HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-11-18, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 18a 1881. GOD.. We are Derry to state t'tat M*. Ker- skenski Of tha )l 'Wand a ..t. is serio't.ly ill. Mr. James L ethert h is left for the Mohig in lumbering shanties. where Le intends putting in the winter. ' Mr. V. Fisher hu lamed the Mc- Naughter property, recently vacated by Mr. A. M_D.nuJd for a term of 5 years. An auction sale of farm shock, &c., took place on the farm of Mr. IWm. Wade, on Monday, Oct. 31st. Although the bidding was not lively, the prices realised were fair. KAotta. 711116. Tag Stux►L has the largest circula- tion of any local 'paper at this office. it is Tag paper. Quite • number of young men have left this vicinit♦ for Bay City, Michigan, to work in the lumber woods. Mr. W. Pentland has been engaged aasiatant teacher of Nile put.lic school for the reminder of this year. The revival ureters will conolude this week The quarterly services of the Methodist Church were held at Dungan- non last Sunday. The following are the Mmes of the pupils of Nile public school, who obtain- ed the highest marks at the October monthly ex -t 'tion, viz: IV 1 E. Kerr, 2 T. Sheppard, 3 J. Johnston. 11I Sen. --1 S. B ►ilie, :3 J. McKnight, 3 E. Stewart. III Junr.-1 H. Ryan, 2 G. Jackman, 3 M. SproaL 11-1 R. Kerr, 2 L. McNee, 3A. Kerr, 4 F. Jack- man, 5 G. Echlin. 1 Sen. -1 J. May, 2 A. Dimmick, 3 J. ,McWhinney. 1 Junr --1 A. Black, 2 S. Ryan, 3 D. Hardy. Godesioh Township. Mr. Cryderrmn, blacksmith, Porter's Hill, is at present on a trip to Michigan, to look after some property. ,Mr. Date Roberta, formerly of Dakota, is left- in charge of his business. Thos. Welsh of the 6th con., sold his fine team, which won the laurels at Bay- field an.l Blyth this fall, to Mr. Mc- Doue^iIl, P.'rter's Hill. for th3 handsome sum of *300. Mr. James Rclh.n:d.l, 1'orter•i Hill, shot three wild geese last week. We would invite our town friends who may be thus inrlineJ to come out and possibly they woul 1 be auiply repaid, there being lots of duck shooting by the Iake. The annual Huron Union ploughing match carte off on the farm of Mr. R. Jenkins, I6th con. Goderich township, on Tuesday last. The day being fine was prepetioui, but the attendance and num- ber of entries was not equal to former years of what was expected, which was ()wing, to some extent. no doubt, to an- other ploughing match in Uiborne. The ground was not the I est, but it was of a good average quality, being an old /mid add tolerably level. The work dune was excellent, showing that there is consider - a hie emulation anionz our young to excel. was pretty a uc :111 accordt judges with the judgment of a large majority of the spec- tators, and, therefore, very satisfoctory. The fohowing is the list of prize-win- ners:-- 1sr Cuda. -b entries- 1st, P. Mc- Dougall, Goderich township, Millet & Tedford plow; 2d, J. Marquis, Goderich t'p,, Miller & Tedford plow; .3d. E. G. Courtice, Goderich t•p, McTavish plow; 4th, Alex- T,hompwn, Stanley, Miller .' Tedford plow; 5th, Vin. Phipps, Gode- rich t'p, Miller & Tedford plow. 3so Cusp. -6 entries-Ist, Dominick Reynolds, Hullett, Miller & Tedford plow; 2d, Hiram White, Hibbert, Grey plow; 3rd, Jas. Lout, Stanley, Miller & Tedford plow; 4th, John Hogarth, Hib- bert, Munroe & Hogan plow: 5th, Chas. Upshall, Hibbert, Munro& Hoganplow. Bova CLA,YL-1 entry --•lits. Hogarth, Hibbert, Munroe .( Hogan plow. SrueaIA CLAM. - David Preuse, Gude- rich fp; John Yeo, Goderich t'p. .loteiza.-- 1st class - -- A. Monteith, Tuckersmith; Geo. Hyde, Shakespeare, Matthew Hutchison, Goderich. 