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Hold Autumn Thankoffering meeting
Correspondent will be Monday October 16.
Mrs. Lewis Stnnehouse Belgrave a discussed School The Autumn Thank offering Lunches and different kinds of meeting was held sandwiches.A demonstration, On Thursday evening in the base- was done f making and wrap-ent of the United Church with ping a sandwich
guests from BlueVale, Brussels, All participated, in making a Calview Brick U.C.W. also lad- western.sandwich. tes from the Presbyterian and
Anglican Churches. JUNTAR AUXILIARY
Junior Auxil - Mrs. Ross Anderson opened The BelgraV
the worship service with the iary met Saturday morning in the
singing "Come Ye. Thankful PeO- Orange Hall with.17 girls Pre-
ple Come", followed by the read- sent.
ing of Psalm 131, responsively. Lisa Thompson led in, the
Mrs. Cliff Logan led , in games April. McBurney the pres-
prayer. Mrs. Cliff Branton read ident led in the opening exer-
scripture from the Psalms cises. Sheila Anderson had
followed by a meditation entitled charge of the Roll Call. ton-
"The Grateful Heart." Mrs. utes were read by Connie Meurs
Ross Anderson led in prayer, treasurer's report was given by
Miss Barbara. Nurilwyk sang Audrey Scott , leaders for next
"Amazing Grace". meeting: games - Bonnie Walk-
The president Mrs. James er, sing-song - Cathy Shiell,
to help with worship, service - Coultes welcomed everyone and B in a short business period an- Betty Meurs, - Clean up girls -
nounced the Regional Rally to Lisa Thompson and Melanie
be held October 19th in Brussels Scott. Kelly Lougheed helped
United Church with the Rev. Don- with the worship service, Karen
ald Watt as speaker in the after- Scott and Judy Carmichael, col-
noon. lected, the offering and the of-
Mrs. George Michie intro- fertory prayer was recited by
'zinced the guest speaker Mrs: J. Kelly Lougheed. The girls
H. Anderson a former minister's worked on their handicraft badge
wife. and made curler bags and some
Mrs. Anderson told of her girls made invitations for their
Observer Trip to Africa and graduation service on October
focused mainly on Kenya and 21st, in Belgrave Anglican
Zambia telling of conditions there Church. Sheila Anderson led
and some of the work our the sing song.
churches help with. BELGRAVE II
Mrs. Earl Anderson thanked The Crepe Suzettes met at
Mrs. Anderson expressing how the. home of Darlene Coultes.
pleased all were to see her again. The roll call was answered by
"For the Beauty of the Earth" and interesting edible addition
was sung. to a school lunch.
(intended for last week) Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Ch-
At the Belgrave I Brunch andler discussed making the car-
Bunch meeting Patsy Scott read tied lunch and choosing the right
the secretary's report. Mrs. food in a restaurant or cafeteria.
Clarke Johnston discussed car- Helen Chandler demonstrated
ried lunch and Mrs. Richard making a pinwheel sandwich and
Moore sandwichfilling and pack- two plain sandwiches were dem-
ing. Betty Meurs and Karen onstrated by Christine Hartleib
Scott demonstrated Western and Lori Thompson.
Sandwiches. The next meeting Reeve William Elston and
Mrs. Elston of R.R.4, Wingham, visited on. Monday with Mr. and
Warden Elmer Hayter and Mrs. Mrs, Warren gurbrigg and ac-.
H yte of Varna, Engineer James companied them to glmira topay
Britnell and. Mrs. Britnell of respects to a relative in the
Goderich were in Winnipeg from Funeral Home at Elmira,
Sunday to Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor
The men were delegates from and John of Sarnia, Miss Judy
Huron County attending the Can- Taylor of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
tdiazanlgim Goodi3e Roadle Association held Nelson Dusky of St. Agatha, Mr•
and Mrs. James Kellar and Sh-
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis, Stone-. aron of Kitchener, Mr. Ronald
house visited on Sunday evening Taylor of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs.
with Mrs. Russel Walker of God- Robert Taylor, Steven and Kevin
erich and with Mr. Walker a pat- were Thanksgiving visitors with
lent in the nursing home on Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor.
