Z ..15 z C Ca 0 0 CC 00LT. .° ici — I.- P 1.n • U),. 4 %.-- ..., tr. ,fl iu .....m. X ' ml 0 — 1- 0 it cro z cro., trwoo, 6-0=0,0E-to 12 E u, z ...z ill 5 LI 111 Cr 41k i == 4 .j :E p15. 1... CCC) : Z MI ti 0 eL am to 4) i'" Ca 4t 3C be 1:: Z3 ii il It ?.I il g 8 Z Di' 0 0 us IR IA. x ...I :2 ii.' O. THE BRUSSELS POST, OCTOBER 11, H12-41