2d Class -A. Forsyth. Brussels, John Kitchen, Stanley; W. McDougall, Sea - forth. Ott -silt Maxrtyi:.-The Council met at Holmesville, Nov, 7th, 1881. pursu ant to adjournment -members all prt- sent. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. By-law No. 7 of 1881, read and passed. Moved by John G,x, seconded by J. Whitely, that the nomination for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Coun- cilors for this township, '1e held in Knox's pill, Holinesville, on the last Monday in December -Carried. Moved by J. Whitely, seconded by John Cox, that the municipal elections for this township for the year 1882, be in the following places, viz: -For No. 1 sub -division in Orange hall, 4th con for No. 2 S. D. in Orange hall, 8111 con. near railroad; for No. 3 S. D. house of Thomas Harrison; for Ni'. 4 8. D. house of Wm. Herbison, sr.; for No. 5 S. D. house of Herbert Elford; for No. 6 J. D. at Knox's hall, Holmesville, also that the following persons be ienut return- ing officers, via: for No. 1 S. D. 8am'1 Johnston; No. 2 S. D., Nixon Sturdy; No. 3 8. D., Thos. Harrison; No. 4 8, D., Wm. Herbison, sr.; No, 5 8. D., H. Elford; No. 6 8. D., A. Cantelon- Carried. Moved by J. Whitely, second by J. Beaeom, that the arrears of taxes o t 8. pt. of lot 18, 8th con., for 1£' 1 be .welled as reosipts have been produced showing said taxes paid in full -Carried. The following acoounts were paid, via: J. Truwortby, gravel, $7.60; Jas. Mc Donald, gravel, $10.40; Sam'l Cox, grav- el, $I1,20; Semi Bothwell, gravel, $11.20; W. Connolly, gravel. $20; Jae. Alexander, gravel, 520; J. Proctor, cul- vert, 16th ern., $8.60; ielectorl of ju- rors, 50; J. McCartney, gravel, $9; W. Crooks, gravel, $9.36; H. Baker, gravel, 51.04; C. Baker, culvert M. 0., $7.60; J. Mailwain, culvert 1st con., SS. 871; .1. Cerkpatnck, ditch 1st con., $1.766; W. Garb n, repairing bridge 1st con., 60 cents; H. Mellwain, ditch 1st cots., 80 cents; C. Blake, ditch and pipe H. R-, $13: W. Roes, gravel, culvert and repairs on 6th am., $40.98; C. Lovett*. repairing culvert B. L, $1: R Masan, repairing bridge B. 4, 56.60; Rowell R Mathison, stationers, for M. E. papers, $7.50; J. Keir, gravel and outlet for water, $7; J. Elliott, gravel, $411.61. Council adjourned to meet again first Monday do Dsesaiber -Jaws+ Tallow. Clerk Vat Ysviaa& Opined stet in Council Hail. M the call of the Reeve. on Nov. 10th. Men - ber+ all present. The Reev. in the chair. Minnie. of last meeting read and adopted. Walter Taylor applied to have oulvtr trade on sideline 24, 25 air., 4. -laid over, The reeve was instructed to let job of honking and pus f ing Bowen - hill. fenders for the eon ruction of "the big ditch" being laid o the table the contract was awarded to David Keys at 131 cents per cubic yard. A number of accounts were laid. The council ad- journed till 14th Deer. 188L R. Mt -a - RAY, Clerk. elli111021. Oa Tuesday, R'h inst., Saltford Lodge No. 2b2, L. t I. I. , was duly instituted by Bros. D. M. -. MeMath and C. M. F. W. Johnston. They were assisted by (:r4r..l Lecturer W. H. Murney, P. M.'s T'I fust Siege, J. H. Edward, Joseph 14.•k, Lewis KIIintt and a number of .•cherlirethrun frotnthe GtderichLodges T to following officers were installed: W. .. Bro. R Armstrong; D. M., Br. R. Armstrong; D. M., Bro. Wm, Wells; Secy., Bro. Jis. Wells; Treasurer, Bro. W,,,. Lashant; pat C. M., Bro. Jas. Mc- Lean. At the co,,'usion of the organ- isation, brief but appropriate ttndresses were delivered by Bros. Johnson, Mur- ney, Elliott and others. A pleasant hour was afterwards 'enjoyed over a spread at Bro. Lashim's. 'COLBORNE BROS.! LZ BVITs, FALL OVERCOATS! 