Street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
Mrs. Norman Hill of Toronto attended the Howiclk Fall Fair in
spent a couple of days with her Fordwich on Saturday.
parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
Guire and attended the Annual •visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Turkey Banquet in the. Belgra.ve Mrs. Robert Campbell and family
Arena last Wednesday evening, of Winthrop.
The October meeting of the We are sorry to hear that
Women's In.situte on World Al- Albert Coultes andStewart Proc-
fairs will be held in the Cornmun- ter are patients in the Wingham
ity Centre, Tuesday, October 17, and District Hospital.
at 8:15 p.m. The address will Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ham-
be on United Nations. Music will ilton and family of Lucknow visit-
be supplied by the Coultes ed on Sunday evening with Mr.
sisters. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and 14r. and Mrs. Edgar Wight-
family spent Thanksgiving week- man and. Mrs. Marshall Stone-
end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. house visited on Sunday after-
Harold Procter and Miss Marg- noon with Mr. and Mrs. James
aret Curtis. Wighbnan of Listowel.
wir. =1 Mrs. Americo Arruda, Miss Verna Johnston of Sar-
nia spent Sunday evening with Maria and Michelle of Toronto,
Miss Nora Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Logan and
Michael of Oakville spent the
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Olssou weekend at the home of Mr. and
of White River visited on Fri- Mrs. Cliff Logan.
day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan
Pletch and Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Sarnia spent the weekend at
McGuire. the home of their parents Mr.
Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, Mrs. and Mrs. George McGee and
Victor Youngblut and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan.
Garner Nicholson, attended the Mr. and Mrs. Don Gradon
W.M.S. Thank-offering meeting of Burlington spent a few days
in Bluevale Presbyterian Church last week with Mr. and Mrs.
last week. Barry Logan at their farm in
Mr. and Mrs. Grant mcBurney East Wawanosh.
and family of Boy Ridges spent Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Thanksgiving weekend with his Burney, Hugh of North Quebec
parents Mr. and Mrs. John C. and Ronald of Hamilton spent
McBurney. Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd Ales Robertson and tamny.
Mrs, Len Coyne and. Bonnie
Of Windsor spent the weekend.
With Mrs Lawrence Taylor and
visited with Robinson relatives.
Miss. Joyce Taylor and Miss
Linda Crites. of Toronto were
weekend visitors With Mrs. Law-
rence TaYlor and Doreen.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Biema.n
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Edgar, Mrs.
Art M. Edgar and Murray of
Wingham were Sunday visitor's
with Mr- and Mrs. Hartley Smith
of TMlirss°.111311u.rg. Anderson of London,
was guest speaker at the U.C.W.
Autumn Thank-offering meeting
on Thursday evening in the United
Church and reviewed acquain-
tances with many friends in the'
Other guests were therefrom
Blyth, Brussels, Bluevale, Cal-
vin-Brick U.C.W. and the pres-
byterian and Anglican churches
of the villiage.
Miss Margaret Kemp. of Tor-
onto spent the holiday eekend
with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. Keith Robinson and Kim
of Newmarket and Mrs. Ross
Robinson of Auburn visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Canning
of Mansfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth °Coultes and daughters of
Chatham, Douglas Coultes of Rip-
ley, and Doris Coultes of wat-
erloo spent Thanksgiving week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mrs. Ivan Wightman, Mrs.
Robert Purdon, Mrs. Ross
Higgins, Mrs. Gordon Higgins,
Mrs, William Coultes, Mrs.
Jesse' Wheeler, Mrs. Herb
Wheeler, Mrs. Stan Hopper and
Mrs. Norman Coultes attended
the. Huron Women's Institute
Rally at Auburn last week. Mrs.
Clarence Diamond of New
Hsunburg was guest speaker.
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