10 Per CsYat DL9eal C 10 ---DOR .:.T(( OF - Fall and Winter Goods • Is now Complete in Every Department. Our Tei 7ns Beim Ca/t, r are able to offer Goods at Prices That Defy Competition. COLBORNE RROS. Fall & Winter Millinery 1+'IIsS JESSIE WILSON Would Autumn,' to the ladles of Ooderlch and Vicinity, that the Stock of Fall and Winter Mllll.ery 1s now Fully Assorted. BEAVERS! BEAVERS!! BEAVERS!!! DIFFERENT STYLES AND AT VARIOUS PRICES. Shaded Plashes, Ribbons and Feathers. FIT BONNETS I . The Latest Novelty in Millinery ; Neat, Stylish, and will Suit all, ib11 n MISS JESSIE WILSON, The Square, Goderich. 11 U &II DTTN]LOP -IS NOW RECEIVING - Fail and Winter Goods In gentlemen's Wear, which he will make up in REID & SNEY Having Secured at a Great Bargain a lot of Tweeds sad (datings. wiU wive the abut e diaosunt during November to ordering fall ciotiln A template ablest grata 1. aid Fancy r, deeds Marked at Ube (setwt Cash Mese. REID & EINEM), Manchester Howe, Goderich. CHICAGO HOTTSE Miss Wil_' Y, sora kSuccesa.r to Mrs Copeland.) Takes this opportunity of informing the ladies of Goderich and vicinity, that hav- ing purchased the interest of her predecessor, she will endeavor to keep it up to the standard laid down by Mr.. Copelard- i My Stock is of the $est, And every endeavor will be made to give The Fullest Satisfaction in Styles, in Work and in Material Ordered Work a Specialty. Agent for the Parker Stearn Dye Works, Toronto. MISS WILKINSON, Chicago House, West Street. A FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! GO Tu J. C. DETLOR & CO'S LADIES' MANTLES CUT FREE ()F CHARGE. Just Received a Choice Stock OF First -Class Style at Very Low nage. West ef Ell1aJi Toes aii Oorcoatiiis 33_ McCORM CT_TT"I'MXt_ om.' Ste. , • .-:tt-tA The New Compos::.', its won- derful affinity to t1.3 D- ^ : ti va I ,Apparatus and the Li -for, increas- I ing the dissolvinguices, relie ing almost instantly y the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in , 'very house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ! ache, Sick Headache, D 7tress ab ter Eating,Wind on the S' each. Heartburn, Pains in the Li.. and Back, Want 0! Appetite. Want o1 Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Storn- i ach. It invigorates the Liver, car• ries oft all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole systpn:. Cut this nut and take it to your Druggist ant- got a 10 cent Sample ora large bottle for 75 cents, aJ a tell vour neighbor about it. T(IIi1)(1111ll' ' CoIoiiiiii 1011 1 SOCIETY_ ORGANIZED. I 1181. Qiiice.<, MI- Qiice<, 113 unit 110; King Street West, Torout,., Couud.t. I BOARD or IBANAOEagSNT : Pre.Idest-GEORRGE MA('LEAN ItOSE, 23 and 25, N ellinifton Street W., Toronto. Treasurer JOHN N. LAKE. 10, King Street • East, Toronto. Fina Aire•Prrsldeat W. 1'F:M14EltTON PAGE, 1. header Buildings, Toronto. Second YMe•rresldewt - AitTHUR FAH. LEV. 77. Brock Street. Toronto. Secretary J. ALt'IL LIVINGSTON, 111 and 116, King Street W.. Toronto. PROSPFCTTJB_ The object of this Society Is to colonize a tract of land in the North West territory, fur- nishing lands to strap settlers at cheap rates with the provision that such settlement be kept free trom all intoxicating liquors. An application Las been made to the Dominion Goverun..•ht of Canada for a compact choice tract o1land. comprising about 2.100.000 acres, for td's purpose, and the Government has re- plied favorably to the terms offered. which is to allot lands to subscribers tinter especially fat °table conditions. The management are prenared to provide facilities for reaching the sanie. The beat experts from Europe United States and Canada will tie employed to select from the entire unsurveyed lands of the North West territory land favorably located com- mercially. and having the hest soil, wate• and timber advantages, and other desiderata ne- cessary to a successful settlement and perma- nent prosperity. No reasonable pain. will be spared to accommodate early settlers in estab- lishing themselves In their new homes. where the management hope they will soon enjoy the blessings of a large and harmonious commun- ity, free from the dissipations so commonly at- tending the severing of old tire. and the for- mation of habits in a new country. Great ad- vantages will he derived from this manner of settling a new colony, having the soctal. com- mercial and other privileges of an old settled community. it Is an acknowledged fact, that our (Neat North. West is destined. at no .1istant date to be the wheat growing centre and the garden of the world • and it Is hoped that this larpm eomppaaert settlement In the choicest part of thls territory. will become an important and 'con- trolling centre of a future Province. noted tor the sober habits, eaterprlse, and virtue of Its people. Tbr Management for the present will take subacrlptlona for land. In this tract at 111 per acre. and on emy terms of payment. ten per cent. 1n cash, and tea nee rent. annually there- after. until pall. with Interest on unpaid bal- sams at the low rate of s{ per cent.. with the privilege of payssooner if desired. They 6Ope to be prepared to give titles Inside M a few months, or as soon as the lands are sub- scribed tor, when the first payment of ten per eent will be required. D. GORDON, Agent at Oodlh. Oedertei, Nov. 11ti1.til PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE Cort of Chausceeerr,y made In the matter of the Estate of J A s(Et8 rO W LER, sod la a cause Pr►WLER ogabott row 1. R. The cre- ditors of JAMES FOWLER, late of the Town- ship of Wawanosh. In the ('mint of Hae, yeoman, who AIM In or Monet ahs oa month of )(arch PIM smolt ed or before tELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IMM. to send by poet, Mam to B. 1.. 1►OYLE, of (hoderlcd the t w for the pielaUR, WiLLIAM JOHN FOWLER. son of the deceased. the Christian and surnames. addresses and desertpttnn.. the hull particulars of their ristms, s atatemeit of their s eewuats, and the nature of the serer! tie* (if asyt bred by them . er In dala.lt theme of. they will ke peremptorily minded frown the bereeM of the cold decree rvery creditor holding any se.esrtty le to produce 11* same W. ter, mr at my chambers, at the Court H Gov gMhxn. sin. attelevrn Oo'rla•kAY Or to Me forenoon. being the time appointed fair MJ.4t• cation on the delays. Dated this heti day et Oeteber, 1M1. ,t=Ignr.,l, R.11ACfl ftlion, (ROM MssMr. Ready -Made Clothing, In Great Variety usual. Call and Inspect. 5on RENTERS WANTED. Lyon and Osceola. Counties in Northwest Iowa, are conceded to be the most beautiful and fertile in the State. This sum- mer we have opened upwards of '300 new farms, sinking a well, building a convenient house and roomy barn, and breaking from 60 to 100 acres on each farm. These farms are to let on terms that no industrious man can fail to make profitable. Immediate peesessiongiven:We will, if need- ed, furnish seed for next year's crop. We will also furnish break- ing to be done, for which we will pay the regular prices. Tenants not having teams enough to break with, will be supplied with a horse or horses for that purpose, at mar- ket price, and the pay taken in breaking. These farms are all sit- uated within a few miles of the railroad. Apply personally or by letter to CLOSE BR )S. & CO., Sibley, Osceola County, Iowa VEG ETI NE tier RITTER/4. ELECTRIC RITTERS. Ai'41*T FLOWER. CERRA% stair. SI RDD('K "Leon RITTER/4. rsro KILLER. E•FR*.a. VEGETABLE DMt'OIERI. tiiaPEFTN('t RE. J. WILSON DRIGGI T. eirPre.erlp(IN. ('arritilly Prepared. CURRIE'S AUCTION MART O A. '8 BLOCS. AUCTION SALE ! lot► Desirable f arm Properly -iN- West Wawanoeh i am favored with Instr.ctons tram Me. Lake Annetrees. Meso by P.Yk Asetios, at the Mart, se Saturday, November 20, 1881 NW fares, eeaelatiag of the West t of Lot M, Con. 1, West Wawasoeb, .•ontiatnfnf 118 scree Moore. cleared and In a good sleds of culti- vation halaaee heavily timbered. two lamen frame hire., a new tram* bonne, toed orrherd and well watered. 11 serve OM wheat. It scree ploophe4. Ibasr ation at secs If deemed. flak et 1 eoloek p.m. r Dade known al sale, er es applleatlea leMr. Arssireag, no the prarsism er se J. C. C1'RRIE. Auctioneer. 0e6erW, Ora 1,. ►E(1 1Mem Seeds ! Seeds! rile subscriber begs to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his FARM andnd GARDEN SEEDS ) consisting of CLOVER, • TIM(►THY, HUNCARIAN, . MILLET, PEAS, ( ►ATS, I1A1tLEY, and choice WHEAT; also TURNIP, MANGOLD, CARROT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rates that cannot be beaten. S. SLOANE. General Seed Dealer, Hamilton Street. a week in your own town. Terme and UU =5 coapt fres, Addn•ss11, 11 AJ.t.r.Tr & Co. Portland Maine - STO V E S .\\U TINWA . lilllll• \'ii1 ` II11111i, t //all, Parlor, Dining Room I AND CUU I a l , To"' Eteryhedy, ew Arrlvlag, and wilt he t...7.• r., r IaV\\■ L1\\J, eke, as &.utter acid FIIIe►, tar. u:: sr-pe.l. JOHN C. DETLOR & CO. ROOTS AND SHOES. DOWNING. I have great pleasure in announcing to my customers and the public at large that my stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall Trade is now complete, and I would in- vite inspection of the same. I have been especially careful to purchase goods which I believe will give the customers satisfaction, and do Credit to myyelf. t t loll willFilld ?1i PMS Lowmi 111311. flit Lowsl, As I bay in large quantities, and for Cash. Doing the largest shoe trade inl the - Town, I can sell at closer prices than those who do a smaller business. I would especially call the Attention of Farmers to My Stock of Long Boots and Shoes Which is one of the largest to be found in any retail store in the Province. 1 have on hand several cases of the celebrated "K. &. B," Long Boots, which have given such 2rriz .ei a Satisfercti o= In the past. On ORID ERED' 0 ? We are still abresat of the times, and having a la.gt stilt of that :! 1. • • ., .:its, I am prepared to manufacture anything in my line to order, at,the )I•• :'..t it, e, in first-class style, and of the very best materi:'l. LI coni lusi u, 1 1.,• • . ; •t ala may sincere thanks to my customers for their 1•,s ;;.1 1.311,q., , ,, Int assured I shall do toy utmost to deserve a volition: n. e of :l . ,.o .• Your respectfully, i' r ;•' tiff N Coe East Street and the R,;uare, g.deri It. \ : ?.. .• Fo R FALL AN!) \A' l i 'OVERCO _=,.:ri fV • Role Agent in Go ler', 1, !, The Toronto King Wood Heating Stove the Only Stove (living Universal Satisfaction. Sole .agent for the OSHAWA COOK STOVES The Bosi i 1h IVurld The Only Stoves which Neve r ('ra k. GILL IND El1MINE STOCK Before Purchasing Elsewhere. The Cheapest House Under The Sun. SALLOWS Tax PHOTOGRAPH E R, MONTREAL Si. GODERICH BEST LIGHT. BEST PRICES, BEST ACCE$8oRr 1E8, BEST CI BTOE RA BEST PICTL-REB, BEST PATIS FACTION BEST EVERY THIN+ My General Stock of Axed a Liberal Diseases* will be Nadeon alt •..,Ie, JOHN ACE. -N r * 4 • -1, JUST R EC E. i a;' DIRECT Vitt 114 T =.1 ST -17E5: The first ooneignment of the semion of th SA[4It )\T -AT- D. FERC' Grocer, Hamilton r1' • 1 ' 1